Change In
Lecture Ban
(Continued from Page 1)
the social sciences was being ush-
ered in.
The era came in and the boom
came down. Detroit papers carried
a story of an alleged "ticket scand-
al" within the Association. Re-
gents, cowing to public pressure,
stepped in and intellectual free-
dom at Michigan stepped out. Ad-
ministrators seized control of As-
sociation finances and said that
"no engagement for entertain-
ments shall be entered into with-
out the approval of the President
of. the University." The coup had
Led by Harry Burns Hutchins,
president of the University, Mich-
igan entered years of enormous
physical expansion. Dollars came
from the State Legislature and
alumni gifts. Hutchins didn't want
student radicalism, anarchy and
corruption to embarass-away any
of these funds. He was succes-
sful. Efforts were even made. to
curb the autonomy of the student
press 'and other organizations.
Where public relations won,
student freedom lost.
In 1913, the Regents enforced a
blanket denial of political speechs
in Hill Auditorium. In 1920, this
was extended to include all Uni-
versity buildings. Public relations
was traveling a "safer" road. The
great issues of the First World War
and the League were not given free
Slossen Writes Daily
Restriction of partisan speeches
knew few bounds. In a letter toe
the Daily in 1923, Prof. Prestoni
Slosson of the history departmentr
wrote, "If 'party politics' be made
to include every possible questionl
of foreign poliy and evcen all i-
formatio nabout foreign affairs,
not muh that is worthwhile an
be learned about the world today
on the Michigan campus."
In 1924, cropped up from the
faculty-administered, Regent-sup-
ervised, publi-placating Committee"
the edit, "No addresses should be
allowed which urge the destruction
or modifiation of our form of gov-
ernment, by violene or octher un-
lawful methods."
This curbed the "radicals" of
the twenties.
The year 1935was a big one and
abad one for free speech.John
Stratchey was denied the lecturn
here because there were some soc-
ialists in a group that tried to
sponsor him. He had to speak in
Granger's Hall before an over-
flow crowd of 1,000.
Prof. Slosson and William Wein-
stone, Mihigan secretary of the
communist party were refused
University sanction. The Slosson-
Weinstone debate was held in the
Unitarian Churh before a packed
Speakers Banned
Thus, in 1935 the lecture ban
structure under which the Univer-
sity operates today was formu-
lated. The Marine Corps and vari-
ous patriotic groups were threat-
ening the University Knights
Templar made a resolution warn-
ing that they would withdraw aid
to students if "such conditions" as
free speech were tolerated on
Anti-communist bills were le-
gion in the State Legislature and
at the same time a debate was in
progress cocerning how many
appropriation dollars the Univer-
sity would receive in relation to
"another state college.,
In that environment, the Re-
gents clamped down, drafting the
present Committee on University
Lectures. The Daily editor of 1935
had this to say about the Com-
mittee, "Authority which punishes
the expression of opinion with
which it does not agree is not
American; it is Russian."
(TOMORROW-"Twenty Years
of Intellectual Treason")
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Of Roads Before
Ye ar's End
(Continued from Page 4)a
Residence Halls Business Office, 1056
Administration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext.
311. This is a change of service from the
Office of Student Affairs to the Office
of the Business Manager of Residence,
University Lecture, auspices of the
English Department. Thomas H. John-
son, author and critic, "Emily Dickin-
son: How Poetry Is written." Rackham
Amphitheatre. Wed., Oct. 17, 4:10 p.m.
American Chemical Society Lecture.
Wed., Oct. 17, 8:00 p.m., Room 1300,
Chemistry Building. Dr. Robert A. Al-
berty of the University of Wisconsin
will speak on "Kinetics of the Fumarase
ASC Student Affiliate. Wed., Oct. 17,
Room 1400 Chemistry Building. George
Killich will give a glassblowing dem-
onstration. Refreshments.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Candidates who expect to re-
ceive degrees in February, 1957, must.
have at least three bound copies of
their dissertations in the office of the
Graduate School by Fri., Dec. 14. The
report of the doctoral committee on
the final oral examination must be filed
with the Recorder of the Graduate
Contest Open
To Students
Invitations have been extended
to all University students to enter
the Fifth Annual Student Com-
posers Radio Awards sponsored by
the Broadcast Music, Inc. and BMI
Canada Limited.
Prides totaling $14,000 to be div-
ided between 19 winners are the
highlights of the competition, the
music department has announced.
..Music Students
Open to students in accredited
conservatories of music, universi-
ties, colleges and s e c o n d a r y
schools, or of private teachers, in
the United States, its possessions
and Canada, the contest runs
through February 15, '1957. The
prizes, which are to be applied for-
tuition and subsistance during fur-
ther study, will be awarded prior
to June 1, 1957, when national
winners will be announced.
Permanent Judges
A permanent judging panel for
SCRA is composed of: William
Schuman, composer and President,
Juilliard School of Music; Earl V.
Moore, Dean, School of Music,
University of Michigan; Henry
Cowell, composer; and Claude
Champagne, Assistant Director,
Quebec Provincial Conservatory.
Official rules, entry blanks, and
further information about .SCRA
may be obtained by writing Rus-
sell Sanjek, Director of SCRA Pro-
ject, Broadcast Music, Inc., 589
Fifth Avenue, New York 17, New
School together with two copies of the
thesis, which is ready in all respects for
publication not later than Mon., Jan. 14.
Admission test for Graduate Study in
Business: Candidates for this test are
reminded that applications must be re-
ceived by the Educational Testing Serv-
ice at least two weeks prior to the test
date, Nov. 3, 1956. Applications and
general information bulletins on the
test are available at the Information
Desk in Room 150, School of Business
Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Music, Natural Resources
and Public Health.
Students, who received marks of I,
X or 'no reports' at the end of their last
semester or summer session of atten-
dance, will receive a grade of "E" In
the course or courses, unless this work
is made up. In the School of Music this
'date is by October 17. In the Schools of
Business Administration, Education,
Natural Resources and Public Health,
this date is by October 19. Students,
wishing an extension 'of time beyond
these dates in order to make up this
work, should file a petition, addressed
to the appropriate official of their
School, with Room 1513 Administration
Building, where it will be transmitted.
German Department Make-up exami-
nations will be given 3:00 p.m. Thurs.,
Oct. 18, in Room 103, Tappan Hall. All
students concerned must register with
the departmental secretary, Room 108,
Tappan Hall, by Wed., 5:00 p.m., Oct.
College of Engineering Faculty meet-
ing Wed., Oct. 17, 4:15 p.m. And. A, An-
gell Hall.
Premliminary Examinations in Eng-
lish: Applicants for the Ph.D. in English
who expect to take the preliminary ex-
aminations this fall are requested to
leave their names with Dr. Ogden,
1634 Haven Hall. The "old style" ex-
aminations will be given as follows:
English Literature from the Beginnings
to 1550, Tues., Nov. 13; English Litera-
ture, 1550-1750, Sat., Nov. 17; English
Literature, 1750-1950, Tues., Nov. 20;
and American Literature, Sat. Nov. 24.
The "new style" examinations will
be given as follows: English and Ameri-
can Literature, 1550-1660, Tues., Nov. 13;
1660-1780, Sat., Nov. 17; 1780-1870, Tues.,
Nov. 20 and 1870-1950 Sat., Nov. 24,
The examinations will be given in the
School of Business Administration,
Room 271, from 9 a.m. to 12 m.
Mathematics Colloquium, Tues., Oct.
16, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011, A. H. Dr.
Malcolm Goldman will speak on "Struc-
ture Theorems for AW* Algebras.". Cof-
fee and tea at 3:45 in Room 3212,
Angell Hall.
Events Today
Phi Delta Kappa. Members of Omega
chapter are reminded of the first fall
meeting at the Michigan Union, Tues.,
Oct. 16, at 6:00 p.m. Go through the
cafeteria line and carry your tray to
the University Club dining room. At
7:00 p.m., University Vice-President
William Stirton will give an illustrated
talk on his recent "Mission to Indo-
nesia." Short business meeting. Come
for the program even if you cannot be
there for dinner.
Placement Notices
The following schools have vacan-
cies on their teaching staff at this time.
Battle Creek, Michigan-Junior High
English/Social Studies.
Ferrysburg, Michigan-(near Grand
Haven)-Junior High Band.
Livonia, Michigan-Early Elementary
(1st or 2nd grade); Later Elementary;
Junior High Math and Science; Junior
High English/Social Studies.
Manitowoc, Wisconsin - English
(Grades 10 & 11).
New Lothrop, Michigan-Home Ec.;
Science/Math; Any field.
Milan, Michigan - Elementary Art;
Junior High Social Studies/English % z
time/Recreation % time.
Saginaw, Michigan-Junior High Band
(man); Women's Physical Education.
Skokie, Illinois--Niles Township Schools
-High School French.
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext.
A representative from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Tues., Oct. 16.
Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., Brooklyn,
N.Y. - all levels in C'h. E., Physics,
and Science; B.S. in Mech. E. for Sum-
mer and Regular Development and
Wed., Oct. 17
Detroit Arsenal, Center Line, Mich.-
all levels in Ch. E., Constru., Elect.,
Mech., and Metal E., for Research, Ex-
perimental and Construction. U.S. citi-
Thurs., Oct. 18
Carter Oil Co., Research Dept., Std.
Oil Co., Tulsa, Okla-all levels in Ch.
E., Elect., and Mech. for Research.
Kraft Foods Co., Chicago, Ill. - all
levels in Mech., Engr. Mech., Physics and
Science; B.S. or M.S. in Ch. E., Civil,
Constru.; B.S. in Elect. and Ind. for
Research, Devel., Design, Prod., and
Emerson Research Lab., Washington
D.C. - all levels in Aero., Elect., Ind.,
Instru., Math., Mech., Engrg. Megh.,
and Physics for Research, Devel., and
Design. U. S. citizen.
Mon., Oct. 22
Babcock & Wilcox Co., New York, N.Y.
-all levels in Ch. E., Civil, Ind., Instru.,
Mat'ls,. Math., Mech., Engrg. Mech.,
Metal., Nuclear, Physics; B.S. in Elect.,
and Naval and Marine for Application,
Mfg., Design, Quality and Cost Control,
Devel., Sales, and Constr. U.S. citizen.
Republic Aviation Corp., Farmingdale,
L.I., N.Y.-all levels in Aero., Civil,
Elect., Ind., Instr., Mat'ls, Math., Mech.,
Engrg. Mech., Metal., Nuclear, Physics
and Science for Research. U.S. citizen.
Continental Oil Co., Houston, Texas-
all levels in Chem., Ch. E., Metal.,
Mech., Elect., Petroleum E., Physics for
Production, Mfg., Devel., and Research.
Internat'l Harvester Co., Chicago, Ill.
--all levels in Instru., Mat'ls, Math.,
Mech., Engrg. Mech., Metal., Nuclear,
Physics, and Science; B.S. &.M.S. in Ch.
E., and Elect.; B. S.,in Aero., Civil and
Ind. for Research. Devel., Design., Sales,
Prod., & Const.
Mon. & Tues., Oct. 22 & 23
E.I. Du Pont De Nemours & Co., Wil-
mIngton, Dela.-B.S. & M.S. in all It.
for Summer and Regular Research,
Devel., Design, Prod., Const., Sales and
various types of work and locations
throughout the U.S.
Shell Oil Co., various locations -- B.S.
& M.S. in Ch. E., Physics, Elect., Mech.,
Civil, Metal., and Marine for Process
Devel., Design, Che. Mfg. Operations,
Const. and Maintenance, 'Power Plants,
Engine Research and Oil Field Produc-
tion. U.S. citizen.
For appointments contact the Engrg,
Placement Office, 347 W. E., ext. 2182.
Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc., Detroit,
Mich., has an opening for a Mech. E.,
who is a recent graduate or who will
graduate in the near future; for the
position of Industrial Salesman.
Whirlpool-Seeger Corp., St. Joseph,
Mich., is looking for a Sales Training
Manager to travel abroad, particularly
in Latin Amerida. The position requires
a man between 28 and 32, with a gener-
al background of appliance sales, and
if not proficient in Spanish, must have
the ability to gain proficiency in a very
short time.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Application forms for the approaching
U. S. State Dept. exam for Foreign Serv-
ice Officers are available at the Bureau
of Appointments. The deadline for fil-
ing these applications is Oct. 26 and
the exam will be held on Sat., Dec. 8.
The exam is open to men and women in
any field, and who are U.S. citizens of
at least nine years standing. Booklets
and sample questions are available as
well as the application forms.
Associated Press Newsfeatures WriterC
Before the year is out - if pres-v
ent construction schedules are notF
upset drastically - another 650
miles of turnpike will be added to
the nation's growing network off
highspeed toll roads.
Although the new federal high-
way construction law calling for a
41,000-mile interstate system of
free superhighways has probably,
permanently shelved any furthert
major toll road planning, toll pro-
jects under way before the law was3
adopted made it a busy summer
for highwan construction engi-
Practically all of the 157-mile
Indiana Turnpike opened Sept. 16,
making possible virtually nonstop
travel on 874 miles on multi-lane
toll "cruiseway" from New York to
the eastern fringes of Chicago.
In a few more weeks the Mid-
Baroque Trio
To Tour Upper
The University Baroque Trio will
tour the Upper Penninsula from
Nov. 4 to 8 in a Concert-Education
Series the University Extension
service has announced.
This unique trio is composed of
Nelson Hauenstein, flute, Florian
Mueller, oboe, and Marilyn Mason,
harpsichord. No other trio uses
this combination of musical in-
"Baroque" was chosen for. the
name of the group because of the
period of music they play-that of
the 17th and 18th Centuries. The
forerunner of the piano, the harp-
sichord, is the instrument of this
period. The particular harpsichord
that Miss Mason uses is quite un-
usual. It is collapsible and is trans-
ported on tours by station wagon.
The unusual thing about a harp-
sichord, Miss Mason says, is that
the string is plucked, like a guitar,
rather than struck like on a piano.
In their fourth season, the trio
has performed in various towns
and cities throughout Michigan
for the U-M Extension Service and
music clubs. They have also made
numerous radio and television ap-
west will get another large sec-
tion, of operating "dream road"
with the opening of the 234-mile
Kansas Turnpike angling south-
west from Kansas City through
Wichita to the Oklahoma border
at South Haven. The target date
for completion of the Massachus-
etts Turnpike stretching 123 miles
west from Boston towards Albany,
N.Y., is Nov. 15. In Florida, work
on a toll superhighway connecting
'Miami and Ft. Pierce is expected
to be completed by the first of the
When all are completed, these
projects will add 650 miles to the
1,846 miles of toll highways which
were in operation last spring.
Besides the roads finished or
scheduled for completion by the
first of the year, work is in pro-
gress on about 300 additional miles
of toll roads. The biggest chunk is
in Illinois, where work is under
way on a 193-mile system which
will carry traffic from the Indiana
Turnpike around Chicago to the
Wisconsin line near Waukegan
and send spokes from Chicago to
Beloit, Wis., and Aurora, Ill.
Turnpikes Linked
New Jersey is linking up its Gar-
den State Parkway with the New
York Thruway, and New York is
sending a spur from the Thruway
near Albany to the Massachusetts
Turnpike. A 30-mile toll road is
under construction in Texas be-
tween Dallas and Fort Worth and
another short one of 35 miles is be-
ing built between Richmond and
Petersburg in Virginia.
Despite this activity, the effect
of the new federal highway legis-
lation is already apparent. In Ok-
lahoma, for instance, passage. of
the federal law last June caused
officials in that state to cancel
plans for a toll road linking Okla-
homa City with the nearly finished
Kansas Turnpike. The state now
plans to build the road under pro-
visions of the new bill, which
means it will be a free expressway.
Federal Measage
Pointing out that the national
system contemplated in the fed-
eral measure-with the U.S. Gov-
ernment paying 90 per cent of the
cost-will provide the necessary
highway facilities between large
centers of population, Russel E.
Singer, executive vice president of
the American Automobile Assn.
has predicted flatly that large-
scale toll highway construction will
It is generally believed that ul-
timately all the operating turn-
pikes which follow routes designed
in the federal interstate system
and meet construction specifica-
tions of the federal program will
be incorporated in the free high-
way system. The method presum-
ably will be for the federal govern-
ment to make road money avail-
able to the states to pay off toll
road bond holders. With their in-
debtedness thus erased, the roads
could then become tollTfree.
Tip for a perfectionist
who's anything but perfect!
Magazine Asks
For Manuscripts
The deadline for submitting
manuscripts for the next issue of
The Forum, the only intercolleg-
iate magazine in the U.S., is No-
vember 5, according to Editor-in
Chief George Strauss.
The issue, scheduled for release
in November, is now being pre-
pared on the Oberlin College cam-
pus at Oberlin, Ohio, headquarters
of The Forum's business and edit-
orial offices.
The Forum publishes fiction,
poetry, art, musical manuscripts
and essays on politics, philosophy,
and the arts.
The magazine is distributed on
selected campuses throughout the
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