STEVENSON'S DRAFT PLAN REALISTIC See Page 4 . c. 14C Latest Deadline in the State :43 a tt4p COOL, NO RAIN t t VOL. LXVII, No. 34 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1956 SIX PAGES Hungarians Push Toward Austria Thousands of Casualties Reported As Rebels Gain Over Soviet Forces VIENNA (A)-Budapest's anti-Red revolution blazed across west- ern Hungary today to the borders of Austria on a widening panorama of reeking war and death. Anti-Red Ilungarians also were reported gaining against Soviet- led armed force in south Hungary. Casualties mounted into .many uncounted thousands. The rebels fought through a fourth straight night, rejecting the Hungarian Communist regime's latest ultimatum to down arms or die. Some Russian tanks were reported to have joined the rebel side in Budapest. The situation outside flaming Budapest was roughly this: 1) Rebels were reported to have wrested. much of western Hun- City Halves Parke Davis Sewer Cost Homecoming Enlivens Campus ! University Needed on Approval Council's 'U'. Regents To Ask For, More Money, Requests for appropriations to- taling almost $38,000,000 were ap- proved yesterday by the Regents to be submitted to the State Legis- lature'in the University's x1957-58 budget. Largest single request was a $34,121,458 general funds budget which represents more than a $6,- 500,000 increase over the actual sum granted by the Legislature for the current academic year. Reasons cited for the larger general funds requests were need for additional teaching staff to handle a larger student . body, staff salary and wage increases to correspond with those other economic groups and increased, merit and promotion funds. Eight other requests for appro- priations were also approved at the Regents' regular October meeting. . Requested for Flint College was $384,000 and for research and ser- vices in the utilization of human resources, $734,000. The Great Lakes Research Institute was slated for a $100,000 request, while $200,000 was requested to set up a research and service program in aiding small business in Michigan. The University will also request the following appropriations be included in the Legislature's men- tal health bill: Neuropsychiatric Institute, $833,399; Mental Health Research Unit, $316,943; Child- ren's Psychiatric Hospital, $1,083,- 158; Veteran's Readjustment Cen- ter, $405,121. The Regents intend to later make public details on the re- quests. In other action yesterday, the Regents also approved the award- ing of contracts for the 1200-resi- dent women's dormitory, expected to be ready for occupancy in the fall of 1958. The dormitory, to be financed by revenue bonds paid for out of income from the University's residence halls, is expected to cost approximately $6,200,000. The Regents also approved the development of an Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations and appropriated $35,000 from general funds in order to finance its development for the rest of the 1956-57 year. gary from combined Soviet and Red Hungarian forces. 2) Travelers streaming into Austria fro mHungary said rebels were holding much of south Hun- gary with the added help of min- ers and striling workers. Rebels talking across the fron- tier to reporters in Austria said an independent Hungarian govern- ment had been set up at Gyoer, industrial city just across the bor- der. Its capture was reported ear- lier. The rebels said they were short of supplies, but were getting ma- chine guns, antitank guns and even some artillery from desert- ing Hungarian army units. They predicted the Russians would try to storm Gyoer later today. A Hungarian doctor appearing dramatically at the frontier said Russian soldiers massacred. 75 peasant demonstrators only 10 miles from the Austrian border. Other eyewitnesses said Soviet soldiers shot down- rebellious farmers, their wives and children in farms and villages. Austria sent troops to the fron- tier,. promised asylum for refu- gees and warned it would resist1 any Red attempt to pursue fugi- tives across the border. Witnesses said the rebels, ap- peared to be gaining despite the armed might of Soviet and Hun-c garian tanks, artillery and jetI planes.c Estimate of Expense By WILLIAM HANEY Ann Arbor City Council las' night approved a proposal fo Parke, Davis & Co. to pay $45,88 for sanitary sewage and wate facility expenses in the establish ment of a $10,000,000 medical- pharmaceutical research labora- tory on North Campus, Settlement of negotiations be tween the University, Parke, Davis and city officials is contingent onl on University approval of Cit Council's estimate of the Univer- sity's portion of share-the-cos water and sewage expenses. According to Mayor William E Brown, Jr., who conferred witi Parke, Davis officials prior to the meeting, "The Council is optimistic about settling transactions with the company and University offi- cials within a few days." Cost Split Difficulties Difficulties arose during the summer over. how the $1,230,000 water and sewage bill would be split among the University, which owns the land, Parke, Davis which has an option on the land, and the city, which is in charge of facilities for the North Campus area. A proposal for the University to pay "between 40 and 50 per cent of the $1,000,000 water installatior costs and around $100,000 of the $230,000.sanitary sewage bill will be submitted to the University for approval very soon," City Adminis- trator Guy Larcom said. The University reportedly is ready to accept "41 per cent of the water installation expenses." City Expenditure Should the University. agree to the proposal, the remaining por- tion to be borne by the city would be in excess of $650,000. The figure finally decided upon for Parke, Davis' share is less than half the amount previously . re- quested by the city. Council offi- cials decided to pay part of Parke, Davis' share "if such action is deemed necessary to insure the company's locating at North Cam- pus.", City Council's action in the Parke, Davis' transaction is part of Mayor Brown's proposed $11,353,- 000 capital improvement program for Ann Arbor. In discussing the Parke, Davis' settlement, councilmen referred to it as "The first in a possibly large series of research-development projects in Ann Arbor." Such developments as a Bendix Aviation Corp. engineering unit were mentioned as necessitating "broad forward moves on capital improvements." Chinese Riots SINGAPOEE (P)---Chinese mobs battled police and troops across Singapore island today in the third day of anti-government' riots. By midnight yesterday eight Chinese rioters had been killed in bloody clashes and 90 persons- 18 of them Europeans-had been njured. ,t x a r s t By CAROL PRINS Yesterday's rainstorms, which played havoc with many papier- mache Homecoming displays, brought forth hasty repairs on the elaborate structures. With the weatherman promising sunny skies and cool breezes for today, fears for the displays and the day's festivities have abated. First event scheduled for the annual "gathering of the alums" celebration is the 17th Annual Mud Bowl Game which will feature Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi Delta Theta in their annual "grid" riv- alry. Additional features in the contest are the Kappa Alpha Theta- Collegiate Sorosis soccer game, the crowning of the Mud Bowl Queen and the halftime performance of the pledge marching bands. of Pi Beta Phi. Delta Delta Delta The contest is scheduled for 9:30 sorority will give vocal support to a.m. on the corner of South Uni- versity -and Washtenaw Ave. D.U.'s Brandy. Major IV and Brandy II will vie Men of Gomberg will battle with for top honors in the third an- .Taylor House in the annual Home- nual St. Bernard Chariot Race to coming Tug 0' War to be held at be held in the center of the Diag Island Park at 10 a.m. "The' at 11 a.m. Lambda Chi's Major Big Red" of Gomberg were the will be cheered on by the affiliates winners of the contest last year, 'BOTH YOUR HOUSES': pulling river. At 1:30 p.m. the battle for the Brown Jug, Michigan vs. Minne- sota will begin with Homecoming Display winners to be announced during half-time. 'Roman Holiday' Also during halftime, the march- ing men of the Michigan band will present a half time show featuring the theme of Home- coming, "Roman Holiday." The band will flash back to the year 5 B.C. and ancient Rome. It will march to mid-field to the s t r a i n s of "Finiculi - Finicula" where they will form a famous ancient Roman, Nero, and play "Czardas-" As the crowd of approximately 100,000 watches and listens, "Hot Canary" and "There's Going To Tonight" will be played by the band. An actual chariot race will be featured next in the show. "Entry of the Gladiators" and "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" will accomp- any the race. "Its Always Fair Weather When Good Friends Get Together" typi- fies the early days of association between Brutus, Cassius, and Caesar as portrayed by the band. It will form the three men and picture the stabbing of Caesar. The band will also form a castle which will crumple to the ground when struck by a catapult. "Arrive- derci Roma" will be played by the band as they march to back to mid-field. The band will then pre- sent an original dance step to "0 Sole Mio." Taylor to defeat in the I Be A Hot Time In The Old TownI Awards for the best in home- coming handiwork will be pre- sented during the intermission of the Homecoming Dance. Display Judging Displays will be judged on mech- anical design, artistic design, orig- inality and appropriateness. Judges. are Prof. George H. Forsyth, of. the fine arts department, Alex- ander L. Pickens, architecture and design school, Ethel A. McCorm- ick, social director of the Michi- gan League and James A. Lewis, Vice-President for Student Af- fairs, "Roman Hbliday," the Home. coming Dance, will begin at 9 p.m. today at the Intramural Building with Count Basie's band performing. The dance will conclude the homecoming festivities. Sole Mio." Boulding riticizes Ieke Adlai on Farms (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles of comment on election issues by members of the University faculty. The following article discusses the problems of agriculture.) By PETER ECKSTEIN Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the economics department sees the past four years in agriculture - described by Democrats as a "de- pression", by Republicans as a "readjustment" - as. a "noticeable" but "moderate" decline in income and number of farm producers. He yesterday described the agricultural policies of the Eisenhower Administration as "pretty much of a continuation" of the Demo- crats', and said they "certainly cushioned the agricultural decline. There's been a good deal of continuity, and price supports on the whole have been pretty close to 90 per cent of parity." As between Adlai Stevenson's espousal of a return to high, rigid price supports and President Dwight D. Eisenhower's continued back- ing of a flexible support level, Prof. Boulding called the former "the wrong answer" and the latter "an inadequate answer." As the agricultural economist analyzes "the farm problem", farmers themselves are the "principal surplus." Present demand for agricultural commodities does not justify the number of persons now producing them, and the problem is: "how do you organize an orderly withdrawal from agriculture?" Lower income in agriculture - especially in relation to other occupations --- has been "moving people out of agriculture, but not quite fast enough," he continued. By slightly lowering price supports under the flexible program, the Administration has helped accelerate this movement, and in that sense it "sees the problem better than the Democrats." Unfortunately, he added, forcing people out of an industry which can't support them is "painful for those who have to move." While he criticizes the Eisenhower program both for its "pain- fulness' and its "inadequacy" in reducing the surplus of farmers, Prof. Boulding describes the Democratic plan for rigid 90 per cent of parity price supports as "appalling nonsense." Parity is a Department of Agriculture figure for "fair" prices based on the relation between farm costs and prices in a base period, in most cases 1909-1914. Lowered costs, Prof. Boulding contends, have made the parity formula "completely obsolete in many commodities. Society doesn't benefit from any improvements in agricultural technology," which has grown at a faster rate than technology in many industries. Com- modities now produced more easily - absolutely and relatively - are supported at a level intended to give them pre-World War I pur- chasing power in terms of manufactured goods. By stimulating production above what consumers currently de- mand, the price support program creates surpluses in supported crops. The result, he contended, is a wasteful application 'of resources to those commodities which are supported vis-a-vis other farm pro- ducts and other economic pursuits. Price supports, he added, do little "to help the one-and-a-half million farmers who are really poor, because they have little to sell." In attempting to help agriculture, "we help the rich more than the poor. What we need is a poverty policy, not a farm policy." And for the specific problem of agriculture, Prof. Boulding rec- ommends "a somewhat more positive program" than either party is now supporting, one designed at "helping" - rather than forcing- people to get out of agriculture. " M' Defends Jug Today InHomecoming Clash L I Hot Time! StolenRope Starts Quad Water Battle By ROBERT S. BAIL, Jr. Huber House became unexpect- edly involved in the second annual Gomberg-Taylor Tug-O-War last night as a pitched water battle raged on South Quad's eighth floor. The battle erupted after Taylor men had left the rope, estimated at more than 100 pounds, in the Huber-Gomberg dining room aft- er their afternoon practice. With- in minutes, the rope was missing, and observers reported that more than ten Huber men had been seen taking off with the heavy coil. Last-minute negotiations be-. tween sides failed amid shouting and wastebasket-pounding, as Hu- ber men set up their defenses in a janitor's closet equipped with a faucet and hose for quick refilling of wastebaskets. Gomberg based its operations in the corner show- er room. The battle was brief. Truce teams composed of resident ad- visers and staffmen called a halt to the fighting, but not before a senior staff official of Huber House was accidentally drenched. The only possible cause of dam- age in the skirmish was the inch- and-a-half to two inches of water left standing in the corridor. A minor cascade of water dropped the stairs to the seventh floor. General concensus indicated no damage would be caused to Quad property. The rope, forgotten in the battle, was never found. Huber has announced that the possession of the rope will be re- linquished to Gomberg and Tay- lor at 8:30 a.m. this morning. World News Roundup By The Associated Pres No matter Pi finishes Homecoming can lay just test" display When the where Delta Sigma in the race for honors today they claim to the "hot- of the year. Delta Sigs turned Minnesota Hopes Rest On. Passing By STEVE HEILPERN Associate Sports Editor ALGIERS - Violence flared again yesterday in Algeria with more than 40 reported killed -- most of them rebels against French rule. * * * BERLIN - Communist leaders in East Germany begged their restive people last night to resist the fever of revolt-engulfed Hun- gary. The regime backed up its pleas by canceling army leaves and putting 120,000 army troops on emergency alert to crush any anti-Soviet uprising, making 270,- 000 soldiers and security police now on standby orders. * * * WASHINGTON - The United States has started consulting Bri- tain, France and other allies to decide whether to cite Russia be- fore the United Nations on charges of brutal military inter- vention in Hungary, the State Department disclosed yesterday. * * * ..UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. - France accused Egypt yesterday of direct responsibility in the Alger- ian crisis and brought the mat- ter formally before the UN Secu- rity Council. * * * LONDON - Walter Gieseking, German pianist who became a storm center in the United States after playing for Adolf Hitler, died yesterday after an emergen- cy operation in a London hospital. The pianist, known as one of the foremost interpreters of De- bussy and Ravel, arrived in Lon- don Monday to make recordings. He was operated on for relief of pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas. A Homecoming crowd of 85,000 and a dated piece of crockery will be on hand this afternoon when Michigan plays host to the Golden Gophers of Minnesota at Michigan Stadium. The 40th renewal of the Little Brown tdug- classic gets underway at 1:30 p.m. when Coach Murray Warmath's burly squad will at- tempt to upset an ambitious Wol- verine team. Gophers Still Unbeaten Minnesota, whichbhas' captured the Jug only once in the past 13 years, is currently resting in the fourth spot in the Big Ten, sport- ing a 2-0-1 Conference and 3-0-1 overall record. The Wolverines are a step be- hind the Gophers with a 1-1 Con- ference mark. A win by the Goph- ers today could possibly mean some post-season fun for them. Although fair weather is ex- pected for today's tussle, Michigan Coach Bennie Oosterbaan showed some concern at yesterday's prac- tice when he glanced at the dark, damp skies. Rain, the great equal- izer, would not be a welcome sight to the favored Maize and Blue. An unusual amount of precipi- tation could also prevent the on- lookers from viewing a two-sided aerial spectacle. Michigan has been a minor terror in the 'air of late, and Minnesota's Bobby Cox, after peppering the atmosphere with leather against Illinois last week, is expected to test the Wolverines' pass defenses today. Borstad Out? Minnesota may have to play without the services of its star full- back, Dick Borstad, who is on the injured list. Borstad, who suffered See INJURED, Page 3 an old jalopy upside down as a part of their display, they didn't notice the. cap was off the gasoline tank and their en- tire front lawn was consequent- ly saturated with gasoline. Cries and warnings of "stand back and douse your cigarettes" were unheeded by one onlooker, Benjamin D. Tudek, from Blue- jay, Calif., who flipped his burning cigar into the pool of gas. After joint efforts by firemen, policemen and fraternity men extinguished the flames, the culprit was taken to Ann Arbor Police Station and interrogated for drunk and disorderly con- duct and attempted arson.' , I { thepacras See INJURED, Page 3 Displays, Race, Iubowl Highlight Day s Events .~... . ::: ::. r"+:ilX',: ?i: { , i:+. j;;"Y,.fi:. : ' g pi:'::::: ::.: .:::J-:iti;". .4 :::.:::.":::::..:...: ... ..: :