Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "I Said, 'Say Hello To The Genfleman'-" "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" -v-so' i- Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex'press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: DONNA HANSON Childs Lecture Analytical and Objective '. ,, y.. .. « ... .., .tr S say . tea ft& 7 ao /, f 1k \ ANN ARBOR and the University could use more of the impartial, analytical discus- sions of the present campaign and its issues similar to the lecture Marquis Childs delivered here Wednesday night. Following in the wake of a hot-headed, slam- bang rally speech by Tom Dewey and a some- what more dignified political blast by Illinois Senator Paul Douglas, Childs came to Ann Ar- bor as a man who has not been and is not a candidate for anything. His intention was to look at the candidatesf objectively, and that he did. He came as a news analyst who has followed the major candidates across the country, not only in this campaign but in many others of previous years. For these reasons alone-objectivity, lack of political tie-up, and vast experience, Childs is a man to be listened to-assuming, of course, he intends to be impartial. MANY OF the reflections he made were sharp and accurate ones and are worth noting again, particularly as coming from such an ex- perienced onlooker and analyst. He spoke of President Eisenhower as a man recognized everywhere as a leader, a worker for peace, but he also noted that "this isn't the reason that many will vote for him." Although Childs called it "incredible that (President Eisenhower) could be defeated," he pointed out there had been many- failings in the present administration. On the other side, the Washington corres- pondent seemed to find the very things that are working against Adlai Stevenson-many of them within his very nature. Childs deplored Stevenson's inability to talk to people, his apparent physical tiredness after almost a year of grueling campaigning, and his unwillingness to use to advantage television and other forms of mass media. The journalist also touched on Stevenson's poor judgment in handling the issue of the draft and then his better judgment in raising the question of nuclear weapons tests-an is- sue that has been backed up by some leading scientists, according to Childs. ALL IN ALL, Childs seemed to handle the dis- cussion fairly and aptly, considering the unfortunate superficiality (necessitated by the length of time) of his talk. The conclusions he drew, or rather the "gues- ses" he made, were not surprising. (President Eisenhower will win, Democrats will control all of Congress, popular vote will be much lower than 1952.) These have been indicated for some time and there is a good chance of their being fulfilled. . However, the important consideration is that an Ann Arbor audience sat down and listened, not to a fiery, double-talking political orator, but to a widely-known and respected commen- tator.who examined the situation with a clear mind and some objectivity. There should be more speeches of this na- ture. VERNON NAHRGANG WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: E~lection Year and the Mails By DREW PEARSON CONCERT SERIES: Mantovani 3ackground MANTOVANI'S music, if one is to believe record jackets, is primarily designed to be back- ground music for reading or neck- ing, or some other such activity. Since the other reviewer's ticket was unexplainably mislaid, I was forced to travel alone, but I took a good book along and proceeded to place Mr. Mantovani in the background he seems to enjoy. I must report that as back- ground music, he is almost unex- celled. The Boston Symphony, coming next week, is very poor in the background; my efforts to read during BSO concerts have al- ways been unsuccessful. The fourth number on his pro- gram, "Greensleeves", caught me between chapters, so I listened carefully. This selection is claimed to re-I mind the listener of England. If so, it is a portion of England I never care to see. All elements of so-called purity and strength were carefully diluted, until only a bland and varnished surface re- mained. A brief moment of flute solo almost restored the mood of Greensleeves as I know it, but even this was quickly lost in a sea of plunked cellos. After a strangely unmechanized "Symphonie des Machines", Man- tovani turned to the Light Cavalry Overture. I was curious to see what he would make of this Boston Pops favorite. It must be admitted that Mantovani had something of the spirit, but weaknesses in the brass and percussion sections were un- fortunately present. The "Moulin Rouge" represents what I like to think of as Manto- vani at his finest. The accordian and guitar generate a most auth- entic atmosphere, but one which is marred by the everpresent vio- lins. Mantovani's own "Italian Fan- tasia" concluded the program. This was clearly designed to bring out the best of the accordian, two trumpets, two trombones, french horn, two clarinets, flute, bassoon, and strings. Which it did. It was all there. Violins in high register, vibraphone, snare drum, flute, and cymbals. This was Mantovani in real live hi-fi, if you will pardon the ex- pression. He really gets an impres- sive volume out of his forty-five men and women, and it is all well rehearsed and most enjoyable, I suppose. it all sounded dreadfully familiar. *, , ,* SERIOUSLY speaking, it is not at once easy to understand the popularity of Mantovani. He sure- ly cannot compete with the Bos- ton Pops for "cuteness", or novel- ty. And his symphonic pretentions cannot be very great. The Phila- delphia orchestradplaying Tchai- kovsky's "Serenade for Strings" can sound more lush than a come- on from Dietrich, certainly more lush than the Mantovani violins, however famous. Mantovani's appeal must be as- cribed simply to the fact that his music, and that of his imitators, is heard from so many FM sta- tions, record players, and juke boxes, that his curious style has become enormously familiar. Fa- miliar enough, so that an evening of Mantovani without a book or a girl on a couch or a pile of homework or a light lunch will hold the interest of thousands of listeners. This he most certainly- did last night. But I somehow doubt that a series of w'eekly Mantovani con- certs would fill the house. -DAVID KESSEL SGC Action Deliberate, Fair S 14TUDENTGovernment Council acted wisely Wednesday night. In setting a December 5 deadline for action on Sigma Kappa and invit- ing the national officers to present their case by that time or be judged by the apparent facts, the group acted deliberately but not hastily. The deadline is well-timed. There is no doubt that Sigma Kappa national officers have time, if they need it, to meet and decide what their position is. And the date is near enough to as- sure action within a reasonable period. One point is clear: if the deadline rolls around and Sigma Kappa has refused to co- operate, they Council cannot avoid taking de- cisive action without losing face with itself and the students. Further, on the basis of what is now known, only reasonable course will be disafiliation of the local from the national. Student leaders have refused to yield to the temptation of making a cause celebre out of sorority discrimination. The situation, which could have been a nasty one, has been landled well so far. But the big test-actually judging if there has been a violation--is yet to come. In all lik- lihood Sigma Kappa will make a statement be- fore the deadline. The Council, acting in good conscience, will have to determine if the state- ment is sincere and truthful. It would be easy, yet fatal, to get taken in by lip service and "against sin" statements. There should be no pre-judgement, but there should be a firm conviction to sift through the facts' and statements and come up with decisive and fair action. LEE MARKS City Editor Poznan Indicates Polish Unrest Washington-Those who pass by the "folding room" in the Sen- ate office building of late have seen mountains of mail piled up out- side. Week by week the mail has mounted. Every day post office trucks eat into the massive pile, but every day the human beavers inside the folding room replenish the pile outside: The activity of the folding room has overflowed into Room 155 of the Senate office building, and also into Room 154. Still the work goes on. It is the greatest mailing of Senate propaganda ever put out in the history of the U.S. Senate-A Senate which has seen a lot of mailings by oratorical - minded senators who want their speeches read back home. Careful inquiry regarding this record mailing reveals some in- teresting facts. Last July 27 Sen. Tom Martin, Republican of Iowa, gave a speech in defense of Secretary Benson and the Eisenhower Administration on the farm problem. Nobody paid too much attention to the speech at the time. But apparently that speech was part of a carefully cal- culated plan to swamp the farm belt with literature just before election and that is the reason for the unprecedented activity in the Senate folding room today. * * * FOR A TOTAL of 4,000,000 re- prints of Senator Martin's speech is being mailed out to farmers. This is a lot of mail. To handle it, the folding room, which is the name given to the machinery set up for sending out Senators' speeches, has gone to lot of extra expense. Extra sealing machines have been purchased. Forty extra em- ployees have been hired. Extra la- bor has been drafted from the government printing office. Every possible piece of equipment is be- ig used on the job. The operation has been going on a 24-hour ba- sis, with many employees paid time-and-a-half and double time. * * * . SPREADING OUT into overflow space, 15 women have been work- ing in Room 155 folding copies of Senator Martin's speech and stuff- ing them into envelopes at $1.64 an hour. In room 154 two men work in three-hour shifts around the clock bagging envelopes, also at $1.61 an hour. They are paid not by Senator Martin or the Repub- lican National Committee, but by all the taxpayers. Careful checking as to the total cost of operation "Pacify The Farmers" shows that it will cost the taxpayers $200,000. This, of course, comes out of the pockets of nonfarmers as well as farmers, and out of the pockets of Demo- crats as well as Republicans. It is one of the biggest pieces of free political propaganda Len Hall's astute workers have been able to put across. On Senator Martin's speech is the notation: "Not printed as government expense." Strictly speaking, this is true. But it is highly misleading. While the speech itself is printed at the very cheap government rate and is paid for by the GOP, it's after- ward that much of the cost be- gins. * * * STUFFING AND sealing the en- velopes will cost around $80,000. Then there's a postage bill of $120,000. Though the speeches are mailed out under Martin's frank, the Senate has to reimburse the Post Office for the postage. This is required under a new law de- manded by Postmaster General Summerfield and passed by the Republican Congress. Summer- field got tired of having the Post Office socked with the free frank- ing bill of Congressmen and de- manded that the post office be reimbursed. So the Senate will have to send Summerfield, who was former GOP National Chair- man, a check for $120,000 to take care of the propaganda bill of the present GOP National Chairman. (Note-A senator is permitted to mail out as many copies of a speech as he wishes, but few abuse the privilege by mailing outside their own state. Martin, however, is mailing to 13 states, many of them far from Iowa. Apparently worried over this out-of-Iowa use, Martin recently instructed the folding room to paste a label on the outside of the envelopes, giv- ing the additional frank of the senator to whose state the pam- phlets are addressed. This, how- ever, only adds to the expense. * * * ALL IS NOT beer and skittles in'side the Republican command. Like the Stevenson camp, it is ex- periencing dissension. It's not as stultifying, however, as the mon. key wrenches thrown into Steven- son's strategy board by his watch- ful law partner, William Wirtz. Len Hall is not one -to permit that kind of argument. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 20 General Notices Non-music students interested in free one-hour private piano lessons given by senior and graduate Piano Majors in the School of Music, should contact Helen Titus, Room 219, SM on Oct. 13 between 10 aim.-12 noon. To qualify for lessons, a background of 4 years of instruction is required, and students must arrange for practice facilities out. side Music School. Applicants who are accepted must practice a minimum of one hour a day and attend piano class on Wednesdays at 3 in the Congrega- tional Church. STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL Summary of action taken Oct. 10, 1956 Approved: Minutes of meeting of Oct. 3, 1956. Motion to send the following state- ment to the National Council of Sigma Kappa; and all interested parties to be determined by SOC's Executive Committee and Panhellenio president: "On December 5 Student Government Council will make a decision on the question of a possible violation of University regulations on the part of Sigma Kappa. At that time the Coun- cil will act on the basis of all avail- able information. Student Govern- ment Council considers this statement an official invitation to all interested parties to present all pertinent infor- mation which they desire." Distribution of funds from 1955 Home- coming Dance to Central Pep Rally Committee, Religious Emphasis Week Committee, Campus Chest Dr i v e, United Nations Week. Elections Calendar: Petitioning open Oct. 15-23 Candidate Training Oct. 24-29 Campaigning Oct. 30- Nov. 12 Elections Nov. 13, 14 Distribution of early registration pass- es for the spring term to be the re- sponsibility of Student Government Council. Activities: Galens City bucket drive, Dec., 7, 8. Campus Chest Drive, calen- dared for May 6-11. Musket, Union Co-ed show "Brigadoon" Dec. 5, 6, 7. Heard: Progress report, Counseling Study Committee. Appointments: Janet Winkelhaus to fill Council vacancy until Novem- ber elections. Lecture Study Commit- tee: Sue Arnold, Dick Snyder, Tom Sawyer, Joe Collins. NSA. Coordinator: Eugene Hartwig. The Executive Committee was re- quested to appoint a committee of five to re-evaluate content and make-up of the "M' Handbook. Committee to investigate operation of Air Charter Travel Program for 1956-57-Roy Lave, Joe Collins, Lew Engman, Anne Woodard, Rod Co- stock-to report to SGO not later than Oct. 24 with recommendations con- cerning administration and size oE the program. Lectures University Lecture. David Boyden, University of California, Berkeley, on "The 17th and 18th Century Concerto in Fact and Fiction" 4:15 p.m., Fri., Oct. 12, in Aud. A, AngelI Hail. Auspices of School of Music; open to the general public. Astronomy Department Visitors' Night Fri., Oct. 12, 8 p.m., Rm. 2003, Angell Hall. After a short lecture, the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open for inspection and for telescopic observations of the moon and Mars. Children welcomed, but must be accompanied by adults. Concerts The Baroque Trio, Nelson Hauenstein, flute, Florian Mueller, oboe, and Mari- lyn Mason, harpsichord, will appear in the first of two Sunday evening con- certs at 8:30 p.m. Sun., Oct. 14, in Aud. A, Angel Mali. Works by Johann Jo- seph Fux, G. F. Handel, Willem de Fesch, Benedetto Marcello, and William Boyce, with commentary on the compo- sitions and composers by Louise Cuyler. G e n e r a1 public admitted without charge. Academic Notices Graduate Students expecting to re- ceive the master's degree in February, 1957, must file a diploma application with the Recorder of the Graduate School by Fri., Oct. 12. A student will not be recommended for a degree unless he has filed formal application in the Office of the Graduate School. Doctoral Candidates who expect to re- ceive degrees in February, 1957, must have at least three bound copies of their dissertations in the office of the Graduate School by Fri., Dec. 4. The report of the doctoral committee on the final oral examination must be filed with the Recorder of the Gradu- ate School together with two copies of the thesis, which is ready in all respects for publication, not later than Mon., Jan. 14. M. A. Language Examination in His- tory. Fri., Oct. 19, 4:00-5:00 p.m., 411 Mason Hall. Sign list in History Office. Dictionaries may be used. Philosophy 63 make-up final Mon., Oct. 15 from 2 to 5 p.m. in Room 2208, Angell Hall. Philosophy 67 make-up final Tues., Oct. 16 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon in 2208, Angell Hall. Psychology Colloquium. "The Scale Grid: Some Interrelations of Data Mod- els (Projective Instruments as Seen from Below.)" Clyde H. Coombs, pro- fessor of psychology. 4:15 p.m., Fri., Opt. 12, Aud. B, Angell Hall. College of Engineering Faculty Meet- ing Wed., Oct. 17, 4:15 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall. Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Oct. 12, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Freeman D. Miller will speak on "Babylonian 1 i Y 1. I, a JUDGING from recent developments in Com- munist Poland following last June's "bread and freedom" riots in Poznan, it appears that the Polish people have at last become fed up with their subjection to the "People's Republic" and have mustered the courage to show their discontent. The Poznan riots started the ball rolling, and the movement now refuses to be squelched. Re- percussions are being felt in highest govern- ment circles, a fact which should be a source of courage for people still too steeped in fear of their communist masters to think of rebel- 'lion. It should serve to prove that their leaders are not omnipotent, not too powerful to be af- fected by the will of the masses. The Polish government, aware of its weak- ness, is now undergoing a major shakeup. Ex- traordinary measures are being taken in a des- perate effort to placate the people and quiet the unrest. The conduct of the trials of the leaders in the Poznan riots is quite a, departure from what might be expected in such cases of disloyalty to the State. The defendants have been given op- portunities to speak, and have not been afraid to do so. The courtrooms have been thrown in- to disorder more than once by emotional out- bursts on the part of defendants and their fam- ilies, protesting police brutality, forced confes- sions, and oppression "worse than that in 1939." Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER, Editor IN SPITE of their incendiary activities in Poz- nan and their obvious lack of remorse, the sentences which have so far been handed out are astonishingly light. Two defendants, for example, were recently sentenced to only four years imprisonment, and there are reports that some of the cases may even be dismissed. At the same time, some of Poland's top gov- ernment officials are suddenly "retiring" for various reasons, and a large number of others have been dismissed or are coming under fire from above. On Tuesday of this week, Deputy Premier Hilary Minc resigned both his deputy premier- ship and his membership in the Communist Party Politburo "because of bad health." Just previous to this, it was announced that four undersecretaries of state in the Ministry for Machine Industry had been dismissed, bringing to nearly a score the number of government of- ficials losing their posts since June. And on Monday it was reported that another Polish minister, Konstanty Dabrowski, minister of foreign trade, was put on the spot by the par- liament. He was ordered to explain some em- barrassing facts about Poland's import-export affairs, as: why are so many foreign cars im- ported?; why don't Polish officials use home- made autos?; why does Poland import so much agricultural machinery which turns out to be unusable?; and why have exports of Polish coal been declining so steadily since 1950? THE POZNAN riots and subsequent displays of government weakness have had a marked effect on the morale of the people. There has been a new surge of defections to the West, especially from the ranks of the mil- itary. A number of pilots in the air force have recently fled to the Danish island of Bornholm, 200 miles off the Baltic coast of Poland. One of these reported that his escape was inspired by the Poznan riots. He declared, "Any day" the Polish people may rise again. How could the Poznan trials condemn people for wanting to live? He said that Russian pilots in Polish uniforms had been used to fly over Poz- nan during the riots because the Polish airmen had, by unspoken agreement, decided not to take up arms against their countrymen. Yet. surprisingly, no reprisals were reported. In the light of these occurences, it would ap- pear that the day when the Polish people will rise again is drawing near. The Western peoples can now only watch and hope and pray for them in their struggle for freedom and istine. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Apartments, Football Draw Reader Comment x :.. RICHARD HALLORAN Editorial Director LEE MARKS City Editor Paternalism . To the Editor: THE University's move to relieve the housing shortage by crack- ing down on single men in apart- ments reminds me of the solution offered by a half-witted captain for saving his sinking ship. When told that water was pouring in through a hole in the starboard side of the ship, he commanded his men to drill a larger hole in the port side in order to let the water flow out. Asking single men to give up their apartments will increase, rather than decrease competition for housing in Ann Arbor. It will make rents higher and force more students into substandard housing that at present. The University notes that apartments are rented by three and four unmarried men. These same apartments would be able to accommodate only one married couple, unless American housing . patterns change drasti- cally and young married couples start sharing apartments. If the unmarried men leave annd the seem to contradict the University's illusion of abundance. Even if there were enough rooms to accommodate the apartmentless males, the University's decision would present great difficulties. The cost of apartment living is much less than the cost of living in a room and eating meals in restaurants. Many apartment stu- dents could not afford to live in rooming houses. The only lasting solution is the building of more housing. Michi- gan State University has extensive housing developments for married students. It is true that some new units have been built, but they are not sufficient. It is not enough to say that we are building dorms and apartments so that in five years we will be able to accommodate our present enrollment. In five years we will have many more students than we have now so that we will still be short of housing. It would be bad enough if the University's decision were only a matter of poor judgment. Unfor- tunately, it seems to be more. It seems to be part of the University's general view that its students are rhlan - a m+f a 4-aa n uif and natural kinds of social rela- tionships. The University prefers the subway-like throngsofrkissing students outside the dorms at twelve-thirty to the quiet atmos- phere of an apartment. This pref , erence is not in keeping with the value most Americans place on individuality and privacy. I think the University might do well to look at the student philos- ophy of some of the eastern schools. Harvard, for example, per- mits alcohol in student rooms (with the exception of freshmen and women). -Male students are allowed to have female visitors in their rooms during weekend eve- nings. Male students are also per- mitted to live in apartments, after their freshman year. In spite of these freedoms, I doubt that the Harvard graduate is any more de- generate than the Michigan grad- uate. It is time for the University to show its students the trust and respect that young adults deserve. Instead of proliferating restrictions and ritually enforcing the ones that already exist, the University should take as its zma1 the mini- ried a front page story to the effect that both the MSU and Army foot- ball games had been completely sold out. As I had planned on having friends come to Ann Arbor. for the Army encounter, and as I had not yet purchased tickets, I immediately proceeded to cancel all plans and arrangements I had made for this particular game. Only can imagine my amaze- ment when a week later I am informed by several friends here on campus that they have just recently purchased Army football tickets. Furthermore, The Detroit News of October 8 also carried an article stating thatcontrary to all existing reports the Michigan- Army game is not yet a sellout. On the contrary, there are still some 12,000 tickets available. An immediate call to the athletic ad- ministration building substantiated the above reports. One wonders, first, how The Michigan Daily could have printed such an erroneous article, and second, how this article seemingly 4 GAIL GOLDSTEIN .......... Personnel Director ERNES'I THEODOSSIh............ Magazine Editor JANET REARICK .. Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS............Features Editor DAVID GREY ...,,,.,,,...., .. Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMELR........ Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN ....,... Associate Sports Editor VIRGINIA ROBERTSON ...... W....Women's Editor JANE FOWLER ............Associate Women's Editor ARLINE LEWIS............ Women's Feature Editor VERNON SODEN .............. Chief Photographer Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN .... Associate Business Manager WILLIAM PUSCH ............ Advertising Manager CHARLES WILSON............. Finance Manager PATRICIA LAMBERIS .......... Accounts Manager t