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October 04, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-04

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"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Sixty-Sixth Year

"I Don't Know If He's Running Scared, Bt
He's Not Running Sacred Any More"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
- the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Sigma Kappa National
Obligated To Explain Actions

- C

r ."

'War and Peace'
Visual Delight
''HERE HAS BEEN, and probably will continue to be, a great deal of
controversy over the artistic merits of Dino DeLaurentiis's production
of "War and Peace." Some may wish to compare it with Tolstoy's novel,
others may want to be assured that it is a "great" film. The former
will have an immense amount of difficulty, for "War and Peace" has
been transcribed to the screen in nearly total visual terms, and retains
little of the literary; the latter will have to ask the semanticists-those
of them who know what "great" means.
Let it suffice that "War and Peace" is a film of unique interest: it
has its weaknesses as drama, but there are sufficient pictorial values


STUDENT Government Council acted last
night to clarify Sigma Kappa's position on
campus. Although the final motion leaves
something to be desired it is encouraging to
see the Council moving quickly to a solution.
SGC's motion points out that if Sigma
Kappa national organization is in violation of
SGC regulations then there are two alterna-
tives: reinstatement of the Cornell and Tufts
chapters and clarification of membership poli-
cies, or disaffiliation of the local from its na-
There was one important omission. The
Council should have made explicit the obliga-
tion of national officers to come forward and
explain their actions. Further, it should have
gone on record as telling the national it can't
hide behind refusals to comment.
SGC member Don Good claimed last night
the Council is not a court. "We shouldn't act
unless we get a written admission of guilt from
the national," he told the body. It is this sort
of reasoning which SGC must look out for.
They should have established, before gathering
the"facts, what sort of proof will be necessary
to determine violation of regulations.
N ANSWER to Good: There are only two pos-
sible hypotheses. The two chapters were sus-
pended for pledging Negro girls or they were
suspended for some other reason.
The facts so far are these: Two chapters
pledged Negr~o girls. These were the only two
chapters expelled. The national has beenasked
repeatedly to explain its actions. It refused.
It was asked if it would deny that pledging
Negro girls was the cause. It said it would not.

This body of fact fits the first hypothesis.
It does not fit quite so well wtih the second.
The only group which can supply facts con-
sistent with the secord hypothesis is Sigma
Kappa national. It refuses to do so.
Logically, it is reasonable to assume that
the first hypothesis is correct until Sigma Kap-
pa officers supply convincing evidence that it
is not. To reason otherwise would be to claim
that you can never take action against some-
one unless they publicly announce their wrong.
This, of course, renders impossible any at-
tempt to enforce regulations.
THE SECOND part of SGC's motion asks
rushees to consider the local chapter in
the same light as any other sorority and urges
them to consult the Panhel rushing counsellor
if there are any questions about membership
It would have been better if the Council
had called on local Sigma Kappa to state what
its membership policies are. Local Sigma Kappa
is caught in a tight squeeze play but the silence
they have shown so far may not be the best
way out.
Rushees ought to know what the local
chapter's attitude on discriminatory policies
is, and in what light it regards its national's
A clear, simple statement from the local
chapter would be convincing justification of
the confidence we have in them. As much as
they'd like to wait until the trauma of rushing
is over, in fairness to rushees, they should not.
Daily City Editor


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Airline Probe Cancel

Voting Procedure Confusion

THE STUDENT voting registration picture in
Michigan is, in a word, confused.
Throughout the state, each college town
f seems to employ a different interpretation of
the law, and in Ann Arbor different representa-
tives of the city clerk's office seem to employ
different standards in granting or not granting
voting rights. This was demonstrated reently
when the same student was once refused and
later accepted for registration when he called
a few days later.
All this can be explained by the fact that
the law on student voting is also confused and
drawing the line between residents and non-
residents is dfificult. Still, there should be one
standard for Ann Arbor and preferably one for
the whole state.
THE STATE and the city understandably
do not want their lections swamped by per-
sons whose real homes are elsewhere, but at.
present some legitimate voters are being dis-
couraged from registering by the ambiguous
standards which prevail.
They too have an understandable desire -
to help elect not only local but also the nation-
al officials of their choice. In many cases, es-
pecially among married students, Ann Arbor
is the only home the would-be voter has, and
it seems unreasonable to prevent him from ex-
ercising his voting rights simply because he may
be leaving the community after graduation.
Much of what local government does is of
a transitory nature, and as apartment renters
and even home-owners many students are con-
tributing a full share in city and county taxes.
Ann Arbor authorities do not appear to be
unreasonable in their general interpretation of

the law. They have frequently allowed non-stu-
dent wives of students to vote - under a 1931
law allowing wives to establish residency apart
from their husbands - while denying the right
to the husbands. Presumably the wives are
more permanent residents of Ann Arbor than
their husbands, and the authorities' willingness
to allow them to vote indicates that they would
also allow their husbands that right if they
thought the law permitted it.
THE MAJOR fault then is with the law it-
self, perhaps with the constitution of the
state of Michigan. These are not things easily
changed, but written in an age when students
rarely settled down so firmly as many have in
Ann Arbor, and they do. not now realistically
reflect the facts of residency of many students
in Ann Arbor and other university towns.
Another aggravating factor for some stu-
dents is that not all states have absentee ballots
for students. Pennsylvania is probably the
largest holdout against extending the fran-
chise to absentees. However, the question of
residency should be a fact not contingent on
the question of wher it is easier to vote, and
as Prof. Pierce of the law school has pointed
out, arbitrary shifts in residence for voting pur-
poses can have unfortunate repercussions.
UNTIL the law is changed, Ann Arbor stu-
dents will just have to be patient and not
too critical of the city authorities. But until
Ann Arbor practice is standardized around leni-
ent criteria, the clerk's office can expect stu-
dents who don't at first succeed in registering
to try, try again.

T HE Securities and Exchange
Commission was quietly and
efficiently investigating the scan-
dal surrounding the purchase of
Northeast Airlines stock when sud-
denly it got a phone call from the
Justice Department.
Attorney General Brownell, SEC
officials were informed, wanted
the SEC investigation called off.
SEC Chairman J. Sinclair Arm-
strong obediently bowed. The
probe was canceled.
The securities and exchange
commission, established by law un-
der Roosevelt to prevent stock-
market manipulation, is a- quasi-
judicial agency. It.is supposed to
act independently of the executive
branch of government. It is not
supposed to take orders. It was
so established in order to prevent
any stock-market tampering such
as influenced the 'disastrous Wall
Street crash of the Hoover Admin-
*.* *
DESPITE this, Chairman Arm-
strong called off his probe just
as his agents started to question
some of the 40 or so people who
bought Northeast Airlines stock
after it was awarded the lush route
between New York and Miami, but
before that award was announced.
The stock shot up 14.5 points,
and a lot of people made a killing.
Behind the killing are some very
embarrassing facts, so embarrass-
ing that Attorney General Brow-
nell doesn't want them investi-
gated-except by his own agents.
One is the fact that Georgia's
Republican boss, Robert Snodgrass,
bought 1,000 shares of Northeast
for a quick profit of $2,500. Three
aides of an important GOP sena-
tor also were in on the deal.

Also embarrassing are two re-
ported phone calls by two Republi-
can members of the Civil Aeronau-
tics Board. CAB member Harmar
Denny has denied that he leaked
any confidential information to
Delta Airlines' Washington repre-
sentative, Robert Griffith. Griffith
has also denied this; has also de-
nied passing any information to
his Georgia friend, GOP mogul
GRIFFITH would have faced
some explainingunder oath, if the
SEC investigation had not been
called off. For investigators have
turned up a telephone slip which
shows he made a long-distance
call to Georgia shortly after the
CAB made its secret decision to
favor Northeast Airlines for the
New York-Miami route.
Also it's become known that a
party was held on the same night
that CAB members voted for
Northeast. Some of the CAB mem-
bers were present at the party. So
also were some of the insiders who
next day made a fast buck on the
stock market.
These were some of the embar-
rassing facts which would have
been revealed had not the Justice
Department intervened. Official
excuse for the Justice Depart-
ment's intervention was that the
FBI had taken over. Justice De-
partment officials admitted that
any FBI report until after Novem-
ber 6 was highly unlikely.
Note-The Senate Investigating
Committee has considered digging
up the Northeast Airlines scandal.
An affirmative decision, however,
is doubtful. John McClellan, Ar-
kansas Republican, seldom investi-
gates anything which might em-
barrass his Republican friends.

THOUGH the President decided
against Judge William Hastie of
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
U.S. Supreme Court, his advisers
have in mind appointment of an-
other Negro to the federal bench.
He is Scovel Richardson of St.
Louis, now chairman of the Fed-
eral Parole Board. Richardson is
due for appointment in the next
few weeks as a U.S. district judge
in Eastern Missouri.
Though there is one Negro,
Judge Hastie, on the court of ap-
peals, no Negroes have been ap-
pointed to a federal district court.
Mr. Richardson, born in Nashville,
has been a practicing attorney in
Southern Illinois and St. Louis for
some time, was appointed by
Roosevelt as attorney in the Office
of Price Administration, and has
been an assistant to the chairman
of the 'Republican National Com-
JUSTICE department insiders
indicate that Attorney General
Brownell may have a dual motive
in appointing Richardson to the
federal bench in St. Louis: 1)
recognition of a prominent Negro
who would help with the Negro
vote; 2) a slap at senior judge
George Moore.
Judge Moor, who has served for
two decades on the federal bench,
has resented some of the Justice
Department's tactics and hasn't
hesitated to ride Brownell hard.
Judge Moore also has his own ideas
about Negro judges on the federal
bench. Justice department offi-
cials don't believe he would relish
a Negro judge on his court.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

as cinema to offset many of its
The most outstanding achieve-
ment of "War and Peace" is its
wealth of detail; its director, King
Vidor, has not only embued it with
a sense of pictorial realism, creat-
ing the cities and architecture of
his period, but he has also managed
to consistently convey a strong
sense of dramatic tone through the
careful selection of color and a
strong handling of the camera.
THE COLORS are not the gaudy,
glaring hues one hascome to asso-
ciate with Technicolor, but range
from pastel to vibrant shades-an
immense range that has been used
with the personal touch and care-
ful planning of a painter. For ex-
ample, in the scene where Audrey
dies, various shades of orange sug-
gest and grasp pictorially the near
mystical revelation about mankind
that Audrey has achieved.
Mr. Vidor's conception of Tol-
stoy's world is a place of infinite
natural beauty against which the
drama of human life is unfolded;
sometimes, as in the Napoleonic
death march back to France in the
beautiful swirl of a blinding bliz-
zard, nature seems to be tauntingly
destroying man vwith the most
marvelous of her creations.
There are individual scenes of
amazing power: a duel fought at
sunrise on a sheet of glistening ice:
the balls and operas of Czarist
Moscow; the quiet, fertile lushness
of nineteenth-century country es-
tates; a happy family sleighriding
through a , moonlit forest, black
and white and laughter-the list is
endless, the beauty immense.
And the film's sound effects -
the alternate quiet and noisy con-
fusion of battle, the softness of
peace-these, too, are masterfully
PARADOXICALLY, it is just the
immensity of visual detail that
weakens "War and Peace" drama-
tically. It is structured like a series
of separate musical chords, each
played with a feel for naunce-but
these chords are never combined
in any kind of phrase or dramatic
statement. Everything is staccato:
'Bells' Farce
"THE Bells of St. Trinian's" stars
Alastair Sims and Joyce Gren-
fell but you would never think it.
Th entire show is stolen by a
group of escapees from an insane
asylum cast as teachers and a
delightful group of young ladies,
probably on parole from a local
reformatory, playing the part of
the students of St. Trinian's
School for Young Ladies.
The plot itself is mediocre and
has been done before, but never
with such a cast of naturals. Al-
though the plot is relatively com-
plicated, in brief an old "nothing
but nice" headmistress is faced
with the harsh reality of a mer-
cenary world. She finally wins out
over her difficulties by the useful
expediant of betting on the ponies
expedient of betting on the ponies
Her task of saving dear old St.
Trinian's is made all the more
difficult by the influx of wicked
professional gamblers who will stop
at nothing to see that their horse
wins. The owner of the "sure
thing" horse is a Sultan of "some-
thing or other," and it just so
happens that his daughter by a
twist of fate is enrolled in St.
The dramatic acting leaves much
to be desired. However, this type
of acting is mercifully limited to
three scenes which are really so

poor so as to get laughs anyhow.
* * *
TIMING and incidental music
are good. Many of the camera
angles were faintly reminiscent of
the Keystone Kops flickers.
The successtif the show is the
underexaggerated acceptance of
the totally bizarre and unbelievable
(an English type of humor). The
dear little girls in this school busy
themselves with manufacturing
bathtub gin and the sale of same
to the local bootlegger.
The athletic program includes a
field hockey game with another
school. The game itself turns out
to be a pitched battle with St.
Trinian's winning decisively.
The younger girls in the school
seem quite proficient in the manu-
facture of deadly booby-traps.
Some of the older girls are mar-

characters appear for 20 minutes,
disappear for 15; Director Vidor
has five love stories running simul-
taneously, together with a docu-
mentation of the Napoleonic in-
vasion of Russia, numerous family
difficulties, and a look at Russian
society under Alexander I.
What this proves is that while
Tolstoy was able to handle such
material easily within the confines
of a novel, it is simply too much
for the screen to handle properly
in a 208-minute running time.
"War and Peace" grasps its ma-
terial pictorially; it cannot do so
on any other level. The camera,
the color, the settings become the
major point of emphasis, and while
they portray a great deal, Tolstoy
and the performers seem only to
Audrey Hepburn plays Natasha.
Physically she is perfect for the
role; dramatically, one always has
the uneasy feeling that he may not
really be as fascinated by the
character she is portraying as he
is by Miss Hepburn. Nonetheless,
the facial beauty and expressive-
ness of Mis Hepburn are memor-
Henry Fonda as Aierre brings to
his interpretation all the talent
and skill which he possesses. He
has a technique that quietly builds
and builds, so that in the scenes
of power and itensity, he seems not
to be exploding to the limits of his
lung capacity, but to be behaving
in a totally natural manner. Un-
like many another player, Mr.
Fonda is never guilty of throwing
himself into and out of a charac-
ter: his is the talent of sureness,
confidence and intelligence.
Mel Ferrer as Audrey suggests
the sullen melancholy of dissi-
pating aristocracy, a rather stereo-
typed interpretation which some-
times reduces Audrey to the level
of secondary character. Anita Ek-
berg as Helene delivers her spe-
cialty, pure voluptuousness.
THE SUPPORTING cast, largely
European, uses accents ranging
from Italian to cockney English
but never Russian. Still, this is
a minor detail, for words are not
the important tools with which
"War and Peace" has been
The battle scenes are undoubted-
ly the most billiant ever seen on
the screen; they are staged with
clarity and movement, and they
take the art of screen spectacle to
the heights from which it has
fallen since Laurence Olivier's
"Henry V."
If there is little to learn from
"War and Peace," there is stfil
much to see.
-Ernest Theodossin
The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Fri., Oct. 26. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands by Oct. 17.
Student Organizations planning t
be active during the present semester
are reminded to complete registration
by Oct. 12. The Student Directory will
include a list of student organizations
and their presidents as registered on
this date. Forms for registration are
available in the Office of Student Af-
fairs, 1020 Administration Building.

University Directory. All additions and
corrections for listings already sent in
must be reported by Fri., Oct. 5. For
further information, call Florence Boyd
ext. 2152.
University Terrace and Northwood
Apartments - Zero, one and two bed-
room apartments are now available to
any person who is married and has
a full-time academic appointment at
the University. You must have. one
child to be eligible for the one bedroom
units and two children to be eligible
for the htwo-bedroom units. Contact
E. H. Melhuish, 1060 Administration
Building, or phone NO 3-1511, Ext. 2662.
The General Electric Educational and
-Charitable fund is offering 34 fellow-
ships for the academic year 1957-58.
Fields will include Physical Sciences,
Engineering, Industrial Management,
Arts and Sciences, and Law, and Busi-
ness. The stipend will b $1750 for a Fel-
low who is single, and a minimum of
$ i2500 for a mar'ried Fellow with chil-



Preventing Scalping

Eisenhower vs. The Democrats

IT'S SELL-OUT football game time again and
city and University authorities are supposedly
hard at work thinking up preventatives for the
fall pest, the ticket scalper.
Unless the Athletic Administration makes a
radical change in policy, however, the only
discipline the student scalper has to fear will
come from the direction of the Ann Arbor police
department in the form of fines and jail sen-
Although it is quite possible that awareness of
such penalties will reduce the scalping problem,
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN ............ Personnel Director
ERNES'1 THEODOSSIN............. Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK. Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS............. Features Editor
DAVID GREY ... . . .Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER .......... Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN ........ Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERITSON..... ...... Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER.............Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS ............. Women's Feature Editor
VERNON SODEuN............... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN .... Associate Business Manager
WILLIAMEUSCH.............Advertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON..........Finance Manager

University authorities should be~
terms of punishment for violators
transferrable ticket code,

thinking in
of the non-

By admission to the Athletic Department's
policy concerning students selling their tickets
has been one of "being extremely reluctant to
levy severe penalties on students for the viola-
tion of the ticket privilege."
TECHNICALLY, any student who gives his
ticket to someone else for admission to a
football game could lose his tickets for the
remainder of the season. Obviously no one,
including University officials, can be expected
to detect or chastise those students who give
away their tickets.
However when students make a money-maker
of a University athletic contest, University
officials should be more concerned about en-
forcing the regulations.
Discipline in the past has extended only to
some sort of a nebulous, ineffective and inade-
quate method of admonishing the student for
his mercenary conduct and then returning his
ticket with a stern "Don't do that again."
With two sell-out football games scheduled
for the neA two Saturdays, the scalping menace
threatens to be more acute and widespread
than ever before.
Certainly a policy of bawling out students,
and then returning their tickets will not go
very far towards cleaning up a problem Univer-
sity authorities keep claiming they want to

CONTRARY to what most of us
thought would happen, the big
set speeches on television are not
reaching the undecided voters on
whom the outcome depends. Be-
cause the campaign managers are
agreed on this, they have Steven-
son, Kefauver and Nixon constant-
ly on the road, and there is mount-
ing pressure on Eisenhower to keep
him moving about.
The voters, it would seem, are
not much interested in hearing
what the candidates have to say,
in listening to their arguments,
and in finding out where they
stand on questions of policy. The
voters are interested in seeing the
candidates, in watching them, in
having a look at them, and in siz-
ing them up. We are having, ore
might say, not a great debate but
a great inspection.
There must be a number of rea-
sons why in both parties there is
such a clamor for personal appear-
ances, rather than for big orations.
But all the reasons derive* from
what is, I think, the fundamental
choice on which the undecided
voters are crystallizing their hun-
ches and making up minds. The

exceptions, that the speaker wrote
the speech he is reading.
The public have come to think
of the television speeches, not as a
marvelous means to get close to
the candidate but, as an act, given
the prepared script, the make-up
and the rehearsed business, which
hides the real man. What the un-
decided voters are trying to make
up their minds about is whether
they can depend on Eisenhower's
vigor, whether they trust Nixon,
whether Stevenson and Kefauver
give them confidence. Hence, the
demand for personal appearances,
for the candidates in the flesh so
that they can be observed and
sized up.
The people do not trust, they
are not really convinced by, the
television pictures. For they know
that often men look worse, that
sometimes they can be made to
look much better, than they look
when you see them face to face.
* * *
THE DECLINE of the big televi-
sion speech is probably temporary
in that the decline is due to the
special character of this campaign.
The matters with which the voters
are most concerned are deeply
human questions of capacity and

The public would be shocked by
any such discussion and would
find it offensive. It is hard for
anyone to find the right words to
describe the real issues. But we
are not too far, I believe, from the
crux of the matter when we say
that the basic issue of the cam-
paign is the personal. figure of
Eisenhower as against the rally of
the Democratic party around Stev-
enson and Kefauver.
* * *
UNLESS I am mistaken, the con-
test for the Presidency is not be-
tween Eisenhower personally and
Stevenson personally. Nor is it a
Contest between the Republican
party and the Democratic party.
It is, at bottom, a contest between
a man and a party, between Eisen-
hower who is much stronger than
the Republicans, and the Demo-j
crats who, when they are united
and. aroused, are the majority in
the nation.
The fact that Eisenhower's
strength is so personal to him,
that it is apart from the lesser
strength of his party, is why his
health, his age, his ineligibility for
a third term, and Nixon, play so
big a part, so much bigger than
appears on the surface, in the con-


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