Ghe Muhalt Ball Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIG4N UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "They've Sure Got A Nerve Wanting Statehood" "When Opinions Are Free Truth WillPrevair" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: JAMES ELSMAN The Great Gray Ghost- Only Place to Return? IT STANDS unimpressively nestled into the fur-clad wife; he arrives in chartered buses hillside above State Street, a great gray ghost. and leaves heaps of beer cans and debris when Then on one day in each of the remaining he departs. seven weeks the Michigan Stadium comes alive. He walks down the streets of Ann Arbor Several thousand students are carried along in looking strangely incongruous-searching for the moving stream of football fans flowing down something that is no longer here. State and up Hoover Streets: It is doubtful that an individual could make the trip by him- Perhaps it is because of this that lie inspires self without getting lost. a note of pity. The "Saturday afternoon" alum- At the very most, for 28 afternoons in four nus does'not belong to the University. And in years-a rather small number of the total great numbers he is a negation/ of the very amount of afternoons spent at the University- concept of a university. the undergraduate stands and sits amid 101,000 other cheering "football fans" urging his team FOOTBALL afternoons are exciting and the to" victory, weekend provides a break in the fairly And when he returns to the University as an rigorous study schedule. But the Michigan alumnus, it is not primarily as a graduate of a man and the Michigan coed might stop a min- department, nor as. a past member of a certain ute to think about their place in the Stadium housing group. He comes as one out of one in years to come. hundred thousand' Will it be the ONLY place to return? YOU SEE HIM particularly on Saturday a-JANET REARICK mornings-he drives into Ann Arbor with his Associate Editorial Director 'trained Seals' in Public Schools? , .. t, ' :r w . _ _x // , / ' it 7 1 ':N j I' Ii,.,.A I I AT THE ORPREUM: 'Too Bad She's Bad' Offer's Laughs and Loren "TOO BAD She's Bad," starring Sophia Loren and Vittorio De Sica is a fast-moving film that is worth quite a few laughs. The major character, of course, is busty Sophia Loren who manages to trick and confuse a poor working hackie, trying to earn an honest living. Director Alessandro Blasetti never lets the audience forget the rather prominent figure of Miss Loren throughout the course of the motion picture. SOPHIA comes from a family of professional thieves whose clever remarks provide numerous comical situations in the course of the story. In fact, the piling up of contrived humorous scenes almost reach- es a level of slapstick. One might think -that all Italy's male popula- tion does is ogle pretty faces and well-constructed figures. Actually, the most men ever do wfith Sophia is ogle. Her "badness" r i = ! +- .. .. 'ter f ti , . , _ . -_ 9r .' ,- -., , . . Ess' 4tea.3r .,c a~lp'zo g/ 4 WHEN A MOTHER refuses to send her child to school on the grounds that public educa- tion turns out "trained seals," it is certainly time to examine precisely how well schools are preparing young children for subsequent educa- tion and social living. Are public schools turning children into "trained seals who balance balls on their noses and bark at the right signal" as a mother in Cedartown, Missouri charged recently? The answer is yes. The basic skills, "traditional" three R's, are not only taught poorly but are, in many cases, neglected. This may be caused by limited facili- ties in certain areas of the country. Largely, however,, the neglect has little to do with learning materials but is caused by an attitude which places the value of a "well rounded" child ahead of the "well-informed" child. The ten- dency to stress development of the child's per- sonality is evident in the emphasis on extra- curricular activities in high school as a measure of t'e prestige and popularity of the "student." RECENT STUDIES, however, have shown that a great. majority of students enter college with an amazingly poor background in American history and insufficient training in the English language. Mrs. Mary Schoenheit, facing prosecution for refusing to send her child to school, condemns the schools for inflicting their "inhuman pas- sion for conformity" on children. Progressive educators need not answer this charge by point- 'ing to their aim of "developing the individual" to avoid this so-called conformity. The fact is that children are not receiving sufficient training to enable them to read quickly, dis- cerningly and comprehensively. Furthermore, they are neither being stim- ulated nor motivated in their early school years mainly because they don't receive direction and guidance for learning. Mrs. Schoenheit deplores the schools as "antiquated": institutions, waiting money and children's lives. The teachers, it appears, in trying to get away from "antiquated" methods- of instruction have concentrated on solving children's social problems instead of teaching him how to read, add, multiply and write. THAT MUCH PROGRESS has been made in developing better teaching methods is not to be denied; what is important is the fact that a mother, a former teacher herself, saw fit to withdraw her child from school and to tutor her in the basic skills she deems necessary. Mrs. Schoenheit's child must be educated. The question is whether or not she was justified in withdrawing her child from what she con- sidered an inadequate public school in order to provide the child with a satisfactory educa- tion. In light. of the weaknesses of the public schools, if Mrs. Schoenheit is more capable of teaching her child, we feel she is justified in her 'action. -SHIRLEY CROOG WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: rong Senator Approached By DREW PEARSON does not lie ni the realm of sexual "misbehavior." She is just a very clever crook, setting up her own laws and criteria of proper social behavior. It seems that anything that she and her mischievous father do along the lines of criminal beha- vior neveir results in punishment. SOMEHOW, the poor cab-driver gets involved with this nefari- ous family and, in the best Holly- wood manner, reluctantly gets in- fatuated wtih sexy Sophia. In a manner vaguely reminiscent of the naive roles played by Red Skelton falls into every clever trap set by a decade or so back, he innocently Sophia and her crooked family. Sophia gives the unsuspecting hackie a gold cigarette case as a gift. He is first quite pleased with the present and even more over- whelmed when he read the en- graved inscription, "With My En- during Love." While attempting to thank Sophia for the gift, he finds, much to his surprise, that Sophia had lifted the case from his boss. THIS IS the general level of the humor throughout the film. Sophia causes the cab-driver to get his car involved in numerous accidents in the course of the film, By the end. of the story the poor hack looks ready for a junk- yard. For a pleasant evening's enter- tainment, pretty escapist, "Too Bad She's Bad" is not too bad. AMORE serious note is injected into the Orpheum program to counteract the hilarious nature of the Italian film. It is a 1940 short from John Nesbitt's "Passing Pa- rade" series, entitled "The Baron and The Rose." Nesbitt, who now narrates "Telephone Time" on Sunday afternoon TV, never lets us forget the sentmiental aspect of American life. The story has a strong moral to it and serves as a strong warning to all aspiring young capitalists not to spend their money too friv- olously. -Sol Plafkin A FRANTIC Republican fund raiser'got the shock of his life the other day when he blew into town seeking money to elect Rep. Cliff Young to the Senate. Young, a Republican, is seeking to capture the seat of the late Pat McCarran's successor, Sen. Alan Bible, Democrat .So fair, however, Bible looks storong. Hence Young is running scared. After arriving in Washington, the Republican from Nevada put in a hurry-up phone call to Sen. Barry Goldwater, Arizona Republi- can, who was chairman of the GOP Senatorial Campaign Committee, and is still a power when it comes to parceling out the GOP war chest to local candidates. Something went wrong with the Capitol switchboard, however, and instead of Goldwater, the Republi- can from Nevada mistakenly got connected with the office of Sen. Albert Gore of Tennessee. Gore is a Democrat, also heads the cur- rent Congression probe of cam- paign contributions, * * * "IS THE SENATOR there? I've got to talk to him," declared the man from Nevada, breathlessely. "No," answered Gore's secretary, unaware that the caller was actu- ally trying to reach Senator Gold- water of Arizona. "Well, have hime call me when he comes in, and if I'm asleep when he calls, have him wake me up. It's important," the .Navadan declared. Later, Senator Gore returned to his office, was told by his secre- tary that an excited gentleman from Nevada was trying to reach him. Senator Gore called the tele- phone number the Nevadan had left. "Senator," began the man from Nevada, "We've got to have some money for Cliff Young out in Nevada. We originally figured we were 20,000 votes behind, and now we think we've got it down to only 15,000. But we're in a bad way unless we get some money. That gosh-darned Senator who's inves- tigating campaign contributions is drying up our sources. I've just come from. Chicago and they're all afraid to contribute." +M * k "JUST A MINUTE," interrupted Senator Gore, finally able to get in a word edgewise. "My name is Gore, Albert Gore of Tennessee. I'm a Democrat. There must be some mistake." "Oh, my God!" shouted the man from Nevada, hanging up the phone, realizing that the senator he had just spoken to was the same senator who was investigating campaign contributions and "dry- ing up" the sources. * * * WITH ALL the polls showing "Generous Doug" McKay trailing Sen. Wayne Morse by a substantial margin, Oregon Republicans have launched a whispering campaign against Morse. They are spreading word that Morse is not a war vet- eran. Bulletins from state GOP headquarters attack Morse and other Democrats as being "pitifully lacking" in military records. The whispers, however, are be- ginning to boomerang. For most prominent Republican candidates of late years were not war veterans, including Herbert Hoover, Thomas E. Dewey, Arthur Vandenberg, Bob Taft, and even Oregon's own Charley McNary whop was vice- presidential candidate with Wilkie in 1940. Three of the men credited with the anti-Morse whispers are also non-veterans: GOP national com- mitteeman Bob Mautz, Congress- man Sam Coon, and ex-state Sen- ator Phil Hitchock. Note - When Mrs. Roosevelt visited Oregon recently, she re- vealed that Wayne Morse tried to enlist during World War II, but thather husband had insisted Morse continue to serve on the War Labor Board, because of his experience in that field. * * * WITH SCANDALOUS reports still coming in, about his last junket, New Mexico's peripatetic Sen. Dennis Chavez is preparing to take off after the election on another junket to the exotic orient. His last overseas trip to Europe and North Aftica made headlines when he ordered the Air Force to send two 66-passenger luxury planes to fly his party home from Europe. The Air Force dutifully furnished the planes, though it cost the taxpayers an estimated $20,000. Air Force generals knew, of course, that Chavez is chairman of the powerful Military Appropri- ations Subcommittee. What never got into the papers, however, was the way Chavez' son, Dennis, Jr., squandered the tax- payers' money in Madrid night clubs. A secret State Department report charges that young Dennis got $4,500 in Spanish pesos from the American Embassy and spent the entire amount on a gay "in- vestigation" of Spanish night clubs. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) LETTERS to the EDITOR I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced. ing publication. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 21 General Notices Meeting of the University Staff at 4:15 p.m. Mon., Oct. 22, in Rackham Lecture Hall. President Hatcher will dis- cuss the state of the University. All members of the University staff, aca- demic and non-academic, are invited. Late Permission. All women students who attended the Concert on Thurs., Oct. 11, had late permission until 11:00 p.m. Two Detroit Edison Upperclass Schol- arships, each in the amount of $275,are open for competition. The firsterequires that the applicant shall be a resident of the State of Mich- igan and shall have completed at least one year of study in the College of En- gineering with intentions to major in those phases of mechanical or electri- cal engineering that relate to the elc- tric utility industry. The second requires that an applicant shall be a resident of the State of Mich- igan and shall have completed at least one year of study in the University of Michigan in a field thatrelates to the electric utility industry such as econo- mics, accounting, business and person nel administration. The applications should be on file by Oct. 22 and may be obtained at the Scholarship Office, 113 Administration Building. House Athletic Managers. The Inter- dorm Women's Swimming Meets will be held Oct. 16 and 18. Return the blanks listing participants to Room 15. Barbour Gymnasium by Mon., Oct. 15, 9 a.m. at the latest. Concerts Concert. The Boston Symphony Orr- chestra, Charles Munch, Conductor; will give the second concert in the Choral Union Series Mon., Oct. 15, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium and the second con- cert of the Extra Series in a different program on Wed. evening, Oct. 17. Tick- ets are available daily at the offices k" of the University Musical Society in Burton Tower; and will also be on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office after 7:00 p.m. on the nights of the respee- tive concerts Academic Notices Doctoral Candidates who expect to re- ceive degrees in February, 1957, must have at least three bound copies of their dissertations in the office of the Graduate School by Fri., Dec. 14. The report of the doctoral committee on the final oral examination must be filed with the Recorder of the Gradu ate School together with two copies of the thesis, which is ready in all respects for publication, .not later than Mon., JTan. 14. Philosophy 34 make-up final will be given Tues., Oct. 16 from 2 to 5 p.m. in 2208 Angell Hall. Intermediate Piano Methods 186, for non-music students interested in free piano lessons with student teachers, ap. ply Sat., Oct. 13, 10-12 a.m., Room 219 School of Music. Prerequisite: 4 years of study of piano; must have own prac- tice facilities. Limited number ac- cepted. Doctoral Examination for David Al- vin Berman, Chemistry; thesis: "Some Amine and Phosphine Complexes of Chromium (11) and Chromium (III)" Sat., Oct. 13, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, R. W. Parry. Placement Notices An examination will be' given for teachers desiring positions in Buffalo, New York for the 1956-57 school year. Applications for this examination MUST be filed with the superintendent of schools on or before Oct. 2. Examin- ations will be given in Buffalo on Sat. Nov. 17, 1956.-Applications may be ob- tained from the Bureau of Appoint. mernts, Teaching Division, 3528 Admin- istration Bldg. Teachers-are needed in the following fields: Kindergarten through Grade 8; Physically Handi- capped; Remedial Reading; Mentally Retarded; Remedial Speech; Industrial Art; Vocal Music; Instrumental Music; Art; Homemaking; Physical Ed (Wo- men) Library Science; Visiting Teacher; Attendance Teacher; Guidance Counse- lor; English; Math; Science; Social Stu- dies; Stenography & Typewriting; Ac- counting; Retailing; Vocational Sub- jects; Assistant Principal of Vocational School; Assistant Principal of Elemen- tary School; Supervisors of Music, So- cial Studies, Art, Math. For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building, No. 3-1511, Ext. 489. INTERPRETING THE NEWS: \ Allied Disunity Concerning Suez By J. M. I tEOBERTS Associated Press News Analyst PRESIDENT EISENHOWER and Secretary Dulles may not have had expressions of dissatisfaction from British officialdom over' Suez policy when they conferred Thursday, but they certainly have them now. There's no note from the British Foreign Office saying "We're mad," but if the British minister of state for foreign affairs and mem- bers of Parliament can be considered "official- dom," the note has been struck in resounding fashion at the Conservative party conference. Numerous allusions to the possible use of force in settling the canal issue were made in conjunction with criticism of America's hold- back policy. Almost every speaker insisted that Britain must act independently of the United States or the United Nations if they fail to pro- duce an acceptable formula. The British government at the very top has not been s outspoken, but the ministers and M.P.'s of the party are powerful influences Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER, Editor on general policy. They have exrpessed what the government has not. Speaker after speaker attributed the Ameri- can stand to election campaign politics. ALL THIS seems to contradict the President's impression that it is France, not Britain, which is rabid on the subject. Both are. And all this has no real bearing on the quality of the policy. It is quite possible that, without American intervention, or rather her refusal to support the use of force, that fighting would be under way in Egypt today. The President expressed American policy quite clearly at his Thursday news conference. Respect for Egyptian sovereignty; efficient op- eration of the canal under a system which will not permit Egypt or any individual country to use it again for political purposes; a fair share of the profits for Egypt. The Eisenhower administratiob has been ac- cused of "frightenening" America's allies at times with her unyielding stand against Soviet Russia. But here is a case where America's allies are frightening her. But Egypt's Nasser, with the almost constant advice of the Russian ambassador to Cairo, has succeeded in making it impossible for the Allies to take action in full unity at this time. Restoration of this unity has become almost as important as settlement of the Suez question itself. IF THERE is any room for closer cooperation, the United States should try to find it during the New York conferences. In the meantime, Britain and France should easily be convinced that the United States is not going to join a military coalition directed against any of the weak, formerly colonial and just-emerging countries. That would be against her mores. New Books at the Library Curry, Peggy Simson-So Far from Spring; NV Viriv_ 1956. TODAY AND TOMORROW: A Peace Without Victory RICHARD HALLORAN Editorial Director LEE MARKS City Editor By WALTER LIPPMANN There have been from the begin- ning two Suez questions.- One has had to do with the operation of the canal itself and how to insure the rights of the nations using it. The other has had to do with the threats and the challenges made by Col. Nasser in his speech at Alexandria on July 26 when he announced the seizure of the Suez Company. That speech was a dec- laration of cold war to be waged thoughout Africa and the Middle East. The main problem of Western diplomacy has been how to deal with these two questions, whether together or separately, and if sep- arately, in what order. The French view has been that it is essential to deal with Nasser's cold war be- fore negotiating a settlement about the operation of the canal. The American view has been that, putting first things first, the right course was to work towards a settlement for the canal which would be legally and morally bind- ing. The British, it seems fair to say, have been acutely conscious of both questions, anxious for a speaker's native land. Dr. Mah- moud Fawzi, the Egyptian For- eign Minister, is willing, so it ap- pears, to negotiate a treaty that sets up a regime under which the Egyptian canal authority would operate. This does not in principle differ from the essential demand of the West, as defined by Mr. Dulles, that Egypt must not use the can- al as an instrument of Egyptian national policy. If the Egyptian operation must be in accord with rights and standards set down in an international treaty, then the canal is not an instrument of Egyptian national policy. The problem, then, is how, when a code of rights and duties has been set down in a treaty, griev- ances are to be heard, composed or adjudicated. It will not be good enough to say that disputes should be taken to the UN. The distance between Suez and New York is too great, and there is need for an or- gan or an agency at the canal itself which can deal with griev- ances. Such an organ or agency can, it seems to me, be developed out of Dr. Fawzi's proposal of adequate, a gross and willful viola- tion of the users' rights would be so obvious that it could not be done without provoking a worldwide reaction. The users would then be entitled to enforce their rights. What the Western powers would have conceded in such a settlement is the demand for an internation- al agency to operate the canal. I wonder whether we are not well rid of it. If one tries to imagine how such an international agency would be set up, is it not evident that it would have to be repre- sentative of the great blocs into which our world is divided? Would international administra- tion of the canal work any better than did international administra- tion of the city of Berlin? No doubt, the prospects are good for co-existence in the world today. But are we anywhere near the point where a complicated utility like the Suez Canal could actually be administered by a mixed inter- national board? * * * THERE IS A disposition in France and Great Britain to ite- gard the negotiation of a new in- Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Dailyl reserves the right to edit or with- hold any letter. Two Questions . To the Editor: THOSE persons sympathetid to the aims of the Communists are always unable to answer the following two questions in regard to the basic nature of Communism: (1) How in the present state of "Socialism" (in the Soviet Union), does the slave labor camp advance the workers economically? The only "answer" the CP sym- pathizers ever attempt on this one is to deny existence-or say the slave labor camps are all propa- ganda of the wall street controlled capitalist press. (2) Secondly, how can the State ever wither away; as if the (So- cialist) State were ever to wither away there would be no one around to impose the principles of, and see that the people lived in accordance with the. tenents of "Marxism-Leninism." (Which in reality of course means that Com- munism is a continuing thought control police state of the worst form, and always will be as there can never be any transition from Socialism to Communism because in the eyes of the MVD the "right danger" could never be liquidated). The objective value of man's right to be free from the terror of political persecution at the hands of the MVD should also be con- sidered in an objective analysis of the worth of the Communists- however the Communists them- selves do not weight "political freedom" in the balance scale by and large; at least not in any other defense that the political freedom they envisi(Ai after the state has withered away; in the present period of Socialism worries about political freedom are brushed off as mere "petty bourgeoisie moral- ity" (ie when you worry about killings without trial you are soft GAIL GOLDSTEIN . . .... Personnel Director ERNES'I THEODOSSIA........... Magazine Editor JANET REARICK .. Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS........... . Features Editor DAVID GREY . ............. Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMER...... Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HYULPERN .....,... Associate Sports Editor VIRGINIA ROBERTSON ...........Women's Editor JANE FOWLER ........Associate Women's Editor ARLINE LEWIS .......... Women's Feature Editor VERNON SODEN .. .......Chief Photographer Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN..., Associate Business Manager WILLIAM PUSCH .,......,Advertising Manager CHARLES WILSON ........... Finance Manager