Illinois . . . . . . 201 Ohio State. . . . 21IIowa . . . . . . . 21lIndiana , . . . . 19 Oklahoma . . . . 40|Stanfor-; . . . . . 27Georgia Tech Michigan State. 13 Wisconsin 40 Geneva . . . . 0 Slippery Rock .26 .7 0 Purdue . . . . . . 20 Northwestern . . 13 Notre Dame . . . 0Southern Cal. . 191 Tulane 'I . . 0 0 . 0 . *f 0 INDEPENDENT VOTER CASTS BALLOT See Page 4 1YL ir iAau A6F t "6; CLOUDY, WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXVII, No. 35 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1956 ungarian ommunists Claimin ar EIGHT PAGES ictories 4 4. * * * I G Nation Still Gripped By Bloody Uprising Rebel Radio Claims Possession Of More Than Half of West Hungary VIENNA, Austria ()-Hungary's new Defense Minister Gen. Karoly Janza told the nation late yesterday Russian and Hungarian' troops had wiped out most rebel strongpoints in Budapest. But reports reaching Vienna said Hungary still is gripped by a bloody, civil war. The monitoring station of Radio Free Europe at Munich reported a broadcast by "Radio Free Gyoer" claiming "more than half of western Hungary" is in the hands of rebels. Janza Acknowledges Fighting Janza himself acknowledged there still is fighting in Budapest, but he insisted it is confined to a few rebel strongpoints in the capital. Perhaps anticipating the United Nation Security Council meet- 4ing called for today to consider b 1 UN Debates Soviet Action In Hungary UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (P)- The United Nations S e c u r i t y Council yesterday was called into urgent meeting today to study Soviet military action in Hungary. Chief delegates of the United States, Britain and France jointly asked for the session, charging foreign military forces are violently repressing the peoples' rights in Hungary in violation of the 1947 Hungarian peace treaty. The complaint did not identify the foreign troops. Indicate Soviets But the three Western powers clearly referred to Soviet forces stationed in Hungary and used against Hungarian anti-Commu- nist rebels and demonstrators at the request of the Communist gov- ernment in Budapest. There was no comment from } either Hungarian or Soviet UN delegations. The joint action followed up Secretary of State John F. Dulles' conference with President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday. Dulles Comments Dulles then flew to Dallas, where in a speech yesterday he held out the promise of United States eco- nomic aid to those countries. Evidently to meet any Soviet ob- jections, Dulles said the United States does not regard Poland and Hungary as "potential mil+Qry allies." In Washington, the United Mtates also protested to the Hungarian legation that the Unites States had been cut off from communi- cation with its legation in Buda- pest since Thursday noon. Deputy Undersecretary of State Robert Murphy handed the pro- test to Tidor Zador, first secretary of the Hungarian legation, at the State Department. New Campus Magazine Due Pace, a new student-published literature and humor magazine, will make its debut on campus Thursday. Pace will be a magazine designed to please a wide variety of in- dividual tastes. It will feature both intellectual articles and humorous pieces, in- cluding discussions of a number of the common problems of Uni- versity life. Among the regular features will he a rin. m iim nhrri, n the role of Soviet troops in com- batting the uprising. in Hungary, Janza denied the Russians had participated in any large scale op- erations in Budapest. But he said that at the request of the Hungarian government the Soviet soldiers have helped and still are' helping "break the re- sistance of groups opposing the forces of the workers." Tass Reports The Soviet news agency Tass reported from Budapest "a ma- jority of the insurgents have laid down their arms" in answer to the Hungarian government's offer' of amnesty "but some groups so far have not understood there is no way out but surrender." Janza spoke after Hungary's Communist bosses tried to end the rebellion by forming a new gov- ernment with two non-Communist Cabinet ministers. But the bloodshed went on. Red Cross Appeals The Hungarian Red Cross tele- phoned an appeal for emergency medical aid and food to Inter- national Red Cross headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, saying there were more than 10,000 cas- ualties to be cared for. This was apparently the only' message allowed through Hun- gary's blackout on direct commu- nications with the West, The new Cabinet includes two of Nagy's fellow ex-purgees, Zol- tan Tildy and Bela Kovacs, of the once-powerful Smallholders party. Ike 'Shadow President' - Stevenson ''Envoys Off Guard In European Crises' LOS ANGELES ()-Adlai E. Stevenson told a shouting crowd of more than 20,000 late yesterday that President Dwight D. Eisen- hower is a "part time president" who has golfed, hunted and fished at critical moments in this coun- try's history.1 Stevenson spoke to an enthus- iastic audience in Gilmore Field that overflowed the grandstand. and filled up the infield and a good portion of the outfield. The Democratic candidate said that, contrary to what Republi- cans have claimed, this' country was caught off guard in the Po- land and Hungary 'developments in the last week. "We were caught off guard," he said, so that when "the fighting broke out in Polandthe American ambassador wasn't even at his post-he was visiting Berlin to see his dentist. "And when the revolt broke outI in Hungary our envoy was not even in that country." Stevenson made two major speeches in California yesterday -only New York has more elec- toral votes than this state's 32-- and each time he struck hard at the President. In San Francisco at a noontime rally he said that, as the cam- paign nears its windup, President Eisenhower 'remains a shadow candidate-as he has been a sha- dow President." Opera Trips Tickets are now on sale, ac- cording to Duane LaMoreaux, '58E, for two upcoming Union-spon- sored opera trips to Detroit. Rigoletto and La Traviata, Nov. 7 and 11, are the shows that will be seen. Tickets, priced at $3.75 each, cover transportation and cost of the seat, and are on sale from 3 to 5 p.m. daily in the new Union student offices. --Daily--Charles Curtiss GOPHERS TAKE THE LEAD-Minnesota, quarterback ]hobby Cox (12) falls into the end zone to give the Gophers their second touchdown and a 12-7 advantage in the fourth quarter of yesterday's game. Michigan's Jim Pace (43), Jim Byers (33) and Dick Hill (69) are among those unable to stop Cox. Red Papers Blame West MOSCOW ()-The Soviet Un- ion's official newspapers charged yesterday the Hungarian revolt was incited, supported and financ- ed by the United States, Britain and. other Western powers. Moscow radio also blamed the West for the uprising against Hun- gary's Communist regime, saying "Fascist counter revolutionaries supported by the American dollar took advantage of temporary eco- nomic difficulties to stir up the population against the govern- ment.". The Communist party newspa- per Pravda said President Dwight D. Eisenhower's "inflammatory" Christmas message to the peoples of Eastern Europe last year was part of the Western campaign to overthrow Communist satellite governments. The newspaper and radio de- nunciations of the West were the first official explanations of the Hungarian revolt to the Soviet people. They followed the usual ,Com- munist formula of blaming "im- perialist agents" for the insur- rection. GOP CANDIDATES: Ike Goes for Physical; Nixon Cites 'Weakncess' Minnesota Stages 4th-Period Rally Cox Leads Victors with Two TD's; Barr Scores Lone 'M' Touchdown By DAVE GREY Daily Sports Editor Michigan felt the blow* of Minnesota's blitz offense yesterdy, as the visitors came from behind to win, 20-7, before a colorful home- coming crowd of 84,639. It was a crucial victory for still undefeated Minnesota; it was a bitter defeat for Michigan in the jumbled Big Ten struggle that now seems thrown open to any of six teams for either the title or Rose Bowl bid-Ohio State, Michigan State, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois. Cox Leads Comeback The Gophers, especially under the direction of versatile quarter- back Bobby Cox, could not be denied in their strong comeback after. trailing 7-0 at half time and 7-6 " going into the final quarter. The outcome was a surprise torn m any, but there w as little doubt af e w r s h t M nn s t ast e F a n afterwards that Minnesota was the deserving winner with its alert, FrancelSign team-spirited play. The loss also marked Michigan's first homecoming defeat since 1946, when Illinois was the master, 13-9. SaarMg seot1 Michigan's sudden d o wnfial 1 could be partly attributed to the weaknesses caused by game in- . LUXEMBOURG (M')- France juries. In and out were first string and West Germany signed a linemen Dick Hilil and Jim Or- treaty here yesterday restoring wig, and backs Terry Barr and the rich Saar Valley to German Jim Pace. control. Barr Twists Ankle The signers were Foreign Min- Reports last night said there ister Christian Pineau of' France were no serious casualties. Barr, and Heinrich Von Brentano of With a twisted ankle,'is expected to West Germany. be ready for the Iowa game next They also endorsed a score of Saturday. related agreements and said "the Most of the other injuries or last problems standing between "shakenings-up" were considered the two countries" now had been minor. Tackle Willie Smith, with settled. a heavily bandaged knee and ankle, Under the treaty, which must was the only key player kept from be ratified by the Parliaments of action yesterday. both nations, the Saarland will But injuries were far from the revert to German political control whole story. Minnesota's quick next Jan. 1 and will come com huddle was a big psychological fac- pletely under German sovereignty, tor in the second half rally. The as West Germany's 10th state, on Blue's defensive timing was thrown Dec. 31, 1959. off, as the Gophers snapped In the intervening three years through one split T-formation play of transition, France Will keep cer- after another. tain financial and economic rights Coach Bennie Oosterbaan called in the territory. It has had the the sequences, "definitely discon-inhritor4. certing" and said they might have Saar since 1945. been an important factor. The region. covers only 991 See MINNESOTA, Page 7 square miles, but it is one of Eu- rnpl+q mnot thickly v unlat-d P- nd WASHINGTON (A') -President Dwight D. Eisenhower checked in at Walter Reed Army Hospital yes- terday for a pre-election physical examination. The President started in with chest and heart X-rays as he headed through the head-to-toe- examination which he told the American people he would undergo before the Nov. 6 balloting. President Eisenhower has said that he would step out of the polit- ical race instantly at any time that his health wasn't up to taking on another term in what has been called the world's toughest job. Student Debate WITH NIXON IN CALIFORNIA P )-Vice - president Richard M. Nixon, arriving in California at the same time Adlai E. Stevenson speaks in the state, yesterday said the Democratic presidential nomi- nee is a candidate singing a "dreary theme song" of "gloom and, despair." Vice-President Nixon's schedule brought him into Los Angeles in the late afternoon at about the same time Stevenson was to arrive there for a majior night speech, While he wasnbarnstorming through the state toward Los An- geles, the vice-president issued a statement declaring "We cannot have the kind of weakness and vacillation so flagrantly displayed by Mr. Stevenson in the last few weeks of his campaign against President Eisenhower." The Vice-President also said op- timistically that the "most signifi- cant development that has occur- red during the last 10 days has been the marked shift of Demo- cratic voters from Mr. Stevenson to President Eisenhower." Representatives Republicans and of the Young Students for Stevenson will debate their parties' stands on civil rights before a meeting of the University chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Union, ac- cording to Peter Eckstein, '58. PHI KAPPA TAU, TRI-DELTS TAKE SECONDS: Lambda Chi Alpha, Alpha Phi Win Homecoming Prizes By CAROL PRINS It started out to be an ideal football Saturday. Weathermen predicted perfect football weather and the forecast held true. Large numbers of alumni had returned to see Michigan and Min- nesota battle for the Little Brown Jug and numerous Ann Arborites filled the streets, gawking at the various displays. Lambda Chi Alpha scored two victories, with Major IV triumphing over the Delta Upsilon mascot Brandy II in the third annual St. Bernard Chariot Race, while the Lambda Chi homecoming display, "Minnesota Hasn't Got a Snowball's Chance" took first place in the judging of the men's division of the annual display contest. Alpha Phi's 'Old Man' Wins In the women's division, Alpha Phi placed first with "There Was An Old Man Who Won Little." Runners-up were second place )elta Delta Delta ("Soap Suds Slaughter") and third place Zeta Tau Alpha ("Michigan Gonna Scoop 'Em Many-Sodas"). Second and third place winners in the all-campus men's division were Phi Kappa Tau ("Bennie's Bloody Blokes") and Kelsey House, South Quad ("A Grim Fairy Tale That Came True"), respectively. In Assembly Association judging for independent women's housing, Henderson House ("Alas! Poor Gopher") was first, Stockwell Hall second and Couzens Hall third. Inter-House Council awards for independent men's housing went to Allen-Rumsey, Strauss and Kelsey Houses. rope' s ubb unuty pu pulawu H41 highly industrialized localities, crowded between Germany, Lux- embourg and France. Under its rolling hills are 10 billion tons of coal-enough to keep its miners busy for more than .500 years. Saar mines pro- duce more than 17 million tons of coal and Saar mills 3 million tons of crude steel yearly. The new agreements provide. that: 1. Frane is guaranteed a sup- ply of 90 million tons of Saar coal in the next 25 years. 2. The two countries will make the Moselle River into an inter- national canal linking France's In- dustrial Lorraine with the Rhine River in Germany. 3. Germany will take over the Saar railroads and postal service in the three-year transition period. Dulles Offers Aid To Rebels DALLAS, Tex (M)-Secretary of State John F. Dulles held out the promise yesterday of U.S. eco- nomic help to Hungary, Poland or other countries which may gain nn