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November 01, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-01

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Sixty-Seventh Year

When Opinions Are Free
Trutb Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

'Under the Gaslight'
Is Melodramatic Fun
W HEN SOMEBODY decides to present a complete, four-act blood and
thunder melodrama, vintage 1800's, the problem that presents it-
self, I would imagine, is one of approach. How do you handle the
material? There are a number of possibilities: -you can approach it
historically and play the thing straight, as if your audience would take
it as seriously as the nineteenth century folk did; you can place your
collective toungues in your collective cheeks and kid the script, treating
the play as theatrical nonsense; you can also employ flamboyant style
and exaggerated devices in order to elicit' serious audience response
by force.
The problem is a formidable one. Were one approach used through-
out, it would be theoretically correct from a standpoint of consistency.
Yet, I somehow feel, such complete consistency would, in the long run,

Social Progress Marks
Williams' Governorship

HE WAS young, and he wore a polka-dotted
bow tie. He was relatively inexperienced,
but he smiled and promised a great period of
progress for the state of Michigan. Anxious
for a change from Republican Party dictum,
the people of Michigan cast their votes for
personable G. Mennen Williams in 1948.
And, when these voters re-examine the
record of the Williams' administration, chances
are they'll keep voting for Mr. Bow Tie.
Governor Williams' administration united
Michigan by building a bridge across the
Straits of Mackinac, connecting the upper pen-
insula with the lower and benefiting the state
in more ways than currently meet the eye.
As regards Highways, Williams last year
inaugurated a new program of highway con-
struction, comprising some 1,000 planned miles
of multi-lane, divided highways between major
At the same time, Public Safety has not been
ignored. A new. traffic safety program, ini-
tiated under. Governor Williams;= provides for
driver training courses in state high schools, a
65-mile per hour speed limit, expansion of
the State Police by 81 per cent, and use of Na-
tional Guard on highway patrols on holiday
weekends. This program saved an estimated
84 Michigan lives in five months.
Michigan Agriculture has benefited under
Williams. G. Mennen led special marketing
drives on 17 different occasions to help dispose
of Michigan's surplus products, and helped ex-
pand the soil conservation program to include
30,000 farmers and 90 per cent of the state's
farm land. The current Michigan Democratic
Party Platform pledges ".. .continued effort to
achieve the Michigan Best Seal-of-Quality
program; to improve farm marketing reports
and services; to work for effective land use
studies in order to advance.agriculture in our
DESEGREGATION is the biggest issue in
America today, If America is to solve her
desegregation problem on a national level, she
will first have to settle it in each state. Gov-
ernor Williams' view towards the desegrega.
tion cqnflict is a, realistic one: "We can have
no part of the corrosive doctrine that any
American, rich or poor, colored or white, na-
tive-born or naturalized, north or south, east
or west - can be one whit less than a full
The issue of Civil Rights goes hand in hand
with desegregation. Williams speaks out for:
" . the right of the accused to face his ac-
cuser" and ". . . reaffirmation of the right of
dissent," thus backing not only civil rights
and civil liberties ideals of the American Revo-
lution years, but also those of today.
Industry and Business have benefited by
the Williams' administration. A formerly ne-
glected Economic Development Commission
was remodeled and revamped by the governor
Segregation No

and developed into an active agency for the
promotion of Michigan industry. As a result,
Michigan gained about 23 per cent in the
number of business firms, and picked up more
than 21 per cent in jobs. Also, in the past two
and a half years, the Economic Development
Commission helped bring Michigan new indus-
tries with a net gain of 97,000 jobs.
Michigan's Democratic Party Platform
pledges ". . . increased efforts to aid the small
businessman. We recognize his importance in
our private enterpris'e economy." And the
Michigan Declaration emphatically states: "We
must protect small and independent business
establishments against the crushing power of
economic giantism."
Labor Legislation has gained under Williams'
rule. Here, workman's injury compensation
benefits and unemployment compensation were
increased. Also, old age assistance maximums
and aid to the blind were increased 60 per cent.
More hospitals have been built in Michigan
during Williams' terms in office than during
any other comparable period in Michigan his-
tory. And, after finding an acute shortage of
doctors, Williams encouraged the entry of
refugee European doctors, removed restrictions
on doctors entering Michigan from other states,
and expanded the state's hospital system. In
1954-55, as a result of this planning, licensing
of physicians in Michigan increased by 80 per
G. Mennen Williams has expanded Michi-
gan's Education system at a rapid rate. Believ-
ing that every American youth has a right to
a good basic education, and to college training
if he wants it and is qualified for it, Williams
put through a $64,000,000 expansion program
for the state's two universities and six colleges.
Governor Williams has also taken steps to
solve Michigan's Mental Health problem. Under
his new program, a Michigan mental hospital
system will include a children's treatment
unit, a new clinic in Detroit for the double
purpose of treating patients and training psy-
chiatrists, and the $25,000,000 Northville hos-
WHEN Williams came into office the state
was in the red, operating with a deficit
which once exceeded $60,000,000. Under his
leadership, the deficit financing was stopped
and the state's budget was balanced. And, at
Williams' insistence, this was done without
increasing general taxes.
A tall, smiling young man took 'office in
1948 and in doing so swept Republican laziness
out the door. A new, dynamic personage, with
new and dynamic ideas was leading Michigan.
Under his leadership, the state advanced to
a position commanding respect of other states.
From merely another northern state, Michigan
suddenly became a leader in the mid-west --
this the result of a fighting Democrat's ideas,
this the result of G. Mennen Williams.
Campaign Issue

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be wearying and dull. The Speech



The End of the Post-War World

THE latest news available as this
is written is that the Nagy gov-
ernment has offered the rebels
immediate withdrawal of Soviet
forces from Budapest, this to be
followed by negotiations for their
withdrawal from all of Hungary.
This would mean that the Nagy
government would remain for the
time being at least, presumably
until the free elections which have
been promised.
This is a measure of how far
things have gone. In substance it
amounts to an offer to the Hun-
garian nation to settle temporar-
ily on an advance form of Tito-
ism - no Russian troops but not
an anti-Russian foreign policy,
free elections at home but with a
popular front government led by
national C o m m u n i s t s. Things
have gone so far in Eastern Europe
that the Soviet government will
now be lucky if it can settle for
Titoism in the satellite empire.
The Soviet chances of doing
this look better in Poland than in
Iungary. For in Poland the na-
tional Communists led by Gomul-
ka took the initiative in the na-
tional movement to throw off the
Russian domination. They seemed
to be leading the movement and
controlling it. In Hungary, on the
other hand, Nagy did not lead the
rebellion, and instead of being like
Gomulka, the man who ordered
the Russians to retire to their bar-
racks, he became the man who in-
vited them to intervene. An inter-
nal peace under Nagy's govern-
ment will therefore be precarious.
For it was at Nagy's request that
the Russian troops have been
shooting down Hungarians.
* * *
OUR TRUE interest, it seems to
me, is that in the satellite orbit
Titoism should prevail without ex-'
ternal political or military inter-
ference, and that the national gov-

ernments be assisted economically
to develop in their own way. This
is our true interest because with
Titoism in Poland, and, let us
hope, in Czechoslovakia also,
Eastern Europe cannot be used
as a base for military aggression
against Western Europe. The se-
curity of the West will be radi-
cally improved.
It is our true interest, also, to
have Titoism among the satellites
because either of the two possible
alternatives is incalculably dan-
gerous. One alternative would be
a Soviet decision to reimpose Stal-
inism. This would mean fearful
bloodshed, and enormous danger
of a European war into which we
might well be sucked. The other
alternative would be a spreading
rebellion which went beyond Tito-
ism and engulfed it. If such a re-
bellion were to spread to Eastern
Germany, as it might well do, it
would almost certainly mean that
in some way or other Western
Germany would be sucked into
the conflict.
* * *
IF OUR TRUE interest is that
Eastern Europe, and particularly
the key country of Poland, should
become independent, regain na-
tional liberty, but should not ac-
tually break irreparably with the
Soviet Union, then there are two
main lines of policy which we
should take. The one line is by
diplomatic measures to convince
the Russians that their, security
will not be threatened by an in-
dependent Poland. It may be that
in this connection the discussion
of a general European security
pact ought to be renewed.
The other line of policy is to
make available to Poland, not only
from this country but from West-
ern Europe as well, enough eco-
nomic assistance to see Poland
through the crisis of readjustment

which lies ; ahead. Poland will be
emerging from its status as a So-
viet colony, and this will involve
a difficult readjustment. We ought
to give much thought not only to
what economic aid will be needed
but also the question of how it
will be given, whether by us di-
rectly or by some kind of interna-
tional agency.
* * *
WE ARE LIVING in great days.
For we are witnessing the disso-
lution of the international struc-
ture of the post-war world. The
armistices of World War II, which
have never become a peace settle-
ment, left the world with two
great centers of power - the one
in Moscow and the other in Wash-
ington. The armistice lines of
1945, excepting only in China, be-
came the political and ideological
frontiers of the two worlds, and
behind them two great coalitions
were organized.
This post-war structure has
been breaking down on both sides
of the dividing line, and in the
past two years at a rapidly rising
tempo. We have become increas-
ingly aware that the power and
influence of the Western nations
is declining. Now we are seeing
the same essential process inside
the Soviet orbit.
** *
THE BREAK-UP of any order,
even so obviously provisional an
order as that of the post-war era,
is bound to mean widespread dis-
order - as witness the disorders
in Hungary, in Algeria, in Cyprus
and in Palestine and in Singapore.
What we must do is to keep in
mind, a good part of the time no
doubt in the back of our minds,
the central idea that an order of
things is dissolving and that a
new order to follow it is now
waiting to be conceived, and then.
brought into being.
1956 New York Herald Tribune Inc.

TWO Halloween-type films are
at the State Theatre now.
First is "The She Creature", a
cunning social satire, which gives
you the "authentic facts" about
age regression and soul transmi-
gration, whatever that is. Theo-
sophical Society members, psych
31 (tutorial) students, and zool-
ogy majors are invited to attend.
They will see, before their very
eyes, a pretty but simple young
girl transformed into a singularly
unattractive precursor, from out
of time, somewhere.
This prehistoriccreature, whose
picture you can see in the ad, is
alleged to be the prototype fe-
male. The nature of the attrac-
tion "she" had for the--prototype
male is not obvious, but, appar-
ently must have existed. Maybe
"she" was a good cook.
Villain, as usual a self-styled
Doctor, attempts to crash his
"girl" into high society, but is
rebuffed by a farm boy turned
Professor of Psychic Research,
who makes off with hypnotic sub-
ject, Andrea, for a wild life of
Iding it up.
* * *
WORLD" is more of a philosoph-
ical grabber.
Here we have an over-imagina-
tive scientist contacting Venus,
the planet, on his tube tester. His
friend there, a pot-bellied stove
with white fangs and bottle-open-
er arms comes to Earth to run
things ideal-like and abolish emo-
All the other, under-imagina-
tive, scientists are sceptical until
they get stung by wombats which
plant receivers in their heads so
they can get orders from the
stove, and, incidentally, lose what
emotions they have.
Fortunately, the over-imagina-
tive scientist has a friend, Paul
Bearer, who is chief scientist, but
well washed nevertheless.
Ths boy can shoot his wife when
she gets stung by a wombat, with
barely a qualm. Then, with a rare
show of inner strength, he wises
up the over-imaginative fellow
who promptly clobbers old pot-
belly with, of all things, a blow
torch. This, at least, is novel.
Film ends with Paul Standing
amidst the ruin of the US army
saying: "Man can FEEL, and that
is why we are the best race in
the Universe." Then he goes to
look for a new wife.
ALTHOUGH both films are sci-
entifically nauseating, nonethe-
less, it being Halloween, we shall
relax the rules somewhat and
award the Most Original Costume
prize to the pot-bellied stove from
Venus. Prize is a stoker.
-Marge Austin &
David Kessel

Department has tackled this knotty
problem and come as close to solv-
ing it as possible in its current
production of Augustin Daly's 1867
opus, "Under the Gaslight," sub-
titled, "A Totally Original and
Picturesque Drama of Life and
Love in These Times in Four Acts."
As seen on the Lydia Mendelssohn
stage, the old warnorse is pre-
dominately a delightful romp,
abounding in zest and fun, but the
production combines various meth-
ods of attack to sustain interest,
and the result is almost completely
DIRECTOR Jack E. Bender has
wisely seen fit to not let the play
stand on its own. There are, how-
ever, certain ingredients of the
melodrama that do come across
correctly when presented correctly.
We have a mellow combination of
both here, and the thanks go not
to the director, but to his fine
In fact, there are moments when
the sentiment is almost touching,
when the audience is inclined to
forget how silly it all is. But for
the most part, the audience is
having as much fun as the per-
formers. Last night's opening night
house was as spirited a group of
people as I have seen in Ann Ar-
bor. They quickly fell in with the
high style of the play, and were
soon hissing the villain with more
conviction than the Saturday
night crowds that hiss the films in
town. The hero was roundly
cheered, and at one point, when
a kindly character is in immediate
danger of being stabbed from be-
hind, one male member of the
collected assembly cried loudly,
"Watch out!"
The cast is uniformly excellent,
but special note must be given to
Kenneth Smith, who makes the
villain a creature of a thousand
delights, employing subtle nuances
of the voice, not-so-subtle naunces
of the elastic face, and various
comic devices to make Byke thor-
oughly loathsome and wonderful.
The real gem of the evening, how-
ever, is provided by Faith Pruch-
nicky, in a performance of the
heroine that can only be called
"stunning." She glides through the
play with fantastic grace, embody-
ing her character with warmth,
humor, and tenderness. It is cer-
tainly one of the best student por-
trayals that I have been privileged
to see.
Herbert Kline, as a bouncy good
fellow, Patricia Marthenke as a
wicked female Fagin, and d Fr,
Raymond Schneider as a bumbling
judge add to the hilarity. The
settings by 'Edward Andreasen are
both whimsical and ingenious, and
the costumes of Marjorie Smitl
are simply exquisite.
-David Newman
'Wild One'
MOVIE censorship takes a
strange twist in the new ver-
sion of "The Wild One" at the
Cinema Guild today and tomor-
row. This film, as viewed two pre-
vious times by this writer, was an
exciting and somewhat meaning-
ful story, portraying the inner
turmoils of the "delinquents" in
our society. In a new re-edited
form, the motion picture is trans-
formed into a 90-minute sermon
on the virtues of clean living.
Marlon Brando stars as the
leader of a group of black-jeck-
eted motorcyclists who invade a
small western town and engage in
a minor reign of terror. The town,

befuddled by the hoodlums and
poorly protected by a sole gunless
policeman, finally is rescued by
the masterful sheriff.
IN THE original version Bran-
do is seen as a confused, arro-
gant, over-grown boy ("I always
get what I watit!") who slowly
and genuinely comes to the reali-
zation that the world is not quite
as bad as he has conceived. it to
be. He is assisted i nthis awaken-
ing by the tender affections of
lonely, but cute, Mary Murphy.
THE NEW version of "The Wild
One" is unfortunately of the stim-
ulate-and-slap" school whisti
many of our cheaper magazines
follow. "Come - see. sex-and-

4 I





WHAT happened to the integration issue in
the presidential campaign?
This issue appeared to be of major or po-
tentially major importance last August around
convention time, but it seems to have played
only a small part in the speeches of the na-
tional candidates.
In fact, 'they have largely restricted their
statements on. civil rights issues to their
speeches in the South. Perhaps this would in-
dicate more accurately the nature of the
civil rights problem-almost entirely sectional,
rather than political.
The Republicans, preceding and during the
conventions, naturally enough, stood on their
record with regard to progress in desegregation.
Stevenson and his party, just as naturally, at-
tacked the record, though rather weakly and
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAlL GOLDSTEIN..............Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN..............Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK.........Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS................Features Editor
DAVID GREY...............................Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER............Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN.........Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON.....;.........Women's Editor
JANE fC}WLER....,..,......Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS................Women's Feature Editor
VERNON SODEN................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN.....Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH--.............. Adertidng Mannge

lack of speed

These attacks hit chiefly the
with which the& Eisenhwoer
was effecting civil rights legis-

rTHE platforms of the parties show little dif-
ference in treatment of the issue. Both
emphasize the dangers of trying to force in-
tegration in the South, and both emphasize a
need for public education and personal under-
standing of the problem.
But because integration and its attendant
problems occupy an important place in the
minds of thinking Americans, it looked as if
the issue would be whipped up to major pro-
portions, by politicians of both parties. This
hasn't happened. Eisenhower, if he talks about
it at all, still stands on the record of his ad-
ministration, and Stevenson, whenever he gets
down South, still attacks the record.
They leave the northern voter little on which
to decide. There is the stigma attached to
the Democrats by their cousins, the Dixiecrats,
who appear to. have antisocial tendencies in
an anti-integrationist direction. The Republi-
cans, on the other hand, have no such stigma,
though the statement of the Young Republi-
cans at an NAACP meeting Tuesday night,
that "the Republicans owe the South no pa-
tronage" (with regard to civil rights issues)
is somewhat exaggerated. The Republicans are
trying to get votes (votes equal patronage) in
the South about as hard as the Democrats are
trying to hang on to them.
THE fact also stands that the Republicans
haven't seized the initiative to enact strong,
enforceable civil rights legislation during their
And indication of the lack of issue are the
reports that the Negro vote, which one would

Proposal Arose From Diffused Generalities

(Ed. Note. This is the first in a
series of three articles summarizing
the stands made by the two major
candidates on various issues in the
SLECTION year 1956 may lack
a strong voter interest in the
issues but as the campaign closes,
candidates continue their attempts
to convince and persuade the re-
maining undecided voters into the
"proper" column.
Words, ranging from "truth,"
"forward looking", and 'idealism",
to "falsehoods," "irresponsible"
and "malicious" have been the
weapons as President Dwight D.
Eisenhower and his Democratic
opponent, Adlai Stevenson, rang-
ing over battlefields of foreign
policy, farm aid, education, and
the draft. Despite glare from the
exchanges the statements and is-
sues deserve examination.
Like many elections, the cam-
paign began slowly with diffused
generalities: the Republicans up-

1) The H-bomb already is so
powerful that a single bomb could
destroy the largest city.
2) If another country broke its
pledge, a hydrogen explosion could
easily be detected.
3) The tests and possible ef-
fects from radioactive fallout
could "cause the human race un-
measured damage."
4) The possible dangers if the
secret of making the H-bomb
would spread around the world.. .
and "if a dozen nations were con-
ducting H-bomb experiments and
wantonly thrusting radioactive
material into the atmosphere."
Mr. Stevenson denied that the
proposal would endanger national
security, for despite agreement on
halting the tests, "we would pro-
ceed with both the production of
weapons and further research." He
also maintains that the United
States would not be behind if an-
other power broke the agreement
because tests could be resumed in
"not more than 8 weeks."

trols for .any disarmament ar-
rangements. He pointed out that:
1) United States ability to, de-
ter' aggression would be lost if
we failed to hold the superiority in
nuclear weapons.
2) It is impossible, in view of
the huge land mass of the Soviet
Union, to have "positive assurance
of (explosion) detection, except in
the case of the largest weapons."
3) The fallout of radioactive
strontium, called strontium 90, in-
volved in "the continuance of the
present H-bomb testing - by the
most sober and responsible scien-
tific judgement - does not im-
peril the health of humanity.'
. 4) The United States would
suffer a serious military disad-
vantage if the Soviet Union vio-
lated a test ban, even if the U.S.
had continued its research and
preparataions." Even if such a
plan were "feasible," it requires a
"year or more to organize and ef-
fect such tests as those con-

ment consistent with national
safety. We can now anticipate
the possibility - hopefully but
responsibly - that within the
forseeable future, we can main-
tain the armed forces we need
without the draft."
President Eisenhower took the
stand that "when you use the
word 'forseeable' . . . that is sub-
ject to a number of interpreta-
tions., But in the immediate fu-
ture, no, I see no chance of ending
the draft and carrying out the re-
sponsibilities for the security of
this country that must be carried
Later, Mr. Stevenson expanded
his position and suggested that a
professional, specially trained,
highly paid volunteer defense
corps might replace the draft.
"Defense is now so complex, its
demand for highly skilled and
specialized manpower so great,
that the old fashioned conscript
army, is becoming less and less
suiite tn the needs of modern


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