: Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON NAHRGANG Bi Ten Hoeing Road Between Amateurism and Professionalism AFTER years of piously snorting at other con- ferences for athletic impurities the Big Ten has finally faced reality and discovered it is far from the ideal of pure amateurism. A frank, highly critical self-appraisal of the Western Conference admits that its rules are being "bent" and "tortured". Prepared by a Big Ten committee, the report further notes that aid to athletes and recruitment are now major problems. The Big Ten deserves credit for dropping the purity act and recognizing that conference schools will soon be professional.f arm systems if reforms are not instituted. Where do we go from here? ONE suggestion reportedly being drafted as possible legislation is a procedure for equal- izing the amount of aid conference schools can give, in economic terms. The amount would be the difference between what it actually costs to go to school and what the athlete can put up. The effect, if it worked, would be to elim- inate aid differences between schools and thus professional "shopping" for the best offer. A second suggestion is to require a "letter of intent" by all prospective athletes. Given a few years member schools will find ways to "bend" and "torture" this legis- lation as they have other conference rules. As long as the Big Ten tries to hoe a middle road between Ivy League amateurism and Southwestern Conference professionalism it will drift towards the latter. If amateur athletics are ever going to be returned to amateurs the Big Ten will have to realize more than rules are needed to avoid the quasi-professionalism now characteristic of the conference. THERE'S an analogy between obeying con- ference rules and paying income taxes. No one wants to pay income taxes. Obeying tax laws is mostly a matter of looking for loop- holes and "torturing" the laws much as con- ference rules are "tortured." It's that way in the Big Ten - no one wants to obey the rules. The spirit is more important than the rules, and unfortunately there isn't much en- thusiasm for strict amateurism among players, coaches, athletic directors, or administrators. Instead of trying to equalize athletic aid, the conference should cut it out altogether. The only financial help available to athletes should be that which is available to all students. The argument that athletes spend so much time playing ball that they can't afford to work and therefore need help collapses when time spent on extra-curricular activities by non-athletes is considered. Many people spend their time working for the University - who pays their food bills? THE BIG TEN has taken the first step - recognizing that it is nowhere near the ideal. The second step is to determine where it wants to go. If the Western Conference wants amateur athletics it will need far more sweeping reform than it has so far indicated a willingness to accept. It will need cooperation by member schools complying with the spirit of legislation as well as the legislation itself. If it wants anything else, then valuable time was wasted preparing a frank and com- mendable report. -LEE MARKS City Editor - e fp r q - zr r ..sA It-,. S~- c ~ +9 -r A + r - s e. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Campaigning Gov. Knight By DREW PEARSON SGC and Its Constituents EXTRA CONCERT SERIES: Boston Symphony Plays Upside Down at Hill . S. BACH is the archetype of musical intellectuals, his music is coldly intellectual; L. V. Beethoven is one of the original romantics, his music is heroic, lush - so goes the old saying, and there is much truth in it. So it was peculiar last night at Hill Auditorium as the Bos- ton Symphony Orchestra performed for the second time in three nights to find old Mr. Bach the romantic high point of the evening, while Beethoven satisfied one's classical desires. All this just illustrates the fact that there is more than one side to any great composer. In Bach's time, florid, complicated, contrapun- tal music was the style. Old dance styles were about all one could write. Bach did so and did so well. The technicalities of his craft were so completely under control that keeping within a rigorous framework STUDENT Government Council is a very im- portant organization on this campus. It meets every Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union and its decisions are important ones. Meetings are open to ev- eryone. But few student-constituents attend. Students complain that they get informa- tion second hand, through various committee reports or through dormitory or affiliated rep- resentatives. Here is a- chance for everybody to find out for himself what is happening on this campus. Student Government Council isn't some- thing apart from students. They can run for it, listen to it, and influence its decisions. SGC represents the student body to the faculty, ad- ministration, and other students. To do this, members ought to know what their constitu- ents are thinking. There are many diverse groups on this campus with conflicting goals. These goals and means of achieving them must be reconciled. No one group can be thought of as having the right solution to current questions. The view of every person on this campus is improtant and necessary if workable policies are to be made. As many as possible should see what goes on at a Student Government Council meet- ing. Much can be learned at these meetings but, more important, SGC may learn something from the students. When opinions are presented to the Council, it will be in a better position to decide on the problems before it. But only if interest is shown on the part of the students themselves can SGC have some measure of University public opinion. -SUSAN RAUNHEIM Los Angeles - Goy. Goodwin Knight of California, a gentle- man who is not too high-hat to be called "Goody", was not popular for a time with the ruling minds of the Republican party. Reason: He liked Ike, but didn't like Dick. After San Francisco, however, Goody was wooed and courted. Len Hall, who was once sore as blazes at Goody, phoned him and said: "We need you." "OK," said the Governor of California. "What's the assign- ment?" "Go to Whittier and introduce Dick Nixon." * * ,* GOV. KNIGHT went to Nixon's home town and introduced him. Since then he's been campaigning wherever the GOP high command has sent him-chiefly Florida, West Virginia and Maryland. Knight was also asked to go to Michigan to woo the labor vote, since he's about the only Republi- can governor with a strong labor backing. Knight, however, refused and is heading back to California. Too many fires to put out at home. He has reported to Republican headquarters that Sen. Tom Ku- chel will defeat Democrat Dick Ri- chards but that Ike himself is in trouble in California. For the first time in years the name "Democratic" is on the tick- et. Hitherto, California has had cross-filing and a lot of people really didn't realize who were the Democratic and Republican can- didates. But with the name Re- publican clearly stamped after a candidate's name, and with Demo- cratic registration heavy, Govern- or Knight is not at all sure that the final outcome will be in No- vember. Note - after wooing Knight to, get out on the hustings, Len Hall seemed peculiarly unappreciative. The Governor of California spent all week end in the Carlton Hotel in Washington where Hall was al- so residing, but Hall made no ef- fort to see him. TEXAS CONGRESSMAN Jack Brooks has slapped a subpoena on an ex-Eisenhower Administration official, now retired to a Califor- nia ranch, who could tell the inside story about GOP Chairman Len Hall's connection with the Nicaro Nickel Plant scandal in Cuba. This key witness is Edmund Mansure, former head of General Services Administration, the huge agency which lets government contracts and distributes more money than any outside the Pen- tagon. Mansure has already admitted confidentially to investigators that Hall put political pressure on him to award a $43,00,000 contract for expanding the Nicaro Plant to Raymond Concrete Pile. Mansure wanted the contract to go to the Frederick Snare Co., which built it in the first place, had personnel and know-how in Cuba. A diary and correspondence of Randall Cremer, ExecutiveVive President of Frederick Snare, states that Hall didn't consider his outfit sufficiently Republican. Cremer even went out and con- tributed $1,500 to the Republican Congressional Campaign Commit- tee within a matter of days after being asked by Hall for evidence of his loyalty to the Republican cause. * * * . CREMER HAS also admitted to Investigators that other -Frederick Snare officials, including company president George Seeley, made do- nations to the Republicans up to $500 after hints from Hall. These contributions were made to the GOP finance chairmen in New York and New Jersey. Significantly, Cremer's secret diary, now in Congressman Brooks' hands, notes: "Unfavorable news from Hall ... has received no cor- roboration from the finance chair- men in New York and New Jersey." This entry was dated June 15, 1954. Within two months, the fi- nance chairmen collected from the Frederick Snare officials, and Hall suddenly withdrew his objections to the company's Nicaro bid. The secret Cremer diary also claims Hall demanded that Fred- erick Snare prove its own Repub- lican standing and place its insur- ance through a GOP firm. Several prominent Republicans vouched for the Snare company's political rightness, including Ambassador to Cuba Arthur Gardner. IN A PRIVATE cable to Hall, Gardner assured him that Fred- erick Snare "is pre-eminently qualified from every angle and there is no possible tieup with for- mer (Democratic) administra'- tions." The wire-pulling and political backbiting over the juicy Nicaro contract are one of the untold scandals of Washington. More big time officials and White House friends got into the act than any other in years. If the inside story is ever told it will make Harry Vaughan's deep freeze look like chicken feed. One untold chapter took place in May, 1953, when Charlie Willis, assistant to Sherman Adams in the White House and son-in-law of Harvey Firestone, phoned Mansure and asked him to lunch at the White House with Jock Whitney, chairman, and Langbourne Wil- liams, president of Freeport Sul- phur. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) did not prevent his expressing powerful emotions in his works. By Beethoven's time people were more liberal in what they con- sidered music, and people like Beethoven were making them more liberal all the time. Already in his second symphony he had aroused scorn: the coda of its first move- ment had been called a hideous monster refusing to die. As ade- quately explained in the program notes, the third symphony, which was the featured work on last night's program was even more of a shock to the musical world. The small compass of the classical symphony had been greatly stretched to accomodate the larg- er ideas of Beethoven. Yet the form of the symphony had not been discarded: the first move- ment is a great example of sonata form. The simple broken triad theme, heard first immediately after two introductory chords at the beginning in emasculated form' is slowly evolved throughout, not just during the "development sec- tion" as had been the custom in the classical period. The number of subsidiary themes and the ex- tent of the transitional material are greatly increased as well-but: the overall structure-mention a theme or two, play fragments of them in various positions, and bring them together again for a final comparison-is retained. " s * -* * POOR OLD Debussy came out a rather poor third. Iberia, 2nd of his Images for Orchestra, was the second work on the program, following Bach, preceding Beetho- ven. This work created something of a stir at its first performance, like many compositions of the ear- ly years of the century. It is "mood music." Even in its title it tries to create the illusion of Spain. Cas- tanets rattle and a tambourine clanks, it is all very colorfully or- chestrated- and the BSO played it superbly: sonorously, cleanly- but it is rather dull music. It takes great patience to sit out the middle section "perfumes of the night" even though Dr. Munch conducted till you could almost smell the rosin on the violin bows. . : * THE PERFORMANCES last night were excellent. The Sympho- ny's lady first flutist shone in the Bach Suite. Playing with the en- tire orchestra or in a charming duet with first 'cellist, she had control, articulation, fine tone, and exquisite phrasing. Her play- ing was magnificently supported by the Boston's superb string sec- tion. The concluding Badinerie was consummately done. Beethoven's 3rd Symphony, the concluding work, was, as men- tioned, porformed with the accent on the classical aspects of the work. It was a strong precise read- ing; inner melodies and counter- point were brought out The fugato sections, with even the strettos clearly delineated, sounded almost like Bach. This is certainly one way of interpreting the work. In this reviewer's opinion, much of the drama and impact can be lost in this fashion, and if one is feel- ing particularly mellow, such a performance can seem a bit flat. -J.P. Benkard AT ARCH. AUD. Death Lurks In '.Red Inn' 'THE RED INN," s t a r r i n g French comedian Fernandel, is an amusing story about a clever Franciscan monk who gets in- volved in a series of precarious situations with two murderers. The two, a homicidal couple who own the "Red Inn," seem to be engaged in a private campaign of homicide against any unwary traveler who happens to have the bad luck to come across their establishment. Fernandel, the monk, and his naive novice are on the way to their convent when a snow storm forces them to take lodging at the "Red Inn" for the night. Also at the inn are a group of travelers, most of them quite haughty and wealthy. The young novice who is pre- paring for a celibate life as a priest has his plans disturbed when he encounters the attractive dau- ghter of the murderous proprie- tors. k , , THEY are standing outside in the snow when she asks, "What do you study when you become a monk?" "Latin, Greek, and Hebrew," he answers. "Oh," she purrs, "learning love relations is easier than learning Latin." He complains, "But I am more interested in learning Latin." "Well," she replies as she edges closer to him, "I can't teach you Latin, but...' Scene dissolves into interior of inn. * * * MEANWHLE, in a rather un- believable makeshift confessional, Fernandel is discovering from the proprieter's penitent wife that the two have been conducting a cam- paign of "twenty years of murder" -knocking off 102 innocent souls up to and including that very night. Realizing that he, who happens to be carryingha religious sacra- ment made of gold and rubies, and the rest of the lodgers are potent- ially victims 103, 104, etc. on the list, he tries to convince everyone to leave the inn. The complexity of the plot is in- creased when no one wants to leave in the middle of the night, including his own novice who has fallen helplessly in love with the proprieter's daughter. * * * FROM then on it is a battle of wits between the resourceful monk and the inkeeper. Fernandel plays hide-and-seek with his dangerous adversary, and gets involved in several comic incidents reminiscent of the better Abbott and Costello movies-only with a French flavor. -Sol Plafkin DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 25 General Notices It is expected that the Directory for 1956-57 will be ready for distribution about October 26. The chairmen of the various departments and directors of other units will please requisition the number of copies required for Univer- sity campus use. Requisitions should be sent to the Purchasing Department and delivery will be made by campus mail. If individuals wish a copy for horpe us the Directory will be avail- able by payment of 75c at the Cashier's Office, Main Floor, Administration Building. Business concerns or individuals not connected with the University desiring a Directory may purchase a copy at a cost of $2.00. Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The freshman five-week progress reports will be due Wednes- day, October 24, in the Faculty Coun- selors Office for Freshmen and Sopho- mores, 1210 Angell Hall. Arthur Van Duren, Chairman, Faculty Counselors. The following student sponsored ev- entsarannroveaAfnr. te nm..n.4-'wook-,.. 4 i 4' _( -a INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Victim-of-Aggression Policy By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst SECRETARY Dulles, under news conference prodding about the Arab-Israeli situation, has reiterated the American policy of aiding any victim of aggression. You can bet your bottom dollar that doesn't mean Jordan. In the first place, when reiterating last April something that has been a part of Ameri- can policy ever since 1948, President Eisen- hower was careful to wrap his phraseology around the words "within constitutional limits." At that time it meant he still was not com- mitting the nation without regard to the will of Congress something to which he has referred many times. Now, against the Middle Eastern back- ground, it could mean almost anything. The present situation is this: The Jordan government, involved with domestic economic difficulties and faced with a conflict for power among the Arab states themselves, asked Iraq Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER, Editor to lend them some troops to insure control during forthcoming elections. Iraq agreed to send 3,000. The West didn't mind, considering it some insurance against the machinations of Egypt's Nasser. BUT Israel got excited and started throwing threats. Israel and Jordan are in the midst of a new crisis over border incidents. Israel staged a big retaliatory raid and fears counter-action from Jordan. Israel has displayed a desire to straighten out border disputes with Jordan and the other Arab neighbors, by force if necessary, but has refrained from, taking territory in violation of United Nations agreements. If Iraq put troops into Jordan, however, an excuse for Israeli action would be provided. There are many historical precedents for action by one country when the troops of a third party enter the territory of an immediate neighbor. It wouldn't necessarily be classified as aggression. -a TODAY AND TOMORROW: President Eisenhower and the Suez Crisis That undoubtedly is behind the thoughts which Jordan and Iraq are their original plan. second giving RICHARD HALLORAN Editorial Director LEE MARKS City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN . ......Personnel Director ERNES'I THEODOSSIN............rMagazine Editor JANET REARICK . .. Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS............Features Editor DAVID GREY .................... Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMER .......... Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN ........ Associate Sports Editor VIRGINIA ROBERTSON ...... .... Women's Editor JANE FOWLER............Associate Women's Editor ARLINE LEWIS ............. Women's Feature Editor VERNON SODEN .............. Chief Photographer Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN .... Associate Business Manager WILLIAM PUSCH . ... Advertising Manager CHARLES WILSON........ . Finance Manager PATRICIA LAMBERIS ........Accounts Manager AS FOR the United States, there are several fundamental factors in her position which will deter her from any direct action or major support for fighting in the Middle East now. Number One is the broad attitude of the Eisenhower administration, heightened by the approaching election, toward fighting or con- donement of fighting. Then there is the political fact that the United States will not take strong action against Israel because of the power of the Zionists in this country and because of the American role in the establishment of Israel as a national state. The American refusal to supply Israel with arms during the crisis over Russia's sale of arms to Egypt still stands as a warning to her that Washington wants no breach of the By WALTER LIPPMANN The Suez affair has now been brought to the condition which prevailed at the other danger spots -Korea, Formosa and Indo-China -that of a stalemate without a settlement, that of the acceptance, not in principle but in fact, of the status quo. The President has once again been the peace-maker in the sense that he has vetoed success- fully a recourse to arms, and once again he has had no positive policy of his own which seized the prob- lem and opened up the prospect of a decent future. On Thursday, July 19, Secre- tary Dulles told the Egyptian Am- bassador that the United States, which had been negotiating with Cairo for some months, was with- drawing its offer to help finance the High Dam at Aswan. The next day, Friday, July 20, the British government followed suit. This was a major stroke at Nasser's gov- ernment, and it was carried out by Mr. Dulles with the accompani- after he withdrew American aid on the Aswan Dam project, the President, accompanied by Mr. Dulles, flew to Panama, where they stayed until Tuesday, July 24. On that Tuesday, Nassed delivered a violent speech attacking the United States and charging that Mr. Dulles had lied about the Egyptian economy. Two days lat- er, on Thursday, July 26, Nasser seized the Suez Company. Where was Mr. Dulles? He was in Peru for the inauguration of the President, and he did not re- turn to the United States until Sunday, July 29. Thus for the first nine days fol- lowing the crisis which he had touched off in his talk with the Egyptian Ambassador, Mr. Dulles was in Panama and Peru, away from the State Department, away from his expert advisors, away from the Ambassadors in Wash- ington who could speak for the countries most vitally affected. No doubt, he was kept more or less in- *rrn, h +-al annRna f t , y+ hi- a policy for what might happen, once they had so abruptly made their break with Nasser. This accounts for what has fol- lowed. There were three possible lines of policy which could have been followed. One was to coerce Nasser, as Britain and France meant to, with military and eco- nomic sanctions into accepting in- ternational management of the canal. The President himself ve- toed the use of force, rightly enough, it seems to me, since that would almost certainly have meant making Egypt and the Middle East a kind of enlarged Cyprus and Al- geria. But if Nasser was not to be co- erced, then there were only two general choices left. One was to let him have his way. The other was to propose a new regime for the canal which would have the sup- port of so many nations, including India and even the Soviet Union, that it would be very difficult for Nasser to refuse it, very difficult fnr him + inlnfta i+ deed of getting anything better, indeed of getting anything as good. Lacking any positive policy of our own for building a new regime at the canal, Mr. Dulles found himself working principally to re- strain Britain and France from following their policy. This has caused deep and dangerous resent- ment in London and Paris. Instead of taking a bold and independent line for a new deal at Suez, Mr. Dulles took a line of agreeing with London and Paris just enough to hold on to them, and not enough to support them. It was, to give it is name, a tactic of frustration which had as its aim the avoidance of hostilities without offering any real proposal of a settlement. * * * THE SUEZ affair illustrates the virtues and the limitations of Gen. Eisenhower as a peace-maker. He is opposed to fighting wherever and whenever it is avoidable, and he is quick and decisive to say no to those who might wish to fight. He reacts peaceably when' a crisis