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October 21, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-21

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Michigan State . . .47 Penn State

*. . . 7! Purdue
*. . . . 6 Wisconsin

. . . . . 6 Minnesota . . . . .161Pittsburgh . . . . . 27|Texas A&M . . . . .6UCLA .
. .,. . 6 Illinois . . . . . . 13 Duke . . . . . . 14 Texas Christian . . .6 California

. . 34lGeorgia Tecli . .*28
. . .2OfAuburn . * . . . . 7

Notre Dame

.. . 141Ohio State

H-Bomb Proposal Indicates
Lack of Perspective
See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXVII, No. 29






Renounces Reds
WARSAW (P)- Wladyslaw Gomulka, new leader of Polish com-
munism, presented the nation yesterday with a virtual declaration of
independence from the Soviet Union.
Gomulka went before the central committee of the United Work-
ers communist party with a 21/2-hour speech denouncing what he
called a misrule of the past 12 years and calling on Poland to set its
own course toward socialism independent of Moscow.
Krushchev Fails
His statement broadcast by the government radio said Soviet
Communist party chief Nikita S. Krushchev's flying visit to Warsaw
Friday had failed to stem the drive toward freedom from Kremlin
Announcement that Gomulka has been named first secretary of
the party-top controlling post-was expected momentarily. The ten-
Ssion that gripped the capital for

H-bomb Ban
Gets Support
Of Bulganin


Ike Supports
Polish Revolt'
In Speech
Offers Moral Aid
During Denver Talk
WASHINGTON (M)-President
Dwight D. Eisenhower threw
United States moral support to
Poland's dramatic revolt against
Soviet domination yesterday with
a statement that "our hearts go
out" to the Polish people in their
President Eisenhower spoke in
Denver while in Washington the
State Department summoned Po-
lish Ambassador Romauld Spas-
owski for a 20-minute conference
with Deputy Undersecretary of
State Robert Murphy.
Ultimatum Discussed
This was a diplomatic gesture
of deep -interest in the rapidly de-
veloping Polish crisis.
Murphy asked Spasowski spe-
cifically for information on a re-
ported ultimatum by Soviet Com-
munist party boss Nikita Krush-
chev to the Warsaw government
to the effect that, "If you don't
obey we will crush you."d
Spasowski is said to have told
Murphy that he knew nothing
about the ultimatum report and
was unable to comment upon it.
Reports of tank and troop
movements by Soviet forces were
pouring into the State Depart-
ment yesterday through diplo-
matic channels as well as in news
accounts officials said.
Department policymakers and
experts on Eastern Europe met
frequently and conferred with
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles, trying to evaluate the
truth and significance of the in-
formation available.
Meanwhile officials were con-
fronted with the possibility that
if the political upheaval now un-
der way, centering on the return
to power in Poland of Gomulka,
produces independence of action
for the Polish government the
United States will almost certainly
receive a request for economic
and financial assistance to Po-
U.S. Aid?
State Department officials re-
port there has already been one
sign of a Polish turn toward closer
ties with this country.
The Polish bid to Washington
will pose a major issue in U.S.
foreign policy. It will raise such
questions as whether Warsaw
really has wrested control of Po-
lish affairs from Moscow, whether
the new independence line can be
held, whether the whole thing is
part of some huge Keremlin "plot"
and what exactly are United
States interests in the new circum-

two days relaxed as it became
clear that Gomulka, allied with
Premier Josef Cyrankiewicz and
party leader Edward Ochab, had
won full support of the nation
against the "anti-liberalization"
faction identified with Defense
Minister Konstantin Rokossovsky.
Coup Threatens
Rumors swept the city earlier
kyesterday that the pro-Moscow
Rokossovsky f action might at-
tempt a coup d'etat if Gomulka's
policies wdn the day.
Polish troops moved to protec-
tive positions in and around the
capital. Qualified observers had
no doubt they were there as pre-
caution against any such Mos-
cow-inspired move.
Yesterday the troops were re-
ported withdrawn and returned to
their barracks. The city was com-
pletely normal, with crowds in
the, streets as usual on a Satur-
day night.
Attacks Collectives
Gomulka attacked the soviet-
style economy. He declared pro-
duction on peasant farms is 30
per cent higher than on the state-
run collectives.
Industrial policies, he said, were
riddled with mistakes. Millions
were spent on imported machinery
that Poland had no use for. Pro-
duction was stifled in a tangle of
Gomulka went on to assert that
Poland's relations with the Soviet
Union and with Red China and
the other communist countries
must be those of equality and in-
Blames Reds
He said Polish workers were
justified in the protests that pro-
duced the June 28 Poznan riots.
He blamed the riots squarely on
the Communist- party's mishand-
ling of workers' complaints and
stated attempts to blame the up-
rising on "foreign imperialist pro-
vocations" were false.
Gomulka's -speech made clear
that he had rejected the reported
demands by Krushchev that Po-
land move back to the orthodox,
Moscow-dictated communist line
for satellites.

Violation Impossible
States Soviet Premier
In Proposal To Ike
LONDON Wes} - Soviet Premier
Nikolai Bulganin has proposed to
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
an immediate U.S.-Soviet agree-j
ment to ban H-bomb tests, Moscow'
radio said yesterday.
Bulganin used an argument ad-
vanced by Democrat Adlai Steven-
son in the U.S. presidential cam-
paign that violation of such an
agreement is impossible because
science now can detect atomic'
tests anywhere.
Ike Wants Safeguards
"I hope you will agree," Bul-
ganin said in a letter to President
Eisenhower, "that should such
agreement be reached on this mat-
ter there will be no particular dif-
ficulty in supervising its execu-
tion since with the present state
of science no atomic or hydrogen
explosion can be carried out with-
out it being recorded in other
President Eisenhower has taken
the position there must be ade-
quate inspection safeguards before
the United States enters into any'
atomic test agreement with the
Soviet union.
Letter Sent
The proposal was in a letter
Bulganin sent President Eisenhow-
er Wednesday.
The letter said Bulganin had inj
mind "the question of atomic
weapons and notably of the tests
of these weapons."
Bulganin added that, "In some
instances, official pronouncements
are giving evidence of manifest
misrepresentation of the Soviet
Union's policy on these matters."
"This is, unfortunately, particu-
larly true of the statements made
by Dulles, who is not stopping
short of direct attacks on the So-
viet Union and her peace-striving
foreign policy," the letter said.
Fight Starts
After Game
A University student and a
Whitmore Lake man are in County
Jail today as a result of -a fist
fight after yesterday's football
Frederick Kline, 29 years-old, of
Whitmore Lake provoked Stan-
ley 0. Smith, 157E, and a crowd of
returning students, by nudging his
automobile through the crowd at
dangerous speeds.
Both men were booked on a
charge of disorderly conduct and
are scheduled' to be arraigned be-
fore Ann Arbor Municipal Court
Judge Francis O'Brien tomorrow

Wolverines Gain
First Bi TenWin
Herrnstein Scores Three Times;
Van Pelt Directs Effective Offense
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan put on an amazing offensive display yesterday against
Northwestern's Wildcats to score its first Big Ten win of the season,
34-20, before a high school band day crowd of 81,227 fans at thyr
. Grinding out a total of 439 yards and 25 first downs, the Wolver-
ines won handily, but not without some rough moments from a sur-
prisingly strong Wildcat attack.
Michigan's Western Conference record, now 1-1, rates the Wol-
verines in fifth place. Their opponent for next week, Minnesota, has
two victories and a tie in Conference play.
Herrnstein Leads Scoring
John Herrnstein led the Wolverine scoring with three touchdowns.
on a 17-yd. run and two short plunges, while end Ron Kramer and
quarterback Jim Maddock contrib-

--Daily--John Hirtzei
NEGATES NEWTON-Michigan's Ron Kramer defies all the laws of gravity as he outleaps three
Northwestern defenders to snag Terry Barr's second quarter aerial for the Wolverines fourth touch-
down in yesterday's 34-20 victory. Northwestern players shown are George Gondek (1), Larry Van-
Dusen (33) and Wilmer Fowler (41), while Michigan's Charlie Brooks (89) is also in on the play.
Game Provides, Bands, Shoes o

Receipe for a Michigan football
game: Take 70,000 or so spectators,
22 football players, four officials,
one large dog. Mix well in a
stadium, add a generous dash of
water in the second quarter and
stew for 60 minutes.
Yesterday's Michigan-Northwest-
ern contest had all these standard
ingredients plus a colorful dressing
of some 10,500 high school bands-
men to wile away the fourth con-
secutive Saturday at the Michigan
Some stayed away. It was to be,
said the sports crystal-ball gazers,
nothing more than a dress scrim-
mage for Messr. Maentz and the
squad he captains.
Pace-dance, Kramer-snatch
A good time to catch up on
studies, or head for the woods to
bag a pheasant-hunting season
just opened, you know. C
Those who went watched morel
than the pushover game that was
forecast. They did, it is admitted,
get wet; but they weren't disap-
Besides the weekly ration of
Pace - dancing - the - sidelines and
Kramer - snatching - the - pass -
from-three-defenders, there was a
new step from Prof. Revelli's
charges and an eardrum-rupturing
halftime concert by his guests from
all points of the compass:
The Michigan Marching Band
reached back a decade or two and
resurrected the "Varsity Drag"
that Mom and Pop allegedly
danced in their younger days,
- Canine Capers
One coed joined the applause,
but noted solemnly to her date,
"You know, they're going to run
out of dances before the season's
Coaches Oosterbaan and Parseg-
hian then borrowed the field from
the band long enough to play 30
minutes of football.
Some are beginning to attach
a stigma of good luck to the ap-
pearance of a dog on the field
early in every game. This week's
appearance of a droopy-jowled
Great Dane seemed to work minor
wonders to Michigan's luck, if you
subscribe to this theory.
With five minutes and 30 sec-
onds of the first quarter gone and

got larger and finally the clouds
releaseda steadyshower on the
82,227 attending.
That is, all save the working
press, who pressed their noses to
the glass of the gleaming new
pressbox -- oops, communication
center-and smiled in comfortable
The rain threatened to flush the
promised halftime extravaganza
with its cast, as the movie ads say,
of thousands.
Tuba players and snare drum-
mers mingled with short-skirted
baton twirlers in a race for the
shelter of the stadium's overhang-
ing, and the rain continued.
Brassy and Classy
But the rains went, the bands-
men returned, the half ended and
Bennie returned the use of the turf
to the visiting players-band play-
ers, we mean.
Their performance was, to ,be
conservative, deafening. Yale men
never heard- the Whiffenpoof Song
as played by 2,000 clarinets, 2,100
cornets and trumpets, 800 horns,
800 sousaphones and 1,000 trom-
bones, plus a few other instru-
Besides a few old favorites, like
the Marine Hymn, Mister Touch-

down USA .and the Stars and
Stripes Forever, the massed bands
(they traveled 25,000 total miles
to get to Ann Arbor, says the pro-
gram) premiered a new march,
"Drums and Bells" by composer
Paul Yoder.
- Back came the players and. on
went the game. It was an even
ball game, pointwise, for the sec-
ond half, as a tired, grimy band
of Wildcats matched the Wolves
for the final 30 'minutes, seven
points each.
Cheer McKeiver
A Michigan crowd, not generous
in their praise for opponents, gave
NU's Bob McKeiver the longest,
loudest applause of the afternoon
as the diminutive halfback was
taken from the game in the last
The uniform colors of visiting
band members ran together like
melting crayons as the game trail-
ed into its final minutes, and the
crowd left for drier, warmer pas-
The band played on In its usual
post-game serenade, players troop-
ed- to dressing rooms and pint-
sized businessmen began combing
the seats for empty cider bottles.
They're worth a nickle apiece,
you know.

uted single touchdowns with Kra-
ier adding four extra points.
But other backfield men were
also outstanding in Michigan's
"team triumph," as Coach Bennie
Oosterbaan, called it.
Quarterback Jim Van Pelt shar-
ed the spotlight for his skillful
signal-calling in the predominately
single-wing Wolverine offense and
halfbacks Jim Pace, Terry Barr
and Bob Ptacek were sensational
yardage-gainers both in passing
and on the ground.
The game was exceedingly hard-
fought with no less than six per-
sonal fouls called by the referees
and three players banished from
the game. Ten Wildcats were in-
'ured in the fray and six Wolver-
ines were listed as casualties after
the game.
Maentz, Snider Injured
Shaken up in the second quar-
ter, Capt. Tom Maentz was lost to
Michigan for the remainder of the
gameas a precaution against a
possible slight concussion. Center
Gene Snider- also left the contest
in the third period after being
dazed in the rugged play.
Pace and tackles Al Sigman and
Willie Smith with leg injuries and
guard Dick Hill with a bruised
neck were the other Wolverines
who were hurt. All are considered
minor injuries and should be re-
covered from by next week.
Michigan started slowly, but the
early shock of a Northwestern
touchdown at 7:40 of the first per-
iod aroused the Wolverines -into
taking over control of the game.
While unable to cope at times
with the Wildcats' speedy outside
running game, the Wolverine line
was a success in opening up holes
for the Michigan rushing attack
and in giving valuable protection
to the passers. Center Mike R.o-
tunno, especially, made 'the middle
of the line a one-way thoroughfare
for Michigan.
Make Quick Comeback
Less than seven minutes after
they had fallen behind, the Wol-
verines roared into the lead, 13-7,
and were never headed for the
rest of the game.
Will Fowler scored Northwest-
ern's first touchdown when he
raced around left end for 46 yards
on the third play after the Wild-
cats had received a punt on their
own 35.
Bob McKeiver, 162-lb. halfback,
who electrified the crowd through-
out the day with fast and elusive
running, long punting and brill-
iant defensive play, converted and
the score was 7-0.-
Pace set up Michigan's quick
comeback with' a 39-yd. runback
on the ensuing kickoff to the
See NU's, Page 6
Here Today

Jordan Vote
May Cut Tie
With Britain
AMMAN, Jordan ()-Jordanian
voters, living in an air of crisis,
are electing a new 40-seat Parlia'
ment today expected to call for
abrogation of this desert king-
dom's treaty with Britain.
British Stock
The treaty is a defensive alliance
.that has sustained povery-strick-
en Jordan since its birth as an
Independent nationr10 years ago.
It gives Britain three military
bases in Jordan. In return, the
British pay 25 to 30 mfillon dollars
a year for the upkeep of Jordan's
20,000-man army, once rated the
Arab world's best; and promise to
aid the Jordanians if they are at-
Anti-Western elements among
Jordan's 1,400,000 population -
stirred up by increased Israeli
frontier attacks and the rise of
Egypt's President Abdul Gamal
Nasser as a professional champion
of Arab rights-figure to gain so
much ground that even moderate
independents will be under heavy
fire to join in cutting the last for-
mal link with Britain,
Iraq Satellite?
The election raised anew the
question whether Jordan may
eventually be tucked under the
wing of Iraq, a Baghdad Pact
member whose King Faisal II is
a cousin of Jordan's 21-year-old
King Hussein, or go to the Egyp-
tian-Syrian-Saudi Arabian trium-
virate headed by Nasser.
A third of Jordan's population
is made up of Arab refugees of
the Palestine War of 1948, an em-
bittered group living on meager
rations supplied by the United
Politicians expect at least one
Communist, Dr. Yacoub Ziadin,
to win a seat. He is a highly pop-
ular physician.
United Nations
Week Beg'ins
. Today marks the beginning of a
week - long program celebrating
United Nations Week, co-spon-
sored by the Student Government
Council and the International Stu-
dent's Association.
The program, commemorating
the twelfth anniversary of the
signing of the United Nations
Charter, includes an international
dinner, a debate and a Consuls
The buffet dinner, held at 7
p.m. tonight in Lane Hall, will be
prepared by students from Greece,
Syria, the Ukraine, Pakistan, In-
dia, Japan, China and Korea. Fil-
ipino and Puerto Rican dancers
will provide entertainment.

E National Roundap
Adlai, Estes On Stump ..
CHICAGO-Adlai Stevenson said yesterday the Republicans suf-
fer from a "suffocating satisfaction with, our material well being,"
and promised that the Democrats, if elected. "will release the gene'-
rous, creative energies of our nation in full flood,"
Stevenson made this assertion in an address prepared for a
closed circuit telecast to some 40 cities.

* 4


LOS ANGELES-Sen. Estes Kefauver said yesterday that accumu-
lated radioactive fall-out from stepped-up hydrogen bomb testing
"means suicide" for the world.
Picturing" frightening possibilities" which he said might be im-
possible to prevent, Kefauver declared radioactive poisoning of the
air could result in bone cancer, injury to human organs and even
genetic damage to unborn generations.
Red Espionage. . .
WASHINGTON-Senate investigators yesterday released testi-
mony by a former Soviet secret agent that most Russian cultural and
athletic groups visiting other nations are accompanied by Com-

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