..} Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "No, No, Men-Just The One On The End" To The Edhtor Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter. , "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the, editors. This must be noted in all reprints. EURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: TAMMY MORRISON Stevenson's Draft Proposal Thoughtful and Realistic AD^I"Stevenson's draft proposal -- which originally looked like a rather irresponsible bid for votes - is beginning to look more and more like a thoughtful, realistic welcome pos- sibility. When he first suggested in his American Legion address that the draft might be brought to an end, Stevenson proved himself strangely inarticulate. Just as he did when he first pro- posed a cessation of Hydrogen bomb tests, he failed to elaborate and explain from the outset sufficiently to convince many people of the wisdom' of his ideas. But in the course of the campaigning, Steven- son has articulated his draft suggestions (as well as those on the H-bomb) and made clear that he is not proposing, as the Republicans have been all too quick to charge, that we throw away two of our most potent defenses against the Soviets.} The Democratic candidate is not promising an immediate end to the draft, nor is he nec- essarily proposing that we cut down the size of our armed forces. He is suggesting that the wiole question of maintaining our forces be studied and is pointing out a particular area in which present methods may be wasteful. ONE OF the biggest problems of our military manpower program is the enormous amount of turnover the services experience yearly. Ac- cording to the figures Stevenson gives, the ser- vices will lose 750,000 trained men, this year, and the cost of training replacements for them will come to $2,500,000,000 - an aver- age of over $3,300, per man. When one considers the' pay and expenses of trainers aMd trainees, worn uniforms, am- munition; other training equipment, and the maintenance of training centers throughout rthe country, these figures seem plausible. They are probably inflated by the inclusion of Air Force personnel, whose training is most costly and highest in turnover therefore most serious. The Air Force does not now rely on the draft for its manpower, but any solution to its problem - along the lines of increased incentives - would only complicate the prob- lem in the other services by possibly draw- ing away men, and making Army and Navy life less palatable by comparison.' The solution which Stevenson suggests - and asks a study to explore - is that through higher pay and increased benefits volunteers might be induced to sign up for longer peri- ods of service. For every extra man who can thereby be induced to enlist in the Army for four years there can be a decrease of two in the number of two-year draftees needed and of one in the number who need be trained during the period. The volunteer would also be more likely than the draftees to re-enlist. An increased professionalism and. efficiency would be a valuable result, especially as a more mechanized Army requires better trained (and perhaps fewer) men to run it. And the savings on training might be more than enough to cover the added pay needed to bring sufficient long-term enlistments. MORE probably the savings would not be enough. But as Prof. J. K. Galbraith of Harvard has ponted out, some of the old jus- tifications of the draft no longer apply. In par- ticular, the risk to life traditionally involved in military life is no longer too much greater than that involved in being a civilian during the Atomic Age. Not only are the prospects good for a prolonged period of nuclear stale- mate, but the effects of hydrogen warfare - should it come - might well be inflicted in- discriminately on civilians and military men alike. Ever since the Civil War the American gov- ernment has considered itself incapable of compensating financially for the risks to life inherent in war, and it has substituted com- pulsion for economic incentive as a means of building up our forces in time of need. But with the prospect that the risks to life will be nearly equally shared by all Americans, Army life looms more attractive and its disadvan- tages are more comparable to those of; any other economic pursuit. It now seems less reasonable for the Ameri- can taxpayers to refuse to carry the burden of attracting men into the service, if in fact any additional burden would be involved in re- turning our military services to a voluntary basis and more equitably compensating our young men for the jobs they are performing. THIS IS some of the thinking which appears to lie behind the Stevenson draft sugges- tions. It is unfortunate that the candidate and the press have not done a better job. of presenting this thinking to the general public. It is even more unfortunate that the Eisen- hower administration - never a fertile breed- er or incubator of new ideas has seen fit to discard these suggesitons as "wicked non- sense" and a grave threat to the securityof the world. In the interests of a more professional Army in a period of specialization and mechaniza- tion, a more equitable distribution of financial burden as between taxpayers and soldiers, a return to the principle of "free labor" and an end to the compulsory features of the present system which are only excusable if absolutely necessary, and even a possible saving in the gigantic cost of maintaining our military es- tablishment, the Stevenson proposals deserve the most serious kind of study, something the Eisenhower administration has thus far shown itself unwilling to give. -PETER ECKSTEIN r 1 r hx. r, (( '1ST 4 " I "i" LENIN OUR F1 AN L I R F.RE tr" i 1 ' ' 1 + .. tirru/ .> ,.;. t.+ Y + , ' ' 1 I 'RIENVS s 'AYor c .N " '! 3i :a ii i gEI : S'(ALI N ., ixa . "W , .." s : ' y, ;,:,... ,Y 9,G"Y I': ' !7 I I oe a 1e5b 4w1-: Jhrt4N4CVoI*" ocr cif Within the Ranks . .. To the Editor: WHEN I spoke before the Young Democrats at Ann Arbor, I neither charged, nor implied that the Republican Party is guilty of anti-Semitism or of racial pre- judice generally. In the editorialcommenting on that speech, however, it was sug- gested that I did so. Actually, I said that children of immigrants, for example, have found a wel-. come within the ranks of the Democratic Party as they have not-at least not until very lately, and now only in token numbers-- within the ranks of the Republi- can Party. I said that for this reason, among others, I regard the Dem- ocratic Party as more representa- tive of the whole community. This is not the same as charging the Republican Party with overt pre- judice, The audience of Young IDemocrats could be relied upon to make the distinction, if.the edi- torialist could not. In support of my general con- tention, I cited certain facts: That the three Negro members of the United States Congress are all Democrats. That the two Jewish members of the United States Senate are Democrats. That Pastore, the only man bearing an Italian name, who so far as I can recall, has ever been elected to the United States Sen- ate, is a Democrat. That p e r s o n s with Polish sounding names were, so far as I recall, quite effectively excluded from the political life in Michigan at the state level until after 1948, when G. Mennen Williams was first elected Governor. That Jones and McCree, the first Negroes ever appointed to sit as judges in high court in Michigan were appointed by Wil- liams.' That, so far as I have been able to discover, Negroes were never elected to the State Legislature in Michigan until Democrats built a strong organization in the state; that nine Negroes now sit as Dem- ocratic members of the state leg- islature. That Al Smith, the only Roman Catholic ever nominated for Pres- ident, was named by the Demo-. crats. Now, all this was said, not as evidence that the Republican Par- ty istovertly prejudiced,rbuthra- ther to support my general thesis that the Republican Party has not been representative, much less all inclusive. The evidence at hand, only a little of which I cited, is compel- ling, I believe. Furthermore, I said that while I did not support Ferguson, Pot- ter, Leonard, Alger, Martin, and other Republicans, I would not charge that they had ever played upon racial prejudices in an ef- fort to win high public office. I did make this charge against Cobo. I know that he did just this and so does every other politically aware Detroiter who is old enough to remember Cobo's first cam- paign for Mayor. Of course, it is difficult to prove such charges conclusively, but I would repeat AT THE ORPHEUM. 'Umberto D.' Magnificent' SINCE THE war a significant ad- vance has been made in the es- tablishment of a truly original aes- thetic of cinematic drama. Best representative of these efforts are the films "Bicycle Thief" and. "Umberto D". Labeled "neo- realism", it is an attempt to cre- ate a completely realistic presen- tation of life, of human motives and desires, by using meaningful characters in a setting and direc- tion determined by life itself, rather than tradition's shadow of the classical Greek drama. Umberto D.-before retirement a government worker and accus- tomed to a certain dignity of manner, thought and dress - re- turns to his tenement roof from an unsuccessful attempt of fel- low pensioners to gain a living substance. He quarrels with his landlady, to whom he owes con- siderable back rent, and she threatens dispossession. His sleep is tormented by the noisy tene- ment, tramcars, worry about money, and a tortured confusion due to an attempt to live in his previous dignified-manner while on the pension of a beggar. HIS ONLY sympathy comes from an unmarried, three month pregnant servant girl; she re- ceives her only understanding from Umberto. He eventually ob- tains a free bed ix1 a Catholic hos- pital in order to recover from a week-long throat infection. Upon returning home he finds -himself evicted, and his room being re- eled. His beloved mongrel dog, Flick, which he has entrusted to the care of the servant girl, has been lost, and is suddenly his im- mediate concern. Umberto spends a degrading and depressing day trying to re- cover the dog. After a joyous re- union Umberto and Flick attempt re-establishing old friends, bor- rowing money, and finally beg- ging :all to no avail. He obtains money by selling his watch and some fine books, but the landlady refuses the money. In an attempt to find a new home for his dog he is reduced to further insults and rejection. His mind is racked with thoughts of suicide, he at- tempts to kill himself and the dog, but in the process the ,dog escapes him. With a final tremen- dous effort he re-establishes his dog's confidence. *, * THROUGHOUT the film Um- berto is driven between elation and depression. The pace of this action increases to the end. The impetus of the film drifts from the attempt to obtain a living pension to atdesperate struggle for recognition and respect. When the environment is squalid the ac- tion centers upon the warmth of his two friends; when the setting is decent the characters are aloof and cruel. Unresolved action fol- lows upon unsolved crisis. The hypocrisy of custom and ritual within state and church scream from mere existence. Umberto has lost faith in his life and his reason to live; in his attempt to regain it he is rejected. His dog loses faith in his master, but the confidence between, them is regained, built anew. Umberto is, however, left to his plight of old age and death. "Umberto D" is not a comfort- able experience to live with, but it is one of the few films of great significance ever made. -Gordon Mumma them before Mr. Cobo. I could not prove to you at this moment, that anti-Catholic bigo- try was stimulated in order to win votes for Herbert Hoover against Al Smith, but since I lived through that campaign, eve as a non-voter, I know that the charge is true. Unlike Cobo, however, Mr. Hoover disassociated himself from the use of such methods. --Brendan Sexton Director of Education, UAW Intellectual Bondage... To the Editor: E series of reports and editor- ials by James Elman, Jr., on the detrimental lecture situation were appreciated. I was unaware of the Lecture Committee's con- servative restrictions upon outside speakers, demanding that they be non-radical. As was pointed out, freedom of ideas and controversy is at stake. One of the obvious advantages of a large university is the diversity of opinion. To deny that persons of communistic or socialistic thinking should objectively be heard, is irrational timid bigotry, excluding the valuable clarification of ideas and heightening the an- tagonisms between differing ideol- ogies. It is an old truth that one need not agree with a divergent view but must tolerate its expres- sion in order to understand and be able to criticize. Many students support Mr. Els- man's views, (perhaps as force. fully as the student body in 1952, voting 2-1 for the revision of the lecture policy), and would like to see the situation remedied. Let us hope that some of the University authorities who equally dislike the present lecture policy, can eventu- ally escape the pressures exerted on a state university in these mat- ters by demonstrating that a non- restricted lecture policy combats the real evil-that of intellectual bondage through fear. -Carol Schappi, '58 High Priced Fix .. . To the Editor: Why is it that we must submit to such high prices for our senior pictures? Do such figures as the following seemslike "'reduced col- lege prices": wallet size applica- tion pictures-six for $3.50, sx 5 x 7 (white) $15.00, and so on? Who selected the Colonna Studio in New York as the photograph- ers; did someone get a kick-back? It seems that a competent, less expensive studio could be found nearer Ann Arbor. Why go to New York to be robbed? Marie Bourbonnais, '57 Helen Laaksonen, '57, Ed. Note: The senior picture con- tract for the Michiganensan is awarded in the spring on a compe- titive bid basis. The business man- ager and the editor consider the qua- lity of service, uniformity of photo- graphs for engraving reproduction, and the price of photographs to stu- dents in selecting the Studio. The two dollar appointment fee is used by the Ensian tp defray the cost of engraving and printing the senior pictures in the book. No one is obli- gated to buy any pictures from the Ensian's photographer if he feels that the prices are too high or if he is not satisfied with his proofs. There are no firms in Ann Arbor who have the equipment to process 1800 pic- tures In time to meet the Ensians engraving deadline. Negro Voters . . To the Editor: 1 WAS shocked by your editorial "GOP Getting Negro Vote." President Eisenhower has refused consistently to use federal powers, to insure the right of Negroes to vote in those southern state where they are kept from the -polls through use of lagalistic subterfuge t or violence. The NAACP has shown that the number of Negrovoters in the South has declined during President Eisenhower's term in office. In considering the Republican stand on Civil Rights we must remember three facts: 1. The President, when he was General Eisenhower opposed inte- gration in his official testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Universal MilitaryTraining in 1948. 2. Richard Nixon voted against a strong Fair Employment Prac- tices bill in 1950 as a member of the House of Representatives. 3. Albert Cobo was elected Mayor of Detroit because he was low enough to conduct an anti-Negro campaign.J --Ken Cherven, '59 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) tq f 1. Homecom'ing! ,1 HOMECOMING 1956! A time for shouting and gaiety! There probably never has been nor will be such an occasion in the history of the: University. What weather! Until yesterday, it had been almost as bad as spring when no one can study for anything. Such a rainless autumn is un- heard of in Ann Arbor and as a result there may have to be Standing Room Only in the arboretum for the rest 'of the month. However, as every upperclassman knows, the campus always .rates at least a little rain for its Homecoming. And it's a time for record players - you're nobody, if you don't have one, along with the My Fair Lady recording. It helps one to think of Homecoming display ideas, just sitting and listening to "Even Keats will survive without you ...' It really makes one wonder how SGC and the city polite department are surviving these days - thy're so understaffed, you know. Per- haps the latter should do as the former is do- ing and recruit campus or city "leaders" who already have one job and are therefore proven capable of taking on another. CTUALLY, it's been shown that some of the houses don't really think about display ideas until the night' before. That's under- standable this year. After all, unless you've circled the date on your Michigan Union Fall Calendar, you might be forgiven for not realizing that Homecoming is the last football game of a five-game home stand. The team just hasn't been anywhere to come home from. (Due, of course, to the re- scheduling of last week's Northwestern game.) But Homecoming is also a time for physical activity, and the leaders in this department boast a Tug-O'-War and a mudbowl league football game. , ONE of the greatest traditions on many cam- puses is a Tug-O'-War. Even the University used to have a freshman-sophomore Tug-O'- War, way back in the good ole days. So, perhaps it's a return to tradition that Taylor and Gomberg Houses are making it their annual event. At any rate, Taylor is hop- ing the event will not be the six-minute rout it was last year and that maybe next year their event will receive mention in the official Homecoming program of activities. But Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi Delta Theta aren't worried about any competition for their mudbowl game coming from the Tug- O'-War. They know 'there's nothing anyone would rather do than watch football all morn- ing and again all afternoon. A T ANY rate, it's more than evident that the battlecry of Homecoming 1956 will go down in history: "Somebody'll get wet, whether it rains or shines." -VERNON NAHRGANG 4t TODAY AND TOMORROW: Hydrogen Bomb Tests and the Campaign q i 11 By WALTER LIPPMANN WERE the hydrogen bomb tests not involved in the campaign, and therefore at once exaggerated and over-simplified, what precisely is the substantial issue between President Eisenhower and Gov. Stevenson? Basically, it is whether the testing of . the big hydrogen bombs presents a special problem, requiringa special solution, dis- tinct from and different from the problems posed by all the other weapons, including the atomic bombs and the smaller hydrogen bombs. The Governor's position, when it is precisely defined, which it has not always been, is that the big hydrogen bombs are a special prob- lem which can and should be dealt with without waiting for a general agreement covering the regulation of all armaments. The President's position is that the big H-bombs are not a special case and that testing of big H-bombs cannot and should not be limited unless and until there is a general agree- ment, with satisfactory safeguards of inspection and control, on all weapons. On this basic issue there is little doubt, I submit, that the Governor has the better of the argument. It does not follow, I hasten to add, that the Governor's solution of the problem is satisfactory. What can- not be denied successfully is that the big hydrogen bombs are a special problem, and a- close read- inm o h Prci ,.nV - etfrAnto September, there was a fall-out in Norway which was about ten times as highly radioactive as the normal atmosphere. According to the spe- cialists "the absorption rate was about one-tenth of the interna--' tional norm for dangerous radi- ation." This was all very well. But it did not reassure and it did not please the Norwegians. For the fact was that poison was being dumped on Norway without their having anything to say about whether it should be dumped, about how often it should be dumped, and what was the legiti- mate amount of poison that could or should be dumped upon them. The Norwegians were in the po- sition of a man who finds that every now and then his neighbor puts some arsenic in his morning coffee, accompanied by the assur- ance that it is not enough arsenic to kill him. There is no denying, it seems to me, that because of the fallout on other countries the test- ing of the hydrogen bombs is the legitimate concern of the inter- national community. The testing is a proper and a necessary subject of international regulations. And no nation, especially not this na- tion, can afford to have a policy which refuses to recognize that the world community has a legitimat:e interest which must be protected. * * * IN THE TUESDAY document from the White House, the accom- panying memorandum of the ex- thermo-nuclear (hydrogenY weap- ons (end italics) although the ob- jectionable fall-out of an atomic explosion, especially the compon- ent Strontium-90, is the result of atomic fission, which is the specific reaction in existing small atomic weapons." The question we may ask about this not very clear sentence is, why did fall-out acquire increased im- portance with the first hydrogen bomb tests? The answer of com- mon sense is that the much bigger bombs caused a much bigger fall- out. The President's own statement confirms the conclusion that there is a real difference between the smaller and the bigger bombs. In spite of the casuistic argument that all bombs have some fall-out -so why single out the big ones- the President says, "It is true that tests of very large weapons would probably be detected when they occur. We believe we have detected all such tests to date." Why have we detected them? Because the fall-out is not confined to the ter- ritory of the Soviet Union. This would seem to settle the issue as to whether or not the big hydrogen bombs are a special problem. a THE PRESIDENT and the Gov- ernor have also had a difference of opinion as to how an agreement to suspend the testing of the big bombs could be enforced. The Gov- ernor has said that if the Soviet Union broke the agreement by ex- enough to cause fall-out and big enough therefore to be detected- may not be exploded. Let us sup- pose, which I believe we ought to insist upon, that the treaty stated that the illegal explosion of such a big bomb is an international crime of which the United Nations shall at once take cognizance. The violation of the treaty would at once precipitate an internation- al crisis. The United States and its allies would have the right to take the position that the violator of the agreement has committed an act which was preliminary to war, like mobilizing on the frontier of a country, and that counter- measures, collectively if possible, singly if necessary, were justified. The reply to a violation would not be, it seems to me, anything so tame as Gov. Stevenson's sugges- tion that our own testing be re- sumed. Nor would it be anything so abject as doing nothing except complain that we had lost the race of armaments. What would happen is that the violation of an agree- ment of this critical character would either precipitate war or sanctions that were the very near- est thing to war. AN INTERNATIONAL treaty to suspend the testing of bombs big enough to be detected abroad, big enough therefore to pollute the air abroad, would - if it were properly negotiated - stand no greater chance of being violated r. 4 ft 4 Examination of Self-Liquidation Plan AT THEIR last meeting Student Government Council tabled a motion which would auth- orize -its Campus Affairs Committee to "inves- tigate all phases of financing of residence halls at the University of Michigan." The obvious target of this motion is a thorough examina- tion of the self-liquidation plan for residence halls financing. The hesitancy of the Council to act imme- diately on a motion of this importance cannot he anetinned After aweAft hnuihtanh the ent financing system and a comparison of self liquidation in relation to financing systems at other schools. The motion also calls for an ex- amination of self liquidation and its relation- ship to rising enrollment. IT IS time that somebody took the initiative to find the complete story on self-liquidation Admittedly it is a big task, one which only SGC, as a representative organ of campus opin- ion, can adequately handle. It is essential that I. -4