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October 25, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-25

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Latest Deadline in the State

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SGC Hears Judic
On Auto Violations
No Action Taken on Non-Registered
Vehicle; Lack-of Authority Cited
Joint Judiciary Council Chairman Mike. McNerney, '57L, last
night told Student Government Council Joint Judic took no action
in one case of failure to register an automobile because there was
no evidence that the University Patrol was acting within its authority
when it stopped the violator.
In a report on cases of driving violations handled this year
by Joint Judic, McNerney also said the University Patrol, according
to Vice President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis, is not pres-
ently exceeding its authority. Lack of a specific reason for stopping
the car may have been due to Security Officers' oversight, McNerney

Patrol Authority
The University Patrol has only the authority to
violating state, county or local traffic ordinances,

stop all cars
and all cars
rawifr cf,.n-t l

-baaitn U nvirity


Adlai Lashes
'Just Trust
Ike Slogan
Says GOP Waging
Deceitful Campaign
NEW YORK (P)-Adlai E. Stev-
enson said yesterday the Repub-
licans were waging "a campaign
of deceit unmatci:ed in U.S. poli-
"I don't mind telling you that
I am good and mad," the Demo-
cratic presidential nominee told a
party rally a, White Plains, in
neighboring Westchester County.
"Plenty of Americans are. We
ought to be. The Republicans have
been treating the American people
like so many children who can be
put to sleep with a lullaby," he
GOP Deception
Stevenson said the Democrats
have been partisan in the Ameri-
can political tradition "but we
haven't tried to deceive the people
on the issues on matters of life
and death and of war and peace.
The Republicans have!"
Stevenson said the Democrats
"told the people for the first time
of the danger to us and our chil-
dren in continued H-bomb tests."
"Two hundred and seventy of
the nation's leading nuclear scien-
tists have backed up this warn-
ing," he said. "You know these
men would not speak out as they
have if they didn't feel deeply that
mankind is taking a terrible
chance withsa terrible new force."
Just Trust Ike
Stevenson said Republicans had
"sneered" at this warning by call-
ing it "nonsense" and "folly."
"Don't listen to the Democrats,
they say," Stevenson went on.
"Just trust Ike."
Time and time again in his
speech Stevenson ironically used
the phrase "just trust Ike."
Stevenson said the Democrats
"have told the people why Vice
President Richard M. Nixon is not
a man to be trusted with the most
powerful office in the world."
"We have pointed out the blunt
and inescapable fact that this hero
of the Republican Old Guard is in
line for the presidency of the
United States-an office he could
never attain on his own merit,"
Stevenson said, adding:
Faces Nixon
"You know his reactionary vot-
ing record and his shameful cam-
paign tactics up to this election
year. You know the man behind
the newly scrubbed mask.
"Yet the Republicans sneer at
the perfectly legitimate suggestion
that Nixon might become presi-
dent by calling the truth a smear.
"In effect, they are telling the
American people to stop worrying,
to stop thinking, to shut up-and
just trust Ike."
The speech here was Stevenson's
third stop on a night tour of great-
er New York. He previously spoke
in New York City and on Long

1earing univers iy registra OI
"The general f eeling of the
Council was that we have pro-
cedural standards to follow," Mc-
Nerney said. Lack of a reason for
car stoppage on the report Joint
Judic received from the Patrol he
termed "analogous to illegally
obtained evidence. If the Patrol
does exceed its authority, we feel
we should not be asked to hear
the case."
A letter from Vice-President
Lewis to McNerney dated Tuesday
reaffirmed the vice-president's
earlier statements that the Pa-
trol is not attempting to "catch"
unregistered drivers in trivial or
pretended violations.
Policy Re-Evaluation?
"As to what the Administra-
tion's intent is in the future, I
can't say," McNerney told the
SGC. "Vice-President Lewis also
said they might re-evaluate their
policy, but not without first dis-
cussing re-evaluation with Joint
However, McNerney did say,
"Some of the traffic infractions
f or which cars have been stopped
by the Patrol are ones which nor-
mal community police are not
likely to bother with, although
they are legitimate."
Up to now, Joint Judic has
heard 28 cases, 23 of them con-
cerning direct violations of Uni-
versity automobile regulations.
Eleven violators have been fined
$50, with six receiving partial sus-
pension of fines because of finan-
cial hardship. In no case of a di-
rect violation has anything less
than the minimum $25 fine been
levied. Joint Judic took no action
in five cases.
Numerous Cases
Joint Judic found that cases
of improper display of decals and
unauthorized parking in Univer-
sity lots were comparatively "cut-
and-dried," and is now handling
violations of this nature by let-
ter. All such "automatic" cases,
such as a $10 fine for parking in
a University lot, can be heard if
suspected violators so desire.
There have been approximate-
ly 15 cases of improper display of
decals and 95 parking violations,
eight of which were second of-
fense. Second offense parking vio-
lations will draw a higher scale
of penalty, McNerney said.

Red Army
To Remain
In Poland
Angry Students Cry
Rokossovsky Go Home
WARSAW, Poland (P)-Wlady-
slaw Gomulka told the Poles yes-
terday Soviet troops will stay in
Poland so long as there are North
Atlantic Treaty Organization ba-
ses in West Germany.
The new party boss, who led
Polish Communists in their politi-
cal revolt for "freedom and sov-
ereignty" last weekend, spoke be-
fore a throng of about 250,000 in
Warsaw as news of fightng in J8u-
dapest between anti-Soviet Hun-
garians and Russian tanks excited
intense interest here.
Hungarian Sympathies
Hungarian flags were raised
alongside the Polish flag outside
the University in Warsaw. A ban-
ner proclaimed, "Long Live Free-
dom in Hungary."
Factory and farm workers, of-
fice clerks and villagers paraded
afoot and in trucks to the square
in front of the 35-story Palace of
Culture and Science, formerly
known as Stalin Palace, to hear
A great cheer went up when he
declared, "It depends only upon
us how long Soviet troops may re-
main here."
NATO Opposition
But his further statement that
they would stay as long as the
West has military installations in
West Germany was accepted in
Gomulka bluntly attacked "anti-
Soviet sentiment" manifested in
demonstrations in several Polish
cities Monday night when Russian
flags were trampled.
He said the authorities would
tolerate no action against the
Polish state.
But despite his earnest appeal
for an end to mass meetings and
demonstrations, a group of at least
1,500 students paraded from the
University of Warsaw soon after,
crying, "Rokossovsky go home."
Marshal Konstantin Rokossov-
sky, a Polish-born former Soviet
marshal, remains defense minis-
ter. Sent here by Stalin in 1949,
he has been a symbol of Moscow

Celebration Marks,
50th Anniversary
Half a century of progress in art and architecture is being
marked by the Univeristy School of Architecture and Design in a
two-day celebration that began yesterday.
Exhibition of paintings, pottery and design furniture, honorary
degree presentations, addresses by University President Harlan Hatcher
and John Ely Burchard, dean of humanities at Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology and a concluding symposium led by Joseph Hudnut,
dean emeritus at Harvard Graduate School of Design mark the golden
anniversary celebration.
Honorary degrees will be granted by the Regents to Dean Bur-
chard, Clair William Ditchy, Detroit architect and Emil Lorch,
University professor emeritus of -
architecture. t
Effective Spokesman Ike Labels
In the citation recommending ,
Prof. Burchard for an honorary 1ba
degree, he is described as "the
most effective spokesman on arch-
itecture, both for architects and
laymen." He has been the featured E
speaker at two recent conventions
of the American Institute of Archi- .
tects and was chairman of a study WASHINGTON (R) - President
committee for the founding of an Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
"American School oflFine Arts." called the hydrogen bomb a great
Clair W. Ditchy, '11, was com- deterent to war-a weapon, he
mended for his work in architec- said, which tells any potential
ture which includes a number of enemy it would be "suicidal" to
important Detroit buildings and attack America.
the University's Alice Crocker The President set fourth his
Lloyd Hall. views in responding to questions
Lorch Commended put by seven women on a nation-
Prof. Lorch was commended for wide TV-radio program sponsored
his "constructive policies in archi- by the Republican Congressional
tectural education in Michigan,... Campaign Committee.
for leading in the definition and T he Committee said the women
maintenance of professional status ichose to appear on the program
for the architect . . . and for his were "representative of all walks
pioneer work in the organization of life and various sections of the
of the nation's professional schools country."
of architecture." Prof. Lorch was Avoid Adlai
the founder of a Department of In discussing the H-bomb, Presi-
Architecture at the University in dentEisenhower did not touch on
1906, which was the forerunner of the pro scountry tae the lea o
the present architectural school.eh-homnteytsl
In connection with the celebra-end H-bomb tests.
tion, an exhibition, "College ofa However, on another proposal
tion anexhiitin, Collge f ad v a n c e d by Stevenson - that
Architecture and Design Semi- thought bgievenoendingthet
Centennial Celebration Exhibition, thought be given to ending the
is on display in Alumni Memorial military draft-President Eisen-
Hall. The exhibit which opened hower stuck to his position that
yesterday will continue until Nov. the draft must be continued at this
Oil and water color paintings, 4Mrs.Louis Martin, a mother of
Oilrandwssculpture and metal 12, who lives on a farm near Salis-
ceramics,scltr an mel bury, Md., told the President she
work, most of it the work of Uni- is worried about the H-bomb, and
versity alumni, compose the ex- asked:
hibit. A scale model and drawing "What is the future of our fami-
of the new North Campus archi- lies in this atomic age?"
tecture and design building is fea- Solemnly President Eisenhower
turpd in the exhibit. revlied: "the world must find a

Sixty Dead
In French-



Arab Battle
Morocco Retaliates
For French Arrests
Of Algerian Rebels
RABAT, Morocco ()-Sixty dead.
were counted in Morocco yester-
day, victims of grim Arab retalia-
tion for the arrest by the French
of five leading Algerianrebels.
Angry anti-French demonstra-
tions and protest strikes spread
across seething North Africa as
Arab governments demanded re-
lease of the Algerians.
In Tripoli, Libya, demonstrators
stoned the British Embassy and
European cars.
Among the 60 dead, mostly Euro-
peans, were seven French soldiers.
They were killed and 24 comrades
were wounded in two ambushes in
eastern Morocco Tuesday night.
This was the most serious French
military loss reported on Moroc-
can territory since Morocco cast
off its status as a protectorate.
Rampaging Moroccans struck
hard in Meknes and the surround-
ing countryside Tuesday night,
starting less than 24 hours after
the five Algerian rebels were seized
by a French coup on a plane flight
from Morocco to Tunisia.
The actual cause of the uprising
is Meknes appeared to be an acci-
dental shot fired by a Moroccan
trooper who wounded himself.
The shot enraged demonstrators
in the city of 150,000 and the
bloodshed was on. Outside Meknes,
French sources said 38 farms,
mostly European, were burned.
In Rabat yesterday some 5,000
Arabs waiving the green flag of the
Algerian Nationalist movement,
started a march to the imperial
palace. They stopped short, how-
ever, after a loudspeaker truck
appealed in the name of Sultan
Mohamed V that they disperse
In Fez and Oujda, Moroccan
mobs stormed through the Eu-
ropean quarters, smashing store
windows and shouting anti-French
slogans mixed with demands for
Alger i a' s independence from
Protest strikes in Morocco and
Tunisia spread to Tripoli, where a
general strike was called. All per-
sonnel at Wheelus Field, a U.S. Air
Force base in Libya, were restrict-
ed to their stations.
SGC Delays
Residence Hall
Finance Study
Student Government Council
last night tabled until next week
a motion to study residence halls
financing at the University.
The motion called for a study
of the self-liquidating plan now in
operation and other methods of
financing as well as an evaluation
of systems now in use at other
Because some Council members
felt that ignorance on the subject
was widespread, the motion was
tabled for further study.
SGC approved a motion to re-
quest Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis to set up
a committee to study and evaluate
the Council itself. SGC's two-year
trial period ends in spring, and
this committee will present its
evaluations and recommendations
to the Regents at that time.
An internal structure study com-
mittee was also approved. This
committee will look into SGC's
present organizational structure
and procedure and report to the
Council before Nov., 28.
Also approved was a motion that
the Campus Affairs committee ini-

tiate a study and evaluation of
student football tickets and report
back to SGC with its recommen-
dations. The study will include
clarification of ticket distribution
and transferability, I.D. checking
and judiciary action.
The Council issued a policy
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Rebels Stopped

Tanks, Jets

Austrian Report Shows Hundreds
Dead After Fighting in Provinces
VIENNA (iP)-Hungary's bloody rebellion against Soviet domina-
tion and the Budapest Red leadership blazed through its second night
and spread to the provinces. But apparently it was being crushed
systematically yesterday by overpowering Russian armed force.
Soviet tanks, planes and troops were thrown into the battle
for the decisive blow against the uprising workers and students.
Late yesterday the Budapest regime claimed it had mastered the
rebels but admitted fighting went on.
Moscow and East Berlin broadcasts followed quickly with claimi
that the rebels were beaten.
Eye-witnesses returning to Austria from Hungary reported
many hundreds have been killed in battle.
Budapest Hard Hit
The first stories were brought out of Hungary by Austria;
They told reporters at the border that Hungarians told them
fighting outside Budapest was going on in the cities of Deebrecen,
Szolnok and Szeged.
The Austrian travelers said the number of dead in Budapest
alone amounted to many hundreds as Russian tanks, jet planes,
machinegun batteries and grenades were thrown against rebel
bands composed of students and workers.
Ultimatum Given
The Communist government had confidently believed the rebels
would collapse by 2 p.m. That was the time of the first ultimatum
promising amnesty. Then the amnesty was extended to 6 p.m. Still
the rebels ignored it defiantly.
Then the government declared all-out war, saying it would
execute every rebel who fought on.
But as midnight neared Radio Budapest still admitted there was
heavy fighting in sections of the capital.
In the latest Budapest broadcasts the government claimed the
Russian and Hungarian troops were winning the battle of Budapest
and that "more and more youngsters" were surrendering and aban-
doning their arms.
Rebel Arms
There was still no explanation from either side of how the rebels
had obtained guns enough to hold off the combined attack of Russian
and Hungarian forces in a lightning revolt that began after an
orderly street demonstration Tuesday.
Radio Budapest claimed that the rebels had machine guns and
hand grenades when they attempted to smash into a Budapest military
"Using all the force at their command the garrison repulsed the
attackers," the radio said. It added that the defenders were bracing
for a new assault by the rebels.
Ambulances Busy
As the fighting passed the 24-hour mark at 9 p.m. yesterday the
government-controlled radio alternately sharpened and softened its
In its last newscst before yesterday midnight Radio Budapest
said the capital's ambulance service had been working around the
clock, bringing wounded to aid stations.
The radio gave no indication of the number of casualties.
In its midnight newscast Radio Budapest claimed the rebels had
been "isolated in many places" in Budapest but added that there have
been "new aggressive attacks in various parts of the capital."
The midnight broadcast concluded with a fervent appeal by the
government to the resistance fighters to throw away their arms and
Moscow Speaks
Moscow radio broke its silence on the uprising to blame it on
"underground-reactionary organizations."
The Moscow radio said that the Hungarian government asked the
Soviet Union for aid after "Fascist thugs let themselves go and began
to loot shops and tried to destroy the equipment of industrial enter-
It said the aid was given by Soviet military units in Hungary in
accordance with the Warsaw Pact.
Shortly before the Moscow and East German versions were broad-
cast, Budapest radio announced details of the battling for the first
One broadcast said fighting was going on at the Robert Karoly
Military Barracks and at Communist party headquarters in the capital.
Austria Threatened
Shortly afterward a government official and party leader broad-
cast a surrender ultimatum to rebels. He appealed to citizens to help
restore order in the capital and the provinces.
It was the first time a government official had mentioned disorder
in the provinces.
The statement bore out a report by the Austrian Interior Ministry
that shooting had been heard at the St. Gotthard railway station just
across the Austrian-Hungarian border.
The ministry said it was taking steps to protect the Austrian
border population.
The Budapest radio said a state of emergency had been, declared
at 6 p.m.
In Warsaw, an informed source said Budapest was an "occupied
city" with Russian troops and control of the official radio and patrol-
ling the streets.

Ask Soviet Help
The government, unable to put down the revolt in Budapest,
called for Soviet help. The Russians responded with jet planes, tanks
and troops.
They were reported to have thrown out cordons of Soviet and
Hungarian troops 15 to 20 miles outside the capital in an attempt


Committee to Investigate
Medical Education Needs

Dr. Albert C. Furstenberg, dean of the University Medical School,
heads a committee set up to investigate the State of Michigan's future
medical education needs.
This committee was instituted by University President Harlan H.
Hatcher as a result of a Regent's meeting in December, 1955. The
Regents authorized President Hatcher to "initiate such studies and
surveys. .. as may be required to develop specific recommendations"
on this subject.
According to Dean Furstenberg this committee is attempting to
determine the extent of medical manpower in the state. He said this
is being done to have a basis of
} recommendation for future medi-


peaceful solution" to the great
problem the superbomb presents.
"We can never have a hydrogen
war and still have a civilization,"
he said.
The President went on to assert
that "if we are going to remain
secure" in this modern age when
"aggression also is possible, we
must urge agreement from a po-
sition of strength."
He apparently was referring to
agreement on international arma-
ment control, with an inspection
system to assure against violation.
Want Agreement
President Eisenhower has con-
tended that national security
might be jeopardized if H-bomb
testing were ended without such
an agreement. Stevenson has
argued that testing could be ban-
ned without this country endang-
ering its security, because it would
know if Russia violated a ban.
President Eisenhower has re-
plied that the system of detecting
such blasts is not necessarily 100
per cent effective.
The President said yesterday
that from a position of strength
America can cooperate with its
allies, but could not from a po-
sition of weakness.
"Part of that strength," the
President added, "is the bomb."
He wvent on to call it a deter-
rent to war and said possession of
it by this country amounts to say-
ing to a potential enemy: "Don't
attack us because it would be sui-
Socialist Talk
To Be Held


cal education needs.
He remarked that no informa-
tion for publication will be avail-
able until the survey has been1
Dr. Solomon J. Axelrod, profes-
sor of public health economics, a
member of the committee, stated
that from the collected data the
supply of physicians and medical1
trends can be observed. The com-
mittee will compare the present
and past medical situation and
make some observations about the
Although preliminary reports
will be submitted from time tol
time throughout the year, stated
Dr. Axelrod, this project of collect-
ing and analyzing data will prob-

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