_...-- - - -* - . Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY October 7, 1956 A,-+^Lk~Imr-7 1 qA THE MICHIGAN DAILY I vcrooer !, I y:) 0 1: 1 ,.. I -1 44 .:. .. , . . FLANNERY O'CONNEF APARTMENT FURNISHING A Discussion of the Young Southern Writer's Work I FOR THE FRUGAL ... attractive and sturdy desks without drawers By JAMES DYGERT HISTORY, it has been claimed, stumbles along in cycles. If so, the most pathetic victim of this fact is the American male. Caught up in the do-it-yourself whirl, this wretch finds himself closely akin to primitive man, who of neces- sity did it himself. A fortunate Ann Arbor student who locates an apartment is even closer to his ancestors, by virtue of the necessity of do-it-yourself furnishing. Unless he is a mil- lionaire or the offspring of a fur- niture dealer, he invariably must furnish it himself. Happily, student apartments are less than huge; else this would be a superhuman task for us unli- censed carpenters. Any housewife can tell you it's easier to furnish one room than two. One very helpful hint for the student who moves into an apart- ment for the first time is that he hang a curtain across the room, thus converting his one room into a two-room job. There are many apartments in Ann Arbor draw- ing higher rents on this principal. IN ONE such apartment in town, each room approximates, in size, a closet, making the apartment about the size of two closets. As is invariably the case, one of the rooms is a kitchen and the other a living-room-dining-room-bed- room-study. The tiny bathroom, of ocurse, is outside the apartment off a hallway where it also serves the residents of several other two- room apartments in the structure. Obviously, the chief challenge of this mode of living is to require as little room as possible, both for your furniture and for your acti- vities. If you live in such an apart- ment, here are some hints gleaned from some of the campus' most ex- perienced cubicle dwellers: 1. Construct book cases out of Mr. Dygert is a former Daily City Editor who here brings his essentially rational mind to bear on the emotional problems. of students who need advice in the "basic stuffs" of life. FOR THE COMPULSIVE ... the advantages of a closet within a closet and By ROY AKERS ONE might suspect that the lass,a sailing as she does under the -ame of Flannery O'Connor, is1 straight from Dublin. But she ain't. This gal is from Georgia, andC don't you all forget it. And shec writes in the tradition of thoses who have exploited the clay hills, pecker-necks and cornpone into what might be termed-in its higher moments, at least-a lit-t erature of sorts.- Perched somewhere on the to- tem pole, between the Faulknerizedt prose of Truman Capote and the clean-cut storytelling of Shirleyt Apn Grau, Miss O'Connor's pin feathers shine brightly in thel noonday sun among those of the more talented, young Southern writers. She has, to date, motheredt and cradled one novel and a vol- ume of short stories. Her first creation, Wise Blood, is-to quote the publisher's some- what misleading blurb-"A Search- ing Novel of Sin and Redemption." But it doesn't quite come off that way. Like W. Somerset Maugham's, The Razor's Edge, and William Faulkner's Requiem For a Nun, it fails not in execution but, rather, in its final intent. The road to sal- vation is an uphill path, and the character fabricated by the nov- elist is detoured, just as easily as his mortal brother, toward the enchantment of the lower valleys. Wise Blood is really the story of Hazel Motes, a would-be evangel- ist, who preaches on street cor- ners for The Church Without Christ. Haze, a recently discharged soldier, has founded his own church in an effort to formulate his own beliefs. And that, in ef- fect, is the irony of his own life he has no beliefs. In endeavoring to find belief in disbelief he fin- ally dies, and the book finds its ending with his body lying a semi- tragic figure in the gutter. THE duality of good and evil in man does not ideally find fusion. One of them must emerge above the other and become the dominant factor. And Haze's death-if it proves anything-is that death, although it may be the great healer, is not necessarily the great redeemer. Still, as a study of a lost man's search for something in nothing- ness, Wise Blood might well stand as a case history. It is an excellent study of evil and tends to show the underlying cause of it-a lack of love.lFor lovehwas the onething Hazel Motes had neither known nor experienced. One of the glittering facets of this book is Miss O'Connor's un- canny knack of description. Mrs. Wally Bee Hitchcock, for instance, is summed up in the following sen- tence: "She was a fat woman with pink collars and cuffs and pear- shaped legs that slanted off the train seat and didn't reach the floor." Or Onnie Jay Holy, Haze's self-appointed disciple: "He looked like an ex-preacher turned cow- boy, or an ex-cowboy turned mor- tician. He was not handsome but under his smile, there was an honest look' that fitted into his face like a set of false teeth" MISS O'Connor's second pub- lished work, A Good Man Is Hard To Find, is a more mature and artfully done work than her novel. The writing in this vol- ume of ten stories derives pain from an already overworked lit- erary clime. But Miss O'Connor flourishes a talented, deadly pencil. And both the talent and the pen- cil are ably assisted by an ob- servant eye, an attuned ear, and an apparent knowledge of things Mr. Akers 'has contributed both book reviews and articles to the Sunday Magazine. He is an avid follower of Southern writing. we thought college girls learned about only in books. Her talent, if not her worldly wisdom, gained polish in a college writing class. One has the feeling that Miss O'Connor writes from the inside out through an obviously thick skin with all the aloof detachment of a smug, female penguin peep- ing through the knothole of a high board fence while standing on thick ice. Still, it is downright un- nerving to read her book and re- main equally detached. The too few femme fatales in this would- be reviewer's past have been mostly of the barmaid, "B" girl and taxi dancer variety. And, in looking back upon an apparently wasted life, Poor Old Akers can only con- clude that-taken as a group- they were a pretty naive lot. Miss O'Connor has some of Wil-I liam Faulkner's preoccupation with evil. And, for ribald humor, she can sometimes outdo Erskine Cald- well. But always she remains cloistered in the role of writer, never taking it upon herself to either praise or condem. She is that rarest of woman scribes- one who has control both of a pencil and her tongue. We don't know why the pub- lisher made "A Good Man Is Hard To Find" her title story; except, maybe, because it is just that-a good title. It might have beep best to leave the story out alto- gether, and let Miss O'Connor re- write it. From a look at some of her other stories the reader is well convinced that she is cer- tainly capable of the task. ONE of the stories contained in this volume, entitled "Good Country People," is a piece of writing of which Miss O'Connor might well be proud. The story deals with Mrs. Hopewell and her crippled daughter, Joy. The mother is a woman with an affinity for aphorisms, and she has a deep and abiding faith in what people say. Mrs. Hopewell places the same confidence in gossip and the Bible .that the more conventional middle class displays toward the Bible, Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Reader's Digest. Her mind is a reflection of that peculiar paradox in American rea- soning: the intelligence that - while knowing an army of a mil- lion soldiers could be wrong -I would never doubt a jury of twelve men of being true. likex ~~A'~7A' Peideton please.. tr. tr. w gJ t1 ti w a m ri a tc m ti t hi SEEK $95 a . ittt; :: NEOLITE SOLES Sizes 3'/ to 11 AAA to C Greyhound Softest of leathers ... - smartest of lines - that's the "Greyhound" burnished beauty with an air of casual BROWN perfection. 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