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October 05, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-05

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(See Page 4)

Latest Deadline in the State





Sigma Kappa
j Sorority Will Obey
'U' Regulations
The local chapter of Sigma
Kappa sorority yesterday officially
affirmed its intention to abide by
University regulations. regarding
In a statement to Student Gov-
ernment Council, Barbara Busch,
'57Ed, president of the local chap-
ter declared its intention to "rush
adpledge girls on the basis of
erindividual character and per-
sonality, and in accordance with
the University standards and
ideals and scholarship."
Presenting the local's position on
the recent suspensions of Sigma
Kappa chapters at Tufts and Cor-
nell Universities, Miss Busch said
further that the University chap-
ter has "no knowledge of the
nature of its sister chapters' dif-
ferences with the national soror-
No reasons were given when the
sorority's national council sus-
pended the Tufts and Cornell
locals. Both had pledged Negro
women last spring.
Several members of SGC have
expressed the belief, that if the
local sorority were subject to sus-
pension for pledging Negro women.
it might stand in violation of Uni-
versity regulations prohibiting
membership restriction on the
basis of race, religion or color.
Miss Busch told The Daily yes-
terday that the local chapter has
"no indication that the national
would take any action" were the
University local to pledge a Negro
woman, because it has no indica-
tion that the two suspensions were
related to the pledging of Negroes.
She reaffirmed a recent state-
ment that the local has had no
word of any sort from the national
regarding the two suspensions and
that she expected none during the
current rushing period when mem-
bers of the national council are
visiting different locals throughout
the country.
Yalta Meet
Seen Failure
BELGRADE (M )- Yugoslav
President Tito will return to Bel-
grade today from his Yalta con-
ference with Kremlin leaders, an
authoritative source said yester-
Tito's trip, he said, apparently
has failed to settle a policy row
within the higher ranks of Com-
Tito left his capital for Russia
a week ago with Soviet Commu-
nist party Secretary Nikita Krush-
chev for what was billed as a va-
cation on the Soviet Crimea.
Krushchev had been in Yugo-
slavia on what also was described
1 officially as a vacation.
But reliable sources here said
both visits actually were for cru-
cial discussion of party matters
and admitted "differences of ide-
ological nature" between Yugo-
slavia and Russia.
Tito's return after only a week
is seen here as strong indication
that the Crimea conference failed
to clear up the differences.
Communist sources here said
Tito went to Russia to help Krush-
chev defend himself against grow-
ing criticism by other Kremlin

leaders who fear results of Krush-
chev's de-Stalinization policy. De-
spite Tito's visit, the sources here
said, Krushchev still is in trouble.
His opponents have not relented.
Tito, they added, nevertheless
made clear he would not abandon
his course of independent com-
munism, even if it means the end
of friendly relations with Soviet(
U N Debates
Suez Question-
The Western Big Three struggled
yesterday for unity in the United-
Nations Security Council on the
Suez Canal crisis-amid criticism
of the United States from abroad,
especially from France.
The Council convenes today to
begin debate on the canal issue.
'Pr h + sf firm + in .c hi+.nrv+

'U' To Restrict
Dean's off ice To Launch Probe;
Hopes For Alleviation of Problem
The University is cracking down on the number of unmarried
male students living in apartments.
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea last night disclosed that the Dean of
Men's office is launching an investigation of those bachelor students
living in apartments, mainly to alleviate Ann Arbor's tight housing
Dean Rea's main concern is with lack of facilities for married stu-
dents. Because other students fill up apartments close to campus, he
said, :narried couples are forced

Investigations Initiated
Into Jackson Disaster;


'U' Professors


SGC Post
A Student Government Council
post filled just last week is vacant
Sara Gullette, '58, appointedto
SGC Sept. 26, has withdrawn from
the University because of mon-
onucleosis. She expects to file for-
mal resignation from the Council
within a few days.
The post will probably be filled
at SGC's next meeting Wednes-
day, Council President Bill Adams,
'57BAd, said.
Miss Gullette, was appointed
to the position left vacant by the
resignation for former Daily City
Editor Jim Dygert, '56BAd, until
general elections in November.
She will return to her home in
Raleigh, N. C.
A former Inter-House Council
secretary, Miss Gullette was also
secretary of the Big Ten Residence
Halls Association and of the
Michigan delegation to the Ninth
National Student Association Con-
gress held in August in Chicago.
Position Open
Petitioning is open for a vacancy,
on the Board in Control of Student
Publications left by George R.
Oorey, '56, according to Daily
Managing Editor Dick Snyder.
Petitions, which may be picked
up at the Student Publications
Building, must be filled out and
returned to the offices of the
Board in Control by Oct. 12.
Petitions will be considered and
a decision rendered by the Execu-
tive Committee of the Board in
Control and the Executive Com-
mittee of Student Government

to seek housing further and fur-
ther from the main University
Moreover, an Ann Arbor land-
lord is more likely to rent to three
or four male students than to a
married couple because of the
higher rents he can charge, Dean
Rea said.
A Dean of Men's survey of all
Ann Arbor housing, started over
the summer, is rapidly being com-
pleted. When finished, the survey
will indicate types of housing-
apartments, rooming houses and
private homes-available through-
out the area. "This will enable us
to find out who is living where,"I
he said.
Besides making apartment-hunt-
ing a curse for married students,
Dean Rea said, bachelor-occupied
quarters usually lead to violations
of University regulations on the
presence of liquor and unchaper-
oned women in student housing.
Since most apartments are un-
supervised, there is little that can
be done unless a neighbor regist-
ers a complaint.
Some students with no real need
for an apartment will be asked to
move g'radually throughout the
course of the semester. Although
there- is no space available in resi-
dence halls and fraternities, Dean
Rea said there are still some stu-
dent quarters in rooming houses
and private homes which will ac-
comodate those asked to move.
Regents By-Law
Regents By-law 8.07 prohibits
men students, graduate and un-
dergraduate, from living in pri-
vate apartments. Since the war,
this regulation has been relaxed
because of the influx of students.
But it will become increasingly
hard for unmarried male students
to secure apartment permissions
from the Dean of Men's:office. Per-
mission will be granted, however,
in special cases where health or
finance are major considerations.
"A lot will depend on the indivi-
dual student," Dean Rea said. "A
serious-minded graduate or pro-
fessional student will probably find
it easier than a 20 year-old sopho-

Six Groups Meet
Non-Bias Standard,
(Ed. note: This is the first of a series of two articles on religious and
racial integration on the University campus. The second will deal spe-
cifically with the problems integration provides.)
Of 36 fraternities on the University campus without bias clauses,'
two have racial integration and two are religiously integrated at this
Of six fraternities with selectivity clauses, two are religiously
integrated at this time.
Trigon has one Japanese chapter member and Tau Kappa Epsilon
has one Chinese chapter member.
Mixing of Races
Integration is defined here as any mixing of races or religions in
Pi Lambda Phi, a predominantly Jewish fraternity, numbers one

-Daily-Dick Gaskill
SMILES AT AIRPORT-Sen. Paul H. Douglas (D-Ill.) greets
Michigan Democrats at Willow Run Airport. With him is Margaret
Price, national committeewoman from the state.
Ike Has No Control
Of GOP-Douglas

Gentile in its membership and:
By PETER ECKSTEIN Triangle has a Jewish affiliate.
Sen. Paul Douglas yesterday accused conservative Republicans of Sigma Chi, which has a "bona
"clutching Eisenhower's coattails only to better stab him in the back." fiite and ca, hs
Speaking before a standing room only crowd of 350 in the Union Jewish affiliate, and Acacia, which
ballroom, the Illinois Democrat said that President Dwight D. Eisen- several Jewish members.a
hower has "been able to accomplish little" during his present term
and would be able to do "even less" were he to be re-elected. Acacia's Clause
Sen. Douglas declared the President would have "no power over Acacia's clause prohibits those

his party" because the twenty-second amendment to the Constitution,
forbids a President from seeking a third term.
"Lack Threat"
"He would lack that threat"-running for a third time-"to keep
his party in line."
The President's 1953 desire to form a new, "middle of the road"
party dramatizes the difficulties het>

has had with conservative Repub-
licans, Sen. Douglas continued.
He told the afternoon gathering,
sponsored by the Young Democrats
and Students for Stevenson, that
the "greatest internal threat to
democracy is concentration of
power in the hands of a few men."
Democrat Objective
lie declared it an objective of
the Democratic Party to distribute
economic and political power
"more deeply and more broadly,"
though not equally.
Other party objectives he named
were to help "the needy and the
week" and toachieve a "greater
degree of justice" for the people
of the nation. He declared that
prior to the Administration of
Franklin Roosevelt "there was a
tendency to ignore the social re-
quirements of justice. We Demo-
crats have at least started to make
justice functional instead of cere-
In illustration of these objectives
put into practice, Sen. Douglas
credited the Democrats with pro-
moting income and inheritance
taxes, changes in tax laws to aid
small business, and measures to
protect the "family size farm"
and labor unions.
"Our Aim"
"Our aim," the Ilinoisian said
of the Democrats, "is not a social-
ized America but self-reliant,
healthy, well-educated men and
Following his campus appear-
ance, Sen. Douglas continued his
Michigan campaign tour with a
visit to Sturgis.


Flays GOP'
On Korean
War Issue
Sen. Paul H. Douglas told The
Daily yesterday that former Presi-
dent Harry S. Truman could have
achieved a Korean War truce in
1951 or 1952 had he agreed to the
terms on which the war was ended.
President Dwight Eisenhower,
Sen. Douglas maintained, agreed
to a tr'uce on terms which would
have been termed treasonable by
some members of the press and
Republican Party had Truman
agreed to them.
In an interview driving in from
Willow Run Airport, Sen. Douglas,
long a supporter of civil rights
bills, described the Republican
civil rights plank as "a little bet-
ter - though not much" than the
He called the Democrats' overall
platform stronger on civil rights
than the Republicans' because of
a Democratic committment to
work for a change in Senate rules
now permitting filibusters. He des-
cribed filibusters as the main ob-
stacle to Congressional passage of
civil rights legislation.

who at the time of initiation are
inherents "of any creed or organi-
zation which seeks to restrain its
members from affiliation with
Masonic Organizations." Acacia
was. founded by Masons.
This prohibits, primarily Catho-
lics. However, there are chapters
which do have Catholic members.
Six fraternities with bias clauses
are Alpha Tau Omega, Acacia,
Kappa Sigma, Sigma Nu, Sigma
Chi and Theta Chi.
Delta Tau Delta
Position of Delta Tau Delta is
not clear. Don Duff, president, is
not permitted to commenit on the
'Delt' constitution.
All information must be received
from the national offices. The
Daily is now awaiting this infor-
No Negroes are integrated with
any local chapter on campus.
Alpha Phi Alpha and Kappa Alpha
Psi are made up at this time en-
tirely of colored men.
There are some chapters which
are mixed, according to Otha Stup-
plefield, president of Kappa Alpha
Jewish Men
Seven houses now absorb most
of the Jewish fraternity men. They
are Alpha Epsilon Pi, Phi Epsilon
Pi, Phi Sigma Delta, Pi Lambda
Phi, Sigma Alpha Mu, Tau Delta
Phi, and Zeta Beta Tau.
Several fraternities have had
some form of integration in the
past, but, in many cases, these
men have graduated or transfer-
Many fraternities would like to
integrate. However, the. problems
involved in such a move are
enormously complex.

U' Checking
New Sites
For Parking
Campus parking problems may
be partially alleviated within a
few months.
Vice-President for Financial Af-
fairs Wilbur K. Pierpont and the
University Business Office have
been inspecting possible sites for
storage lots, according to Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis. Because of the
high price of land near campus, no
definite location has yet been
"Our first move is to provide
storage facilities," Lewis said," and
we're moving ahead as fast as we
can." A site will probably be
chosen by the end of the football
season, he said.
Approximately $15,000 out of an
expected revenue of $35,000 col-
lected'from car registration will go
to parking facilities. All fines im-
posed upon regulation violators
will also be allocated to the park-
ing fund.
Lewis outlined the authority of
the special four-man University
Patrol as that of deputy sheriffs.
Because of deputization and be-
cause the men are employed by the
Regents, they will be able to stop
any violating state, county or local
regulations and also any car bear-
ing a registration sticker.
Lewis emphasized that the of-
ficers will never abuse their auth-
ority by stopping unregistered cars
on a pretext, merely to check reg-
istration. "We want the students
to know that there is no subter-
fuge planned," he said.

ro Aid
Still Search
For Bodies
Of Missing
Death List Stands
At Six, 15 Injured
In Jackson Hospital
Three investigations into thw
Jackson building disaster began
early yesterday morning while
rescue workers were still probing
tons of concrete and twisted steel
for four bodies of men listed as
"undoubtedly dead."
The bodies of George Berry Sr.,
foreman of the cement gang, and
Gale Marble were uncovered late
yesterday evening, bringing the
total of identified dead to six.
Fifteen other victims of the Con-
sumers Power Co. building collapse
are in critical condition in Jack-
son hospitals.
Two tUniversity engineering pro-
fessors were hired by Consumer5
Power Co. to determine cause of
the .greatest industrial catastrophe
in state history.
Steel Specialist
Prof. Glenn L. Alt, a specialist
in steel constructions, and Prof.
Leo M. Legatski, concrete struc-
tures expert, began gathering data
yesterday morning at the scene of
the demolished four and one-half
story structure.
Prof. Legatski would not com-
ment on the extent of his findings
because "We have been hired by
the Consumers Power Co., and
therefore have to report to them
Continue Study
Prof. Legaski and Prof. Alt will
continue studying the wreckage
this week and report to Consumer
Power Co. officials next week. "I
have no way of determining," Prof.
Legatski said, "just how long it.
will require to gather sufficient
data for a conclusive explanation."
Other investigations have been
launc'hed by construction experts
for Herlihy Mid-Continent Co., of
Chicago, the general contractors
for the job and Black and Black
of Lansing, the architects.
The State Legislature has indi-
cated it will conduct a separate
Withstand A Bomb
Comsumer Power Co. .officials
disclosed last night the basement
of the vital office building was
supposedly designed to withstand
the force of an A-bomb blast.
In the event of an enemy attack
the building, half-completed at the
time of collapse, was to serve as
the key nerve-center for distri-
bution of power to Michigan in
The first, second, third and
fourth floors of the east and south
sections of the structure fell
through to the basement, leaving
only the concrete pillars upright.
Parts Leveled
North and west parts of the
building, though still standing
throughout rescue operations, were
entirely leveled by demolition
crews when it was feared precari-
ously hanging chunks of concrete
would topple on rescue workers.
Four general causes for the col-
lapse were listed by an official of
a construction company as: 1.
"Green" cement which has not
been allowed to harden long
enough to attain full strength. 2.
Improper shoring too weak to

support the tons of concrete anid
steel used in the structure. 3. De-
fective design. 4. Structural defects
in steel support.
'U' Student Fined
A University graduate student
was fined $40 by Joint Judiciary
Council Tuesday for failure to
comply with new University auto-
mobile regulations.
Romon M. Brinkman, Grad.,
said yesterday that he was fined
-for not registering his automobile,
Brinkman was apprehended by
I intlhit, 4.;+ w a+ 9. f +ti

'U, SUTrophy
'Hghlights Spit
It's tough to see the Paul Bunyan trophy-in fact it's impossible.
The Daily found this out yesterday when it attempted to photo-
graph the eight foot statue, presented annually to the winner of the
Michigan, MSU game.
Sometimes called "Williams' Jukebox Trophy," it was presented
by Michigan Governor G. Mennen "Soapy" Williams to the two schools
in 1953.
Paul Bunyan
The wooden replica of Paul Bunyan, standing on a map of Michi-
gan was supposed to highlight the traditional rivalry between the two
Michigan schools.



IHC 'Awa

By The Associated Press

Cyrd Prizes to Men
trophy to be awarded for the best It was decided not to ask the
homecoming display in the Men's Student Government Council for
Residence Halls. It will be retired a late permission for the IHC
by the house that wins it. dance in the spring.

In an attempt to photograph the controversial object,
was instructed to call Les Etter, public relations manager of
in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, for permission.

the Daily
the Board

Etter told The Daily to call Henry Hatch, equipment manager.
Hatch said he couldn't unlock the room where the trophy
without permission of Athletic Director H. O. "Fritz" Crisler.


Crisier says No
And Crisler said "No,"' the statue couldn't be seen until Satur-
day's game.
Asked why, Crisler said it was dismantled with the parts in dif-
ferent places.
The trophy hasn't had an easy time of it in the past either.
Originally labeled a political move by State Republican leaders,
it received a cold shoulder at the University. Students and administra-'
tors indicated they didn't want the thing.
First presentation in 1953 was a fiasco. The statue was uncovered
quickly and then slipped stealthily off the field without coming into
the limelight of TV cameras.

Richard M. Nixon said yesterday
he and other Republican candi-
dates do not intend to "kid the
American people in an election
year" by holding out hopes that
the draft can be ended soon.
Nixon, making a nationwide TV-
radio broadcast based on the 32-
state tour he completed Wednes-
day, took up the draft issue raised
by Democratic presidential candi-
date Adlai E. Stevenson.
Stevenson has said the draft
should be ended as son as possible,
consistent with the national safe-
* * * .
ELKINS, W. Va. - Adlai E.
Stevenson yesterday criticized the
Eisenhower administration for
what he called the "shunting
aside" of lifetime conservationists
-- .i" a .r- f n lif:n annnin+a r

The first Roger Kidston Schol-
arship was awarded last night
at the Inter-House Council meet-
ing. .
It wvent to Kelsey House, South
Quad, which had the highest aca-
demic standing last year, the main
stipulation of the award. The $50
award was in turn presented to
Jack Pyper, a resident of that
Established last spring the scho-
larship is in honor of Kidston, first
president of IHC. It is to be
awarded on an annual basis.
The first step in extending fa-
cilities of radio station WCBN to
women living on the Hill was tak-
en at the meeting.
A motion was approved to per-
mit a University student to con-
struct a pilot transmitter to be
installed in one of the dormitories.
probably Alice Lloyd,
If this transmitter works, WCBN
intends to ask permission to in-
stall other units in the remaining
dormitories later in the year.




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