THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SE MER 171 I9ss THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 19~6 .,..... a .r .. , .... .. ..... GC Has Broad Power ut Subject To Review By TAMMY MORRISON The history of Student Govern- ment Council at the University is one of original rejection and later overwhelming acceptance. Now beginning its second com- plete year as the official campus government, SGC replaced Stu- dent Legislature in March 1955. When an all-campus student government was first planned in 1946, two proposals were consider- ed. One was a Student Congress similar to SGC, consisting of heads of campus groups and a popularly- elected nine-man council. The other was a Congress-Cabinet form elected from the campus at large. Latter Proposal Selected The latter proposal was selected in a student referendum of March 1957. More than two years of study and planning went into SOC, the first student government to be of- ficially recognized by the Board of Regents. It was first suggested by Malin Van Antwerp, '55L. Final plans were drawn up by a special study committee of stu- dents and faculty headed by Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the political science department and presented to the Regents by Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis. SGC has taken over all of SLs and SAC's functions. Eleven of its 18 members ,are elected by the campus at large. The other seven members are the heads of major campus organizations. They are the presidents of the Union, League, Assembly Associa- tion, Inter-House Council, Panhel- lenic Association and Interfrater- nity Council and the managing editor of The Daily. SGC can decide any student is- sue. Its decision stands unless the Board of Review, composed of the Dean of Men, the Dean of Women, three faculty members chosen by the Faculty Senate Advisory Com- mittee and two students, one of whom is the president of SGC, declares that the issue was not within SGC's jurisdiction within four days. SGC functions through its com- mittee structure. Eacn committee is headed by an elected SGC mem- ber and advised by one or more ex-offico members. Committees are made up of members of the Administrative Wing, which num- ber about 100. Committees responsible to the vice-president of the Council are Education and School Welfare. National and International Af- fairs, Coordination and Counsel- ing and Student Representation. The Educational and Social Welfare Committee supervises work in the areas of academic counseling, student adjustment, student employment and human relations. The Human Relations Board, one of the most important SGC functions, investigates and tries to improve relations between the University and business com- munity and is specifically con- cerned with problems of racial and religious discrimination. Maintains NSA Contact The National and International Affairs Committee maintains con- tact with National Students' As- sociation, improves relations with other schools and supervises inter- national student programming. The Coordinating and Counsel- ing Committee approves calendar- ing of all student activities and revisions in student organization constitutions. It also supervises! organization counseling, research services and coordination with other student organizations. The Student Representation Committee supervises interviewing -and nominating for the various special boards, such as Cinema Guild, Joint Judiciary Council and the Student Book Exchange. Committees responsible to the treasurer are Public Relations, Campus Affairs, Finance and the Administrative Wing. The Public Relations Commit- tee supervises internal and exter- nal public relations, including the elections held every semester. Short Range Problems The Campus Affairs Committee takes care of short-range campus problems, such as the Campus Chest Drive, the bicycle problem and the Student Activities Book- let. The Finance Committee super- vises all SGC's money matters, while the Administrative Wing, headed by the 4dministrative Wing Co-ordinator, staffs all Council Committees. SOC is financed by a 25 cent tax deducted from e'ach student's tuition. It is presently housed in Quonset Hut A. but will move into the new Student Activities Build- ing as soon as it is completed. The officers, president, vice- president, secretary and treasurer, are elected at the first meeting each campus election. Only the 11 elected members may run, but they are put into office by the whole Council. Vacancies between elections are filled by means of petition, inter- view and appointment by the Council. Interim appointments ex- tend only until the next election. HanyUnion Traditions Disappear In 30 years of history, fron an all-campus men's club to a boom- ing five million dollar business, the Michigan Union has come a long way. Today, long since the first idea in the minds of the "naughty '04" class, a large building with a new addition serves men and women students and alumni as well as faculty and University administra- tion. Numerous Traditions One of the most famous tra- ditions in Union history was that women were not allowed in the front door. This tradition, although it last- ed many years, has gone by the wayside through constant ignor- ing of the rule. Another tradition is senior ta- ble-carving. Each senior, prior to graduation, has the opportunity to imprint his name on one of the cafeteria table tops in the Union basement. Another part of the Union has traditionally been the maize and blue Union lapel buttons, which are rarely seen on lapels any more. Many Years of History But these traditions, whether they still exist or not, grew up over many years of history in the Un- ion. 4 THE ATOMIC AGE-Seven and a half feet in diameter, the "Class of '56" fountain undergoes construction. It was named for the class because they contributed $1500 towards final cost. Placed in front of the news Union addition, the fountain will have sprays shooting towards the center forming a four foot high hemisphere. A spray from the center will shoot straight up. Motif for the fountain is the atomic age. New $2900,000 Union Addition Ready For Fall ROCHDALE PRINCIPLES-Inexpensive living and democracy in action are the two themes of the University's Inter-cooperative Council. Co-ops Offer Lowest Living Cost for Campus Housing By VERNON NAHRGANG I Now there are both North and South Cafeterias and a Snack Bar, all in modern furnishings (al- though one has the old carved tables famous in Union history) and new air-conditioning. Behind the scenes, there's also a new production kitchen that supplies the cafeterias, the snack bar and upstairs dining rooms. Wide corridors connect the old building with its new addition on every floor, and dual, modern ele- vators have been installed in these corridors. Also featured in the Union base- ment is a newly remodelled barber shop, a new checkroom and men's and ladies' rooms. Facilities For Banquets On the Union's main floor, the new Anderson Room will be used alternately for banquets, dances and dinners. With a stage at one end and facilities for partitioning, the room will serve many purposes in the coming years. A new addition of the familiar old Union bulletin board, listing the day's events, will also be found on the main floor corridor. HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUR CAMERA NEEDS Welcomes you to Michigan! KODAK ARGUS...NIKON POLAROID... GRAFLEX ... BOLEX CANNON ...BEL& HOWELL ... ALPA ROLLEI ... KALLOFLEX. .. LEICA ZEISS IKONW...EXACTA COMPLETE RENTAL SERVICE by TED FRIEDMAN The idea of cooperative housing began at the University in 1934. Since then, it has spread throughout the nation. Although originally launched to permit students who could not otherwise meet expenses to attend the Uni- versity during the Depression, co- ops have undergone modifications with the changing needs of their members. The houses are no longer run on the barest minimum of cost (two dollars per week), but their costs are still the lowest on cam- pus, beginning at $8.50. There are eight houses at the University, all under the central organization, the Inter-Cooperative Council. Rochdale Principles Behind the organization is an elaborate plan known as the Roch- dale Principles. It calls for com- plete democracy (each member has one vote, non-discrimination (unrestricted membership) and re- ligious and political neutrality. Strangers are continually sur- prised by how well the idealism works. All types can be found in the houses: intellectuals, play- boys, Democrats, Republicans, Ivy- Leaguers or individualists. . The houses have a large propor- tion of foreign students. All Contribute The essential characteristic of cooperatives is that every mem- ber contributes to the work. The organization is entirely run by students with no faculty or alum- ni supervision. Every member is expected to contribute a certain number of work hours per week. Cooking, cleaning and much of the building and repairing is done by the members themselves. Costs are kept low by this method. Recently attention is being paid toward greater improvements and perhaps raising the costs. But members point out that co-ops will still offer "the most for your money." Arthur Wilner, Grad., remark- ed; "There is a trend toward in- creasing improvement of proper- ties." Wilner is formerpresident of the Inter-Cooperative Coun- cil. Decreasing Room Capacity "Co-ops" he continued, "are de- creasing the capacity of rooms. Our policy is the direct opposite of the dormitories." Members have also indicated they are thinking of purchasing land on North Campus. "We are Dance Clubs Give Concerts Ballet and Modern Dance clubs, with a membership of 40 to 50 co- eds, are open anyone from rank beginners to talented dancers. The clubs give two concerts a year, at Christmas and in t h e Spring. Next year plans include sponsor- ing informal presentations of stu- dent choreography plus panel dis- cussions. As in former years the clubs will participate in speech de- partment plays. always interested in properties that present themselves to co-op use," Wilner said. Last May, the Inter-Cooperative Couicil bought its eighth house. The structure, located on South Forest, is tentatively named "Mark VII.'" SFor Feb. 1 Completion University's Student Activities Building will be completed Feb. 1 1957. Progress on the three-story, $1,140,000 building is proceeding at a rapid rate. Student Activities Building will contain office rooms for 80 stu- dent organizations and activity groups, as well as provide rooms for those campus groups desiring meeting space. Offices of Dean of Men and Dean of Women will also be housed in the 115-room structure. Work Space Planned Facilities of the building, in- cluding mimeographing equip- ment, supplies, and work space for, such projects as float building, will be available to all campus groups. About 30 rooms will be in the basement, primarily for mainte- nance and meeting areas. Adjoin- ing the basement will be a "work- shop" area. This single-floored space will be reserved for construction of floats for spring Michigras parade and other work projects requiring large floor space. Will Have Tools, Supplies Rooms adjacent to workshop area will house tools and supplies. Also in the basement will be the mimeographing room, , sewing room, and mechanical rooms. First floor will include the main lobby. This floor will contain offices for administrative person- nel and their secretaries, as well as meeting rooms for campus or- ganizations. Second floor will contain sev- eral meeting rooms and offices for student activity groups. Third floor will be mainly meeting rooms. Each floor will have a small lobby. Comments Time Capsule May 14, University President Harlan Hatcher cemented a time capsule into the walls of the 'Stu- dent Activities Building. At that time, he commended student action in 4nitiating and carrying out plans for the build- ing. "This represents what we have . . . come to expect from students," President Hatcher said. Plans for the building were initiated by Harry Lunn, '54, for- mer Daily managing editor, and Bob Neary, '54, past president of Student Legislature. Lunn and Neary consolidated a group of campus leaders, and their united efforts led to eventual construction of the Student Ac- tivities Bcilding. I . 11 I 0 BREAKFAST0 LUNCH FOUNTAIN SERVICE o s 11 ter ^.d "a ..1'"R 11 0 I I I