- - -- -~ V - - - -# - - - - _ *. APO- Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY (Continued from Page 8) attention to its execution might be held suspect. Miss Grau's careful use of wordsA is refreshing after the torrents of prose which too often show the same uncertainty of thought and timidity 'of expression heard in numberless political speeches. Our forefathers could in one breath, chesO "Rise fathers, rise let's go meet them in the skies," get the sitter through life, death, the resurrec- tion and into heaven; it took, for example, a speae i oeofr his young hero felt no ,kinship. wish, too, that Mr. Faulkner had the American Legion waving the political conventions far more This, the almost constant aware- said "some artists" or "'one art- flag under God, the whiskey man- words than this to get the bottoms ness of being above and different ist." Great art has undoubtedly ufacturer advertising his brand, of his listeners out of their chairs: from the "man-swarm" is a re- been produced by those who saw not as a good thing in itself but for h , had to say, "Now, let us curring note in Faulkner, who is the most of mankind as little ani- as a symbol of genteel living, or rise and stand up on our feet." prone to dismiss large batches of mals, foreordained and doomed. Malcolm Cowley explaining the Words instead of being used as the human race as being all alike The Pharoahs may have so rea- symbolism of one of his prized symbols to communicate thoughts as in the case of his "little men" soned when they expended thou- pieces, we are one and all obsessed can be used as little bricks to Polish miners. Other times it is a sands of lives in the building of with symbolism. The symbol has build a wall to hide the thoughts, region; after a short tour in a the Pyramids; we do not know; become more important than the and sometimes to hide the fact Ford car with Malcolm Cowley in they may have been unconcerned thing itself, and in our self fear there isn't any thought. New England Mr. Faulkner was with art, knowing only they built we seize upon it as still another able in a few short sentences to tombs. wall between us and reality, and POSSIBLY the most common report to readers of the Ford so become but Pharisees. symptom of fear, and often re- Times the exact nature of The New TILL one wonders; the fact that Much good literature is of course a__. _ , -_.. .,_ _ 'nrln d~ d rc- nn dr A t ThP S. ", . ., 4 ;-- ,J flected in Southern Writing is the everlasting preoccupation with the sex act, instead of a more all em- bracing sex pattern; for in man as in the bull, maleness does not consist entirely of what is car- ried between the legs, but in the right to disagree, to doubt, to fight, and as a rule the response of a mouse is more easily condi- tioned than that of a man. The artist's conception of present day man might by symbolized in the beaten bull that lives perpetually afraid, able only to assert his maleness on what straggling cows come his way, while the victorious bull bellows, paws the earth, leads the herd, enjoys sex as he enjoys grass and water, and so is unforced to think of the sex act as the one form of self expression left to him, the one surviving proof that he is male. Miss Grau's approach to sex is non-existent; it is there, an aware- ness, lustier, less pervasive, yet reminiscent of Jane Austen's abil- ity to create maleness with all its connotations. However, Miss Grau's difference of approach from that of the more conventional Southern Writers, is possibly most evident in her conception of man as re- vealed through creation of char- acter. Wolfe saw the "man-swarm" as an unlovely, overgrown mushroom, and with his sprawling vegetable n uglanuer as com pare w u Southerner. Thus, this summer in 'an inter- view first published in the Paris Review and like the dogmatic cer- tainty of Mr. Hicks widely ac- claimed, Mr. Faulkner had only to capsilize and recapitulate in a few factual sentences,-the concepts so long revealed in his writing. He conceived anartist to be one, not rooted in, but above and be- yond the little worms of humanity that infest the earth; so far re- moved he stood not only beyond all doubt of his own art, but above the old laws concerned with man's relation to his fellow man; occu- pying the same pedestal was art; an ode we read was worth nine old women. Mr. Harrison Smith who used Mr. Faulkner's remarks - maga- zines are constantly repeating each other as if thought were a cherry pitter to be loaned among all the women on the block at cherry freezing time-as the ba- sis of a hand-clapping editorial; Mr. Smith hoped Mr. Faulkner's' remarks and theories would be used in writers' conferences and so supplant the stuff now being taught. One wishes Mr. Harrison hadl given us a short and concise defi- nition of art, for anything so read- ily yielding to complete agreement between both creator and beholder, will lend itself to definition. We Milton loaned his pen to poli- tics in no wise enhanced his art, though some of his sonnets so written seem close, but could a man who lived in Milton's England and had no thoughts on the tem- pests around him, could a man so uncareing have written Paradise Lost; could a Keats so callous to state of being or thoughts of oth- ers that he cared not what the critics said or for the sufferings of his brother have written Ode to Autumn? As we read letters or of their lives we learn that most writers have struggled and suffered and hated and loved with the same emotions as lesser beings; often as in the case of Dostoievsky their capacity for suffering seemed greater instead of less, and one might say the artist as a rule has not less, but more of the senses to see, to know, to feel the world around him, and that much of his artistry lies in his ability to dis- till these for lesser men, who in turn read and are enriched. However, we no longer read; we t r a n s 1 a t e; Faulkner's remarks concerning art and the artists have doubtlessly already been translated into symbols, and the symbols translated back again. Never has western Oman been so preoccupied with symbols; be it the hammer and sickle of Russia, symbolical; the man who battered his wife to a bloody pulp in the last front page murder, the crowd throwing pop bottles at the re- treating car of a would-be student who happened to be a Negro; for these I need no words; instead I see Proust's cook putting a fowl to death; I cannot even say that Proust would see the same, for reading is a creative act and to it we bring what we are so that in the end each reader creates his own symbol not taking it second hand, for the slipping of a symbol from one mind into another is an intellectual process that alienates art. THOSE who insist all art must be symbolical, in a sense deny the very existence of the art it- selef; for once given a burden to bear, art, like the mouthings of the American Marxists of the thir- ties, becomes but a means to an end, fit partner to police state man for he, too, is but an end to greater things. Can we contemplate nothing for the pure joy of the thing: I have through the years collected many valuable possessions: a ragged sweating tumbler among roses in the snow, a lone gray bird among the reeds, taste of Thoreau's wild apples, hungry sheep with lifted heads, and many other things, some forever carried and often put to use; others never used; early frost has come and killed my flow- ers, but somewhere back in the woods when the treesarekbare my swans will be only the plainer; for I, too, have the white swans of Coole; clean, calm, immutable, un- touchable, they are always there and always mine; long ago I think it was a curve of an equation, fixed, yet always moving' in the same unalterable pattern, going and no man to stay its going or change it, looping in the clean flower-like pattern on and on into infinity; I forgot the equation; the swans are still there; it is enough for me that they exist; for me a symbol would be a spoilation. AND so it is with many things; Miss Grau we can read with no translation, and though many would consider that an abomina- October 7, 1956 tion it may be only that such writ- ing is out of fashion. Today's fash- ion in any field may arise froi circumstances long since forgot- ten. Much of the feeling that man is a small thing, fit only for pity or loathing, may have subcon- sciously arisen out of the old doc- trines fo predestination and fore- ordination; we do not know; the beliefs were old, belonging to no one creed of protestanism, but in the rural regions of the south they were at times less tempered with the more humane interpretations of the teachings of Christ. Men knowing they were fore- ordained from the beginning of time to live without the grace of God became the most rip roaring sinners of all or lived crushed and worm-like; in either case there was an eternal consciousness of sin, and this is apparent in much southern writing, especially in the work of the preacher's son, Erskine Caldwell; though no character in Southern Fiction, that is of nor- mal intelligence, can achieve eith- er pole of complete innocence; the ignorance of Natasha in the mioon- light or the sweet unknowing of Zola's goose girl; all have eaten of the tree and know sin and the sin is always ugly. This awareness of sin, man's feeling that to it he was predes- tined by God, makes for great popularity in the school of Intel- lectual Approach with a Psycho- logical Probing. Modern psycholo- gy foredooms man, not through God, but through his subconscious, and thus again we have the little man, the creature foreordained; much of the popularity and com- plete agreement of the Southern School may arise from happy chance; the writer sub-conscious- ly wrought in literature through a religion twisted and not peculiar to the South the same thing that Freud and others consciously wrought in theory that was ele- vated to science and fact. Much of what we see today is a manifestation of the old time religion; sophisticates would smile at a weeping sinner, who having confessed his sins, now feels the grace of God; yet when Whittaker Chambers came up to the mourn- er's bench, confessions, tears, rhe- toric and all, the intellectual ap- plauded; in this day and age he probably did the safer thing to put his past defection on a moral basis. The difference is that re- ligion, not even the old time re- ligion at which we all now sneer, was ever quite so dogmatic. The saved sinner, too, was often quite an humble man, who looking about him saw God in his neigh- bors, instead of himself as the only saved among the damned. AS a child I listened to endless theological arguments, some- times quite heated, but always lacking the certainty with which the Psychological Approachers discuss literature they fling out with the greatest of ease words and statements of fact over which the poor working psychologist who has studied the matter for thirty years may only wonder. As in their discussion of Art they tend to make an absolute of the relative; the subconscious is See SHIRLEY, Page 15 By A. TSUGAWA THE FACT that this is the 200th1 anniversary of Mozart's birth year has prompted musicians to go all out in performing works by1 Mozart, and record makers to is- sue a torrent of Mozart composi- tions. Whatever the logic behind this curious cultural ancestor wor- ship on anniversary years (espe- cially of deaths), the result has1 not always been fortuitous. The recording industry today, (Hi-Fi and technical advances or1 not) doesn't have the corner on good performances. This was amp-~ ly showntby the Mozart produc- tions at the Metropolitan Opera, whose Cosi Fan Tutte, the Magei Flute, and the Marriage of Figaro have all been far from festal. Even the vocal work, except in the first. opera, has been undistin- guished, as the radio broadcasts1 have indicated. Fallen birthday of-. ferings, to say the least. The situation in recordings have been nightmarish. One record company (Epic) has announced. its determination to publish the complete works of Mozart, and what is more, has doggedly gone on pressing them out, one diverti- menti after another. Even a genius like Mozart had his off days, and most of his juvenilia is just that -works by a child, even if a re- markable one. The interest in1 them is, I find, mostly academic.1 They foreshadow what is to come later, as well as point out what he had to learn, from Haydn es- pecially, and von Swieten's view of1 Bach and Handel. Not the least nightmarish part in the record situation is that it' is impossible to know where to be- gin. I find the listening booths of the record shops womb-like and dulling to my perceptions. And as for the record reviewers in cur-; rent journals, most of them seem to be eccentric and unreliable, or; in the pay of the record compa- nies, The list that follows, too, at best reflects the compiler's bilious views; but it is short. It concen- trates on semi-familiar items. I+ excluded the quartets, quintets and the symphonies, since by pre- judice, I prefer the works by; Haydn in these genre (except the quintets); and the problem of se- lection anyway is not difficult. IT IS nice, of course, to have some of Mozart's bread and but- ter music, since it comes with whipping cream coverings. The chances are, though, that if you own much music of this category, you will end up by not listening to it, but mostly using it as party music, letting the sound fill in the uncomfortable interstices in the conversation - giving the space around you a tonal depth. Just the use this music was put to in the eighteenth century. The man behind this affecting and sympathetic music is revealed in his letters to have been some- times nasty and naughty, moved by a nagging and gnawing sense of vocational and sexual frustra- tion. His cruel glee can be seen best in the arias he wrote for his wife, Constanze, with technical difficulties beyond her ability. The arias are contained in his Great Mass in C Minor, but he soon lost interest in it and never finished it. W. J. Turner in his study of Mozart says that he was really in love with Aloysia Weber "who was not prepared to return his love." So he married Aloysia's sister, Constanze, who admired him mostly for his talent. Mr. Tsugawa, a teaching fel- low in the philosophy depart- ment, has contributed music re- views regularly to The Daly. This is his first Sunday Maga- zine article, ___ .. The same Mozart, in his ado- lescence, wrote frequent smut to his mother and sister. It is some- times "charming," but it is usually embarassing and borders on the incestuous. One doesn't usually write dirty stories to one's own mother. But this trait foreshadows the theatrical, and the sneers that lurk behind the powdered wigs in The Marriage of Figaro. MOZART is at his best in the dramatic and theatrical vein* where the hub-bub of the audi- ence just before the rising of the curtain, even if unfulfilled, makes for keen anticipation of surpris- ing thrills. Mozart thrives in the operatic and the concerti forms, where the art lies in the working out of the tensions and the struggle among the soloists (if there are more than two) and the orchestra in terms of themes (and emotions). Cosi Fan Tutte has been mag- nificently recorded by Angel. It not only has Elisabeth Schwartz- kopf and Leopold Simoneau, but the Philharmonia Orchestra, whose beautiful, silken, incandes- cent playing constantly surprises, pulling your attention to the or- chestral details. Von Karajan's conducting is taut and dramatic enough, but gratefully, the work emerges as a well articulated, finely etched cameo - well balanced and cool, except at two moments, when Fiordiligi, sung by Miss Schwarz- kopf, cries out her arias of an- guish, revealing glimpses of a woman's heart in turmoil. The rest has a trance-like aura, magical and well cntrolled. The singing from every one in the cast except Despina (who has a Teu- tonic gutteral) is mellifluous and miniature. Sometimes I wish Miss Schwarzkopf would sing out like Ina Souez (that singer of furious temperament in the old Glynde- bourne recording of this work). But Angel records come in econo- my priced packages, and are em- inently worth the price. The new recording of Don Gio- vanni (on London) even with Ce- sare Siepe has disappointed me. The Don ought to have a lighter voice - and I find that we listen to the old Glyndebourne recording oftener. It is better paced, even if it is "Lo-fi." OF THE piano concerti, which seem to me the summit of both Mozart's art and the art of the concerto, any single one is fine after Number 9. But the best seem to me Numbers 19 (K. 459) 24 (K 491) and 25 (L. 503). Clara Haskil plays Number 19 with a gaity and aplomb which makes it literally swing. The occasional bits of melancholy in the slow movement are touching in the general tenor of quiet well-being. The orchestral support is not all it should be, but Miss Haskil com- pensates for it all. Number 24 is an amazing work with a dark and dissonant begin- ning. Paul Badura-Skoda's per- formance seems to me to be all it needs to be - dash and all. Number 25 is probably my fa- vorite, from the majestic military opening in the orchestral tutti; the way the piano in its first entrance quietly sneaks up on the orches- tra and the listener; to the flood of lovely counter melodies that fight to drown out the vulgar rondo theme in the third move- ment. Here you have a choice between the performances of Edwin Fisher ,with Josef Krips (HMV) and Gie- seking with Rosbaud (Angel). The former is a broader, more outward perfomance; but Gieseking's is *I think D. Tovey said this, but if he didn't, he should have. C t 1 f f t 1 t c 1 r Z w 1 i J Y 1 x l 1 t l l j i October 7, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Mozart -Anniversary A Review of Some New and Old Recorded Wor WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART ... Lo-Fi and fallen birthday offerings no less effective even if it is small. He makes the music tell in quieter ways. Both are rewarding to listen to: your decision can be made on what is on the verso of the rec- ord, and the price. T HE Sinfonia Concertante are usually lighter in character, though akin to the concerti in technique. There are at least two examples in this form that war- rant acquaintance. The lesser wind soloists and an orchestral tutti, variously numbered K. Anh. 9 or K. 297b. The performance by French soloists on Oiseau Lyre is exquisite in tone and sensitively articulated. The work truly pleases me, (and the record too, which BEAUTIFUC SHOES WITH A MAD -TO-MEASURE COLLEGE TOURS 1957 DURING SPRING VACATION APRIL 5th to APRIL 14th !, Via Eastern Airlines Super G Constellation service, Hotel Ac- commodation at the Golden Gate. Rate: $169.00 including roundtrip airtransportation, tax, hotel accommodations. Via Pan American World Airways Stratocruiser, Service hotel accommodations at the Bermudiana. 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