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October 13, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-13

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Relies On Speed
Kramer, Barr To See Some Action
As Wolverines Try for Second Win
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan's ability to rebound from football defeat will be sternly
tested today as the Wolverineshost an unbeaten Army team at 1:30
p.m. in the Michigan Stadium.
With their hard-fought loss to Michigan State almost a week be-
hind them, the Wolverines appeared yesterday to have regenerated
the spirit necessary to put them back lnethe win column.
They will be facing one of the fastest, most experienced Army
squads in recent years-a squad that holds impressive triumphs over
Virginia Military Institute and Penn State already this year. Last
year Michigan defeated Army,.26-2.
Both teams are expected to be in reasonably good physical shape,
although there are some questionable starters on the Michigan squad.
Possible Wolverine Switches
Late yesterday afternoon Wolverine Coach Bennie Oosterbaan
stated that his opening lineup was the same as last week's "as of
now." But left end Ron Kramer and right halfback Terry Barr are

Pace continued to share first string assignments with Ptacek in
yesterday's light drills.
Coach'Earl "Red" Blaik of the Black Knights will be missing only
halfback Gene Mikelonis because of injuries. Slated for starting left
half, Mikelonis broke his leg before the season began and will not see
action in 1956. In his place will be Joe Cygler who didn't play last
year because of a broken ankle, but who averaged over five yards per
carry in 1954.
No Other Cadet Injuries
Otherwise, the Cadets have no casualties left over from their first
two games.
Six of today's starters for the Black Knights were on hand last
year when Michigan registered its first win in six contests between
the schools. Four others were regulars for the Cadets at some point
in the 1955 season. Only one man among today's starters, 235-lb. left
tackle Fred Wilmoth, is in his first year of varsity competition.
The performance of the fastest of the Cadets, senior Bob Kyasky,
is considered of greatest importance to Army today. Kyasky is tied
with former All-American Glenn Davis as holder of the Military
Academy's record in the 100-yd. dash at 9.7 seconds.
As a halfback for the past two seasons, Kyasky was able to play
very little because of a long string of injuries. Now he has been trans-
fered to quarterback and seems to be in perfect condition for today's
Coach Blaik commented yesterday that Kyasky "has adapted
much more quickly to his new position than did last year's quarter-
back Don Holleder." Holleder had been converted from end where
he was an All-American in 1954.
Other lettermen complete Army's starting backfield alignment.
Fullback Vince Barta who started against Michigan last year, and
halfbackers Dick Murtland and Cygler will all share the spotlight
with Kyasky in the Cadets' T-formation offense.
See CAPACITY, Page 3

... to command Cadets ... leads Blue attack
;till recovering from injuries suffered against Michiga'n State and
they could be sidelined in a late-minute decision. In addition, Jim
Pace may be substituted for sophomore left halfback Bob Ptacek for
the opening kickoff.
Both Barr and Kramer continued their activity as preparations
for the Army clash closed yesterday. Kramer's hairline-fractured left
hand will be heavily padded today and Barr's bruised hip may pre-
vent his full efficiency.

... Army braintrust

... readies 'M' machine

The Great Gray Ghost -
Only Place To Return?
See Page 4


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Latest Deadline in the State




Stevenson Claims
GOP Paralyzed
Proposes Halt of H-Bomb Tests
As His Biggest Campaign Issue
SAN DIEGO (P)--Adlai E. Stevenson said yesterday that "a
paralysis of will has overtaken national leadership" with Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon as "the new head of the Republican
While the times call for an "effective leader," President Dwight D.
Eisenhower is "either unwilling or unable" to lead his party, and
national policy "has become stalled on dead center," said the Demo-
cratic presidential nominee.
H-Bomb Issue
In an address at a Democratic rally, Stevenson sought to push
his proposal to halt H-bomb tests to the forefront of campaign issues.
"Most Americans, I know, are concerned, and deeply concerned,
about mankind's need to tame the hydrogen bomb," he said. "Yet


yesterday, the President saidI

CD Worker
Charged With
Inef f iciency
As the result of criticism by a
local volunteer Civil Defense work-
er, a five-member Board of Super-
visors committee will investigate
the organization's affairs in Wash-
tenaw County.
Mrs. La Verna Laubengayer, who
claims to be women's coordinator
for Civil Defense in the county,
has charged that Thomas A. Fitz-
gerald is inefficient as director and
refuses to cooperate with other
Fitzgerald himself has asserted
that the position of part-time Civil
Defense director is "a waste of tax-
payers' money."
Edward W. Frederick, board
chairman, charged the committee
with "reviewing the entire Civil
Defense setup and requirements
and recommending an appointee
for Civil Defense director in 1957."
George Robins of Ypsilanti, one
of the supervisors appointed to the
committee, said he wants the group
to explore the possibility of getting
a retired professional man for
Civil Defense director. He stated,
"If we could get a high-caliber man
receiving $1,200 a year from Social
Security, I think the county could
save $3,000 to $4,000 a year."
In a letter to the board on
Thursday, Fitzgerald claimed that
"any appropriation based on the
employment of a part-time di-I
rector to do the immense amount
of work necessary to carry out the
provisions of the program would
be an absolute waste of taxpayers'
Munch Heads
Symlhony Bill
- The Boston Symphony will
appear in Ann Arbor in two con-
certs, Monday, Oct. 15 and Wed-

M vaaay

he had uttered his 'last word' onI
this subject.1
"I say there is no 'last word' on
this fateful subject until mankind
is freed of the menace of incinera-
tion. And I shall have something
more to say abotit the obligations
of leadership to the human race
as well as the nation next Monday
Of Things to Come
Stevenson is to make a nation-
wide radio-TV address Monday
night either from Chicago of from
his farm home at Libertyville, Ill.
The Democratic candidate said
that President Eisenhower's abdi-
cation - or failure - of political
leadership" means that "the Re-
publican Old Guard rides high
"In short, the people are coming
to realize more and more that the
Republican candidate and his
party leadership are indistinguish-
able; that this is the last chance
to audit the accounts, that this
election will close the books, that
to vote for the Republican candi-
date is to vote for Humphrey, for
Wilson, for Benson, for Dulles-
and for the new head of the Re-
publican party-Mr. Nixon," he
All Out for 32
Stevenson's speech was designed
to climax a hard drive for Cali-
fornia"s 32 electoral votes.
Stevenson quipped that President
Eisenhower is "doing quite a bit of
traveling with more to follow"
after Republicans were "saying
smugly that five or six television
speeches would take care of the
He said Republicans had "gotten
so used to a part-time President
that they figured a part-time
candidate was all right, too," and
Questions Leadership
... . It is important, vitally im-
portant, however, that if the Presi-
dent is to be the effective servant
of every American, he must also
be the effective leader of his own
political party ...
"This is one of the great issues
in fic 145 plem 7t is anoth.r

City Votes
On East AA
Next Month
Official Predicts
Council Approval
At Monday Meeting
East Ann Arbor's request for
annexation will probably be grant-
ed by Ann Arbor City Council at
its meeting Monday night, accord-
ing to City Administrator Guy
The rare proposal for Ann Arbor
to annex an entire city was pre-
sented to the Council two weeks
ago in form of a petition from East
Ann Arbor residents.
Referendum Vote
The issue will be presented to
Ann Arbor residents in a referen-
dum vote Nov. 6.
"Annexations in which one city
wants to take in another are un-
usual," Larcom said, "but this case
is exceptionally unique in that
both cities favor annexation."
Ann Arbor's City Planning Com-
mission has been studying the pro-
posal for several weeks. Although
the commission would not present
an opinion for or against annexa-
tion they concluded their report
with "the proposal to annex East
Ann Arbor should receive favor-
able consideration."
Motives Aired
East Ann Arbor city officials ex-
plained their desire for annexa-
tion is "because of its limited
economic and political potential,
the city is unable to assume fully
its share of community reponsibili-
The Council will also discuss
latest developments with Parke,
Davis and Co. in regard to the
establishment of a $10,000,000
medical-pharmaceutical center on
North Campus.
Larcom has had several meet-
ings with Parke-Davis officials
this week, but neither party would
disclose any further financial de-
Engine School
Boosts Gifted
College of Engineering has de-
signed a plan to accelerate the
training of gifted students with
superior high school backgrounds,
according to Assistant Dean Wal-
ter J. Emmons.
Under the plan, freshmen enter-
ing the college with above-average
preparation and ability can re-
duce the number of credit hours
normally needed for graduation.
Thus they can complete their un-
dergraduate work more rapidly,
spend more time on other courses
of their choice or begin graduate
study earlier.
"By carefully planning his high

World News Roundup
Plane Search.,.
LONDON - Hope ebbed yesterday for finding a U. S. transport
plane missing for two days with 59 men aboard, but 100 planes from
three continents still criss-crossed the Atlantic in contiuing search.
The number of planes in the air made the search one of the great-
est in aviation history and was sparked by an Air Force report that a
long SOS signal had been picked up early Friday.
* * *
Arms Deal. . .
WASHINGTON - The United States and West Germany have
signed an agreement setting up arrangements for the sale of U.S.
military equipment to the projected West German military force.
The State Department announced yesterday that the agreement
was signed last Monday by Undersecretary of State Herbert Hoover
Jr. and West German. Ambassador Heinz Krekeler.
* * *
Govt. Scholarships,. .
CHICAGO - A subcommittee of the American Council on Edu-
cation yesterday recommended that the federal government set up a
program of college scholarships estimated to cost 200 million dollars
a year.
The proposed scholarship payments would go directly to students.
* * *
Powell Likes Ike ...
WASHINGTON - President Dwight D. Eisenhower was described
as highly pleased yesterday that he will get support from Rep. Adam
Clayton Powell Jr., New York Negro Democrat.
Powell, who backed Adlai Stevenson in the 1952 race, said after
conferring with President Eisenhower yesterday that the Democratic
candidate this year "has snubbed the whole liberal group - Republi-
cans and Democrats" on the issue of civil rights.
* * *
Anti-trust Violations * *
WASHINGTON - Rep. Holifield, (D-Calif., yesterday accused
five drug firms of "collusive practices and price fixing" in the sale
of 13 million dollars worth of polio vaccine to the government.
Heat, Swamped Hotels
To Greet Cadets Today
The Black Knights from West Point should cast the only threat-
ening shadows over an otherwise fair and warm Ferry Field today,
according to the weatherman.
A special train-load of senior cadetf will be greeted by southerly,
rather strong breezes when they embark from their train at 10:00
a.m. in Ann Arbor. At 12:35 p.m., they will march to the field to per-
form a special pre-game treat for the fans.
Weatherman Kind
Temperatures are expected to reach the low 80s - ideal for on-
lookers, but stifling to the 22 combatants.
Local hotels reveal that they have been swamped with requests
for reservations. One hotel has been booked solid for the past three
days and started getting requests in September.
Another hostelry exclaims that they "could use a 500-room hotel."
The Army game is "always the biggest," reflected one distraught
hotel man. The Michigan State game attracts more people, though
few stay over, whereas, the cadet game demands accommodations for
both Friday and Saturday nights.
Spare a Cot?
Inn keepers have even been asked to put up people on cots in
rooms or hallways, although it is against their policies to partake
in this sort of practice.
Michigan League and Union are filled to capacity, per usual, with
out-of-towners. The League swells within its 66-guest limitation, and
the Union likewise groans beneath the weight of the 400 occupants of

U' Coed Ill;
Has Spinal
Diagnosis 'Serious';
Disease Contagious
A University co-ed was taken to
Health Service Thursday after-
noon with symptoms later diag-
nosed as spinal meningitis.
Elizabeth Keck, '60, of 2559
Stockwell, was admitted to Health
Service at about 1:30 p.m. Thurs-
day. Later she was transferred to
the University Hospital.
At last night's report, Miss Keck
was still listed as in "serious" con-
dition in the contagious unit at
the hospital.
According to Dr. Morley Beckett,
Health Service Director, spinal
meningitis is a contagious disease.
Initial symptoms are fever,
headache, possible rash, and stiff-
ness, Usual cases are sporadic,
though epidemics occur rarely.
Very often, Dr. Morley said, the
disease is preceded by a respira-
tory ailment, such as an ordinary
head cold.
Dr. Beckett had advised all of
Miss Keck's associats to report
to the Health Service, either for
preventive treatment with sulfa-
diozene or in case any symptoms
were noticed.
It was learned that Miss Keck
has stayed home from classes
Thursday morning. Hier room-
mate returned about noon to find
the girl in a weakened condition
and called a taxi to take her to the
Health Service. Miss Keck is said
to have collapsed in the lobby of
Stockwell and an ambulance was
Parents Row
Over Soviet
Life for Child
LONDON M(P-By British court
order, Philadelphia-born Tanya
Chwastov, 2, was taken off a
Sovietbound ship yesterday to
await a decision on whether she
may grow up American or Rus-
The court stalled for the pres-
ent her father's plan to take her
to Russia and nullify any claim of
American citizenship for her.
Little Tanya, carrying a rag-doll
was the least concerned of all in
the stir at the pier and on ship-
board over her future.
Her mother, Mrs. Helena Die-
czok of Detroit, brought about a
last-minute stop order. On her pe-
tition, the High Court ruled the
girl must be detained in Britain

Ike Claims Suez
Crisis Is Passed
Announcement Made To Television
Panel of 'Cross-Section Americans'
WASHINGTON (t)-President Dwight Eisenhower said yesterday
that progress on the Suez Canal dispute has been "most gratifying"
and it looks as though "a very great crisis is behind is."
He made the statement in an opening announcement at an un-
usual television show, in which he was the target of questions from
a friendly, massive television panel made up of citizens described by
the White House as "cross-section Americans." It said all of-the ques-
tioners were supporters of President Eisenhower's second-term bid.
Men of Note
Among those invited to take part in the questioning were John
Roosevelt, son of the late president and a 1952 supporter of Eisen-
hower; Phil Rizzuto, ex-New Yorke

Yankee shortstop, and Mrs. Riz-
zuto; Charles "Commando" Kelly;.
World War II Medal of Honor '
winner; and Lewis Douglas, for-
mer ambassador to Great Britain.
Eisenhower's Suez s t a t e m e n t
was based on developments yester-
day at the United Nations in New
York. Foreign ministers of Brit-
ain, France and Egypt reported to
a secret meeting of the UN Secur-
ity Council that they had agreed
on a set of six principles as a basis
for further negotiations on the
Suez problem.
'A Prayer'
President Eisenhower declared
that this did not mean that "we*
are completely out of the woods."
But he said he had talked to Sec-
retary of State John Foster Dulles
and "in his heart and mine, therej
is a prayer of thanksgiving."
The TV program was introduced
as an "unrehearsed, spontaneous
citizens meeting."a
The first question propounded
by the audience of his admirers,t
who had been brought to Wash-
ington by the Citizens for Eisen-
hower-Nixon organization, was:
"Who is in charge of the na-
tion?" President Eisenhower said
he believed the people who can
give best evidence are his associ-
Replyto Adlai
"If I am not running the execu-
tive part of this administration
then I am the man mostly fooled,"
he said.
Adlai Stevenson has been stress-
ing the argument that Eisenhower
has shown a lack of presidential
leadership, and the 'President's re-
marks were obviously designed as
a reply.
Stick With Dick
President Eisenhower told one
questioner, who asked: "What sort
'of a man is Vice President Nixon?"
that his running mate is a worthy
partner in the Republican plans
"to better America."
Nixon is, President Eisenhower
noted, a young man. But he is a
"man who studies, informs him-
self," the President went on. He
said that Nixon in the last four
years has been "present at every
important conference held -in gov-

Ministers OK
Basic Suez
The foreign ministers of Britain,
France and Egypt reported to a
secret meeting of the United Na-
tions Security Council yesterday
that they had agreed on a set of
six principles as a basis for fur-
ther negotiations on the Suez prob-
The agreement was the result
of six private meetings of British
Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd,
French Foreign Minister Christian
Pineau and Egyptian Foreign Min-
ister Mahmoud Fawzi with UN
Secretary General Dag Hammar-
Informed quarters said the prin-
ciples dealt with freedom of ac-
cess, the sovereignty of Egypt, the
right to fare tolls, arbitration of
disputes, funds for improvement
and development, and insulation
of the vital waterway from the na-
tional politics of individual coun-
Pineau told newsmen after the
Council meeting:
"Great progress has been achiev-
ed. We have agreed on the six
principles which should be the
basis of the settlement of the prob-
Coed Show
Hits The Road
A mass meeting will be held at
7 p.m. tomorrow in the Union Ball-
room for all students interested in
working on the 1956 MUSKET pro-
duction, "Brigadoon."
Actors, actresses, singers and
dancers are all needed for the
production, according to Fred
Steingold, '57, of the MUSKET
publicity committee.


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