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October 17, 1956 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-10-17

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'U' Television Operates on Wide Scale

Since its inception in the fall
of 1950, the University Television
operation has grown by proverbial
leaps and bounds.
Now in its seventh year of op-
eration, the television office dis-
tributes about 52 programs a week
on kinescope film for broadcast
over 20 commercial stations.
This kinescope network reaches
not only throughout Michigan, but
encompasses areas in the states
of Washington, Nebraska, Wiscon-
sin, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, New
York and New Jersey, plus Canada.
Humble Beginnings
Though now one of the largest
university or college operated tele-
vision operations, University TV
had humble beginnings. It all be-
gan with the University of Michi-
gan Television Hour, two half-
hour programs telecast. live over
WWJ-TV in Detroit in 1950.
In January, 1954, the studios
at 420 Maynard Street were re-
modeled at a cost of $112,000. The
present setup includes two studios,
control rooms, a film projection
and kinescope room, and offices,
plus over $200,000 worth of mod-
ern technical equipment.
When the kinescope recorder
was installed in 1954, the three
series which had been produced
live -- TV Hour, Understanding,
Our World and Michigan Report-
were recorded on film in the cam-
pus studios.
This permitted a much wider
distribution of the programs and
enabled building an audience of
over a million viewers.
Johlnson To Speak
Today on Poetry
Prof. Thomas H. Johnson will
speak on "Emily Dickinson, How
Poetry is Written" today at 4:15.
p.m, in Rackham Amphitheater.
Prof. Johnson is head of the
English Department at Lawrence-
ville Academy, New Jersey. Known
as the foremost authority on Emily
Dickinson, Prof. Johnson wrote a
recent biography on her.
He is coeditor of Literary His-
tory of the United States and edi-
tor of the definitive edition of
Emily Dickinson's complete poems.

ON THE AIR-Studio scene at the University television office
during a special closed circuit TV program announcing the success
of the Salk polio vaccine. This program was broadcast to 75 cities
across the nation via one of the major networks.
Though not equipped with a the local UHF outlet, WPAG-TV,
transmitter of its own, the Univer- whereby shows produced at the
sity TV office, working in coop- University are telecast as regular
eration with the Department of features in the WPAG schedule.
Speech, has an arrangement with The eight live weekly shows pre-
Diary Reveals Boyish
Pranks in State's Past,

sented under this arrangement are
shown on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
with Storytime, a program for
children in the five to twelve age
it features original demonstra-
tions, children's dramas, and dem-
onstrations by local school classes
and youth groups of various crea-
tive activities. This is on Monday
and Wednesday only.
News and Commentary
Sports Parade, a show featur-
ing local, high school and Univer-
sity sports, appears at 6:30 p.m.
Friday. Live interviews, demon-
strations, forecasts and features
on women's sports are regularly
At 6:45, Dateline Ann Arbor pre-
sents up-to-the-minute commu-
nity news, news commentary, doc-
umentaries and occasional timely
interviews with prominent figures
in the University or in local af-
At 7:30 p.m., Studio Sampler
airs a variety of television pro-
grams in order to permit experi-
mentation in program planning
and production. Dramas, panel
discussions, operas, quizzes, popu-
lar music shows and recitals of
serious and classical music are
some of the types of programs
slated for this series.
Close-up, telecast at 8:15 p.m.,
is a program of local news fea-
tures, interviews, short films, and
coverage of any and all major
community activities.
Theatre Group
To Introduce

'P Lecture
Still Exists
(Continued from Page 1)
sive speeches; the committee said
no subversive speakers, had their
cake, and they ate it.
From the McPhaul controversy,
however, came these two policy
changes from the Lecture Com-
mittee: permission wasn't neces-
sary for "private" meetings and a
committee okay wasn't necessary
for speakers employed by the Uni-
versity, only "guest" speakers.
This fall the Lecture Committee
again made news and enemies
when they denied the Young Re-
publicans television, film, and even
tape recorder privileges for an
address by former Gov. Thomas
That is the story to date.
The status quo is this. A student
group wishing to bring in an out-
side speaker must get the signature
of a faculty adviser, recommenda-
tion of SGC, recommendation of
Sub-committee on Student Events,
approval by Auditor of Student
Organizations and lastly hurdles
the Lecture Committee.
Faculty groups are not meddled
with, They can invite whom they
please to campus, but conforming
presures have shackled them from
daring, much as legal rules have
bound the student body.
A sterile climate of intellectual
discussion has resulted. Real issues
of the day-capitalism vs. social-
ism, the hydrogen bomb, foreign
policy, and segregation-are not
bandied about enough on this cam-
pus. The University arranged Lec-
ture Series can be shuttled into
the "entertainment" category.
Attendance at "off-campus" lec-
tures underlines the thought void
existing on campus.

(Continued from Page 1)
supporters and 36 Stevenson-the
health issue made no difference in
their minds. To 71 others - 40
Eisenhower and 31 Stevenson - it
made some difference, but not
enough to affect their votes. How-
ever three ztudents reported
switching from the President to
former Gov. Stevenson, six from
undecided to Stevenson and two
from President Eisenhower to un-
Asked whether the vice-presi-
dential candidates had affected
their votes, 18 students, or 7.5 per
cent reported some shift in the
direction of Stevenson, largely
however from the undecided cate-
Students were asked their reac-
tions to two statements-one in
the economic, the other in the
international field.
In the economic field, the ques-
tion read: "The government in
Washington ought to see to it that
everybody who wants to work can
find a job." On the basis of
strength of agreement or disagree-
ment, students were classed (with
some degree of semantic license)
strong or weak "liberals" -- those
who agreed - and "conservatives"
-those who disagreed. Among the
two groups there was a noticeable
deviation from the average with
Stevenson gaining among "liber-
als" and Eisenhower among "con-
Ofs thes240 students polled, 81
placed themselves on the "liberal"
side of the employment question
by either weakly or strongly agree-
ing with the statement. Ninety-
two had no opinion or weren't
sure where they stood. The re-
maining 67 stood on the "conserva-
tive" side.
Students were also asked which
candidate they preferred simply on

economic issues. While both can-
didates lost ground-probably due
to the vague reasons behind the
support some students gave them-
Stevenson gained proportionately
when candidate choice was con-
fined to economic issues. His origi-
nal 33 per cent went up to 36.5
p, cent.
Among those classed as strong
"liberals" Stevenson was preferred
on economic issues by 57 per cent,
one of the few groups giving him
a majority, and then only when the
issues are confined to economic
ones. Among strong and weak
"liberals" combined, he was pre-
ferred on economic issues by 49
per cent.
President Eisenhower, on the
other hand, gained among "con-
servatives." Among those who dis-
agreed sharply with the full em-
ployment. statement, 81 per cent
preferred the President, as com-
pared with his overall 63.5 per
cent majority on economic issues.
Among all "conservatives," the
President leads by 75 per cent.
Response to this statement was
also asked: "This country would
be better off if we did not concern
ourselves so much with problems
in other parts of the world."
Those agreeing were classed as
"internationalists," those disagree-
ing as "non-interventionists." Only
18 students placed themselves in
the "non-interventionist" cate-
gory, while a strong 195 preferred
the "internationalist" grouping,
171 of them expressing strong dis-
agreement with the statement.
P r e s i d e n t Eisenhower gains

slightly in absolute terms and con-
siderably in relative terms when
the Presidential contest is con-
fined to foreign policy issues. On
foreign policy, Stevenson loses 13
of his supporters to the President
while gaining from him only three.
His overall 33 per cent is reduced
to 28 per cent when the area of
consideration is restricted to for-
eign affairs.
A higher-than-average four out
of eleven (36 per cent) of the
strong "non-intervensionists" fav-
ored Stevenson on foreign policy,
while among both strong and weak
"non - interventionists" his "total
on foreign policy drops to 25 per
Among those who class them-
selves in the "internationalist"
category, neither c a n d i d a t a
changes his relative position on
the foreign policy issue, with the
totals remaining at 72 to 28 per
cent. No do they change In general
candidate preference, with the
two-to-one ratio remaining re-
markably stable among "interna-
From the analysis of the econ-
omic and foreign affairs questions
as compared with candidate pref-
erence, the conclusion seems valid
that students who favor a niore
active role in the economy for the
federal government are far more
attracted to Stevenson than the
average student is, but that there
is no meaningful difference be-
ween the student support of the
two that can be explained in terms
of disagreement 'on the size of
America's role in world affairs.


Poll Reveals Students 2-1 for Ike





Hallowe'en pranks lured Michi-
gan kids out for a little neighbor-
hood mischief 70 years ago the
same as today, according to a diary
just recently received by the Uni-
versity Hisorical Collections.
Walter T. Curtis, a retired con-
struction engineer now living in
Harrisville, kept a diary in 1887.
At that time he was 13 years old
and living with his parents and
brothers on East Forest Ave., De-.
troit. He writes: "It is Hallowe'en
tonight and the boys are all out
cabbage stumping."
Cabbage stumping, reports F.
Clever Bald, assistant director of
the Collection, was traditional
Hallowe'en fun and consisted of

breaking off the frozen stumps
and smashing the rotton cabbage
heads against the front door of
unfortunate residences.
However, Walter adds: "I stayed
at home to help mama clean the
pantry and she gave me five cents
for helping her."
Lest you think our hero was a
mama's boy, here is his entry for
a few days later: "Shinny (a sort
of very rough hockey played with
sticks and tin cans) is all the rage
now. I ought to have gone over to
Woodward Ave. to get a pumpkin,
but I stayed home and played
Shinny. Albert Kirtchner got hit
in the head and had a fit but not
a very bad one."


Bad baronets and grisly ghosts4
will frolick on the stage of Gil-
bert and Sullivan's Society's fall
production "Ruddigore," accord-
ing to publicity manager Jerry
Davies, '57.
Midway through the rehearsal
period, the baronets and ghosts
are seen as mere students bent on
achieving the ghostly finesse of
frightening actors and audience
True to Gilbert and Sullivan
fashion, "Ruddigore" is a satire on
the bloody melodrama of Victorian
Under the direction of Clarence
Stephenson and Robert Brandgel,
the production is scheduled for
presentation Nov. 8, 9 and 10 in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Both single and block tickets are
available at the Administration


Complete Stock of Fresh Water Fish
Just Arrived! New Shipment of
Imported Groceries and Candies
208 East Washington

Individual thorough,
expert attention FREE MINOR REPAIRS:
given ,o each garment * Trouser cuffs brushed
and tacked
* Seam-rips repaired
* Buttons replaced
Tux, shirt, tie, cummerbund & studs.
Cleaning the way you have always wanted it done
Gold Bond Ceaners
515 East William

(Continued from Page 4)
Ch.E., Elect., Civil, Ind., Engrg. Physics,
Chemistry, Math.; Physics for the Re-
search, Propeller, Aeronautical and
Turbomotor Divisions. U.S. citizens.
U.S. Naval Avionics Facility, Indian-
apolis, Ind-allevels in Aero., Ch.E.,
Elect., Instru., Matls., Math., Mech.,
Engrg., Mech., Metal., Physics, and
Science for Research, Devel., and De-
sign. U. S. citizens.
Factory Mutual Engrg. Div., Norwood,
Mass. -- B.S. in Ch. E., Civil, Elect.,
nd., Mech., Eng. Mech., Metal., Science,
Chemistry, and Physics for Production
and Field Engrg. Staffs. U. S. citizens.
Spencer Kellogg and Sons, Inc., Buf-
falo, N.Y. - all levels in Ch. E. for
Research and Production.
Tues. and Wed., Oct. 23 & 24
Boeing Airplane Co., Seattle, Wash.-
all levels in Aero., Ch. E., Civil, Elect.,
Ind., Instr., Mat'ls, Math., Mech., Engrg.
Mech., Metal., Nuclear, Physics and Sci-
ence for Research, Devel., Design and
Production. U. S. citizen.
American Telephone and Telegraph
Co., various locations - all levels in
Elect., Mech., Chemistry, Math., Metal.,
Physics; B.S. & M.S. i nCivil, Ind., for
Research, Devel., Maintenance and Op-
erations. Need women in Math. and
Physics for Research and Devel. Program
at Sandia Base, Albuquerque, N. Mex.
Interested in LS&A and BudAd. people
for Western Electric, Manufacturing
Wed., Oct. 24
Link-Belt Co., Chicago, Ill. - B.S. in
Ch. E., Civil, Elect., Ind., Mech., and
Metal for Summer and Regular Design,

Production, and Sales. U. S. citizen.
Battelle Memorial Institute, Colum-
bus, Ohio - all levels in Aero., Ch. E.,
Civil, Elect., Instru., Mat'ls, Math.,
Mech., Eng. Mech., Metal., Nuclear, Phy-
sics, and Science for Summer and Reg-
ular Research, Devel., and Design. U.S.
Marquardt Aircraft Co., van Nuys,
Calif.-all levels in Aero., Ch. E., 6ivil,
Elect., Ind., Instru., Mat'ls, Math.,
Mech., Eng. Mech., Metal., Nuclear,
Physics, Science, and Chemistry for
Research, Devel., Design and Produc-
tion. U.S. citizens.
Wed. & Thurs., Oct. 24 & 25
Standard Oil Co., of Calif., - all lev-
els in Ch. E., Mech., Chemistry; B.S.
& M.S. in Civil and Elect.; M.S. and
PhD. in Math.; PhD. in Physics-for Re-
search, Devel., Design, Tech. Service,
Operations, Maintenance and Construc-
tion. U.S. citizens.
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg., ext.,
The new Federal Service Entrance
Examination has been announced for
Nov. 10, 1956 with October 25 as the
deadline for filing applications. This
e*amination will be open to men and
women graduating in any field. A sup-

ply of announcements and application
blanks for distribution has not yet been
received by the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, but is expected to arrive this,








Now at last a close friend of the late screen idol reveals the collec-
tion of poems that James Dean loved.to read by candlelight, over
and over . . . laughing, crying, and sometimes shouting with joy.
You too can capture these same emotions!
Limited supply.
Send check, cash, or money order to
Bell Productions, 825 West End Ave., New York 25, N.Y.


ONE WEEK ONLY--Starting TODAY-October 17,1956


Gargoyle needs

Regularly $19.95



* Business People
* Photographers

famous for quality for 67 years
the "executive"
More arm freedom with the
Fashion-Fit sleeve! More elegance
with the knitted-on cuffs,
looped-on collarette and
fine gauge stitching!

The Toughest, Best Looking
Leather In Shoes-
- Surpasses any leather known - Phi Bates



says DUGALD McTAVISH, author
and war veteran
HANOVER, N.H., Aug. 3l-Dug's
manuscript, "The Prof in the Shiny
Blue Suit, has just been accepted by
Coed Press; movie rights are up for

ICome To Staff Meeting
TODAY (October 17)


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