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October 02, 1956 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1956-10-02

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Report Lists Possible
Voting .f'Discrepancies'

British Now Offering 12
Marshall Scholarships


ministrative positions
Since employment interviews begin
on Monday. Oct. 15, it is urged that.
IL L ET Ij stuidents take blanks at this time and
ILLETINthat we will have records to give to
the interviewers. mltr evc
after graduation are also urged to regis-
E vents Todlay ter and are encouraged to talk to inter-
.) i viewers with An eye to employment aft-
Science Research Club October meet-I er their release from active duty.

(Continued from Page 1
portance in determining resi-
dence." City Attorney Fahrner de-
clared yesterday that he thinks "it
is important," and in many cases
it is the determining factor in his
decision on a potential voter's eli-
He bases his opinion on a 1934
case (ex rel Miller v. Miller) which'
states "a student at college who is
free from parental authority, re-
gards the place where the college{
Is situated as his home, has no
other to which to return in case
of sickness or domestic affliction,
is as much entitled to vote as any
other resident of the place where
the college is situated." These are
the bases of interrogations of stu-
dents still conducted in Ann Ar-
bor, but now discontinued in Lan-
sing Township.
The attorney general suggests in
his opinion that whether the stu-
dent intends to remain in the col-1
lege town after graduation is a
relevant matter, presumably in de-
termining if he considers the town
"as his home."
Appreciably Long Time
As Fahrner interprets the at-
torney general's opinion, if the
student intends to remain in Ann
Arbor, "an appreciable length of
time," he may vote. If he has no
intention of returning home, but
is uncertain as to where he may
later live, he may also vote, at
least in most cases.
Another complication of an al-
ready complicated subject is a
1931 law which allows a wife to
establish her residence separate
from that of her husband.
It has enabled a number of Ain
Arbro student wives to register
and vote, whereas their husbands,
despite the 1912 court declaration
that being a student would not
affect one's status, have been de-
nied the fran'chise. Many of them
have been quite vocal in their
complaints, and one precinct made
1p largely of married students re-
ports 13 cases where the wives
but not the husbands are regis-
Differently-Interpreted Law
The indefinite nature of the in-
terpretations of the law in Ann
Arbor -- where city officials de-
cline to lay down any general
rules, declaring each case to be
different -- was illustrated by the
case of a 25-year-old business ad-
ministration undergraduate.
He called the city clerk's office
last week, and upon questioning he
revealed that he had no intentions
of returning home but would pro-
bably leave Ann Arbor on gradua-
tion unless offered a job here. He
was told that whereas his wife
could register and vote, he could
Out of curiosity he called again
a few days later and briefly des-
cribed his situation, without vol-
unteering his post-graduate in-
tentions. This time a representa-
tive of the clerk's office told him
he should come down and register,
never questioning his financial in-
dependence, subjection to parental

control or intention to remain in
Ann Arbor.
Another married undergraduate
reports that he was not questioned
on these matters either, but that
a neighbor of his with similar sta-
tus was challenged as he at-
tempted to register the previous
day on the grounds that he might
soon be leaving Ann Arbor.
The School of Music has an-
nounced its concert program for
the month of October.
Percival Price, University Caril-
loneur, will present a series of
recitals to be given each Thursday
in October. These recitals will
be given at 7:15 p.m. at Burton
Memorial Tower.
David Boyden, a member of the
faculty of the University of Cali-
fornia, will give a lecture at 4:15
p.m. Friday, October 12 in Aud. A,
Angell Hall. The subject of his
talk will be "The 17th and 18th
Century Concerto in Fact and
Baroque Trio will present a con-
cert at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, October
14 in Aud. A, Angell Hal. The
trio is composed of Nelson Hauen-
stein, flute, Florian Mueller, oboe,
and Marily Mason Brown, harpsi-
The University Woodwind Quin-
tet will perform at 8:30 p.m. Tues-
day, Octber 23 at Rackham .Lec-
ture Hall. Nelson Hauenstein,
flute, Florian Mueller, oboe, Albert
Luconi, clarinet, Clyde Carpenter,
French horn and Lewis Cooper,
bassoon, compose the group.
Use of this column is restricted to
ganizations. Registration forms are
available in the Office of Student Af-
fairs, 1020 Administration Building.
Registration for the current semester
should be completed not later than
October 12.
All House Homecoming - Display
Chairmen, 4:15 p.m. room 3s Union.
* * *
Undergraduate Mathematics Club,
Meeting, 7:30 p.m. 3201 Angel Hall,
Speaker, Charles Sims.
" . .
Hillel-Student Zionist Organization,
Meeting, 7:30 p.m. 'Hillel Lounge.
* * *
Ballet Club meeting, 7 p.m. Barbour
Gym Dance Studio.
r "
Ulfr Ski Club Meeting, 8 p.m. Wednes-
day, Michigan Union, The UIr Ski Club
has skiing 18 miles from campus.
* * *
Congregational and Disciples Student
Guild, Mid-Week Tea, 4:30-6 p.m. Wed-
nesday; Guild House, 524 Thompson.
* * *
Alpha Phi Omega Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
wednesday, Union.
Young Democrat Club, Organizational
Meeting, 7:30 p.m. wednesday, League.
Speaker, Brendan Sexton.

Three types of scholarships are
now available for University grad-
uate students.
The British government is again
offering 12 Marshall Scholarships
at British universities as an ex-
pression of gratitude for the
United States' part in the Euro-
pean recovery program.
These awards are made only to
citizens of the United States who
are less than 28 years of age on
October 1 of the year in which
the award is to be presented.
41ff df -ap s tsaif-NUnitedE
The scholarships are good at any
university in the United Kingdom.
They are good for two years and
are valued at 550 pounds per year.
Transportation to and from the
British Isles is ,provided.
Seniors and graduate students
interested in this program should
a consultation meeting next Tues-
day in Aud. B, Angell Hall at 4
p.m. At this time The British
Consul from Detroit will consult
with potential candidates and
show a film on the Marshall
For further Information stu-
dents may see Prof. Lionel H.
Laing, 4636 Haven Hall or Ivan
Parker, 113 Administration Bldg.
One month remains for students
to apply for awards under, the
Fulbright and Buenos Aires Con-
vention Programs for the 1957-58
academic year. Graduates and
seniors interested in studying
abroad with the aid of Fulbright
Fellowship must make application
by Nov. 1.
Almost 1,000 fellowships will be
awarded to American citizens for
study in Australia, Austria, Bel-
gium and Luxembourg, Burma,
Chile, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, India, Italy,
Japan, the Netherlands, New Zea-
land, Norway, the Philippines and
the United Kingdom.
Eligibility for these foreign study
fellowships are: United States
citizenship, a college degree or
equivalent at the time the award
is to be taken up, knowledge of
the language of the country of
application sufficient to carry on
the proposed study and good
Students interested in this pro-
gram are advised to report to 1020
Rackham Building between the
hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. for
further information.
The John Hay Whitney Founkla-
tion is offering Opportunity Fel-
lowships not only for academic
study but also for any kind of
training or experience in such
fields as journalism, industry, the
arts and labor.
The competition is open to any
U.S. citizen who has given evidence
of special ability and has not had
full opportunity to develop his
talents because of arbitrary bar-
riers, such as racial or cultural
background or region of residence.

In general, applicants should be
between 22 and 35 years of age
and have completed their general,
undergraduate education.
The awarded grants will range
from $1,000 to $3,000 depending on
the nature of the proposed project
and the financial need of the can-
didate. These awards are made for
a full year of serious work.
Secretary of the Army Wilbur
M. Brucker praised the Defense
Department for its "tremendous
Brucker, who spoke at the city-
county building dedication, pointed
out afterward that the Depart-
ment has spent $36 billion to
maintain a sound defense and bal-
ance the federal budget.
"During the Republican admin-
istration, we have maintained an
amazing peace," he declared. The,
purpose of the Defense Depart-
ment is to establish a lasting peace
which we are presently doing.
Despite the Department's exagger-
ated conflicts, it has made tremen-
dous progress."
Taxpayers Saved Money
Brucker noted that the Depart-
ment had saved taxpayers over $5
billion which, he said, had been
turned into real guns and arna-
Brucker asserted that the United
States' greatest strength lies in
its Army, Navy and Air Force. "If
the power of these three branches
were uncorked, the world would be
amazed at what would happen," he
Brucker declared that it has
been the policy of the Department
to defend countries and give them
the things they need but not to
throw their weight around.
"We want to deter aggression but
not to brag about our strength,"
Brucker explained. "Such acting
could easily lead to unnecessary
Dulles Praised
Brucker praised Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles for mak-
ing chief contributions, to the
Department's success through
"superb handling of foreign pol-
"Dulles has an uncanny ability
to sense. a conflicting situation
before it has a chance to fester.
He was employed by Presidents
Roosevelt and Truman because
they recognized his unique skill
and knowledge of world affairs,"
Brucker declared.

(Continued from Page 4)
ance and a small stipend for books and
equipment. All grants are made in for-
eign currencies.
Interested students who hold an A.B.
degree or who will receive such a de-
gree by June 1957. and who are present-
ly enrolled in the University of Michi-
gan, should request application forms
for a Fulbright award at the office of
the Graduate School. The closing date
for receipt of applications in Nov. 1,
1956. d
Persons not enrolled in a college or
university in the spring or fall of 1956
should direct inquiries and requests for
applications to the Institute of Inter-
national Education. U. S. Student Pro-
gram, 1 East 67th Street, New York 21,
New York. The last date on which ap-
plications will be issued by the Insti-
tute is October 25, 1956.
Applications for Buenos Aires Conven-
tion Awards for Graduate Study in Lat-
in America during the 1957-58 academic
year are now available. Countries in
which study grants are offered are Bo-
livia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Costa
Rica, Cuba, D o m in i c a n Republic,
Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,
and venezuela, Grantees are chosen by
the host government of each country
from a panel presented by the United
States Government. The United States
Government pays travel costs and host
governments pay maintenance allow-
ances and tuition fees. Grants gener-
ally are for one academic year, but some
may extend for twelve months.,
Interested students who hold an A.B.
Degree or who will receive such a de-
gree by June, 1956, and who are pres-
ently enrolled in the University of
Mithigan, should request application
forms for a Buenos Aires Convention
award at the office of the Graduate
School. The closing date for receipt of
applications is Nov. 1, 1956.
Persons not enrolled in a college or
university in the spring or fall of 1956
should direct inquiries and requests for
applications to the Institute of Inter-
national Education, U. S. Student Pro-
gram, 1 East 67th Street, New York 21,
New York. The last date on which ap-
plications will be issued by the Insti-
tute is Oct. 25, 1956.
Choral Union Series. Claramae Tur-
ner, Metropolitan Opera contralto, will
take the place of Kurt Baum at the
opening concert of the Choral Union
Series Thurs., Oct. 4, at 8:30 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium. She will join with
Herva Neli, soprano, also of the Metro-
politan Opera, in a program of solos
and duets from operas.
Tickets are available at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Bur-
on Tower daily. They will also be on
fsale after 7:00 p.m. on the night of the

concert in the Hill Auditorium

Academic Notices
The Extension Service announces the,
following class to be held in Ann Arfbor
beginning Thurs., Oct. 4.
Presidential Politics, 1956, 7:30 p.m.3
131 School of Business Administration.
The Extension Service announces the
following classes to be held in Ann Ar-
bor beginning Tues., Sept. 25:
Elementary General Psychology, 7:30
p.m. (Psychology 31E, two hours of
undergraduate credit) 170 School of
Business Administration.
Geology and Man, 7:30 p.m. (Geology
99a, two hours of undergraduate credit)
1058 Natural Science Building.
Socialization of the Child, 7:30 p.m.
(Psychology 151, two hours of under.-
graduate credit) 165 School of Business
Madrigal Singing, 7:30 p.m. Audito-
rium D, Angell Hall.
The Recorder and its Music. 7:30 p.m.
435 Mason Hall.
The Unfolding Messianic Ideal, 7:30
p.m. 131 School of Business Administra-
tion. Eight weeks. $11.00 Professor Emer-
itur Leroy Waterman, instructor.
Registration for this class may be
made in Room 4501 of the Administra-
tion Building on South State Street
during University office hours or in
Room 164 of the School of Business Ad-
ministration, 6:30 to 9:30 the night of
the class.
Psychology 51 wlil meet MWF at 2 In
A. H. Aud. A beginning Wed., Oct. 3.
Engineering Freshmen Assembly meet-
ing Wed., at 2 will meet in N. S. Aud.
beginning Wed., Oct. 3.
Engineering Freshman Assembly meet-
ing Wed. at 2 will meet in N. S. Aud.
beginning Wed., Oct. 3.
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., Oct.
2, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011 A. H. Prof.
George Piranian will speak on "Se-
quences of linear fractional functions."
Tea and coffee in Room 3212 at 3:45
Doctoral Examination for Oneil Mays
Banks, Zoology; thesis: "The Host
Range Phenotype in T2 Bacteriophage",
Tues., Oct. 2, West Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg.,'at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. E.
Doctoral Examination for Hadley
James Smith, Engineering Mechanics;
thesis: "A study of the Swirl velocity
and the Stability of Laminar Swirling
Pipe Flow", Wed., Oct., 3, 352 West En-
gineering Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
J. S. McNown.

ing in the Rackham Amphitheatre at
7:30 p.m., on Tues., Oct. 2, Program:
"Some Effects of Irradiation of the1
Alimentary Tract," John F. Kent-
Anatomy; "Automotive Engines of the
Future," Jay A. Bolt - Mechanical En-
gineering, tlection of new members,
Dues for 1956-57 accepted after 7:10 p.m.1
Michigan Actuarial Club Tues., Oct.
2, at 3:00 p.m. in Room 2013, Angell
Hall. Norten C. Masterson, Preseident of
the Casua*iy Actuarial Society, will dis-
cuss "The Work and Opportunities of
a Casualty Actuary." Election of offi-
!(Michigan Forensic Forum meeting to-
night at 8:30 in Room 3K of the Union.
Any student interested in debate, pub-
lic speaking, or other forensic activi-
ties is invited.
Placement Notices
Burroughs Corporation, Plymouth,
Michigan, is looking for a Junior or,
Senior Accounting major interested in
working nights in Factory Accounting.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg. Ext. 371.
Registration With The Bureau Notice:
Meetings will be held Tuesday, Octo-
ber 9, at 3 o'clock and at 4 o'clock, in
Auditorium A of Angell Hall, for stu-
dents interested in registering in either
the Teacher Placement or General
Placement Division of the Bureau of
Appointments. Each meeting is open to
all students, who may come at the
time most convenient for them.
The General Division includes posi-
tions in the Physical and Health Sci-
ences, Business and Industry, Social
Work, etc. and the Education Division
includes all levels of Elementary, High
School, and College teaching and ad-

box of- I

GOP Leaders
Call Nixon's
Visit Success
can leaders agreed yesterday that
Vice-president Richard Nixon's
brief visit to Western Michigan
was a tonic to their cause.
National committeeman Clifford
O'Sullivan called Nixon's appear-
ance "a terrific success."
John Feikens, Republican state
chairman, contrasted the turnout
for Nixon with the crowd drawn
by Sen. Estes Kefauver, Demo-
cratic vice-presidential nominee a
week ago.
Feikens said he thought the third
trip might materialize about Oct.
22. At that time, he said, he would
like to see the vice-president swing
through the sixth, seventh and
perhaps the tenth and 18th dis-
Nixon said the return visits were
being set up because Michigan was
regarded as a key state In the
campaign for three reasons - it's
20 electoral votes, the number of
congressmen whose seats are at
issue and the chance for winning
state house control from Demo-







........ . .


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Safe and practical for work and play. Write or phone for a free
booklet about contact lenses or drop in for a free demonstration.
706 Wolverine Bldg.-4th and Washington S6s.
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Is it other men's knowledge of your honesty that counts,
or is there a law that makes it a benefit to you?
Did the Creator establish a law like the law the
Creator established regarding the growth of any seed? A
kernel of corn always produces corn, not oats. Does hon-
esty always establish the same result? Always a good re-
suit. Is honesty a seed designed to always grow good? Is
every act a seed that grows a designed result arranged to
the nature of the act?
One of the greatest proofs of the Value of Honesty
is an event in and from the establishing of U.S. of Ameri-
ca that has never been publicized, showing the absolute
accuracy of the law of honesty and its operation. This
event is a powerful proof of its accuracy of operation,
and can revolutionize your life, if you want to use it as
your acts and, efforts, principles of progress and to design
Would you like to read this powerful illustration
from the establishing of a nation?
And would you be interested to learn how the
growth in circumstances from your acts of honesty or dis-
honesty are designed and grow by an established design?
How every act carries a blueprint of its future growth? If

p s
4 ' +



(Author of "Barefoot Boy With Cheek," etc.)
It was a dullish evening at the Theta* house. Mary
Ellen Krumbald was sticking pins in an effigy of the house
mother; Evelyn Zinsmaster was welding a manhole cover
to her charm bracelet; Algelica McKeesport was writing
a letter to Elvis Presley in blood. Like I say, it was a
dullish evening.
Suddenly Dolores Vladnay stood up and stamped her
foot. "Chaps," she said to her sorors, "this is too yawn-
making ! Let's do something gay and mad and wild and
different and gasp-making. Anybody got an idea?"
"No," said the sorors, shaking their little sausage
"Think, chaps, think!" said Dolores and passed Philip
Morris Cigarettes to everybody, and if there ever was a
think-making smoke, it is today's fresh and zestful and
yummy Philip Morris. Things come clear when you puff
a good, clean, natural Philip Morris - knots untie, dilem-
mas dissolve, problems evaporate, cobwebs vanish, fog
disperses, and the benevolent sun pours radiance on a new
and dewy world. Oh, happy world ! Oh, Philip Morris!
Oh, regular!, Oh, long-size! Oh, get some already!




'"GOne, tWO, Mlee, "A



Jim was so conceited that he
had cold lips from kissing
mirrors. Until one day he
asked himself, "Am I truly
superior? Do not girls turn
me down daily? Twice on holi,
days? Am I not, in actuality,
profoundly inferior?"
So he decided to consult
the famous psychiatrist, Dr.
Hy Pertensive. "My boy,"
said Pertensive, "your Rohr-
schach test shows you are going
batty from collar wrinklosis.
It is incurable. In fact, you are
incurable. Nothing I can do
for you. $10, please."
Then Jim read an ad for a
Van Heusen Century Shirt. He
read how its soft collar won't
wrinkle ever ... how you can

maltreat it like a maniac and
it still won't wrinkle . . . how
without a bit of starch it's
impossible to wrinkle it. "Gee
whiz, I am saved," said Jim,
and he ran to his haberdasher
to buy one. "$3.95 please,"
said the clerk.
Today Jim is as popular as
money. And he still has his
Van Heusen Century shirt be-
cause it lasts twice as long as
ordinary shirts.
See it at better stores every-
where, or drop a line to
Phillips-Jones Corp.,417 Fifth
Avenue, New York 16, N. Y.
Makers of Van Heusen Shirts
Sport Shirts " Ties " Pajamas
Handkerchiefs * Underwear
Swimwear - Sweaters.

Now Geraldine Quidnunc, her drooping brain-cells
revivified by a good Philip Morris, leapt up and
cried, "Oh, I have a perfect gasser of an idea! Let's
hypnotize somebody!"
"Oh, capital!" cried the sorors. "Oh, tingle-making!"
"Yes," said Dolores Vladnay, "it is a splendid idea,
but hypnosis requires a pliant and malleable mind, and
we are all so strong and well-adjusted."
At this point, in walked a young pledge named Alice
Bluegown. "Excuse me, mistresses," said she, "I have
finished making your beds, doing your homework, and
ironing your pleats. Will there be anything else?"
"Yes," snapped Dolores Vladnay. "When I count to
three, you will be hypnotized."
"Yes, excellency," said Alice, bobbing a curtsey.
"One, two, three," said Dolores.
Alice promptly went into a trance.
"Go back," said Dolores. "Go back to your fifth birth-
day, back to your birth, to before your birth, to your last
incarnation.... Now, who are you?"
"My name is Bridey Sigafoos," said-Alice. "The year
is 1918, and I am in County Cork."
"Coo!" said the sorors.
"How old are you?" asked Dolores.
"I am seven," said Alice.
"Where is your mother?" asked Dolores.
"She got sold at the fair last year."
"Coo!" said the sorors.
"Tell us about yourself," said Dolores.
"I am five feet tall," said Alice. "I have brown eyes,
and weigh 3200 pounds."










9 TO 5:30

so, and you care to, address;


III T . ,I' I











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