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October 24, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-24

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Polish Patriotism Spotlights
New Cold War
See Page 4

I ,

5k4 iu



Latest Deadline in the State


Cornell Sorority
,Becomes Local
University President Concerned
Over Sigma Kappa National's Act
Daly Editor
Sigma Kappa's suspended Cornell chapter voted unanimously to
become a local sorority late Monday.
At the same time, Cornell President Deane W. Malott released
a letter sent Oct. 3 to the sorority's national president, expressing the
university's concern over Sigma Kappa's action following the pledging
last spring of a Negro girl by the Alpha Zeta-chapter at Cornell.
Alsd'released was a letter from the five-member National Council
to the local reaffirming its suspension of the local.
The Cornell chapter recently voted to suspend its charter with

Sigma Kappa. The action taken
Adlai Blasts
Sec. Dulles
In Speech
NEW YORK (IP)-Adlai E. St
venson accused the Eisenhowe
administration yesterday of world
wide failure in foreign policy an
told a cheering crowd in Madiso
Square Garden that Secretary o
State John Foster Dulles has bee
kept "in the ball game one brin
too long."
Stevenson urged all possible ai
in helping Poland toward freedon
His speech was resoundingly ap
plauded by a crowd or around 1
000, which failed to fill the fame
New York amphitheater.
Stevenson, the Democratic pre
idential candidate, assailed Se
Dulles and Vice President Richar
M. Nixon by name and his men
tions of them were greeted b
loud booing.I
Under Sec. Dulles, tenure a
Secretary of State, Stevenson sai
American policy has been "blu
dering vacillation," and has see
the world turned into "a trailc
gunpowder from Korea to Cy
And, said Stevenson, American
will not trust the hydrogen bom
a to Vice President Nixon despi
"facelifting and hand laundering
which he said has been admi
istered to Nixon in the namec
"public rehabilitation."
In a major campaign speec
Stevenson also said Presider
Dwight D. Eisenhower seems t
>p have adopted a "why bother me?
approaclt to both foreign and d
mestic problems. He also describe
the present world situation as
"press agent's peace."
He said the Democrats "hav
broken through the blanketc
warm ,wet fog with which the ad
ministration had planned t
smother the country," and ha
turned the campaign into a de
bate on policies.
Bennett Stars
In Production
of St~inbeck
Today at 8:30 p.m. the Unive
sity and Ann Arbor audience w
have an opportunity to see the ne
dramatic presentation "The Be
of Steinbeck" before it opens o
.+ Broadway.
Leading the performance in th
adaptation of some of the maj
works of Steinbeck are Constan
Bennett, Tod Andrews, Robe
Strauss, and Frank McHugh.
The program will open with
recorded prologue by Steinbeck.:
addition to an introduction fro
"Cannery Row" and a dramat
presentation by Miss Benne
called "Women in Steinbeck," ti
group of four stars will conce
trate on scenes from the "Grap
of Wrath," "Tortilla Flat," "T]
Pastures of Heaven" and "Of Mi
and Men."
The "Two-A-Penny" scene fro
the "Grapes of Wrath," Steinbec
Pulitzer Prize winning book,
the begging episode in the ca
when the migrants from Oklahon
to California attempt to get food
In the next scene, "Danny a
the Pirate" from "Tortilla Flat
Andrews, McHugh and Strau
enact the episode of two men wl
e attempt to trick another man1
get his money.

Monday will involve such considera-
-ntions as a new name and ritual.
No Reply Yet
The Cornell President has as yet
received no reply to his letter from
the national.
Stating that he defended the
local chapter inits decision, Malott
said in his letter that it was im-
probable that Cornell would rein-
state the national without assur-
ances that the chapter and the
university would not in the future
e- be,"subjected to this sort of unex-
r plainable action on the part of the
- national officers of Sigma Kappa."
id He stressed that the members of
n Alpha Zeta "apparently violated
of no' provision of their charter, nor
n did their action appear in the
ik slightest to transcend the good
taste which we demand of our
d students.
n. "It seems entirely clear to all of
- us why the action was taken."
8- The Oct. 3 letter was'prefaced by
ed an explanation of why the univer-
sity was concerned over the sus-
s- pension. "When national organi-
c. -zations determine the way in
d which Cornell students shall live,
- with whom they associate and un-
y der what conditions, you inevitably
come into an area of concern to
as me as President of Cornell Uni-
d versity."
n- Reserves Rights
n Malott said that while the Cor-
of nell chapter desires to remain na-
Y- tionally affiliated, "it does, how-
ever, hold high its right to select
is members of the basis of con-
Lb geniality and merit.
te "I support all local chapters of
our fraternity system," he con-
n tinued, "in seeking the right to
of exercise their discretion in select-
ing members."
h, Hitting at the National Council's
at refusal to offer any other reason
to for the suspension other than "for
the good of the sorority as a
whole," the Cornell President said,
"We have assumed that the fra-
d ternities and sorities on our cam-
pus are here to serve the best
interests of the students of the
o university.
I- No Cooperation
"This they cannot do if national
o officers take action with no can-
d sultation with us, and win no
- opportunity for cooperatic a be-
tween us."
The Daily learned last night that
a move might be made at this
Tuesday's meeting f Cornell's
Student Council to establish
among all affiliated organizations
the iight of free selection of mem-
bers by the local chapters at
It is believed that plans toward
this end are now being formulated
ill by a group including the presidents
of Panhel, the Interfraternity
w Council and the Student Council
st at Cornell, and the Editor-in-Chief
of The Cornell Daily Sun.

Ike Rejects
Won't Suspend
Nuclear Testing
WASHINGTON .P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower said yester-
day that "in the light of postwar
history the United States could
not even dare" suspend H-bomb
testing without a system of de-
pendable international disarma-
ment controls.
In a massive report drafted by
his military, foreign policy and
atomic chiefs, the President cate-
gorically rejected the proposal of
Adlai E. Stevenson that his coun-
try take the lead in seeking an
agreement halting the tests of
large nuclear weapons.
Critical Issue
"The critical issue is not a mat-
ter of testing nuclear weapons-
but of preventing their use in nu-
clear war," President Eisenhoweri
Until pacts are made which
firmly secure international trust
and understanding, the President
said, the country must make sure
its weapons will command such
respect as to "dissuade any other
nation from the temptation of ag-
Prevent War'
'Thus do we develop weapons,
not to wage war, but to prevent
war," he said.
"There is nothing in postwar
history to justify the belief that
we should - or that we could
even dare - accept anything less
than sound safeguards and con-
trols for any disarmament ar-
"I remain profoundly hopeful
that - if we stay strong and
steadfast - the reality of signi-
ficant world disarmament will
come to pass:"
Sympathy Indisputable
The President said that Russia's
"sympathy with the idea of stop-
ping H-bomb tests, is indisput-
But its formula for this step
toward disarmament is based on
"simple voluntary agreements,"
he said, which allow for "no safe-
guards, no control, no inspection."
SGC To Hear
'Ban Report
Joint Judiciary Council Cair-.
man MikeMcNerney, '57L, will re-
port on enforcement of new Uni-
versity driving regulations at the
Student Government C o u n c i l
meeting, 7:30 p.m. today in the
According to McNerney, the re-
port will cover cases Joint Judic
has handled so far during the
semester. He will answer all ques-
tions except those concerning vio-
lators' names.
Joint Judic is adjudicating all
cases of driving regulations viola-
tion for a trial period ending in
approximately a month. At that
time, Joint Judic will make its
recommendations on whether or
not this system of adjudication
should be continued.
Also on the SGC agenda will
be consideration of early registra-
tion passes, Air Charter study
committee, Cinema Guild and the
Free University of Berlin.


Freedom Po





Military Force
Removal Reported
Khrushchev, Gomulka to Confer;
Agreement Proclamation Expected
WARSAW ()-Nikita Khrushchev has lifted the Soviet military
pressure from rebellious Poland and accepted most of the new Polish
socialism-with-freedom policy, reliable sources reported yesterday.
The sources said Soviet troop concentrations built up in central
Poland during the crisis are dispersing. A Russian naval squadron
sighted off Poland's Baltic coast has withdrawn.
Relations Improved
An aufhoritative source said Polish-Soviet relations improved

dramatically yesterday with a tel
All Petitions
Fifteen students turned in peti-
tions by the close of Student Gov-
ernment " Council petitioning yes-
They are Bob Creal, '58BAd,
Scott Chrysler, '59E, Janet Neary,
'58, Maynard Goldman, '59, Ronald
Shorr, '58BAd, Alvin Leibowitz, '57,
Jerry DeMaagd, '58, Joe Brown,'
'58, James R. Wheeling, '57, Janet
Winkelhaus, '57, Joe Collins, '58,
John Wrona, '57, Mal Cumming'
'58BAd, Peter Cartwright, '59 and
Rodney Blackman, '57.
Nineteen Petitions
Nineteen students took out peti-
tions. Those who failed to turn
their petitions and 350 signatures1
in by the required deadline are
Douglas Wright, '58, Nick Christo-
pher, '59, Normal L. Miller, '57 and'
H. Roger Netzer, '59.
Miss Neary, vice-president, Col-
lins, treasurer, Shorr and Miss
Winkelhaus, Administrative Wing
coordinator, are all incumbents.
Former public relations chairman
Wrona resigned last week because
of scalping activities at the Michi-
gan-Michigan State football game,
but will run again. Chrysler is SGC1
Orientation Director. Blackman
edited the 'M' handbok.
Leibowitz, Wheeling, Miss Win-
kelhaus, Blackman and Wrona are
seniors. Leibowitz intends to re-
turn to the University for graduate
Seven Posts
Five full year positions ana two
half-year posts will be filled in
the Nov. 13-14 campus-wide elec-
In campaigning, candidates will
fill speaking engagements in resi-
dence halls, fraternities and sorori-
ties. On Nov. 11, The Daily will
publish a special elections supple-
ment listing each candidate's ac-
tivities and platform.


. S.S.R.

ephone call from the Kremlin to
Wladyslaw Gomulka, new first sec-
retary of the Polish Communist
The caller was Soviet Communist
party boss Nikita S. Khrushchev
and he was making a complete
climb-down, the informant said.
He gave this version : '
Slight Reservation
Khrushchev told Gomulka that
with some slight reservations he
accepted the new Polish Socialist
policy. He apologized for an attack
by Pravda, the Soviet Communist
organ, on the Polish press. The
Pravda attack was one cause of ill-
Khrushchev said that Pravda
within the next day or so will print
a virtual retraction.
Moscow Trip
The source added that Gomulka
and Premier Josef Cyrankiewicz
will go to Moscow this week, prob-
ably Friday. They will talk with
the Soviet party Presidum-Polit-
buro. "
The discussions are expected to
end with a joint declaration simi-
lar to that with which Khrushchev
patched up Moscow's quarrel with
President Tito of Yugoslavia.
The Soviet Communist boss ap-
parently yielded in the face of
bitter anti-Soviet demonstrations
inside Poland and warnings from
the Polish government that his
policies might lead to a bloody up-
Riots Erupt
In Algeria
ALGIERS (P) - Killings, riots,
general strikes and bitter Arab
anger erupted across North Afri-
ca yesterday.
The widesparead violence. was
the Arab reply to France's arrest
of five masterminds of Algeria's
nationalist rebellion through a
dramatic aerial ruse Monday
Three Frenchmen were killed in
a clash at Meknes in Morocco.
Street demonstrations broke out
in Tunisia and Morocco.

-Daily-Larry Carboneli
CAMPAIGN TALK-Speaking on the November elections at the
Young Republicans Club panel discussion are Prof. Warren
Miller, Jack Piper (moderator) and Prof. Angus Campbell.
Ijems Hit Ike Too Late
For Voting Effect-Prof.
Agreeing with his fellow panel member that elections are probab-
ly won between campaigns, Prof. Warren Miller, of the political sci-
ence department, said last night that the recent Democratic strategy
of criticizing President Dwight D. Eisenhower personally is seemingly
to late to effect the campaign.
In a discussion of the election with Prof. Angus Campbell, direc-
tor of the Survey Research Institute, Prof. Miller told a Young Re-
publican gathering that also because of time, the Democrats have
successfully developed hostility against Vice-President Richard M.

In Budapest
Police Fire Shots .
At Crowds; Throngs
Pull Down Red Star
BUDAPEST, Hungary (-?)-Tens
of thousands of demonstrating
Hungarians pushed into Stalin
Square yesterday shouting "Rus-
kies, Russians go home" and
"Down with Geroe" Hungary's
Communist party chief.
Secret police fired shots into a
crowd, estimated at around 100,000
persons near Budapest's broad-
casting station. One eyewitness
said one man waskilled.
Stalin Statue
The crowd tried unsuccessfully
to pull down a 26-foot statue of
Stalin, then managed to haul
down a huge Red star on top of a
Trade Union Building facing the
Their demonstration came after
Ernoe Geroe, successor to Matyas
Rakosi as chief of the Hungarian
Communist party, made a surprise
broadcast calling lies any rumors
that Hungary wants to loosen its
ties with the Soviet Union.
He promised "democratization"
will continue in Hungary, adding
that "numerous social and eco-
nomic problems still hatre to be re-
examined" especially in agricul-
ture. Although he said collectivi-
zation is "the only correct road,"
he pledged peasants would not be
forced to join collective farms.
One big Budapest demonstration
was advertised as a gesture of
"sympathy and solidarity" with
the Poles, who ousted Stalinist-
elements from Poland's Commun-
ist party leadership Sunday.
With demonstrators shouting for
free elections and freedom of the
press, the rally turned into a mass
demand for a similar Hungarian
"declaration of independence"
from Moscow control.
Government Reforms
Before these outbursts developed,
the Hungarian Communist party
leadership had promised govern-
ment reforms looking toward a
"new leadership, democratically
elected," but' begged the country
to be patient.
Budapest students warned several
days ago they would stage street
demonstrations unless the Com-
munist government complied with-
in 14 days with demands for more
freedom and improved living con-
ditions for the whole country.
Nixon Slams
H-Bomb Idea

Nixon during the last four years.
Campbell and Miller, who are
campaigns and voters' reasons
for their choices, stressed the im-
portance of images voters develop
about parties and candidates dur-
ing the years.
"Voters just tend to discount
the attempt at new image making
that's attempted during cam-
paigns," Miller observed.
After three and a half years of
avoiding personal attacks on Ei-
senhower, the Democrats don't
.have time enough to sell the pic-
ture showing him strongly at-
tached to the Republican Party
and its policies, Prof. Miller said.
More Important
The candidates and the party
will be more important this elec-
tion, Prof. Campbell predicted,
after categorizing the electorate
into four groups.
The largest group, he said, is
the "hard core" party follower.
Also, there are the "candidate
voters" the "issue voters", and the
apathetic voters who have little
interest but go to the polls be-
cause of pressure, Prof. Campbell
Campaigning efforts to win
voters on issues were generally
discounted by the two researchers.
Two thirds of the voters make up
their minds when the candidates
are chosen at conventions, they
Last Two Weeks
However, approximately ten per
cent of the electorate waits until
the last two weeks before elec-
tion before making a decision,
Campbell said.
The problem is finding out how
they will divide, for in 1948 they
divided two to one in favor of
Truman and "slightly embar-
rassed" the polsters, he recalled.
TXc * A-tA.r

conducting research into election
Give Pros,
Cons on UN,
The United Nations has. failed
because "it has not fulfilled that
which was laid down in its char-
ter," Samin Khan, a Pakistanian
graduate student, asserted in last
night's UN week debate.
Speaking for the affirmative
side of the topic, "The United Na-
tions is a Failure," Khan declared
that the UN has been unable to
do anything because it has no
sanctions or powers.
Cease-Fires Arranged
"The Security Council has ar-
ranged many cease-fires, but no

Taylor Gomberg Houses Plan for Tug-O'-War
-----"*-q - k-w--"we - o--. By VERNON NAHRGANG
Fifty of the weightier, more muscular residents of Taylor and
Gomberg Houses are limbering up this week in preparation for next
Saturday's "big pull."
b The occasion is the second annual Gomberg-Taylor Tug-O'-War,
one of the newer traditions belonging to campus homecoming activity.
At 10 a.m. Saturday, the judges will give the signal and one of the
25-man teams will shortly thereafter be pulled into the waters of the
L .:Huron River,

peace agreements," Khan said. SOUTH BEND, Ind. (A')-Vice-
"And the most important cease- President Richard M. Nixon said
fires have been arranged outside last night Adlai E. Stevenson and
'of the United Nations." Russian Premier Nikolai Bulganin
have made the same proposal for
In refutation, Richard Bald, ending H-bomb tests-a proposal
Grad, admitted that the UN "has Nixon said "would be playing right
shortcomings and differences" but into the Communists' hands."
they can be remedied, citing as an The Democratic nominee's sug-
example the veto power in the Se- gestions with regard to ending the
curity Council. draft and nuclear weapons tests,
Bald claimed that the UN is Nixon said in a speech, show that
valuable as a forum for discus- "a vote for Stevenson is a vote
sion and for its widespread acti- for the weakness, indecision and
vities in the socio-economic fields. inexperience which could lead to
League Failure war."
Nixon declared that Stevenson
Calling to mind for the affir- should join "in support of the
mative the failure of the League Eisenhower proposal for disarma-
of Nations and its'resemblence to ment with inspection and against
the UN, Michael Bentwich, Grad., the Bulganin proposals which con-
of Israel, said both organizations the Bulganin proposals.
were run by party politics and "If we were to agree to the
economic strength rather than Stevenson plan for stopping nu-
justice. l clear tests without insisting on an
Rebuttal Speeches Eisenhower plan for inspection,
i +bpi, ahA++1 enho t he wewould h nlaving right into.the

'No Sweat' for Gomberg
Already, Gus Ginter, '57E, president of Gomberg; winner of last
year's tug-o'-war, has prophesied that the event will be "no sweat"
for his team.
"They'll be too wet to sweat," was the reply of Taylor's President
Richard Zern, '57. "Gomberg may be known for its athletic 'prowess''
but Taylor is famed for its social programs, and we're planning a
major event-the Gomberg Swim Party."
"Ridiculous," Ginter snorted. "We're a house of action, not of:


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