r'. IQTTVIM A'te' i" 1+Xi!1XJl ! Ti'17. %A 14-kit THEICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE L3 h1*x£ W? w a ;r n'uIsa et I A3UPAG THRE IN TURBULENT STAGE: Prof. McLaughlin Propounds New Theory; Seeks To Explain Strange Martian Patterns Suez Only One of 7 Canals Not Open to All Ships! i By DALE McGHEE For centuries scientists and pseudo-scientists have envisioned and theorized about the nature of the small planet Mars. Authors and pseudo - authors have dotted its surface with little green people, big feathered people, and amorphous people. To the mixture of fact and fic- tion about Mars, Prof. Dean B. McLaughlin, of the astronomy department, has propounded his own concepts concerning the planet's surface after 17 years of intermittent investigation. A man who seems opposed to gross statements, Prof. McLaugh- lin rather reticently hints that Mars may now be in a turbulent stage of development, one through which the earth passed three bil- lion years ago. More confidently, he asserts that the planet is characterized by a number of active volcanoes and monsoon-type winds. These winds he adds, follow a pattern similar to our own trade winds. "On Mars," Prof. McLaughlin said, "there are no great oceans which can inhibit violent changes in the direction and force of these winds." He points out that there are dark areas on the surface of the planet which originate in a point and spread out in the general pat- tern of the winds. He proposes that the points are the sites of volcanic eruptions and that winds have blown ash across the planet. Funnel Shapes McLaughlin admits that there are few of his fellow scientists who accept his theory at present and that some "think very little of it indeed." "However," he in- sisted, "certain funnel-shaped dark bays seem to require such an ex- planation." Earlier this month, Mars became the special object of study by a number of astronomers as it near- ed its closest position to the earth, a distance of 35 million miles. According to Prof. McLaugh- lin, however, neither he nor other University scientists have made any extensive observations of the planet due to disinterest and the limitations of the available instru- ments. "There is a general tendency among astronomers to shy away from Mars because of all the hulla- baloo that has been raised by pseudo-science," Prof. McLaugh- lin asserted. Martian Canals He also feels that public fasci- nation in Mars is traceable to the excitement raised about the so- called canals. Earlier in this century certain observers, notably Percival Lowell, claimed. to see narrow, uniform lines which were proposed to be artifical channels designed to carry water from the melting polar caps to irrigate the Martian trop- ics. By THOMAS P. WHITNEY Associated Press Foreign News Analyst One of the chief issues in the dispute caused by Egypt's nation- alization of the Suez Canal is the question of an adequate guarantee that passage through the strategic waterway will never be denied the ships of any nation desiring to use it. This issue is not by any means new, either to the Suez itself or to the half-dozen other major bottle- necks-both manmade and natural -which lie astride the routes of maritime commerce across the oceans of the world. If closed off, some could cripple trade as much or more than the canal across the sandy Egyptian desert. However, the major fact re- vealed by an examination of the ownership and operation of these important arteries is that-with the exception of the Suez Canal whose facilities have been denied to Israel for some time past-all of the world's major canals and straits are open without discrim- ination to the shipping of all na- tions. Here is a capsule summary of the political orientation, physical structure and commercial import- ancenof the most vital avenues of ocean transportation: SUEZ CANAL The Suez. Canal is 103 miles long and connects the Mediter- ranean with the Gulf of Suez and hence with the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. It is 197 feet wide at its narrowest point and will take vessels of 34 feet draught. In 1955 almost 116 million net tons of shipping used the Suez Canal, paying gross tolls of around 93 million dollars. The most im- portant use of the canal was for transporting oil from the rich fields of the Persian Gulf areato Western Europe and Britain. Freedom of navigation of the canal to vessels of all nations in both war and peace is "guaranteed" by the Suez Canal Convention of 1888, signed in Constantinople by 10 big powers of the time. This convention has not always been observed. It is now being violated by Egypt which has refused for some years past to permit Israeli ships to pass through the canal an elevation of 85 feet above sea level by a system of locks. It provides a short and cheap route for shipping from Pacific to Atlantic and has immense strategic significance in war, per- mitting the United States to trans- fer warships readily between the' Pacific and Atlantic. The canal was opened in 1914. It is run by the Panama Canal Co., owned and operated by the U.S. government which built the canal. The waterway is within the Pana- ma Canal Zone, a district five miles wide on each side of the canal granted in perpetuity to the United States which pays Panama an annual rental of $1,930,000. In 1955 nearly 8,000 ships passed through the canal with cargoes of nearly 41 million tons and paid tolls of some 35 million dollars. Freedom of use of the Panama Canal to vessels of all nations was guaranteed by the Hay-Paunce- forte Treaty of 1901 concluded be- tween the United States and Great Britain. TURKISH STRAITS The Turkish Straits divide the Sea. They consist of two narrows -the Bosporus and the Dardanel- les-and the Sea of Marmara be- tween them. The Bosporus is 18 miles long and has a minimum width of some 800 yards. The Dar- danelles are 47 miles long with an average width of from three to four miles, narrowing down to less than a mile at one point. The straits control maritime ac- cess to all of South Russia and the Caucasus and for this reason Rus- sia has always sought to control them. Other powers which feared Russia's emergence into the Med- iterranean and Turkey, which has been in possession of the straits for more than five centuries, have endeavored successfully to prevent this. At present, navigation in the Turkish Straits is governed by the Montreux Treaty of 1936, which provides for free passage of merchant ships of all nations dur- ing both peace and war. Move- ments of warships under the treaty are conditioned upon whether pas- sage is requested during a time of war or peace and whether the ship belongs to a Black Sea power, After World War II the Soviet Union unsuccessfully sought tc get changes in this agreement which would have given it "joint' custody of the straits with Tur- key. Actual freight traffic through the straits is not large and most of it 1is Turkish. About two million net tons of cargo passed through the straits in 1952. KIEL CANAL The Kiel Canal was built b3 Germany largely for strategic reasons in 1895 but immediately acquired great economic signifi- cance because it shortened the route for ships entering or leaving the Baltic Sea. It is 61 miles long and 37 feet deep. It has no locks 1 except one at either end to pro- tect against violent tides. Before World War I there was discrimination by Germany against other users of the canal. By terms of the Treaty of Versailles Ger- many undertook to abolish such discrimination and make access t othe canal open to all on a basis ofequality. Since the end of World War II this policy again has been in effect. In 1954 nearly 57,000 vessels of nearly 26 million net tons used the canal. STRAIT OF GIBRALTER The Strait of Gibralter is the western entrance of the Mediter- ranean. It is 36 miles long and its wides ranges from 27 miles down to eight miles. The straight is freely navigated in peacetime without any specific agreement by the ships of all nations. There are four different political entities with territory along the strait - Spain, Morocco, Britain and Tangier. The British, with their sea power and the Gibralter fortress, control movement through the strait in wartime. STRAIT OF BAB EL MANDEB The Strait of Bob el Mandeb is the gate to the Red Sea. It is 17 miles wide and separates Africa from the Arabian Peninsula. In the middle of the strait is Perim Is- land which is held by Britain. Britain also controls the east side of the strait from the colony of Aden. The west side of the strait is held by the French in French Somaliland. Navigation through Bab el Man- deb is free and unhindred without specific international agreement. However, the holder of these straits could, if he desired, block movement into and out of the southeren end of the Red Sea. ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY The United States and Canada now are at work on projects which will permit large ocean-going ships to navigate the St. Lawrence to the Great Lakes. Present shallow canals and locks permit the movement of 10 million' tons of cargo on this route each year, a small portion of it trans- atlantic. The total is expected to leap to 36,500,000 by 1959 when deep-draft vessels will be able to reach Lake Erie. In times of peace, ships fo all nations are permitted use of the seaway. Researchers Do Experiments With Temperature Variations Alumni See New Trends In Medicine The Sixth Triennial Medical Alumni Conference officially drew to a close yesterday with the last event scheduled at 1:30 p.m.-the Michigan-UCLA game. During the four days of the Conference, alumnidwere re- acquainted with their Medical School, particularly with recent re- search and new facilities of the Medical Center. Each of the departments held a series of clinical conferences deal-. ing in detail with new trends in medicine and medical research in their field * Vaccine Problem The department of Obstetrics and Gynecology initiated the ex- change of medical information Wednesday morning. Thursday saw a joint session of the Conference, with subjects on "The PolioVac- cine Problem Brought Uu to Date," a talk delivered by Dr. Thomas Francis Jr., and a discussion of "The Management of Facial Nerve Injuries," by Dr. James H. Max- well, Professor of Otolaryngology. The program returned to de- partmental clinical conferences Friday, with 10 departments spon- soring the meetings. The new Department of Human Genetics was described in the last minutes of the Internal Medicine clinical conference. Although a genetics clinic has been operating for 15 years, the Department wasn't created until last July. The Genetics Department can answer questions ranging from the possibility of. transmitting diseases or defects from parents to child- ren to the choice between placing a child up for adoption in a Cau- casian or Negro home, or genetic risks involved after radiation. Health Service Plague In the same conference, Dr. Charles J. Tupper described the development and present range of operation of the University Health Service for the alumni. Recalling that "many of you avoided the place like the plague," he included as one of four goals of the Health Service the, need for an improvement of student- Health Service relations. Dr. Tupper described several fields of research presently being conducted by the Service, among them a study of infectious mon- onucleosis, a disease whose major symptom is extreme fatigue. Another project undertaken by: the Health Service is that of giving "GM-type physicals" to faculty members. These are presently be. ing given to those 60 year-old or over, but' this age will soon be ex- tended downward. MYSTERIOUS MARS-New theory suggests volcano dust and monsoon winds as souree of patterns on planet's surface. SDuplicate Tournaments Reveal Versatility of Bridge Players "r By IEDGAR SIMONS Daily Bridge Columnist NORTH 4 A852 V 32 * Q105 4 AQJ7 EAST' 4 963 # 986432, 4 1086 WEST A. Q104 V QJ1o fAJ7 4. K943 SOUTH 4 KJ7 M AK98654 K 82 . 82 THE BIDDING South Dealer S W N 1HI P 2NT 3H P 3S 4H P P E p P P Perhaps the most marked differ- ence between duplicate and rubber bridge is the concern to capture seemingly, unimportant overtricks. The reason for this is that one's score is not based on total points, but on how one scores on each hand relative to the ten or twelve others playing the same hand. Today's hand is an example of play concerned with winning over- tricks. Making the contract pre- sents no difficulty, and in a rubber bridge game the hand would be played out in a flash. West knew he held most of his side's strength, and chose the queen of trump lead for safety. Declarer won this and observed that eventually either a club or spade finesse would have to be taken. The club was tried, dummy's queen winning. A second heart was led to south's king, disclosing the natural trump loser. The club finesse was re- peated, and the ace of clubs was played, declarer discarding the king of diamonds from his hand. Dummy's last club was led and trumped by south. At long last declarer led the third round as trump, putting west on lead. At this point west had only spades and diamonds to lead and could not fail to give away a trick. He chose the diamond ace, but it was too late. This established the queen in dummy, and declarer had secured two valuable overtricks for his cold game. tants were having a hard struggleE to conserve their scanty moisture.c "The public has been sold a bill of goods that the canals are the7 most important problem concern-. ing Mars," McLaughlin said. 1 "The lines are not necessarily at hallucination; they could be ex-t plained by my theory of volcanic ash. But the entire universe hasc to obey the same laws of chemistryt and physics that exist on earth. Under the present known con- ditions on Mars, intelligent life1 as we know it is pretty much im- possible. And life as we know it isk the only life that can exist." Regents Accept 3Senator's Papers The papers of the late Sen. Blair Moody, (R-Mich), were ac- cepted as a gift by the University fRegents Friday. Mrs. Ruth Moody, wife of the former United States Senator from Michigan and Detroit newspaper- man, donated the papers to the Michigan Historical Collections. In other actions the Regents ac- cepted 54 volumes of the Michigan i Law Review from Ernest Ringo, '04, i and microfilm from Regent Eugene Power of Ann Arbor. Temperatures ranging between those found in the Artic and des- ert regions of the world are being approximated on the University's North Campus in research aimed at helping the United States Air Force refuel its jet bombers as fast as possible. Focal point of the study is a trailer, built for the Air Force by the Pryor Manufacturing Com- pany of Mansfield, Ohio, which is designed to regulate the high rate of flow of jet fuel from an airbase pipeline into the empty tanks of a bomber. To discover how the trailer will' perform under extreme tempera- tures, a group of mechanical en- gineers under the direction of Prof. Glenn V. Edmonson have erected a series of small, specially insulated buildings around the unit. Use Dry Ice Using a large supply of dry ice, they have lowered the temper- ature t 098 degrees below zero, al- the lowest temperature required for the tests was 65 degrees below Electric heating elements have raised the temperature to 160 de- grees above zero, and a battery of special lamps are used to simu- late the radiation of the desert sun. The researchers are interested in the performance of precision parts on the trailer over a wide range of temperature differences between the flowing fuel and the trailer's environment, Prof. Ed- monson explains. He points out that the trailer is needed to control the flow of fuel to the airplane and to pre- vent component parts of the plane's system from being sub- jected to destructive pressures. These pressures are similar to the "water hammer" caused by the sudden closing of a household faucet, he adds. Other Project Facilities Other facilities for the sprawl- ing project include a 1000-foot pipeline, a 000-gallon storage tank for jet fuel, an electric power line and panel and a house trailer. The house tralier contains about $30,000 worth of research instru- ments, Prof. Edmonson says. Faculty members and eight un- dergraduate students from the University College of Engineering are conducting the research, which is administered by the Engineer- ing Research Institute for the Pry- or Manufacturing Company. In addition to the required re- search, the engineers "on their own" have investigated the hydro- dynamic properties of the fast= flowing fuel, Prof. Edmonson says. They have studied sonic veloci- ties in the fuel, transient wave forms, and the damping charac- teristics of hydrant systems - all topics which will be reported in the scientific literature. Mars was pictured as a dessicat- despite a United Nations Security ing and dying planet whose inhabi- Council decision demanding that Egypt should drop this restriction on canal freedom. The canal was completed in 1869 and has been operated by the Universal Suez Canal. The Egyptian government, of President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the company on July 26, 1956, as an Egyptian reply for the refusal of the United States and Britain to finance the Aswan High Dam. PANAMA CANAL The Panama Canal is 51 miles long and connects the Pacific Ocean with the Caribbean and hence the Atlantic. Its minimum width is 110 feet and its depth is not less than 41 feet. Unlike the Suez Canal, which is a sea level canal, the Panama Canal reaches I. As does the exam measure the proficiency of the student with material learned in the classroom, so does the: duplicate tournament measure the quality of the bridge 4 the player has learned in the vari- ous dorm and fraternity card rooms. Only when he presents himself for competition against those of greater experience and different background can the player feel he Is measuring his ability. Locally, there are two duplicate games open to all; held Thursday evenings at the League, Friday evening at the Union. < lt=>L ((> ":>fJ>t- =>C=> <-> <=>G <-> f1 Large assortment of Pringle Shetlandy o Skirt and Sweater Paks imported direct from Scotland. $19.75 per pak. 6YARNCRAFT SHOJP 10 Nickels Arcade Phone NO 2-0303 5G O4=0 O 4=>O G300=> t)G'04=O QO ) } v..;.; ::.... . ix". r"sc. ,.." .. .r ": tiw-ovo.:' i^ rk:;3 ' ' 11 ::: +'".':i