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October 16, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-16

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"By Golly, If I Had A Part In This Campaign -"

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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DAY, OCTOBER 16, 1956


East Ann Arbor Annexation
Subject of Several Controversies


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Boston Symphony
Proves Superioritl
IF THE REASONS why the Boston Symphony should play two concerts
here this week were puzzling, last night's performance should have
dispelled any bewilderment. This orchestra is undoubtedly one of the
finest collection of musicians in the world. There is no way to describe
the string section except to say that they have the wonderful "Boston"
sound. Similarly the brass and woodwinds have a quality that is unique
to this organization. It is a shame that this fine organization can't be
heard more often.
The high point of the program was Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony.
From the beautiful introduction by the bassoon, the graceful second
movement, the dramatically forceful third and the dark resignation of
the last movement, Charles Munch gave a reading of much feeling and


BEFORE voters decide on November 6 the fate
of East Ann Arbor's petition to be annexed
to Ann Arbor, the referendum issue will be
the subject of great social, political and primar-
ily, economic controversies.
Ann Arbor City Council last night gave
their whole-hearted recommendation to annex-
ation. Just how much significance this endorse-
ment will have on the decisions of the ultimate
authorities, the voters of Ann Arbor, is a moot
point. Several high-sounding proposals have
received sanction from the Council in years
past, some involving outlays of cash, some not,
only to be defeated at the polls.
Annexation of East Ann Arbor would nec-
essarily involve short-range financial commit-
ments. Almost all the houses in East Ann Arbor
were built before the incorporation of that city
when construction was subject only to mini-
mum rural building codes. The resulting low
level of urban services presently discourages
high-grade residential construction.
This is where the all-important money
problem, which could be the deciding factor in
the vote, enters the annexation' question.
E XTENSION of adequate modern services to
the 629 acres of East Ann Arbor would take
a healthy chunk of reserve from the water and
sewage departments of Ann Arbor. Improve-
ment and rehabilitation of existing properties
would not be economically feasible until the
water and sewage problems are solved..
If the referendum is approved however,
stricter building codes, which don't demand
capital outlay, would eliminate many sub-stan-
dard dwellings. Consequent elimination of un-
desirable buildings and establishment of bet-
ter services would result in higher grade con-
Ann Arbor City Planning Commission has

admitted the inevitability of short-range ex-
penditures. They feel, however, such immediate
costs will not be so burdensome as to rule out
completely subsequent economic advantages.
The Commission points to an economic tru-
ism that with full urban services available,
and an inevitable increase in realty values,
a higher value of home construction will be in-
duced, resulting in a rise in the tax base.
This however, is not the Commission's big
selling point.
City officials point to a proposal to connect
the Pittsfield Creek sanitary sewer in East Ann
Arbor, along Pittsfield Creek into Ann Arbor
via the South Industrial Highway. The Com-
mission expects once this trunk sewer is avail-
able "industrial sites will be open south to the
Detroit Expressway" and "any commercial or
industrial development in or at the fringe of
East Ann Arbor would increase the average
assessed valuation of East Ann Arbor 50 per
PROPONENTS of annexation also point to
political disadvantage of permitting satellite
cities to cluster around a central city. Pro-an-
nexationists claim core cities in such areas
find themselves barred from further growth
and encounter difficulties in carrying out the
interests of the comunity because authority is
split into several independent jurisdictions.
Those favoring annexation have the poli-
tical and social points on their side, as well as
the long-range economic benefits. But unless
the voters can be convinced short-range costs
will not be too prohibitive, a rare referendum
bill to annex an entire city may well share the
fate of dozens of other high-sounding, but
costly, Council proposals.

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GOP ires Wrong Mant

GOP Getting Negro Vote

RECENT Negro dissenters from the Demo-
cratic Party in Detroit are only'a few of the
many that are bolting to vote for President
Dwight D. Eisenhower next month.
They realize that the Republican Party
provides the only hope for the plight of the
Negro. During the GOP administration more
Negroes were appointed to public office than
ever before. Moreover, the President demon-
strated in recent school cases that he intends
to support the Supreme Court decision to abol-
ish segregation.
As Detroit Representative Charles Diggs,
leader of the dissidents, expressed, "In their
1952 plank the Democrats intended to see
that there was no discrimination. They did
nothing about it. Instead the Republicans had
to pass laws ending segregation in the armed
forces, public parks, and schools. This year the
Demcrats compromised just to keep peace with-
in the party and would not commit themselves
on the segregation issue."
ESPITE the fact that more Negroes voted
Democratic in 1952 than in 1948, surveys in-
Aicate that more Negroes are tending to vote
Republican than ever before. Recent campaign-

ing by the Democratic Party to support segre-
gation in the South has not helped the Demo-
Harold Flowers, an Arkansas Negro repre-
sentative, predicted that if the Republicans
were re-elected, desegregation in the South
would be enforced and accepted. He pointed
to desegregation in Arkansas College, Louisi-
ana, Texas, and Kentucky as an example of
the current southern integration movement.
"The South has spent a lot of money to
build separate schools in belief they will satis-
fy the Negroes. These Southern Democrats
and their many political supporters in the
North have failed to scare the Negro through
their White Citizens Councils. The Negro is no
longer afraid, Flowers declared.
THE Republicans will undoubtedly make some
~1 gains in the Negro vote. Democrats will con-
tinue to lose votes as long as men like Missis-
ippi's Senator James Eastland are influential.
This is a fact that the Democrats must wake up
to as the Democratic party is not strong enuogh
to absorb the loss of the Negro vote and stay
in contention in the election race.

IN BOTH business and politics
you have to be careful whom you
hire and who your associates are.
Yet the Republican Congressional
Campaign Committee has hired as
its radio-TV director the man who
used an introduction form anti-
Semitic Gerald L. K. Smith to
smear Mrs. Anna Rosenberg when
she was up for confirmation as
Assistant Secretary of Defense.
He is Ed Nellor, former cohort
and satellite of Sen. Joe McCarthy,
who during the bitter battle to de-
feat Mrs. Rosenberg, took a trip to
New York with McCarthy's inves-
tigator, Don Surine, to see Benja-
min Freedman, ex-Jew who has
been employed by the Arab League.
At the insistence of Nellor and
Surine, Freedman came to Wash-
ington to work against Mrs. Ro-
senberg, together with an ex-
Communist named Ralph De Sola
who claimed Mrs. Rosenberg had
been a Communist member of the
John Reed Club. As a result, Com-
munist charges were leveled
against her by McCarthy on the
Senate floor.
* * *
LATER, Sen Kefauver, read to
the Senate the text of a cable sent
by Freedman, the man Nellor had;
helped bring to Washington, to
Ahmad Haussein, head of the
Young Egypt Party, which said:
"Dearest Brother: letter re-
ceived. Attending everything re-
quested. Very busy with United
Nations situation. Extend emin-
ence wishes for continued vision,
courage, strength, struggle on be-
half justice his people. Giving him
fullest cooperation. Family send
all love."
His "Eminence" was identified
as the Mufti of Jerusalme, subsi-

dized by Hitler to stir up anti-
Jewish hatred during the war.
* * *
WHEN Kefauver and Senator
Russell of Georgia dug into the
charges against Mrs. Rosenberg,
here is some of the false evidence
they found had been encouraged
by Surine and Nellor, now radio-
TV director for the Republican
Congressional Campaign Commit-
Senator Russell: who were the
members of this committee that
you discussed it (Mrs. Rosenberg's
confirmation) with?y
De Sola: the gentleman was in-
troduced to me as one of the in-
vestigators of your committee.. .
* * *
Sen. Russell asked: you did not ask
them any questions - people com-
ing to your home at 12 o'clock at
Freedman: No, somebody tele-
phoned me from Washington and
said: "Two men are coming up
to see you about Rosenberg."
Sen. Russell: Who telephoned
you from Washington?
Freedman: Mr. Smith.
Sen. Russell: Do you know his
Freedman: I think he is in the
publishing business - it is this
Gerald Smith.
Sen. Russell: Gerald L. K.
Freedman: Yes.
Sen. Russell: Just what did Mr.
Smith tell you?
Freedman: He said, "There are
two men on their way to New York
to see you."
Sen. Russell: All right, how long
did these two men, Nellor and
Surine, stay in your home?

Freedman: A few minutes.
Sen. Russell: Did they ask you
any questions as to what you knew
about Anna Rosenberg?
* * *
FREEDMAN: Yes. They may -
yes, they did. And I referred them
to De Sola, and gave them a card
and they went away.
Sen. Russell: What did they
say when they came and rang your
doorbell? Were you awake?
Freedman: They said they were
investigating the Anna Rosenberg
matter. And I didn't know whether
they were reporters or FBI men, or
what they were.
In the end, it was proved beyond
the shadow of a doubt that Mrs.
Rosenberg had never been a mem-
ber of the John Reed Club, never
had any Communist connections.
After many heartaches and head-
lines, she was unanimously con-
firmed by the Senate.
It was one of -the most sensa-
tional and publicized charges made
by Senator McCarthy, however,
and Republican leaders had every
reason to know the score when
they hired Nellor to handle their
congressional campaign publicity,
.*.* *
leaders have a new way of describ-
ing Sen. Goldwater's attacks on
labor. "All that glitters," they
say, "is not Goldwater."
Mayor Robert Wagner of New
York has been discouraged about
chances of winning the Senatorial
race in New York. He has told
friends confidentially that he's
sorry he agreed to run. Wagner ex-
pects to be overwhelmed by the
New York Jewish vote which he
believes will go to his Republican
rival, Jack Javits .. .
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc,)

warmth. The person who can't
appreciate the beautiful melodies
and romanticism of Tchafkovsky is
certainly to be pitied.
In the first movement the flute
and clarinet passages were excep-
tionally well executed. In the third
movement the brass section. was
given ample opportunity to show
its skill and precision.
ALTHOUGH Walter Piston's
Sixth Symphony lacks the lyricism
that has made Tchaikovsky's
"Pathtique" a favorite it was excit-
ingly refreshing. The work is filled
with beautiful melodic fragments
but none of them is heard for a
long enough time to make any
lasting impression. Only in the
last movement is there a theme
that one can begin to remember.
However, there are many nice
features about this work. It is very
traditional in its external form.
The first of the four movements is
quite clearly delineated sonata
form. It makes use of several
short soloistic passages that were
played very nicely last night. The
second movement is very light and
fast. It sounds a great deal ike
the music which Hollywood and
television associate with "busy New
York." The third. movement is
quite slow with beautiful solos for
the cello and flute. The fourth
movement sounds a great deal like-
portions of Shostakovich's "Golden
Age.",Here two contrasting themes
are pitted against each other. The
work was performed very well and
audience response would indicate
that the work will prove quite suc-
cesful. This work was commis-
sioned by the Boston Symphony
for the orchestra's seventy-fifth
anniversary last year.
Weber's "Overture to Euryan-
the" provided a suitably bombastic
opening to the concert.
The Boston Symphony is cer-
tain to be one of the finest
orchestras heard in Ann Arbor this
fall. In fact, this organization and.
the Philadelphia Symphony are
probably the two truly great or-
chestras in the United States.
-Bruce Jacobson
Throw Light
Associated Press News Analyst
New temperate statements by
the Italian Communist party and
the tenor of negotiations between
Yugoslavia and Hungary en mat-
ters of party practice throw the
clearest light so far on the Red
campaign to form a coalition with
Western Socialists to "persuade
and conquer."
There are certain indications,
however, that Russia, by giving
Marshal Tito an important hand
in the play, may have let it get
out of hand.
At several points the Italian
statement, as did the American
statement some time ago, seems
to be more devoted to establishing
independence from Moscow's rule
than to pushing the revolution.


T HE OPENING concert of the
Baroque Trio Sunday evening
was as professional a musical treat
as one could desire. The three
performers, Marilyn Mason at the
harpsichord, Florian Mueller, oboe,
and Nelson Hauenstein, flute, pre-
sented works by Fux, Handel,
'esch, Marcello, and Boyce.
In remarking the aspects of such
an evening, we must beware lest
superlatives dull the critique with
too florid praise. The balance be-
tween the three was ideal for the
selections, neither woodwind seek-
ing predominance. The continuo
modestly asserted its bass har-
monic function, but occasionally
raised its voice in response to the
* * *
ONE FACET of the mutual un-
derstanding between Mueller and
Hauenstein was the technique
whereby the trills, so essential to
the Baroque style, were done ex-
actly together, a notable feather in,
anyone's cap. The ritards were
"just right" (for want of a more
technical term); the starts precise
and tastefully executed; the tempi
Each performer had occasion to
display his virtuosity: Mueller in
Handel's Sonata for Oboe in B-
flat; Hauenstein in Marcello's
Sonata for Flute in F. Although
Miss Mason had no outstanding
solo pasages, in keeping with the
Baroque "continuo," her occasional
ripples through the narrow regis-
ter of the small harpsichord were
clear and effective. This was par-
ticularly so in the Boyce Trio in D,
which bass was "realized" by
Mueller, from the Stanfeld collec-
We hesitate to criticize perform-
ers of such ability, yet it is won-
dered whether the flute vibrato in
the slow passages was not just a
bit pronounced for this musical
LOUISE CUYLER contributed,
at one point, a resume of the im-
portance of the Baroque period in
musical history, and at another, a
more particular commentary on
the works at hand. These remarks,
in Miss Cuyler's lucid style, were a
welcome addition to the enjoyment
of this seldom perforined music.
Perhaps the highest praise could
be derived from the listener's
ability to become oblivious to the
performers and performance, and
exult in the music itself. confident
of no distractions from the human
A high point - among many -
was the first movement of the
Boyce Sonata in D. A quite excit-
ing bit of rapid staccato work
among the woodwinds, answering,
overlapping, questioning each
other, was a delightful contrast to
the succeeding slow movement.
-Brendan Liddell





Tito wants Rakosi's Head

AP Foreign Neis Analyst
ITC}of Yugoslavia apparently wants noth-
ing less from Moscow than the head of
Matyas Rakosi, the Stalin era boss of the Hun-
garian Communist paity.
The question arises - if Tito succeeds in
having Rakosi physically liquidated, along wtih
other leaders of the Stalin war against him,
what will he give Moscow in return?
A delegation of Hungarian Communist
leaders is due Monday in Belgrade for another
talk with Tito. Advance notices of this event
in the Yugoslav and Hungarian press indicate
Editorial Staff

that if Tito has his way, the days of Rakosi
are numbered.
Discussing the Hungarians' pilgrimage to
Belgrade, the Budapest radio a few days ago
had this to say :
"As regards Hungary, in our opinion an
important part is played in the delay of direct
negotiations-between the Yugoslav and Hun-
garian Communists - by the circumstance that
during Matyas Rakosi's leadership there could
be no question of personal contact. Undoubted-
ly, of the deceased and living leaders of the
Central and East European parties, Matyas
Rakosi was the most comfromised in the pro-
vocative acts against Yugoslavia."
THIS seems to pave the way for the exit of
Hungary's onetime Communist czar. But will
the exit be soon and be public? Will it be the
first public punishment of a Communist leader
for being a Stalinist? The broadcast indicates
Recently the Hungarian Communists dug
up the bodies of Laszlo Raik and other Red
leaders executed for Titoism in the Rakosi
reign. They reburied these leaders with honors
and regrets.
Commenting on this, the Budapest broad-
cast indicates it was a Tito demand. It said:
"It remains certain that together with the
unfortunate martyrs . . . an era was buried in
Hungary, an era branded by the' personality
cult - this means Stalinism - and personal
tyranny as well as mad incitment against Yugo-
slavia. In this connection it is no doubt signi-
ficant that the Hungarian-Yugoslav meeting
will take place after the funeral."

'Bad Seed' Well Made

'Best Things' Superficial

Editorial Director

City Editor

IF "The Bad Seed," based on the
stage play by Maxwell Anderson,
based, on the novel by William
March, differs but little from its
original source, it is simply because
there is no justification for a
change. "Bad Seed" is one of
those "well made" plots that can
travel with success through every
media from printed page to movie
screen undergoing hardly a quiver
of alteration. This is true' most
probably because the story deals
with murder, a seemingly more
natural element of human exist-
ence than sex, alcoholism, drug
addiction and kindred inflammable
Yet the producers claim that
this movie "dares to be different,"
and so it does, in a way If "Mom"
is sacred in American culture,
"Baby" is equally so, and little
Rhoda Penmark is the best aigu-
ment for infanticide to appear in
The story rests on the fallacious
theory that moral irresponsibility
can be inherited. Rhoda Penmark,
a suspiciously angelic eight-year-
nd is +~ho uintm of thifi(tnr.n.nita~l

amusements are aroused. An im-
passioned plea from the producers
prevent us frori disclosing the
The picture is an entertaining
example of a good story assembled
from common devices. The My-
sterious Past is heavily drawn upon
for suspense as Mrs. Penmark
painfully confirms her suspicions
concerning her identity. The dis-
parity between Rhoda's appear-
ance as a straw haired little girl
who reads Elsie Dinsmore and her
identity as the pitiless destroyer
of old ladies and little boys comes
close to being overstated by the
script, and were Patty McCor-
mick less talented, would appear
ridiculous rather than chilling.
It is questionable that anyone
knows exactly how the mother of
a congenital killer would react to
the discovery, but Nailcy Kelly
convinces that she does. She holds
her own as the star, in spite of
little Patty McCormick's grue-
somely efficient portrayal of
* * *
fhe excel ,,r t per, ormances are

IF "The Best Things in Life are
Free" as the current letters on
the Michigan Theatre marquee
maintain it is small wonder that
the cinema-hound will be required
to pay the usual substantial fee
to view this particular film. -
Essentially, Hollywood musicals
fall into two categories, the Music
Drama which devotes great atten-
tion to plot and utilizes song and
dance numbers to enhance the
story line and the Spectacular, in
which the plot is often poorly and
clumsily contrives, in order to
make room for the technical ex-
cellence of a razzle-dazzle routine.
The second type is by far the most
prevalent and fortunately although
not inspiring proves highly enter-
taining. Unfortunately, neither the
plot nor the music of "Best
Things" could be termed substan-
tial much less satisfying.
*4* *
IN SPITE of a highly talented
tast including Sherre North, Gor-
don MacRae, Ernest Borgnine
(who still manages to look like a
Brooklyn butcher) and Dan Dail-
ey this picture barely succeeds in

and "It All Depends On You,"
these men constituted a colorful
trio in the era of bootlegging, short
skirts and the Charleston.
IN TREATING the lives of these
partners, however, "Best Things"
views them on a strictly-business
plane and aside from a few almost
incidental lines little has been
done to reveal them as warm and
lively beings.
On another level, the picture
displays the Spectacular approach.
Certainly the dance numbers
staged by Rod' Alexander, are note-
worthy for Miss North's 'black
bottom" number is scintillating
and her interpretation of the blues
is at once sensitive and sensual.
But why if musical excellence is
an end does "Best Things" ignore
the capable MacRae vocal cords
and refuse to recognize and em-
ploy the dancing agility of Dailey.
In attempting to discover the ideal
balance between a fine plot and
excellent staging, director Michael
Curtiz has created superficiality
in both.
* * * '

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
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tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
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General Notices
Freshman Testing Program: Make-up
sessions for freshmen who missed any of
the Aptitude tests given Saturday of
orientation week will be held Tues.
evening, Oct. 16, and Thurs. evening,
Oct. 18. Please report, on either night,
to Aud. B, Angell Hall promptly at 6:50
p.m. The language placement examina-
tions and the engineering mathemat-
ics, chemistry, and English placement
examinations will not be given. For
further information call Ext. 2297.
Blue Cross Group Hospitalization,
Medical and Surgical Service Programs
for staff members will be open from
Oct. 8 thru Oct. 19, 1956, for new ap-
plications and changes in contracts now


GAIL GOLDSTEIN ......... Personnel Director
ERNES'1 THEODOSSIN'........... Magazine Editor
JANET REAAICK .. Associate- Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS............Features Editor
DAVID GREY.....................Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER.......... Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEMPERN........Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON ....... ,.Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER...........Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS............ Women's Feature Editor
VERNON SODEN .............: Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER. Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEINi .... Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH............. Advertising Manager
CHARLES WITSON----------.-- Finance Manager

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