t Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Oh, Brother!" "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: JAMES ELSMAN Sexton's Prejudiced Criticism Emotional and Undocumented BRENDAN Sexton's criticism of the Republl- ELECTION campaigns should certainly b can party Wednesday night contained sever- forceful, vigorous, and, if the facts warrant al unjustified refernces to racial, religious, and it, aggressive. No one is justified in saying that nationalistic prejudice. this or that subject shouldn't be,discussed, be- It is just as well that the educational di- cause "it isn't fair," or "it isn't the sort of thing rector of the United Auto Workers identifies that should enter into It." himself as "not a regular Democrat." The party If the Republicans, as Sexton believes, would not be aided by the manner in which or the Democrats or the Vegetarians are biased, Sexton sought to demonstrate that the Demo- then the subjct is fair game for any speaker. crats are most representative of tie people of But the emotional, undocumented accusations the United States. which he presented were sadly lacking in ra- Sexton claimed that "Arizona Al (Cobo) tional content. was elected mayor of Detroit becaus he was His technique of implication was an effective low enough to conduct an anti-Negro cam- one, especially since it did not require the pre- paign." He did not offer any example of this sentation of many facts as such. Sexton merely anti-Negroism, nor did he suggest any way made several ill-advised accusations in a con- in which his audience could find one for them- text of fairly intelligent political apalysis, and selves.- did not bother to substantiate any one of them. He labeled as "highly significant" the fact that the only Jewish members of the Senate F COBO is anti-Negro, it would seem to pre- were Democrats, saying nothing more, just sent an excellent opportunity for Sexton to leaving a dusty insinpation in the minds of help the candidate of his choice. He would only his listeners. need to revise his speech, add the record of Sexton pointed out that the only Roman Cobo's violations and deliver it to the voters. Catholic candidate for the presidency, Al Smith, Undoubtedly the facts are at hand, or Sexton was a Democrat, and left another smudge hang- would not have felt justified in publicly ac- ing, to fall and drift where it may. cusing the Republican candidate. Or did he? He jok'ed about the assertation that "until If the GOP is anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, recently, a man with -ski on the end of his If the GOPiisateitic, anitholi or would discriminate against "a man with -ski name didn't have a chance in th Republican on the end of his name," then Sexton has a Party." He cinched this by telling of the sup- moral obligation to finish the story he started posed plight of Michigan party leaders who last Wednesday. needed a -ski to win an election, and who found themselves stuck with a Presbyterian. The rele- We have heard the accusations and are vence of this anecdote seems, even on second waiting for the proof. thought, as remote as its humor. -ALLAN STILLWAGON Hou sing Probe Unwarr anted "\ Y} . , ab "Yro ; y = 3t 0 ,.,'ir s-"..._ Ol OAWD AT THE ORPHEUM: 'Last Ten Days' Portrays Hitler As Naive Maniac AN AUSTRIAN import released through Columbia pictures "The Last Ten Days' is characterized by a frankly moralistic tone. Based on written records and the reports of various survivors, "Ten Days" is a dramatic account of Adolph Hitler's final furious decade. The picture dispenses with all conjectures about the Fuhrer's per- sonality and presents him not as a controversial figure but as a rather naive maniac who was deceived by dillusions of grandeur and con- vinced that he had been appointed by Divine Providence to create "The New" Germany. * * s As the demoniac dictator, Albin Skoda gives a sufficiently psycho- pathic portrayal. With his slickly-oiled forelock drooping in one eye he rants through his representation with as much gusto as any audi- ence has a right to desire. In the damp Berlin bunker which serves .<_ AA IL i . Kj U ': t1~!, . ,,\ , e ., . , ' : w =r ' ^ f ! , ..: .. , : i .i.jJ ' 9 Y /- as a refuge and headquarters for what remains of the German Gen- eral Staff Skoda stands before a portrait of Frederick the Great and waits for the same immutable laws of History which condemned Napolean to rescue him from a similar fate. He refuses to admit the superiority of the Russian army and attributes his ultimate defeat to a total collapse of Ger- man willpower. It is indeed difficult for the audience to suppress a succession of shudders as they view the shocking parade of humanity w hich director G. W. Pabst has brought to the screen. The inevi- table effects of the war are evi- dent in the uncomprehending eyes of the wounded and in the aimless tread of the civilians who continue to walk the bombed-out streets of Berlin although they have no- where to go. Even the generals are disillu- sioned and they have little else to do except to drown their cal- loused consciences in cognac and convince themselves that theirs was "never a Salvation Army" job anyway. The disregard for human dig- nity and individual worth which characterized the Facist regime is exemplified in the terrifying scene which depicts the senseless flooding of the Berlin subways. An act which resulted in the death J 1 v c _ t :.r y "' : A+ sue~ . "M. Ji w+..;' MGIIMW"' .M apt~b 7,ce~s~t~L. _' sr WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Chairman all's Strategy By DREW PEARSON THE NEW housing investigation is unwar- ranted. Thursday, the Dean of Men's Office an- nounced that it is launching a new investiga- tion of housing on campus. The investigation will concern bachelor students living in apart- ments. The Dean's Office claims too many un- married student are living in apartments, forc- ing married students to seek housing far. from campus. Perhaps this is true, but there are other matters to be considered. One must consider why unmarried males occupy apartments. The Dean's Office, claims that while ocupying off-campus apartments, students often violate University regulations pertaining to the presence of liquor and un- chaperoned women in student housing. This, certainly, cannot be offered as a major reason why males prefer apartments. THEBE are many valid reasons for living in apartments. Most convincing is the argu- ment of expenses. It has been proved, over and over again, that living in apartments is cheap- er than in University provided residence halls. Three, four or five students in an apartment with cooking privileges can get along less ex- pensively than they could separately in a dor- mitory. Now, it appears, the Dean of Men's Office wants to evacuate these bachelor male students. The question that comes to the fore is: Where in the world does the Dean's Office plan to house the students it evacuates? Residence halls are crowded. Students are still housed in temporary quarters until they can find a room. Fraternities certainly can't handle the large number of bachelor students now living in apartments. WHERE do we go from here? Dean of Men Walter B. Rea has said the students who are evacuated could move to private rooms in Ann Arbor homes. It is highly doubtful that nearly enough exist to accommo- date those who would need housing. Perhaps the Dean's Office has a good object in mind when it plans to move married students into local apartments. But, before the Dean's Office moves bachelor students out of these apartments, it ought to find living quarters for those evicted and these quarters should be agreeable to the evicted. Lastly, the financial question should be considered. Two, three, or four men, all shar- ing exupenses, can afford the high rents in this city. A married man, with his wife and pos- sibly children to provide for, needs much more reasonable rents than he can find in the apart- ments now inhabited by single males. -RENE GNAM W ASHINGTON - Republican campaign strategy is work- ing out beautifully and exactly as the astute Len Hall planned it. Hall, son of Teddy Roosevelt's coachman at Oyster Bay, got his start in the variegated school of Long Island politics which includes a well-rounded course in human relations. Hall figured that when the Dem- ocrats started pouring the heat on Eisenhower, Ike would react like every other human being and pour it back. Ther was official talk that the President would make only a few TV speeches from the White House. But Len Hall knew better. * *' * ME DIDN'T make too many plans in advance, kept his strate- gy completely fluid. For he knew: 1.) That Eisenhower wouldn't give him the green light to campaign until the campaign got hot; 2.) That he would know later where his weak spots would be and could arrange Ike's speaking itinerary then. It's working out exactly that way. Today Ike needs no urging. When Stevenson applies the acetylene torch of his acid lan- guage to the prsidential prestige, Ike is the one who is rarin' to go to defend it. The nation may not know it, but White House inti- mates do know that his temper is close to the surface. He has a low boiling point. Adlai has touched off that boiling point and Len Hall is delighted. * * * THERE IS just one great risk Len Hall is taking - presidential exhaustion. However, Hall's strate- gy has worked so well that he's prepared to risk it. Besides Hall is careful to play his cards so close to his chest that no one outside two or three people in the White House know exactly what speeches will be made beyond those already announced. This is precaution against a cold or diges- tive trouble. If the President should get tired or develop a cold, then there won't be any cancella- tions - simply because the pro- gram'won't be set up too far in ad- vance. H'all knows what such a cancel- lation would do. The election would go into a tailspin. THE DOCTORS have gone along with these stepped-up plans, re- luctantly at first, but they have gone along. One reason they gave their okay was because Ike was chafing, straining at the leash, wanting to get out and answer his critics. Also they saw what exhil- aration he got from the enthu- speeches at Des Moines and New- ton, Ia. So they figure the tonic si asi of the crowds during hip of the crowds will do him good. Some of the schedules, however, are exhausting. When much younger newsmen who had accom- panied the President on his trip to Cleveland and Lexington, Ky., returned to Washington they were worn out. They got home about 2:30 a.m. The President, flying in his private plane, got home about 12:30 midnight. However, he had delivered two speeches, had stood up for long periods receiving the cheers of the crowd. The President sits down at every possible opportunity. The bubble top on his car is closed except on the outskirts of a town, at which point his party stops, lowers the top, and he stands up to wave at the crowds. Despite all the energy- saving respites, the schedule is tough and the work would be a drain on any man, even one under 66. * * * NEWSMEN accompanying Ei- senhower recall traveling with Franklin Roosevelt in 1944 on sim- ilar exhausting trips. In Philadel- phia it was raining. But FDR was out in an open car taking salutes. Newsmen huddling inside dry lim- ousines were tired. They were out of the rain and had hot coffee. FDR was out in the wet. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) of hundreds of German civilians IHC Bogging Down TODAY AND TOMORROW: The Great Reversal of Roles T HE SECOND meeting of the new Inter- House Council Thursday brought into sharp focus the most serious problem they will pro- bably have to face under their revised struc- ture. That problem is not allowing the organi- zation to become the inexpressive, essentially meaningless type of body that preceded it. It was evident IHC members, have a sin- cere interest in developing an active organi- zation that will be of service to the men in the Residence Halls. Several members ex- pressed this feeling verbally. But much of the meeting did not support Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER, Editor these noble intentions; and the future will be no different unless the members realize their most important function. A good part of the meeting Thursday dealt with possible committee projects and the group soon became hopelessly bogged down. They attempted to debate the details of possible ac- tion for the year in detail - work which should be done by the committees. W ITH THE reorganization of IHC last spring, its size was cut about in half. Still, with 23 House presidents comprising the body, it is too large to discuss detailed projects. Further- more, this is not their responsibility, but one for committees. Let committees do the ground work, let them plan and administer, but leave the IHC Presidium to debate the merits of these ac- tions,- and then approve or rejct them. This, in the last analysis, is their most important function. This does not mean that the IHC Presi- dium should not initiate action; to the con- trary, they should, but on a philosophical level. This body should be one of policy determination and not have to concern itself with unnecessary material which can be handled in committees. The IHC now meets only every other week. This is not very often and if these meetings produce as little meaningful action as did the one Thursday, the Inter-House Council will probably be worse than it has been in the past. Therefore, it is clearly obvious that these meet- ings must be limited to general rather than specific discussions of objectives. THESE first meetings were encouraging in LETTERS to the EDITOR . Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit or with- hold any letter. Thinking Republicans? To the Editor: "ECAUSE, as I have seen for the past four years, the Michi- gan Daily seems to think that the word criticism refers only to damnation of the bad, and seldom if ever praises the good, I little. expect to see this letter in print. However, there always comes a point when one must protest and speak out. I refer to Joan Bryan's letter to the editor on October 2, 1956. I believe in frank and honest criticism, and I feel that there is room for honest differences of opinion-even in the field of poli- tics. When, however, The Daily must use Miss Bryan's letter, which lacks both criticism and substance, to fill space in its Letters to the Editor column, I think that The Daily has slipped to a point where it is selling politi- cal advertisements for free-with no attempt to show criticism, either good, bad, constructive, or otherwise. It is not my intention to discuss politics. I would merely like to question Miss Bryan when she infers that the only people capable of thinking are Democrats. By this statement am I to believe that you are unable to accept the idea that someone may honestly differ with you and still be capable of think- ing? If this is so, may I remind you, Miss Bryan, that your partic- ular brand of thought has been shared by such prominent men in our time as Adolph Hitler and Joselh Stalin. I believe in honest differences of opinion, and I respect the man, be he Republican or Democrat, who has the courage of his con- victions. I may discuss issues with him, but I will not say, as you have Miss Bryan, that he is stupid or unthinking merely because he calls himself Republican instead of Democrat. -Daniel H. Dahl, '57BAd MSU... e To The Editor: ONE thing's for certain by gum and by gosh, The superiority of State is a lot of hog-wash. Anyone will agree that has watched the team play That Michigan will triumph on this Saturday. Their team, as a whole, is a mis- erable wreck. They're typical farm boys from the old Bovine Tech. The guards couldn't guard if they carried a net; Their footwork belongs in a sauare-dancing set who had sought shelter under- ground. Most outstanding and note- worthy is a fine and sensitive performance by Oscar Werner. Cast as the philosophical Captain Wust, Werner expresses all a sol- dier's disgust for the waste and foolishness which result in war. It is Werner who caustically con- demns the Hitlers of History, who extolls the virtues of peace, and who dies with the films message phrased on his lips, "Watch Out, Don't ever say 'Yes, sir' again." After viewing "The Last Ten Days" this verbal warning seems Imore than a trifle extraneous. -MARY LEE DINGLER DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bunetin is an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 195 VOL. LXVII, NO. 15 . General Notices Meeting of the University Staff. Gen. eral staff meeting at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Oct., 22, in Rackham Lecture Hal. President Hatcher will discuss the state of the University. All members of the University staff, academic and non- academic, are invited. Late Permission: All women students who attended the Concert at Hl Audi- torium, Thurs., Oct. 5, had late per- mission until 11:15 p.m. Intensive Short Course on the Type 650 Computer, from 3-5 p.m. in Rom 2014, Angell Hall, Wed., Thurs. and Fri., Oct. 10, 11 and 12, Wed., Thurs., and Fri., Oct. 17, 18, and 19. All interested persons contact Mrs. Brando at Ext. 2128 or 2942. Anyone who has rooms he would like to rent to alumni on football weekends, please contact the Union tudent Offices on weekdays from 3-5 p.m. Lectures Lecture,tauspices of the Economics Club, "British Trade Union Wage Policy and Inflation." Hillary A. Marquand, former Minister of Health in the Brit- ish Cabinet and Professor of Economics at the University of Wales. 8:00 p.m., Mon., Oct. 8, Rackham Amphitheater. Department of Journalism. Robert Fisler, assistant to the publisher, Sports Illustrated Magazine, will speak on "Nobody Sleeps on Sunday Afternoon or Sports and the New America" in Rackham Amphitheater, Mon., Oct. 8, at 4 p.m. Marshall Scholarship Lecture. The British Government is offering 12 Mar- shall Scholarships to students In the United States who wish to study in Great Britatin. Applicants must be either college seniors or graduate stu- dents. Edward H. Moss, British Consul from Detroit, will discuss these scholar- ships and show a movie concerned with this scholarship program in Angell Hall, Aud. B, at 4:00 p.m. on Tues., Oct. 9. Academic Notices Law School Admission Test: Applic- tion blanks for the Nov. 10, 1958 admin- Istration of the Law School Admission Test are now available at 122 Rackham Building. Application blanks are due (Continued on Page 3) Organization1 Notices Use of this column is restricted to OFFICIALLY REGISTERED student or- ganizations. Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Af- fairs, 1020 Administration Building. Registration for the current semester should be completed not later than October 12. Congregational and Disciples Student Guild, Open House after game, 524 Thompson. Newman Club. Michigan State Lunch- eon, 11:30 a.m., Father Richard Center. * * * Westminster Student Fellowship, Post Game Picnic, 5:30 p.m., Student Center. Michigan Christian Fellowship, Meet- ing, 4 p.m. Sunday, Lane Hall, Speaker, Calvin Boomsma. * s* Roger Williams Fellowship, Bible Study, 9:45 a.m. Sunday, Guild' House. * * * Kappa Phi, Rose Tea, 2-4 p.m., Sun- day, First Methodist Church in Wesley Lounge, All Methodist co-eds invited. * * * Young Republicans Club, Meeting, 8 By WALTER LIPPMANN AT CLEVELAND and Lexington this week the President insisted "that there are deep and essential differences in the beliefs and con- victions of the two major parties." I do not believe the facts support this theory. For while there are differences between the two par- ties, they are not very deep or essential in the field of their be- liefs and their convictions. The new Republicanism which the President proclaimed at the San Francisco Convention does not challenge, indeed it accepts and proposes to extend, all the big innovations which were made by Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt. This covers not only the the vast structure of the new wel- fare state, the Federal protection of agriculture, the regulation of business and of banking, but also that most far-reaching of reforms within the western capitalist or- der - the acceptance of Federal responsibility for full employment and for the management of the business cycle. These innovations which have meant a vast extension of the Fed- eral power have little connection wtih the essential beliefs and con- victions of either party. As a mat- ter of fact, according to their his- toric tradition which descends from Alexander Hamilton and Lincoln, the Republicans should be the Federalist Party. They were for public control of the excesses ,of the new corporate individual- ism. President Theodore Roosevelt, that is to say the Republican Roosevelt, undertook to make the Republican Party the agent of the reforms which the times called for. Until 1908, while he was still in the White House, he succeeded very well indeed. But under his successor, the party did not fol- low him. In 1912, the Republicans split over the question of reform, and Woodrow Wilson not only won the election of 1912 but made the Democrats into the party of mod- ernism and twentieth century re- form. The Democrats have been that ever since. As a young man, Franklin Roosevelt was in fact, I think I am right in this, a disciple of his great relative Theodore. But after 1912 anyone who had such ideas joined the Democratic Par- ty. The Republican Party has al- ways had a hankering for its old Federalist tradition. This ex- pressed itself in the nomination of Wendell Wilkie in 1940, of Dew- ey in 1944 and 1948, and of Eisen- hower in 1952. But the Republican Party, as an organization and in Congress, has remained what it was when it split in 1912 - a rump of those who oppose what Theo- dore Roosevelt stood for, namely the modernization of our econo- mic institutions and the emergence of the United States as a world turned to the Democrats, as with Wilson, and with Franklin Roose- velt. In the correcting and consoli- dating phase, the country has turned to the Republicans, as with Coolidge and Eisenhower. There is substantial evidence, I believe, for thinking that for the third time in this century the country is coming into an innovat- ing phase. This is, I submit, the reason for the extraordinary up- surge of the Democrats at the grass roots. The new phase is once again by the country's need to bring its policies and measures abreast of the times. In the period of Theodore Roose- velt and of Wilson, there was need to impose social and public stan- dards on corporation capitalism. In the period of Franklin Roose- velt there was the need to over- come the miseries which the great depression revealed and provoked. It led to the welfare state and to ,the public regulation of the busi- ness cycle. * * * THE PERIOD into which we have now entered is dominated by two new historic developments. The one is the phenomenal increase of the American population. The oth- er is the challenge and the dan- gerous competition of the Commu- will require great innovation and, unavoidably, a great expansion of public action at all the levels of Zovernment foremost amonng them RICHARD HALLORAN Editorial Director LEE MARKS City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN ............ Personnel Director ERNESI THEODOSSIN............Magazine Editor JANET REARICK...... Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS ............. Features Editor DAVID GREY .................... Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMES, .......... Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILP ERN ..,. Associate Sports Editor VIRGINIA ROBERTSON............Women's Editor JANE FOWLER ...........Associate Women's Editor ARLINE LEWIS.............. Women's Feature Editor VERNON SODEN..............Chief Photographer Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN .... Associate Business Manager WILLIAM PUSCH ............ Advertising Manager CHARLES WILSON............. Finance Manager PATRICIA LAMBERIS .......... Accounts Manager