IL 0t 3ir14igat paily Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 mmin=. - - "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON NAHRGANG An Independent Voter Casts A Presidential Ballot INDEPENDENT VOTERS who began the cam- paign with questioning minds concerning their choice of candidates for the presidency are now coming to a decision. The issues have been placed before the voters and, in all prob- ability, the last ten days will be confined to intense efforts by both parties to drive home points on stands already taken. Mr. Eisenhower has run on the record of his Administration and has made few promises. Mr. Stevenson, as would be expected of the challenger, has attacked the record and has made several promises. These must be examined and evaluated to determine the choice of a candidate. Starting with the farm problem, Mr. Eisen- hower's policy has been one of flexible price supports, disposing of accumulated surpluses, curbing the inflationary trend which the con- sumer feels most. Mr. Stevenson urges a return to a high parity, rigid support structure and charges that the farmer has been badly ne- glected by the Republican Administration. The farmer has undeniably but inevitably been hurt by fari policy of recent years. This has its roots in ,the irresponsible Truman policy, however, and a continuation of the present farm program, bolstered by such plans as the soil bank to relieve the burden on the farmer, is more sensible and sound economically than the rigid parity advocated by the Demo- cratic aspirant. Farm income is on the upswing and will level off at a more equitable and real- istic level under a flexible program instead of producing the false prosperity which accom- panies rigid supports. A surprise of the campaign has been the lack of a contest over civil rights. Much was made of this in convention and pre-convention days but has not been the expected 'major issue in the campaign itself. Both Mr. Steven- son and Mr. Eisenhower favor moderation in handling this question and both so far have been able to subdue the extremist elements in their parties. B9th apparently believe that the approach through local and state efforts will bring the most satisfactory results to all con- cerned. We agree. Mr. Eisenhower carries this philosophy over into the field of social welfare while his oppon- ent endorses action by the national government, with corresponding high spending by Wash- ington. Again not much difference is seen in ends but Mr. Eisenhower's means are more democratic, more practical, and less hindered with bureaucracy. ONE OF THE encouraging features of the Eisenhower Administration has been some halt in the movement toward monopoly in federal government. On the contrary, Mr. Stevenson's proposalscall for more and more centralization of government, a trend and a political theory we feel is in opposition to the best of democratic principles. Many of the functions of modern life can be better admin- istered on the local level where solutions to problems are fitted to local needs. The Democratic campaigners have focused considerable attention on what they label the "businessman's" government in Washington. We feel that this, too, is one of the encourag- ing features of the Eisenhower Administration. Federal government, unfortunately, has become the biggest business in America today. While much of this is necessary, big government breeds inefficiency, lack of economy, sometimes corruption and scandal. The Republican Ad- ministration has made great strides toward the elimination of these liabilities, so prevalent under the previous regime. No little credit for this is due to the caliber of men Mr. Eisenhower has chosen to be key administrators. In the main, they have come from operating successful business and have applied their experience to the complex business of federal government, Getting competent executives to run Washing- ton's vast enterprise makes sense to us. The controversial Vice-President, Mr. Nixon, rates some comment. While there is still much reason to have reservations concerning his judgement, political philosophy, and his ability to unite and successfully lead the American people, Mr. Nixon has matured in the past four years and has repudiated some of the rash charges made in 1952. He has shown himself to be a skillful diplomat in many areas, though he has assuredly blundered in others. Should he succeed to the Presidency, Mr. Nixon, at least for the remainder of the coming term of office, will be too committed to and reliant upon the Eisenhower program to deviate far from it. The bridge of Mr. Nixon's political future beyond the next four years can be crossed when we reach it. Right now, he is neither asset nor liability to the GOP ticket. The attention drawn by Mr. Stevenson and his party to the influence of certain elements of the GOP, as exemplified by Senators McCar- thy, Jenner, and Welker is a point well taken. The other side of the picture, however, starring Senators Eastland, Thurmond, and the-almost- sure-to-be-elected "Young Hummon" Tal- 'hP Mt-rhirnal ntIff madge, is none too reassuring for the prestige and progress of the United States. Again, there is little to choose between the parties. TURNING TO THE question of national tIe- fense, we find Mr. Stevenson lacking in per- spective and Mr. Eisenhower, while unimagina- tive, hard-headedly realistic. Mr. Stevenson's well-known H-bomb proposal considers but a small portion of the disarmament problem and is the wrong place to start a logical series of steps toward reduction in arms. We feel much safer with the President's insistence on a com- prehensive resolution of the question which includes control and inspection. The memory of the disarmament conferences following the Versailles Treaty where agreements lacking teeth for enforcement were made, and their consequent contribution to bringing on World War II, is a lesson to be well heeded. While the Democratic candidate's suggestion that the United States establish a strong career army is excellent, his recommendation over- looks the fact that the primary purpose of today's draft is not to maintain a large stand- ing army but rather to give the young men in the nation some military experience in order to build up an adequately trained reserve against the day of total mobilization. To strengthen the hard core around which this citizen-army can be built is a first-rate idea, but .to cut out the draft and cease training the citizen- army is certainly not in the best interests of national security. There is some inconsistency in Mr. Steven- son's two proposals. Modern warfare is con- ducted by means of two instruments, manpower and technology. If one is reduced, the other must be increased if the nation is to maintain a total force equal to that of our potential enemy. Mr. Stevenson's draft plan, placing emphasis on the technological aspect of miiltary power as the replacement of a reduction in manpower, does not fit well with the H-bomb limitation-a restriction in technology. Mr. Eisenhower, on the other hand, contin- ues to show comprehension, realism and accept- ance of the hard facts of life in his thinking on defense. He has refused to delude the American people with unworkable but popular panacea in an area of direct concern to so many. The President's major failure has been his reluctance to clearly expound the reasons for his decisions. M. STEVENSON and the Democrats have struck their most telling blows in the realm of foreign affairs and have distinctly pointed up the shortcomings of the Eisenhower Administration. The conduct of international relations on a day-to-day, crisis-to-crisis basis, exhibiting very little anticipation of events or prior planning to cope with them, evincing practically no understanding of the major forces loose in the world today, operating without a comprehensive and comprehendable set of guid- ing principles-these have been characteristic of American foreign policy during the past four years. In fairness to the Republican Ad- ministration, some of this is not entirely due to its failing. The lack of comprehension as to what is going on in the international field is an American shortcoming, not just one party's. But this does not excuse the absence of leader- ship and effort on the part of the Administra- tion to educate the American people. Specifically, Mr. Dulles errant and erratic stewardship of the Department of State has been disappointing, to say the least. While he has been diplomatically brilliant at times, he has bungled so often that his effectiveness has been reduced to a minimum. Equally disappointing, however, has been the lack of followup of the Democratic attack. While Mr. Stevenson and other Democrats, notably Mr. Bowles who spoke here recently, have been articulate in criticizing Mr. Eisen- hower's foreign policy and its conduct, they have not come up with an imaginative, com- prehensive, and realistic program to replace the Republican policy-or rather to fill the gap left by the GOP. While we are dissatisfied with the overall conduct of international rela- tion by Mr Eisenhower's Administration, we see nothing better offered from the Democratic camp. IN SUMMARY, then, while differences between the two candidates in domestic affairs are relatively slight and appear to be matters of degree, Mr. Eisenhower's political and economic philosophy and approach is more suited to the needs and ideals of the nation. In matters of national defense, the President's realism is more assuring than Mr. Stevenson's somewhat im- practical proposals. In foreign relations, the Eisenhower Administration, with a few inci- dental exceptions, has failed to display the imagination and forceful leadership needed in these times, but there is little indication that anything better would be forthcoming if Mr. Stevenson is elected. Two other factors ought to be mentioned. The American people today live in an atmos- phere which breathes more self-confidence and more confidence in their government than they -ir fmi v_.. nn Mn -nr-iit ..rth i "Now You Kids Beat It" o r 1- 44- f ti V . X IiIl YVY e 1950 -. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Comments on History, Bells TODAY AND TOMORROW Eastern Europe .nt-Russian Movement By WALTER LIPPMAN The insurrection in Hungary has raised the question whether the anti-Russian movement in Eastern Europe will stop at Titoism or become an anti-Communist uprising. Nagy, who is the Hungarian Tito, was not able, it appears, to cope with the rebels in Budapest, and was compelled to call upon the Red Army to quell the uprising. There have been demonstrations in Warsaw which went beyond Titoism, being both anti-Russian and anti-Communist. But in Poland the Gomulka government seems to have had enough prestige and enough police power of its own to deal with the trouble without calling A Bit Longer .. . To the Editor: IN your editorial of October 24 entitled "Polish Nationalism Spotlights New Cold War" you made certain erroneous statements concerning the historical genesis of certain nations. You wrongly state that Nepal, Lebanon and Yeman have become national en- tities since 1945. Nepal has never known the dom- ination of a European power, al- though they have shown a great amount of co-operation with Great Britain, especially during the Tibet and Afghan wars. In 1923, Great Britain recognized the complete independence of Nepal. Lebanon was proclaimed a re- public on May 23, 1926, to offset Moslem Syria. Despite Syrian ob- jections, Lebanon was allowed to declare its complete independence on November 26, 1941. Yemen's sovereign status was confirmed by the Treaty of San'a with Great Britain and India on February 11, 1934 and the Treaty of hostilities between Saudi-Arabia of Taif, signed at the conclusion and Yemen on May 13, 1934. -Dale W. Priester, '58 UN Revisions . . To the Editor: in your recent editorial "United Nations Ineffective," the author said the only way the UN could be strengthened would be to re- vise its Charter for the sake of getting rid of the present veto power of each of the Big Five. The author of this article gave some suggestions for revising this veto power. I question the validity of each of the author's sugges- tions. The first suggestion was to per- mit a dual veto by permanent Council members. In 1952, there was fear that free China (one of the Big Five) might become con- trolled by the Peiping government and thus side with Russia. This threat could still become real. With this chance, a dual veto would accomplish nothing. The author thought a simple majority in the Security Council or maybe even a two-thirds ma- jority would solve the veto prob- lem. The six elected members (enough for a simple majority) could then prevent an unanimous vote by the Big Five. Both a simple and two-thirds majority could be to our disadvantage. The elected members by themselves, or, with help of permanent mem- bers (in a two-thirds majority) could agree to actions which might not be to our interests. We could do nothing. A similar situa- tion could happen to any perma- nent member. The last suggestion was to allow the veto power only to a Big Five nation when action had to do with its own country. The Security Council's primary responsibility is to maintain international peace. How many international disputes do not in some way involve these permanent members? None. Who determines when action concerns the interests of one country? Any country which claims it does- so any Big Five member could use the veto power-the same as now. Such revisions would be inef- fective. --Robert Mancell '59 Ear Plugs, Anyone? .,.. To the Editor: would like to register a com- plaint about the amount of bell- ringing which emanates from atop Burton Tower. I strongly suspect that I am neither the only indi- vidual on campus who finds it ex- ceedingly difficult to study and listen to the carillon at the same time nor the only one whose work load necessitates study during the numerous hours when the bells are customarily played. My impression is that an official concert is sched- uled for once a week, on Thurs- day evenings, which seems like a reasonable amount of time for such a performance. In reality we are made a captive audience sev- eral evenings a week, as well as during the hour from 12 noon un- til 1 o'clock. If it is a question of students practicing, perhaps some minia- ture carillon ought to be con- structed which would ring only in the immediate vicinity of the per- former. If, as I suspect, this is impractical, I would suggest the publication of a complete sched- ule of hours during which the carillon is to be used, so that those of us with work to do can find a quiet niche in the basement or have ear-plugs readily available. -Anthony Kallet, Grad. upon the Russians. We are, we must realize, poorly is in a large part hidden from sight ing hypothesis, I would say that the critical place to watch is Po- land, and that in Poland the im- mediately critical issue is wheth- er the Gomulka regime and the Kremlin are able to work out what amounts to a new alliance. Poland is of all the satellites the critical country. Both Ger- many and Russia are vitally in- terested in Poland. The Russians are always vitally interested in Poland because the Polish plain is the avenue on which have marched all the armies that have invaded Russia. For the Germans, the Polish plain is not only the avenue of the Russian advance into Europe but, since World War II, Poland has annexed German territories which the German na- tion has never renounced. f . THE CRITICAL issue in Poland is whether the new Polish regime will stabilize its foreign policy, more specifically its policy to- ward Germany and the Western world beyond Germany. We know what Gomulka wants. It is to renew the Soviet alliance which guarantees him against Germany. The old alliance, which goes back to the end of World War II, was imposed upon a Polish puppet government by the Red Army, and it has depended on the infiltration of the Polish Army by a controlling apparatus of So- viet officers. Gomulka's uprising has destroyed the foundations of the old Soviet-Polish alliance. The question is whether a new alli- ance can be formed based not on Soviet domination but on the mu- tual interests of Poland and the Soviet Union. The indications are that Gomulka wants this to hap- pen, and there are credible re- ports from Moscow that the Kremlin, despite what must be deep suspicion of Poland, wishes to negotiate with Gomulka. * * * UNLESS THE Polish crisis is stabilized at about this point, with Gomulka in power, with Russian military and ideological control dismantled, but with a Polish-Russian alliance renewed, then we may expect to see, I would guess, the Polish crisis be- come a far-reaching crisis of the European continent. For it will then spread to and involve not merely the rest of Eastern Europe and the Balkans but the two Ger- manys. There is no telling what would come of such a crisis. For the essential character of the crisis would be that there was no power and 'authority - be it So- viet, Western or local - to or- ganize Central Europe. In the interests of peace and of freedom - freedom both from despotism and from anarchy - we must hope that for a time, not forever b:.t for a time, the upris- ing in the satellite orbit will be stabilized at Titoism. It is in the interests of the Western world that the Soviet Union be helped to accept Titoism in its empire, and that it should not feel that its own security is menaced. informed about a situation which and in rapid flux. But as a work- For with Titoism in Eastern Eu- rope, the military threat that the Russian Army will invade Western Europe is radically reduced. The danger of a World War beginning in Europe will be even less than It has been these last two years. 1956 New York Herald Tribune Inc. ]DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 32 General Notices Health Service Clinic will be closed at 4:00 p.m. instead of the usual 5:00 p.m. on Tues., Oct. 30, only, except for emergencies. Anyone who has rooms to rent for football weekends, call the Union Stu- dent Activities Offices. Lectures Joyce Grenfell, actress, comedienne, mimic and star, will appear Thurs., Nov. 1, in Hill Auditorium in a pro- gram of comedy and song, the third attraction on the Lecture Course. Tc- kets are on sale Mon.-Wed., 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. and on Thurs. from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Hill Auditorium. Concerts Baroque Trio, Nelson Hauenstein, flute, Florian Mueller, oboe, and Mar- ilyn Mason, harpsichord, with com- mentary by Louis Cuyler, 8:30 this evening, in Aud. A, Angell Hall; open to the general public without charge. Trio Sonata in G major, by Heinichen, Sonata in G major, by Pietro Loca- telli, La Steinquerque, Trio Sonata In B-flat major by Couperin; Concerto for Oboe by Albinoni, and Trio Sonata in D by W. F. Bach. Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, olins, Robert Courte, viola, and Oliver Edel, cello, in the first of two concerts at 8:30 p.m. Tues., Oct. 30, in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. The Quartet will be assisted by Albert Luconi, clarinet, in a pro- gram of compositions by Beethoven, Ross Lee Finney, and Mozart. Open to the general public without charge. Extra Carillon Recital, 4:00 this af- ternoon, by Beverly Brehm, Frederick Fahrner, Juli Hollyer, Ottilie Timblin McGehee and Milford Myhre, present and former pupils of Prof. Percival Price, University Carillonneur. Works by Bach, Mozart, Ribaupierre, Scar- latti, Percival Prive, Roy Johnson, Hart, Pachelbel and Nees, arranged for caril- lon by Ronald Barnes, Ottilie McGehee and Milford Myhre. Academic Notices. Scholl of Business Administration. Faculty meeting Tues., Oct. 30, 3:30 p.m., Room 165, B.A. Anatomy Seminar, wed., Oct. 31, Room 2501, East Medical Building. Speaker: Dr. Raymond Kahn, "Re- port on Second Decennial Review Con- ference on Tissue Culture." Seniors: college of LS&A, and Schools of Business Administration, Education, Music, and Public Health: Tenative lists of seniors for February graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby, Ad- ministration Building. Any changes therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at Office of Registration and Records window number A, 1513 Ad- ministration Building. Organization ~ NoticesI Michigan Christian Fellowship, Meet- ing, 4 p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker: Clan Conner, "Christ Brought Revolution." * * * Lutheran Student Association, Sup- per and Meeting, 7 p.m., Lutheran Stu- dent center. Unitarian Student Group, Political Debate, 7 p.m., First Unitarian Church, Speakers: Morris Janowitz, Owen J. Cleary. Wesleyan Guild, Supper and Pro- gram, 5:30 p.m. Wesley Lounge. . . * Graduate Outing Club, Hike and Supper, 2 p.m., Rackham. * * * Congregational and Disciples Student Guild, Lecture, 7 p.m., Congregational Church, Speaker: Mr. E. D. DeVine, "Why I as a Christian will Vote the Republican Ticket." * * * TALKING ON TELEVISION: InoGerald MCoing-Joing Doings Into TV By LARRY EINHORN Daily Television Writer Cerald McBoing-Boing, who has T already proven himself on the motion picture screen (most un- usual actor ever to receive an "Oscar"), will be brought to life for the American television audi- ence, in full color, in a regular half-hour cartoon series to start on CBS Sunday, December 16 at 5:30. The new series, produced by UPA Pictures, Inc., in associa- tion with CBS, will feature Ger- ald-the boy who does not speak but communicates by going "bo- ing, boing"-as not only host of the program but as star of some of the programs. Eachphalf-hour program will be produced in segments, ranging from short song-pictures and vig- nettes to longer productions. Since Gerald's unique manner of communication is not readily understood by most persons (with the exception of the very-wise- very young and college students) off-stage commentary will be is called upon to settle problems among the animals, with whom he has speaking acquaintance. The Steve Allen - Ed Sullivan feud continues to grow as Allen is getting closer and closer to Sul- livan's ratings (but not tonight for Elvis will make another ap- pearance with Sullivan). The big- time battle burst open when Sulli- van "stole" (according to Allen) the rights to publicize the new James Dean movie, "Giant." Since then interesting events have taken place during their Sunday night hour, which you could only see if you are a dial switcher or a regular viewer of NBC and CBS on two separate receivers at the same time. For instance, on the night of the "Giant" promotions Allen had a film interview with Dean's uncle and aunt. As soon as the Allen interview got underway Sullivan stopped what he was doing after getting a signal, and went right into his "Giant" seg- ment of the show, which was highlighted by a "live" interview %%it tho oma min an _ra with Arthur Godfrey. Could it be that his name really isn't Ed? It might be John L.. Another interesting thing which is related to this subject is the fact that Colgate continues to purchase the station-break an- nouncements on "The Steve Allen Show" on the local NBC outlets. They seem to have a sentimental feeling towards being, at least in some way, connected with the old "Colgate Comedy Hour" time slot. EVEN THOUGH they recently fired the man who "invented" the spectacular (Pat Weaver) NBC is planning bigger and better spectaculars for the coming sea- son-. The newest one to be added to the list is "Pal Joey". Jose Ferrer is definitely set for the lead and Tallulah Banghead will play opposite him if NBC can finalize present contract negotia- tions. "Pal Joey" will be seen in compatible color on "Producers Showcase" January 7. That's one claim that Steve Allen and Ed is not busy at the Mark Hellinger Theatre), "Cinderella" will be seen in place of Jack Benny and Ed Sullivan on one of the Sun- days in March. This will be the first time that "The Ed Sullivan Show" will have been lifted by CBS to make room for another show. * * * AND ON DECEMBER 11 CBS will present another Victor Borge spectacular. This should make Borge very happy, because he gets $100,000 per show. Tonight CBS radio will inaugu- rate a policy which, if followed by NBC, might give radio a complete new outlook on life. Jack Benny returns to radio tonight, but all Benny will have to do for the show is sit back and collect royalties. The radio show will be the re- cordings of the old Jack Benny radio shows. This is probably something CBS has learned to do from their television experience of the showing of re-runs. The Trendex tallies show that Bob Hope was last week's winner, scoringt a 37.5 Other week-end .. Y i _{ I