04r mtrhtgan Batty Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON NAHRGANG Israeli Move Toward Suez Reflected By Surprise, Concern, THE ISRAELI attack on Egypt has struck a Does Israel believe that the sympathies of note of surprise and great concern in many the United States would offset our pledge to aid world capitals. Reports coming out of Wash- the victim of aggression? The Jewish state ington, Paris and London are dismayed with must have considered this question before the "audacity" of the Israeli army lunging attacking. Also entering into the decision across Egypt's Sinai Desert in the advance on to attack is the present animosity between the Suez Canal. France and Britain and the Egyptian nation Second only to the note of surprise was the caused by the canal dispute, the sponsorship recognition of the complexity of the situation of the Jewish state by the U.S. and Great brought about by the Israeli move. Britain in the UN, and the British alliance with Jordan. Israel was created in May, 1948, over the Also to be noted is the fact that Soviet Russia objections of the Arab states. Hostility between is busy quelling riots and disturbances in her the two can be traced back to century long satellites. Trouble in Hungary and Poland may cultural and religious differences, which have discourage Russia from getting involved in the increased since the creation of the Jewish Middle East. Added to this is the present unrest state. in Jordan and the disagreement between Iraq That Israel is the aggressor in this action and Egypt. is a point which must be considered. Assuming However, the possibility of an array of the that marching into the territory of another great powers through legal commitments or nation in hopes of conquest of a part of that sympathy with Egypt opposing Israel must be nation is an act of aggression, it is then evident considered. The fact of Israel fighting United that the Jewish state is the aggressor in this States, Great Britain, France, Russia and the instance. Arab world is unrealistic. It is inconceivable The two super powers in the world, the U.S. that the Israeli nation knowing that this situa- and Russia, have declared in deed if not in tion was probable would attack the Egyptians. actual alliances where their sympathies lay. The Reds in the 'Czech-Egyptian arms agree- Dismissing this problem, the question of what ment of 1945 gave indication that their sympa- Israel has to gain by her actions must be con- thies lay with the Arab states. The U.S. while sidered. A preventive war which would draw not actually supplying the Jewish state with U.S., Britain and France in on the side of Israel military aid made it clear that no objection because of sympathy for her cause and antag- would be made if her western allies would sup- onism toward Nasser may be a reason for the ply arms. This resulted in the sale of Canadian action. planes and tanks to the state of Israel. Secondly the possibility arises that Great Britain and, or, France encouraged Israel to The United States has made it clear in march into the canal zone promising military statements by Secretary of State John Foster and economic aid. Assuming Egypt would be Dulles and President Dwight D. Eisenhower hesitant to move for fear of starting a global that it will stand by its May, 1950 pledge to aid war, the canal might easily be seized by Israel. any victim of aggression in the Middle East. This would leave the canal in the hands of the This would mean that while the United States' Israeli nation, or in the hands of the West, and sympathies may be with the state of Israel, it severely damage Nasser's prestige in the Middle is legally obligated to aid Egypt if it is to East. stand by the terms of its pledge. It is also interesting to note the position of AT PRESENT, it is too early to tell why Israel and the United Nations. The Israeli Israel took aggressive action or what the state was formed by the United Nations under consequences of the march will be. Solution the sponsorship of the United States and Great to the problem will be attempted first of all Britain. These two nations assumed responsi- through the UN. An effort to contain Israel bility for the new democratic state and aided and keep the war from spreading throughout it in an advisory capacity. A common bond the Middle East will be made. of democracy exists between the United States Should this fail, the United States must be and Israel. prepared to fulfill its commitments either through economic sanctions or possibly military ANO'THER FACTOR in the complex problem actions. is the nationalization of the Suez Canal by The possibility of a global war can be seen Egypt's Nasser. The United States and the with the U.S., Britain and France lining up western powers objected violently to the move with the Israeli state and disregarding their but didn't take any forceful action. The Canal pledge with Russia coming to the aid of Egypt User's Association was set up to protest the and the Arab state. The possibility of this Egyptian action and to seek a solution to the happening is unlikely since both powers are problem. The Users Association still has not afraid of a full scale war. solved the problem and the West is still not The present situation is extremely complex. reconciled to Egypt's nationalization of the The immediate implications for the Middle East canal. Again the U.S. is put in the difficult and the world are frightening. The United position of being caught between two forces. States and her fellow western allies must tread The U.S. must aid Egypt to abide by the pledge a difficult line of separating the Egyptians terms, yet foreign policy does not condone and the Arab states from the Israeli government seizure of the canal, and forces. In addition to the elements of surprise and Unless this balance is kept the possibility the complexity in the situation the Israeli of an end to the cold war and a beginning motivation in marching into the Sinai Desert to an all out global war is possible. must be examined. --CAROL PRINS INTERPRETING THE NEWS: U.S. Not Calling Plays "Boy, Have They Got A Personality Cult Over Here!" stt - s 1 SMRM \ i. Q S {N os-rc- o HOUSING STUDY: Two Major Conflicts In SGC Proposal By DAVID TARR Daily Staff Writer STUDENT Government Council tonight will continue discussion of a proposal to study dormitory financing - a study that could have far-reaching significance for the University. But a dfiference of opinions on at least two aspects of the study can be expected before definite action is taken. Agreement is lacking among Council members first on the scope and purpose of the study, and secondly on the possibility that the Student Affairs Committee, which would conduct the study, may be duplicating the work of similar groups. SGC members have pointed out three reasons why the study, which the motion said would "investigate all phases of financing of Residence Halls at the University," could be of great importance. They are: ARAB-ISRAELI DISPUTE: Roots Developed Over Many Years By MARY ANN THOMAS Daily Feature Editor ISRAEL'S invasion of Egypt is the culmination of more than 50 years of tensions surrounding the establishment of a national home for the Jews in Palestine. But roots of the problem de- veloped much earlier. Since the revolt of Bar Kochba in A.D. 135 when the Romans es- tablished the Christian religion in Palestine, and more specifically since the rise of Islam in A.D. 632 Jewish people have been forced to 'wander the earth'. Although they settled in many countries throughout the Middle East and Western world, return to their former home in Pales- tine has always been the foremost ideal of a majority of Jews. But it was not until the late nine- teenth centurythat, persecuted in many European countries such as Russia and Poland, nationalis- tic feeling caught hold and the Zionist Movement started to urge a return to Palestine. * * * AT THIS TIME began a steady movement to start colonies of European Jews in the Arab coun- try supported mainly by non. political and philanthropic causes. But Zionism was given greater impetus when in 1917 Great Brit- ain declared its 'sympathy with the Jewish Zionist aspirations' in the Balfour Declaration. Made a British Mandate after World War I, Palestine was at last destined to become the de- sired National Home for the world's Jewry. Great Britain, how- ever, was also confronted with its somewhat contradictory pledges to the newly independent Arab nations that "nothing shall be done to prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non- Jewish communities in Palestine." Thus, from 1920 to World War II, Great Britain was constantly faced with rising Arab resentment and even open resistance to a Na- tional Jewish homeland in a coun- try that had been theirs for more than 13 centuries. * * * AND ON THE other hand Zion- ists in Europe and especially the United States were subjecting Great Britain to increased pres- sure to allow more Jews into Pal- estine. By the end of World War II tension was such that Britain could no longer compromise and in 1947 she turned the problem over to the United Nations. Arab-Israeli hostilities had bro- ken out even before Britain gave up its mandate; and when the UN divided the area into Jewish and Arab states, Jewish and Arab forces moved in for all out war. War then raged full scale with hardy Jewish forces gaining the upper hand against weak and dis- unified Arab armies. When the armistice was signed in 1949, Is- rael was in control of nearly all the territory of former Palestine. * * * AND THIS has been 'the situa- tion until this year. It has been an uneasy peace: since Gamal Abdul Nasser came to power in 1953 and succeeded in getting the British out of Suez, Arab economic sanc- tions have kept Israel in financial difficulties; and constant border skirmishes instigated by both Arabs and Jews have only served to heighten hostilities. Since the armistice, however, several diplomatic maneuvers oc- curred which figure prominently in the present crisis. I In 'the Tripartite Agreement of 1950, the United States, Great Britain and France pledged them- selves to limit arms shipments to both the Arab nations and Israel in an effort to keep the military balance in the Middle East, and they further pledged to 'take ac- tion' against anyone guilty of fu- ture aggression in the dispute. Russia entered its bid for favor in the Middle East first when it vetoed the Security Council's res- olution in 1954 permitting Israel to build a Jordan River power pro- ject over Syrian protests. Russia carried through on its desire for power and influence in the area when it and its satellites sold badly needed arms to Egypt in 1955. * * * ALSO IN 1955 considerable anti- western feeling was stirred up among the Arab nations when Iraq, longtime rival of Egypt for leadership of the Arab World, joined Britain, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan in the Baghdad Pact. Egypt countered this move by refusing to join a Middle East De- fense Command similar to NATO and by organizing its own defense pact with Syria, Saudia Arabia and later Jordan. Although an- tagonistic to the West after years under European domination, the Arab states were even more afraid of Israeli expansionism than of Russia. Early this year, Arab-Israeli border clashes had grown so in number and-seriousness that the UN sent Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold to obtain a cease- fire from Israel and the Arab States. By April he was success- ful and prospects for permanent settlement of the Arab-Israeli dispute grew. Egypt's nationalization of the Suez Canal Company July 26 had no immediate effects on the Arab- Israeli dispute, although it is now speculated that Britain and France may have instigated Israel's at- tack in order to get its troops back into the Suez area. * * * 1) THE SIZE of the Residence Hall system affects the availabil- ity and rent rates of other housing on campus. As room and board rates" rise in dormitories, students move out and increase apartment demand, enabling landlords to raise rents. 2) The Residence Halls may be the key to future University ex- pansion in that students who come here must be housed. 3) Through the Michigan House Plan the Residence Halls play an important part in the education of the student. Of the two conflicts encoun- tered in consideration of the study, the first, scope and purpose of the committee, is probably the most pronounced. * * * MEMBERS OF SGC who pro- posed the study, Joe Collins and Lew Engman, want it only for the information that it would give to other SGC members. Collins claims that there pro- bably are only five members of the Council out of 18 with much knowledge of the Residence Halls system and its financing. They do not intend the study to initiate any SGC action or recommenda- tions about the system although they concede these might develop as a by-product. The study, as proposed in the motion, would consider the pres- ent self-liquidation plan (by which Residence Halls are financed by student room and board pay- ments), University Residence Halls compared to other systems of comparable size, the present dormitory system and its relation- ship to rising enrollment, and other plans of financing. But Robert Warrick, president of Inter-House Council sees the study in a considerably different light. He envisions the committee con- ducting a long range estimate of the amount of housing space that can be expected in Ann Arbor and in the University community in addition to Residence Halls. This estimate would be compared with predicted enrollment and the number of students that couldn't be housed in the community would thereby determine, basical- ly, the number of new Residence Halls needed. AFTER THE Residence Hall need has been determined a dis- cussion can begin to determine whether the self-liquidating plan will adequately finance the new dorms. Warrick would also like to see SGC take action or make recom- mendations in the housing and financing area. Informed sources say littJe housing assistance can be ex- pected from the affiliated system, which appears fairly static, and only minor help can be contri- buted by the co-ops. Ann Arbor housing growth also is fairly sta- tic compared to Residence Halls and expected enrollment. The second major conflict is that two other committees work- ing in the area of University hous- ing may duplicate the SGC com- mittee's work. The first is the University Housing Committee, which, Col- lins explains, "is not even in the area of finance in Residence Halls but concerned more with the over- all problem of housing all the stu- dents and not with how to solve it in dollars and cents." The other committee is one ap- proved by the Board of Governors of the Residence Halls at their last meeting to "consider the en- tire area of room and board rates" This committee grew out of the $20 room and board raise contro- versy last spring. * * * SPONSORS OF the proposed SGC study say they believe little overlapping will occur among the committees but Warrick heartily disagrees. He had the motion to establish the SGC study tabled until tonight's meeting to gain time to plan correlation of the work of the three groups. Warrick claims the Board's com- mittee will have to start their in- vestigation with the present and predicted availability of space in the Ann Arbor community despite the fact that it is mandated only to study the area of room and board rates. He believes that the amount of housing space available in Ann Arbor outside of dorms will de- termine the number of Residence Halls to be built which will, in turn, affect room and board rates because of the self-liquidation plan the University uses. This is basically the line of investigation he sees the Board's committee fol- lowing and is exactly the same as that he envisions from the SGC committee. THE BOARD'S committee will be composed of two students close to the housing situation, two ad- ministrative officials and two fac- ulty members. Warrick has said he believed the Board committee would be better able to obtain information about financing of the Residence Halls and that the SGC study and the Housing Committee would be bet- ter able to consider the problem of local housing in the city. He said there are certain areas in the field of University housing with which SGC should concern itself, but a study of anticipated housing capacity must come be- fore an extended consideration of financing of Residence Halls. The point where there is the most agreement is the definite need for a study, and a study by some group, such as SGC, which can lend its prestige to emphasiz- ing the importance of the housing problem. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) Marketing Management work within the framework of Advertising and Sales Promotion. On-the-job training. Ap- plicants need only be interested in a career in Business. Wed., Nov. 7 National Bank of Detroit, Mich; - men in Bus.Ad., Acctg., Econ., Law, Commerce, Psych., Soc. Science, or Lib- eral Arts for Credit Analysis Training, Investment. Trust Aide, or Mgt. Train- ing. A complete banking service includ- ing commercial loans, consumer credit, commercial and savings accounts, mortgages, foreign banking, safe de- posits and trust facilities. The Procter & Gamble Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio - ComptrollerstDivision - men with majors in Acctg., or men with only basic Acctg, courses with other majors, for Administrative Training Program. Initial training cov- ers period from one to three years, consisting of two separate programs: one in Cost Acctg. Dept. and one in Internal Auditing Dept. Army Medical Service Officer Pro- curement - Women with B.S. In Phys. Ed. or the Physical or Biological Sci- ences for Physical Therapy Training at Brooke Army Hospital, Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. Group meeting at 4 p.m. Esso Research & Engrg. Labs, Lin- den, N.J.-men with B.S. M.S. or Ph.D. in Employee Relations for Employee Relations Research and Special Studies. Seventh U.S. Civil Service Region -- men and women any degree in any field for various positions throughout 'U.S. Positions include Admin., Organ- ization an, Methods Examining, Pro- duction Planning, Communications, Library Science, Personnel, Budgeting, Fishery Biology, Soil Science, Agricul- ture, wildlife Biology, Economics, So- rin fnipnp M.rkvin4 5a~ti+4tir.5_ +. A i Ai 4! A By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst BRITAIN AND FRANCE have now taken the ball completely away from the United States and the United Nations in the Middle East. From protesting Israel's invasion. of Egypt, Washington has turned to protesting the ac- tions of her chief allies. There is a serious split. There is no reason to believe that American representations will be successful. France and Britain, with France in the lead, have wanted immediate and forceful interven- tion at Suez ever since Egypt's decree national- izing the canal. THE UNITED STATES held out for negotia- tion and for a time won its point. War was delayed. Then Israel invaded Egypt, bolstered by French arms in quantities which American au- thorities believed far exceeded those they had Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER, Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN.....Associate Business Manager WILTTAM PTTASC.................Aer1.ine Manage,. approved when the United States refused ship- ments herself. The United States and Soviet Russia, the former having long attempted neutrality and the latter on the side of the Arabs, cried "stop," and appealed to the United Nations in the hope of bringing to bear an overwhelming public opinion, plus the threat of sanctions. Britain and France also cried "stop," with a proviso that, if their wishes were not heeded, they would occupy the canal zone by force- which was just what they had been wanting to do all the time. Later it was announced that the two countries would move "token" forces into the zone even if the fighting stopped. There was no immediate indication that the British and French had consulted or even noti- fied the United States. The Anglo-French decision immediately obvi- ated the effect of anything the United Nations might have done. IF THE BRITISH-FRANCE ultimatum worked, they would have accomplished the objective toward which the United States was heading through established channels. The American effort was to induce Israel to reconsider. By tagging Israel as the aggressor, and reiterating her pledge to support the victims of aggression, the United States had faced the possibility of giving Egypt some sort of aid in a war. This is a potentially dangerous domestic political issue. What effect, if any it may have on the Eisen- hower administration's fortunes in next week's elections cannot be foreseen. If Israel did not stop, the British were in position to exercise their treaty right to return to the canal zone in case Egypt were attacked. 4 AT THE MICHIGAN: Inside James Mason STANLEY QUARTET: Quintet Highlight "BIGGER Than Life" is a story about a nice fellow named Ed Avery, who, with the help of a miracle drug improperly used, cleaves his personality neatly in two and half the time acts just like James Mason. His wife and son can only observe with horror as he methodically destroys his teaching career, his home, and is saved from annihilating part of his family only by a timely black- out. It is an occasionally scenic journey through the wilds of psy- chosis. The way in which the trip is launched is something else. The villain in the story is the misuse of Cortisone, prescribed in this case as a cure for some ill-defined and fatal disease. The documentation here is daringly intimate as the audience is al- lowed to see cast on an X-ray screen a swallow of barimrdes- a habit-forming drug, is harmful only in certain forms and in iso- lated cases. It is unfortunate that the flim-makers, having run the gamut of alcoholism, drug addic- tion and proceeded into the sub- ject of mental illness, feel the need to deliver an attack on a real medical advance. An attempt is made, of course, to define "use" as contrasted with "misuse", but the calm explanation of the Doc- tor is hardly effective against scenes of the victim in a homici- dal rage. A comon fault with movies based on exaggerated problems is that they are of necessity over- acted. Only in this area does the film begin to live up to its am- biguous title. No nuance of agony resulting from folksy people in the grip of a personal monster - -nn 11"1 .711"(r a . fo m. i r~nr T HE superiority of Michigan's School of Music faculty is sel- dom exhibited as well as it was at last night's concert by the Stanley Quartet. The high point of the evening was the performance of Mozart's Quintet in A major for clarinet, two violins, viola, and cello. The clarinet parts were superbly played by Albert Luconi. It is not often that one hears such a won- derfully smooth, velvety clarinet tone as that produced by Mr. Lu- coni. The beautiful sustained pas- sages of the Larghetto movement sounded as though they must have been inspired by some heavenly power. In the final movement the fast running passages flowed un- faltering from Mr. Luconi's clar- inet. Perfectly complementing the great clarinet playing, the quartet always blended their tones with the wondwind and vet atall times solo passages. These were exe- cuted very nicely by the quartet. On the whole, the work is quite beautiful. However, Mr. Finney seems to be able to handle the slow, melodic passages better than the fast which tended to be rath- er disjunct. The quartet gave a very nice reading to this exceed- ingly difficult score. The p r o g r a m opened with Beethoven's Quartet in F major, Op. 18, No. 1. ** * ALTHOUGH the Stanley Quar- tet is not as well known as some organizations of this kind it ranks among the best. It is a pity that more people don't attend its con- certs. Last night's audience was far from the size which a perfor- mance of this high quality merits. Perhaps the recognition of the organization and the School of Music would be increased if re- 1.