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October 31, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-31

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Latest Deadline in the State cMDY, SHOWERS




Tactics Hit Budapest; Red Forces Hold






Soviets Plan
To Discuss
Hungarian News Says
Revolutionary Troops
Liberated Minszenty
By The Associated Press
Heavy explosions and small arms
fire rocked central Budapest early
today as the deadline neared for
Soviet troops to get out or be
bombed by the Hungarian air
Guerrilla fighting continued in
the streets.
Nationalists w e r e apparently
keeping up their vengeance hunt
for members of the hated AVH
security police.
A rebel leader told a reporter
that the nationalists are deter-
mined to exterminate the corps
which once numbered about 30,000.
To Discuss Troops
The Soviet government an-
nounced last night it is ready to
discuss the disposition of Soviet
troops in Hungary, Poland and
Romania with other Warsaw Pact
An official announcement said
that as a first step it has ordered
its forces to evacuate Budapest
"as soon as this is considered
necessary by the Hungarian gov-
The official Hungarian News
Agency had announced that Josef
Cardinal Mindszenty was liberated
by Hungarian revolutionary troops
and is on his way to Budapest.
Mindszenty Out
The Roman Catholic primate of
Hungary was arrested the day af-
ter Christmas 1948 by the Commu-
nist government of Hungary. He
was sent to prison for life on al-
leged treason and black market
charges after a trial in February
Diplomatic observers interpret-
ed the conciliatory tone of Mos-
cow's unusual declaration as in-
dicating the Soviet Union was
seeking a graceful way out of an
increasingly embarrassing situa-
The statement was accompanied
by the uncharacteristic acknowl-
edgement that "the further pres-
ence of Soviet armed units in
Hungary may cause even further
aggravation of the situation."
Ultimatum Issued
The Hungarian Air Force had
issued an ultimatum it would at-
tack the Russian units if they
were not out by 4 a.m., yesterday.
There was no report on the sit-
uation as that deadline passed.
The government of Premier Imre
Nagy has made repeated promises
the Russians would leave.
The Premier again pledged this
in a radio address late last night.
But skeptical Hungarians an-
nounced they won't believe any-
thing the new government, says
until the Russians actually leave.
Lef ever Cites
Biased Writing
Of Campaign
"Is it possible for a paper to take
an editorial position on any sub-
ject and at the same time give
the reader a fair and accurate ac-
count in its news columns?"
This question was raised last
night by Dr. Ernest W. Lefever,

instructor in international affairs
and American government at the
University of Maryland.
Lefever struck out at Time Mag-
azine and its coverage of the cur-
rent campaign.
He called Time i . . . one big

Stevenson Labels GOP
Campaigning 'Phoney'
PHILA.DELPHIA (AF) - Adlal E. Stevenson yesterday told a'
cheering, overflow crowd of estimaterat 20,000 that the Republicans
are running a "phoney and deceitful" campaign.
He said their objective is "to get one man elected president so
that another man - or group of men - can run the country."
The Democratic presidential candidate spoke in the Palestra,
the University of Pennsylvania's sports arena. Police Commissioner
Thomas Gibbons supplied the estimate of the crowd, which was 8,000
more than the actual seating capacity.
Would Call For Impeachment
After ticking off a long list of times when he said President
Dwight D. Eisenhower was hunting or golfing in critical moments
" n this country's history, Stevenson
raised applause and cheers when
SGC illhe said:
"If a Democratic president roll-
ed up a record like that .Eisen-
Reconsider hower's every newspaper in the
country would call for his im-
Dorm Motion peachment."
Yesterday Stevenson went
Student Government Council stronger on a point he hasn't hit

will reconsider a motion to in-
vestigate residence halls financing
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
The motion, tabled last week,
provides that the Campus Affairs
Committee, in cooperation with the
Housing Committee, investigate all
phases of residence halls financ-
ing and report back to SGC early
in January.
The Council will also consider
Student Forums, probably to re-
volve around a central topic once
every three weeks.
Student Forums were provided
for in the original Student Gov-
ernment Council plan, which stip-
ulates that one of SGC's functions
is "to provide orderly means for
student discussion of campus is-
sues, particularly by means of a
forum." To date, the Council has
done little in this area.
The Council will also reconsider
a military counseling motion with-
drawn last week. The motion pro-
vided that the Education and Soc-
ial Welfare Committee investigate
the adequacy of military counsel-
ing at the University. It was with-
drawn with recommendations that
it be included in the general Coun-
seling Study SGC is now conduct-
Possibility or working with the
city to provide more bicycle park-
ing places on State St. will be dis-
cussed. Also on the agenda will be
approval of appointments to the
International Structure S t u d y

Sell Anything
"The men who are really run-
ning the store," he said, "believe
they can sell anything. And in this
campaign, I must say they are
giving that theory a bold test.
"They have developed a myth-
and they're tryin gdesperately to'
make it last - just seven more
Admitting that his words may
seem like "blunt or angry talk,"
Stevenson said:
"I'm fed up with eight weeks of
this mealy-mouthed Republican
campaign talk, this squeaky chor-
us - peace, prosperity and prog-
Speech Play
Opens Tonighi
Augustin Daly's 19th century
melodrama, "Under the Gaslight,"
will be presented by the Depart-
ment of Speech at 8 p.m. tonight
through Saturday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Prof. Jack E. Bender, of the
speech department, directs the
production. Costumes and scenery
were designed and constructed by
Edward Andreasson, Grad., and
Marjorie Smith of the speech de-
partment technical staff.
Tickets are on sale at the Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre box of-
fice. A special student rate is in
effect for performances tongiht
and tomorrow.

Israeli Push
For Canal
Three Arab MIG's
Claimed by Leaders
TERS, Tel Aviv (1P)-Israeli forces
were reported driving late yester-
day toward Suez on a 70-mile arc
in the Sinai Peninsula.
Israel claimed her planes shot
down three Egyptian jets for the
first air victory in the day-old
battle with Egypt.
In blacked-out Tel Aviv, air raid
sirens wailed a nearlyuhour-long
alert and antiaircraft guns around
the city opened up. But no enemy
planes were sighted.
Planes Downed
The military claimed that three
swept-winged Russian-built MIG
15 planes of the Egyptian air force
were downed by Israeli fighter fire
-during the day.
A military spokesman said one
Israeli plane was damaged but
returned to base.
He declined to pinpoint the
scene of the air battle.
But air activity of the forces of
both countries has been centered
over Israel's Negeb area and
Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.
On the ground, Israeli troops
pushed ahead along a 70-mile
Near Suez
Reports put elements 20 miles
off Suez, southern end of the
Suez Canal.
There was one report from Lon-
don that the troops had slashed
within 10 miles of the canal. It
was not confirmed.
London reports also indicated
Israeli paratroops were in action.
Israeli spokesmen refused to pin-
point where Israeli troops were
located or confirm reports of the
sweep close to the canal.
Battle Thrust
The thrust in the developing
Middle East battle brought the air
power of both Israel and Egypt
into action. Israel was under its
first countrywide blackout since
the Arab-Israeli armistice eight
years ago.
The Israeli army headquarters
made a few official statements.
In one of them, it said Israeli
units had captured the Egyptian
town of Kusseima, 10 miles inside
the Egyptian border, about 80
miles northwest of the Gulf of
Aqaba and 70 miles south of the

WHERE ISRAELI FORCES STRUCK-Arrow indicates the area
of thrust by Israeli military units into the Sinai peninsula of Egypt.
Eggertsen Approves
Adlai School Proposals
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of articles of comment
by members of the faculty on current election issues. Today's article dis-
cusses the issue of education.)
Several professors in the-School of Education agree that although
the present Republican administration has taken some steps toward
recognizing the problems of the nation's schools, it hasn't gone far
enough toward solving them.
The same faculty members said President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
stand is not strong enough while Adlai E. Stevenson's proposals for
federal aid to education and scholarships merit some attention.
Conference Focused Attention
Looking over the past four years in terms of accomplishment,
Prof. Claude Eggertsen, of the ed-T


Britain, France
Send Troops East
President's Plea Against Arms Use
Disregarded At United Nations
CAIRO OP) - Britain and France moved forward against United
States and Egyptian protests and told the world early today they are
speeding an expeditionary force into the battle cockpit of Egypt.
The western nations split sharply with the United States yester-
day over the Middle East crisis and twice vetoed proposals for an
immediate end to the fighting.
The Western alliance fell apart first when Britain and France
knocked down a United States resolution calling on Israel to cease
fire, withdraw to its boundaries, and asking all United Nations mem-
bers to refrain from using force in the troubled area.
Disregarding President's Appeal
They are disregarding a last-minute appeal from President
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The first combined operations troops are expected to land in the
Suet' Canal zone around dawn in "

oungsters Focus On Hailowe 'en
By DALE McGHEE , .* * ..... *...*. , "

As just about everyone who's
anyone knows, University stu-
dents are simply too, too suave to
make much ado about Hallowe'en.
Of course, there are the blue-
stocking girls of literary circles
who can drawl that it was all
started by the Druids more than
2000 years ago to honor Samhain,
the Druid god of the dead.
But few people will deny that
real down-to-earth window-soap-
ing, doorbell-ringing, gate-steal-
ing Hallowe'en is missing from
the University campus.
Such is certainly not the case
among Ann Arbor's youngsters.
Throughout the city eager little
faces are trying on their starched-
cloth masks "just one more time,"
and awaiting the shroud of to-
night's darkness when they will
perform their nnocent mischief.
A number of children on First
Street gladly offered their candid
nninnn ni.4the-,cavnmini nh-

ucation school, said the Presi-
dent's White House Conference on
Education "turned out to be a
good way of focusing attention on
aid. to schools."
However, Prof. Eggertsen said,
"as far as finding out the prob-
lems, nothing was learned that
we didn't know already."
The White House Conference,
held first in 1955, recommended
federal aid, at least in the form
of money for building construc-
tion, for the nation's schools.
President Eisenhower, too, has
asked several times for aid-to-
education, at least to meet the
present crisis.
As a result, several bills were in-
troduced in Congress for federal
aid. The most important of these
was the 1955 Kelley Bill, which
provided aid over a four-year
period totalirlg $1.6 billion.
No Aid Bills
In spite of the White House
Conference's recommendations,
nothing came of the aid bills, and,
according to Prof. Eggertsen,
there were several explanations
given for the lack of legislation.
One was that the National Edu-
cation Association thought there
wasn't enough in the bill, anoth-
er that the Powell Amendment,
which would have kept allfeder-
al money from segregated schools,
was too strong an issue.
The more widely accepted ex-
planation, Prof., Eggertsen said,
was the conflict with the South-
ern Democrats and Northern Re-
publicans, most of whom voted
against the bill.
Prof. Eggertsen also noted many
thought the administration did
not take a strong enough stand
on the issue. It is known that
President Eisenhower is for fed-
eral aid to schools,he said, "but
how strongly is hard to say."

Sallade Hails
Republican Aid
To Education
"The line between Republicans
and Democrats regarding state aid
to education is a fairly fine one,"
State Rep. George Sallade said
yesterday at a one-sided debate.
Sociology Prof. Morris Janowitz,
running against him and scheduled
to speak at the same time for the
Democrats, failed to show up.
"The difference," Sallade said,
"lies in the extent and distribution
of the funds for education. Demo-
crats favor more control from
Lansingonpwhat is to be done
with appropriations.
"But, as far as the state of
Michigan is concerned, we made
a lot of progress in the last four
years under the Republican con-
trolled state legislature.
"The sales tax," he continued,
"accounts for the major source of
school revenue. We had to decide
on the question of financing met-
ropolitan and rural areas. The Re-
publicans solved this problem very
"We allotted about $190 per stu-
dent," he went on, "to those coun-
ties having more than a six mill
property tax."
H-Bomb Tests
To Be, Debated
A special event in the political
campaign windup this week will
be a debate among four University
professors at 7:30 p.m. today in the

the midst of Israeli-Egyptian
A well informed source in Lon-
don said British and French
troops are moving up to take key
positions on the canal at Port
Said, Ismailia and Suez. These
are the Mediterranean, midway
and Red Sea points, respectively
on the 103-mile waterway.
Spokesmen for the Admiralty
and War Office in London said
there would be no immediate of-
ficial wordon progress of the ac-
Egypt Defies
Egypt defied the British and
President Nasser rejected their
demand for a cease-fire in the
fighting against the Israeli in-
Then, a government spokesman
reported, Nasser warned the Brit-
ish and French that Egypt will-in
his words-defend her dignity.
This apparently meant the ex-
peditionary force may have to
fight its way in.
The announced aim of the
British-French expedition is to
defend the canal until the fighting
between the invading Israelis and
the Egyptians can be brought to
an end.
Fleets Moving
British and French navy fleets
were moving in the eastern Medi-
Parachute troops of the two
powers were poised on Cyprus, 250
miles from the canal.
President Eisenhower strove in
urgent messages to the French
and British governments to head
off the troop movements. Neither
Britain nor France consulted him
in advance.
Israel announced it would bow
to a French-British ultimatum to
cease-fire provided Egypt agreed.
Israel's Reply
Israel's reply came after Egypt
rejected the ultimatum and vowed
to keep fighting until the last
Israeli is driven from Egyptian
Fierce tank and air battles were
reported from Egypt's invaded Si-
nai Peninsula. There was no indi-
cation that either the ultimatum or
the diplomatic maneuvering would
check the fighting.
The United States' isolation
from Britain and France in the
Middle East crisis was under-
scored in the UN Security Council
in New York.
Britain and France vetoed a
United States cease-fire plan. They
warned they would land troops in
the canal zone.
Egypt then officially asked the
council to meet again to discuss
"British and French aggression."
Russia sided with the United
States in the Security Council de-
Sneech Trip

Civil Rights
To pi sofYD,
YR Debate
Members of local Young Repub-
licans andi Students for Steven-
son cited the advances of civil
rights under their respective ad-
ministrations and the lack of pro-
gress of the other party in spir-
ited debate last night as guests of
the local NAACP.
Pointing to the past and poten-
tial difficulty of the Democrats
trying to enact civil rights legis-
lation, Tim Richard, '57, noted
for the YR's that many Southern
legislators were in key positions in
several committees which would
affect passage of such legislation.
Jim Childs, '57, asked the Dem-
cratic debaters, "how can you pass
civil rights legislation with Dixie-
crats on your left, Dixiecrats on
your right, and Dixiecrats leading
Peter Eckstein, '58, and Dave
Marlin, '57L, speaking for the Stu-
dents for Stevenson, de-empha-
sized the importance of southern
legislators as a block to civil rights
Referring to Senator James 0.
Eastland (D-Miss.) and his south-
ern colleagues, Marlin pointed out
that "it doesn't make any differ-
ence whether they are Democrats,
Republicans, or Vegetarians -
they just live in the South."
Eckstein criticized the failure
of the Republicans to initiate civ-
il rights legislation until the last
few months.
To Perform
Joyce Grenfell, England's re-
nowned comedienne, will appear
in "Miss Grenfell Requests the
Pleasure" at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in Hill Auditorium.
Miss Grenfell's one-woman
show is the third attraction in the
University Lecture Series. Miss
Grenfell brought her program of
comedy and music last season to
Broadway and the critics hailed
it as a success.
An avid writer of verse, Miss
Grenfell wrote for Punch Maga-
zine for several years. She became
a radio critic and then turned to
films and stage performances. She
has also been active in television
and song writing.
Since 1939, she has been seen


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