A; MMAY,.SE1"TnMER 29, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE DIGNITARIES CONFER: Students Gather at International Center /A, Z A By ARLINE LEWISf" Drawing a crowd of 100 students{ and several foreign - dignitaries, the International Center had the{ first of its weekly social hours yes- terday. A Center tradition, the weekly 4 events, held every Thursday from 4:30 to 6 p.m., offer foreign stu- dents and their friends an oppor- tunity to meet and talk over tea .? or coffee.< Visiting as part of the State De- partment's Foreign Leader pro-: gram, were educators from Great Britain, Guatemala and Formosa. Tour High $chool Jack Longland, Director of Edu- cation in Derbyshire County in Great Britain arrived at the In- ternational Center after an after- no tour of Ann Arbor High edutonl teleisonf oeraingih The Englishman, who directs the . : ..d*atonlteiion oerton i ':*::::.*":.. ::;."> :"< the facilities of the high school and remarked that the students were extremely friendly and eager ENGLAND, GUATAMALA AND toLongland, Mrs. Marta De Rosa Dr. T. M. P'eng of Formosa, who notes on America. sat talking with several Chine he said, trains all of the country's students, had spent tthe day in hsidntrinall ct of the ounry' conference with the heads of the stude all facets of the medi- University's medical school. cal profession. As a( director of Formosa's Na- Dr. P'eng explained that this tional Defense Medical Center, Dr. new method allowed Formosa, to P'eng is a pioneer in a new method utilize its resource of teachers and of medical education. equipment to the best advantage. The Medical Center in Taipal, Also surveying the educational MONSTER DANCE FRIDAY, SEPT. 28, and "AFTER TH E GAME" Saturday, Sept. 29 HUGH GUCKER ANN ARBOR ARMORY Corner 5th Ave. and East Ann FINEST CAMPUS DANCE BAND, HUGH GUCKER AND THE COLLEGIANS Stag or Couples. Only ... 75c each... 9-12 PERSONAL GIRLS!-High calibre college men to meet your qualifications. Reasonable rates plus expenses for an evening's escort. Transportation provided. Es- cort service. Call NO 8-7211. )F12 MISCELLANEOUS USED CARS USED CARS USED CARS FOX MOTEL (Formerly Boyd's) With the MICHIGANENSIAN "High- lights of the School Year 1957," re- corded on 331, RPM record only 75c. THE MICHIGANENSIAN: your personal record of a year at Michigan. Buy yours today. FACULTY members are entitled to special rates to Time, Life, Reporter, Sports Ill.,, etc. Student Periodical, NO 2-3061. )F5 TO AID your budget: Installment buy- ing for 1957 MICHIGANENSIAN. Pay $1.00 down and the balance by Feb- ruary 21, 1957. CONVERT your double-breasted suit to a new single-breasted model. $15. Double-breasted tuxedos converted to single breasted, $18, or new silk shawl' collar, $25. Write to Michaels Tailor- ing Co., 1425 Broadway, Detroit, Mich- igan, for free details or phone WOod- WOodward 3-5776. )F1 SITUATION WANTED GRADUATE STUDENT'S wife and for- mer kindergarten teacher would like to .are for child either in her own home or yours. NO 3-3163. )N6 2805 E. Michigan Phone 3YP 4958 )S4 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD at Michigan Co-op house, 315 North State. 20 meals a week for $8.75 and' five hours work. Contact Karel Cibulka, President, between 5:00 and 7:00 P.M., NO. 2-9414. )E2 BOARDERS WANTED - Home cooked food and reasonable rates. Call NO 2- 9431. Ask for the steward. )E1 ROOMS FOR RENT SINGLE ROOMS-$8, Double rooms-- $7 & $6 per man. Linens and maid service furnished. Phone NO 8-7615. )D5 SINGLE ROOM available in private home on Southwest Side. Phone NO 3-6158. )D4 WOMAN TEACHING - FELLOW needs apartment, furnished or unfurnished, 2 or 3 rooms, campus vicinity. Call NO 5-5419. )L2 WANTED-Student to share furnished room, kitchen facilities, near campus. NO 2-3776. )S7 REAL ESTATE FORMOSA-Right to left,, Jack J and Dr. T. M. P'eng compare facilities of Ann Arbor was Mrs. Marta De Rosal'of Guatemala. Mrs. Rosal showed special in- terest in the University's voca- tional guidance, program, which she indicated would be a valu- able addition to the school system in her own country. Read the Classifieds ITHE BUTTS & SWISHER CO. REALTORS . 5' Order your Tickets- Now-By Mail Detroit Grand Opera Association Presents- at Masonic Temple Auditorium aJ N.Y. CITY OPERA CO. In nine gala performances Wed. Eve., Nov. 7 Verdi With JUSSI BJOERLINF4 RIGOLETT0 In Italian as the Ouke; Sylvia Stahlman as Gilds; Cornell MacNeil as Rigoletto. Fri. Eve., Nov.9 Thomas With FRANCIS BIBLE MIGNON In French in the title role; Beverly Sills as Fifina; Richard Verreau as Wilhelm Meister.' Sat..Mat, Nov. 10 Bizet With GLORIA LANE CARMEN' In French as Carmen; Richard Cassidy as Don Jose; Adele Addison as Micaela. Sat. Eve., Nov. 10 Puccini With BARRY MORELL LA BOHEME In Italian as Rodolpho; Sarah Fleming as Mimi Beverly Bower as Musetta. Sun. Mat., Nov. 11 Shakespeare's play With JOSHUA HECHT THE TEMPEST by Frank Martin asAlphonso; Richard Cassilly as In English Ferdinand; Donald Gramm as Gonzalo. Sun. Eve., Nov. 11 Verdi With CESARE VALLETTI L . ERV.,A .Ain Italian As Alfredo; Cornell MacNeil as the elder LA TRAVIATA .Germont. Mon. Eve., Nov. 12 Verdi With EILEENFARRELL: IL TROVATORE In Italian asteonora; Irene Kramarich as Azucena; Jon Crain as Manrico. Tues. Eve., Nov. 13 Offenbach With HIRAM SHERMAN ORPHEUS IN THE In English as Jupiter; Sylvia Stahlman as Eurydice; UNDERWORLD Mariquita Moll as Venus. Wed. Eve., Nov. 14 Johann Strauss 11 With BEVERLY SILLS DIE FLEDERMAUS In English as Rosalinda; Jon Crain as.Eisenstein; Francis Bible as Orlovsky. FOR ANN ARBOR WOODS (Washtenaw at Stadium) Models Open Daily 10-8 Office 214 E. Washington NO 3-0800 )R1 THREE BEDROOM Colonial, excellent condition, basement recreation area, 11,2 baths, double garage, large corner lot, near schools. Michigan Daily, Box 17-A. )R2 FOR RENT MALE STUDENT wanted, preferably grad, to share large 3 room apt. with 2 others. Call NO 3-2221. )C6 SMALL UNFURNISHED house suitable for student couple with baby. Near park. Reasonable rentrfor responsible tenants. Refrences. Call NO 3-5545 after one. )C4 UNFURNISHED except for stove and refrigerator. Clean 5 room and bath apt. 2 family near campus for quiet couple-no children or pets, garage. Phone NO 3-5929. )C5 FOR RENT-Large, new, modern, mobile home side, in beautiful Irish Hills region. Heated laundry with dryer and extractor. Close to restaurant, dairy bar, super market, school bus pickup. Modern trailers only. Contact in advance. Allen's Trailer Court 1 Mile West of Clinton on U.S. 112 Phone GI 6-6687 ) C3 ATTRACTIVE-A large basement apt. Convenient, quiet and reasonable. Re- ply Box 18-A, Mich. \Daily. )C2 MODERN APARTMENTS for one to four persons. One block from campus. 514 Forest. Call NO 2-1443 or NO 2-7720. )D-1 TRAI LER SITES FOR RENT Space available, lots 40 x 60', side- walks, patios, excellent water, spa- clous private living. 20 minutes east of Ann 4rbor, 2 miles west of Wayne, Michigan at Haggerty Road. Canton Mobile Village. )CI 1952 CHEVROLET, business coupe, body & motor in fine shape, ideal for cam- pus social life. $390. Call NO 3-0312. )N18 1951 BUICK Riviera, black and white beauty with all the extras. Mechan- ically perfet. Must sell. NO 2-9941 after 4. )N16 1950oPLYMOUTH, two door, excellent body and running condition. $375. Phone NO 3-0147 evenings. )N17 1951 STUDEBAKER-radio, heater, over- drive. Excellent transportation at reasonable cost. Call NO 3-4855. )N10 1948 CADILLAC. excellent condition, $285 or best offer. Call Ypsilanti 1049 XJ after 5:30 P.M. )N13 HELP WANTED DOUBLE E STUDENTS ATTENTION Openings for broadcast transmitter engineers, full or part-time, license unnecessary. NO 2-6494. )H23 10 HOURS WEEKLY-$100 PER MONTH 10 hours of intelligent, imaginative work-on a commission basis. Will talk only with male University Stu- dents sincerely interested in a career as a professional Life Underwriter. Michigan residents only. Phone Mr. George Lemble at NO 3-4151, 7 to 3 a.m. )H21 WANTED-Cab drivers, full or part- time. Apply 113 S. Ashley. Ann Arbor Yellow and Checker Cab Company. Phone NO 8-9382. ) H20 SECRETARY STENOGRAPHER, perma- nent, opportunity for initiative, Sales department, customer correspondence. 5 day week, 6 paid holidays, vacation, pleasant surroundings, established Company. See immediately Mr. Haw- kins,Advertisers Publishing Co., 944 Wall St. )H22 WANTED-well formulated young lady to pose for cover picture of magazine. Must have bathing suit that barely fits. Call NO 5-5140 between 7 and 8 P.M. )19 STUDENTS-part time work; 1, 2, or 3 nights a week. $1.00 per hour. Apply in person after 1:30 P.M. Drake's Sandwich Shop, 709 N. University. )H17 CARRIERS for the Michigan Daily for immediate opening, also for future openings. Good pay, No collecting, Morning delivery, bicycle or car nec- essary. Call NO 2-3241 and leave phone number, name and address. )H1 REGISTERED NURSES for private duty full or part time. Community Nurs- ing Bureau, 401 Thompson. Phone NO 8-6515 and NO 3-4859. )H6 RADIO and TV Serviceman. Hi F Sales- man, Ann Arbor Radio and TV, 1217 So. Univ. Call NO 8-7942. )H5 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Girl's Bicycle (Holland) like new, gear-shift, etc. Also Voizt- lander Vito B Camera, f3.5, 1/300 call NO 2-950. )B42 GIRL'S BIKE, good condition, acces- sories. Call NO 2-5694. )B41 FOR SALE-Paasche Model Roman V airbrush. Never used. $15. The Paint Pot. 707 Packard. NO 2-0533. )B40 FOR RECREATION ROOM-Used pin- ball games. In good shape. $25 and $35. Phone NO 2-9490 after 5. )B39 1955, 41 ft. New Moon Trailer on lot. 2- male, 1 year old. Fully trained. Call REASONABLY GOOD LOOKING bicy- cle. Lights, horn, etc. Phone NO 8- 9092-after 6 P.M. )B37 NEW SHIPMENTS of Olivetti and Olym- pia typewriters just arrived. We have been out. People have been waiting for them. MORRILL'S 314 S. State St. NO 3-2481 )B36 1951 25 Foot house trailer with option to rent present lot. For further infor- mation Call R. Kneght-Ypsilanti 5110 Ext. 71. 12-5 Mon.-Fri. )B34 DISILLUSIONED-Will sell engagenent ring cheap. Phone NO 2-3697. Ask for Jim. )B31 PRIZE-WINNING, German shepherd, male, 1 year old. Fully trained. Call NO 2-9903 )B30 E. LEITZ Microscope. Excellent condi- tion. Call NO 3-6455. )B22 ARMY-NAVY type oxfords-$7.25; sox, 39c; shorts, 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 East Washington. )B12 BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED, custom built house. Large 12 x 20 livingroom with fireplace, picture window, book- shelves capable of holding 400-500 books. Roomy kitchen with breakfast room; ventilator fan, twin bed size. bedrooms, wardrobe closets, tile bath. 10 x 14 enclosed porch, attached gar- age, brand new gas furnace and water heater. Other fine features as cen- tral air. conditioning, steel casement Windows, magnetic door catches. Cor- ner lot-with 165 ft. frontage. Draper- ies, TV antennas in cluded. Phone NO 2-9249. 102 Westwood Ave. ) B9 SPECIAL ! 35MM1 { SLIDE PROJECTORS Starting at $19.95 Purchase from PURCHASE CAMERA SHOP 1116 S. Univ. Phone NO 8-6972 )B35 STUDENTS WELCOME, & here you are!! JIM WHITE, inc. Here's some NO MONEY DOWN cars with approved credit, with easy payments terms to suit and ideal transportation Bring your. title and let's trade. 1953 Chev. 4 Dr. R&H. Ready to go 49800 1952 Ford cab & chassis, good tires 5480 1939 Chev. 2 Dr. Black - new tires 5615 1952 Chev. 1 Ton Panel - Look this one over S4980 a a a 0 r' 1953 Chev Ton Pickup, a steal at 4080 1950 Chev. /: ton Stake Body at . 4390 1951 Hudson 2 Dr. Black - one owner - R&H 1950 Chev. 2 Dr. Black - & good motor .23300 - new tires .2480 r' Evening Prices: Main floor-4.80, 4.20, 3,60, 3.00 and 2.40. Balcony-3.60, 3.00, 2.40, 1.80 and 1.25. Matinee Prices: Main floor-4.20, 3.60, 3.00, 2.40, 1.80 and 1.25. Balcony-3.60, 3.00, 2.40, 1.80,1.25 and .75. For mail orders, enclose stanped, self- addressed envelope with your check or M.O., paydble to Detroit Grand Opera Association, 438 Book.Bdg., Detroit 26. Box offices open October 17 ot Masonic Temple and Grinnell's. 1951 Chev. 2 Dr. Dk. Green - F y'1 f 195 - 1952 Ply 4Dr. - A-I " s 9 0. 4980 *..498°0~ -Green, R&H 1951 Hudson 4 Dr. R&HI. Perfect Motor . . . 22500 r nc Aw Jl% C I b"tJ r% 1949' Ford 4 Dr. V8 -Ideal trans. 12500 L,5I AIND vUNLD LOST-A white wallet containing im- portant identification. Reward. Call NO 2-1238. )A3 LOST-Horn-rimmed glasses (Republic Optical Co., Denver, Colo, on case). Call Beverly Edwards, NO 2-1146. )A4 LOST-Blue poplin rain scarf to match- ing coat Sunday, between Couzens and Main Library. Reward. E. Scherer. 2123 Couzens. Phone NO 2-2521. (A2 YELLOW GOLD women's Bulova watch' Narrow expansion band. Lost between First Methodist Church, (State Street) and Martha Cook Dorm. )AI BUSINESS SERVICES NOVELTY RUGS by Needletuft Variety of colors and patterns to choose from 10.95 each Ideal for gifts and collegiate rooms, See complete display in window at SMITH'S FLOOR COVERING 207 B. Washington NO 2-9418 Open Monday evenings until 8:30 )J12 TROPICAL FISH-Plants and aquarium supplies, exotic birds, pet supplies, and baby alligators. Sale on white mice-10c each. UNIVERSITY AQUARIUM 328 E. Liberty NO 3-0224 )J11 . FINE PHOTOGRAPHY since 1890 Rentschler Studio 319 E. Huron Ann Arbor's only Master Photographer )J10 WHITESAUTO PAINT SHOP 2007 South State NO 2-3350 Bumping and Painting )J8 FALL window washing and eave trough cleaning. Work done by experienced men. Call NO 2-9755. )J4 EXPERIENCED Operators in Beauty work of all kinds. Ritz Beauty Salon, 605 E. William, NO. 8-7066. )J3 1951 Chev. 2 Dr. Mechanically perfect 2950 m t a U 1950 Merc. 2 Dr. Motor & tires OK 950 1948 Hudson 2 Dr. R&H., not too bad7500 1950 Hudson 4 Dr. Blue- R&H 1950 Ford 2 Dr. R&H New tires 1950 Dodlge 2 Dr. One owner . 14500 . 19500 .28500 & clean U 1950 Chev. Hard Top - Power Glide - R&H & .39500 I 75 other cars & trucks to choose from 2 BIG LOTS- BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES Ashley at Liberty & 1st & W. Washington