I Shadow And Substance aw m14 Igan Daly Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTSOF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 S t1 d "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM HANEY CAMPAIGN: Farm Policy Crucial Issue By MICHAEL KRAFT PERHAPS most crucial of the domestic issues in this year's election is the recurring farm problem. The farmer, caught between rising costs and declining farm prices, is being ardently wooed by the Democrats who pledge a return to high rigid. price supports as a means of raising farm income. Defending his policies of flexible price supports, President Eisen- hower insists the decline is due to the huge surpluses which have de- pressed market prices. Charging that "no farmer nor any citizen will trust politicians who go into cities and denounce inflation, then come to the country to promise loose credit," Mr. Eisenhower maintains President Clearly States American Position rHE REPUBLICAN Peace Dove-a bit bat- tered by the events of the past few days- took to the air waves Wednesday night as President Eisenhower spoke on the developing crises in Eastern Europe and the Mideast. The President said that his comments had no connection whatsoever with partisanship, and as much as some Democrats would like to disagree-for political reasons, the address was noticeably free of the usual undocumented political statements accompanying the present election campaign. We believe Mr. Eisenhower's position is the sensible one. We believe that he took the only position as President that could be taken, regardless of political affiliation. Our only criticism is that he over-simplified the develop- mental history of the uprisings in Poland and Hungary and the Israeli march on Egypt. For instance, while many citizens of these countries did aid our cause in the American Revolution, as Mr. Eisenhower says, this does not eliminate the need for "education in the worth of national independence and personal liberty." The generation which fought in the Revolution is obviously not the same generation which exists today. Many of the people in these countries have never known freedom, and it is much harder for them to appreciate it than for those who have lost and forfeited previously-held freedom. IN SPITE of such simplified analyses as these, the President deserves commendation for his remarks concerning specific ways in which the government is reacting to the .Eastern Europe and Mideast situations. Regarding Poland, Hungary, Rumania and other countries at- tempting to free themselves from the Soviet orb, Mr. Eisenhower explained that the United States has offered economic assistance to their new, independent governments. More important-and we hope that Messrs. Dulles and Nixon are a little more consistent on this point than they were on "neutralism"- the President said, "We have also publicly declared that we do not demand of these governments their adoption of any particular form of society as a condition upon our eco- nomic assistance." This government, he noted, has no ulterior purpose of enlisting these new governments as military allies. His most telling attack on the rash action of Britain and France came when he said, "There can be, no peace without law. And there can be no law if we work to invoke one code of international conduct for those who oppose, and another for our friends." MR. EISENHOWER clearly expressed the in- consistency of the British-French action with the principles of the United Nation of which both nations are members. "We are forced to doubt that resort to force and war will for long serve the permanent interests of the attacking nations." As for future United States action, the President set forth a strong two-prong program of attempting to localize the fighting and con- tinuing efforts to obtain UN action. He served notice that United States defeat in the Security Council Tuesday would not stop our efforts to work through the UN. The government will take the matter to the General Assembly, where, "with no veto operating, the opinion of the world can be brought to bear." President Eisenhower's speech was a clean chastisement of Britain and France and a notice that the United States would not, like its allies, employ the same methods to prevent a con- flict which were used to start it. --RICHARD SNYDER Editor Possible Consequences Of 'Arab' Demonstration A DEMONSTRATION occurring in the Wash- tenaw-Hilt -area 3onday night was not, as the Union President said Wednesday, "A com- pletely harmless release of tensions." The large group of turban-crowned men who went from fraternity to fraternity chanting "Guns for the Arabs" probably didn't intend their demonstration as racial bias. It might not have looked that way to many bystanders, how- ever. The demonstration was broken up quickly, so it had no chance to erupt into anything more serious than, in the Inter-Fraternity Council President's words, "Good, clean fun." Whether members of the group were affiliates or independents; Jews or Gentiles doesn't mat- ter much. Nor does thedapparent harmlessness of the situation. It could have been interpreted, both on campus and outside the University, as real evidence of racial bias, with serious conse- quences. We hope students will think more carefully about the possible ramification of such a prank, and in the future seek "harmless release of tensions" elsewhere. --TAMMY MORRISON E':r+ T'IE C A%, eS4 11'c - poS c TODAY AND TOMORROW: Disaster in the Middle East By WALTER LIPPMANN ALTHOUGH this government was not consulted, it knew to- ward the end of last week that Israel was mobilizing, it believed that this meant a serious military action, and it had at least an in- formed guess that this would not be happening without Paris and London knowing about it. When the Israeli Army struck on Mon- day, the President and his advi- sors decided, quite rightly, to take the affair to the U.N. But there were two ways of takinghit to the U.N. and they chose the wrong one. One was to seize the whole bor- der problem, to recognize that it is a two-sided problem, and to call for measures to restrain the Egyptian raids as well as the Is- raeli reprisals. The other way was the one which the President and Secretary Dulles took. This was to ignore the Egyptian raids, to treat Israel as the aggressor and Egypt as the innocent victim. This was a grave mistake of policy, indefensible in principle and in fact entirely unrealistic and impracticable. *+* * IT WAS INDEFENSIBLE to ig- nore, and thus to condone, the ex- treme provocation of the Egyp- tian raids. The resolution which Mr. Lodge submitted to the U.N. would, had it been adopted, have guaranteed the Egyptians behind their frontier but not the Israelis behind theirs. It would have made Egyptian territory a United Na- tions sanctuary from which the fedayeen raiders could operate without fear of reprisal. Almost certainly the explana- tion of this policy decision is that those in authority did not realize what it meant, that there was a little panic in Washington and that there was no cool delibera- tion. Had therehbeen, how could the makers of this policy have failed to see that Britain and France, which are in a bitter cold war with Nasser, could never conceiv- ably support a policy so one- sidedly favorable to Nasser? I would have supposed that anyone could have foreseen what hap- pened -- that if we forced the is- sue we would get a veto by our allies and support from the Soviet Union. WiHAT CAUSED the explosion? The sequence of events shows, I think, that Col. Nasser, con- vinced that he had won his fight over Suez, moved on promptly to work out another step in his .grandiose plans to become the master of the Arab world. While the Suez crisis was hot, Nasser suspended his war against Is- rael and there were no raids. When the Suez crisis had passed. the raids began again, accompan- ied by military measures to bring Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon with- in Nasser's orbit. His behavior convinced the Is- raelis that they could not live with him. It convinced the Brit- ist and the French that not only would they get nowhere with him in a Suez negotiation but that he was t h e i r implacable enemy throughout North Africa and the Middle East. Had Nasser been rea- sonable, moderate, and states- manlike after his victory in the Suez affair, this explosion would probably not have occurred. But he is the typical aggressor-dicta- tor who will not stop until he is stopped. That is why once again a policy of appeasement has failed to preserve the peace. ,FOR THE TIME being this country has no policy in the Mid- dle East. The policy on which we operated is in ruins. It was to re- strain Britain, France, and Israel from using force-which was a most desirable objective. But what this policy has lacked was any constructive plan-such as might have been developed out of the Indian proposals - which looked towards a settlement in the Middle East. The result was that we restained the British, the French and the Israelis, but not Nasser. This led to the explosion which has blown our Middle Eas- tern policy to bits. President Eisenhower's formula as a peace-maker has been to stop the shooting and, without work- ing out a settlement, to have both sides accept the status quo. Why has the formula not worked this time? Because this time there was Nasser who does not and will not accept the status quo, who is so great akdisturber of the peace that those who are hurt by him cannot take it forever. 1956New York Herald Tribune Inc. Useful Election Whatever happens next Novem- ber 6, this year's Presidential cam- paign has already fulfilled one of nature's impish but constant pur- poses, which is the periodic con- founding of experts. Around the beginning of August the re-election of Dwight Eisen- hower by an overwhelming margin was all but taken for granted. Soothsayer George Gallup's pre- liminary study of pigeon entrails showed the President leading Adlai Stevenson by sixty-one per cent to thirty-seven, and it was generally felt that the Democrats' chances lay only in war abroad, a sharp business recession at home, or a setback in the President's health. that the surpluses are the result high rigid (90% parity) price sup- ports, "a wartime measure which should never have been contin- ued in peacetime." The President maintains that his flexible support program, un- der which supports drop as sup- ply increases, will gradually cut surpluses and raise prices. Strongly pressing for a return to 90% of parity, the Democrats hold that two year's experience proves flexible supports will not substantially cut surpluses or raise prices. They argue that with Improved fertilizers and better farming methods, surpluses are (without drastic production con- trols) inevitable until population catches up with production. Mean- while, they say, the farmer should have high supports to protect him against severe price drops. Specific proposals of the Demo- crats include: the addition of live- stock and poultry to the support program, direct payments to far- mers to curtail production when price supports threatened crea- tion of surpluses, and provisions for the extension of farm credit. Meanwhile, the administration proposes a solution by offering soil bank payments for withdraw- 1Ag acres from production, some increases in support policy above the level prescribed by the flexible program, higher market prices for cattle, wheat and milk, and gov- ernment purchases of eggs and turkeys. TURNING to more general as- pects of American economy, Presi- dent Eisenhower suggested that the main campaign issue was "the management of America's affairs at home." He stressed the Republi- can insistence on a "sound dol- lar," a goal that he thought the "Democrats are not particularly concerned with." Previously, his Democratic op- ponent Adlai E. Stevenson charged the administration had "given away public resources to private companies. The Republicans," he charges, "had gotten a bigger tax cut for corporations and their stock holders," with "73 cents out of every tax cut dollar "going to corporations and only nine cents going to "the four families out of five that make less than $5,000 a year." Hitting hard at the targets of labor, small business and old age voters, Stevenson charged that "Eisenhower's administration has reflected the philosophy of his party .... that the nation should be governed by the 'rich and well- born'." The "little man," he says, "is in danger of being swallowed up by big corporations in alliance with big government." The President answered by say- ing that "anti-trust action has never been more strict and effec- tive than in the last four years," with "54 new anti-trust actions started in 1955." He added that "We, not they, created the Small Business Administration as an in- dependent peacetime agency," and "the share of defense contracts going to small business during the last three fiscal years is well above the preceding three." of over-production stimulated by TO PREVIOUS Democratic charges that "the government has done nothing to check inflation," Eisenhower noted that "the cost of living soared almost 50% in the last seven years under the pre- vious administration and it has risen less than three. per cent under this administration." Replying to claims "that this administration cares nothing for ... 'the little fellow'," the Presi- dent emphasized that "social se- curity has been extended to in- clude 10 million more workers. Un- employment insurance has been extended to four million more workers and its benefits increased . . at our urging for, many more millions. In September," Mr. Eis- enhower added, "the unemploy- ment rate in America was the lowest it's been in 20 years." Pressing the attack, Mr. Steven- son accused Eisenhower of a "gross misstatement" in claiming the Republicans had enlarged so- cial security, increased the mini- mum wage, halted the farm decline and the cost of living rise. Stevenson insisted that where progress was made, it was usually on Democratic initiative and against Republican opposition. HILL AUDITORIUM: Gren fell Delights J UST as her press agents prom- ised, Joyce Grenfell put on "a delightful evening of comedy and songs" last night in Hill Auditor- ium. Miss Grenfell is known to most Americans for supporting roles in some dozen or more British comedies (e.g., "Genevieve," "The Belles of St. Trinians," "A Run for Your Money"), but her perform- ances have usually been brief. It is therefore with some surprise that one discovers Miss Grenfell possesses the versatility and tal- ent to sustain an entire evening's program with only the aid of ac- companist George Bauer. Informality is, of course, the tone of Miss Grenfell's program, and in an age where almost ev- eryone wants to relax, Miss Gren fell knows how to amuse her audi- ence with charm, subtlety and hu- mor. * * * MISS GRENFELL'S program is divided into sketches and songs. Her sketches are generally of the social-satire type and they are quite often of the most subtle va- riety, where the bite is carefully obscured under smiles and charm. It is quite in order to emphasize that they are "subtle," an attri- bute only spasmodically per- ceived by last night's audience. Among the best sketches was the one about a New Yorker who entrusts her life and her prob- lems to a "doctor," one of those popular gentlemen who profess to solve one's day-to-day dilem- mas. In thisinstance the doctor's advice is to "stop thinking." Other fine bits presented by Miss Grenfell concern the very young girl who "scribbles" and gets an opportunity to meet her favorite naturalistic writer; the nursery school teacher who in- structs the tots in the delicate art of imitating flowers; the writer of children's books whose writing technique is to let the books write themselves while her husband counts the returns. Some of these little vignettes are, as might be expected, not nearly as good as others. The "Committee Women" sketch and the sketch about a collector of folk songs have been done a few too many times (especially by Anna Russell) to provide a suf- ficient outlet for originality. And the rather serious bit about a teacher who is forced to pit lit- erature against a mechanistic world seemed somehow out of place. But, by and large, Miss Gren- fell's sketches are imaginative and clever and she proves a mar- velously amusing performer. * * * IN THE vocal department, Miss Grenfell is rather weak and re- stricts herself to British musical- hall comedy songs: about the Ed- ,a Cobo's Detroit Record Shows Government of Action ICHIGAN VOTER'S duty to their state is to vote Republican November 6. Without a Republican governor, Michigan will find it difficult to follow President Dwight D. Eisen- hower's program of progress and prosperity. Michigan Republicans unanimously agreed at their state convention this spring that Detroit Mayor Albert E. Cobo is their most promising gubernatorial candidate. It is now up to the Michigan voters to dislodge Demo- cratic-incumbent G. Mennen (Soapy) Williams whose party has become a defeatist party. The Republicans certainly could not have picked a better candidate. In nearly 25 years of public service, Cobo has always put citizens' interests first. Thousands of Detroiters own their own homes because of Cobo's seven year tax plan that saved Detroit during the Depres- sion. Detroit's faith in Cobo has paid off. The people in Detroit have elected him to office for three successive terms. In, this relatively short period of time he has undertaken a mammoth program of public improvements. These projects, totaling almost seven million dollars are all either completed or now in pro- cess of construction. They include construc- tion of highways, the country's top parks and recreation program, slum clearance, and con- verting Detroit's waterfront into a beautiful Civic Center. ALL THIS has been accomplished with a debt decrease of twenty million dollars and a tax increase of only 2%i2c per $1000 of valuation since Cobo took office. Cobo's most significant achievement has been Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER, Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN.....Associate Business Manager WILLIAM PUSCH.................. Adertising Manager his highway program, financed by revrenue bonds, which is responsible for the construction of highways throughout the state. This has given Michigan one of the best highway systems in the country. Other states are now adopting the "Cobo Revenue Bond Program." Had Williams shown a little more financial insight Michigan would have had more and better highways a long time ago. Instead, a city mayor had to impro- vise a plan. Cobo's accomplishments demonstrate his administrative ability and leadership. He has succeeded in getting the cooperation of all federal, state, and county officials, including 300 citizens who are serving as commissioners and committee members without pay. The balancing of the state budget without an increase in taxes have been achieved by the Republicans. Several times the legislature had to turn down haphazard proposals by the governor which would have increased our debt and taxes. Williams' most recent proposal entailed rais- ing Michigan's unemployment compensation and extending it from 26 to 39 weeks. Some workers would have received almost as much as 95 per cent of their regular pay. Such a plan is unrealistic because it would have him from competing effectively with business him fro mcompeting effectively with businesses in other states. SEEING THE DEFECT in the proposal, Cobo suggested that the rate be increased but should last not more than 32 weeks. This coun- ter proposal demonstrated the superior eco- nomic insight of the mayor. However, one cannot entirely blame Williams for this unrealistic plan which was actually proposed by Walter Reuther, the CIO's fast- rising political leader. No Democratic governor would dare to refuse a Reuther proposal and hope to stay in office. In contrast, Cobo has run his administration in a businesslike manner. No labor leader or businessman has run Cobo. He has given no special favors to anyone. While Cobo has been campaigning on his excellent record, Williams has been running 4 SGC IN REVIEW: Of Rate Hike, Cables, Bias and Bikes By TAMMY MORRISON Daily Staff Writer THERE'S a room-and-board hike in the air. Student Government Council took positive steps Wednesday night to forestall such action, by approving a study of residence halls financing, It's become increasingly ob- vious that the much-touted self- liquidating plan just isn't work- ing. In two years, room-and-board has gone up $70. This year, Uni- versity employes may seek a raise, and if the Business Office can't get a corresponding increase from the State Legislature, residence hall dwellers will once more be paying through the nose as well as the pocketbook. In initiating its short-range fi- nance study, SGC showed com- mendable (and, unfortunately, un- usual) foresight. The study will be completed in January, shortly before a dorm raise, if any, is an- nounced by the Business Office. At that time, the Council will have before it an evaluation of self- In studying long-range housing problems and a committee of the Residence Halls Board of Gover- nors is investigating long-range finance problems. Neither is ex- pected to have a complete report by January. Certainly major at- tention needs to be directed to long-range problems of lack of housing and rising enrollment, but the immediate problem is to fore- stall another room and board hike. * * * THE COUNCIL voted to send congratulatory cables to student groups in Hungary and Poland. The cables read: "Student Government Council of the University of Michigan en- dorses the universal principles of academic freedom and university autonomy, supports your efforts to attain these goals and sends best wishes for success. Student Gov- ernment Council stands ready to offer assistance within its means should you so request." The cables will probably be broadcast over Radio Free Europe, and will reach a great portion of fighting for something as nebu- lous yet essential as academic freedom, it might be of great help to know that a great university, even one thousands of miles away, eyes your struggle with approval. And what with McCarthyite manifestations such as the Lec- ture Committee existing here, perhaps it should be the Polish and Hungarian students who cable their sympathies to us! * * * SGC'S HUMAN Relations Board presented a report to the Council Wednesday night. The Board is one of SGC's more mysterious functions, but it oper- ates in secret for a purpose. It considers cases involving discrim- ination against students in both the -University and City commu- nities, an dsecrecy is essential if it is to be effective. Composed of seven students, three Ann Arbor businessmen, Vice-President Lewis and a mem- ber of the Ann Arbor Civic For- um, the Board will add a law pro- fessor to its ranks in the near its work is among the most im- portant SGC has initiated. The Wednesday report was encourag- ing. ** * MILITARY Counseling will be studied after all. The general counseling study has completed its questionnaires and was unable to include a mili- tary counseling study, as SGC re-. quested it do last week. So the Education and Social Welfare Committee will investi- gate this area, covering deferrment policies, reserve programs and al- ternative choices for military service, and will present a re- port Dec. 12. And none too soon, in view of the Middle East situ- ation. * * * THE CAMPUS Affairs Commit- tee is taking its life in its hands and will go to the City with a pro- posal that Ann Arbor eliminate a few of the parking places at the corner of North University and State St. and replace them with bike racks. x