Fall Housing Crisis Past;
What About Next Year?
(See Page 4)
Lw .46
' Ylr i I Yu YI III
Latest Deadline in the State
* *
Daily City Editor
Recruitment of athletes has de-
veloped "to an unhealthy degree"
but without overtly violating con-
ference rules, the University's Big
Ten faculty representative claim-
ed yesterday.
Prof. Marcus Plant of the Law
School reported to the University
Press Club that about 90 per cent
of the Conference's football let-
termen were interviewed and
screened while still in high school.
Presenting facts gathered by a
Big Ten study committee, Prof.
Plant said the amount of aid given
to athletes has increased, per-
centage wise, "somewhat more
rapidly" than aid to non-athletes,
but refused to give the actual fig-
ures. He was referring to aid with-
in conference rules.
Speaking from University's new
half-million dollar press box, the
professor tore into national news
magazines, asking them to stop
using intercollegiate athletics as
a "whipping boy."
He accused the magazines' ed-
itors and publishers of attempting
to build circulation by "unhealthy
overemphasis and sensationalism."
Further, he claimed their treat-
ment of college sports was a "be
trayal of the high traditions of
American journalism."
As a result of increased recruit-
ment, there has been a sharp in-
crease in money spent for enter-
taining prospective athletes, Prof.
Plant said.
He claimed recruitment and fin-
ancial aid problems were closely
related. "If it is possible to reach
a rational solution of the financial
aid problem, we have probably cut
the heart out of recruiting prob-
lems," the Big Ten representative
Prof. Plant said the ideal would
be to treat all athletes like "any
other student." He conceded that
goal is impossible to reach.
As a compromise he suggested
limiting financial aid at all con-
ference schools to the difference
between the athlete's own resources
and the cost of attending school.
This, he claimed, would put all
schools on an equal economic basis
and eliminate the "shopping" for
best financial deals.
Prof. Plant also mentioned lack
of opportunity as a major confer-
erce problem. He adyocated a re-
turn of 150 lb. football and junior
varsity programs.
"I know that at Michigan our
future plans are being laid with
a view to having more and more
student athletic participation," he
told the newsmen.
The athletic problems of the
Big Ten outlined by Prof. Plant
were some of the findings of a
committee which reported at a
special Big Ten Conference meet-
ing in August.
Plans Drawn
To Discourage
Paint Parties
A two-point plan for avoiding
painting parties prior to the Mich-
igan-Michigan State football game
was discussed at a joint confer-
ence in East Lansing Thursday.
Assistant Dean of Men John
Bingley, Student G o v e r n m e n t
Council President Bill Adams, '57-
BAd, Joint Judiciary Council
chairman Mike McNerney, '57L,
and Daily Managing Editor Dick
Snyder, '57, met with their MSU
counterparts to decide how the
perennial paint problem should be
In ari effort to create friendly
relations between housing units,
University dormitories, sororities
and fraternities will issue invita-
tions to similar living groups on
the MSU campus.
Prowlers on both campuses will
be subject to police interference.
Prospective painters from East
Lansine will lnork 1 i+h +h
4I ~- -e
Hits Athlete
Recra itingl
'U' Asks Federal Funds
To Aid Health Research
The University yesterday disclosed }plans to seek approximately
$2.7 million in federal matching funds for improvement and expansion
of health research facilities on the campus.
The funds would, in effect, double the monies already provided
by the state and sought from private foundations by the University for
stepped up research in mental health, pediatrics, and public health.
Federal funds for this purpose were made available by the Federal
Research Facilities Act of 1956, which authorizes appropriation of $30
million in matching funds annually for a three-year period to non-
profit organizations - active in
* health research.
fu ' ' G ityThe Regents today approved a
Y ~request for $1,025,000 in matching
funds for construction of a second
mental health research building on
campus. If approved, this would
double the $975,000 authorized by
W the Legislature for construction of
O the first unit and $50,000 avail-
able in the 1956-57 University bud-
World News
By The Associated Press
Adlai Speech . .
enson contended yesterday Re-
publicans have produced no action
and no results in meeting what he
~called "a very grave danger to our
country"--a crisis in education.
Russia already has a two-to-one
advantage over this country in the
training of engineers, the Demo-
cratic presidential nominee said in
his first nationwide radio-TV ap-
pearance since the formal start of
his campaign.
* * *
School Boycott .
HENDERSON, Ky.-Prospects of
prosecution under Kentucky con-
spiracy laws yesterday jolted lead-
ers of Henderson's anti-integration
school boycott.
Boycott.leaders said they may
seek instead a Kentucky-wide sys-
tem of private schools supported
by state aid, similar to the plan
recently adopted in North Caro-
The University's Regents yester-
day approved appointments in
medicine, automotive engineering
and industrial health.
William H. Graves, former vice
president and director of engineer-
ing at Studebaker-Packard Corp.,
was named professor of automo-
tive engineering. He will teach
courses and direct the Automotive
Engineering Laboratory, a $1,850,-
000 structure completed this year.
Dr. A. James French will replace;
Dr. Carl V. Weller as Chairman of
the department of pathology in
the Medical School. He will assume
his duties Oct. 1.
Dr. Seward E. Miller is new
director of the Institute of Indus-
trial Health, effective this month.
He replaces Dr. O. T. Mallery, Jr.,
who will return to his duties in the
Medical School.
Dr. Frank H. Bethell will replace
Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis as director of
the Thomas Henry Simpson Me-
morial Institute for Medical Re-
search. Dr. Sturgis, chairman of
the department of internal medi-
cine, asked to be relieved of his
duties at the Research Institute.
In the Public Health School,
Margaret Isabel Patterson was ap-
pointed assistant professor of ma-
ternal and child nutrition on a 12-
month basis, effective Sept. 1,1
William' W. Joy was appointed
assistant professor of public health
engineering, effective Sept. 1, 1956
also on a 12-month basis.
Dedication Set'
For County's
New Building
Washtenaw County's new County
Building will be dedicated tomor-
row amid an elaborate parade and.
ceremonies featuring local, state
anc national government officials.
The new $3,250,000 structure
will replace the old courthouse
erected in 1878.
The new County Building, in use1
for a year, has been the object of
various types of criticism. One de-
partment was inadequate in floor
space before it was ever used and
now has completely outgrown its
Taxpayers have frequently com-
mented on "expensive and unnec-
essary" expenditures for certain
luxurious-looking parts of , the
Internal complaints have come
from employees who feel the en-
tire building should be air-con-
The room for the Board of Sup-
ervisors meetings and the court-
rooms were constructed with very
little provision for spectator seat-
The stone, marble and glass
building will be open throughout
the ceremonies for inspection by
get for this purpose.
Similar proposed projects which
are scheduled for presentation to
the Regents at their October meet-
ing, as outlined in a press confer-
ence by Vice-president William
Stirton, include:
$86,500 for purchase of research lina.
equipment for the Kresge Medical
Research building, to be used for
a radio isotope laboratory, research
in the central nervous system,
and animal housing,
Approximately $1 million for
research facilities in the new
Children's Hospital, still in the
planning stage; and
Approximately $560,000 for re-
search in virus diseases, industrial
health, and biostatistics.
In each case, the University is
actively seeking an equal amount
of money from foundations and'
other private sources to qualify for
the matching funds, Stirton indi-
cated. Further University proposals
may be submitted for stepped-up
research in dentistry, medical
science, nursing and pharmacy, he
Regents Get
Gifts, Grants
Gifts, grants and bequests
amounting to $1,053,987.66 were
accepted by University Regents
Largest amount accepted .was
$601,500, representing six different
grants from the National Science
The Regents also accepted a total
of $133,949.35 from the estate of
John Hulst of Grand Rapids.
Board of Governors of the Law-
yers Club has given $5,000 for the
purchase of books for the Law
See- U', Page 6
* * *
' atusom Sent . .
NEW YORK-Harvey M. Matu-
sow was sentenced to five years
in prison yesterday for perjury on
behalf of 13 second-string Com-I
munist leaders-his latest in a4
long series of big lies.
* * *
Truth Squad.
"truth squad" fired back at Adlai
E. Stevenson's cost-of-living speech
here yesterday with the claim that
most of the increase came under
Democratic administrations.
* * *
Military Increase**.
PARIS-West Germany will in-
crease its regular military forces
by 70,000 to make up for a cut in
the length of military service for
conscripts, NATO announced yes-
* * *
Britons Killed . ..
NICOSIA, Cyprus - A British
soldier and a civilian woman were
killed yesterday in an ambush
outside the north coast town of
Kyrenia, army headquarters an-
Regents Get
eports On
A progress report on plant ex-
tension was received by University
Regents at their meeting yester-
First Unit of Medical Science'
and School of Nursing Building'
is well underway, with work now,
being done on footings and foun-
dation walls. Sewer lines are being
installed in all units.
In the food service area of Uni-
versity Hospital, erection of struc-
tural steel has been going well.
West Wing
In the West Wing work is almost
finished on the fourth floor, 75
per cent on the fifth, and 55 per
cent on the sixth floor.
In utilities installations, thel
third floor is substantially com-
plete, with work progressing on
fourth, fifth and sixth floors.
The Undergraduate Library is
well underway, with first two floor
slabs complete. Other work is pro-
gressing with the rest of the
Interior lining of a pool in Ford
Nuclear Reactor is about half fin-
ished. Painting is being completed
and the tile floor in the pool will
be started soon. The construction
should be finished by November.
The second group of Northwood
Apartments was partially finished,
as 48 apartments were rented in'
September. The entire project will
be ready by November.
Revised Planse
Revised plans have been sub-j
mitted to contrattors for the
Fluids Engineering Laboratory.
Exterior of Student Activities
Building is near completion and
interior work is progressing satis-
Excavation of the addition to
the Henry S. Fieze Building is
completed and rehabilitation is
under way.
The roof has been removed from
General Library and a temporary
roof provided. Concrete columns
in the west stack are being formed.'
Forms are being built and con-
crete poured for the Church St.
parking structure.
Cancer Study Ends
NEW YORK (AP)-An American
Cancer Society spokesman saidl
yesterday the field work for its
survey of smoking and cancer is
completed and the final report is
expected to confirm previous evi-
dence of a direct relationship be-
tween the two.
Said Caught
In Squeeze
Reported Motive
In Power Struggle
LONDON (P)-A new struggle
for power inside the Soviet Union
over de-Stalinization appeared em-
erging yesterday, with Yugoslav-
ia's Marshal Tito playing a key
Nikita S. Khrushchev, free-
wheeling boss of the Soviet Com-
munist party, was reported caught
in a squeeze by Soviet army chiefs
and a Stalinigt bloc in the Politi-
buro who -see dangers for the
Kremlin in his current policy.
Private Vacation
The Yugoslav President flew to
Russia's Black Sea resort area
Thursday with Khrushchev, who
had been his guest for a week on a
visit billed as a strictly private
Press reports in Britain and in
Austria said Khrushchev may be
in trouble.
A showdown appeared deyelop-
ing with Khrushchev caught be-
tween reconciling his policy of de-
Stalinization-the policy that be-
friended Tito-with warnings by
Soviet army leaders of the mili-
tary danger of creating a "neu-
tral band" of Titoist nations
around the Soviet Union.
Refuse Premier
The Soviet Foreign Ministry re-
jected requests of foreign corres-
pondents in Moscow yesterday for
travel permits to the Black Sea
coast, saying Tito's visit was of a
"private nature."
This conflicted with dispatches
out of Belgrade emphasizing the
political importance of the trip.
Vice President Alexander Ranko-
vic and Djuro.Puskar, a leader of
the Yugoslav Communist Polit-
buro from sensitive Bosnia, were
in Tito's party.
The party was reported at Yalta
with Khrushchev yesterday.
Hour from Yalta
And waiting -on the Black Sea
coast - officially, on vacation -
were Soviet Premier Nikolai Bul-
ganin and Foreign Minister Dmi-
tri Shepilov. They were at Sochi,
less than an hour's flying time
from Yalta.
The independent Vienna news-
paper Neuer Kurier, in a Belgrade-
dated dispatch quoting a "high
ranking personality," said Khru-
shchev had been summoned from
his Yugoslav vacation to appear
before the Kremlin leadership sit-
ting as a "party court."
He reportedly coaxed Tito to go
along to support him.
The nature of the "party court"
was vague. The Vienna newspaper
suggested it may have been called
by Khrushchev's rivals who feel
his policy has misfired or that, on
the other hand, he himself called
the court to rehabilitate himself.
have made most of their seniors
ineligible for half the UCLAns' 10
The Bruins will also be without
the benefit of an Ann Arbor prac-
tice session before the game. They
arrived by plane at 6 p.m. yester-
day-too late for drills.
Michigan Coach Bennie Ooster-
baan has put his men through an
especially rugged pre-season train-
ing period and the result appears
to be a well-conditioned squad
prepared to do its best through-
out its hectic nine-game schedule.
With renewed emphasis on the
single wing, Michigan's offense is
expected to make use of a greater
variety of plays than has been cus-
tomary for recent Wolverine ag-
gregations. Greater deception and
slicker ball-handling will be dis-
played by the Maize' and Blue.
Today's game will feature a rare
combination of offensive align-,
ments. In opposition to Michigan's
unbalanced single wing (with both
guards to the right of center),
UCLA will show a balanced line for
its single wing attack.
Starring in that attack for the
Bruins are expected to be only two
seniors, quarterback Bob Bergdahl
and tailback Doug Bradley.
Four other Bruin seniors will be
dressed and ready for action if the
game is close and Coach Henry
"Red" Sanders feels they might
bring victory. The four-guard and
Captain Don Birren, end Pete o'-
See UCLA's, Page 5
North Campus
Music School
Plans Okayed
Final plans for a new School of
Music on North Campus were ap-
proved by the Regents at their
meeting yesterday.
A scale model, blueprints and
drawings of the $4,500,000 devel-
opment were prepared by Eero
Saarinen and Associates with the
planning money voted by the Leg-
islature on May 10.
After contract bids are made,
the Legislature will be asked for
appropriations to cover develop-
ment of the site, for building con-
struction and furnishing.
Open Door by 1960
"If the Legislature approves the
necessary funds by the spring of
1957, Michigan can open the doors
of its new School of Music by 1960,"
said Dean Earl V. Moore of the
Music School.
"When our plans for the North
Campus development are complet-
ed," Dean Moore added, "Michigan
will have the largest and best-
equipped college-level music school
in the United States."
Enrollment in the School of
Music has been restricted to 540
students because of the physical
limitations of the present build-
ings. The new music school will
offer instruction to more than 800
professionally minded musicians,
and the present facilities will be
turned over to students in other
divisions of the University.'
Music Ed Expansion
Because of the need for music
teachers in high schools and col-
leges, the greatest expansion in
nv...ll . .. , 4'T -. _ . , t_..~ .- .
ity Planning
For Football
Season Fans
The big,big day is here at last-
the kickoff of Michigan's 1956
football season.
The most popular subject of
conversation these days is, as
every year at this time, football.
Everywhere one turns, there it is
again-football. Are we going to
the Rose Bowl this year? Will we
beat State? Can we make first
place in the Big Ten?
* Football Fever
Ann Arbor is again pervaded
with that air of excitement that
always marks a big football week-
end. The people most affected by
the football-Saturday crush, how-
ever-the Ann Arbor Police De-
partment, the cab companies and
the hotels-are taking things in
stride, a resillt of long experience
in handling the influx of almuni,
visitors and fans typical of a fall
weekend in Ann Arbor.
No Extra Cabs
The local cab companies are not
planning to put any extra equip-
ment on the road, partly because
they don't have it and partly be-
cause, as one company official put
it, "We can't keep the cars we have
in use moving through the monu-
mental traffic jams."
Hotels in town were reported
filling up rapidly yesterday, and
expecting full houses by this morn-
The Police Department is mak-
ing the usual preparations to
handle the traffic crush today,
using most of their available man-
power and equipment, with some
help from the Michigan State
The police, however, are of a
mind that their traffic headaches
today will be just a warmup for
next week, when the sellout crowd
of 101,101 converges on Michigan
Stadium from all points of the
compass for the MSU game.
Congestion Spotters
Police mobilization will reach
its peak then, with the use of State
i Police planes to "spot", the points
of worst congestion and help map
strategy to ease the situation
At the stadium today, the 161-
man Michigan Marching Band,
one of the finest and most famous
marching bands in the country,
will make its season debute under
the direction of William D. Revelli.
The band will take the field be-
fore the game for a few numbers,
and again at half-time with a
special program, including salutes
to each of Michigan's opponents
this season.
New Dance Step
One of the highlights of today's
band program will be the intro-
duction of a lively new dance step,
"Five Foot Two," which will con-
clude the half-time festivities.
Dance steps of this kind are one
of the reasons for the national
reputation of the Michigan March-
ing Band.
The air is again charged with
that familiar football season ten-
sion The Wolverinms ar nn th
Wolverines Host
Underdog Bruins
Michigan Sophs Ptacek, Herrnstein
To Join Veterans in Starting Lineup
Michigan's 1956 football edition goes on display today as the Wol-
verines play host to an underdog UCLA squad at 1:30 p.m. In the
Michigan Stadium.
UCLA will have the advantage of a game's experience over the
Wolverines. It opened its campaign last weekend with a narrow 13-7
victory over Utah, while Michigan was still a week away from its first
Still, the Wolverines, powered by one of their heaviest backfields
in recent history, are favored by more than two touchdowns over the
Bruins from Los Angeles. The visitors have been crippled by Pacific
Coast Conference rulings which 1 __+
* * *
Cobo Talk ...
DETROIT - Mayor Albert E.
Cobo rapped again at Governor
G. Mennen Williams last night in
relation to the Governor's $45-a-
pair shoes and labor policies of the
Mennen Corp.
Cross Says Automation's Growing Even Bigger
The history, principles and probable development of automation
were traced last night at a dinner of the University Press Club of
Ralph Cross, executive vice-president of a firm which developed
automatic production, delivered the major address before approxi-
mately 300 members of the club.
To familiarize the audience with the principles of automation,
Cross offered several definitions of the word, coined since the last war
by an official of the Ford Motor Co. Those definitions could be sum-
marized as follows:
Automation is an integrated production system employing the
application of "feedback controls" and employing the use of ma-
chines to make other machines.
"Feedback controls," Cross explained, were devices which could
control the speed or quality of a given production by "checking" with
the finished product. An early example was a device first employed in
ancient Roman architecture, by which a tank could be kept at a
.constant level by use of a float on the surface of the liquid which con-
trolled the input to the tank as it was emptied. A modern thermostat