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October 14, 1956 - Image 1

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Lecture Ban - Represses
'U' Leadership?
See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State




VOL. LXVH, No. 23.





Egypt Refuses {
West's Demand
Security Council Breaks into Row
Over Operation of Suez Canal
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (A')-The Suez canal crisis erupted into
a new wrangle last night when the Soviet Union and Egypt bitterly
rejected a renewed British-French demand for UN approval of western
plans for solving the problem.
The row broke out suddenly in the Security Council just as the
weary delegates were congratulating each other on apparently having
put the Suez talks into calmer channels by virtual acceptance of six
principles for future negotations.
Meeting in an extraordinary atmosphere of plans and counter-
plans, the council heard British Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd and
QFrench Foreign Minister Christian

Herrnstein, Barr
Lead Wolverines
Worst Cadet Defeat Since 1940;
Heynen Recovers Three Fumbles
Asoiate Sports Editor
Michigan put a sour note on President Eisenhower's nation-wide
birthday party by annihilating his Alma Mater, Army, by the blister-
ing score of 48-14 at Michigan Stadium yesterday afternoon.
A near-capacity crowd of 93,101 watched in amazement as the
Wolverines handed the Black Knights of the Hudson their worst
defeat in 16 years. Not since 1940, when Penn thumped a weak Army
squad, 48-0, had West Point suffered such an ignominious loss on
the gridiron.
Highest Since 1954
It also marked the highest point score Michigan had run up since
early 1954 when it smothered Washington by a 50-0 score.
The game was reminiscent of."
last year's 26-2 win by Michigan,
when the Wolverines, after never
having beaten Army in five pre-

Nixon Blasts,
On Security
ALEXANDRIA, Minn. (AP)-Vice-
President Richard Nixon yesterday
accused Adlai Stevenson of "play-
ing politics with America's national
Vice-President Nixon hardened
his campaign tone in a talk at a
rally here. Recently he has been
speaking of "our friend on the
other side" andrmentioning few
names. But yesterday he directly
criticized both Stevenson and for-
mer President Harry S. Truman.
And he said that what he termed
the incomparably superior leader-
ship of President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower has proved itself most re-
cently in the Suez crisis.
"I can report to you that we are
making headway in these difficult
matters," Nixon said. "It appears
that Mr. Eisenhower's tolerance
and wisdom and leadership will
serve to avert armed conflict in
that part of the globe"
Nixon told newsmen accompany-
ing him on his cross-country swing
that the reference to Suez is based
on information he received from
the White House that encouraging
progress is being made in the
Western negotiations with Egypt.
He said he could not elaborate.
Nixon again referred to Steven-
son's expressed hope for ending the
draft as soon as national security
permits and to the Democratic
presidential nominee's suggestion
the United States take the lead in
negotiations to suspend the H-
bomb tests.
Fund Drive
Falling Shorti
Although halfway completed, the
campus United Fund Drive in AnnC
Arbor has only $4,000 of its $48,000r
goal, Prof. Lee Worrell of the1
chemistry department, c a m p u s
chairman, has revealed.1
United Fund is an amalgama-
tion of the Community Chest, Redr
Cross and many smaller serviceC
organization drives.C
Working as a part of the larger
Ann Arbor fund drive, the campus
solicitation is being handled byl
100 unit chairmen who contact
faculty and employees, and the
leaders of student housing groups.
Some faculty members and Uni-
versity employes have voiced dis-
content over the administration of
the solicitations. All 8,500 of them1
are given IBM cards upon whicht
their names are printed and a
blank space left for the amount of
their contribution.-

Pineau put forward their demand
in a new resolution.
It contained the six principles
and also said the proposals of 18
nations meeting in London last
August constituted the basis for
an agreement on the canal. A
cardinal point of the London deci-
sions is international operation
of the Suez Canal-a point Mos-
cow and Cairo have turned down.
The resolution also urged that
Egypt submit proposals on its own.
Mahmoud Fazi, Egyptian foreign
minister, told the council he ac-
cepted the six principles in full
agreement Friday night with Lloyd
and Pineau in talks with UN Sec-
retary General Dag Hamma'skjold.
But he said he would not accept
the remainder of the resolution
and insisted Egypt had made some
He was backed up quickly by
Soviet Foreign Minister Dmitri T.
Shepilov. The Russian told the
council he was ready to vote for
the six principles but that he
would not approve the remainder
of the resolution referringto the
London decisions. This forecast a
veto of that part.
"If the security council adopted1
this resolution," Shepilov said, "it
would make subsequent negotia-
tions pointless because the out-
come would be pre-determined."
He closed with the grim words
the Soviet Union could not accept
the resolution in its present form.
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles announced his support of
the British-French measure in a
late-evening session.
He said there is nothing in the
entire resolution "which should be
in the slightest degree offensive to
Egypt or which isderogatory of
Egypt or Egyptian sovereignty."
"As we read it," he said, "it
represents an honest attempt to;
advance our pursuit of peace and
justice through the next stage."
He said the interchange in the
presence of Hammarskjold had,
yielded positive results and said
it is a procedure to be pursued.
Referring to the six principles
in the resolution, Sec. Dulles said
they are "realistic and concrete."
The British-French p r o p o s a 1,
drew pessimistic ' comments fromt
many delegates who had become
hopeful of progress on the basis
of an agreement Friday on six1
principles for a settlenjent. l
Some delegates said the new
move likely would torpedo the1
whole fragile structure worked outt
during the past week.
SGC Tryout
Meeting Today
The Administrative Wing of the
Student Government Council will
hold a mass tryout meeting 4 p.m.
tomorrow in the Union Ballroom.
Those who attend will therebyc
climb the "first rung" of the SGC

-Daily--Charles Curtis
. . . riding nowhere

-Daily-Dick Gaskill --Daily--harles Curtis
... smiling inwardly .. . smiling outwardly
rucker, TrCall

-Daily-Dick Gaskill
. . pass and long run

World News
By The Associated Press I
BERLIN - West Germany's
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer yes-
terday arranged a Cabinet shakeup
aimed at bolstering his government
for coming national election.
The 80-year-old Chancellor acted
after advisers warned that the
Social Democrats now look as if
they could beat his Christian
Democratic party in the voting set
for next summer.
The Social Democrats oppose
Adenauer's policy of firm adher-
ance to the North Atlantic Alli-
ance. Socialist leader Erich Ollen-
hauer wants the Bonn republic to
become more neutral in the East-
West conflict. in hopes of winning
Moscow's approval for reunifica-
tion of Germany.
* * *
WASHINGTON-P r e s i d e n t
Dwight D. Eisenhower was quoted
Saturday as saying "there is. no
chance" of another Pearl Harbor
or of the United States being
caught militarily unprepared, as
in Korea.
Charles E. "Commando" Kelly,
a World War II Medal of Honor
winner, told reporters after a
White House visit he had asked
President Eisenhower about the
possibility of another such surprise
attack. *-
HONG KONG -- Communist
China lodged a strong protest with
Britain yesterday against three
days of rioting in the crown colony
of Hong Kong.
A Peiping radio broadcast said
Premier Chou En-lai summoned
the British charge d'affaires in
Peiping and expressed indignation
over "cold-blooded murders and
looting perpetrated by Kuomin-
tang-Chinese Nationalist agents."
Peiping said Chou protested the
"failure so far of British authori-
ties to adopt effective measures to
stop the violence."
Tryouts Today I
For Union Show
Today talented students can be-
gin to put' their talents to work-
on "Brigadoon," the 1956 MUSKET
(Men's Union Show, Ko-Eds, Too)
All actors, singers, stagehands,
dancers and designers have been
invited by MUSKET Publicity
Chairman Tom Oates, '57, to a'
mass meeting at 7 p.m. today in
the Union Ballroom.
Many changes have been made
with the first MUSKET production
one of them being the use of a
Broadway musical - by Allan Jay
Lerner and Frederick Loewe, au-
thors of "Paint Your Wagon" and
"My Fair Lady"-instead of a stu-

Draft Vital to Security
The Army Secretary and Chief of Staff, here for the Army-
Michigan football game, both described the draft as vital to our
national security.
Interviewed in the West Point section before the kick-off, Sec-
retary Wilbur Brucker called the Selective Service program "the back-
bone of our military establishment." The Army "couldn't exist in its
present state without it," he added.
General Maxwell B. Taylor said he could "see no indication that
we will not need selective service for a long time to come." He
refused to speculate on how long,-

it might be.
Their comments followed recent
proposals by Democratic Presiden-
tial nominee Adlai E. Stevenson
that the military draft be ended
"at the earliest possible moment
consistent 'with our national se-
Sec. Brucker, a University alum-
nus and former Michigan gover-
nor, said that while the Army is
"never completely satisfied" with
the distribution of its manpower
as between reserves, draftees and
regular career men, there is now
a "very good balance" between the
three categories.
In the next few years the Army
Secretary anticipates a large in-
crease in the reserve forces outside
the National Guard. After August,
he explained, men leaving the
Army will be inducted into the
reserves.for three more years of
service. '
The current monthly rate of
discharge is 10,000 men.
The increase in the size of the
reserves, however, will not lessen
the need for draftees, Sec. Brucker
indicated. "We've got to have man-
power in the regular Army," he
said, "and we can't get enough
from voluntary enlistments."
As to the possibility of substitut-
ing for draftees, who serve for a
two-year term, by increasing the
rate of re-enlistment among vol-
unteers, Sec. Brucker was pessi-
mistic. Current re-enlistment rates
vary between 70 and nearly 90 per

Estes Hits Ike
With Question
Of 'Old Guard'
Estes Kefauver yesterday demand-
ed to know whether President.
Dwight D. Eisenhower is support-
ing "Old Guard" Republican sena-
tors up for election this year or
only slapping at those not on the
Sen. Kefauver raised the issue
in a statement released after a
day in which he made good pro-
gress in recovering from a bad
throat which forced him to cancel
five speaking dates.
The Democratic Vice-Presiden-
tial nominee flew to Knoxville
from Lincoln, Neb., in the after-
noon so he could visit his ailing
father at Madisonville, Tenn., to-
day and also attend funeral ser-
vices for Rep. Percy Priest at
Kefauver's statement said that
regardless of what position Eisen-
hower takes on "right-wingers" in
his party, Vice President Nixon is
"the heir of the future" in the
When Nixon takes party control,
said the Tennesseean, the "Old
Guard" will "be at home again in
the seats of the mighty."

Ike Supports
Yugoslav Aid
hower administration has decided
that Communist Yugoslavia re-
mains independent of Moscow con-
trol and should continue to re-
ceive United States aid.
The decision came in spite of
the deep secrecy that still sur-
rounds President Tito's recent
meetings with Soviet leaders,
Barring some late turn of events
which could 'upset the decision,
President Dwight D. Eisenhower is
due to announce on Tuesday:
That Yugoslavia's request for
emergency wheat shipments-un-
officially reported to total about
200,000 tons-can be met.
That economic assistance can
be continued.
That spare parts can be sup-
plied for American-made military
equipment given Yugolsav armed
forces in earlier years.
The decision does not mean that
Yugoslavia will get the more than
200 jet fighter planes Tito very
much wants from the United
States. The jets were scheduled
months ago for delivery in the
present fiscal year but their ship-
ment will be delayed, informants
said, until questions about Yugo-
slavia's direction in world affairs
are more fully clarified.
The jets are of a type being re-
placed in Western Europe by more
advanced designs.
The decision on continued aid,
which is subject to change until
the President has actually made
a public declaration of it, is ac-
tually a kind of provisional deter-
minuation of United States policy
toward the non-Soviet, Communist
President Eisenhower has direct-
ed the State and Defense depart-
ments to make a monthly review
of Yugoslavia's position as between
the Western Powers and Russia
and make a new determination
each month on U.S. aid


vious tries, took advantage of nine
Cadet fumbles and broke the jinx,
Army fumbled eight times yester-
M' back Terry Barr starred
against Army last year, scoring
two first-half touchdowns. He was
brilliant yesterday. The incidents
were similar . . but the score
was higher yesterday.
Use Reserves
Yesterday's final scoring figures
do not tell the full story+ of the
game, since Michigan employed
many fifth and sixth-stringers
after piling up- a 27-0 halftime
lead. In all, winning coach Bennie
Oosterbaan sent 49 players into
the one-sided tussle.
The red-hot Wolverines ran the
pigskin over, around and through
the stupefied Cadet defense for
370 total yards. All but 22 of them
were made in the first three quar-
The visitors' offense, hampered
by one of the worst cases of fum-
ble-itis seen here in years, was
almost completely nebulous until.
the fourth quarter, when Coach
Red Blaik's team managed to score
twice against Michigan's scrubs.
Army fumbled eight times, los-
ing the ball after six of them, and
Michigan scored touchdowns di-
rectly after five of the backfield
miscues. Seven Wolverines joined
in the touchdown parade.
Accounts for Half
Barr, who was the second Michi-
gan man to waltz into the end
zone, accounted for exactly half of
Michigan's total 244 yards gained
in the first half, even though play-
ing with a bruised hip. The flashy
wingback gained 65 yards on five
running plays and threw a 57-yard
pass to left end Ron Kramer.
Kramer, playing with a hairline
fracture of the left hand; played
an inspiring game, catching two
passes, blocking like a demon, and
generally giving the huge crowd
a brilliant demonstration of one-
armed football.
Neither Kramer nor Barr saw
action in the second half, and
Captain Tom Maentz played for
less than two minutes after the;
Besides Barr, Jim Pace, Bob
Ptacek, John Herrnstein, Jim Van1
Pelt, Gary Pralist and Jim Mad-
dock scored six-pointers. Kramer
and Van Pelt chipped in with two
conversions apiece, with Maddock'
and Ed Shannon kicking the other'
Gallops 60 Yards
Herrnstein picked up 88 yards in'
ten rushes, and came up with onel
of the two electrifying plays of
the day when he galloped 60 yards
through the Cadet line for a third
quarter touchdown. The huge full-
back was home free when Maentz
and Prahst threw key blocks down-
field. Barr teamed up with Kramer
for the other bell-ringer.
With the ball on Michigan's 33
Barr found Kramer open on the
Army 40.. The All-American end
clutched the aerial with his right
hand and raced to the 10 before
being tackled from behind by Ca-

Some Color
Despite Heat
The marching cadets, army
mules and half-time band show
brought color to Ann Arbor yes-
terday but it was just too warm
for football.
Alumni in fall tweeds sweltered
in the stands and even polo shirted
students felt uncomfortable.
By the end of the first half it
was no contest. Only the spirited
cheers of the 500 visitors from
West Point kept the stands nosly.
Fourth quarter ainouncement that
Slippery Rock was winning by a
big score brought Michigan parti-
sans to life with a roar.
In contrast to last week's rain
and clouds the sun beat hotly yes-
terday. The only grey was in cadet
Precisely at 12:15 West Point's
first class, 500 strong, marched
down State St. to the stadium.
With flawless precision they pa-
raded for Michigan fans:
Less flawless were the Pershing
Rifles, a half-time feature. The
crowd couldn't repress a few
smiles when their leader poked his
helmet off with his saber. It lay
at mid.-field until after they left,
when a small boy ran out to re-
trieve it.
Half-time also featured the
marching band's interpretation of
the Civil War. A cannon shot that
made Army's cannon sound like a
pop gun and a 40 by 80 foot flag
(used last year at the Northwest-
ern game) .were highlights.
- The Black Knights always bring
tradition and color to the stadium
but it was just too warm yester-
Adlai To Draft
H-Bomb Plea
CHICAGO (P)-Adlai E. Steven-
son returned to his farm home in
nearby Libertyville yesterday to
draft an appeal to the nation to
back his proposals for ending tests
of the dread hydrogen bomb.
The D e m o c r a t i c Presidential
nominee learned of the support of
a distinguished scientist as his
campaign plane, the "Joe Smith
Express," came down yesterday
morning at O'Hare Field after a
flight from San Diego, Calif.
Stevenson was told by reporters
that Dr. Laurence H. Snyder, dean
of the graduate school of the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma, had said that
the tests themselves might lead to
universal death" and atomic war.
That is one of the major points
Stevenson will emphasize in a na-
tionwide television talk at 9:30
p.m. EST tomorrow over the Am-
erican Broadcasting Co. network.
He sees his proposal, that the
government try-to find a way to
halt H-bomb tests, as a major issue
in his campaign against President
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
He repeated at the airport sub-
stantially what he told a campaign
rally Friday night in San The2an



"'. ladder, for anyone who wants to
Coercion" is what those irri- r or anyne o ans to
tated label the system. Worrell de- orlect sitons on
fends the system, saying, "The Council must serve at least six
IBM system facilitates tabulation weeks on the Administrative Wing.
of the total funds. It also enables The positions of Wing Co-Ordi-
employes to pay by payroll de- nator, Personnel Manager, Office
duction. It is a convenient system Manager, and Orientation Director
all around." are also filled from among the
Worrell admitted that the sys- ranks of administrative workers.
tem was more"effective in raising At the meeting, students will be
more money, but said that "No welcomed by Council President Bill
check-ups are made on who gives Adams, '57 BAd, and Vice Presi-
how much, ever." dent Janet Neary, '58. Adams will

I IT . * L'+ 7- w

__ .

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