Stevenson Proper Leader For The 'New America' See Page 4 Y Lw0 Latest Deadline in the State 4aitr1y CLOUDY, VOL. LVXII, No. 36 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1956 SIX PAGES Russian Army Troops Backtrack from Budapest T 4 w w * 18 MILES FROM SUEZ CANAL: I A REBELLION QUIETS: Strife rContinues In Rural Areas VIENNA (A)-The Hungarian army high command announced yes- terday that Russian troops have begun to withdraw from Budapest.. The battle of Budapest appeared to be ending, but rebellion still blazed in the countryside. Young Rebels Budapest radio carried an announcement by the army command saying the defiant young rebels in the capital will surrender their arms by 9 a.m. today as the Russians carry out their evacuation. This followed earlier word from Premier Imre Nagy's govern- ment that the rebels had agreed to turn in their arms and the Russians would leave within 24 hours. But the high command announcement said Hungarian troops were already replacing Russian troops in the industrial section of DISCUSS 'CLEAN' BOMB: Profesors View H-Bomb Testing Cobo, Soapy State Party Philosophies DETROIT W-Michigan's two candidates for governor agreed yesterday that contrasting political philosophies will collide a week from today when Michigan voters cast their ballots. Mayor Albert Cobo of Detroit and Gov. G. Mennen Williams out- lined their parties' philosophies at the outset of a week of concen- trated campaigning for the vast Wayne County vote. Cobo described his Republican concept as one in which the busi- ness of government is, as he put it, conducted openly and the people "know what the next move will On the other hand, the Demo- cratic administration of Gov. Will- iams, he said, "lives and thrives on criticism and does not want the cooperation of the Legislature." Williams operates on the theory, Cobo added, that "if everybody has less you can offer more to more people," Cobo spoke to some 600 persons at a luncheon meeting of the Economic Club of Detroit. Williams, in an address prepared for a Detroit television broadcast Monday night, described the "two different approaches to the prob- lem of government" this way. "The difference between Alex- ander Hamilton who wanted rule by the rich and well-borne be- cause he didn't trust the people, and Thomas Jefferson who trusted the people and wanted them to run their own government.". Rackham Hall Hosts Quartet Stanley Quartet will appear at 8:30 p.m. tonight at Rackham Lec- ture Hall. The concert which is open to the public will include Beethoven's Quartet in F major, Quartet No. 7 by Finney and Mozart's Quintet in A major. Stanley Quartet is composed of Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, vio- lins; Robert Courte, viola, and Oliver Edel, cello. The quartet will also appear in a series of concerts in Detroit and will appear at several colleges and universities. French Pianist 4southern Budapest and that the evacuation of that area would be completed by dawn. Russian Evacuation The high command added that replacement of Soviet troops by Hungarians and "unmolested with- drawal from Budapest" of the Russians were conditions for addi- tional evacuation of Russian forces. "Withdrawal of Soviet troops will be continued throughout to- Smorrow in agreement with the pact' with the rebels," the high command declared. Revolutionaries in control of the countryside urged that the rebels disregard the agreement in Buda- pest. Loyd Comments In London, Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd told Parliament the Russians were pouring more troops into Hungary. Western diplomats in London received reports of severe fighting in Budapest at noon Monday, with Soviet attacking. rebel-held bar- racks with tanks and self-propelled artillery. Soviet Foreign Minister Dmitri Shepilov announced in Moscow that no Russian troops would leave Budapest until rebel arms were surrendered. Marshall Georgi Zhukov, the Soviet defense minister, said with- drawal of troops from all of Hung- ary could be decided upon only by common agreement of all Warsaw Pact members. By PETER ECKSTEIN EDITOR'S NOTE: This article, the second in a series of faculty com- ments on current election issues, discusses the proposal to end testing of hydrogen bombs.) There is some agreement among faculty members questioned on the arguments advanced for and against proposals to end hydro- gen bomb tests. The suggestion by Adlai Steven- son meets mixed degrees of favor from the standpoints of foreign policy and health, though profes- sors take both sides in discussing its effect on national defense. President Dwight D. Eisenhow- er has said an end to hydrogen tests would jeopardize the Ameri- can lead in hydrogen weapons de- velopment, while Stevenson has said both sides' ability to destroy the other have made further tests unnecessary. "Clean" Weapons One Administration contention has been that anticipated break- throughs in the development of "clean" hydrogen bombs - of less danger to civilian populations and more suitable for use in military action - might be prevented by discontinuation of the tests. Prof. Henry Gomberg of the nuclear engineering department, assistant director of the Phoenix atomic energy project, explained that the radioactive fallout can be restricted by exploding a hy- drogen (or fusion) bomb away from the ground where it would Scroll Takes Six Members Traditional strains of "Out of the night comes the sound of voices" were heard in sorority houses all over campus last night as Scroll honorary society tapped six new members. Chosen for the affiliated senior women's honorary on the basis of leadership and scholarship were Alicia Tarrant, Nancy Blumberg Meredith Hardy, Betty Doman, Jan Winklehaus, and Jan McAsee. otherwise pick up and radiate dust Stevenson suggested such dis- particles. tant detection methods as a sub- Of itself, he added, a hydrogen reactonf,"adoenotyproduenthstitution for internal inspection, fissionproductsowhichdare the which the Administration insists fisson roduts hicharetheis essential. major source of radioactivity," al- though it$ atomic (or fission) Both Sides bomb detonator may cause some. Prof. Efimenco added that what If there is no contact with the bans on weapons a nuclear agree- ground, the main effects of a fu- ment might impose would be sion explosion are tremendous equally detrimental to the nuclear heat and a pressure wave, but development of both sides, relatively little radioactivity. Another breakthrough the Ad- "Whether we have developed ministration anticipates would be 'clean bombs' to the point where prevented by a moratorium on the military people are satisfied, I tests would be in the field of de- just wouldn't know. But if you fenses against the bomb. want to know whether you have Without suggesting along what developed a particular type of new lines a defense against nuclear bomb, you have to test it." warfare might be developed, Prof. Prof. N. Marbury Efimenco of Gomberg said it was "not unreas- the political science department onable" to want to test defenses commented that a ban on nuclear under "simulated conditions." weapons would necessarily be con- T fined to those that spread radio- The effects of nuclear tests on active particles, the only ones the health and genetic makeup which could be adequately de- of the world have also been de- tected by air sampling. See EFFECTS, Page 6 World News Roundup Wyszynski Out . . WARSAW,, Poland W)-Hundreds of Roman Catholics gave a cheering and singing welcome to Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski yesterday in his first public appearance since his release from three years of house arrest. The crowd finally hushed after the 55-year-old primate of Poland stepped out on the balcony above the main entrance to his palace and told them: "I thank you for your prayers. Now, when we are sure that we have won, let us work for peace in our country because peace is the guarantee of our freedom." Adtai Middle East Comment... BOSTON (P)-Adlai Stevenson said yesterday the developments in the Israeli-Egyptian conflict show that President Dwight D. Eisenhower's reports of "good news" from the area "have been tragically less than the truth." In a speech in Mechanics Hall, Stevenson said it was hard "to speak about today's ominous and confusing developments in the Middle East." "The government in Washington has been telling us that all is well in the world, that there is peace, that there is-as the President announced only a few days ago-'good news' from the Middle East." Arms ... Crowds of men estimated by observers to be between 35 and 250, dressed as Arabs with tow- els around their heads and at- tired in bathrobes visited fra- ternity houses in the Wash- tenaw- Hill Street area last night. A group of about 35 men would walk into abhouse, it was reported, shouting "We want recruits" and "Guns for thej Arabs," and in many cases 50 men would walk out. When the number reached maximum, Assistant Dean of Men Bill Cross and University Officer Harold Swoverland ar- rived to disperse the crowd. Dean of Men Walter B. Rea arrived on the scene shortly after the crowd had dispersed. He called the event an "ill- conceived type of idea" and compared it to a "panty raid." Israeli Raid Strategically Senseless' Faculty Members Comment on Attack By MARY ANN THOMAS Daily Feature Editor Actual seriousness of Israel's in- vasion of Egypt depends upon whether Israeli intentions are oc- cupation of the land or merely punishment for border raids, two University faculty members agreed yesterday. . "Whether this action can be de- fined as aggression is a good ques- tion," Richard Mitchell of the his- tory department observed, "but Israeli officials report that they have attacked and 'occupied' Egyp- tian territory." Prof. N. Marbury Efimenco of the political sciencedepartment pointed out that Israel's action "doesn't make sense strategically. Amazement and Surprise Both men expressed amazement and surprise at the invasion. The question of Israel's motives behind the attack is a major considera- tion. Mitchell surmised that the attack resulted from a decision to break the stalemate along the frontiers, but "the big surprise is that the invasion is directed against Egypt." He doubted that it was an at- tempt to occupy the Suez but pos- tulated that Israel might wish to control the Sinai Peninsula or to outflank Egyptian troops up on the Gaza Strip. "But it will be a terrific strain to occupy this barren land," he commented, "but I can't see how Israel hopes to do this by occupy- ing the Suez." Terming the invasion "serious business," Prof. Elimenco said it indicates that this is a case of turning the balance of power in the Middle East. 9 Timing The attack was timed, he ob- served ,"to take advantage of the present split between Iraq and Egypt, unrest in Jordan, Egypt's preoccupation over the Suez and the United States' preoccupation with its national elections." Prof. Efimenco added that with the American elections so near, the United States is in a "very em- barrassing" position. "Israel could claim that this was only a probing or punitive move and thus save Security Council Convenes Today Ike Declares U.S. Will Stand Behind Pledge To Aid Aggression Victims JERUSALEM (P)-Israeli forces yesterday made a big lunge across Egypt's Sinai Desert and today were reported advancing only 18 miles short of the Suez Canal. President Dwight D. Eisenhower said yesterday he is taking to the United Nations this morning the Israeli military penetration into Egypt. Convene Congress? At the same time, in a statement issued after an extraordinary night conference at the White House, President Eisenhower said the question of whether or not to call a special session of Congress "will be decided in the light of the unfolding situation." President Eisenhower said "we shall honor our pledge" to assis the victim of any aggression in the Middle East. This pledge is contained in the U.S.-British-French declaration of May 25, 195U. Restrictions It was learned that the United States is considering asking the council to vote severe economic and diplomatic restrictions agains Israel, provided for in Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter. The Navy reported yesterday its powerful 6th Fleet is oper- ating in the eastern Mediterranean, within attack plane range of the Israeli-Egypt border. No Clash Yet All available indications were that no armed clash had occurred yet between Israel and Egypt in the barren peninsula. Egyptian army headquarters in Cairo, apparently stunned by the audacity of the blow, acknowledged that Egypt had been invaded. Cairo's big U.S.-built international airport was closed suddenly to commercial planes. It can handle the jet planes of Egypt's air force. Citizens Stranded U.S. women and children, trying to flee ahead of a major war scare, were stranded by the airport closedown yesterday morning. The scare spread around the world. Cairo's government-backed newspaper Al Gumhurriya banneredt "Israel Begins War." Other Cairo newspapers carried similar head- lines. Both Al Gumhurriya and army headquarters insisted the Is- raelis struck at a relatively unimportant point. No Troops There The newspaper said no Egyptian troops were stationed there. The army said the point "is a barren desert region where there is only one frontier check post." Hurried high level conferences were called in Washington, London and Paris. Britain early today was reported ready to force Israeli troops out of Egypt if their thrust is proved to be an all-out invasion designed to seize some of Egypt's territory. 24 Hour Mobilization ' An authoritative government source said the Eden government is in a position to strike at Israel, or any aggressor in the Middle East, within 24 hours with air, land and sea forces now assembled in the eastern Mediterranean. In other developments, ambassadors of Israel and Egypt called at the State Department to talk separately with U.S. officials. Ambassador Abba Eban of Israel said he did not know of the reported Israeli drive until after he ended his conference with an assistant secretary. Little Acknowledged Egyptian Ambassador Ahmed Hussein, who was given a report on what was known here, said he had received no official word from his government. Ambassadors Ali Amini of Iran, Haydar Gork of Turkey, and Iraq Counselor Hashim Khalil called on Dulles with Ambassador Ali of Pakistan. These four countries are signatories, with Britain, of the Baghdad Pact, which was devised as an anti-Communist grouping of nations along Russia's southern border in the Middle East. George Comments George, talking to reporters at the Capitol, was asked what Con- gress could do, if the President called it back into session, and replied: "I do not know precisely, but if the United Nations found an ag- gression and called on us for an action, some kind would have to be taken. Whether this would be some severe sanctions or military action I would not hazard a guess." Arabs Ready In Damascus, Syrian Defense Minister Abdul Rasid Raslan said Egypt, Jordan and Syria had taken all necessary measures to meet any emergency arising from Israel's mobilization. He talked to newsmen before reports arrived of the Israeli attack. Jordan army headquarters in Amman said the frontier with Is- PROGRAM LARGEST IN COUNTRY: Reactor To Aid Nuclear Study By VERNON NAHRGANG University's growing Nuclear Engineering program will gain added laboratory and research facilities when the Ford Nuclear Reactor is dedicated Nov. 16. The reactor, according to Prof. Henry J. Gomberg, assistant di- rector of the Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project, will be available for use by the 73 students enrolled in the program. Although the Nuclear Engineering program began only three years ago, with four students enrolled in 1953, it has since grown to assume the distinction of being the largest program of its kind in a University in this country, Phoenix Project o "There is no doubt," Prof. Gomberg explained, "that the existence and development of the program was stimulated to an important de- gree by the Phoenix Project, which has given the necessary incentive as well as the facilities." The program, he explained, is separate from the Phoenix Project, and is allowed to use the reactor through the courtesy of the project. Slightly more than one-third of the program's membership is made up of foreign students, young men who plan to start and de- velop similar programs or projects in their own countries. "There is a tremendous amount of material," Prof. Gomberg said, "quite important, quite practical, that is no longer classified. We teach only material in the unclassified area, both for United States and foreign students. "There are certain government research projects on campus," he ,. .t .: