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October 19, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-19

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We've Got Something For Everybody, Too"

Sixty-Seventh Year

Men Opinions Are Free
Truth Wil Prevail"

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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Lecture Committee Product
Of Circumstances, Not Ideology

' i -



Indian Movie Has
Powerful Theme

ORIENTAL MUSIC filled the air.
It was the premier of an Indian
movie in Ann Arbor - and the
movie chosen for the occasion was
one of the best India ever pro-
Awara (Vagabond) is the story
of a boy who had no means to an
education, and no money for food,
What path was the boy to take in
life? What was to be his role in
the society? Was the boy to be
turned into a criminal?
These were the questions before
the boy. And these are the ques-
tions that millions face in India.
And millions in Asia. And in
Africa. The story seeks to prove

AFTER studying the existence and policies
of the Lecture Comittee one concludes that
it is a creature of University circumstance and
Internally, the circumstances are two.
With the growth of the University since
1837 has come an increase in the University's
bureaucracy. One hundred years ago, students
and faculty played relatively larger roles
in campus life compared with .administrators.
Now, owing to the necessity of coordinating
this conglomeration of 21,000 students and
2,000 faculty members, the students learn, the
faculty teaches, and the administrators run
Also, through time and the increasing con-
cern with social sciences and political issues,
student thought has fragmented into various
and often warring camps. This has manifested
itself in the sometimes irresponsible conduct
of student-run political debate on this campus.
Thus, the bureaucracy, of which the Lecture
Committee is a case in point, got its foot into
the student activitie's door first as an arbiter,
then found the role of judge an easy next step.
EXTERNAL factors of circumstance are
Most important we are a State university.
We must act our Sunday-best seven days a
week. The Ways and Means Committee of the
Legislature judges our conduct in the form of
University . appropriations bills every year.
Free speech means little to the taxpayers

so the Legislators judge; the public is interested
only that the University not be party to any-
thing that smacks of "communism", "social-
ism", "radicalism", or even "liberalism".
To complicate the problem, newspapers in
the state stand ready to pounce on any un-
toward situation at the University.
How do you assess the situation resulting
from these circumstances - the existence of
a Lecture Committee which screens and dis-
courages controversial debate on this campus?
FIRST, you feel a little less proud of your
alma m-ter because it has drifted with the
tide of a McCarthy-poisoned phobia of men's
minds and has not, in its position as a fore-
most educational institution, attempted to guide
men's thought with reason.
Second, you wish the faculty would as-
sume more leadership on this campus, insuring
that the pending, controversial issues of the
times would have a full airing here. Faculty
members and groups don't need a Lecture Com-
mittee okay when bringing outside speakers to
Third, although the University thinks it
naive, you hold to your interpretation of the
democratic faith that any person should be al-
lowed to say anything before anybody on this
campus, as long as he violates no federal or
state law.I
And fourth, you go over to the General Li-
brary and read about ideas which you think
free men should be allowed to debate openly.

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yiThe Battl of theO Titans

Middle East a Complex of Crises

THE current complex of crises in the sizzling
Middle East is, to put it-mildly, an explosive
situation replete with threats and counter-
threats, defiant declarations, charges and
Israel, though faced with a threat of pos-
sible annihilation at the hands of her Arab
neighbors, is nevertheless openly defiant, charg-
ing with some justification, Jordan, Iraq and
Egypt with warlike moves, and claiming "free-
dom of action", or the right to take the fight
to the enemy should he proceed any farther
with military preparations and troop move-
ments: This declaration was prompted by the
planned movement of 3,000 Iraqi troops into
This move was later called off and the
forces held in readiness at the Jordan frontier,
even though the United States and Britain had
approved the proposed action in the hope that
it would stabilize King Hussein's shaky rule
against more extreme elements, i.e. Egypt's
The Arabs are apparently solidly united
against Israel, but are nevertheless embroiled
in a struggle for power, and squabbling among
themselves, especially over the Baghdad pact,
a pro-Western alliance to which Iraq belongs.
Salah Salem, editor of a Cairo newspaper
and a former propaganda minister under Nas-
ser, has charged, for example, that the Iraqi
troop maneuver was a plot to occupy Jordan,
a Western conspiracy to undermine Arab unity,
and part of a plan to overthrow the Egyptian
THE blame for the tension cannot be laid
to any one party.
Israel pleads that she is the victim of un-
provoked aggression and deserves Western help.
Yet Maj. Gen. E.L.M. Burns, chief of the United
Nations mixed armistice commission, reports
that his investigations of the ever-recurring
border, incidents have been balked by Israel's
refusal to cooperate.
At the same time, Premier David Ben-
Gurion is renewing his demands for UN inves-
tigation of. alleged Jordanian aggression in the
border area. Contradictions such as this be-
tween Israeli words and Israeli deeds raise seri-
ous doubts about the sincerity of her pleas for
an end to the frontier clashes.

Ben-Gurion continues to add fuel to the
fire under the Mideast pressure cooker with
claims for more license, specifically free use
of the Suez Canal, without danger of search or
confiscation of cargoes.
This is certainly no more than simple jus-
tice, but such fighting diplomacy is to be ad-'
mired only when used wisely. At a time such as
this, however, when the lid threatens to blow
sky-high at any moment, it is unwise and can
serve only to aggravate the tension.
N THE light of President Eisenhower's pledge
to send American aid to any Middle East ag-
gression victim, a promise which Secretary
Dulles reaffirmed this week, it would seem
that Israel is virtually inviting attack, in the
belief that the West, especially the United
States, would intervene and perhaps destroy
the Arab threat to Israel for years to come.
Such intervention seems to be Israel's only
chance for survival in event of war, despite
the courage and determination of her people.
The Arab nations appear only too ready
to accept Israel's challenge. They have made
repeated pledges of solidarity against her, and
have begun to mass troops closer to the Israel
The long-standing desire of the Arab World
to wipe Israel off the map and reclaim that
supposedly Arab territory is no secret. If left
to themselves, there is little doubt that war
would erupt in the area tomorrow, with the
annihilation of the little Jewish nation a pro-
bable result.
THE Western powers, particularly the United
States and Britain, have taken the only
sensible course open to them - attempting to
act as a stabilizing influence, with the insti-
tution of sanctions against any aggressor. To
take sides with Israel would be to alienate the
desired friendship of the Arab world. To side
with the Arabs would be to refuse Israel her
God-given right to stand as an individual na-
tion where her people, now scattered all over
the globe, can and are finding a home they can
call their own.
An eventual solution to this monumental
Middle East problem will be reached only with
more patience, wisdom and cooperation than
has so far been shown in the activities of the
nations involved.

los Angeles-Here in California
is being waged the battle of
the titans. It's the millionaires
against the billionaires. And it has
aroused almost as much attention
as the battle between Ike and
It's a statewide vote on point 4
to adopt a new oil conservation
plan to keep California's vast, but
fast dwindling oil reserves from
being further squandered. Though
it's a state battle, it has national
repercussions: first, because other
oil states face the same conserva-
tion problem but even more im-
portant because. it continues the
same pattern used by the oil and
gas companies to get what they
want-namely, to buy up the leg-
islature, the Congress or the elec-
In the case of the natural gas
bill in Washington last winter, the
gas-oil moguls tried to buy up
the Congress.
In California for years they have
bought up the legislature. And
right now they're trying to buy up
the California electorate. Never in
the history of California have
newsmen seen the state deluged
with so many handouts, billboards,
TV plugs, blasts and counterblasts
all aimed at influencing the vot-
ing public.
* * *
A TOTAL OF $985,000 is offi-
cially listed by the billionaires, the
big oil companies, as spent to put
across their conservation plan,
How much has been spent beyond
the official listing is of course
not known,
A total of $575,000 is listed by
the millionaires, the independent
oil companies, to block the con-
servation plan of the billionaires.
Unquestionably California needs
oil conservation. Ten years ago it
produced all the oil it needed. To-
day it produces 70 per cent of
what it needs. If oil isn't conserved,

California will be forced to buy
more and more from Arabia.
But the big question is: should
California have a conservation law
rammed down its throat by the
greatest propaganda machine ev-
er seen in the state; and if the
law passes can it ever be changed?
The power of oil-company mil-
lions is such that change is diffi-
* * *
IN THE PRESENT battle of the
billionaires vs. the millionaires the
people of California are at least
able to watch two groups of oil
companies battle it out. They are
fortunate enough to be on the
side-lines, acting as referee.
The reason they are able to act
as referee, however, is in itself a
sad commentary on present legis-
lative methods. For the California
legislature is so tightly controlled
by the independent oil companies
-the millionaires-that no oil-
conservation law could pass. That
is why the big companies-the bil-
lionaires-went to the people with
a referendum.
The California legislature is
controlled by Harold Morton, at-
torney for Howard Keck and Su-
perior Oil. Morton is one of the
most astute lawyers in California,
with his son-in-law, Joe Shell,
vice-chairman of the Assembly Oil
Committee and perhaps the next
speaker of the California Assem-
* * *
H. B. KECK is the same tycoon
whose representatives o f f e r e d
$2,500 to Senator Case of South
Dakota during the natural-gas de-
bate. He is also the same Keck
who gave $5,000 to President
a Eisenhower's dinner committee
during the gas debate. Senator
Case returned the $2,500, but Ei-
senhower forces did not return the
$5,000. Superior Oil has since been
indicted by Brownell's Justice De-

partment, though Keck, who put
up the money for both Case and
the Ike committee, was permitted
by Brownell to go unscathed.
His Superior Oil Co. is now
leading the drive against Cali-
fornia's point 4 plan, the com-
mon name for conservation. With
Keck are 170 independents, in-
cluding Signal Oil, Universal Con-
solidated, and one major, Union
Oil. Union is the company for-
merly run by Herbert Hoover, Jr.,
now Undersecretary of State. Un-
ion is largely owned by Gulf which
imports much of its oil from Saudi
Arabia and the Gulf of Persia,
which may account for Hoover's
consistent stand against Israel
and for the Arab nations during
state department policy meetings.
On the side of the billionaires
are eight big majors-Standard
Oil of California, Richfield Oil,
Shell, Tidewater Associated, Gen-
eral Petroleum, Ohio Oil, Conti-
nental Oil and the Texas Co.
American public outside of Cali-
fornia is the way these oil com-
panies throw money around from
the privileged position of their
27% per cent oil-depletion allow-
No industry in America is so
favored by the tax laws, thanks to
the generosity of speaker Sam
Rayburn and the potent Texans
who dominate the key committees
of Congress. And no industry has
been more wanton in bribing Leg-
islators, trying to bribe Congress
and trying to influence public
opinion-all with money allowed
them as a result of this privileged
tax position.
Here is some of the money be-
ing thrown right and left through
advertising firms and public rela-
tions experts to influence the peo-
ple of California regarding point
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

FOR three days only, the Michi-
gan theater is showing a thrill-
ing motion picture, "Walk the
Proud Land." It is in cinemascope
and stars Audie Murphy. Shows
are continuous from 1 p.m., with
the features at 1:30, 3:30, 5:30,
7:30, and 9:30, Thank you for
The information above may most
easily be obtained by simply dial-
ing the Michigan's answering serv-
ice number, NOrmandy 2-2513,
whereupon a dreadful female
voice will tell it to you, personal-
Unfortunately, it is my sad duty
to point out that those who do
walk this proud land, actually an
Apache reservation, are a strange
and depressing group.
* -* *
AUDIE MURPHY is there, as
J. P. Clum, a saintly Indian agent
who, opposed by the Army and
the voters, wanders into the land
ofGeronimo and tricks the wily
Indian into surrendering, with the
aid of some impromptu sound
There is a strangely blue-eyed
Indian girl around who wears lip-
stick and provides a welcome con-
trast to the run-of-the-mill Indian
women who sltuffle wearily and
look old and wrinkled.
Also a strangely brown-eyed girl
from the East who marries Clum
and has a hard time.
DOES this all ring true? Can a
foolish white man subdue the
Indians and the Army and the
Governor, and keep his wife happy
while surreptitiously keeping a
squaw around? And can he bring
the whole affair off without get-
ting hardly anyone killed, except a
renegade named White-Fang?
Even the sophisticated theory
that all Indians are mostly good,
and all white men are usually bad
fails to answer these questions.
The cartoon is a fair riot.
-David Kessel
Stock Market .e.
A LATE RALLY led by steels,
coppers and some rails gave the
stock market its first rise of the
week today.
Advances running to around 2
points or so were made by key
The market was mixed from the
start. Tendencies toward the up-
side or downside occurred but got
nowhere most of the day when
trading was at its slowest pace of
the week.
In the final hour, however, an
upward move won buying support
and the trading pace quickened
Earlier in the day stocks paid
little or no heed to various new
items of good corporate earnings.
Later, however, wall street be-
came a veritable hall of bullish
rumors and phophecies.
Brokers credited these with much
of the improvement.

that no person is a born criminal,
however low his means. It is the
environment that turns boys to
vice after society has closed its
doors to them.
Awara has a powerful theme
that revolves around a rich and
idealistic judge, his son Raj who
was torn away from his father
and brought up in the slums and
Reeta, Raj's girl, who sought to
retrieve Raj from the pit of sinful
HIGHLIGHTS of the film in-
clude realistic acting by two of
India's most popular stars, Nargis
and Raj Kapoor, a spectacular
dream sequence symbolizing Heav-
en and Hell and a lilting music
scoreby Shanker-Jaikishen, two
of the most popular music-makers
of India and Pakistan.
,The film was produced and
directed by Raj Kapoor, one of the
youngest and ablest of 'India's
film producers,
dAwara was selected by the Ina
dian government for the Cannes
Film Festival in 1953 and was also
released in the Middle East, Eu-
rope, Asia, and the Communist
contries. It received a wide ma-
sure of popularity everywhere.
The film has a particular sig-
nigicance for Americans. To the
extent that Awara portrays some
of the problems in the East realis-
tically and frankly, it leads to a
better understanding of the East-
a most necessary condition for the
Americans today in view of the
woild situation and communist ef-
forts to win over Asia's millions of
uncommitted people to their side.
-Mohammed Azhar All Khan
Mohammed Azhar Ali Kahn is a
University of MichiganrUniversity
Press Club fellow; foreign corres-
pondent, Pakistan Press Associa-
tion; Ann Arbor correspondent,
Asian Student; and former Chief
of Press Unit, United States In-
formation Service, Karachi.
The Daily official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University o1
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication.
General Notices
Student Government Council Ele-
tions, Nov. 13,;14. Students wishing to
run as candidates for election to the
Council may secure petition forms in
Room 1020 Administration Building.
Five one-year terms, one %i year term
open, Petitions must be returned by
6 p m. Oct. 23. Nodextension of this
deadline will be made.
Late Permission: All women students
who attended the concert on Wed.,
Oct. 17, had late permission until 11:15
Anyone who has rooms to rent to
alumni on football weekends, please
call the Michigan Union Student Acti-
vities Offices.
Meeting of the University Faculty and
Staff, Oeneral staff meeting at 4:15
p.m. Mon., Oct. 22, in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. President Hatcher and the
Vice-Presidents will discuss the state
of the University. Certifiates will be
presented to the recipients of the Dis-
tinguished Faculty Achievement Award.
All members of the University staff,
academic and non-academic, are in-
Student Government Council. Sum-
mary of action taken, meeting of Oct.
17, 1956.
Approved: Minutes of previous meet-
ing. Interim action: Pakistan Students
Association, movie "Awara" Oct. 18,
19, Rackham Amphitheatre. Budget of
$10,502.90 for 1956-57. Calendaring: May
3, Crease Ball, one o'clock closing; May

3 Military Ball;. May 4 Inter House
Council, spring dance; Dec. 8 Student-
Faculty-Administration Conference. Ex-
emption from filing of 350 signatures
for John Wrona in filing candidacy for
Appointments: Ron Shprr as Public
Relations chairman. M-Mndbook study
committee: Lewis Engman, chairman,
Tim Leedy, Ron Shorr, Janet Winkel-
haus, Rod Blackman.
Resignation: John Wrona. Vacancy
to iemain until November elections.
Received: Oral report on Activities
Building - Dick Good, Free University
of Berlin - David Learned Administra-
tive Wing; Lecture Study Committee
Progress report.
Postponed until meeting of October
24 a motion to open petitioning for the
Free University of Berlin scholarships.
Reported Herbert Marks and Rod-
ney Blackman will attend the Stud-
ent Conference on U. S. Affairs to be
held in December at West Point.
Name change: Indian Institute of
Chemical Engineers to Society of In-
dian Chemical Engineers.
Political Science Round Table monthly
meeting Mon., Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. in the
Rackham Assembly Hall. Muriel Grind-
rod will speak on "The Rebuilding of
Italy: Democracy's Struggle Against Left
and Right Extremism."
Student Recital: Patricia Jean Sten-
berg, senior in the School of Music,


Candidate Petitioning Slowly Picking Up

H-Bomb Ban Precarious

Associated Press News Analyst
ONE thing about Adlai Stevenson and the
H-bomb, he has made the Republicans ac-
cept a campaign issue where none grew before.
Just how much impact the dispute is hav-
ing on voters, none can tell. But where the
American public had appeared to be the world's
least interested people, at least a few letters to
the editors are beginning to appear over the
Stevenson's statements of his ideas on the
subject a'e still open to dual interpretation.
Either he is proposing to stop American bomb
tests and ask others to join, or he is proposing
to initiate negotiations looking toward an
agreement for simultaneous stoppage.

A LOT of people who know little or nothing
about it are arguing over whether this would
be safe.
Some of the facts may be cleared up by
an official government statement next week.
However, in view of the traditional secrecy -
much of it necessary - about nuclear matters,
perhaps it is doubtful whether the public will
be given enough information to form an intel-
ligent opinion.
Stevenson has said that if elected he would
seek an agreement with Russia to ban the
tests. An agreement might be reached quickly-
provided Russia sticks to her public statements
that she is ready to enter such a pact.
The question would then revolve around
the efficacy of American safeguards against
Russian violation. Russia is not noted for keep-
ing her political contracts. Her ideology teaches
her to mko nr hreak them as her self-interest

Daily Staff Writer
ALTHOUGH the number of SGC
candidates got off to a slow
start, things are picking up. To
date, sixteen people have taken
out petitions, promising fair com-
petition for the six available posts.
And since petitioning doesn't close
until Tuesday, a few more students
will probably join the candidates'
But out of the sixteen candi-
dates, only one is female, and she's
already vice-president of the
group. The Council's present
membership roster includes only
two female elected members, Veep
Jan Neary and National and Inter-
national Affairs Chairman Anne
Woodard. Sue Arnold, Carol De
Bruin and Jean Scruggs are all
ex-officios, and Jan Winkelhaus
was appointed by the Council to
fill a vacancy.
What's hapnening to the distaff

furthef investigation and evi-
denced an unusual amount of in-
tensive study and discussion by the
group, something rather rare in
this age of "Let's-refer-it-to-a-
Students and faculty alike have
pointed out inadequacies in the
University's various counseling
facilities for a long time. First set
up when this campus was much
smaller, many of them have been
unable to keep pace with expan-
sion. Students are generally ignor-
ant of counseling's vast scope -
besides academic counseling, with
which all students are unfortu-
nately familiar, there are also psy-
chological, vocational, financial
and religious counseling facilities,
** *
RECOGNIZING the need for ex-
amination and coordination of
counseling, SGC last spring asked
Student Affairs Vice-President

sary. For instance, inter-commun-
ication among services is practi-
cally nil. As a result, there is
uncertainty about specific func-
tions of an area of counseling, and
wasteful overlapping ensues. In
order to get more information, the
group drafted two questionnaires;
one to be sent to each counseling
service, and one to be sent to a
scientific sampling of the student
The questionnaires are complete
and thoughtful, and without them,
the study can proceed no further.
Students have yelled loudest and
longest about inadequate counsel-
ing facilities. Soon, they will have
an opportunity to submit their
opinions to the committee, and
the committee will make its recom-
mendations on the basis of those
If the vital counseling programs
are to change and grow with the
University, the opinions contained

ments were advanced against it.
First, particularly in the fall, lack
of time between Administrative
Wing tryouts and elections would
mean that many people who de-
cide to run for SGC over the
summer would have to wait until
spring to do so. Second, most of
those who run foi*SGC have prior
experience in other campus organ-
Lack of time is the fault of
SGC's tryout program. Most other
organizations have tryouts during
the first two weeks of school, and
it seems unnecessary for SGC to
wait until the middle of October,
even for all-important rushing to
* * *
ALTHOUGH SGC is similar to
many campus organizations in
structure, it is not identical. Ex-
perience in IFC or Assembly
wouldn't necessarily qualify a stu-
dent fr the ('onenil though it




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