FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1956 'i9E MICHIGAN DlAILY PACE mEsg rA tIP'PnfUT 1 8-METHOXYPSORALEN': Pharmacists Hear Reports On Newest Drug Advances Advances in medicine pertinent to the pharmacist were outlined in the pharmacy college's annual1 lectures Wednesday. Dr. E. Richard Harrell, assis- tant professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, said that a drug recently proven useful against Vitiligo, a disease which removes skin pigment, may aid people tos obtain healthy sun tans. The drug, 8-Methoxypsoralen, taken along with exposure to ultra $4,000 Offered' In Pharmacy Awards Contest "Senior and graduate pharmacy students are eligible to take part in this year's nationwide Lunsford Richardson Pharmacy A w a r d s competition," E. L. Mabry, Presi- dent of Vick Chemical Company, has announced. Aimed at stimulating greater interest in professional pharmacy, the Awards program gives four in- dividual cash awards of $1,000 each to winning students and their pharmacy colleges, for the best papers submitted on either of two general subjects: Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Papers will be judged on literary quality as well as subject matter. Deadline for all entries is De- cember 15, 1956,, while all manu- scripts must be received by March 3, 1957. Complete details concern- ing the Awards may be obtained at the University of Michigan School of Pharmacy. Specific objectives of the pro- gram are the encouragement of students to explore and investigate current pharmacy problems, sum- marize and present their findings for the benefit of other students and investigators, and broaden the scope of their interest in the pro- fession of pharmacy. 'End of the World' "The End of the World" is com- ing - at the Astronomy Depart- ment Visitor's Night to be held at 8:30 p.m. tonight in Room 2003 of Angell Hall. After the "End of the World" talk, conducted by Prof. William Liller of the Astronomy Depart- ment, the fifth floor observatory will be opened to the public. Vis- itors will be able to view the stars and planets with telescopes and binoculars if the night is clear. Visitors will also be able to in- spect the Angell Hall exhibits and telescopes of the Astronomy De- partment.J violet rays, has the effect of deep- ening a healthy sunbather's tan to a "lifeguard" brown. It is also useful to very fair- skinned and red-headed persons who ordinarily become blister- burned and red as a beet when exposed to the sun for more than a short time. Dr. Harrell reminded the 200 pharmacists present that the drug is far from drug store shelves. Some problems yet to be solved include the possibility of serious blistering oz' an allergic reaction resulting in contact dermatitis. Advances in antibiotics were discussed by Dr. Philipp Gerhardt, assistant professor of bacteriology. Dr. Gerhardt pointed out that the arsenal of antibiotics has been continuously enlarged, and research is strong. Antibiotics have been specialized, with new- er ones being developed for speci- fic infections, replacing many of the "broad spectrum" drugs.- Much work is being done in developing antibiotics to fight virus and cancer, he said, and their use has grown effective in pre- venting many of the very harmful infections which come after the advent of rheumatic fever. The use of two antibiotics to- gether has been effective, accord- ing to Dr. Gerhardt. In some cases their effectiveness has been im- proved by using them with hor- mones, such as cortisone. The pharmacists were reminded, however, that whenever antibiot- ics are used for a new purpose, it is vital that potential dangers be weighed against the derived bene- fits. DAILY OFFICIAL IBULL ETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 32 General Notices All students planning to reapply for Fulbright Grants in the 1957-58 compe- tition should check with the Fellow- ship Clerk in the Graduate School Im- mediately. Fulbright Applications and all sup- porting material must be received in the Graduate School. Room 1020Rack- ham Building by 4:00 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 1. This is the closing date for the 1957- 58 competition and will not be ex- tended. The Social Science Research Coun- cil has announced various fellowships and grants to be offered in 1957; Re- search Training Fellowships, predoc- toral and postdoctoral, for more ad- vanced research training than that which is provided in the usual Ph.D. Program; Faculty Research Fellowships, providing half-time support for re- search for three-year terms, open to college and university social science teachers normally not over 35 years of age; Grants-In-Aid of research, to assist scholars of established compe- tence in completing their own research projects in any social science field. There are special grants for projects in the following fields: History of Ameri- can Military Policy, Slavic and East European Studies, and Research on State Politics. The Council also offers the following Summer Institutes: one, for research workers of postdoctoral or equivalent standing on organization theory and research and tentatively on monetary policy formation; the oth- er, for mathematically competent so- cial scientists. Applications will be due on Jan. 7, 1957. Further information may be obtained in the office of the Graduate School. Application blanks may be obtained from the Social Re- search Council, 726 Jackson Place, N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Late Permission: All women students who attended the Concert on Sun., Oct. 21, at Hill Auditorium, had late permission until 11:15 p.m. Late Permission: All women students who attended the Lecture on Wed., Oct. 24, had late permission until 11:25 p.m. The Alexander von Humboldt-Stif- tung Awards Scholarships for postgrad- uate studies at universities and re- search institutes in the Federal Repub- lic of Germany and in West Berlin are offered to persons regarded as future professors, as scientists, or as leaders in other fields. The scholarships pro- vide sufficient funds for one person from Oct. 1 to July 31 and may be re- newed once. The deadline for filing ap- applications is Nov. 10, 1956. For fur- ther information contact the Inter- nationtal Center. Student Government Council, Sum- mary of action taken at the meeting of Oct. 24. 1956. Approved:.Minutes of previous meet- ing. Motion - to request the Vice Presi- dent for Student Affairs to"establish a committee to study and evaluate the Student Government Council. The re- ports and recommendations of this committee are to be submitted to the Board of Regents for consideration at its February 1957 meeting, prior to the end of the two year trial period. The committee will be composed as fol- lows: 3 active undergraduate students, 3 active faculty members, 2 active grad- uste students, 2 members of the ad- ministration, (chairman). The Student members to be appointed by SGC, with the approval of the Vice President; faculty and administration members to be appointed by the Vice- President of Student Affairs with the advice and consultation of SGC's Exec- utive Committee. The committee shall be responsible to the vice President for Student Affairs who shall ultimately present its find- ings to the Regents. Its suggestions and recommendations shall be dis- cussed and reviewed by the Student Government Council before going in final form to the Vice President for presentation to the Regents. Motion - Air Charter flight to Eu- rope: That the responsibility for the administration of the chartered flight to Europe for the summer of 1957 and the sale of NSA tours for the school year 1956-57 be delegated to the Michi- gan Union. The chairman of the Na- tional and International Committee shall assist the Union in this program. Motion - Free University of Berlin. That the exchange student program with the Free Unviersity of Berlin shall be continued for the year 1957-58; that petitioning for the Michigan exchange student shall be opened November 1 and closed November 26; that a joint SGC-Administration study committee shall be formed to evaluate the Free University of Berlin exchange student program. Motion-Structure Study' Committee established to evaluate the effectiveness of the present organizational structure and procedure. Adopted statement: Whereas Student Government Council is authorized to establish and enforce University rules and regulations for students it is im- perative that each member maintain standards which will qualify the group to take such action. Realizing its own responsibility in this matter the SGC reserved the right to reviewsthe actions and status of its members. Motion - Campus Affairs Committee to initiate a study and evaluation in the area of student football tickets, re- porting results of their study and rec- ommendations to the Council. Heard: Report from chairman of{ Joint Judiciary, Mike McNerney on driving regulation enforcement. Received: Cinema Guild Report. Postponed to Oct. 31: Motion that the Campus Affairs Committee in co- operation with the Housing Committee investigate all phases of financing of Residence Halls at the University of Michigan. The final report on results} of this study are to be brought to the SGC for consideration not later than the first meeting in January. Motion failed: To endorse resolution! of Big Ten Student Association to au- thorize the presidents of the student governments of these schools to vig- orously protest to -the appropriate ath- letic boards the future scheduling of football games on the Saturday fol- lowing Thanksgiving Day. Lectures Astronomy Department Visitor's Night. Fri., Oct. 26, 8 p.m., Rm. 2003, Angell Hall. Dr. William Liller will speak on "The End of the World." After the lec- ture the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open for inspection and for telescopic ob- servations of Mars and double stars. Children welcomed, but must be ac- compained by adults. First Experimental Playbill presented by the Department of Speech at 8 p.m. in Lane Hall. Benet's The Devil and Daniel Webster and Act III of Coxe and Chapman's Billy Budd. Open to the public without admission charge. Concerts Extra Carillon Recital, 4:00 p.m.. Sun., Oct. 28, by Beverly Brehm, Frederick Fahrner, Julia Hollyer, Ottilie Timb- lin McGehee and Milford Myhre, pres- I ent an dformer pupils of Prof. Percl- Just out and just woudeid!o tval Price, University Carillonneur. Works by Bach, Mozart, Ribaupierre, Scarlatti, Percival Price, Roy Johnson, Hart, Pachelbel and Nees, arranged for carillon by Ronald Barnes, Ottilie Mc- Gehee and Milford Myhre. Baroque Trio, Nelson Hauenstein, flute, Florian Mueller, oboe, and Mari- lyn Mason, harpsichord, with commen- tary by Louise Cuyler, 8:30 p.m. Sun., Oct. 28, in Aud. A, Angell Hall; open to the general public without charge. Trio Sonata in G major, by Heinichen, Sonata in G major, by Pietro Locatelli, La Steinquerque, Trio Sonata in B- flat major by Couperin; Concerto for Oboe by Albinoni, and Trio Sonata in D by W. F. Bach. Academic Notices Medical College Admission Test: Can- didates taking the Medical College Ad- mission Test on Oct. 30 are requested (Continued on Page 8) Dr. Gerhardt cited the staph- lococcus bacteria, which was sus- ceptible at first to antibiotics, but which has since developed a re- sistance to them.. Penicillin sensitivity has in- creased in many people to the point where they can receive it only under strict medical super- vision, or not at all. In some cases antibiotics have resulted in serious complications, and even death. (r I1 SEE THE 9[ CHEVROLET TODAY ! NO 8-9013 --DOWNTOWN- 205 f. Libertj, MUSIC SHNO 2-0675 for the Finest in Recorded fusic Includes STUDY IN EUROPE Spring Semester 1957 5 months for $1195 " Selection of 25 English taught courses at the U. of Vienna. * Special German language in- struction geared to a speaking knowledge. " Social and cultural activities, lectures and forums while study- ing at the U. of Vienna. " Study tours lasting a total of 2 months. England, BelIg i um, France, I t a I y,. Yugoslavia, Switzerland, Germany, Austria. " Living in a Viennese home. " Balanced, home-like meals with I ES " Personal orientation and advi- sory service from IES office. * Round trip ocean transportation. Group sails February 8, 1957, on Cunard Line ss. Saxonia. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Dec. 28, 1956. Mail coupon for free brochure. THE INSTITUTE OF " EUROPEAN STUDIES 35 East Wacker Drive, Room 1376 Chicago 1, Illinois. Name Address City Zone State School CHEVROLET New right down to the wheels it rolls on- that's the '57 Chevrolet ! By now you know it's new in sty-le. But Chevrolet's new in lots of ways that don't show up in our picture. It's new in V8 power options that range up to 245 h.p.* Then, you've a choice of two automatic drives as extra-cost options. There's an even finer Powerglide-and new, nothing- like-it Turboglide that brings you Triple- Turbine take-off and a new flowing kind of going. It's the only one of its kind ! Come see the new car that goes 'em all one better-the new 1957 Chevrolet! IT'S SWEET, SMOOTH AND SASSY! Chevy goes 'em all one better-with a daring new departure in design (looks longer and lower, and it is !), exclusive new Turboglide automatic transmission with triple turbines, a new V8 and a bumper crop of new ideas including fuel injection! a-A 4I 1 s I # # t '270=h.p engine also avail. able at extra cost. Also Ramjet fuel injection en- gines with up to 283 h.p. in Corvette and passenger car models. The new Bec Air 4-Door Sedan-an, of 20 striking new Chevies. C iS 1 t t y a e E WE CAN'T PROMISE .--- ---- ---- -----------------~~--------- - -------- ~-------- 1'h 1 1 1 '-J _P -, ---- -------- YOU THE WORLD... " A 1 i t I f i f It i I .I /. " S t 1 i i 1 f i f t C I f S a Iufll r jrancntsea (JCevrolet dealers " display this famous trademark See Your Authorized Chevrolet Dealer ***but we can offer you a genuine career opportu- nity with the leading jet aircraft equipment manufacturer. Hamilton.Standard's tremendous rate of expansion alone is evidence enough of the obvious opportunities now open at this beautiful, modern plant. However, there are numerous other "plus" values which you will want to consider: 1) the opportunity for further, tuition-assisted study at R.P.I. 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