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October 13, 1956 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-13

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o d

Cards, Lions
Pull Upsets;
Pace NFL
Upsets have been commonplace
and pre-season predicitions have
been thrown out the window after
the opening two weeks of the
National Professional Football
League season.
The present standings find the
undefeated Detroit Lions and Chi-
cago Cardinals on the top of the
standings in their respective
leagues. Both of these teams were
picked by the "expert." to finish
at or very close to the bottom of
the standings, but they are now
giving the "know-it-alls" ulcers.
Quarterbacks Surprise
Surprisingly enough, the same
factor, good quarterbacking, has
been the key weapon for both
Bobby Layne, the tall blond'
Texan who quarterbacked the
Lions to the previous champion-
ships in 1953-54, has recovered
championship form. He is throw-
ing the pigskin with amazing re-
In last Sunday's game when the
;Lions upset the heavily-favored
Baltimore Colts, Layne threw for
a spectacular 236 yards.
Another southerner has been
the kingpin of the Chicago Car-
dinal offense. Lamar McHan who
quarterbacked at the University of
Arkansas has finally been able to
put the explosive running of the
Cardinal backfield to goo use. Last
Sunday, Ollie Matson, Dave Mann
and Johnny Olszewski combined
with McHan to upset the New York
Giants, 35-27. McHan passing ac-
counted for 136 yards and two
1e a n w h il e, quarterbacking
troubles have been plagueing last
year's champions.
Browns Have Trouble
Paul Brown's Cleveland Browns
are having trouble in finding a
replacement for their previous
field-general, Otto'. Graham, who
retired. Quarterbacks George Rat-
terman and Babe Parilli have only
been able to lead the Brown of-
fense to three touchdowns in the
first two games.
The Los Angeles Rams have a
problem of too many good quarter-
backs. Coach Sid Gillman has
Norm Van Broklin, Bill Wade and
Rudy Bukich to choose from and
apparently he is not concentrating
on any one. Last Sunday the
Rams' inconsistent offense lost, to
the San Francisco 49er's.

POTENTIAL THREAT-Wolverine halfback Jim Pace is snagged by a cadet tackler in the game with
Army a year ago. Michigan romped to a 26-2 win over the West Pointers. Action such as this is
typical of the colorful Army-Michigan series.
'M-Arm Series Short but Colorful

Michigan and Army have met
only six times on the gridiron, but
seldom in Wolverine football his-
tory has a series provided as much
color and excitement.
Six games they have played, and
the. mighty Black Knights have
returned home victorious on five
occasions. In fact, up; until Michi-
gan's memorable win last year,
Army had the unusual distinction
of being the only team the Wolver-
ines had faced and never defeated.
The. Cadets still hold a comfort-
able edge in the series, holding the
distinction of being one of a hand-
ful of teams to have more victories
over Michigan than it has won
from them.
Began in '45
The colorful battles began in
1945, indeed an unfortunate year
for any team to face the West-
Pointers. For the legendary "Mr.
Inside" and "Mr. Outside," Felix
(Doc) Blanchard and Glenn Davis
were Just beginning their rise to,
gridiron fame.
Together these "Gold Dust
Twins" gained 300 yds.- on the
ground, and led the Cadets to vic-
tory number one, a 28-7 verdict
over the outclassed Wolverines.

The following year this terrible
duo was back, only to be met head-{
on by a spirited bandof Wolver-
ines, led by Michigan's own
"Touchdown Twins," Bob Chap-
pius, and "Bump" Elliott, them-
selves just launching memorable
gridiron careers.
Extolled by many as the most
exciting game in the entire series,
Michigan courageously fought on
even terms with the Cadets for
most of the fray, only to wind up
on the short end of a heart-break-
ing 20-13 scoreto the more ex-
perienced Army squad.
When the teams met again, in
1949, two memorable winning
streaks were on the line. Mighty
Michigan had rolled over its last
There will be a meeting for
.all freshman and varsity swim-
mers and anyone else interested
in Varsity swimming Monday
at 4:15 at the Varsity Pool.
-John Narcy, Captain
-Gus Stager, Coach
25 opponents, while Army sported
a 14-game skein of its own.
Michigan's star tailback, Chuck
Ortmann, incurred a slight con-
cussion on the second play, and
had to leave the game. With him

went the Wolverines' once-potent
air attack, and the Cadets once
again powered their way to vic-
tory, 21-7.
The following year Yankee Sta-
dium hosted the two teams, the
only game in the series to be
played away from Ann Arbor. But
the change of scenery didn't help
Army Wins, 27-6
After trading touchdowns the
first half of a bitterly contested
battle, Army began a second-half
surge that threatenedto be a
rout, as they roared to a 27-6 win.
After a three-year lapse, the
Black Knights once again came to
Ann Arbor, and walked off with a
decisive 26-7 triumph. The Cadets
could do no wrong as they marched
effortlessly over the Wolverines,
much to the disappointment of the
pro-Michigan throng.
Five straight humiliating defeats
at the hands of the West Pointers!
Every loyal Michigan fan scowled
at the very mention of "Army."
That was before last year's game.
Army Arrived Confident'
A favored Army team arrived,
confident of picking up victory
number six. But they met up with
a fired-up, revenge-filled Michigan
team, determined to reverse the
And reverse the tables they did!
Taking command from the open-
ing kickoff, -ichigan outplayed
and out-maneuvered the Cadets,
and completely dominated the en-
tire game. Responding to the
cheers of the packed Stadiun, the
Wolverines rolled to a surprisingly
easy 26-2 win, and gained back
much of their lost prestige.
Number seven is slated for this
afternoon, and will be the last tilt
between the rivals for a few years.
While the future may be indefinite,
one thing is certain today-Michi-
gan wants, and needs this one
It is advised that students
try to arrive at the stadium Sat-
Urday well before the 1:30 p n.
kickoff time to avoid conges-
--Don Weir
Ticket Manager

Stengel Inks'
Yank Pact
NEW YORK (P)-Gray-haired
Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel,
who last Wednesday managed the:
New York Yankees to their sixth
World Series title in his regime,
signed yesterday to pilot them for
two more years.
The announcement was made at
a news conference by General
Manager George Weiss.
The 66-yr. old Stengel, who will
draw around $75,000 a year on the
new contract, said:
"I don't see why I have to retire
as long as my health is good. And
I feel mighty good ... particularly
since the World Series."
He took over the Yankees in
An independently wealthy man
with at least a score of oil wells,
Stengel indicated the Yankees
against would be gushing with top-
flight players in 1957.
"You saw the way my young
pitchers came through in the Se-
ries," he declared. "I think it'll
give them added confidence for
next season.
"We've got a young staff with
Ford, Kucks, Larsen, Grim, Tur-
ley and Sturdivant. My infield is
in good shape and we've got Hank
Bauer and Mickey Mantle for a
start in the outfield."
by the Associated Press
Don January, who turned pro less
than two years ago, shot his sec-
ond straight 3-under-par 69 yes-
terday to lead at the halfway mark
in the $22,500 Western Open Golf
Tournament with a 138.
January, 26, of Lampasas, shot
four birdies over the par 72, 6,49-
yard Presidio course.
* * *
PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. (A)-De-
fending champion Polly Riley of
Fort Worth, Tex., defeated a golf-
ing grandmother from Santa Mon-
ica to gain the semifinals of the
Trans-Mississippi Women's Ama-
teur Golf Tournament yesterday.
Joining Miss Riley in the semi-
finals at the Monterrey Peninsu-
la course will be former National
Amateur champion Barbara Ro-
mack of Sacramento, Calif., Wif-
fie Smith, 19, of Orange, Tex.,
and Mrs. James Ferrie of Gar-
dena, Calif. Miss Smith will meet
Miss Romack, and. Miss Riley will
play Mrs. Ferrie.
Miss Riley handily defeated
gray-haired Mrs. Ruth McCullah 5
and 3 in a quarterfinal round.
Miss Romack downed Mary
Sargent, of Pebble Beach, 6 and
4. Wiffie eliminated Mrs. Strad-
don Lovey of Los Angeles 2 and
1. Mrs. Ferrie beat Barbara Wil-
liams, 18, 1 up.
* * *
MONTGOMERY, Ala. ()-Pur-
due's head coach, Jack Mollen-
kopf, yesterday was added to the
northern coaching staff for the
All-Star Blue-Gray football game
in December.
He joins Don Faurot of Missouri
and Murray Warmath of Minneso-
ta on the Blue staff. Mollenkopf
coached the Boilermakers to a
5-2-1 record in the tough Big Ten
conference last year.

Calhoun Wins
TKO in Eighth
Over Sullivan
CLEVELAND OP)-Rory Calhoun
slugged his way to a technical
knockout victory over John L.
Sullivan of, England last night
by flooring Sullivan for a three-
count at the end of the seventh
round and hitting him at will in
the eighth before Referee JackieI
Davis stopped that round after1
nine seconds.
Calhoun had Sullivan in trouble
from the sixth round on, but Sul-
livan battled back gamely until a
smashing left to the stomach ear-
ly in the seventh round took most
of the fight outof him.
When the bell sounded for round
8, Calhoun caine clear across the
ring to Sullivan's corner and
landed three straight rights to the
jaw of the dazed Britisher. Ref-
eree Davis then pulled Calhoun
off. The fight had been scheduled
for 10 rounds.

Capacity Crowd Expected
For Non-Conference Game

. . . signs new pact

(Continued from Page 1)
Murtland who started in Army's
1955 upset victory over Navy, isi
the top kickoff and point after
touchdown specialist for the Black
Coach Blaik has done some shift-
ing in his line, but he still will be
able to use five of last year's first-
stringers to start. Three Cadet
linemen will be equal or superior
in weight to their counterparts in
Michigan's forward wall.
Wilmoth will top Wolverine
right tackle Al Sigman by 19
pounds, with Capt. Ed Svetecz will
match the weight of Michigan's
Mike Rotunno at center.
Moved from right tackle to right
end, Army's Dick Stephenson will
give a 28-lb. advantage to the man
he faces-Kramer, and left end
Art Johnson of the Cadets will be
15-lbs. below Wolverine right end
Tom Maentz.
Nyren Outweighs Opponent
The second Army newcomer in
the line, left guard, Dick Fadel,
will be at a 15-lb. disadvantage
against right guard Mary Nyren of
Fadel is not new to the varsity,
but he, too, has been beset by in-
juries in the past and is earning
his first letter this year as a sen-
Stan Slater, who has been shift-
ed from left to right guard, will be
outweighted by Wolverine. left!
kuard Dick Hill, 198-190.But for-
mer right guard-now right tackle
Flay Goodwin will top Wolverine
left tackle Jim Orwig by a 205-
196 margin.
Goodwin gained a claim to fame
last year as Army's lone scorer
against Michigan. Late in the game
he caught reserve quarterback
Jack Greenwood in the Wolverine
end zone for the Cadets' only two
points of the contest.
If Michigan can win today, it

will bring its record to 2-1 for the
season with victories over UCLA
and Army sandwiched around its
heart-breaking loss to Michigan
A triumph over the Cadets would
bring the Wolverines' record to 2-5
against the only team that it has
a losing mark against in the mod-
ern era of football.
Players to Watch
42 Bob Kyasky-quarterback
54 Ed Szvetecz--center
62 Stan Slater-right guard
37 Vince Barta-fullback
Game Facts
All-time won-lost r e e o r d --
Army 5, Michigan 1
Expected crowd-if weather is
good, 101,001
W e a t h e r forecast-fair and
windy, high temperature in
low 80's
Br o a d c a st s- WWJ Detroit;
WPAG Ann Arbor; WJR De-
troit; WUOM University of
Michigan; WKMH Dearborn;
WXYZ Detroit; WIBM Jack-
son; WRCA New York; NBC
New York

61 Fadel
54 Szvety
83 Johns
76 Wilmo
62 Slater
70 Goodw
65 Steph'
42 Kyask
21 Cygler
48 Murtl
37 Barta


LE 87 Kramer
cz LT 72 Orwig
on LG 69 Hill
th C '81 Rotunno
RG 64 Nyren
in RT 70 Sigman
son RE 85 Maentz,
y QB 24 Van Pelt
LHB 49 Ptacek
ind RHB 41 Barr
FB 36 Herrzsnf

National Gridiron Schedule Lacks
Any Major Intersectional Battles

I-M Independent League Contests Won
By Seldom Seen Kids, Evans Scholars


and to Jim Gates. Both TD's came
The Seldom Seen Kids trounced t ond alf.
Michigan Christian Fellowship, 40- Evans Scholars were last Year's
13; yesterday at south Ferry Field, runners-up as they lost to the'
to highlight the beginning of the Seldom S s In t chn
independent league intramural Seldom Seen Kids in the cham-
seasondipionship game, 20-12. Their de-I
Jack Watson passed for two fense was good and their rushing
touchdowns to Don Poloskey, two was adequate. They have an ex-
toucdown toDon olokeytwoceptional passing attack, but vir-
to Moby Benedict, and fired his tually no running attack at all.
fifth and last to Bill Thurston.
Paul Pelkki accounted for the Mickey Mouse's play seemed to
other tally as he intercepted a fall apart in the second half as
MCF pass and ran all the way to it could not move the ball, or
score, keep it from moving when the
The:$eldon Seen Kids, who are Evans Scholars were on offense.
the defenders of last year's inde- The Allen-Rumsey Ghosts won
pendent league crown, looked very a very tight ball game from the{
good as they exhibited a well-bal- Newman Club, 7-6. Sparked on the
anced offense and defense. The line by Dave Harris and in ,the
rushing was hard, the pass defense backfield by Joesph Beaver, the
was good and their own passing AR Ghosts came from behind in
was excellent. The prime reason the dying minutes of the 'second
for their success was their excep- half to score their TD and extra
tional speed. point.
George Hoaglin led the Evans The Newman Club was hurt by
Scholars to a 14-6 victory over not mixing up its offense. Its
Mickey Mouse. Hoaglin passed whole attack was - based on the
for both markers, the first one short pass.
going to Matt Shaddick, the sec- Gomberg's Older Element suf-

fered a 12-7 defeat at the hands
of the Pill Pushers. Gomberg's
single wing offense did not have
enough drive to counteract the Pill
Pushers' driving line.
Scoring for the Pill Pushers were
Jerry Veldman, on a line plunge
up the middle, and Wes Sikkema,
on a long pass from Dave De Jong.
Roy Seymour caught Jim Mc-
Clure's pass to account for Gom-
berg's tally.
Other scores were: Fisheries 12,
Owen Co-op O; Eagle Hawks 21,
Jenkins Jockies 13; Old Married
Men 6, Tiger Cats 0; AFROTC 7,
Wesleyans 0; Double A's over
Packard by forfeit; CMS Juniors
over Michigan Co-op by forfeit;
and Lambda Chi Alpha 12, Phi
Kappa Psi 0 (Class 'B').

The national college grid pic-
ture for today is devoid of a major
intersectional battle as most teams
return to their own areas for in
most cases one more tune up be-
fore beginning their conference
play next week.
The South and the Southwest
seem to have the corner on "big
games," outside of the Big Ten,
but several of the Pacific Coast
games could be of major impor-
tance since there are a couple of
encounters that may go a long
way in determining the PCC's rep-
resentative in the Rose Bowl.
Cal-Oregon State
The top game on the Coast
should be the California-Oregon
State fracas. The Golden Bears'
from Berkeley may prove to be
the surprise of the conference and
their upset of Pitt last week shows
that they are capable of making
it mighty uncomfortable for any
For Oregon State, beaten by
Southern Cal two weeks ago, it is
one of those "must-win" situa-
tions if the Beavers hope to keep
their title hopes alive.
Other conference games are Ore-
gon at Washington and Washing-
ton State at UCLA. Stanford, after
losing to two of the nation's top
teams, Michigan State and Ohio
State, takes a breather in playing
San Jose State.

The top game in the South is'
the Mississippi-Vanderbilt clash,
bringing together two of the top
rushing games in the country.
Kentucky, rebounding last week
after two straight defeats, takes
on a rugged Auburn team.
Tech in Top Five
Georgia Tech, ranked in the
top five in the major press asso-
ciations last week, takes on a stub-
born LSU eleven.
The headliner in the Southwest,
is the battle in Dallas' Cotton Bowl
between Oklahoma and Texas.
The Sooners, as might be expected,
are heavy favorites, but if the
Longhorns can get their thus-far
sputtering attack working smooth-
ly, they could make a game out of

Baylor, conqueror of Maryland
last week, opens its Conference
state against Arkansas. The Bears
cannot afford to let down against
Arkansas, despite the fact that
the Porkers looked poor against
TCU last' Saturday.
Southwest Wide Open
The Southwest Conference has
always been a wide open circuit,
with a team that looks poor one
week, apt to turn in a surprising
upset the next.
TCU, Texas A & M and SMU
all play out of the conference,
meeting Aabama, Houston and
Florida, respectively.
The best in the Ivy league will
see Yale at Columbia and Prince-
ton at Penn. West Virginia is at
Syracuse in the top independent

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