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October 03, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-03

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(See Page 4)

41 t
t r gun



Latest Deadline in the State



Stevenson Accuses
Ike of No Action
Eisenhower's 'Wicked Nonsense'
Crack Draws Attack from Adlai
JERSEY CITY, N. J. (A)- Adlai E. Stevenson accused Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday of four years of "words without
action whenever hunan interests are at stake."
Stevenson delivered a sharp-shooting attack on President Eisen-

Sellouts Draw Scalpers

Dulles Says Differences
Did Exist With Britain,
'France on Suez Crisis



hower and a scattershot attack


i ComHmittee
To Review
Student Government Council's
special committee appointed last
week to investigate the suspension
of Sigma Kappa sorority chapters
at Cornell and Tufts Universities
will hold its first formal meeting
According to Panhellenic Presi-
dent Carol deBruin, '57, a member
of the committee along with SGC's
three officers, members have been
gathering information on their
own, preparatory to today's pool-
ing of thoughts. Additional infor-
mation expected from the Deanof
Women's office is expected on
Dean Deborah Bacon's return from
a trip out of town.
Meanwhile Barbara Busch, '57-
Ed.; president of the local Sigma
Kappa, revealed that the. sorority
has had no word on the, suspen-
sions from their national. She at-
tributed this to the fact that mem-
bers of the national council, which
suspended the two sororities, are
each in different parts of the
country during the current rush-
ing season.
While "they may be doing some-
thing separately," Miss Busch. ad-
ded, the national office has, not yet
indicated that any statement is
forthcoming. However4 "they are
well aware of what our situation
is here."
While she declined to predict
what the local's stand on the sus-
pensions might be, Miss Busch said
the members "have been giving it
some thought."
She refused to set a time limit
on when the local might be able
to prepare a statement, but she
expressed the hope that one could
be released sometime soon after
the end of rushing this week
Students Defy
School Pickets,
By Petitioning
BEAUMONT, Tex. (A) - Lamar
State College of Technology stu-
dents yesterday drew up a formal
petition protesting anti-integra-
tion picketing of the school by a
newly organized White Citizen's
College President F. L. McDon-
ald said the petition which urged
the pickets to leave the school and
go home was entirely student ac-
Beaumont sheriff and police de-
partment officials met with the
City Council and voted to ask the
State Highway Department for
more officers to patrol the high-
way near the school.
They said traffic congestion was
a mounting problem due to recent
integration disturbances. The of-
ficials said, however, that the ap-
peal was purely for traffic control
and was in no way indicative of
any anticipated violence.
B. R. Lee, 45, a Negro Beau-
mont refinery worker, yesterday
was declared innocent of charges
of abusive language filed against
him Monday by one of the white
woman picketers. Corporation
Court Judge Ethridge R. Wright
ruled that Lee's language was not
Smith Appointed
Associate Dean

Former Secretary of University
Law School Prof. Russel A. Smith
was appointed Associate Dean of
Law School, not Dean, as appeared
in yesterday's Daily.
In his new capacity as associate

the Republican party to climax a
day which saw the presidential
race turn a big corner.
President Eisenhower's "wicked
nonsense" crack at the Democrats
brought Stevenson out, gloves off'
and catch as catch can. Tobe
called nonsensical was one tijg,
Stevenson said, but to be labeled
wicked was another.
At a rally on the historic green
of Morristown; N.J., he said:
Political looseness
"I am afraid that this is becom-
ing part of .the political looseness
that previously was identified with
Richard Nixon who always, talks
about: the opponents in terms of
'appeasement' and 'communism'
and 'treachery' and words like
that. I do hope the vice-presiden-
tial taste for extreme and loose
language Is not becoming conta-
Aides said Stevenson's stratgy
has been to "get Eisenhower off
his pedestal" so their man can
slug toe-to-toe with him on the is-
sues. President Eisenhower gave
them the chance Monday at
Cleveland when he said Democrat-
Ic claims that only Democrats care
for the working man were "wicked
TV Time
It was disclosed, meanwhile,
that Stevenson has bought-15 min-
utes of nationwide television time
on the CBS network to answer
President Eisenhower's Cleveland
address. Stevenson will speak on
TV at 10 p.m., EST 9 a.m. CST
tomorrow from Johnstown, Pa.
In his talk, Stevenson said Pres
dent Eisenhower 'and-his adfnilfs-
tration gave the people nothing
but "words-empty words" instead
of action on foreign policy, slum
clearance, schools and immigra-
"Why are there words without
action wherever human interests
are at stake?" Stevenson de-
manded, and then replied
"The historic function of the
Republican party is to. represent
the economic and. social philoso-
phy of the well-to-do and the
privileged, of the big corporations,
the big interests ... This admin-
istration, has performed that func-
tion well, .:. The Republican par-
ty is not a fit instrument to govern
a nation'that 'wants to make pro-
gress for the benefit of the ordi-
nary people .."
'We Want Ike'
Stevenson earlier had a word
about President Eisenhower's per-
sonal role in governing the nation.
At Passaic, N. J., where his motor-
cade stopped en route to Jersey
City, some voices in the crowd took
to chanting, "We want Ike."
Stevenson smiled and said:
"Speaking of Ike, I'd trust him
with practically anything but pub-
lic office."
With election day five weeks
away, Stevenson swung into New
Jersey on a plane-train-auto tour
of the highly populous and Indus-
trial East.
He flew from Washington to
touch-at points in six New Jersey'
counties whose vote hurt him the
most in 1952 in losing the state's
16 Electoral College votes to Presi-
dent Eisenhower.

Ticket scalping threat for the
sold-out Michigan State and Army
games will be more wide-spread
and acute than ever before, ac-
cording to University and City of-
Ann Arbor police department has
already taken precautions to check
Dectective Lt. George Stauch
will have plainclothesmen station-
ed at strategic points throughout
city and camp:us areas
"We have men checking on illeg-
al sale of tickets prior to every
Michigan football game," Stauch
said, "but of course we especially
concentrate on the sell-out games."
No Cases
The police department reported
no cases of scalping at last week's
Maximum penalty for saleof
tickets above face value is $100 fine
and/or 90 days in jail. City Court
Judge Francis O'Brien said the ex-
tent of the penalty is "determined
on the merits of each individual
Four years ago two men were
sentenced to 60 days in jail and
fineda $75 by Judge O'Brien for
"selling tickets with .the sole in-
tention of making a profit"
Judge O'Briensaid his usual
policy in such a case is. to "send
the offender to jail if he has, a
background including similar of-
fenses, put him in jail and levy .a
fine also, if there is proof the
person is part of a ringengaged
in buying up and re-selling, tick-
No Jurisdiction'
The Ann Arbor police depart-
ment has no jurisdiction to pro-
hibit or prosecute the student who
sells his student ticket, "unless he
sells it for more than the apprais-
ed four-dollar value."
Any student selling or giving
Labor Party
Elects Bevan
As Treasurer
"B L A C X P O O ,Egland (M-
Britain's Labor party yesterday
elevated Aneurin Bevan, a fiery
critic, of United States' foreign
policy, toa challenging position.
Delegates to the annual confe-
ence elected^ the 58-year-old for-
mer Welsh coal miner to the
party's third ranking job of treas-
urer behind two moderates-
Leader Hugh Gitskell and his
deputy, Jim Griffiths.-
Flushed -with victory, Bevan
gave -the impression that he has
set his sights on becoming prime
'Asked at a news. conference
whether there was a possibility' he
would, challenge Gaitskell for the
party leadership when the Labor
members of Parliament meet next
month, Bevan replied:
"One never rules,.out any pos-
sibility about the future."
The next British general elec-
tion ordinarily would come in 1960
in the event the Eden Conserva-
tive 'government runs out its full
But under the British system,
there's always a chance for a snap
e l e c t i o n before then - either
through th6 overflow 'of the gov-
ernment by losing a major issue
in Parliament' or the government
simply resigning and going to the
electorate for a vote of confidence.


-Day-vern Soden
SCALPING SEASON STARTS - University and City officials
fear the illegal sale of tickets will be an all too familiar sight
with sell-out"games Michigan State University and Army sched-
uled for successive Saturdays.
away his ticket subjects. himself to been extreme, violators.face loss
discipline from the University, of their ticket privilege for the1
however. remainder of the season and pos-
Although disciplinary action by sible penalty from Joint Judiciary
the University In the past hasi not Council.
Manufdacturers Establish
Record, in Sales, Profits
WASHIGTON (Ao) - American manufacturers rang up record
sales and profits in, the first half of this year and headed into the
fall with employmerit near record levels and consumer demand for
goods at an all time high.
These. developments were reported yesterday by government
agencies, which said:
Manufacturing corporations' sold a record 146 billion dollars worth
of goods in the first six months of this year -- nearly 10 billions more,
than in the first half of 1956 when'

Ike Extends Campaign
With New York Visit
WASHINGTON W)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower broadened
his campaign for re-election yesterday to include an appearance in
New York City late this month.
Presidential Secretary James; C. Hagerty announced this without
giving any., details, but.It was apparent that one reason for the de
cision. was to help Republican. Jacob K. Javits. in. his- race for. the
United States Senate from New York.
The announcement followed-a White House conference between
President Eisenhower and Javits, who is opposed in,. the Senate race
by New York City's Democratic mayor, Robert Wagner.
Javits, a native and resident of New York City, is now the state
attorney, general. He was the, only Republican elected to statewide
office in the 1954 elections, de-
feating Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr.
for attorney general.
Policy Pronouncements
-Talking, to reporters in Hager-
ty's office, Javits said he hoped e ays. Suez
that while on his. visit- to New
York, President Eisenhower would
make some importantpolicy pro-
nouncement on some major cam-.
paign issue.
Whether President Eisenhower PORT SAID, Egypt (M)-The
would make a speech on this oc- 2,270-ton British freighter Hen-
casion was one of the details that drik ran aground in the Suez
were lacking for the moment. Canal yesterday.
President Eisenhower said Thurs- It was.the ,first grounding since
day he was "making two or three Egyptian pilots took over Sept. 1.
more, talks than Ihad first con- A ,tug brought the Hendrik off
templated." a mudbank 30 miles south of Port
In this connection, former Pres- Said.'But thefreighter.and the
ident Harry Truman .said" in .New rest -of' the southbound convoy of
York yesterday that President 14 ships was delayed a half-hour.
Eisenhowerwa:a stepping up' his Another British, ship, the 12,723-
campaign because "he's scared ton tanker Scottstown, was towed
In952Pesidentusenhhowsearinto Lake Timsah near the 'center
In 1952 President Elsenh~wer of the canal after developing steer-
carried New York state over Adlal ing trouble Mnday.
Stevenson, his Democratic oppon- These two events, plus the fact
ent then and now, by 3,925,815 that a northbound convoy had to
votes' to 3,104,601. The 45 New wait longer than usual for the
York electoral votes were more southbound convoy to pass, put
than a tenth; of the' 442 he rolled operations in thF4 canal about four
up in.the Electoral College to Stev- hours behind schedule.
enson's 89. The Hendrik ran aground in .a
To Attend Game straight section of the, canal. An
President Eisenhower ,will fly to Egyptian canal. administration of-
New York today for the opening ficial. said the incident was com-
gamneof' the World Series, between main, due to:-sudden' gusts. of. wind
the New York Yankees and the and unexpected currents.
Brooklyn Dodgers in Brooklyn. The official attached no blame
Hagerty said he assumed that the to theEgyptian pilot at the wheel.
President. would throw out the first, Veteran pilots said, however, a
ball. part of. the pilot's job is to be able
At the game, President Elsen- to counter the effects of wind and
hower will be in a box with about to know' where to expect currents,
15 others, including Cabinet mem- Canal officials said one ship is
bers, White House staff members expected to run aground for every
and Walter F. O'Malley, president 400 passing through the canal.
of the Dodgers.-
Javits commented that the Pres -
ident "really wants to see the
game" and it won't be a. political
appearance.ver plans are for the Pres- W ill Speak
ident to ride from La Guardia.
Field to- the baseball park in his T 0m orrow
bubble-top White House limousine
along Flatbush Ave. and other con- Sen. Paul Douglas" (D-Ill.) will
gested areas. "We expect some speak in the Michigan Union Ball-
crowds," Hagerty noted. room at 2:10 p.m. tomorrow.
Another presidential visit to His appearance in Ann Arbor ls
New York is under consideration being co-sponsored by the Univer-
in connection with a possible ap- sity Young Democrats and Stu-
pearance at the United Nations. dents for Stevenson,

the business boom was gathering
Profits Reh High
Their profitsfron these sales
reached a new high of nearly eight
billion dollars after federal taxes,
a gain of 9 per cent over the first
six months a year ago.
Employment in the United
States was down on a seasonal
basis by 700,000 in September but
was still close to the record of ,66,-
75?,000 set in August, The drop to
66,071,006 was attributedsolely to
the return of students to school.
The number of'adult workers re-
mained :steady.
The number of jobless also 'de-
clined by about 200,000 last month
to slightly below two million. This
iwas one of the lowest unemploy-
ment totals recorded in the last
three years.
Consumer time .paymeht debt,
indicating a continued' high de-
mand for 'goods, rose by another
324 million dollars in August to a
record $29,427,000,000.
Fe4eral Reserve Board
The Federal Reserve Board said
also that consumer credit -- in-
cluding such non-installment debt'
as charge accounts and single pay-
ments loans -- stood at a record.
$37,503,000,000 at the end of Aug-
The board's report showed in-
creases for all major types of
time credit, with automobiles lead-
ing the way as usual. Auto debt
rose by 153 million dollars in
August and personal loans went
up, by 89 millions.
Installment debt was about 31
billion dollars.' above August
year ago.
'Captain Carvallo,'
First DAC Play
"Captain Carvallo," a play by
Denis 'Cannon, will head the list
of productions by the Dramatic
Arts Center on. Oct. 19.
Other plays which the DAC will
be presenting in their season in-
clude "Topaze" by Marcel Pagnol,
"Inheritors" by Susan Glaspell,
"The Medea," "The Importance of
Being Earnest," by Oscar Wilde
and "The Father," by August

SG'"YC T Study
The University Lecture Commit-
tee will come up for consideration
before Student Government Coun-
eil today,
Council member Tom Sawyer,
'58, will ask SGC to appoint a com-
mittee of four students to gather
facts and information concerning
the Committee.
Sawyer's motion comes as a re-
sult of study begun last spring by
the EdunAtional and Social Wel-
fare Committee. This committee
has been working with the Lecture
Committee and Vice-President for
Student Affalirs James A. Lewis
since then.
There will also be discussion of
.the current status of Sigma Kappa
The Council will also consider
the Campus Chest drive, tentative-
ly planned for May 5 to 11.
Also on the agenda is discussion
of the possibility, of setting up a
permanent Orientation Committee
and reports on out-of-order regis-
tration passes and Cinema Guild.
SGC will meet at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in the Union.


Edits Earlier
Press Conference
Revision Noted
WASHINGTON (') - -Secretary
f State John Foster Dulles said
esterday there "s some differ
nce" with Britain and Frace on
the Suez Canal dispute-but two
hours later he rewrote his news
conference record to strike this.
In reply to a newsman, Dulles
said the difference stemmed from
an American desire to play "a
somewhat independent role" in
dealing with anticolonal nations.
Later, after , editing his news '
erence transcript, he authorized
a spokesman to report he meant
to say "there has been some dif-
Toned Down Remarks
Dulles 'also toned down his earli-
er remarks that these differences
involved "fundamental th in g s"
such as the American desire to
encourage newly independent na-
tions 'toward nonviolent developV
Press officer Lincoln White, who
told reporters of the changed an-
swere. declined to say whether the
differences 'which Dulles, first,
spoke about had been somehowre-
solved' in the intervening two
It seemed more likely that Dul-
les changed his remarks for Igr
of offending British and Fienc'
foreign ministers with whom be
plans to meet in New York Friday.
However, in his revised answer,
Dulles acknowledged that the Am-
erican view toward the problem of
colonialism in Asia and Africa is
"not 'always identical" with that
of Britain and France.
"Now, there the United States
plays a somewhat independent
rble," he said.
U.S. Role
"I suspect that the United States
will find that its role, not only to-
day but in the coming years, will
be 'to try' to aid that process of
orderly independence without iden-
tifying itself 100 per cent either
with the so-called colonial powers
or with the powers which are pri-
marily and uniquely concerned
with the problem of getting their
independence as rapidly as possi-
Answering queries on other for-
eign policy developments, Dulles
1. Appealed to Europe to unite
as "a third great power" in the
world but said it was "unthink-
able" that it should be neutral to-
ward Soviet communism.
2. Reported he has "no reason
to doubt" that Yugoslavia's Mar-
shal Tito is sticking to his long-
standing 'desire, for independence
from Russian control, despite his
secret conferences with Soviet
In, vigorously endorsing new
Western European moves toward
unity, Dulles noted that both he
and President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower have consistently supported
this objective, which has been the
dreamof some Eureopean states-
men for decades.
Contralto, Soprano
To Open Series
Claramae Turner, Metropolitan.
Opera contralto and Herva Nelli,
soprano, will open the 195-57
Choral Union Series: at 8:30 pe.m.
tomorrow at Hill Aud.
Miss Turner is replacing Kurt
Baum, tenor, who was unable to

Perform because of, illness.
The program of songs, operatic
arias and duets, 'will be made
public as soon as it is received,
Charles Sink president of the Uni-
versity Musical Society, announced.
Tickets for the, concert are
available in the Musical Society's
offices in Burton Tower. They may
also be obtained after 7:00 p.m.

World News Roundup
By:The Associated Press
MANAGUA, Nicaragua-President Anastasio Somoza, victim of ran
assassin, was buried yesterday with Nicaragua's highest honors.
Police kept a close guard over the rites to prevent the threatened.
assassination of his sons. '
sThousands lined the funeral procession route of nearly two miles
and swarmed into Managua's cemetery under a scorching sun.
* * * *
ALGIERS-The French yesterday strengthened their force here
and sent light, tanks'on patrols against a, developing new threat of
rebel violence.
The city has been under a strict night curfew since spring. Late
Sunday more than 60 were injured in bombings of crowded cafes.
One woman died later, bringing to eight the deaths in weekend
* * * *
WASHINGTON-President Dwight D; Eisenhower and Adlai
Stevenson yesterday sent' election year messages to United States

Pierce Labels Student,
Vote Practice 'Lentent
A University law school professor yesterday said Ann Arbor
officials are "probably justified" in their interpretations of Michigan
election laws on student voting.
Prof. William J. Pierce of the law school, associate director of.
the Legislative Research Center, described the practices of city offi.
cials as "fairly lenient" toward students. Yesterday, The Daily ran
a survey of registration practiced in Ann Arbor and other university
towns in Michigan which showed wide discrepancies in practice both
within Ann Arbor and among the towns surveyed.
Acceptance Dependant'
Prof. Pierce agreed that a student's acceptance as a voter often
"depends on which clerk he happens to see."
He attributed this to the fact that "the truth is often, difficult
to ascertain." In language similar to that used' by Ann Arbor officials;
Prof. Pierce said the student's qualifications as an elector "largely
have to do with his intentions" of remaining in Ann Arbor or leaving
upon graduation.

Sen. Douglas, once professor of
economics at the University of
Chicago, is making a "quicky" tour

...to speak tomorrow
of the state, according to Bill Peer,.
'57, president of the YD's.
Sen. Douglas will arrive at Wil-

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