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September 17, 1956 - Image 32

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Michigan Daily, 1956-09-17

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-Daily--John Hirtze1
ROSH WEEKEND-Maize and Blue Teams comprised of fresh-
an women compete in a weekend of fun. Each team presents
dance and a floorshow, with the judging based on publicity,
ecorations, tickets sold, programs, and expenditures.

--Daily-Sam Ching
SOPHOMORE SHOW-Men and women will be combining their
talents to produce a new and original musical show, replacing the
all co-ed Sophomore Scandals of previous years. The central com-
mittee for the coming production has already been chosen.

-Daily-Sam Ching
JUNIOR GIRLS' PLAY--Each year the junior women combine
their talents to completely and independently produce an ori-
ginal play. Shown above is Joan Holmberg, singing lead of last
year's show, 'Rising High."I

SENIOR NIGHT-A night of fun and festivities is presented
annually for and by the senior women. Part of the tradition of
this event is when the "unattached" women throw pennies into
the wishing well before their departures.

eague Offers Opportunities for Men,



Present Class

Annual highlights of League ac-
vities include the presentation of
ie four class projects: Frosh
'eekend, Sophomore Show, Jun-
r Girls' Play and Senior Night.
All these activities are presented
y women, except for the newly
vamped Sophomore Show which
now a joint project of both men
id women students.
rosh Weekend...
For students who want to meet
ew people, take part in activities
id have loads of fun, Frosh
eekend is the event to remember.
The fun begins when all fresh-
an women draw for teams,
'aize or Blue, at League Night
wring Orientation Week.
Frosh Weekend is two evenings
fun and frolic in April when the
aize and Blue Teams each pre-
nt an all-campus dance.
Original Musical Floorshow
Highlighting the evening is an
iginal musical floorshow, writ-
n and produced by coeds of each
The Central Committees indi-

'vidually select a theme which is
carried out in all phases of the
dances. Each team strives to pre-
sent the best all-around dance,
judged on decorations, budget,
floorshow, tickets, programs and
lvery freshman woman has the
opportunity to petition. and in-
terview. for a position on a Cen-
tral Committee composed of the
chairman of each individual com-
mittee. No experience is needed,
just enthusiasm and the desire to
pitch in and work.
Mass Meeting Held
At a mass meeting of all
Freshman women, the Central
Committees of Maize and Blue
combine to put on skits and ex-
plain the work of the commit-
tees. At this time, everyone signs
up for their chosen committee
and meetings begin shortly after.
After weeks of preparation, the
big weekend arrives. To every-
one's surprise and delight, the
floorshows appear professional in
style. After the two big nights, the
freshmen anxiously await the an-
nouncement of the winning team.
Amid the excitement and fer-
vor of this year's Frosh Weekend,

the Maize Team was named win-
ner for its presentation of an orig-
inal skit, "Maize Madness."
Yelloise's "Hive-A-Wys"
In the League Ballroom, Yello-
ise's Hive-A-Ways, coeds and their
dates danced to the,music of Paul
Brodie and his orchestra while an
atmosphere of buzzing bees and
colorful spring flowers prevailed.
Students, dressed in anything
from sweaters and skirts to formal
dresses, laughed and applauded as
the Maize Team presented their
skit. The theme revolved around
"Yelloise," a little yellow bug'
whose fatal bite gives everybody
in Maizeville a bad case of "Maize
Coeds performing in front of a
backdrop of spring flowers, dressed
in uniforms, pink party dresses
and black leotards, danced and
sing their way to winning fame.
Vivid Flowers
In the center of the dance floor,
spring flowers, made of cardboard
and painted different vivid colors,
stood around a beehive while yel-
low balloons with jovial bee faces
buzzed above the flowers.
Programs in the shape of bee-
hives, with a little black bee pop-
ping out, were handed to each
coed by 'a young lady dressed in a
maize colored gown, carrying yel-
low roses.
The Blue Team presented their
skit Friday, April 29. Coeds dressed
in blue outfits sang about the Em-
bassy which needed a leader. Aft-
er finding a coed to meet the qual-
ifications, they are sadly disap-
pointed when she decides to marry
a Michigan State University man,
portrayed by a coed with her front
teeth blacked out.
An effective part of the decora-
tions consisted of a mannequin,


dressed in a blue sweater and dark
skirt standing on a soap box, cam-
paigning heartily.
Large crowds stood around ad-
miring the scenery, drinking cokes
at small tables set up in the hall
and having their pictures taken.
The judges for the event were'
Assistant Dean of Men John Bing-
ley, Sue Arnold, newly-elected
president of the League, and Hank
Berliner, past president of SGC.
They were classified as "Bewil-
dered Bugs" in the Maize Team
Comments Plesing
Miss Arnold commented, "I
couldn't have been more pleased.
Both shows showed much effort
and work," while Dean Bingley
added, "It's good fun."
General chairman for the Maize'
Team was Donna Wickham and
leading the Blue Team was Gerry
As a wonderful climax to the
weekend a joint cast party was
Sophomore Show...
For the first time on the Uni-
versity's campus, the men and
women of the sophomore class are
combining their time and talents
to produce a new original musi-
This new Soph Show grew out
of the former Soph Scandals which
was a production sponsored by the
Women's League and produced
solely by the women of the soph-
omore class.
This year, after the completion
of Soph Scandals, the coeds got
together 4nd decided that the show
might have more appeal and also
be more fun if it were a coed pro-
Males Selected
A few males were selected from
the Interfraternity Council and
Inter-House Council to aid in set-
ting up this new project. Using
the profits from last year's show,
this enthusiastic group began for-
mulating plans last January. Af-
ter they were fully organized, they
publicized a mass meeting for all
prospective sophomores.
At this meeting, announcement
was made of the show's progress
so far and positions open for pe-
titioning were explained. Besides
general chairman, the committees
were secretary, treasurer, direc-
tors, production, costumes, make-
up, music, dance, script, publici-
ty and programs.
Each of these committees offer-
ed an opportunity for a male and
coed to assume responsibility.

In May, the new Central Com-
mittee was chosen with Nancy
Brecht and Hank Kerr as general
chairmen. Included on the com-
mittee were Earl Duryes, Maureen
Murphy, Richard Herron, Mary
Beth Wyss, Jim Richman, Gretel
Bailey, Tony Martin and Karen
Also on the committee were San-
dy Russell, Jordan Lewis, Lois Cur-
tis, Bruce Hoffman, Shirley Hutte,
Robert Gantzos, Judy Harbeck,
Scott Florence, Jean Willoughby,
Byron Gold, Pat Kelley, Robert Ar-
nove, Liz Erskine and Wayne
The new committee decided that
they needed professional aid in
making this new project a suc-
cess. A contract was drawn up and
signed by Ted Heusel, a profes-
sional director who has worked
with many summerstock compan-
ies. The student directors, Gretel
Bailey and Jim Richman, will still
have full authority plus the ad-
vantage of professional advice
when they need it.
House "Sparkplug"
Last spring, the publicity com-
mittee established a representa-
tive system. A member was se-
lected from every hpusing unit on
campus to be the spark plug in
his house or dorm. It is the duty
of every representative to' make
sure that everyone knows what the
show is and what opportunities
it affords interested sophomores.
There are parts in the musical
ranging from leads to choruses.
There are also those behind-the-
scene jobs that are equally impor-
tant. Individuals for publicity
stunts, soliciting advertisers, sell-
ing tickets, ushering, painting
scenery and posters, constructing
props, making costumes and aiding
with makeup are needed. Further
explanation of these jobs and oth-
er details will be announced at the
mass meeting Monday, Sept. 24.
This important mass meeting for
Soph Show will provide an oppor-
tunity for all sophomores to sign
up for work on the various com-
mittees and also tryout hours will
be announced.
Sophomores Meet
The Central Committee of Soph
Show urges everyone to take some
small part in it. This will give
sophomores a chance to get to
know the rest of their class.
The idea of making the show
coed is new on campus this year
and is hoped to set a tradition
which will be followed in years
to come. Its success is dependent,
however, on all the sophomores
who work on the show and on

those students who come and see
the show.
The first performance will be
held Nov. 15 with additional per-
formances on Nov. 16 and 17.
The planning committee and the
central committee of Soph Show
are both enthusiastic. They know
the possibilities this show has of
becoming not only the first coed
class project but a very successful
They hope to see a large turn-
out at the mass meeting Monday,
Sept. 24, in the League.
Junior Girls' Play...
Attention, junior women trans-
Do you like to dance and sing?
Do you enjoy designing or sewing?
Are you creatively inclined? Or do
you just enjoy working together
with a group of fellow coeds?
If any of these things interest
you or if you have a small place
in your heart for music, bright
lights and grease paint, then
JGP is for you.
"What is JGP?" It is the Jun-
ior Girls Play, one of the oldest
traditions on the Michigan cam-
In 1904, six junior women staged
the first production in Barbour
Gymnasium in honor of the grad-
uating senior women. This small
skit was the outgrowth of a sug-
gestion by Mrs. Myra Jordan,
Dean of Women at that time, to
the juniors to entertain the "staid
On Road
Since that time JGP has grown
into a full-fledged musical produc-
tion which occasionally goes on
the road, playing in Detroit. It
has outgrown the stage in Barbour
Gym and has moved to the Lydia

Mendelssohn Theatre where bet-
ter facilities and more space, are
Until 1923, JGP was presented
exclusively to an all coed audi-
ence. Now, however, it is open to
the whole campus.
-The first performance each year,
is given for the senior women, who
attend a senior dinner and then
parade to the League, after which
they view the play for the first
Repeat Parts
The coeds have the prerogative
of asking for a line, a scene, or
evenan entire act repeated.
Before the play, the seniors hold
a ceremony where pinned women
carry pins, engaged women carry
candles, married women suck lem-
ons and unattached women throw
pennies, one for every year of their
life, into a wishing well.
The plot of the play is kept se-
cret until this first performance.
Other performances include a
matinee on Saturday afternoon
and presentations on Friday and
Saturday evenings.
College Themes
Most of the themes have cen-
tered around college life in some
way or form. But in 1949 this tra-
dition was broken by the produc-
tion entitled, "Fate of the Union."
Since that year even more univer-
sal settings have been used.
A mass meeting is held in the
fall during which junior coeds are
given a complete picture of JGP.
At this meeting they also may sign
up for work on the various com-
mittees which include costumes,
props, stage crew, make-up, ush-
ers, publicity, tickets, programs
and posters.
Another meeting is held later in

Senior Night...

Another annual
which is presented
is Senior Night, an
and festivities for
senior women.

class project
by the League
evening of fun
all University

During the evening, .the coeds
have planned and completely or-
ganized a dinner in which all can
meet friends and renew old ac-
quaintances for the last time be-
fore they graduate.
Part of the events of the even-
ing include speeches and some-
times skits. Then, as the senior
women prepare to leave, those who
are "unattached" throw a. penny
into a wishing well, and make a
wish for the future.
During this ceremony the pinned
women carry safety pins, engaged
women carry candles and married
women suck lemons.
Then all the senirs attend the
premier performance of the Jun-
ior Girls' Play. During the play,
the coeds may call out "Repeat,"
for a particular part which they
liked, and the junior women must
go over that part again.
The dinner before the play is
usually held in the League and
reservations must be obtained be-

the fall at which tryouts are con-
ducted for the various parts in the
play. At this time the leads and
the singing and dancing choruses
are selected.
However, Junior Girls Play isn't
just for the junior girls. It is pre-
sented with the hope that it will
provide good entertainment for
the rest of the campus whether
you are a senior med student or a
freshman in the lit school.

Group Works on Service Proet


The League Community Services
Committee offers coeds an oppor-
tunity t6 contribute their services
in various campus and community
During the first two weeks of
the fall semester, a questionnaire
will be sent to all women on cam-
pus by the committee.
Interested students will then
have an opportunity to indicate
the type of volunteer work which
they prefer.
Recruits Volunteers
The committee helps recruit vol-
unteers for several areas from the

information received on these
Women are needed to be host-
esses at parties for the patients at
the Speech Clinic. Acting as host-
esses at the weekly Veterans Re-
adjustment Center dances, coeds
will have a chance to catch up on
the latest dance steps while also
rendering a valuable service.
Another area in which the Com-
munity Services Committee par-
ticipates is that of recruiting wait-
resses to serve at various League
teas and banquets. This type of
job is paid by the hour.
Hospital Volunteers
A very important aspect of the
committee's activities is its Hos-
pital Volunteer Service program.
Women who can contribute two or
three hours a week are needed for
this type of work.
There are opportunities for vol-
unteer workers in most of the de-
partments of the University Hos-
pital and Out-Patient Clinic.
The hospital volunteer performs
such jobs as writing letters, shop-
ping for and reading to patients.

Other duties may include as-
sisting teachers and chaplains;
wheeling children to and from
school and taking the library
carts to patients' bedsides.
Next year, this committee hopes
to accomplish a great deal in the
way of educating the women's
housing units by having house
projects. These programs could in-
clude parties for children at the
children's unit of the Neuropsy-
chiatric Institute, parties for the
children at the Michigan Chil-
dren's Institute and for children
at the Dunbar Center.
In addition, volunteer service
also affords fun and personal en-
joyment to those who offer their
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