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November 04, 1956 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-04

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Representative Meader States Main Campaign Issues

Eisenhower.. .Stevenson .. .
(Continued from Page 4)~ (Continued from Page 4)


Daily Classifieds

George Meader has been Con-
gressman from Michigan's Second
district for six years, and he hopes
to continue for at least another
two years.
He sees the big issue of the 1956
campaign as "whether or not we're
going to move in the direction of
state planning or free enterprise."
And he hopes his chances are
"pretty good." His constituents
"ought to know what I stand for
and what I've done," and he ex-
pects to be re-elected on that
He also expects the re-election
of President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower. "My own feeling," the
Congressman said, "is that Eisen-
hower is as popular as he was in
1952, but in a different sense."
Whereas then voters could decide
only on the basis of his stated
intentions and record, "now they
can judge on four years of actual
responsibility and decision."
His only misgivings center
around the fact that "people
aren't as aroused as they weref
then. But it may be that they'll
vote their satisfaction."
But he has no misgivings about
the country possibly moving in
the direction of "state planning"
x~ under President Eisenhower. "The
government is doing far more in
the field of general welfare than
it was doing 50 years ago," he ex-
plained, and he predicted the trend
would continue. "What used to
be done on a local level has now
moved up to a national level."
But the Congressman does not
regard "social security or other
programs of that character as
r " managin gthe production and dis-
tribution" in the economy.

He praised the Administration
for "prosperity that doesn't depend
on war. It's been stimulated by
high defense expenditures, and it's
not normal peacetime prosperity
in the sense that we had it in the
early 1900's. But it's a healthier
economy than a war economy be-
cause it hasn't been built on infla-
He praised the Eisenhower Ad-
ministration for inducing "the
Kremlin to switch to a softer line"
as a result of the strength and
unity of the free world." And up
to the time of the current Middle
Eastern conflict, "tensions in Tri-
este, Iran, Formosa and the Middle
East were dealt with immediately
and prevented from breaking into
open warfare." The Korean War,
a "Truman holdover, was settled
promptly," though he declined to
specifically credit the Administra-
tion with ending it.
Rep. Meader also discussed some
aspects of the record on which he
is basing his fourth-term bid.
In the educational area, he sup-
ported both the Powell Amend-
ment and the Kelly aid-to-educa-
tion bill to which it was attached.
While he feels "control of educa-
tion should remain at a local level,
temporary federal assistance to
meet the emergency in education
does not represent permanent in-
terference with the' educational
While Rep. Meader doesn't "re-
gard foreign aid as a permanent
program," he voted for its contin-
uation, though In reduced
He feels the distribution of aid
between the economic and military
spheres is not an important issue.

"If you're giving a foreign govern-
ment money, I'm not so sure it
makes too much difference. They
simply can adjust their own bud-
gets" according to their own view
of their relative military and eco-
nomic needs.
Referring to alt foreign aid as a
"crutch," he added, "I don't think
in the long run we're helping them
help themselves and we're tending
to create socialist economies." Rep.
Meader said he would prefer to see
created in foreign countries "a
climate which is encouraging to
the development of private capi-
While he hasn't "made a special-
ty" of labor legislation, Rep. Mea-
der said "I think there are some
amendments to the Taft-Hartley
law that ought to be adopted."
He voted for the recent civil
rights bill which passed the House
of Representatives, although he
considers "distasteful" provisions
empowering the Attorney General
to "initiate at public expense a
lawsuit for a private individual
without his consent. It's wrong
for the government to finance
private lawsuits."
Rep. Meader, however, cited low
votinv figures in some Southern
states as "raising the question that
some people are being deprived of
their vote," and he supported the
bill in aneffort to prevent such
The Ann Arbor Congressman
was critical of recent proposals by
Democratic Presidential nominee
Adlai Stevenson for an early end
to the draft and a moratorium on
hydrogen bomb tests.
While conceding that "a lot of
people are certainly concerned over
what may happen from atomic
weapons and air pollution from

ed, "has always taken the position
that in any workable disarmament#
situation we're tickled to death to
cooperate." And the Congressman
cited the President's argument
that "months and months of nre-
paration and laborious experimen-
tation go on before a device is
detonated." To stop our testing
program, while the Russians might
be continuing preparation for
theirs, would be to "lose valuable
time which might mean we were
falling far behind the Russians
in developing atomic weapons."
He described detection of any
Soviet tests by current methods as
not revealing "what scientific pro-
cesses the Russians went through."
As for the draft proposal, "un-
der present conditions I believe!
we've got to keep our defense up.
I certainly don't believe in letting
down our guard now. If Stevenson
meant that we ought to let our;
defenses down, then that's an irre-
sponsible attitude toward national
defense. If he made his proposal
for sheer political advantage, then
I think it's worse than irresponsi-

school construction bills, social se-<
projects and income tax cuts tai-
lored to individual problems.
AGRICULTURE has presented
a knotty problem. High price sup-
ports, continued too long after
the war, encouraged over-produc-
tion and gigantic surpluses. While
others bribed the farmer with high
parity, price-distorting schemes,
Mr. Eisenhower has faced the eco-
nomic facts of life and gotten
some intelligent legislation passed.
His programs of flexible price sup-
ports and the Soil Bank are re-
storing balance to agriculture, and
the last six months have seen the
beginnings of a rise in farm in-
Tomorrow's problems cannot be
solved with the answers of 1896 or
1936. "Laissez-faire" and even the
"New Deal" are hopelessly out of
date. The calm, rational attitude
of the Eisenhower Administration
has worked out a modern program
to meet modern problems, and it
is a program which most Ameri-
cans can in conscience support.

of our nation will lie not with our Bring Q uick Results
reactions, however peaceable, but
with our own purposeful and af-
firmative actions. And we hon-
estly believe that Mr. Stevenson 0
is better suited, by qualities of I Come in and browse around!
mind and temperament, to fash-
ion a; positive policy for the un- We are sure you'l see something
certain period ahead. r r O S 0m E
We have presented this state-E
ment to the readers of this news- 1 you want!
paper because we believe this elec-
tion will have profound effect upon
this world's destiny. We urge youIYARNCRAFT SHOP
to study the issues and the candi-,
tosuyteise n h addates and make up your minds. 10 Nickels Arcade NO 2-4343
We will vote for Mr. Stevenson,
and we urge you to do the same. e-o<--y O < 4o <= -:::y o c=--o<-::y o <o <o ti


tests," using that concern for "po-
litical advantage" is "very un-
The Administration, he contend-
MORE Francis To Speak
R ' About Epidemics
r Dr. Thomas Francis. Jr., Profes-
If yoou wish to select sor of Epidemiology, will lecture
tomorrow on "Epidemiology and
Pezd the Preventive Outlook," at 4 p.m.
in the School of Public Health
Dr. Francis will discuss the need
fafor research into the nature of
fpeople susceptible to certain
THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF diseases, including possible pre-
ventive measures, relative to basic
UNUSUAL CARDS IN ANN ARBOR research on the disease.
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