34r A101gan DBaly Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROL PRINS "How D'Ya Stand On The Dodgers And The Yanks?" - r l ;w + " : t No HILL AUDITORIUM: Nelli-Turner Concert Musical Maratn IN A PROGRAM that ranged from middling good to debasing, Herva Nelli, soprano and Claramae Turner, contralto, conducted a carni- val-like contest of singing. And if a popular response is any criterion of artistic accomplishment, Miss Turner won hands down. Miss Turner, however, had two physical advantages over Miss Nelli: a statuesque, appealing figure, and a powerfully rich voice. This would have been more than enough. I suppose; but luckily for some of us, Miss Turner also showed that she can sing. She has excellent mastery of her voice: she can color it at Will, shade off the dynamics subtly, or sing clearly at a steady pianis- simo, and have it heard all over the auditorium. Her voice is a warm contralto, rich in the middle register, Unification of Europe And Balance of Power THE dream of the unification of Europe has tickled the imagination of many men for many years. Last Sunday, in the New York Times Maga- zine, historian Arnold Toynbee outlined the problem and gave it historical perspective. Des- cribing Europe as a headland on the Eurasian continent and as North America's bridge to Eurasia, Toynbee pointed to two shifts of power affecting the status of Europe in today's world of power politics. One, within what he calls Western Christendom, has North America as- suming the leadership of the Western World. The second sees a shift of the predominance of political power from Western Christendom to the non-Western areas and a consequent dom- ination of Europe by the non-Western nations. The famed historian wrote that only by unit- ing in a "body politic" can Europe regain suffi- cient power to deal with Russia and North Am- erica on equal terms, and retain her position in world affairs. Later in the week, Secretary of State Dulles called for European unification, appealing for a third great world power to oppose the ad- vance of world communism. On the heels of this came an announcement by the British gov- ernment of plans to form a free trade area in Europe and the Commonwealth as a challenge to both American and Russian economic supre- macy. This proposal, if carried out, could bring tremendous economic strength and a high stan- dard of living to many nations and vast num- bers of people, besides being a vital step toward political unity. CERTAINLY, it is in the best interests of the United States to lend every assistance and encouragement to this visionary but essen- tial drive toward unification. Since the end of World War II, the world has seen a swift and dangerous polarization in international politics, all power tending to con- centrate around either the United States or the Union of -Soviet Socialist Republics. The war removed, at least temporarily, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, China, and Japan from their roles as major powers, leaving only the United States and Russia in the field. In recent years, a so-called neutralist bloc has emerged. Though it is the object of the wooing of the two major powers, it has not yet assumed a place of critical importance in the power struggle. The neutral nations are not in a position to either prevent war between the giants nor are they strong enough yet to be the decisive factor by throwing their weight to one side or another. Western technology still has the lead over manpower in this race, though the gap is fast closing. There is a lesson to be learned from the history of Europe 1815-1914, when the con- stantly shifting balance of power among Ger- many, Austria, France, Italy, Britain enabled the nations to maintain a wavering and uneasy but relatively effective peace. World War I shook and World War II destroyed this balance. Today, an effective deterrent to world war can be established by the return to a balance of power, on a world wide, instead of solely on a European basis, eliminating the polarized sit- uation in which we now find ourselves. THIS necessitates the development of not just a third great world power but a fourth, fifth, and sixth, so that no combination of powers can become strong enough to wage war on its neighbors. What must come about is an evolu- tion of a political structure on an intercontin- ental level replacing the intra-European frame- work. A world of subcontinental powers will emerge, encompassing the Russian subcontin- ent, the Indian subcontinent, the Chinese sub- continent (if China can be broken away from its ties with Russia - and with imaginative thinking and action, there is every reason to believe that it can), the American subcontinent, the unified Arab league, possibly African and South American unions when they feel the pressure in the future. Within this international political config- uration a unified European subcontinent would have its secure place, contributing to the main- tenance of a peaceful and competitive coexis- tence. The obstacles to be overcome are many and complex. With more than five hundred years existence as separate national entities, each with its own language ,political system, economy, and temperament, the prospects for unification, as Toynbee states, are far beyorndl the horizon. The fight for survival, however, could well force the nation-states to surrender substantial portions of their sovereignty for the greater good of all their peoples. It would appear that all this is a logical evolutionary progression from the nation-state system to an arrangement of subcontinental nations. Perhaps the final result, in the millen- ium, will be world unity. Then, indeed, all men may live as brothers. -RICHARD HALLORAN Editorial Director WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: eopyle E to Question Ike By DREW PEARtSON THE Madison Avenue boys who are masterminding much of Ike's campaign were surprised the other day when they put up to him the idea of answering questions at a so-called "People's Press Con- ference" on television, The idea of the "People's Press Conference" was hatched by Young and Rubicam. They are bringing a cross-section of people in from various parts of the U.S.A. to meet with the President and ask him questions ranging from war and peace to the high cost of living. But the Y and R experts figured the President would not want to answer too many ques- tions. Much to their surprise, they found he liked the idea, said he didn't want to put any limit on the type of questions asked. The members of the "People's Press Conference" group will be hand-picked. They will be friendly to the President. But nothing is barred when they pop their ques- tions. * * * ADLAI STEVENSON was touring St. Louis. The crowds had been tumultuous, the best he had had. An enthusiastic crowd is good for the ego and Adlai found the high spirits contagious. Beside him as he drove through packed streets was Sen. Tom Hen- nings of Missouri, who is running for re-election. On one building, Hennings spied a sign. It read: "The St. Louis Silent Club." "Adlai," said Hennings, "wouldn't you and I like to join that club!" Stevenson grinned. "Maybe last election," he said. "I was a rank amateur then. But this time I'm learning." * * * JOE SMITH may be the idol of the Democrats, but not the Demo- crats on the House Appropriations Committee. They want Joe Smith fired as Commander of the Mili- tary Air Transport Service, or MATS. Their Smith is not exactly a plain Joe. He's a Lieutenant Gen- eral, with a yen for equipping plush transport planes for the use of other generals. When the con- gressmen wanted pictures of these plush interiors, Gen. Joe Smith quickly classified them as "top secret," thus making it impossible for congress to use them. "This is my service and Congress isn't going to tell me how to run it," Gen. Joe Smith was quoted as saying. The appropriations committee which votes the money for MATS, and incidentally for Joe Smith's salary, figures he may think dif- ferently when they get through with his budget. * * * SEN. ALBERT GORE of Ten- nessee is making both political parties peeved. That's the penalty of being chairman of the com- mittee to investigate campaign ?x- penditures during an election year. Though Gore is a Democrat, he slapped a peremptory notice on the chairman of the Pennsylvania Democratic dinner for Adlai Stev- enson in Harrisburg that he want- ed a list of everyone buying 10 or more tickets to their $50-a-plate shindig. The Democrats grumbled, but-immediately brought their din- ner list to Washington. Gore also served notice on the salute to Eisenhower dinners at which $7,000,000 was raised last winter that he wanted a similar list of the chief guests and con- tributors. This list was slow in coming, but Gore managed to get it-how, he won't say. * * * GORE is also looking into vari- ous other campaigns, including the Ohio race where Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey, the big Cleve- land industrialist, heads up the "George Bender-for-Senator" race. As a result of Humphrey's activity, reports are current in Ohio that businessmen who fail to contribute to Bender will have their income taxes probed.bHumphrey is in no way responsible, but the rumors are prevalent nonetheless. Maybe it's for other reasons, but the money is rolling into Bender's campaign coffers. Gore's probe of Ohio isn't going to make him any more popular with Republicans. * * * A TIP for oyster lovers: The Food and Drug Administration re- ports that some oyster dealers are adding plain tap water to contain- ers of shucked oysters in order to increase the weight. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) and even throughout except at the steely whiteness. Even and clear, that is, except her chest tone, which has a peculiar quality, "gutty" and vibrato laden. She also loves to use these tones, with questionable results. Miss Nelli has an ordinary so- prano voice. It is good in the middle, but there is a definite break between that portion and the upper register. Her top notes, sung at a forte were simply un- pleasant. What is worse, she displayed no control of her voice: her attacks in the upper register were sloppy. She tended to slide into pitch, and she swooshed up and down be- tween the top and the middle register as if she just couldn't help it. Her dynamics- were frequently sudden or an uneven undulation, as if she were being controlled by a pair of bellows. One couldn't help but feel that her occasional patches of lovely phrasing were accidental. THE PROGRAM, unfortunately limped to a start, with that dull "Flower Duet" from that most un- impressive of operas called Ma- dame Butterfly. Both ladies tried to warm up, primarily their voices, not the duet. Then Miss Turner sang some songs. There was an old English melody- "Come Let's Be Mrry", two chansons by Debussy (deliv- ered with a "chantoosy" pose), and an aria from Rienzi (Wagner). The results were satisfactory. A group of songs by Miss Nelli followed. If she failed to control her voice adequately, she also failed to display her good taste.. The first two songs, "Spirit Flow- er" (Campbell-Tipton) and - "La Partida" (F. Alvarez) were not merely trivial, but the first was mawkishly sentimental and of- fensively embarassing. The rendition ,of Tosca's aria "Vissi d'Arte" was the most vulgar I have ever heard. It began at a dead forte; and meandered aim- lessly with musical phrases broken not only by incontinent sobs but unfortunate gasps for breath. Thus the program proceeded the rest of the way. The most gener- ous ovations of the evening were accorded Miss Turner in her per- formance of an aria from Menot- ti's The Medium and two ditties from Carousel; "June is a-Bustin' Out" and "You Never Walk Alone." Perhaps these exemplify the ill- organized musical goulash the evning eventually turned out to be. The numbers from Carousel were delivered operatically, with surprisingly poor diction.s Miss Nelli sang two encores, Miss Turner three. The final duet from La Gioconda was recklessly shouted as if Miss Turner were challenging Miss Nelli to out-sing her. She tried, and the result was harsh discord. -A. TSUGAWA The Jackson Tragedy DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bunetin is an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 14 General Notices Anyone who has rooms he would like to rent to alumni on football weekends, please contact the Union Student Offices on weekdays from 3-5 p.m. The General Electric Educational and Charitable fund is offering 34 fellow- ships for the academic year 1957-8. Fields will include Physical Sciences, Engineering, Industrial Management, Arts and Sciences, and Law, and Busi- ness. The stipend will be $1750 for a Fel- low who is single, and a minimum of $2500 for a married Fellow with chil- dren. Tuition and fees are also paid. Applications willnbecome available on or around Nov. 1. Persons who are in- tersted should come to the Office of the Graduate School before Oct. 28 for in- formation on taking the recommended Graduate Record Examination on Nov. 17. Student Government Council. Summary of action taken. Meeting of Oct. 3 Heard: Reports on distribution of out-of-order registration- passes and on the Activities Handbook. Campus Chest progress report. Acceptance of spring drive recommendation by Campus Chest Board. Appointments a p p r o v ed: Herbert Wander and Robert Knauss to fill the two vacancies on Joint Judiciary Coun- cil. Sara Gulette, to SGC Education and Social Welfare Committee, and to Religious Emphasis Week Committee. Ron Shorr to SGC Public Relatios Committee. Lewis Engman to Campus Chest Board. Approved: Appointment of committee to study and gather facts on the Com- mittee on University Lectures and Regents By-laws regarding outside speakers, to report to the Council not later than Oct. 17 with recommenda- tions for further action. Committee to be appointed by the Executive Com- mittee. Composition, four students, at least three to be from S.G.C. Statement of position of SGC relating to Sigma Kappa: "If the Sigma Kappa national sorority is found to have violated student regu- lations pertaining to requirements for recognition, these courses of action may be open to that national . . . (1) rein- statement of the two suspended chap- tars and a clarification of their posi- tion (2) disaffilation of the local chap- ter from the national and its continu- ation as a local sorority. "Further, it is our opinion that rush- ees should consider the local chapter on the same basis as other sororities on the University of Michigan campus, and, if questions exist as to Sigma Kappa's status, or membership policy they should consult the chairman of Panhellenic rushing counsellors, Dianne Duncan. Commended: Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie Mrs. Betty Henry, Mrs. Kathleen Mead for helping students in finding hous- ing. Disciplinary action .In cases of stu- dent misconduct: At meetings held on Sept. 25 and Oct. 2, 1956, cases involving 11 students were heard by the Joint Judiciary Council. In all cases the ac- tion was approved by the University Sub-Committee on Discipline. Violation of state laws and city ordi- nances relating to the purchase, sale and use of intoxicants: a. Supplying intoxicants to a minor and unlawfully removing Univer- sity property: One student fined $10.00 with $5.00 suspended. b. Accepting intoxicants in viola- tion of state law and unlawfully removing University property. One student fined $10.00 with $5.00 suspended. c. Appearing in public streets in a drunk and disorderly fashion. One vehicle. One student fined $15.00. d. Possessing intoxicants in a motor vehicle. One student fined $15.00 e. Possessing, as minors, Intoxicant in a motor vehicle. Three students fined $10.00. f. Drinking, as minors, in student quarters and accepting intoxicants in violation of state law. Two stu- dents fined $10.00. g. Drinking in student quarters and acting in a drunk fashion in a public place. One student fined $10.00. a. Violation of University automo- bile regulations. One student fined $40.00. Academic Notices Makeup Examination in Economics 51, 52, 53, and 54, Mon. Oct. 15, 2:00-5:00 p.m., in Room 2C Economics Building. Please leave your name with the Sec- retary of the Department. Law School Admission Test: Applica- tion blanks for the Nov. 10, 1956 admin- istration of the Law School Admission Test are now available at 122 Rackham Building. Application blanks are due i- Prin_4-.,-. . 7_ n.4- n4- .. tth an .. top, where she tends sometimes to a d EVIDENCE indicates that an investigation of the Jackson construction tragedy will ex. pose a detestable truth of supervisory negli. gence or architectural incompetency. This much is known. Four dead have been removed. Six others are known to be buried. Fifteen other workers are hospitalized, one- third of them seriously injured. More casualties may be found. These men met death and injury when the four-floor skeleton of a steel and concrete structure collapsed sending laborers and 4,000 tons of reinforced concrete tumbling into the basement. No veteran construction foreman on the - scene could recall a similar catastrophe in the history of reinforced concrete construction. Such a rarity cannot be dismissed by labeling it a "just one of those things" accident. WHILE no explanations of the tragedy were forthcoming from the contractor, men on the job had opinions as to the cause: Frank Herlihy, president of the contracting search out the cause of the collapse. collapse. He, with his associate engineers, had inspected the half-completed framework only ten minutes before it buckled. They had found nothing disturbing he said. .Workers thought they knew the cause and didn't hesitate to express themslves - a con- struction 'speed up' they said. One laborer at- tacked the speed-up, charging that "It is com- mon masonry practice to wait at least 28 days before pouring one floor on top of another that is still setting." Herlihy informed the Daily that he had waited "ten days", a sufficient time in his es- timation. George Berry, Jr., whose father is entombed in the rubble, claimed disgustedly. "The forms were removed from the concrete when it was still wet, leaving 'green', soft concrete pillars to support the entire fourth floor." "Excessive" was what Berry called the 101/2" of concrete poured around the steel joices. James Eley, whose father was dead on ar- rival at Mercy Hospital, told that two days be- fore the tragedy his father had complained to RICHARD SNYDER............. ........... Editor him that "work is going too fast and the ce- ment is not ready." IT SEEMS that these workers have a story to tell the investigating body or jury that will search out the cause of the collapse. If the 101" of concrete was excessive for the skinny steel joices, then Black and Black, architects of the building must be responsible for incompetency. If work was steamrolled, without due cau- tion in regards to green cement, then the blame must be shouldered by the Herlihy Co. Evi- dence now available supports this conclusion. It appears that a contractor, in his attempt to meet a completion deadline (Herlihy ad- mitted he was behind schedule), disregarded human safety considerations for business obli- gations. There is particular significance in this story for college students. Because of our de- grees, we will be the decision makers and con- tractors in the business world of the future. Dilemmas of human considerations versus ma- terial gain will confront us. Our decisions will determine the climate of human brotherhood. JAMES ELSMAN Jr. Rescue Workers: The Unsung Heroes THREE million dollars worth of building crashed to the ground four miles out of Jackson, Wednesday. Construction workers were killed, others injured. The choking dust of the building's rubble covered the scene. But through the gray dust, a volunteer re- lief corps stood by. They manned the food lines, the blanket lines. Supplying the thousands of workers, press, and authorized onlookers with food and cigarettes. They stood for uncounted hours wrapping shivering rescue workers in quickly found blankets, assisting them onto improvised benches, they asked no thanks, no rewards. Voluntarily on hand at the time of need, the Red Cross, Armed Forces, Civilian Defense Corps, and numerous other organizations proved ready to assist. Through the long night, 63 inmates of Jack- son State Prison selflessly worked in the des- perate search to uncover the bodies of six men LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Presidential Candidates Draw Comment 4 New Santy Claus . . . To the Editor: YES, Miss Bryan, there is a Santa Claus-his name is Adlai Stevenson. He is indeed all things to all "thinking" men-his "vision" leads him to call for the curtail- ment of hydrogen bomb tests, a position disastrous to our national defense as well as destructive to the plans for peaceful use of nu- clear energy; his. "intelligence" possesses him to advocate discon- tinuance of the draft at a time when the free world depends on our military support; his "prospec- tive" induces him to deal with Jake Arvey, Dick Daley, Harry Truman and Tammany Hall in order to gain political prominence; and his "greatness," as clearly shown by his one-term, mediocre governor- ship of Illinois, fittingly qualifies him as the Democratic candidate for the Presidency. It is indeed evident that Ann Arbor "has its share of people who don't think," when only 4000 turn out to pay tribute to the three term governor of New York, who had to win the votes of the work- er, the farmer, the 1st generation American, the small businessman, and the minority groups in order to give New York 12 years of effec- tive, socially minded, well admin- istered government. But, as you say, Miss Bryan, tion, interposition, isolation, and anti-labor legislation. Indeed, as you stated, Miss Bryan, the essential reason for the University's existence is to "de- velop the individual students ability to think, with some propec- tion about the world." But, is it not implicit in this statement, that a further function of the university is to prepare the student for the battle with the "exigencies of life in the asphalt jungle," rather than to fill them with false hopes and high-sounding platitudes, and can this best be done without teaching the student to look to a man's deeds rather than his words, and to look to political realities rather than political promises? -Donald Lee Reisig, '58L Stevenson's Record... To the Editor: AM completely aware of the editorial policy of the Daily, i.e., I know that editorials reflect only the individual opinion of the writer. I refer specifically to Ed- ward Geruldsen's editorial of Sept. 30 entitled "Stevenson Not Quali- fied to Replace Eisenhower." Un- questionably the writer is entitled to hold this opinion and, because of the supreme importance of the current campaign, a place to ex- press it. But he should not be affairs . \" As to the latter the truth is as follows: 1941-Became Assistant to Secre- tary of the Navy where, in war time, he earned the highest serv- ice award given to civilians and saw most of the combat areas. 1943-Chief of Economic Mission to Italy to plan relief and re- habilitation. 1944-Member of Air Force Mission to Europe. 1945-Special Assistant to Secre- tary of State and spokesman for U.S. delegation at UN Charter Conference in San Francisco. U.S. Minister in London and Chief delegate to UN Prepara- tory Commission. As Senior Ad- visor and as a Delegate, he played a key role in organizing the United Nations. 1946-Senior advisor to U.S. dele- gation, first session of UN in London. 1947-U.S. alternate delegate to TN in New York where, having recognized and publicly con- demned the threat of Commun- ism as early as 1926, he was one of the first U.S. negotiators to meet and oppose Soviet expan- sionism. 1953-1955-He traveled around the world, particularly in the Far East, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe, gaining first-hand knowledge of the 1922-1925-Studied law at Harvard and Northwestern and worked on newspaper in Illinois. 1933-34-Worked in agricultural Adjustment Administration in Washington gaining an intimate knowledge of farm problems during the depression. 1935-1941--Practiced law in Chi- cago. 1948-1952-Elected Governor of Illinois by largest plurality in history of state. His factual accomplishments while Governor aren: 1. Without increasing general taxes, he reduced the State budget and debt, doubled State aid to schools, raised teachers' salaries and improved retirement benefits. 2. Dropped 1,300 patronage em- ployees and fired 10,000 politically appointed game wardens. 3. Took State Police out of politics and put them under a strict merit system. 4. Plugged tax loopholes, sav- ing millions of dollars. 5. Opened door for first consti- tutional revision in half a century. 6. Ordered hundreds of anti- gambling raids, smashed cigarette stamp counterfeiters, cracked down on slot machine operators. 7. Turned Illinois system of mental hospitals from a national scandal into one of the nation's best. A ,,t*a +1h f.q