b ,.K. 271 1 Aiclp gan &ii Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MiCH. * Phone NO 2-3241 And We Promise You That, If Not Convicted, We Will Carry Forward Our Great Program..." "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual, opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: JAMES ELSMAN _ / Fl - DON'T GO NEAR THE WATER: Unique Comic Satire On Pacific Isle Don't Go Near the Water by William Brinkley Random House $3.75 373 pp. WILLIAM BRINKLEY'S first novel has been optimistically touted as the navy version of No Time For Sergeants, the latter being the laugh sensation that tickled the top of the best-seller lists for so many months. Don't Go Near the Water is admittedly aimed at the funnybone, Stevenson Not Qualified To Replace Eisenhower As practically everyone in Ann Arbor is un- doubtedly aware, former New York Gov. Thomas E. Dewey made a speech here this week-a speech which warmed the hearts of Republicans and fevered the brows of Demo- crats and Democratic sympathizers. In his speech, Dewey skillfully and meth- odically discredited the Democrats' major and most overworked arguments against the Re- publican administration and pointed out some of the more obvious weak points in President Eisenhower's Democratic opponent and his pub- lic declarations. To the charge that the Republican Party is the party of Big Business, Dewey pointed out that Big Business is not, as one is led to be- lieve, better off, and the working people worse off as a result of four years of Republican ad- ministration. Big Business is now getting, after taxes, a smaller share of the national income than it did four years ago. The workers of the nation, on the other hand, are getting a larger share of the national income than at any time in our history. In addition, he' said, the American people got the largest tax cut in history under his ad- ministration. Sixty-two per cent of this reduc- tion went to individual taxpayers, not to the mammoth corporations of which the Republi- cans are supposed to be so fond. Similarly, Dewey attacked the Democratic contention that President Eisenhower is fumbling the quest for world peace and Adlai Stevenson's empty statements about abolish- ing the draft and ending U.S. tests of nuclear weapons. Letting down our guard by such moves is one way of securing peace-the kind of "peace" enjoyed by one-time nations now under the Soviet hammer and sickle. Talk of repealing the draft and ceasing our attempts to retain armed supremacy, in the hope that our enemies will be shamed into following suit is nothing more than wishful thinking. To drop our defenses at a time when the enemy is building up his armed might at a record-breaking pace is simply to invite dis- aster and possible annhilation. It has been pointed out that Stevenson did not promise to repeal the draft or end nuclear tests-he merely suggested it as a goal toward which to work. It is doubtful that there is any- thing for which President Eisenhowed has worked harder than he has worked to negotiate an end to the arms race. He has made re- peated offers to the Kremlin to cease our military buildup if they would do likewise. Each offer has met with refusal or evasion. It is hardly likely that Russia would make an about-face, merely because the United States takes the initiative in such a conciliatory move. I is far more likely that she would step up the pace, the better to take advantage of such idealistic foolishness. stevenson, a man with very little executive ex- perience and absolutely no background in world affairs, is certainly one of the least quali- fied of current public figures to advise and cri- ticize the President on his conduct of those af- fairds, especially in view of the fact that his approach to world problems has been so suc- cessful. Eisenhower, regardless of how he went about it, did bring an end to the Korean War. He has consistently managed to handle suc- cessfully situations which could easily have flared into open war involving the United States, as in-Formosa, Indochina and the Mid- dle East. ' As Dewey declared in his speech, the Democrats do hold one thing in common with the Republicans-party harmony. As least on the surface. The trouble is, it's only on the sur- face. Chip away the whitewash, and we expose some of the bitterest intra-party feuds in the history of the Democratic party. At the convention in Chicago, "elder states- man" Harry Truman was as violently opposed to Stevenson as any Republican, calling him, and correctly so, inexperienced, weak, and like- ly to face a dangerous period of trial and error if elected. Stevenson was nominated, never- theless. Truman, trying to salvage the rem- nants of his political face, then made a com- plete about-face and endorsed Adlai as the best candidate after all, a courageous fighter for justice, and the man to beat Eisenhower in November. No man of any conviction changes his stand so radically and so rapidly with any sin- cerity. A SIMIMAR situation arose here in Michigan. Gov. Williams was outspokenly anti- Stevenson -- until Stevenson was nominated. Then all apparently became sweetness and light and harmony between the former antag- onists. So the splits in the party were repaired, but about as strongly and permanently as a broken sword would be repaired with Scotch tape. Party Unity? A fable. Stevenson, with no record to run on, no significant accomplishments in public life, vir- tually no administrative experience and noth- ing to recommend him but a deluge of empty words, is certainly not the man to replace President Eisenhower, with his outstanding record, his executive and administrative ex- perience and his unchallengable personal in- tegrity in the White House. -EDWARD GERULDSEN r 4:: j\Y7r I WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Warren ins Indian Friends1 By DREW PEARSON for the laughs it generates are found However, as a work of humorous fiction it has several character- istics which discourage its being compared very closely to anything American audiences.have read be- fore. Brinkley's book is not actually a novel! it is episodic. The prin- cipal figure of Ensign Max Siegel is the general connecting element between what . could liberally be classed as a group of short stories. THERE IS a love story - a. rather premeditated and uncon- vincing one-interlaced throughout the book, too. But the meager amount of grace and charm that it manages scarcely seems to jus- tify its presence in the book. Coming down to facts, the story is about a group of commissioned naval officers stationed on a Pacific isle. The delightful (and comically promising) characteris- tic which author Brinkley bestows on these earnest young ex-busi- nessmen is that most of them, like their chief, Lt. Commander Clin- ton T. Nash, were commissioned "without the corrupting effect of any intervening naval training." ENSIGN Max Siegel and his fel- lows are essentially still civilians, and in their enviable position as members of a navy public relations outfit on a remote Pacific isle un- usually well stocked with women and whisky they are able to pursue essentially civilian ambitions. Where the navy regulations in- trude on their daily lives is where most of the book's drama and comedy are generated. For this reason, any veteran of the service may expect to find a full measure of laughs here. For others, this might .be said: Don't Go Near the Water is an interesting and rather unique com- ical satire. It suggests From Here to Eternity, but the nasty words are lined out; it approaches with a few deft strokes the lushness of setting of Michener's full can- vas in Tales of the South Pamific; and it has much of the basic com- edy of No Time for Sergeants, lbrt from a commissioned officer's point of view with the humor more subtly conceived and the gross exaggerations replaced by "writing." --Donald A. Yates New Books at Library Carrington, Richard-The Story of our Earth; N. Y., Harper, 1956. Clarke, Arthur C.-The Coast of Coral; N. Y., Harper, 1956. Cronin, A. J.-A Thing of Beau- ty; Boston, Little, Brown, 1956. Daiches, David - Critical Ap- proaches to Literature; Engle- wood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice Hall, 1956. to be the sole rewards of its reading. LETTERS to the EDITOR No Bitter Feud.. . To the Editor: MANY readers of Wednesday's Daily have the impression that the Young Republicans are en- gaged in a bitter feud with the Lecture Committee over a denied request for television rights for Governor Dewey's speech. The headlines were certainly sensa- tionalized and unfair both to Prof. Brandt and to us. We'did want television for Gov- ernor Dewey's speech. Prof. Brandt said "no" on the ground that it would violate the Regents' bylaws. Individual members of the Board of Regents backed this ruling and we accepted their decision. The Regents' interpretation of the bylaw is that these regulations "are designed to serve the educa- tional interests of the academic community rather than the politi- cal interests of any party or can- didate" (italics added). The Lec- ture Committee in 1951 issued a statement of policy: "We under- stand that under the Regents' by- laws and interpretation we . . may permit political speeches which serve the educational inter- ests of the academic community, with regard to a proper balance .nong th, various parties and can- didates." Thus it is the interpretation of the Regents that restricts the edu- cational benefits of a political., speech to the "academic commun- ity." These facts were somehow omitted in. Mr. Elsman's editorial, on Thursday. We would still have liked televi- sion privileges. But the fault does not lie with Prof. Brandt or the Lecture Committee. It is the Re- gents' interpretation. of their by- laws which is unnecessarily strin- gent. -Lewis Engman, '57 President, Young Republicans i 1' HE WAS NOT billed as a good- will ambassador, but Chief Jus- tice Earl Warren did a terrific job of winning friends on his recent trip to India. He went to India not at the sug- gestion of the State Department or the White House but at the invitation of the Indian govern- ment. It so happened that his visit came soon after Bulganin and Khrushchev had marched through India with wreaths literally drip- ping from their necks; following which American ambassadors in that area begged the State Depart- ment to send some top-level Amer- ican to counteract the two Rus- sians. Some ambassadors suggested that Herber Hoover and Harry Truman, the two living ex-Presi- dents, be drafted as special envoys of good will, *.* * HOWEVER, Hoover is not robust enough to make a long trip, while Eisenhower flatly turned thumbs down on Truman. The President has developed such an acute dis- like of his predecessor that White House aides are careful to keep Truman's remarks about Eisen- hower away from the Presidentail desk. They send up Ike's blood pressure. So John Foster Dulles went to India instead. His trip was riot a success. In Pakistan he talked about the disputed province of Kashmir, which rubbed India the wrong way, and his previous sup- port of Portugal in regard to Portugese Goa made him not ex- actly the man to spread sweetness and light in india. CHIEF JUSTICE Warren, how- ever, undid much of this ill will- not byany special diplomatic ef- fort, but just by being his usual direct and unassuming self. The chief justice didn't discuss politics, the race issue, civil rights, or Russia. He did discuss legal procedures and the law of the United States and India, both of which happen to be based on the common law of England In Bombay, Madras and Calcutta he was invited to sit with Indian judges on the high court of those states. And in New Delhi he was invited to don a robe and sit on the highest court of India. * * * JUDICIAL Proceedings in India are held in English, and most of the Indian judges took their law degrees at Oxford or Cambridge, though in recent years more In- dian lawers are being educated in Indian universities. In Calcutta, the chief justice noted that Indian lawyers cited 15 or more decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court in arguing one case before the court. He found that U.S. court decisions were cited per- haps more than British court deci- sions, largely because India, with 14 states, is more like the United States than England. He also found that Indian lawyers were familiarhwith the personalities of the U.S. Supreme Court and quot- ed their dissents and opinions as if they were personally acquainted with Hugo Black, William 0. Douglas, or Felix Frankfurter. The chief justice and Mrs. War- ren came home by way of the Pacific, having made a complete trip around the world. He is not reporting to the White House or the State Department because he went on his own, and because the judiciary keeps aloof from the Executive. However, the State De- partment happens to be delighted wtih the results of his mission. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Statesmanship and Red Chinese SEVERAL articles have appeared on this page during the past week calling attention to the same fact -- that the United States, while holding the line against Communism and Chi- nese expansion in eastern and southeastern Asia, is living a hand-to-mouth, day-to-day, reaction-to-given-stimulus existence. The partition and truce in Korea and in Indochina have held up without the recurrence of a shooting war. Under the protection of the Seventh Fleet, the Chaing Kai-Shek regime in Taiwan limps along. But no American statesman has come for- ward with any hint of a suggestion as to how to arrive at a more permanent and realistic solution. The hard truth stands that sooner or later, the United States is going to have to face up to the fact that China is a vast nation of six hundred million people, governed by a strong central government giving every indication that it is here to stay for quite some time, one that will not quietly slip away in the night while we all are safe asleep in bed. China and Chinese Communism is going to have to be lived with for a long, long time, whether we as Americans like it or not. We cannot ignore the existence of this regime like petulant little boys, hoping that by hiding from it, it will go away. IN ONE sense, the government of China is none of our business, though there is a school of thought very much in opposition to this theory. Neither the United States nor any other sovereign state can dictate the form of government in another nation. This is a funda- mental principle of self-determination. What is of concern to American citizens is how that government affects the lives and for- tunes of Americans today and tomorrow. And in the American political system, the responsi- bility for recognizing and administering to that concern lies with our elected officials and their appointees. These officials have failed to discharge their obligations to the American people by not ex- hibiting imaginative, forceful diplomacy in meeting the problems of international power politics. In the specific case at hand, no well-con- sidered plan has been formulated to advance the interests of the United States vis a vis China. The current policy of wait and see leaves the nation possibly not sitting on a pow- der keg but close enough to it to get badly burned when it explodes. VHISfailure in diplomacy cannot be blamed on one party or the other. This is neither a Republican, a Democratic nor an Independent failure. It is a multi-party failure of America to realize what the problem is, to see the situa- tion in its proper perspective. The failure is shared equally by all of our elected representa- tives, a failure to look and think ahead and come up with answers before being presented with a fait accompli. One of these days, the American people are going to be presented with a solution to the problem which they may well have had no hand in making. Ignoring the constantly in- creasing strength of China in Asia and the world, slamming the door on every proposal made, being amenable to no compromise, al- lowing the nation to remain static in a dynam- ic crisis would seem to constitute miserable failure on the part of American politicians whose responsibility it is to lead the American people. Several courses toward some settlement of outstanding questions with Communist China are open, some acceptable, others not. Even if there were no solutions readily avail- able, it would be up to the President, his ap- pointed ministers, and the Congress to make one. That, to use the wry expression, is what they get paid for. Unquestionably, such settlement is going to call for some compromise. Only the most fool- hardy and vote-anxious politician will fail to see this. Some compromises can be swallowed, others cannot. It is up to the statesmen to find those which both the American people and the Chinese government will buy. Certainly the armistice and partition reached in Korea and later in Indochina were far from clear cut decisions for the Western nations. TODAY AND TOMORROW: The New Generation A QUANDARY: The Independent Voter. By WALTER LIPPMANN AS COMPARED with early Aug- ust, before the two national conventions, there is something quite different and new in the political situation. Then, it would have been a surprise to find a seasoned correspondent or a pro- fessional politician in either party who did not think that Eisenhcwer was, unless another illness over- took him, unbeatable. Now, there are few who doubt that the elec- tion is a contest in which the Democrats stand to make im- portant gains in Congress. and have a fighting chance for the Presidency. The main cause of this change of mood is, I believe, the increas- ing evidence that the Democratic Party is unexpectedly strong -- that it is in one of its periods of revival, as in the early days of Wilson and again of Roosevelt. The Democratic victories in the mid-term election of 1954 regis- tered the beginning of that revival. They showed that the Democrats who had voted for Eisenhower in 1952 were still Democrats; they showed also that in the new politi- cal generation which is taking over, the Democrats have by far the best of it. At the Chicago con- vention last month, the control of the Democratic party passed, after Truman's rear-guard action, into the hands of Stevenson and the new political generation. It is this rejuvenated party which is show- ing so much bounce and buoyancy. * * * THE ARRIVAL of the new gen- eration accounts also, I believe, for speaks for it. That is why he can go into a Southern state, can take an unequivocal stand on the school problem, and yet not precipitate an irreconcileable quarrel. The vigor and unity of the Democratic party came from the influx of young and vigorous men who have been working in their communities on the problems of the present and the future. They do not know and they do not care about the quarrels between Tru- man and his enemies. THERE IS little evidence of a corresponding revival, due to the rise of a new generation, within the Republican party. That is the real reason I believe for the curious listlessness of the Republican party. In his acceptance speech at the San Francisco convention, the President spoke sincerely and eloquently in the hope that he might be the leader of such a re- vival. He called upon the new generation to form behind him in making over the party. There is no evidence of such a rally. If his hope was being realized, it is evi- dent that the prime exponent of the new Republicanism would be Nixon, who is a young man and Eisenhower's heir apparent. But nobody supposes that Nixon would or could or that he wished to re- make the old Republican party into Eisenhower's new Republican party. The Republican party lacks vigor because the new political genera- tion has not yet obtained control of the party. The party is in the control of men who are not vigor- By BRENDAN LIDDELL his does not purport to be a partisan approval of any one political party. It merely attempts a discussion of the questionable differences of political platform, and some (perhaps fallacious) conclusions concerning the voters' plight. Consider the registered voter. He has done all required by law, cus- tom, quirk and inclination to put his "X" on an official ballot. The obvious difficulty, where to put the Viewing the two major parties and their platform, and this, being a practicaly discussion, cannot be concerned with Socialists, Labor- ites Vegetarians, Whigs, Tories, etc.) one is confounded at the same time by their similarity and paradoxically, unevenness. For ex- ample, on questions of desegrega- tion and civil rights, foreign policy, budgetary matters and natural re- sources, the differences are pri- marily semantic. ** * OR CONSIDER the near-simi- larities, the 90-100% farm price parity versus the "flexible price supports;" the abolition versus the reorganization of the Taft-Hartley Act. It boils down that to read the party platforms (a task in itself!) leads only to the question: "What's the major difference?" (Which could further lead to, "Why have four-square, grass roots, etc., for the "mistreated" farmer. * * . , SO FAR, so good. The labor man votes Democrat. But then he gets more government (and we are led to believe bureaucracy, social- ism, etc., flow as a result). The anti-farm laborite votes Democrat, and is invested with 100% farm parity. The anti-labor Southerner votes Republican and is hit by a desegregationist administration. Other quandries: are we really losing the foreign policy race? Can a Democratic president do better? Let's try. But will a Democratic president force the issue of segre- gation in a South that helped elect him? So vote Republican! But what of the high prices of food, clothing, etc., which have come up even in the proberbial milennium. called "election year?" Vote Demo- crat! But labor, traditionally Democratic, held a steel strike this summer, which helped raise prices. ote Republican! But are we to be stuck with an ailing president? Vote Democrat! But are we to be stuck with an "ailing" vice-presi- dent? * * * IF EVER we had "good times" when political parties opposed each other because each hated every- thing the others stood for, now is needed, some believe, a resurgence of those times. The timid, vote- seeking appeal to non-opinionated Mr. John Q. Middleclass leaves a DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 11 General Notices Meeting of the University Staff. Gen- eral staff meeting at 4:15 p.m., Mon,, Oct. 22, in Rackham Lecture Hall. President Hatcher will discuss the state of the University. All members of the University staff, academic and non- academic, are invited. Veterans who expect education and training allowance under Public Law 550 but have not yet made application to the Veterans Administration for benefits mustrreport to Office of Veter- ans' Affairs. 555 Administration Build- ing, before 3:00 p.m. Tues., Oct. 2. University choral Union - first re- hearsal Tues. Oct. 2, at 7:00 p.m. sharp. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. All members are requested to arrive early enough to be seated on time. Moving in date for Northwood Apart- ment tenants: The following apartments will be ready for occupancy Oct. 2: 1800-1815, inclusve. 1831-1842, inclusive. 1849-1856, inclusive. Pleasereport directly to the manager of Northwood Apartments for your apartment keys. Fencing instruction for men will be offered in the Intramural Building Boxing Room this semester on Mondays and Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. Training be- gins Mon. and Tues., Oct. 1 and 2. Wea- pons and protective equipment will be provided. Participation in various indi- vidual and team competitions will be possible later in the year for men suf- ficiently advanced in technique by that time. Plans are also being made for weekly coeducational fencing. Experienced fencers may call NO 2-2400 for schedule of advanced fencing. Academic Notices The Extensipn Service announces the following class to be held in Ann Arfbor beginning Thurs., Oct. 4. Presidential Politics, 1956, 7:30 p.m. 131 School of Business Administration. A C A e 4 4 r