Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "What Ever Came Of All That Talk of Atomic Power?" hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers or tIie editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Ct (( C) 01' p. 0 'NO. 2' POSITION: TheVice-President:l A For gotten Man By HUGH A. MULLIGAN Associated Press Writer EVER hear of Richard Mentor Johnson. Hannibal Hamlin or George M. Dallas? If not, then perhaps you can sympathize with President Rutherford B. Hales, who once asked, "Who is William Almon Wheeler?" Wheeler, it turned out, was an obscure New York lawyer who was to serve as Hayes' vice-president, an. office held by all the aforemen- tioned gentlemen and for which Richard M. Nixon and Estes Kefauver now contend. Johnston was vice-president under President Martin Van Buren, Hamlin under Abraham Lincoln and Dallas under James Polk. History has Just about forgotten them, a fate shared by many NESDAY, OCTOBER 10 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: TAMMY MORRISON 1 SGC and Sigma Kappa: A Clarification AS STUDENT Government Council meets to- night to consider Sigma Kappa and its membership policies, there is need for clarifica- tion of SGC's responsibility in the matter and what it can do in the face of a reticent nation- al sorority. SGC may withdraw as well as extend of- ficial recognition to campus organizations. And it may decide whether Sigma Kappa is in vio- lation of University regulations regardless of whether the national cooperates. SGC was recognized as the new student government at the University as a result of student body elections and Regental approval in December, 1954. Its powers and operating procedures derive from those of the defunct Student Affairs Committee and the outgoing Student Legislature. SGC was substituted for SAC as the organization responsible for grant- ing official recognition to student groups. IT ASSUMED the rules set down by SAC as precedents for its own decisions on whether to grant recognition. One of those rules, passed May 3, 1949, by SAC, stated: "Recognition will not be granted any organization which pro- hibits membership in the organization because of race, religion or color." Hence, groups want- ing to come on campus after the 1949 ruling have been required to submit evidence that their policies are consistent with this and oth- er, University regulations. Furthermore, in order to enjoy continued recognition organizations must, among other things, continue to meet the conditions for ini- tial recognition. An organization cannot state when coming on campus that it has no discrim- inatory membership policies, then change its position following recognition so that it does discriminate. Still jfurther, University regulations state that continued recognition is contingent upon the organization's acting "in good faith with the spirit of the k'egulations for recognized or- ganizations." Thus the mere claim that the group has no written restriction of membership does not exempt it from the 1949 ruling. SGC's jurisdiction in the matter is not only implied but specifically stated in the Uni- versity regulations: "If the action to withdraw recognition is based solely or principally upon failure of the meet the require-. ments for the maintenance of recognition the Committee on Student Affairs (now SGC) will assume final judgement." r'HE LOCAL chapter of Sigma Kappa was re- 'activated on March 18, 1955, at the first meeting of SGC. At that time, the Dean of Women certified that there was no evidence of a discriminatory membership clause in the con- stitution which had been submitted to her. On this basis and Sigma Kappa's agreement to comply with other University rules, the local chapter was recognized. At the time there was no reason to doubt Sigma Kappa's faith with regard to the 1949 ruling. However, at the end of July this year, the sorority's National Council suspended chap- ters at Tufts and Cornell "for the good of the sorority as a whole." It so happened that these two chapters were the only ones suspended. And it also happened that these two chapters, were the only ones that had pledged Negroes. It is possible, then, that Sigma Kappa is not complying with University regulations. Here is the basis for SGC's consideration of Sigma Kappa's status on this campus. The only question remaining is what in- formation is necessary in order for SGC to de- termine Sigma Kappa's status at the Univer- sity. This question is entirely up to the Coun- cil. When final action is taken on whether the local chapter should be granted continued recognition, Council members will decide on the the available information. To date, the national has refused to cooperate not only with students and administration atI this University, but with the.student govern-1 ments, chapter officials and administrations' at Tufts and Cornell. The national is aware that the status of its chapter on this campus is doubtful because of the two suspensions. More than two months have elapsed since the suspensions - plenty of time for the national to decide whether or not it does discriminate. T HAS been pointed out that the members of the National Council are now in various parts of the country, and consequently no statement can be made at present. It should be noted that it was not too difficult for the members of the National Council to come together and take action this summer "for the good of the sorority as a whole." Should it spare any less effort when the existence of several of its chap- ters is threatened because of its action? There have been no facts presented to contradict the logical presumption that Sigma Kappa's membership policies are discrimina- tory. Sufficient opportunity has been given sor- ority officials to state their position. They have refused consistently. SGC must act on the available facts. To insist, as one Council member did, that nothing can be done unless the national pub- licly announces its guilt is to reduce to futility the implementation of University regulations. Carried to its logical ends, this argument would render judicial action on a national scale im- possible. Sigma Kappa has an obligation - if in fact there is another reason for the sus- pensions - to present it immediately. If Sigma Kappa national decides in the future what is meant by "the good of the sor- ority as a whole," then of course any decision of the Council can be re-evaluated. If SGC delays in taking action tonight, it will have failed to recognize 'its jurisdictional responsibilities. --RICHARD SNYDER Daily Editor r _ s.. ' f 440 pi--x * : Q.9f"6 -ri+wt M G esJ "r- so. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Dulles Lost Greek Votes By DREW PEARSON Washington-Chairman Len Hall has been trying to persuade John Foster Dulles to campaign for, the GOP'ticket, and the Secretary of State is wavering. Hitherto he has maintained that for the sake of the bipartisan foreign policy he should keep aloof.. Before Hall urges Dulles further, however, he ought to check with leaders of the Greek Orthodox Church, before which Dulles spoke last week. Prior to Dulles' speech, Arch- bishop Michael cautioned his co- horts to keep out of Stevenson headquarters which are located in the Sheraton-Park Hotel, also headquarters for the Greek Ortho- dox convention. "No political activity, no political activity,' the Archbishop warned. FOLLOWING DULLES' speech, however, he stopped his warning. For Dulles addressed the Greeks not about Cyprus where U.S. back- ing of Britain has been severly crit- icized, but about the Poznan trials in Poland, a long way from Greece. Most amazing of all, Dulles in- directly criticized the church in Poland for political activity, which in the opinion of Greek-American listeners did two things: 1. It put him on the same side as the Kremlin, which also op- poses church activity in Poland. 2. It put him against the poli- tical activity of Greek Catholic Archbishop Makarios, who has been exiled from Cyprus by the British. * * * THOUGH THE Roman Catholic :Church is involved in Poland, the Greek Orthodox Church is just as vigorous in claiming that human relations and political relations are intertwined and that the church has a right to fight for them. "Dulles probably lost the GOP 100,000 votes by that speech," re- marked George Vournas, promi- nent Greek-American. What the foregin ministers meeting at the UN seems to ig-. nore is the need of long-range planning for the Suez Canal and the Near East. The British and French have been so peeved at John Foster Dulles that for a time just before the New York meeting they re- fused to give him any inkling of their plans. But while the wold's to'p states- men have been haggling over co- lonialism and legalities, the en- tire Near Eastern policy of the United States has been on a week- to-week, day-to-day basis. WE HAVE HAD no long-range plan, no ten-year goal on which to set our sights. Population along the Nile is increasing; the stan- dard of living decreasing. Arab populations are restless. The situ- ation between Israel and the Arab states has been verging on war. Yet the United States has de- cided its policy on a shifting day- to-day basis. Whatever Mr. Dulles decides on a certain day is Ameri- can policy; and that may de- pend on where Mr. Dulles is that day and who he is talking to. Meanwhile, the hard facts are that the Suez Canal in ten years will be completely out of date. In ten years it will be carrying 4,000,- 000 barrels of oil a day to supply Europe. Seventy per cent of the world's oil supply lies under the arid sands of the Arab countries, most of it in Saudi Arabia. That oil is ' essential to Europeon in- ,dustry, and the increased con- sumption will mean either a new duplicating canal; or huge tank- ers will be built to go all the way round Africa; or at least two more pipelines from Iraq and Saudi Arabia to the Mediterranean. All this means constructive planning. It doesn't mean day-to- day dickering over the diplomat- ic council tables. It means long- range, careful planning for peace and cooperation in the Near East. AT THE TIME of the Roman Empire, this little area of the Near East (Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jor- dan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt) held 60,000,000 people. To- day it holds 25,000,000. Then it was under one government; which, though tyrannical, kept the peace. Today the area is chopped up into little bitter countries, With only one progressive, forward- looking nation in the area-Israel. It's progressiveness, however, only incurs greater bitterness from Arab neighbors. Saudi Arabia is rolling in oil royalty money, so much that King Saud doesn't know what to with it. Egypt in contrast is poverty- striken. Its average annual in- come is $94 a year. Its population is infested with trachoma, X'B, and venereal disease; ' seems to get more depressed, poverty-stricken, more diseased each year. * * * OLONEL NASSER was picked by Dulles and his near eastern ex- perts as the champion of the un- derdog. But he has spent his mon- ey on Russian arms and forgotten about the fate of his people. He now has about $25,000,000 in Rus- sian arms, and to pay for them he has hocked his national income for years to come. With these arms, Nassr is al- most certain to use them. He has to justify their purchase. That's why Israel is so nervoustoday. She is the only target. All this requires statesmanship of the constructive, long-range order, not day-to-day diplomatic haggling. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) of our vice-presidents. Created almost as an after- thought by the Constitutional Con- vention in1787, the vie-presidency has held a strange and changing potsition in American political his- tory, going from a state of near oblivion to its present high status. NIXON HIMSELF has played an important part in that metamor- phosis. No vice-president in history has traveled more, or has been entrusted with more important assignments. During Eisenhower's convales- cense after a heart attack Nixon pf'esided over Cabinet meetings. But from the time of John Adams, our first vice-president, to Thomas Marshall's tenure in the Woodrow Wilson administration, the vice- president never attended Cabinet meetings, was not consulted on ad- ministration policies, had no pa- tronage to dispense and could not make appointments to any of the service academies. In fact, the Constitution gave him no other job than to preside over the Senate. And it wasn't un- til 1951 that a law was adopted clearly spelling out the vice-presi- dent's right of succession in event of death or "incapacity" of the President. Even now, "incapacity" has not been clearly defined. Prior to this law, it was argued - even as late as the Truman accession in 1945-that the vice president only became "acting president" or "president pro tem" when the President died. * * s THE REPUBLIC was 50 years old before the problem came up. Vice-President John Tyler was playing marbles with his son in the doorway of his Williamsburg, Va., home when a messenger arrived with the news that President Wil- liam Henry Harrison was. dead, exactly 30 days after his inaugura- tion. Tyler, with some difficulty, bor- rowed money to get to Washington, moved into the White House and proclaimed himself president, with all rights, powers and the full salary of that office. John Quincy Adams denounced him as a "usurper" and every member of the Cabinet except Daniel Web- ster, who was in Europe at the time, resigned. Tyler managed to weather the storm of abuse and set a precedent that was followed by the six other vice-presidents who stepped into the top office by death or assassi- nation of the president. He finally won posthumous justification in the 1951 law. The office of vice-president has often been scorned by those who occupied it. "My country," complained John Adams, "has provided for me the most significant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived." THEODORE ROOSEVELT, on the way to his inauguration as vice-president under William Mc- Kinley, said he was "going to take the veil." Daniel Webster refused to run for vice-president on the William Henry Harrison ticket in 1839, say- ing, "I do not propose to be buried until I am really dead and in my coffin." Within a month, Harrison was in his coffin, Tyler in the White House and Webster was left with the thought that he would apparently rather be wrong than vice-president. The vice-presidents, d o w n through the years, form a strange collection in the nation's gallery of fame and infamy. Their ranks include, besides several future presidents, an indicted murderer and traitor, an innkeeper, a pirate and future Confederate general, and a pair of accused swindlers. AARON BURR, who served under Thomas Jefferson, was indicted for murder in the duel slaying of Alexander Hamilton and later for treason in a plot to seize the new Louisiana Territory. Schuyler Colfax and Henry Wil- son who for some unknown reason changed his name from Jeremiah J. Colbaith suffered disgrace in the Credit Mobilier scandals while serving successive terms under President Ulysses S. Grant. John Breckinridge, the last vice- president before the Civil War, be- came a Confederate combat gen- eral; refused to surrender and finished up his days as a pirate. New Books at Library Blanchard, Dorothy C. A.-Na- tucket Landfall; N. Y. Dodd, Mead, 1956. Dingwell, Eric and Langdon- Davies, John-The Unknown-is it Nearer; N. Y., New Am. Lib, 1956. Hazaz, Hayim -Mori Sa'id; N. Y., Abelard-Schuman, 1956. Kauffmann, Lane-Six weeks in March; Philadelphia & N. Y., Lip- pincott, 1956. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an of- ficdal publication of the .University of. Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 18 General Notices An Encyclopedic.Survey Part:VIII, edited by Walter A. Donnelly, :is .now available at The University of Michi- gan Press offices, 412 Maynard street. It gives descriptions and history of many departments, institutes,and most buildings pn campus. Price Is $2.50. Blue Cross Group Hospitalization, Medical and Surgical Service Programs for staff members will be open from Oct. 8 thru Oct. 19, 1956, for new ap- plications and changes in contracts now in effect. Staff members who wish to include surgical and medical services should make such changes in the Per- sonnel Office, Room 3012 Administra- tion Building. New applications and changes will be effective Dec. 5, with the first deduction on Nov. 30. After Oct. 19, no new applications or changes can be accepted until April, 1957. The Ford Foundation is offering fel. lowships for the academic year 1957-58, for study and research on foreign area and foreign affairs. Fellowships are available to college seniors, graduate students, young faculty members, and scholars who have already received the doctorate. Applicants should be under 40 years of age. Persons in the fields of law, social sciences, humanities, and In ternational relations are Invited to ap- ply. Work should pertain to Africa, Asia, the Near East, the Soviet Union or East- ern Europe. Study and research may be undertaken in the United States or abroadbeginning as early as the summer of 1957. Applications will be accepted through Dec. 15, 1956. Details and more informa- tion may be obtained in the Offices of, the Graduate School. Applications may be obtained by writing to the Ford Foundation, 447 Madison Avenue, New York 22, New York.- Student Government Council Agenda Meeting of Oct. 10, 1956. Minutes of previous meeting Officers' Reports: President - Sigma Kappa Study Committee. Vice President -Council appointment Lecture study Committee. Treasurer - Homecoming Dance, recommendation Finance-report. Proposed budget 1956-57. Student Representation. Counselin Study Committee. National and International. Free Uni- versity of Berlin. United Nations Week. NSA Congress. Campus Affairs. Early Registration pass- es, motion, Engman. Activities booklet, motion, Engman. Public Relations. Speakers Guild -Ron Shorn. Coordinating and Counseling. Calendar- ing, Galens' city drive. Elections com- mittee - progress report. Activities: Union Co-ed Show, Musket Dec. 5, , 7 "Brigadoon" Mich. Theater 8 p.m. Old Business. New Business. Members and constituents time. Adjournment. Next Meeting Oct. 17 Union. l~ant s A a e 4' Open Rush System Defended 1. RECENT REFORMS advocated for a new fraternity bidding system do not have a sufficient basis to be instituted on this campus now. The open rush period provided for in the present system attempts to make allowance for any deficiencies in the formal rushing period. During the open rush period, the handshaking procedures are relaxed and the fraternity can evaluate each rushee in informal manner. One of the faults of the formal rush is the fact that the larger houses are swamped with the greater portion of the rushees at the ex- pense of the medium sized and smaller houses, which the rushee must -pass up because of a lack of time. THE OPEN RUSHING system anticipates this situation. Any man who has not pledged a fraternity at the end of the formal rushing period, and who is sold on the fraternity way of life and sincerely wants to join a group will find a second opportunity during the informal rushing period which starts on October 22 and runs until the last day of classes at the end of the semester. During this time he may rush fraternities by invitation he may not have visited during formal rush. If a man has not pledged, arrange- ments can be made through the IFC for invita- tions to be extended. There is a fraternityto suit every man. But, as the proposed reforms would have it, each individual fraternity is not obligated to accept all of those who wish to join. Every social group retains its right to determine its own membership. Likewise the fraternity sys- tem as a whole should not be forced to accept members which it does not deem desirable. HE PERSON-TO-PERSON rush, the man- to-man system is not an out of date way of fraternity selection. The bid system originated over half a century ago with the founding of fraternal organizations and has served them well during that time. Fraternities realize that their continuation depends on wise selection of their members, and regard rushing as one of their most im- portant activities. More evidence must be pre- sented in favor of the IBM preference card system before the present man to man rush is abandoned. -GERALD DeMAAGD 1 ,! To The Editor Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter. . ,., LJTTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler, International Housing Unit AST SPRING, Dr. Davis, director of the International Center, submitted a proposal to the Administration for an International housing unit. This building would accommodate one thousand American graduate and "mature" foreign students in the apartment and residence hall types of housing. According to Vice-President Lewis, this pro- posal is "purely a dream up to now" and must still go through a discussion period. In order to make this "dream" a reality, the administra- tion must find some concern to foot the bill because the University "hasn't . the funds to finance it." How long this process of discussion and con- cern searching will take, nn acministratinn official will venture. However, in lieu of the severe housing shortage the campus faces, which especially affects foreign students, it is essential that officials speed up discussions and find funds, so that these students can be given permanent, rather than temporary, hous- ing in the NEAR future. TRUE, THIS will not solve the University's housing shortage which only this September was termed "desperate." Crowded temporary housing pools, and dinky off-campus rooms at exhorbitant rents, would be replaced by rooms and apartments with eating facilities and a fair amount of spaciousness. 7n m a fnhnnicrfn _ inn li hm More Than Tradition. . To the Editor: THIS is directed to Mary Ann Thomas regarding her article in Sunday's Daily of "Dismal Day, Dismal Game." I refer particularly to the closing lines of the article, "No Michigan students were cheer- ing then (referring to the fourth quarter rain), the dismal silence was interrupted only by the driving rain and an occasional grieved "Oh no." Mary Ann, where were you in those final minutes? I was standing in the midst of Block "M" with thousands of others, those last few minutes, with the rain dripping off my nose. With two minutes left to play,. the loyal fans that were soaked to the skin, began to sing "Hail to the Victors" followed by the slow but spirited rhythm of "Go Michigan-Beat State." That "dismal silence" was so shattered, the spirit was high, even in de- feat, because the Michigan stu- dents knew that it takes more to make a "Great University," with its tradition, than a winning foot- ball team. -James A. Smith,'-59 Sidewalk Football . . To the Editor: THE thoughtless action on the part of some fraternity resi- dents in playing football on their front lawns should be given some consideration. Recently, while my wife was walking with our daugh- ter on the sidewalk past a frater- nity house, several of the players charged out of the yard onto the sidewalk, slammed into my daugh- ter's stroller and knocked her to the ground violently. Fortunately, the child was not severely injured but she and my wife were thoroughly frightened eI toCIK IE'$25f Im T STACLER y{MP 36O P c I' THIS Oa TOWE cf ______. 6M; { 1 { 4