w t ' . 4 v -71 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY October7, 1956 October 7, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY SHIR EY ANN GRAU PUBLICIST & AUDIEN( One Writer Looks at Another and Her Craft Which One of Them Has the Twelve-Year Old's Mer By HARIETTE S. ARNOW A STRANGER by a heavy sea can only watch the waves and waiting, wonder, and at last go away and never know which wave marked the turning of the tide, or maybe never know the tide had turned before he came, and that he watched the ebb. The Reformation was such a tide in time; among the many things it bore along was a new concept of man as a creature with a reason and conscience all his own; and so temporarily lost in many places and for long periods, though always there, yet deeply hidden at the very bottom of a wave, was the old concept of the infallibliity of any one mind, be the owner king, judge, or intellec- tual; thus doubt was born and any man who had a mind for thinking was free to speak of the thing he long had had doubt about; he could question the existence of God or of dragons in the sea, the wisdom of his king or the specific gravity of the innocent as com- pared to that of the guilty. Man became important, and so men wrote of other men, not gods or legendary heroes; and it was this preoccupation with man that produced most of what we today consider literature; these writings as a rule both added to our per- ception of man and increased his stature as a creature born to rea- son, to think, to struggle, to per- ceive. Sometimes this literature rode with the waves, reflecting the force of the prevailing winds; but for much of the time it was as a ship struggling against strong off- shore winds; sometimes the wind was government, and many felt its breath - Tostoi,,Dostoievsky, Milton, Hugo; other times, as in the case of Keats, Mark Twain, Melville, there came cruel buffet- ings from the bitterest wind of all, that of the critics; this was particularly true when criticism attempted to put art on an intel- lectual basis, for the war between art and the intellect is a long one with truth more nearly on the side of art. The intellectuals of early New England were just as certain of what constituted a witch and how the criminal should be dealt with as not too many de- cades later other intellectuals in Germany, Russia, and elsewhere in the world knew the nature of man's destiny was to serve the state. T IS not new that wise men should believe in witches or that man is no more than the expend- able material on which police states are built; the fallablity of the reasoned judgments of men is an old story; Socrates was put to death by sages. The new thing was that art believed man was born to fit a pattern, and so be-' came but the handmaiden of the intellect. It has been said that a literature of protest degenerates' into propoganda. If this be true the same thing follows for a liter- ature of affirmation. True litera- ture can be neither; a man writing sincerely and truthfully can only give what is within him; if he agrees with the world around him and finds it good, as did Tennyson and Kipling, he subconsciously pats it on the back and is patted in return. If his creations yield concepts contrary to the prevail- ing winds as did Tolstoi's at times, his literature becomes a thing of protest; the protest coming from the reader. Most contemporary fiction, now labeled as literature, is an affir- mation of this concept of man as a small thing, at most a material suitable for the building of armies, or states - or theories. It is true that throughout much of the Western world man, including the "The symbol has become more important than the thing itself, and in our self fear we seize upon it as still another wall between us and reality, and so become but Pharisees," writes Novelist Harriette Simpson Arnow. But, she continues, "Can we contem- plate nothing for the pure joy of the thing . . . We no longer read; we translate. . . Never has western man been so preoccupied with symbols." Miss Grau's writing, she finds, ". . . we can read' with no translation, and though many would consider that an abomination it mv h onlv that such writina is nut of fnshion " artist and the intellectual, lay down his right to disagree and so lost his manhood, and in the los- ing became less important than he had .been. Literary art, and quite often subconsciously, agreed; just as the goose-stepping soldier became a symbol, not of a man, but of Hitler's power and that in turn the power of an idea, so -does a character in most of our con- temporary writing stand, not as a man in his own right, but as a symbol of something bigger than mere man. True man, the fight- ing, disagreeing animal is, was, and forever shall be among us, though scarce at times. Since he is practically extinct in all provinces of the literary world, his absence has made ne- cessary the emergence of the twin needed to guide and direct the puny, wormlike creature that has taken his place; thus, we have the infallible mind; and when men believe in infallibility they can- not disagree. We saw this in Germany and Russia where the belief in the smallness of the individual took concrete form. In the United States this pre-Reformation idea of the infallible mind is found in many .places, but is most com- mon in that most regimented of all phases of society, with the possible exception of medicine, and this is of course American Literary Art, its production and criticism. Agreement among the custodians and molders of our literature to whom we have so gladly given our minds for furbishing is almost as complete as that among practicing physicians in one small town. The spoon-fed intellectual has always been among us; it hasn't been too long that many knew the infalli- bility of Mencken, that every small midwestern town was a Sauk Cen- ter, and every little business man a Babbitt. S TILL, we have seldom or ever known such sweet agreement as we have today. Disagreement among the leading critics - this term as a rule does not include men who do not always blow with the prevailing winds such as J. Donald Adams or Orville Prescott, who are usually quietly dismissed and in fashionable intellectual circles but seldom quoted - is so very rare that when Mr. West -of the New Yorker continued to of- fend with unothodox opinions on literary art, he was soundly takei to task by Mr. Granville Hicks, Hariette Simpson Arnow lives with her husband and two chil- dren in a farm home on the outskirts of Ann Arbor. In ad- dition to numerous contribu- tions to quarterly magazines and the Saturday Review of Literature she is the author of the following novels: "Mountain Path," Covici- Friede, 1936, New York. "Hunter's Horn," Macmillan, 1949, New York. "The Dollmaker," Macmillan, 1954, New York. At present she is engaged in the writing of a volume of non- fiction. Ay L/.., %a l f l y L I i u t 0"%-I I rr I I t 1 1 I 1.7 %-"V-4t w l i t~A J I 1 1 1~! 1 1. literary editor of The New Lead- er. Mr. Hicks was of course cer- tain of what constitutes literature, and when he saw it being abused in another magazine he spoke up. We can't blame him; Mr. Hicks is only one of many exercising his infallible mind. His, Where We Came Out, is a book that any person interested in minds should read; it is one of those rare crea- tions into which the author puts, not less, but more than he realizes, and so paints a picture not unu- sual today, that of a man holding confession of his past fallibilities in one hand while displaying his certainty of his present infallibil- ity in the other. Mr. Hicks' con- cern for Mr. West's unorthodoxy was widely praised we learned from a column in the Saturday Review of Literature that patted Mr. Hicks most warmly. We seldom read either man, and cannot know if Mr. West recanted; a recantation will of course in- crease his popularity; in these days the Prodigal Son is not only given the fatted calf, but is put in charge of the stable. Rare in- deed is the writer or intellectual who dares to disagree on any- thing. There was Arthur Miller who gave some indication that possibly he could not trust the in- fallibility of his own mind in re- membrance of things past for many years; we don't know; at least he dared to disagree, and many were the head shakings among the intellectuals; there were some kind words in the New Republic, but contained in a pat- ronizing article of somewhat ques- tionable taste that missed the point completely.; THIS long preamble is unfortu- nately necessary if I am to do as asked and write on "The Work of Shirley Ann Grau As Seen in, Relation to Southern Writing." First, Southern Writing is The' Literature and for many The Only; Literature of the Day. Practcially all The People Who Count, in- cluding its creators, agree it is7 our most valid form of literary art. Never has a school and its members enjoyed such universal popularity - critics and teachers vie with each other in unsparing praise; popular magazines with large circulations are proud to publish them; their work ofteny lends itself to Hollywood produc-; tions and the artists in turn oftena lend themselves to Hollywood. Some members, particularly Faulkner and Capote, are to many of the Intellectual Outlook on Cre- ative-Writing crowds on various campuses what Elvis Presley is to the Bobby Soxer. However, their greatest appeal; in this age that blinks at crime but widens its eyes with horror9 at controversial opinion, appears to be in their complete safety; no one of the group has ever been known to offend with a complete-, ly unorthodox opinion on any cur-j rent problem or to bring down thej wrath of the American Legion.< Miss Grau's work is important because it is one of a few smalls ships that appear to go againsts the prevailing winds of literature and of the world. The nine storiesa that make up The Black Prince,i her first and only published book, may be the work of one who rode on the ebb tide of the Reformation and never got to shore; we do not know. Her people emerge as char- acters; for some they will remain people, and that in itself is no small achievement; others such as Pete who only smiles when his mother calls him a coward, may to some of the symbolically con- scious, become a symbol of the thing continually portrayed in modern writing - cowardice. In general, however, Miss Grau shows little concern with most of the conventions of Southern Writing. SHE'S young and unafraid and writes as if she'd never heard of Malcolm Cowley's South; no small feat this, for Mr. Cowley might be labeled Official Purveyor of Southern Culture with an Intel- lectual Approach, though this one title can hardly do him justice. He is the busy little housewife of the' house of literature, forever as- sembling, arranging, furbishing, casting aside, suddenly bringing an old piece down from the attic, and quite often buying the new, though most of his new pieces were built by Southern Writers; and Mr. Cowley like any good housewife with an eye for an an- tique must first be exactly cer- tain how it was put together; he is concerned quite as much, and sometimes more, with the manner of creation than the thing created. Thus, all Mr. Cowley's novels are like a group of prized antiques, measured by the method of their making; oh, what a hustling and a bustling and a mopping and dusting out of old ideas, and stripping and fitting and squeezing to get off the old slip covers of opinionand on with, the new if by some horrible freak of history it could, for example,, become common knowledge that Tolstoi was his ancestor and had; lived during the Napoleonic Wars;; War andPeace would no longer be historical, and everything would have to be rearranged. One example, quite typical of Mr. Cowley's innumerable fore- words is contained in a paper backed volume, Great Tales of the' Deep South; there are the usual pictures on the cover, couple of lushes, decayed mansion, dark man, light man, share cropper; surmounting the pictures are the usual names, including Mr. Cow- ley's. We look within and are startled to see Mark Twain in- cluded in the Deep South and also Jesse Stuart. THE rural south of thirty years ago, we read in a curiously; strained prose as if written for a] not-too-bright child, was divided, into land owners, white tenants, hilismen, and Negroes, and all neatly patterned according to the3 nature of the land;in a few words we learn all about the southerner's1 feeling for place and land; these1 feelings are more acute than those of men in other regions.] Oh, fallacy of symbols; to the agronomist large sections of Mis- sissippi, Alabama, and Georgia could stand as symbols of man's7 times poor. The cotton planter loved the home place so little that when he could afford it he spent long months away from it; many were inclined to think of land use as a temporary matter, and after a few years would leave despoiled acres to bleed to death in gullies while their slaves cleared and ruined some more; or yet more completely Milton's hell on earth is the dead land of sulphuric acid fumes in southeast Tennessee, not a bird, or a briar, or a worm; not too many miles away in the same state there is in the Great Valley and still further west in the Mid- dle Basin, land that for around 170 years has known little but loving care. I can think of no single gener- alization on any subject that would hold true for even Tennes- see, let alone Mr. Cowley's Deep South that begins at the Ohio River: and where "they didn't talk about ideas"-unquote. Others of his black and white statements about the south are equally ques- tionable. His opinions are his own and one can only ponder on many such as the southern writer has an ability to write of the land greater than that of other regions; one thinks of Rolvaag, the early works of Louis Bromfield or Con- rad Richter, and have we forgot- ten Thoreau? ONCE AGAIN Shirley Ann Grau breaks the pattern; her world is not this neat world; her stories display an amazing versatility both in character and background, but her characters are people, not ani- mated bits of the scenery, or ob- scure equations to be solved and plotted onthe graph paper of the subconscious. Reams of criticism have been written of Southern Writing, but seldom is the average discussion concerned with char- acter or the completed whole. As in Mr. Cowley's house the method of creation is of prime im- portance, and in explaining this there is much psycholanalytic dis- cussion, not only of the created thing, but of the mind of the cre- ator; thus much of it becomes an art form that in order to be ap- preciated must be completely torn asunder. Once the thing is com- pletely dissected, there is still no Captain Ahab to survive both as a symbol and a living, struggling, tormented man, no suffering Hes- ter Pryenne, in fact no women at all; the medieval conception of woman, shared alike by our puri- tanical forefathers and our pres- ent day creators of comic books and soap operas; also prevails in Southern Writing; most often she is the heartless, soulless bitch lead- ing poor weak man to his doom, drawing him on while she, con- sciously fleeing, subconsciously hoping for this her doom which may be her death or her salvation, but whatever it is for man or wom- an it is most often at the end of flight. Wolfe, Faulkner, Capote, and Warren are all in varying degrees obsessed with flight; the weak, the evil, the cowardly, the lecherous, and the miserly are in perpetual flight through all the shifting sym- bols of their world. IT IS TRUE we live in an age of fear; of what we do not know; it is not the atom bomb which at most can only bring oblivion; man has always lived under sentence of death, has -survived innumerable wars, plagues, and multitudious disasters; one function of reli- gion is to remove fear of death, and since religion is in wider use than it has ever been, man should be less instead of more afraid. Most of. all, man seems afraid of life and of himself, and in South- ern Writing this fear manifests it- self in many ways, particularly in the wordiness of the language; true, there is much talk of style, By ERNEST THEODOSSIN- Daily Magazine Editor FOR people who like to deal in generalizations, a favorite ad- dition to mental carpetbags is that Hollywood conceives of the Ameri- can citizen as a twelve-year-old or a ten-year-old. The implication frequently in- volved in this generalization is that Hollywood. producers, direc- tors and performers could create more artistic films, but they think they had better not because the American public is not intelligent enough to accept anything other than Westerns, sentimental love stories and action epics. This, it would seem, lends the cinema industry an air of superi- ority thick enough to hide any doubts about its competency. That intellectual dwarfs dot the Ameri- ican landscape like pieces of co- agulated grease on a dirty plate is evident; but it is equally evident that a large share of these in- tellectual dwarfs are concentrated in Hollywood, and particularly in the publicity departments of the major motion picture studios. Cinema publicity -- aside from stunts and premieres -- uses as its media of communication news- papers and magazines for the most part. Advertisements, press re- leases and "stills" are the stan- dard weapons of assault upon ,the minds (and eventually wallets) of the public; and one is likely to conclude after carefully analyz- ing these weapons that it is not that they are aimed at individuals with limited intelligence so near- ly as they are manufactured by individuals with limited skill. FOR example, several days ago we received "publicity blurbs" from Columbia Studios, an organ- ization which has recently sold 104 of its older films to television. In order to acquaint the public with its products, the organization has conveniently prepared 104 corresponding color-type stories, on the pictures. These blurbs have been mailed to the nation's news-, paper offices for insertion into daily news pages. One of them is for an old Rita Hayworth film entitled Music In My Heart. It reads: "Beautiful Rita Hayworth is un- mistakably the modern day Cin- derella -- the beautiful little girl who grew from dancer to Movie- land's No. 1 actress to princess. Manhattan-born Rita became Princess Rita in 1949 when she i E i I TONY MARTIN AND RITA HAYWORITH ... from Agua Caliente to Valouris don't forget her "then" married Prince ouris, France." Aly Khan at Val- Continuing this international geography lesson, the piece claims: "Little Margarita Carmen Cansino has come a long way fromwher teen-age years as a dancer when she was spotted by a talent scout in Agua Caliente, Mexico." Then, we are told that "This is a wonderful opportunity for Hay- worth fans to see her on television, for she has done no work for this medium as yet. So don't forget, movie fans, to see this wonderful, romantic musical starring Ameri- ca's Cinderella then." If this is aimed at a twelve-year- old mind, then it bears little evi- dence of being created by anything more than a thirteen-year-old mind: it tackles the rudiments of biography, but only grasps inanity. The same treatment is rendered a blurb for Ida Lupino's Let's Get Married: "Ida's dramatic heri- tage goes back five hundred years when her ancestors were the favo- rite jugglers and strolling' players of the Italian Renaissance in the courts of the Italian nobles and Ida's obviously carrying on the family tradition." The genetic implications-that dramatic talent is inherited and that jugglers produce fine actress-' es-is questionable. But as the blurb writer concludes, "There is no doubt that Miss Lupino is quite a gal!" Once again, incompetency seems more evident than the phenome- non of an experienced writer "talk- ing down."A Further richness of detail is evidenced by the information giv- en about Ann Southern for Let's Fall in Love. "Born Harriette Lake in Valley I City, N. D., Ann inherited musical talent from her violinist grandfa- ther and her mother, a concert singer. She won first prize for three consecutive years for her original musical compositions and was sent to Detroit to represent the State of Minnesota as an out- standing youthful composer." Aside from its genetic flavor, the information is, to say the least, not very vital. One of the most annoying ad- advertisements to appear in years concerns the film version of Robert Anderson's Tea and Sym- pathy, a play about homosexu- ality -in a boys' boarding school. Placed strategically in bomber formation at the top of the ad- vertisement is "MADE BY AD- ULTS-FOR ADULTS." Even if this sentence gets across the idea, the writers make sure that abso- lutely no one will miss the nu- ances supplying, immediately be- low, the commandment "Not Rec- ommended for Children." "Those who said Robert Ander- son's astounding play couldn't- even shouldn't-be filmed," the advertisement c o n t i n u e s," will probably be the first to cheer the stars' delicate yet passionate por- trayals." And as final proof of this film's superiority, the studio promises that ". . . MGM has made certain that the electric tingle that ran down Broadway on opening night now runs down your spine when you see Tea and Sympathy." There is also another advertise- ment currently on display which is comprised largely of un- truths, carefully suggested through a series of shocking sentences. Evidently, the picture shocked the producer more than it will twelve- year-olds. The film is The Bad Seed, taken from Maxwell Anderson's play about a six-year-old murderess whose mother eventually tries kill- ing the brat so she will stop men- acing society. "Please remember The Bad Seed was made only to entertain you," it begins. "It was made in the be- lief that today's movie audience will welcome a provocative no- holds-barred dramatic sensation. In all probability its story is fic- tion-that is, it couldn't happen to you (or the special person you love). So no matter how it jolts you or frrightens you or even alarms you-remember, it's only a wonderful motion picture." One might question exactly why the writer(s) thinks an audience wants to be jolted, frightened or even alarmed; but this material is so obviously silly that it must be rejected with the aplomb with which one refuses the sixteenth cocktail. Of course, this is not all."Please don't tell about the girl!" is placed beside a picture of a woman in solhouette against a bedroom door. If this is euphemistic, it will sure- ly never suggest naughty chil- dren. In another place it reads "A hidden shame out in the open- and the most terrifying rock-bot- tom a woman ever hit for love!" This film, too, is "Recommended for Adults Only!" For the cus- tomer with heart trouble, the the- atre promises ". . . a brief 'catch- your-breath' intermission each showing!" (These exclamation points have apparently replaced periods in Hollywood.) Yet, if the writers lack intelli- gence and imagination the hatred of an earth that some- but any art that calls overmuch times made him rich and some- See A NEW, Page 12 DANGER IN THE AIR . .polar bears in ice water ANN SOTHERN ... first prize IDA LUPINO ... jugglers, genetics