AMERICA'S POSITION See Page 4 C, r it 4~I 'Latest Deadline in the State DaitP e , "7""V MOSTLY CLOUDY VOL. LXVU, No.39 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1956 EIGHT PAGES II EIGHT PAGES Hun gary Drops From arsaw Pact, Turns to UN Nagy Asks International Protection Russian Tanks Enter from East BUDAPEST (A)-Hungary pulled out of the Soviet-dominated War- saw Pact yesterday and put itself under the protection of the United Nations. Premier Imre Nagy announced a policy of neutrality and imme- diately protested to M o s c o w against movement of new Soviet troops into Hungary. He quickly told the UN about the new Soviet troop movements and set up a new defense command for Budapest. A Hungarian army source yes- terday estimated that more than r two Russian divisions have crossed the frontier from the SovietUnion into Hungary in the last 24 hours. These troop movements were the subject of a protest by the Hun- garian government to Moscow yes- terday in a note to the Soviet Embassy here. The government protested emphatically and de- manded that the troops be with- drawn. The Hungarian radio also announced that Russia had seized all Hungarian airfields for their own use. Guarantee Neutrality Nagy announced he would ask the Big Four and the UN to guar- antee Hungary's new policy of neutrality outside any bloc. Nagy summoned Soviet Ambas- sador Yuri V. Andropov to his of- fice in the battle-scarred Parlia- ment Building to tell him of Hun- gary's new course. Hungarian military sources re- ported two Russian tank divisions were moving into Hungary from the north and east. Andropov, it was reported, told Nagy these movements involved only regrouping of forces and thee was no intention of using them to frustrate the rebellion which has shaken Hungary since Oct, 23. Announced at Conference The protest and an appeal to the UN for discussion of Hungary's position at the current emergency session of the Assembly session were announced at a new confer- ence by 'Minister of State Geza Losonozy after a long Cabinet meeting. Nagy has cabled Dag Hammar- skjold, UN secretary general, that Hungary intends to anchor its foreign policy in a neutrality sim- ilar to that adopted by Austria. Hungary will ask the Big Four to guarantee this neutrality. Nagy advised the Soviet ambas- sador that Hungary was withdraw- ing from the Warsaw Pact, the nine-nation North Atlantic Treaty Organization-type organization set up by Moscow for Eastern Europe. Nagy apparently abandoned earlier announced plans to "negotiate" this withdrawal with Moscow. 'U.s.oPolicy St o Bla e, T TAT Says Stowe By ROSE PERLBERG * * * * * * 4 IN UN ASSEMBLY: Duties Attacks, Allied Actions UNITED NATIONS (M)-United States Secretary of State John Foster Dulles appeared before the Assembly yesterday after Egypt demanded the Assembly condemn what Egypt called the "aggression" of Britain, France and Israel against Egypt and Britain had denied it was committing aggression. Britain called the British-French moves in Egypt a "police action." The high points of the United States resolution were the same as those contained in a resolution vetoed by Britain and France Tuesday in a split with the United States. Reconsider Proposal British, French Attacks Destroy Egyptian Aircraft; Israeli Troop Seize Sinai Dulles, who said he spoke wi position had been reconsidered ar Joint ;Judic Driving Ban Fines Mount By TAMMY MORRISON Joint Judiciary Council has lev- ied $1,795 in driving fines for driving regulations violations so far this semester. According to Chairman Mike McNerney, '57L, violations fall into three general categories: direct violations, parking violations and decal violations. Fines for illegal parking amount to $950. There have been 95 cases of unauthorized parking in re- stricted University lots. Parking cases are being handled by letter, with an automatic fine of $10. There have been a few second- offense parking violations. As yet, Joint Judic has not determined the amount of second violation fines. McNerney said there was a possibility of permit loss in third offense cases. D i r e c t violation fines have reached a total of $770. Joint Judic has heard 17 cases of direct viola- tions, which involve failure to register, misuse of special permits, driving without authorization, and unauthorized borrowing and lend- ing of registered automobiles. In all cases where the initial fine was less than $50, there were ex- tenuating circumstances, such as inability to purchase insurance or mixup over title transfer. In some cases of severe financial hardship, the full $50 has been levied, but part of the fine has been suspended. In the event of second violations, the suspended portion of the original fine will be re- invoked. The usual fine for direct viola- tion of new University driving reg- ulations is $50. Fines levied for these offenses have so far aver- aged $41. There have been 12 cases of im- proper display of decals. Joint Judic has levied a $5 fine in each case, bringing the total to $60. Im- proper decal display included vio- lators who neglected to display their decals, although their cars were registered and also violators who applied decals with Scotch Tape or marking tape. Displaying decals with tape, is foolish, McNerney said, because the decal can easily be stolen. Moreover, he added, this practice makes it easier for decals to be passed from car to car. Although Joint Judic has been lenient with students who neglect- ed to display decals through negli- gence up to now, McNerney said fines for this offense will probably go up in the future, since drivers have now had more than a month to display their decals. Optimistic about response to the new regulations, McNerney said, "The figures indicate that they are not being taken lightly, by -Joint Judic or anyone else." 'Plowboy' Up. For Sale The November issue of "Plow- boy," Gargoyle's satire on a well- known so-called men's entertain- ment maazine will h esold wh. th a "heavy heart" said the U.S. nd revaluated on the highest level 4in Washington and even so the United States still maintained its position, In grave tones, Dulles said the "police action" might develop into World War III. He said the dele- gates owed a duty to posterity to see this fire would not spread and that a just settlement could be made. "Condemn Aggressors" Egypt's delegate, Omar Loutfi, was the first speaker when the Assembly got down to business. He told of the attack on Egypt and cried "condemn the aggressors - put an end to the aggression." Dulles had been slated to speak after Loutfi but he was delayed; by a traffic jam and bad flying weather and the debate, went ahead with delegates of Ceylon and Nationalist China calling for an immediate halt to the fighing- Britain quickly rejected the Dul-, les resolution. A British spokes- man told newsmen that Britain believed the resolution would not meet the situation. He said it would leave the Middle East in the same troubled state which has led to the grave situation. Dulles said the United States finds itself unable to agree with three nations with whom it has ties of deep friendship and two of whom constitute "our oldest, most trusted and reliable allies." He reviewed what he called the "long and sad" history of the case in the Middle East. He said the United States had reluctantly come to the conclusion that past provocations, serious as they have been, "could not justify the resort to armed force which has occurred on the last two or three days and is going on tonight." Director Not Guilty-Conlin Harold Neilson, Washtenaw County Juvenile Home director, was innocent of negligence in the Lillard suicide, county Probate Judge John Conlin said yesterday. Neilson was at the home when James Lillard, 15-year-old in- mate, committed suicide. Conlin said "I cannot see where Neilson was negligent in any way. Every attempt was made to pre- vent the boy from harming him- self, but there was no. cause to be- lieve he was going to hang him- self." Conlin also denied rumors which stated he was considering firing Neilson. English, Freneb Property eize Cairo Hints Withdrawal of FQrces; Israel Claims Heavy Egyptian Loss LONDON (Friday) (A-British and French warplanes smashing steadily at nine Egyptian airfields are believed to have destroyed or damaged 90 aircraft on'the ground. This announcement came early this morning from the British Defense Ministry. The communique did not mention any troop landings. The Egyptian government announced enemy air action had closed the Suez Canal. Seize Property The Egyptian government also seized all British and French prop. erty in Egypt. Among these are the Anglo-Egyptian oil field, a sub- sidiary of British Shell; and they DISPUTE AREA-Egypt claimed British-French air attacks Wednesday hit Cairo (1), Alexandria (2), Port Said (3), Ismailia (4) and the city of Suez (5), but Britain denies bombing Cairo. In the Gaza strip area (A), an Israeli attack was aimed at El Arish on the Mediterranean shore, apparently de- signed to cut off Egypt from the strip. Continued fighting was reported in Sinai peninsula (B) with Israel claiming paratroops only 10 miles from the Suez Canal. (AP Wirephoto Iap) Professors' Civil Rights Views Vary (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth in a series of articles of com- ment by faculty members on cur- rent election issues. Today's article discusses the issue of civil rights.) By EDWARD GERULDSEN There is wide disagreement among several professors in, the political science and sociology de- partments about whether or not there has been any notable prog- ress made in the field of civil rights in the last four years. They all agree, however, the credit for any advancement made belongs not to the administration or the politicians, but to the Su- preme Court. Prof. Robert Blood of the so- ciology department maintains there has been "tremendous prog- ress in the past few years." Not- able advances have been made, he said, especially in the matter of desegregation, in the armed forces and in public schools in the South. Prof. Frank Grace of the poli- tical science department, however, See BLOOD, Page 2 WAR AND POLITICS: Midd le-Eastern Policy Causes Candidate Clash PHILADELPHIA (J)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower said last night that despite "the strident voices of those few who seem to be seeking to turn world events to political profit" he is proud of his administration's stand on Hungary and the Middle East. In a speech which he called "my final formal address of this polit- ical campaign," President Eisen- hower made no mention of Adlai Stevenson by name. 'Disaster Design' But he pictured his Democratic opponent's major campaign propo- sals as "a design for disaster." The President said that in spite of United States' differences with Britain and France over the Suez, the Big Three Western alliance "will grow to new and greater strength." President Eisenhower's talk be- fore a Philadeplhia rally had been billed as one in which he would reply to specific criticism of his administration by Stevenson. In- stead it largely followed the same carefully worded conciliatory pat- tern of his 15-minute "nonpoliti- cal" radio-television address to the nation from Washington Wednes- day night. Refuses Stevenson Aides indicated President Eis- enhower vetoed suggestions that he reply point by point to Steven-i son on the ground that the situa- tion abroad was too delicate.' Particularly, they said, in view] of such fast-breaking develop- ments as reports that Russia was sending troops into Hungary and the overwhelming vote of the United Nations General Assembly 'to consider the cease-fire resolu- tion on the Middle East which Britain and France vetoed in the UN Security Council. Win Approval. Of IHC Paper Inter-House Council yesterday approved the establishment of an IHC newspaper. The paper will carry news and features about the Men's Resi- BUFFALO, ,N. Y. (AP)-Adlai E. Stevenson last night told the na- tion President Eisenhower's for- eign policy has "failed." As a result, he- said, the Soviet Union has been handed "two great victories." "Our Middle Eastern policy," Stevenson said in a nationwide television and radio address, "is at an absolute dead end." According to Stevenson, these are the victories scored by the So- viet Union: "The first Communist victory is the establishment in the Middle East of the Russian influence which the czars sought in vain for centuries and which Communists have achieved in a few months. Alliance Breakdown "The second Communist victory is the breakdown of the Western alliance. This has been a' supreme objective of Soviet policy since the end of the second World War." This was Stevenson's answer to the President's address Wednes- day night, an address in which President Eisenhower said: No U.S. Involvement "In the circumstances I have described there will be no United States involvement in the present hostilities." Stevenson said he had three points to make in his reply: "The first is that this series of failures could have been averted -that they were in great part the result of ill-considered and mis- taken policies of this administra- tion. "The second is that this admin- istration not only made mistake after mistake in its Middle East- ern policy but has withheld the consequences from the American people. "The third is that there are many things which might have been done in the last year to avert was in the Middle East." 'Coveted Area' Stevenson said the Middle East is one of the world's most coveted areas, with three-quarters of the world's known oil reserves. French-owned Societe Egyptienne Petrole. Israel claimed capture of the Sinai Peninsula last night, after a four-day campaign. 'General Collapse' An official 'spokesman for Is- rael's government and army said a general collapse of Egyptian forces was in progress throughout the peninsula-that part of Egypt east of the Suez Canal. He said an Egyptian force of about 20,000 had been committed to defense of the peninsula. As the spokesman pictured the situation, the survivors were try- ing to extricate themselves and escape westward, in the direction of Port Said and Ismailia. Heavy Losses Without supplying the figures, the spokesman said Egypt's losses were heavy and many prisoners had been taken. There was a hint ii Cairo broad- casts that Egypt was withdrawing forces from the Sinai Peninsula in order to defend the Nile Delta and control the area adjacent to the canal. Whether this actually was the case, remained to be de- termined. Few Settlements The Sinai Peninsula, a desert area with few settlements, is 150 miles wide at the Mediterranean end, and 230 miles long., To its east are the Gulf of Aqaba, a Red Sea waterway arm for both Israel and Jordan. Israeli forces invaded the pen-' insula Monday, saying they i'n- tended to clean out bases of Egyp- tian commandos who have raided Israel. Biggest Tank Battle The Israeli spokesman said the biggest tank battle in the cam- paign took place yesterday. On the Gaza front Israel re- ported that a mechanized and ar- mored task force had reached the outskirts of El'Arish. This is a coastal town just outside the Gaza1 Strip, the tongue of Egyptian-held land that cuts a part of Israel off from the Mediterranean. Capture Rafa Earlier, Israeli forces claimed the capture of Rafa, just inside the southern end of the Gaza Strip. The announced capture of Rafa indicated the Israelis may have cut off the special Gaza Strip army of Palestine, trained and led. by Egyptian officers. SOC Campaign' Has New Rules New ground rules will govern current S t u d e n t Government Eden Gains Confidene Of Maj ority LONDON (A)-Prime Minister Eden's big Conservative majority overwhelmed angry, shouting La- borites and gave Eden four votes of confidence last night in the mil- itary assault on Egypt. But as the votes' were counted in Parliament a crowd of several hundred demonstrated outside the House of Commons with cries of: "We want peace!" "Stop the war!" Scores of mounted police kept order. Five demonstrators were arrested. Eden called the British-French expedition a police action. Laborite Bessie Braddock called the Conservatives "a band of murderers," Others said Eden has shamed and dishonored the c o u n t r y. strained the British-American alli- ance and violated the Charter of the United Nations. Debate in both Commons and the House of Lords reflected deep differences in the country over the wisdom of the British-French mili- tary venture. Protest demonstrations by uni- versity students and by labor were reported from cities across the kingdom. "You best. avoid great wars by taking physical action to stop small wars," Eden told Commons in defense of his policy. The House first voted 324-255 against a Labor censure motion. Then a government-sponsored amendment to the motion was car- ried by 323-255. Finally, the motion as amended to show only support for the government was approved 320-253. Cites'Red Realignment "A realignment of 'Russian for- eign policy" was cited by Prof. N. Marbury Efimenco of the political science department as an indirect cause of the ;current uprisings in Eastern Europe. Prof. Efimenco, addressing the newly-formed Political Issues Club last night at the Union, described Russia's new foreign policy as featuring lessening of tensions and n, vn n irr"c+1 -c,.,. Brides maids Prof. Leland Stowe of the Jour-; nalism department yesterday blamed violent uprising in the Middle East on "inept and self- contradictory" American foreign, policy. "For over two years, the United3 States policy has been full of blunders and mistakes," the for- war correspondent and pulitzer prize winner told students and' faculty members packed into ans Angell Hall classroom. The journalist described the; "inability of Dulles to learn the , art of consultation" as basic to our failures in foreign policy over the past years. He said that the Secretary o0: State repeatedly re- fused to accept the advice of ex- perts in formulating policies, and his constant change of stand be- wildered our allies. To illustrate, he described sev- eral Dulles-instructed U.S. ac-1 tions that have contributed toi 5... ..~..