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October 07, 1956 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-10-07

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Washington . . . . 28 Tulane . . . . . . . 20IOSU . .
Illinois. . . . . . 13 Northwestern . . . 13 Stanford.

. . . . . 32Tlowa . . . . . ..
. . . . . 20 Oregon State. . .

14 Southern Cal'.
13 Wisconsin .

*..13 M1innesota ***
*.. 6 Purdue *. 0.0

2I1'Notre Dame ***. ,20 Jarm y *..*..*1

14 1Indiwa

6 Penn State . .


. . . . . .

Sorority Rushing
Hurts More Than

It Helps

Yl r e

Latest Deadline in the State



(See Page 4)






s O


New Oral' Polio
Vaccine Found
Produces Long-Term Immunity
From Disease, Sabin Says
CINCINNATI-A University of Cincinnati scientist yesterday
announced he has developed a new polio vaccine, to be taken orally,
which is expected to produce long-term-perhaps lifetime-immunity
against the dread disease.
Dr. Albert B. Sabin, professor of research pediatrics in the Col-
lege of Medicine, made the report to a select group of scientists meet-
ing in Cincinnati.,
The Cincinnati Times-Star carried it yesterday in an exclusive,
copyrighted story.
Dr. Sabin said a single dose of the new vaccine will produce im-
munity against all three major strains of polio virus.

Rain, Wolverines
Fail .To Stop MSU
Michigan Lacks Scoring Punch;
Kramer Injured in Fourth Quarter
Associate Sports Editor
History repeated -itself yesterday-but with a twist-as a generally
outplayed Michigan State football squad capitalized on Michigan
mistakes to pull out a tight 9-0 victory before a record crowd of 101,001
In Michigan Stadium.
In a reversal of last year's 14-7 triumph for Michigan, the
Spartans, slightly favored this time, had to hold off a furious Wolverine
offense until the "breaks" came to turn the tide of battle.
Like the 1955 Sp1artans, Michigan's "potentially great" squad.
dominated play for more than half the game, but couldn't garner
the all-important soores to defeatI

He said the vaccine was x
World News

proved safe after extensive tests on
-animals and humans and is now
ready for mass testing on an in-
ternational basis.

By The Associated Press
tUnited States is attempting in
secret talks to learn whether there
is a basis for negotiating a settle-
ment of the Suez Canal crisis.
If there is a basis for negotia-
tions, the U.S. will favor the UN
Security Council forming a negoti-
ating committee to try to work out
a settlement between Egypt and
world powers using the canal, an
authoritative diplomatic s o u r c e
said yesterday.
* * *
ALGIERS-Algerian nationalist
gunmen made a surprise attack
in the European section of Bone
in eastern Algeria yesterday, killing
three persons-two of them women
--and wounding 24.
The attack came within hours
of a French announcement that
two nationalist leaders, arrested
Friday in the wounding last month
of parachutist Colonel Marcel Big-
eard, had been shot while trying to
escape in Bone.
BOSTON - Eight middle - aged
men who sat in silence through a
two-month's trial that ended in
;their conviction for the $1,219,000
Brink's, Inc. robbery of 1950,
waited in jail yesterday for their
next court appearance on Tues-
Then they will be sentenced-
the maximum penalty is life im-
prisonment-for their part in the
nation's biggest cash holdup.
« « «
'thew C. McKeon, calm and relieved
after a reduction in his punish-
ment for leading a march on which
six Marines drowned, predicted
sadly yesterday that. "I'll never
command troops again."
The former drill sergeant from
Worchester, Mass., said he consid-
lered his revised sentence of a
month in the brig and reduction
to private "very just and very fair."
WASHINGTON-The U n i t e d
,States has proposed that Russia
'join in 'standardizing safeguards"
against secret diversion of peace-
sful atoms to military purposes by
small nations which get atomic
aid from the big powers.
To Be Given

Tests Next Year
The researcher said that tests
of the new vaccine will begin next
year in foreign countries as well
as in the United States.
He said, "I have made arrange-.
ments with scientists in several
foreign countries to make the
tests. It will be a cooperative ven-
ture:. But I'd prefer not to say
now what the countries are."
He said that the tests will, be
by "qualified investigators" and
will be a "step-by-step" venture
that will be gradually enlarged.
First Oral Vaccine
Dr. Sabin said the vaccine is
the first effective oral preventive
against polio. He said it works in
persons who have ,already received
Salk vaccine.
Dr. Sabin's report indicated ar-
rangements have already been
made with a leading pharmaceuti-
cal house to produce the vaccine
in a pilot plant.
Production, the report said, will
be cheap-the vaccine itself cost-
ing less than the cherry syrup ve-
hicle by which it is administered.
Foundation Not Connected
Dr. Thomas M. Rivers, newly
appointed medical director of the
National Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis, said in New York, "They
can't stop him -- Sabin - from
putting on worldwide tests." But
he added the foundation has
"nothing to do with it-the tests."
Rivers said also the Vaccine Ad-
visory Committee of the founda-
tion has not met since last spring
and that committee would have to
study the new information on Sab-
in's work before they could back
mass tests,
Trade Versus' Aid
"Trade versus Aid" will be the
topic of Michigan Congressman
George Meader's speech at 7:45
p.m. tomorrow in Auditorium A,
Angell Hall.

-Daily-Dick Gaskili
THE LAST STRAW-Michigan State halfback Dennis Mendyk crushes Wolverine hopes as he blasts four yards off right tackle for the
Spartan touchdown mid-way in the fourth quarter of yesterday's game. Jim Byers, number 33, makes a futile attempt to stop Mendyk.
LeadershipLacking: Adld i;Ike: Draft Must Stay

lai E. Stevenson called yesterday
for the defeat of the Eisenhower
administration on the grounds it
offers "too little presidential lead-
ership" and the danger of "indust-
rial feudalism."
Making a pitch for Massachu-
yett's 16 electoral votes in a tour
of industrial New England where
textile industry losses, mergers
and small business failures have
created problems,nthe Democratic
presidential nominee declared:
'Big, Well-Oiled'
"The Republican managers see
America as a big, well-oiled cor-
porationcontrolled by men who,
because they run the big corpora-
tions, ought to run the country,
Justas "the big boss is nice at
Christmas," Stevenson said, "so
the Republicanseputson a big smile
around election time."
"Left alone," he continued,
"they will lead us into a new age
of industrial feudalism, where
small enterprise disappears and
every one works for the giant cor-
'Political Cynicism'.
Earlier, before an enthusiastic
nopnday crowd of about 8,000 at
Providence, R. I., Stevenson ac-
cused the administration of "po-
litical cynicism" and an "unfeel-
ing attitude toward the troubles
of the textile industry."

In the speech in Rhode Island,
which has four electoral votes,
Stevenson ' predicted Democratic
Governor Dennis J. Roberts' re-
election, and observed:
Long Coat-Tails?
"And I only hope his coat-tails
are long enough to accommodate
Senator Kefauver and myself on
Nov. 6."
In contrast to the situation at
Yale University Friday n i g h t
where he had to calm a noisy,
demonstrative crowd of "I like
Ike" chanters that almost got out
of hand, only one "Stick With
Ike" sign could be seen in the
Providence City Hall Plaza.
"We need," he said,. "an end to
indifference in Washington-the
indifference that is inevitable
under big business government and
too little presidential leadership."
Sports Lecture Set
Robert Fisler, assistant publisher
of Sports Illustrated, will deliver
a lecture entitled "Nobody Sleeps
on a Sunday Afternoon, or Sports
and the New America" at 4 p.m.
tomorrow in the Rackham Amphi-
treater. ,
Fisler's lecture is under the aus-
pices of the department of journ-
alism. The public is invited to at-

WASHINGTON (A)--President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
accused Adlai E. Stevenson of
hurting "America's security In-
terest' throughout the world" by
"loose talk" about ending the draft
A presidential statement issued
at the White House did not men-
tion Stevenson by name, but was
obviously aimed at him.
It said that to end Selective
Service now would greatly weaken
United States defenses and added:
"We must not by weakness in-
vite another war."
World Looks to U.S.
President Eisenhower also de-
clared the free world looks to the
United States for leadership in
"standing firm against the Com-
munist push.
"We !must not now betray that
leadership by loose talk of soon
ending the draft. The world can
only construe that as letting down
our guard."
Stevenson early in September
called for ending the draft "at
the earliest possible moment" con-
sistent with the nation's safety.
On Sept 29, at Minneapolis, he.
referred to the draftas "wasteful"
and "inefficient" and suggested
the whole problem of recruiting
and training manpower be freshly
studied in the light of new wea-

"To call the draft wasteful and
to term it a Maginot Line," Presi-
dent Eisenhower said, "evidences
either ignorance of our military
needs or a willingness toq take a
chance with our nation's security."
President Eisenhower said that
the chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff and the military chiefs
of the service, whom he termed
"our greatest experts in these mat-
ters," has specifically supported
the need for continuing the draft
'Continue Strength'
He added: "The United States is
maintaining its military strength
to safeguard the American people
in their homes to deter hostile at-
tack at home and abroad, and to
encourage the prospect of world
peace. This Administration is de-
termined to continue t h a t
Marquand To Talk
"British Trade Union Wage Pol-
icy and Inflation" will be the topic
of a lecture by Hillary A. Mar-
quand at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rackham Amphitheater.
Marquand, former Minister of'
Health in the British Cabinet and
Professor of Economics at the Uni-
versity of Wales, is a guest of the
University Economics Club.

its powerful and alert opponent.
Intermittent rain served to make
the day even more dismal for the
MSU Comes Back
Michigan State finally broke the
onrushing Wolverines with a pass
interception midway through the
third period that set up the first
score-Capt. John Matsko's 20
yard field goal at 7:44.
It about the same point in the
final period, the Spartans con-
verted a Michigan fumble into
their only touchdown, scored by
second string halfback Dennis
A blow was dealt to Wolverine
hopes for a last-minute comeback
when All-American left end Ron
Kramer reinjured his left hand
late in the game and had to leave
the contest. Results of X-rays on
the hand will not be disclosed until
late today or tomorrow.
Meanwhile, the Wolverines bat-
tered State defenses for three long
drives deep into Spartan territory.
Michigan began its offensive
display the first time it got posses-
sion of the ball. Quarterback Jim
Van Pelt mixed the plays expertly
in a drive from the Wolverines'
35 yd.line to the Michigan State
Sophomore John Herrnstein's
running through center and Van
Pelt's sharp jump-passing to Bob
Ptacek and Kramer netted most of,
the yardage.
Spartans Tighten Defense
When Michigan State's defense
stiffened at this point, Kramer
attempted a 27-yd. field goal, but
the ball sailed off to the left and
Michiganhhad felt its first frustra-
tion of the day.
But the Wolverines continued to
dominate. They regained control
of the pigskin when State's failure
to gain a first down necessitated a
Spartan punt to the Michigan 21.
Six plays later Michigan had
moved to State's 38. Terry Barr's
20-yard end run, aided by Herrn-
stein's key block of MSU quarter-
back Pat Wilson, was the big play
of the drive.
See TURN, Page 6

Rumors Say)
Reds To End
Riot Trials'
POZNAN Poland M-P)-Rumors
raced through Poznan yesterday
that the Polish government plas
to stop the trials resulting from
the June 28 "bread and freedom"
These rumors were based on the
belief that the Communist govern-
ment has been sorely embarrassed
by the bold and dramatic testi-
mony given by some defendants
against miserable living conditions,
lack of political freedom and ex-
tortion of confessions by? police
Reports which started in the
Poznan District Court said most
of the 154 Poles indicted for riot-
ing and looting would never be
brought to trial.
Other rumors said the trials now
running might even be stopped
and their defendants freed. When
Western correspondents asked the
president of the court about these
rumors he denied them.
But the belief persisted that
sone kind of announcement would
be made tomorrow-several hours
before three defendants accused
of murder in the first trial are
scheduled to be sentenced.
Radio Warsaw reported last
night that four Poles were sen-
tenced by a Poznandistrict court
yesterday to terms ranging from
two years suspended to four years
in prison for looting a store dur-
ing the riots.
Suez Situation
To Be Debated
By Officials
Representatives of the French,
British and Egyptian governments
will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in
Rackham Amphitheater to dis-
cuss the Suez crisis,
First in a series of political dis-
cussions sponsored by the Inter-
national Students Association, the
debate will allow the officials
participating a chance to explain
and justify their countries' Suez
Speakers Listed
Presenting Egyptian views will
be Salah El Din Tewfik, cultural
attache of the Egyptian Embassy
in Washington. French Consul
Jean-Paul Desparmet and British
Consul Edward Moss, both from
the consulates in Detroit will also
Tewfik, who has lectured in high
schools and universities in his
country, is a member of the Egypt-
ian Education Bureau.
Frenchman Desparmet, last year
appointed Counsellor of Foreign
Affairs, has worked for his gov-
ernment in Tuinisiad ~ulMrnne'n



Rain Storm Soaks Crowd, Adds Insult to Injury
' etws diml Daily Feature Editor
w b It was a dismal day in Ann Arbor when mighty Michigan .
4 But the day had not started this way. It was the day of the
Big Game; loyal football fans had come from miles away to see the
__' / Y3 }. =t N.b Wolverines take on their old rivals from Michigan State. Spirits
were high and people were gay, confident in the power Michigan had .'
displayed in crushing UCLA the week before.
And the Rains Came . . .
The clouds made good on their threat, however, and the rains
;. began ominously just before 12:30. Undaunted, the crowd kept wend-
ing its way toward the stadium. Some people grumbled about Ann ~,
<) nArbor weather and others laughed at the grim novelty of getting
soaked to the skin, but few decided to turn back.
Although dripping wet, the students were too excited to bother:
about a little moisture. As usual, the freshmen were only too eager
to give voice to their high spirits, and in contrast to last week, even
stoic seniors were caught up in the wave of enthusiasm.

"Brigadoon," this year's Union
Opera, will shatter a long-stand- '
ing tradition in the history of this
formerly all-male event with the
inclusion of real girls in the cast,
Musket promotion chairman Tom
Oates, '57E, announced yesterday.'
"Musket" is the new name for
the Union-sponsored organization
which this year for the first time
Will present a script not written by
a student.
"Brigadoon" first appeared as a

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