Bipolar Thaw Sixty-Seventh. Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 To The Editor as - hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" r 1 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1956 NIGHT EDITOR: DONNA HANSON . Russian Election Observers Deserve Reserved Welcome THE UNIVERSITY is host today to three visi- On the other hand, though these gentlemen tors whom we greet with mixed emotions. The are our guests and should be treated as such, Russian delegation sent to the United States we do not forget that they represent a Soviet by the Soviet government to observe the car- government whose aircraft and tanks are shoot- paign and election are here to confer with ing down Polish and Hungarian patriots who various members of the university community. would free themselves from foreign domination. In one sense, that they have come is good Though they. may show an interest in the and is indicative of an encouraging trend in substance and procedure of our elections, we international affairs. The more contact°Ameri- do not forget that voting in the Soviet Union cans can have with Russia, and vice versa, the is a meaningless mockery of the practice of easier and sooner the barriers of misunder- democracy. Though they talk of international standing will be broken down, and we hope that cooperation, we do not forget that they are our guests learn something about Americans the delegates of A government imbued with a during their stay at the University. philosophy of world domination. The United States may have its faults, just as any other nation, but nowhere in the world E DO NOT forget that a basic tent of this can men hold their heads as high in freedom DOOTh forge that basrctn of thisvery and ignty a thy cn. hre.We hpe his philosophy is the destruction 'of the very and dignity as they can here. We hope this political system which they have come to osten- point gets across. sibly observe and to learn something about. AMERICANS, too, can learn much from the If our Russian guests are sincere in their Russian visitors. In this day and age of efforts to know America and Americans and mass propaganda, both internal and external, to transmit'this knowledge to the Russian peo- misconception upon misconception cloud the ple, we bid them welcome. But they might impressions of people in other parts of the remember that we greet them with expressed world. The Americans who have the opportunity reservations. to meet with the Russians may find that they -RICHARD HALLORAN aren't such bad guys, after all. Editorial Director Presidential Not Only Campaign - - AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Cadillac' Tops in Entertainment AS THE 1956 presidential campaign .draws to a close, and the candidates finish their last major speeches, one issue still remains unresolved with many voters.' While voters may have made up their minds on the U-bomb proposals, the farm problem, or the administration's role in the Middle East, some may be neglecting the significance of the coming congressional campaigns, over- shadowed by front-page issues. Political columnists and cartoonists picture Eisenhower as the winning candidate, yet lost without a Republican Congress. And, while chances for an Eisenhower vic- tory m y ie in a few key states, chances for a Republican Congress rest with many voters who "like Ike," but also like their Democratic Congressional candidates. Perhaps. an extreme example of this split alliance is Cora Brown, Democratic state rep- resentative, who gave her support to Eisenhow- er. AMONG Republicans, refusal to vote a straight party ticket certainly has justi- fication; yet, the party programs and party responsibility also deserve consideration. Only with a Congress of the same party can the blame or the praise of an administration's programs be properly placed. In this campaign, both Republicans and Democrats take credit for programs which may have been proposed by the administration, but which may have received a fair percentage of Democratic votes. What is more important, however, is the party programs, which Eisenhower supporters endorse when they vote for the party's candi- date. IN THIS light, it seems strange that Eisen- hower supporters would also vote for a Con- gressional candidate who would oppose the ad- miiistration's policies. Voting for a favorite Democratic congress- man may show considerable interest in local affairs, but may also partially defeat the vot- er's purpose in choosing Ike as Chief of State. Both these views carry good points, but what carries the most significant point with many Republican voters is not only whether Ike will win, but to what extent his victory will be achieved. Without a Republican Congress, this victory would be only half-won. --JAMES BOW DIRECTOR Richard Quine has proved himself one of Holly- wood's more capable chauffeurs by driving a theatrical venture titled "The Solid Gold Cadillac" off of the New York stage and onto a soundtrack with nary a dent in the fender. "Cadillac," thanks to the efforts of Paul Douglas, Judy Holliday and Abe Burrows who has adapted the original script by George Kaufman and Howard Tiechmann, turns out to be a flashy. convertible. # Essentially, the film is a riotous comedy which attempts to prove that the 'little people' of the coun- try really do have something to say about 'big business' and this point is made in a most enjoyable manner. As Laura Partridge, a ten-share stockholder, Judy Holli- day. once again exhibits the envi- able talent which won her so much acclaim in "Born Yesterday." Her comedy is about as subtle as a nuclear weapon and just as devas- tating. As always, she displays the perfect sense of timing which enables her to get maximum re- sponse from every single phrase and gesture. * * * AS MR. McIVER (a sort of semi- disguised Charles E. Wilson) Paul Douglas is alternately gruff, rude, sympathetic and amusing. He serves as perfect foil for Miss Hol- liday's schemes. The plot of "The Solid Gold Cadillac" has been fairly well- preserved with some of the spicier moments and language deleted in compliance with the Hollywood Code. The action centers around the minor hurricane caused by Miss Partridge when she attends a stockholders' meeting and com- pletely upsets the dull routine by interjecting a few pointed ques- tions. The crooked Board of Direc- tors (all excellently portrayed) find her remarks rather embar- rassing and decide to force her into a laissez-faire attitude by appoint- ing her Head of, Stockholder Rela- tions. * * * IT IS UNFORTUNATE for the Board and fortunate for the com- pany that Miss Partridge takes her job seriously and begins to create a great deal of interest in organi- zational affairs. She creates so much interest in fact that the Board holds a special meeting and decides to send her on a good will tour of the country in order to keep her out of their hair. But Miss Partridge is not to be fooled and stops off in Washington to level with McIver, the ex-president of the company, who has been em- ployed by the Defense Depart- ment.I There follows in quick and de- lightful succession, some amusing moments in a Washington hotel, a federal court hearing, and a stock- holders' meeting in which Miss Partridge's conscientious corres- pondence with minor shareholders definitely pays off. Yet amidst all the comic com- plexity individual identities are never lost or degraded. Each char- acter, McIver, Laura, the Board members, and other employees manage to emerge as well-defined and extremely' human personali- ties. In spite of its name, there is little of the aristocratic about this non-cinemascope "Cadillac," yet it has more horsepower than many of the more expensive 1956 Holly- wood models. -Mary Lee Dingler Stock Market OILS, coppers, chemicals and some steels paced a continued stock market rise on expanded volume yesterday. Gains among international oils ran over $4. Other pivotal issues advanced fractions to $1 or so. Aircrafts, however, took losses as the prospect of U.S. involve- ment, directly or indirectly, in the Middle East conflict appeared more remote. The oils were early pacemakers as brokers reported sentiment that the long dispute over the Suez Canal would be resolved soon and the situation stabilized. Further gains were made by oils with big resources in the Mid- dle East when an international rumor that Presdient Nasser of Egypt had resigned swept Wall Street. This was accompanied by re- ported heavy buying of oil stocks by "smart money" from Switzer- land and Amsterdam. Show Solidarity To the Editor: W EWHO at one time or another have experienced the terror of the communist power, would like to express our indignation at fraternization of any kind withj the Soviet policy makers. In our eyes, the three communist representatives who are expected in the city of Ann Arbor on the 3rd and 4th of November, and who, through their posts in Moscow en- joy enormous authority in the Soviet Union and its Satellites, do represent the oppressors of the people behind the Iron Curtain. In this time of the naked revelation of the Soviet colonial policy, of the heroic patriotism of the Hungarian people, and of the restlessness among the satellites, we feel it our duty to stand at the side of the oppressed rather than to counte- nance their oppressors. Peace is a word of a profound significance and there is no doubt in our hearts that all men on earth are entitled to it. But as long as the totalitarian government, whose power stems from violence and force only, is treated as an equal to our own free-chosen American government, there can be no per- manent peace on earth. We should 'not forget that fostering good rela- tionship with the Soviet govern- ment,, means only one thing, a refusal to admit that this Soviet government is not the government of the people, but of few criminal elements and their faithful con- spirators. And if we are honest with ourselves, then even those of us who at times fell for Soviet smiles, should by now be able to realize with all straight-forward- ness the true nature of communist might. People behind the Iron Curtain of whom many of, us once were, look toward the star of freedom which we enjoy in our America. Polish and Hungarian students who so nobly and heroically sacri- fice their young lives for a part of that freedom which we have in abundance, look for our under- standing. But what do we give them in return? . . . While they lay down their lives for freedom, we are engulfed in the squabbles of everyday life. Let us show our solidarity to those whose destiny it was to die for the common cause of liberty, freedom and peace. Let us demonstrate that the ideal of our own liberty, attained for us by our fore-fathers, has not vanished from our hearts! This week, we feel that through a written or 'spoken expression of protest against the arrival of the three Soviet communist policy makers you will perform your mild share in the struggle of the Hungarian students for freedom. -Vera Fenerli -C. Grant Pendill and 12 others Sympathy Expressed .. . To the Editor: AFTER seven long, long years may I publicly express my sympathy to the 'student, faculty and townspeople would-be buyers of tickets for sings, dances, plays, concerts, etc. who come to the Ad- ministration Building only to find student activities windows un- manned at hours well-advertised by posters, newspapers and the air waves? Since my protests have been only cries in the wilderness, I, suggest that the inconvenienced turn their epithets, however, to- ward committee chairmen and members of the same. Good luck! (Mrs.) Dorothy E. Legg Receptionist, Gen. Adm. Bldg. Open Immigration . To the Editor: SOMETIMES we Americans may * feel that our political conflicts are not always fought on the high- est level or with the most honor- able weapons, but the recent news from Poland and Hungary should make us conscious of how singu- larly fortunate we are to live in a land of relative freedom and de- cency. In a few short days an election will have terminated, probably without any violence worth mentioning in any part of the country, and it will not be fol- lowed by "confessions" or execu- tions. How this must make those Soviet "observers" of American politics now in this country open their eyes! Other aspects of the anti-Rus- sian revolt fill us with more mixed feelings. We sympathize with the heroic Poles and Magyars, as we did in 1848 and on other occasions in the past, but we are as powerless to extend material aid now as we were then. Our good intentions are frustrated. We may cherish hopes, but they have not yet ripened into certainties. We have thus far been unable to liberate even northern Korea; how much more to set free people who live under the very wing of the Russian eagle. One thing at least we can, and should, do; and that is to open a wider gate for the refugees from Misuse of Office? . To the Editor: N ORIENTAL movie, "Vaga- bond" was shown the other day on the campus: The sponsors of the movie deserve congratulations, as it gave the students here a rare opportunity. It is to be regretted, however. that they should have used the name of the International Stu- dents Association for the purpose of publicity as well as seeking co- operation from a number of stu- dents. Such misrepresentation, whether deliberate or not, may be construed as a willful abuse of the office of the President of ISA who also happens to be a member of the national- club sponsoring the movie. It does not enhance. to say the least, the prestige of the office or the ISA. One would wish that the Presi- dent of our Association, like Caesar's wife, always remains above suspicion. -S. S. Shah -B. C. Desal 'Gold Dust Twins'?.. . To the Editor: A SPORTS article, entitled " 'M' profile . . . Willie Smith," appeared in the "Michigan Daily" of October 27, 1956. In this sports feature, a passage appeared which referred to footballers Willie Smith and James Pace at the "Gold-dust Twins." In referrring to these two ath- letes in this manner, Mr. Paul Borman has shown small regard for the feelings of these two fine athletes or the feelings of mem- bers of the racial group which these men represent. Suh a car- icaturization is a decided dis- service to the athletes involved: also, to the university with its generally fair - minded faculty, student body, and supporting cit- izenery. Perhaps Mr. Borman made use of his caricaturization without comprehending its implications. If that was the case, let him be re- minded that the lareless use of symbols and language in the press can cause immeasurable harm in the realm of human relationships. Adoulphus Thompson, Grad. Editor's Note: The term "gold dust twins" is an already acknowledged sports term and in absolutely no way reflects on character. It is a compli- mentary term used to denote out- standing athletic value combined with such a common factor as close friendship or the same home town. On Edits and Such .. . To the Editor: DURING the past few days, there has arisen a minor huff about the actions of a few hundred stu- dents, who, rousing themselves from the much-discussed student apathy, roamed the campus in costume demanding guns for Arabs, etc. Although the demonstration was variously attributed to tension re- lease, goofing off, and role play- ing, it is curious to note that the usual upholders of the good have temporarily left their cloisters to publish indignant protests. While the nature of the student demonstration may have been less praiseworthy than, say, a spon- taneous rally demanding a dorm rent increase, still it has served a useful purpose. A large number of police, Uni- versity officials, SGC politicians, Daily editorial writers, and per- fectionists have been idle lately on this apathetic campus, and It is good that these people should be provided with an incident to discyss debate, and deplore. -David Kessel Watch That Bie! . . To the Editor: IF THIEVERY is an inherent human weakness the people of this campus area should take some strength increasing pills. It is shameful in this age of the so called intellectual collegg student that we should have such a large amount of stealing. We complain about the bicycle problem but the stealing of bikes is certainly not the answer. Students I know are afraid to leave their bikes in the racks unattended. Even if the bike is locked the thief will man- age to take some removable part. The answer to this problem, which hits many people who can't afford another bike, is more adequate police protection. The:bike owner must help himself and be more vigilant and make sure his bike is chained when he leaves it. We must remember that this is not the set of the movie bicycle thief but a college campus. -Alan M. Weinberg, '58 No Ear Plugs Wanted... To the Editor: I STRONGLY disagree with the letter which you published in the Sunday, October 28 Daily, entitled "Ear Plugs, Anyone? . ."." The caroling of the carillon bells atop Burton Tower is both beautiful, i I Cornell Pledge Encouraging ONE OF the saddest aspects of fraternity discrimination is that it is often forced on fraternities that would prefer to choose their members freely. Students seldom have the right to decide for themselves who they want to live with -- fraternity membership is de- termined by "national policy." And sadder still is that rather than defend their right to determine with whom they shall live, fraternity members instead of fight stu- dent government and university efforts to in- sure that right., Thus, it is particularly encouraging to note that the Cornell Student Council has pledged its support to any social organization that re- sists efforts from without to enforce discrim- ination. (Cornell's IFC and Panhel presidents were on the committee which drew up the resolution.) Cornell Student Governmhent is moving in the right direction. Sigma Kappa, which served as the impetus for Cornell's action, is a good example of fra- ternity discrimination forced on member chap- ters by the national. 4r M r' Zan Daily Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER. Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN..............Personnel Director ERNEST THEODOSSIN..............Magazine Editor JANET REARICK......... Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS................Features Editor DAVID GREY......................... Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMER...........Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN........Associate Sports Editor VIRGINIA ROBERTSON.......... .. Women's Editor JANE FOWLER............Associate Women's Editor RLINE LEWIS..............Women's Feature Editor ERNON SODEN................Chief Photogtapher Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN.....Associate Business Manager WILLIAM PUSCH .................Adertising Manager Sigma Kappa national has so far exhibited only bad faith and impudence. It was largely the national's attitude which prompted Cor- nell to act. Cornell students, including the sus- pended Sigma Kappa chapter, decided that their rights as students were more important than the national officers. That sort of student feeling hasn't been evi- dent here. With the exception of SGC, which has been moving patiently and strongly to- ward a fair disposition of the case, students have been slow to realize that the actions of Sigma Kappa's national officers, both the suspensions and the high-handed manner in which they were executed, are an insult to them. PROMINENT though it has become, Sigma Kappa is only an example of-a much deeper problem - the unwritten agreement to dis- criminate, the racial and religious bias based on "policy" and "tradition." The unwritten agreement is the bias clause gone underground for public relations. It pre- vents the local group from choosing its own members and is insidious in its hypocricy and deceit. The unwritten agreement, refusal of soror- ity alums to give needed recommendations to girls of the wrong race or religion, and other pressures designed to restrict membership should outrage the sense of moral justice for which students are supposed to be searching. They should get students mad. Instead of de- fending the right of nationals to impose mem- bership restrictions, as they so often do, stu- dents should be hollering for the right to live with whom they want. FEW STUDENTS look at it this way. First loyalty goes to the national - what's left, to the University. Although IFC has dealt with bias clause problems, neither IFC nor Panhel have de- voted attention to the moral implications of these other forms of discrimination. I. AT THE ORPHEUM: 'Bullfight' Powerful Documentary " ULLFIGHT"is a remarkably Bpowerful and thrilling docu- mentary account of a sport and an art which has alternately shocked and excited Americans in the past few decades. The material in "Bullfight" is made up largely of black-and- white newsreels (from 1895 to the present) and organized into three segments: a brief historical view of bullfighting, a step-by-step analysis of the ritual and the fighting, and a long look at the work of Manolete, the world's most famous and beloved mata, dor. The tone throughout is one of realism with an emphasis on pictorial detail; and the narra- tion, for once, seems less obstru- sive than the usual breathless and "isn't-this-quaint" commentary that generally accompanies docu- mentary films. * * * THERE IS, of course, something implicitly fascinating in the dan- gerous and rhythmic dance duel between man and beast and some- thing quite horrifying in the sight of a great and powerful animal finally sinking in defeat. Exactly what this "something" is "Bull- fight", fortunately, does not try to explain too fully; and the an- swer, which has never been really concretely formulated, is still best found in the shots of Manolete fighters that Hemingway cap- tured. * * * THERE IS a. flamenco back- ground to make everything much more Spanish and the photogra- phy has that c quality of "being there," which is undoubtedly what the producers intended. Only when it forgets the fighting and romanticizes the fighters does "Bullfight" lose some of its fas- cination. In addition, ,there is also the feeling that this picture was pre- pared especially for Americans: the emphasis upon the killing (never allowed on the American screen before) and a tendency to shock sometimes. As D. H. Law- rence once observed, Americans may hate bullfighting but they feel compelled to witness it be- cause "That's life." Indeed, he may have been right. I -Ernest Theodossin 6 LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler> a ' . { i !* ° . . /''' J ; V: ,.. .r y '. - .' t f / " i . R c.