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October 12, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-12

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Latest Deadline in the State






Hong Kong
Rioting Kills
Worst Part of Battle
Shifts to Tsun Wan
HONG KONG ()-Thirty work
ers were killed in hand-to-han
battle between Communist Chines
and anti-Communist Chinese i
Hong Kong's mainland factor
village of Tsun Wan, the govern
ment announced today.
Frenzied fighting between Chi
nese mob and police claimed a
least 14 other lives.
The two-day death toll in riotini
was set at 44 in an announcemen
by acting Gov. E. B. David.
Officials said the worst of Hong
Kong's rioting shifted yesterday t
Tsun Wan, known also as "Littl
Ten Die in Kowloon
Of the total of 44, 19 were know
to have died yesterday in the con
tinuing rioting in the northwes
Kowloon, section of this British
crown colony. The mainland are
borders Red China. Four other
had been killed in the early stage
of the rioting.
The troubled sectors were re-
ported orderly today.
David had said earlier that a
least 100 were feared slain in th(
Communist factional clashes in
Tsun Wan.
The new figure was announced
after. the government public rela-
tions office made a recheck.
Thousands of anti-Communis
Chinese ran amok Wednesday
when a Chinese housing official of
the Hong Kong government started
ripping down Nationalist flags.
Hang Foreigners
From clashes with police, the
mobs progressed to scattered at-
tacks on foreigners and finally
engaged in bloody battles with
Chinese Communists.
David. finally called out British
troops yesterday to help Hong
'Kong's 6,000 Chinese, British and
Pakistani police and the civilian
police reserves put down the re-
bellious mobs.
Kowloon, mainland part of the
British crown colony, was under
conditions resembling martial law
A curfew was -clamped on Its one
and one-half million people froi
7:30 p.m. to 10 a.m.
The government reported the
number of injured persons in hos-
pitals at 143.
Cadet Parade
To Be Staged
Before Game
The long grey line of cadets
from West Point will march into
. Ann Arbor tomorrow.
With them will be four of the
prominent alumni of the United
States Military Academy, Gen.
Maxwell D. Taylor, Chief of Staff
of the U.S. Army; Lt. Gen. William
H. Arnold,. commanding general
of the Fifth Army; Major Gen.
Garrison H. Davidson, superinten-
dent of the U.S. Military Academy;
and Brigadier Gen. Lester S. Bork,
chief of the Michigan Military
Five-hundred members of the
senior class of cadets will march
into the Michigan Stadium at
12:35 p.m., accompanied by the
Army Enlisted Men's Band from
the Academy.
The halftime and pre-game show
of the Michigan Marching Band
will honor the visiting "Black
Knights of The Hudson."

The pre-game show beginning at
1:15 p.m. will include a salute to
the Military Academy and the
performance of the West Point and
Michigan alma maters.
The Pershing Rifles, a drill team
composed of Army, Navy and Air
Force ROTC freshmen and sopho-
mores will stage a five-minute per-
A "duel" between two Civil War
type "cannons" will be staged by
the Michigan band in a dramatic
show based on the Civil War.
The band will then break into a
formation outlining the map of
- the United States, the unfurling of
a gigantic American flag and the
reading of the Gettysburg address
by Robert Trost, band announcer.
Flight Director
Needed By SGC
Two flight administrators, who
-wl..m i a ha r/Nnnr ra m s


Wrona s Status
Gets Comment-
Sixteen members of Student Government Council last night
expressed widely divergent opinions concerning the possible resignation
of SGC Public Relations Chairman John Wrona, '57.
Their statements were given in reply to a Daily survey of Council
views following a closed executive session Wednesday night. Wrona
was fined $21.25 Monday in Municipal Court for scalping tickets to the
Michigan-Michigan State game last Saturday.
Speaking of Wrona's future on the Council, SGC President Bill
Adams, '57BAd, said, "Membership on the Student Government
Council demands of its members something more than is requested
of the average student in terms of personal conduct.
"Because of this incident, questions have arisen in the minds of
his fellow students, faculty and administration as to John's ability
"t continue to successfully deal

eCD Director
t Criticized
s ByWorker
Resignation of Washtenaw Coun-
t ty Civil Defense Director Thoma
e A. FitzGerald was called for yes-
1 terday by Mrs. LaVerna Lauben
gayer, volunteer Civil Defense
3 worker.
Mrs. Laubengayer told The Daily
"He hasn't done a thing in office.'
t Appointed by FitzGerald in the
fall of 1954 as Washtenaw County
Women's Cordinator for Civi
3 Defense, Mrs. Laubengayer, in a
letter sent yesterday to the county
Board of Supervisors, said "It is
I mycandid opinion that a more
efficient director must be appoint-
ed in this county if we are going
to be kept up to date with all
matters pertaining to Civil De-
fense. -
Tells Duties
"My duties as women's coordi-
nator were to contact the women
of this county and keep them post-
ed as to the progress of the pro-
gram of Civil Defense.
"In order to carry out my duties,"
the letter continued, "it was essen-
tial that I have full cooperation
with the present director.
"However, I regret to inform you
such cooperation was non-existant,
and I was therefore unable to ren-
der the services necessary to the
women of this county."
Received Public Support
Mrs. Laubengayer said she re-
ceived ". . . necessary cooperation
from the public and so reported to
Mr. FitzGerald. At no time did he
cooperate or follow through with a
report I gave him."
In contrast to Mrs. Laubengay-
er's -statements, FitzGerald told
The Daily "I haven't heard from
her. She never worked at her posi-
FitzGerald said "She is no longer
Still Listed
Mrs. Laubengayer said she
checked with the state branch of
women's activities of Civil Defense
and to the best of her knowledge
."I am still listed as women's co-
FitzGerald, a part-time director,
asked for a full-time Civil Defense
He claimed the responsibilities
of the office could not be filled on
a part-time basis.
FitzGerald thought the board is
not giving proper consideration to
the Civil Defense office.
VU Steps Up
On Drinking
The University is stepping up
surveillance on drinking in frater-
nity houses and apartments, it
was learned yesterday.
Because of increased manpower
on the University police staff Uni-
versity Security Officer, Harold
Swoverland is able to spend more
time checking weekend parties.
Lasyear Swoverland spent most
of his time enforcing the driving
ban, but since the increased Uni-
versity security force, he now has
more time to check up on drink-
It was learned that Swoverland
is not primarily interested in
apartment parties unless they get'
very noisy. His main interest lay
in the mass drinking parties like
those held by fraternities

with the people he must in the
course of his office.
"Since this ability has been im
paired or perhaps ended, his use-
fulness to the Council is at a mini-
mum, and he can no longer ade-
quately serve or represent his
fellow students.
"In the best interests of the stu-
dent body, SGC and the University
community, he should, as soon as
conveniently possible, submit hi
- Supports Wrona
Don Good, '57E, replied to que-
tions concerning Wrona's status
saying, "I do not think that SGC
or anyone else should ask John
Wrona to resign. John had made
a mistake and has paid for it.
y "I do not think that this exces-
1sive publicity by The Daily, on the
pretense of its being newsworthy
has accomplished anything other
sthan hurting a very capable per-
son's career at the University.'
Council Vice-President Janet
Neary, '58, commented, "I believe
l John should resign voluntarily, out
of respect for the prestige and
effectiveness of SGC. I do not
feel that the Council should vote
to ask him to resign."
Rod Comstock, 156E, asserted
that no individual is in a position
to judge Wrona. "If a decision is
to be made, it should be made by
a judicial group or by John him-
self," he said. "I feel that far too
Smuch unwarranted publicity has
been devoted to this matter."
Six representatives believed the
decision is one which should not
be of immediate concern to the
Panhellenic President Carol De-
Bruin, '57, said, "The situation is
not of such a nature that it will
remain in the public eye for any
length of time.
Considers Publicity
"Because punitive measures will
be handled by Joint Judiciary
Council," she added, "the main
consideration is one of possible
unfavorable publicity for SGC."
Tom Sawyer, '58, Inter Frater-
nity Council President, Tim Leedy,
'57 BAd, Inter House Council Pres-
ident and Robert Warrick, '57E,
indicated they did not believe the
Council should take further action,
stating the decision was one which
concerned only Wrona.
"However, on the basis of what
I know and considering the opin-
ions of the people with whom I
have discussed this on campus,"
Warrick added, "it is to the best
interests of SGC that he does re-
,Union President Roy Lave, '57E,
League President Sue Arnold,
'57Ed, stated they did not approve
of the original presentation of the
question before the Council.
Six other members of the Coun-
cil called for SGC consideration as
a body.
SOC Treasurer Joe Collins, 58,
pointed out that a member elected
to the Council takes upon him-
self the responsibility for uphold-
ing the integrity of the Council.
"I feel it is within the preroga-
tive of the Council to review the
actions of its members, he said.
Cites Obligation
Daily Editor Dick Snyder, '57,
commented, "When a member of
any body conducts himself in a
manner which reflects poorly upon
the group itself, then its members
have a responsibility to decide the
future of his continued member-
Ann Woodward, '57, said in a
similar position she would resign,
pointing out the special responsib-'
ilities of Council members.
A s s e m b l y President Jean:
Scruggs, '58, stated Wrona's resig-
nation wa sdefinitl, nyalle d n.

Signal Heard
From Lost
U.S. Plane
SOS Position Fixed
North of Azores
1 NEW YORK (P)-Pan American
World Airways reported early to-
day three of its planes crossing
the Atlantic heard distress signals
~from the missing U. S. Air Force
e plane with 59 Americans aboard.
The four-engine military trans-
port was reported lost early yes-
terday morning on a flight from
Britain to the Azores.
Pan American dispatchers at
Idlewild Airport, working on a
chart, fixed the position of the
downed aircraft as about 158 miles
north of the Azores.
First Message
The airline said its first mes-
sage arrived at 10:15 p.m. Thurs-
day night from Pan American
Flight 71. The plane was then
about 900 miles north of the
Azores, the airline said.
The second message, early Fri-
day, came from Pan American
'Flight 65 also bound for New
S York. The plane reported a "very
strong SOS received." The plane
was then about 560 miles north
of the Azores.
West of Azores
S Thethird message was received
eight minutes later from Flight
115. It also picked up another SOS
message. Its position was reported
as about 360 miles west of the
The airline said its dispatchers
computed the approximate posi-
tion of the downed transport from
the three SOS reports.
The homeward bound Liftmaster
vanished sometime, somewhere,
between Lands End and the Azores.
Its last message came from a
point about 180 miles southwest
of the westernmost tip of England.
It had fuel enough to last until
5:30 a.m. yesterday. The Lift-
master was due at Lajes in the
Azores early yesterday.
By early morning the aircraft
was officially described as "pre-
sumed down" and the search was
launkhed in fine, clear weather.
Aboard the t
Air Force officers and 48 enlisted
men returning to the Lincoln, Neb.,
Air Force Base after a tour of duty
in Britain. The Navy crew con-
sisted of three officers and six
enlisted men. Names of those
aboard were not made public.
Called into the search opera-
tions were 33 American, British
and Portugese aircraft from the
Azores, Scotland, England, France,
Germany, Iceland and North Af-
No Progress
Made in Suez
Talks: Pineau
French Foreign Minister Chris-
tian Pineau announced yesterday
there has been no progress in the
secret Suez talks with Egyptian
Foreign Minister Mahmoud Fawzi.
Pineau said he is leaving for
Paris tomorrow.
Fawzi, however, held out some
hope for a Suez solution.
Pineau, one of the leading fig-
ures in the United Nations Suez
discussions, made his announce-
ment as he left the fourth private
session with Fawzi, British Foreign
Secretary Selwyn Lloyd and UN
Secretary General Dag Hammar-

Lloyd merely told newsmen
there would be another meeting of
the conferees today.
By The Associated Press
OAKLAND, Calif. - Adlai E.
Stevenson said yesterday that the
country has "paid a heavy price"
by what he called President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's "appease-'
ment" of the GOP Old Guard and
that faction's "irresponsibility in
foreign affairs."
He said President Eisenhower
has enjoyed an unprecedented
"immunity from criticism" while
the country has lost ground abroad
and "we are assured that all is
well, the Communists are on thel


Jordan in Border Fighting

After Destroying Police Station

Iraq Troops
To Protect

Ally Jordan
WASHINGTON () - United
States officials expect Iraq will
soon send about three brigades of
troops into the territory of its Arab
ally and neighbor, Jordan.
The aim would be to strengthen
the Jordanian government against
The United States is reported to
consider the move-first proposed
by Jordan-a good idea. Yet it is
recognized in Washington that a
shifting of military forces in that
explosive region of the world could
set off a new Mideast crisis.
3,000 Troops
Authorities estimated that the
number of Iraqi troops who might
be involved, if the moves comes
off, would be about 3,000.
Instability in Jordan is attrib-
uted to 1-Egyptian pressures to
swing that country fully into line
with the policies of President
Gamel Abdel Nasser, the central
figure in the Suez controversy;
2-Communist agitation; 3-ten-
sions born of the continuous war
of nerves and sometimes of bullets
with Israel and 4-internal eco-
nomic and political problems.
U.S. Backs Iraq
The United States and Britain
both back the Iraqi dispatch of
troops. But the United States par-
ticularly has been unwilling to
state its attitude officially because
Iraq and Jordan are closely asso-
ciated with Britain and their prob-
lems are considered a matter of
British responsibility primarily.
,.l~Ies, iJ.jjllJ&=tood pn
excellent authority that the
government has passed the word
along to Israel that preservation
of stability in Jordan would be in
the interests of all sides in the
Mideast and that Israel should
consider the prospective move fav-
orably. So far diplomatic reports
here indicate that the Israelis
have not been won over.
The little kingdom of Jordan,
neighbor of Israel, Saudi Arabia
and Syria as well as Iraq, is faced
Iith parliamentary elections Oct.
21. So many internal and external
pressures bear upon the country
and its rulers that the additional
passions of an election may simply
rip it apart. Some experts think
there is danger of collapse even
apart from an election.
Estes To Talk
On Television
DES MOINES, Iowa (P)-Sena-
tor Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) will
make his first nationwide tele-
vision speech of the campaign
Tuesday from New York, his aides
announced yesterday.
The half-hour speech, at 8 p.m.
CDT, will be over the ABC net-
work from a studio. An aide said
the Democratic vice-presidential
nominee probably would hit the
farm issue heavily in his speech
and also report on the 15,000 miles
of campaigning he has done so

.. . No place in new GOP

Israelis Fear

Reprisal Attack

Ol"J"9 rTSxaA*JjU0~oJO Aoulv "

Ike Says GOP Senators
don't Uphold His Ideas,
WASHINGTON (AP)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower said Thurs-
day Republican Senators Joseph R. McCarthy (Wis.), William Jenner
(Ind.) and George W. Malone (Nev.) do not agree with him in many
things and "I can't look to them for help" in seeking to put over a
legislaive program "for the good of the country."
President Eisenhower said also that "there is nothing that I can
do to say so-and-so is Republican and so-and-so is not a Republican."
The President's remarks came at a news conference in response to
questions about an article in Collier's magazine.
Raymond P. Brandt of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch quoted the
article by Senator Paul Hoffman, former foreign aid administrator
in the Truman administration, a&©.


saying Senators Malone, Jenner
and McCarthy have "no place in
the new Republican Party."
Hold-Over Senators
All three of the senators will be
in the new Senate as hold-over
members. None is up for re-elec-
tion this year,- Hoffman is a Re-
Brandt also told the President
that the Hoffman article said "you
had determined that those who
were not with you are against
From there, the exchange con-
President Eisenhower: "Well,
what about it?"
Brandt: "Do you agree that
Senators McCarthy, Jenner and
Malone fit in with your picture
of the new Republican party?"
President Eisenhower: "I will
say this, Mr. Brandt. Now let's
remember, there are no national
parties in the United States. There
are 48 state parties, then they are
the ones that determine the people
that belong to those parties.
Don't Agree With Ike
"There is nothingI can do to
say that no one is not a Republi-
can. The most I can say is that in
many things they do not agree
with me. Therefore, in looking for
help to get over a program, which
is the sole purpose of political
leadership, as I see it, for the
good of the country, I can't look at
them, look to them, for help.
But we have got to remember
that these are state organizations,
and there is nothing I can do to
say so-and-so is Republican and
so-and-so is not Republican."
Brandt: "Well, in the same arti-
cle he says that Schoeppel of Kan-
sas and Goldwater are 'men of
faint hope' but you are relying on
Sen. Knowland to bring them

Court Convicts
U.S. Woman
In Jerusalem
JERUSALEM, Israeli Sector (P)
-Miss Mary Frances Hagan, 29
years old, a United States citizen,
was convicted as a spy yesterday
in Jerusalem District Court.
The court's president ruled she
was guilty of two charges of - es-
pionage under the Israeli Official
Secrets Act.
Two sentences were imposed,
one of three months and the other
one year in prison. They are to
be served concurrently.
Miss Hagan was tried secretly
on charges that she was a spy for
Syria, with which Israel dfficially
is at war. She was arrestedrAug.
27 at a Tel Aviv hotel after she
made a nine-day bus tour of Is-
Court President Benyamin Ha-
levy said the court would take
under advisement whether Miss
Hagan's sentences should begin
from the date of her arrest.
Censorship prevented announce-
ment of Miss Hagan's arrest and
the charges against her until after
she was tried last week. Halevy
had deferred judgment until yes-
Miss Hagan, whom friends from
Pembroke College at Providence,
R. I., describe as a fervent ideal-
ist, excited suspicion of Israeli
officials by the questions she asked
as she traveled through the coun-
Despite the secrecy of the pro-
ceedings against hei, the U. S.
Embassy was informed and ad-
vised her family in Huntington,
W. Va., The family reportedly fi-
nanced the slender, brown-eyed
woman's defense, employing Tel
Aviv lawyer Max Kritzman.
Her conviction on the two counts
could have brought a total sen-
tence of 28 years in prison.
Prof. Upthegrove
Died Yesterday
Emeritus Professor, Clair Upthe-
grove, of the school of engineering,
died at his home yesterday.
The seventy-one-year-old au-
thority on metallurgy of nonfer-
rous metals joined the University
faculty in 1916 and began his re-
+ .-.+aVV f *rl t n t A. in n.fth

UN Denmands
Halt in Battle
Fatal to 59
Jordan King Hussein
Appeals to Lebanon
For Military Help
JERUSALEM (R) - A reprisal
attack against Israel by Jordan
was feared yesterday in the wake
of a seven-hour border battle that
left a Jordan police station in
By official count of both sides
59 were killed and 25 wounded in
the artillery and hand-to-hand
clash before a UN cease-fire de-
mand ended the firing at 5 a.m.
A UN truce organization an-
nouncement put the number of
Jordan dead at 48. Other reports
said as many as 160 were killed.
Rushes to Scene
Young King Hussein of Jordan
rushed to the scene and personally
directed his troops in the fighting
in the Judean Hills.
With unrest mounting in his
small kingdom, there was specula-
tion in Arab capitals that Hussein
might launch retaliatory raids in
an effort to strengthen his posi-
Hussein sent out fresh appeals
for military help. He talked several
times by telephone with Lebanese
President Camille Chamoun. Jor-.
dan faces a critical election in 11
The Israelis said their forces at-
tacked Kalkilyeh Police Station, a
mile inside Jordan and 62 miles
northwest of Jerusalem, as a re-
prisal for the recent slaying of
two Israell farm hands.
Jordan Bombardment
Before the fighting, ended, a
Jordan announcement said, Jor-
danian artillery bombarded three
Israeli settlements near Kalkilyeh
and inflicted heavy losses.
Maj. Gen. E. L. M. Burns, chief
UN truce observer, finally pre-
vailed on both sides to observe his
cease-fire call.
At the United Nations in New
York, Ambassador Abdul Monem
Rifa'i said Jordan Is considering
a call for an early meeting of the
Security Council.
If the Council and the big powers
cannot put down the "aggressive
force" of Israel, he said, Jordan
will have to use similar force.
The Kalkilyeh station was the
fourth Jordan police fortress
wrecked by the Israelis in 25 days.
In the biggest previous attack, 39
Arabs and five Israelis were killed.
Israel said it acted then in re-
prisal for the slaying of four mem-
bers of an archeological party out-
side Jerusalem Sept. 23.
Mother Faces
In School Row
CEDARTOWN, Mo. (-)-An at-
tractive former teacher, faced by
the threat of prosecution, stood
firm yesterday in her refusal to
let her seven-year-old daughter
attend public schools which she
says turns children into "trained
"I am going to stand by my
guns," Mrs. Mary Schoenheit said
in response to an ultimatum from
the acting superintendent of the
Moniteau County public schools to
have the girl in classes by today
or he would bring legal 'action.

The dark-haired mother, in her
40s, maintained she is complying
with the state law by tutoring her
daughter, Mary, at home in a
study course which she says is
equal to what she would get in
public schools.
"Mary does very well under my
program," Mrs. Schoenheit said,
"and she is not going to public
- - nn .... -"Il in nhnn -ar V

d News Roundup'

tige 'has never been higher,' when
it is manifestly untrue."
DAMASCUS, Syria-A govern-
ment spokesman said yesterday
Syria's army is ready to rush
troops to help Jordan in battle
against Israel.
The spokesman said Syrian
army chiefs maintain constant
contact with the Jordanian army
leaders over development of the
battle around Kalkilyeh, on the
Israel-Jordan border. If Jordan
asks for help, the Syrian army is
! n +hp'Alert t+o fmn~i+ i hP nir

big issue in this campaign is: "How
do we manage America's internal
He held that Republicans man-
age better than Democrats.
Democratic presidential nomi-
nee Adlai Stevenson said the peo-
ple are being offered "for cam-
paign consumption a brand of
Pollyanna politics labeled peace,
prosperity and progress."
President Eisenhower, in con-
tending that domestic issues are
the big thing, told his news con-
ference that as far as he knows
"no one has debated" broad gen-

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