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October 16, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-16

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East Ann Arbor Annexation
Subject to Several Views
See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State

:4Iat Ii








Reviews History
O Lecture Rule
Controversy Raged For Century;
Flares Again Within Recent Weeks
(Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of three articles
'concerning the past, present and future policy of this campus
toward outside speakers.)
No ether issue has been beleaguered with as much constant con-
troversy among students, faculty, and administrators during the
University's existence than its policy on outside speakers.
Again, this year the Bylaws of the Regents and the policy of
the Committee on University Lectures will be subject to critical scru-
tiny. Student Government Council has appointed a study committee

in this area. The Committee
High Court
Upholds GE
On Firings
pendent labor union lost in the S
preme Court yesterday its eff
to prevent a private employ
from firing employes who ple
the Fifth Amendment at pub]
hearings about Communist affi
The court turned down with(
comment an appeal by the Unit
Electrical, Radio and Machi
Workers UE, which is faci
Justice Department charges of b
ing Red-infiltrated.
Refused to Testify
The union claimed the policy
General Electric Co. of dischar
ing workers who refused to test
before congressional committ
on the ground of possible self-i
crimination violated the contra
between the union and the co
It was among 35 cases dispos
of by the court in a session whi
marked the final day of Just:
Sherman Minton on the ben
Minton, retiring because of faili
health, will be succeeded by Walt
J. Brennan Jr. of New Jersey.
In another action the court d
clined to act at this time on
appeal by a group of Sumb
County, S. C., parents who sa
their children were refused a
mission to white elementary ar
grade schools.
Known as Turks
The appeal was by persons w
said they had brown skin ar
were commonly known as Tur]
Their children attended a segr
gated school.
In refusing to review the ca
this time, the court let stand los
er court rulings which held t:
parents were not entitled to a
immediate injunction agair!
schools officials on the grou
they had not exhausted state rer
The Court also agreed to revie,
a Philadelphia decision that
numbers "pick-up" man is not r
quired to pay the $50 federal occ
pational tax on wagering.
Israel Vows Fight
If Arabs Attack
JERUSALEM (I)-Premier Day
Ben-Gurion told the Israeli Parli
ment the nation will fight to vi
tory if Arab nations attack. B
warned Israel reserved freedom
action if 3,000 Iraqi troops, r
ported poised on the borders, mo
in to support neighboring Jorda
called on the UN Security Coun
to end "actual aggressions" by I
rael in border attacks. Israel con
tended the raids were reprisals fc
Jordan's forays.
E.L.M. Burns, chief of the U
Mixed Armistice Commission, to
Secretary General Dag Han
marskjold Israel's refusal to co
n'narna .n ai h1,0r hicA mi nofi[a.

itself is now considering drafting a
---policy change. Individual Regents
have sympathized with some criti-
102 Years Old
It is one thing to know the ad-
ministrative paternalism which
supervises the campus' diet of out-
side speakers today. It is yet an-
other thing to understand how
and from whence it came. This
history might be titled 'The Evo-
lution of Intellectual Bondage' as
d- regards speaker selection on this
ort One hundred and two years ago
yad the speaker program began. In
)d 1854, the Student's Lecture Asso-
ic ciation was formed-completely
student run. Back then, speakers
brought to campus by the Associa-
ted tion filled such an intellectual void
ne that lecture halls were filled an
ng hour before time.
be- Many Subjects Discussed
Topics ran the gamut from mor-
al philosophy to political and so-
cial issues. Louis Agassiz lectured
of on "The Plan of the Animal Cre-
rg- ation", Theodore Tilton and Hor-
ify ace Greeley on Southern recon-
ees struction and Ann E. Dickinson on
n- woman's suffrage. The issues of
act those Civil War days were heard
m- in an environment of freedom.
Students ran the show.
ed Students Maintain Control
ch But there appeared portents of
ice things to come. Partisan factional
ch. strfie broke out within the Asso-
ng ciation over what speakers to
ter bring to campus. In 1875 the As-
sociation went in the red for the
[e- first time. Still the administration
an observed laissez-faire.
ter All in all, any one writing at the
iid turn of the century could brag
d- about the state of free discussion
nd at Ann Arbor. Presidents Benja-
min Harrison and Grover Cleve-
land spoke here. Political issues
ho were the order of the day. In 1908,
,nd the lecture board advertised that
ks- there were to be no "cut and dried"
e- entertainment lectures. The era of
See CHANGE, Page 6

World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Yugoslavia's
Marshal Tito must give a satis-
factory explanation of his confi-
dential talks with Russian leaders
before he can get promised Ameri-
can jet warplanes.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
made this clear last night in auth-
orizing only limited military aid to
Yugoslavia "until the situation can
be more accurately appraised dur-
ing the days to come."
President Eisenhower specifical-
ly banned delivery, for the present
at least, of more than 200 Ameri-
can Sabre Jet and Thunderjet
fighters, previously earmarked for
Yugoslavia along with howitzers,
tanks and other heavy military
* * *-.
MOSCOW - Soviet Communist
party Chief Nikita Khrushchev
said yesterday his nation has had
a good year, both in farm produc-
tion and foreign policy abroad.
Khrushchev disclosed that the
Soviet Communist party Central
Committee will meet late in the
year. The committee is expected
to discuss what Khrushchev and
Yugoslav President Tito talked
about in their Belgrade and Cri-
mean conferences.
Oklahoma Gov. William H. "Al-
falfa Bill" Murray, 86, died quietly
yesterday ending a stormy and
colorful life.
Gruff and frank, the mustachi-
oed "Alfalfa Bill" was a prominent
figure in both state and national
politics during his four-year term,
as governor.
tax chief T. Coleman Andrews last
night accepted the Presidential
nomination of an independent
conservative coalition.
He offered the third party as a
place of refuge for disenchanted
Democrats and Republicans and
said the election of either Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower or Ad-
lai Stevenson would mean a con-
tinuation of socialistic govern-
Khrushchevdeclined to discuss
the. Suez question.
Anasta Mikoyan, deputy premi-
er, talked more freely on the Suez
"It is now clear that military
measures are unlikely to be used
in settling the Suez problem and
that negotiations have taken their
place," he said.
He said that all countries should
have access to the canal.

Results In
The results of an extensive sur-
vey of the political opinions of
University students will be pub-
lished in tomorrow's Daily.
The poll is the result of several
weeks interviewing by Daily staff
members of approximately 250
students whose names were chosen
at random from the files of the
Student Directory.
The population from which the
sample was drawn was limited to
United States citizens living in
Ann Arbor and enrolled in one of
the University's schools and col-
Willing to Help
Interviews were conducted by
telephone. Interviewers reported
that students contacted were al-
most invariably willing to co-op-
erate and express opinions on the
21 questions asked.
The survey covered in addition
to preference in the Presidential
election, Nov. 6, student interest
in the current campaign and opin-
ions on the Vice-Presidential can-
didates, President Dwight D. Eis-
enhower's health, and broad do-
mestic and foreign issues. In ad-
dition, candidate preference is be-
ing correlated with sex, school, age
groupings, and stand on issues.
Not A Prediction
The poll results are in no way
intended to be a prediction of the
Nov. 6 election. The population
studied - University students - is
highly select geographically, eco-
nomically, educationally and in
age. The group studied is much
younger, more confined to the
Middle West, of generally higher
economic status and of higher ed-
ucational background than would
be any national sample.
The results, however, should be
a reasonably reliable indicator of
political thinking among American
students on the University campus.
Considered Valid
Some results, especially when
breakdowns are detailed, will not
be statistically foolproof.
Others, however-including pref-
erence in the Presidential contest
-include a large enough portion
of the student population to be
considered valid within any nar-
gin of error to which the sampling
process might be subject.

Cobo Hits Williams On Cooperation
Republican gubernatorial candidate Albert E. Cobo last night
labeled Governor William's administration "eight years of cooperation
with no one.".
Speaking at a Cobo-for-Governor rally in Ann Arbor High
School's plush auditorium, the Mayor of Detroit contrasted his
administration with that of G. Mennen Williams by citing examplesoo nso
of Detroit city hall cooperation, atd Lansing "non-cooperation." '~:
Municipal Projects
Pointing with pride at the list of municipal projects recently
completed by the city of Detroit, Cobo asserted that the Civic Center, I
the expressway system, and the expanded water supply system were
the direct result of his administration's use of citizens and business
"representatives to plan projects
and solve problems.
"For 17 years in the City of
Student Poll Detroit, serving as deputy treas-;

Says Work-Aid
InV1tes Dece1
Claims Financial Aid To Athletes
Reaches Staggering Proportions
CHICAGO UP)-A critical self-appraisal of Western Conference
athletics, charging that the work-aid problem for athletes is "an
invitation to hyprocrisy and deceit," was released yesterday by the
Big Ten.
The 24-page report also found financial help to athletes has
reached "staggering proportions."
The strongly worded analysis of the trends of recruiting and
financial aid was drafted by a conference committee set up on Dec. 9,
1955, "to study the over-all problems and position of the conference
in the conduct of intercollegiate athletics."
The report, secret until now, was sent to Big Ten presidents,
athletic directors and faculty rep-

urer, treasurer, and director of
finance," Cobo said, "I wondered
again and again why we radn't
accomplished anything.'
Clear Answer
"The answer was clear: there
were no citizens working for us."
Today in Detroit, he continued,
there are over three hundred citi-
zens working for the city on com-
mittees and commissions, without
"As a rezult, in the past six
years and nine months not one
project has been voted down. Each
one has received the apt oval cf
committees, the Common Council
and the Mayor."
Cobo attacked what he claimed
was Gov. William's "policy of criti-
Can't Criticize
"A man can't criticize another
as long as he is busy accomplish-
ing something himself," he said.
"A governor of a state would
have no time to criticize the ac-
tions of any section of that state if
he was accomplishing anything
"A government of a clique is
running the State of Michigan to-
day," Cobo said, "It is running the
state against the wishes of the
people it is supposed to represent."
"Governor Williams ,has said
'Cobo talks about roads, look at
Detroit, there they've built 14 miles
of expressway, when they need
200,"' the candidate continued.
Needed by 1980
"But what he did not say was
that Detroit needs 200 miles of
these expressways by 1980."
"Besides," he said, "If Detroit
had 200 miles of expressways, it
wouldn't have a place to live.
"I've spent nine weeks driving
around the state, but you certainly
don't need that long to see that we
don't have adIequate roads," Cobo
"But what has the governor done
about it? If he does believe in
highways, why doesn't he sell the
$146,000,000 in bonds approved by
the legislature?"
Not Supported People
Cobo also criticized Gov. Wil-
liams' handling of the state's
natural gas problem, asserting that
he had not supported the people
when they attempted to increase
the natural gas flow which would
increase jobs and encourage indus-
trial expansion.
"The basis of all Detroit's ac-
complishment," he said, "is coop-
eration and a willingness to work
with other people."
"This is what is needed desper-
ately at the state level," he con-
cluded. "The government of .the
state is today at the same point as
Detroit was when I took office
in 1949."

... Speaks at Dinner
Ike Announces
New Speech
In California
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower stepped up
his campaign Monday with- an-
nouncement of a major speech in
Los Angeles Friday night.
He also issued an appeal to the
people to listen to and judge the
Republican record. He said he
was proud of it, and will be happy
to leave the result of the Nov. 6
election to the "honest judgment"
of the people.
President Eisenhower's visit to
California will follow his previous-
ly scheduled four days of cam-
paigning in the Northwest, where
he will fly today.
He won California's 32 electoral
votes with ease in 1952 but this
year there has been some GOP
concern over the state. The Demo-
crats are well organized and there
is an 800,000 Democratic majority
in registered voters.
President Eisenhower's public
appeal was in a first of a series of
short telecasts which the Republi-
cans have lined up for the three
weeks left before election.
The program is called "Your
Government and You." The talks
will be filmed in advance and will
run five minutes. There will be 33
in all.
Bowles Will
Speak Friday
Chester Bowles, former ambas-
sador to India and former
governor of Connecticut, will be
the principal speaker at the Sec-
ond Congressional Democratic din-
ner on Friday, October 19 at 7 p.m.
in the Michigan Union ballroom.
Bowles will discuss the impor-
tance of India and the Near East
in America's foreign policy, putting
particular stress on India's posi-
tion in the Suez Canal crisis.
Tickets for the dinner can be
obtained from the Washtenaw
County Democratic committee,
local Democratic headquarters,
David Marlin or William Peer,
presidents of Students for Steven-
son and Young Democrats respec-
University students who wish to
hear Bowles but not attend the
dinner may do so. The admission
charge will be 50 cents. Student
tickets for the dinner are $5 for
singles and $6.50 for couples.
Bowles was the first U.S. am-
bassador to India when that coun-
try attained independence and has
written several books on the inter-
national situation, the last being

(Contacted late last night Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
and University Big Ten Represen-
tative Professor Marcus Plant of
the Law School both said they had
not yet received the report.)
Crisler Participates
It was mapped by Big Ten Com-
missioner Kenneth L. Wilson; Asst.
Commissioner Bill Reed; H. O.
Fritz Crisler, University athletic
director; Leslie W. Scott, Michigan
State faculty representative; erne
C. Freeman, Purdue faculty repre-
sentative, and Ivy Williamson,
Wisconsin athletic director.
The report criticized the "offer
system." It said "there is an un-
derlying dilemma in the adminis-
tration of financial assistance to
athletes in the Big Ten."
"Each conference school," the
report stated, "is on a definite
'offer' basis, meaning that the re-
cruitment activity . . . is accom-'
panied by the tender of financial
assistance, promised work and-or
"The scope of financial subsidies
to conference athletes, earned and
unearned scholarships, has in-
creased in staggering proportions
in the past decade.
Bent or Tortured
"The literal requirements of the
performed, are being bent if not
work-aid rule that pay be for work
tortured, to accommodate a basis
for offers of aid in fixed amounts
The report also set forth: "The
work-aid program has developed
purposefully as a subsidization de-
vice under the 'offer system' and
limitations upon unearned aid ...
As such it is an invitation to hypo-
crisy and deceit unless. there is
complete insistence upon full work
for compensation received, and
there is not."
If the present trends of recruit-
ing and payment continue, the
special committee projected a pic-
ture of Big Ten athletics 10 or 15
years from now.
Functional Arrangement
Here is a . condensed version:
"The Big Ten may well form a
functional arrangement in the na-
ture of a farm system with organ-
ized professional sports.
"The distinction between inter-
collegiate sports and professional
sports will become so invisible that
public support will shift to the
latter because its caliber of compe-
tition and spectacle does not suffer
from even the limited inhibitions
upon intercollegiate sports, and
the resulting financial chaos will
force abandonment of the inter-
collegiate program.
"All students engaged in inter-
collegiate athletics will be care-
fully screened, selected and vigor-
ously recruited to represent the
school, on the basis of terms ar-
rived at in bargaining between
coach and prospect or his agent.
'Nest Egg'
"Financial aid will exceed mere
educational expense and will be
sufficient to maintain a high stan-
dard of living while in college
residence or provide a 'nest egg'
for a career after competition is
"Discontinuance of non-revenue1

Adlai Scores
On H-Bomb
CHICAGO ()-Adlai Stevenson
assailed President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's H-bomb views yes-
terday, saying a world in grave
danger cannot afford a "defeatist"
approach and "we cannot brush
the hydrogen bomb under the
r The Democratic Presidential
nominee pledged that if he is
elected he will go anywhere and
confer with anyone - obviously,
he had the Russians in mind - if
there is hope of "fruitful" talks
to end H-bomb tests.
Whether he so intended or not,
Stevenson's declaration had some-
thing of the flavor of President
Eisenhower's promise in the 1952
campaign to go to Korea.
Unmeasured Damage
Joined by two Democratic sena-
tors in this major campaign ad-
dress, Stevenson said he would
"count it about the first order of
business" in the White House to
get together with Russia and Bri-
tain on banning further explosions
of nuclear super-weapons.
He said the tests "may cause
the human race unmeasured dam-
"What are we waiting for?" he
demanded in his nationwide radio
and television speech. Sen. Clin-
ton Anderson of New Mexico,
chairman of the Senate-House
Atomic Energy Committee, was
the first to speak after Stevenson.
He backed the candidate's stand
"You .have not overstated the
case and you have not endangered
national security," he said.
Sen. Stuart M. Symington then
took part in the panel-type dis-
cussion. The Missouri senator,
who heads an armed forces sub-
committee investigating air forces
strength, said it is the administra-
tion which has posed a. threat .to
security - not Stevenson or oth-
er Democrats.
Symington repeated his frequent
contention that the administration
has failed to match the Russians
in air power.
"The issue," Stevenson said, "is
mankind's survival, and man
should debate it, fully, open-
hide an earthquake.
Negative Criticism
"Because there has been only
negative criticism of this proposal
from the Republican candidates
in this campaign, I want to return
to it tonight.
"First, the H-bomb is already
so powerful that a single bomb
could destroy the largest city in
the world.
"Second, the testing of an H-
bomb anywhere can be quickly
detected. You can't hide the ex-
plosion anymore than you can
hide an earthquake.
"Third, these tests themselves
may cause the human race un-
measured damage."
Munch Concert

One Hundred Students Join
SGC's Administrative Wing
After a short course in SGC history, one hundred new tryouts
joined the ranks of the Student Government yesterday at the first
meeting of SGC's administrative wing.
After a greeting by SGC President Bill Adams, 57 BAd., students
heard several speeches outlining SGC structure and functions of
Student 'Government at the University.
Janet Neary, '58, SGC Vice-President, standing before a large
blue and yellow chart of SGC officers and committees told the stu-
dents, "You are that chart, the people who make the structure and
functions of the SGC a reality."

After Miss Neary had introduced
the committee heads under which
the new tryouts would work, Scott
Chrysler, '59 E., told the new mem-
bers the two phase orientation
pr6gram they would pass through.
Chrysler, Orientation Director
for SGC, said that the tryouts'
first assignment would be getting
to know the different committees.
Attending a committee meeting
will be the tryout's way of seeing
how the work of SGC gets done.
In the second phase, tryouts will
attend an SGC Council meeting to
see how committee work is brought
before the Council for final evalu-
ation and decision.
As described by SGC President

East Ann Arbor Annex Approved

.Annexation of East Ann Arbor
received unanimous approval from
Ann Arbor CityCouncil last night.
The final decision on whether
or not to take in the 655 acre city
will be expressed in a referendum
vote by Ann Arbor city residents
Nov. 6.
The rare proposal for one city
to annex another entire city was
initiated by petition of East Ann
Arbor citizens two months ago.
Logical and Desirable

joint committee prior to Council.
approval, citied as one of the most
important reasons in favor of the
annexation "The exceedingly dif-
ferent and complex problems
which arise when a single metro-
politan area is split into inde-
pendent governmental units."
Benefitting Owners
The proposal provides for cost
of public improvements to be
borne by benefitting property own-
ers. At current prices total cost
of improvements of desirable

ation of East Ann Arbor 50 per
Property To Be Reassesed
If the electorate decided on an-
nexation property in East Ann Ar-
bor will be re-assessed and the
valuation will be raised ten per
cent to $18.05, Ann Arbor's current
level. This would mean an increase
of $25,000 to $35,000 general prop-
erty taxes and would also entitle
Ann Arbor to State-collected taxes
based upon the East Ann Arbor
1950 census.



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