1 T r mlrklgau Batty Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 LAl Right, Menw- We'll Outbid IThem" "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM HANEY &~r f ((3 I p } [00 ILE wtv olp 6,1 1 "'"' N M Mr N ,,. t. . Ilt N N N K T Ir i- *rj r° c'- w -' .y .e. Brandt's Denial of TV Rights Violates Right to Know . ,1 Y.-s I :: AT THE MICHIGAN Guinness, Little Old Lady Spar in 'Lad ykillers' NOW and then an exceptionally fine film such as "The Ladykillers", appears on the movie horizon to hamper the style of the 'profession- al' critic. The reknown reviewer, jealous of his reputation for sharp and satirical analysis can only express his true enthusiasm by chewing viciously on his eraser and penciling a few brief paragraphs of the most perfunctory praise. The collegiate brand of reviewer unlike his more noted colleagues has only an amateur standing and therefore is not to be condemned for unleashing his unqualified enthusiasm. "THE LADYKILLERS" is by far the most delectable of the many treats which mobile-faced Alec Gunness has served up to his many de- votees. In this delightfully complex comedy,, Guiness has been freed from the dark garb which he donned for his dramatic role in "TIhe { ROF. CARL G. BRANDT, secretary of the University Lecture Committee, should be held responsible for his misinterpretation of * Regent's Bylaw 8.10. The opening paragraph of the Bylaw con- cerning the use of University property by students reads: "Use of Lecture Rooms and Auditoriums. The policy of the Board of Regents is to encourage the timely and rational discussion of topics whereby the ethical and intellectual development of the student body and the general welfare of the public may be promoted and a due respect inculcated in the people for society at large and for the con- stituted government of the state and nation." Recently, Brandt refused the campus Young Republicans the privilege of making television arrangements for former governor of- New York Thomas E. Dewey's address last night in Hill Auditorium. Lewis Engman, president of the YR's, said that h4 was refused TV rights by Brandt be- cause, "Brandt said the University would not enjoy the association with a partican political address." S IS ANEMIC. It has no justification in the "intellectual development and general welfare of the public" Bylaw. This is another narrow, conservative deci- sion by an administrator, shackled by the caution of a University impeded, not abetted, by a 'what will they think' tradition. 1956 is an election year. Sixty million Americans must decide the political destiny of our country. To do this with competence voters must be informed. Television is a medi- um enabling more Americans to receive infor- nation and opinion than ever before. Brand's decision, besides violating the spirit of the Regent's Bylaw, has the University saying in effect, "Education and opinion are fine, but their boundaries are our vain political aloof- ness." By allowing Gov. Dewey to speak in Hill Auditorium, the University is sanctioning a partisan political address in the interest of the academic community. By denying TV rights, the University is restricting essential informa- tion and opinion from those who must be informed-the voters. Some may say that the University has "equal time" fears. Senator Paul Douglas, Democrat from Illinois, could be offered similar TV opportunities whilch should have been granted Gov. Dewey for his election year kickoff address. rjHERE is more to the incident than this, even more than the discrepancies that per- meate it. Brandt made the TV denial him- self-none of the five other committee members were consulted. He is not even, chairman of the Committee, only it's secretary. How many times has this happened before 'informally?' Brandt denied even film and tape recording privileges to the Young Republicans. In many ways these restrictions are more stringent and narrow than the television denial. But essentially the decision was one of cau- tious, poor judgement. This caution had the. net affect of restricting knowledge, information, and opinion, supposed hallmarks of an educa- tional institution. There is an insane irony in the decision Mr. Brandt made for the University-because of excess concern for what 'people might think.' the University denied voters in this state and throughout the country a chance to think.. -JAMES ELSMAN, JR. I r V "4lI " + PAY NE "4 a 11p r. FtiK.x1k33'. Y06 'Y AaR==Cn i +4- & iLe~ocla. *1i5s 'T1E W,$e,4R6-r-ri o T ' .* WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: High Prices: Campaign Issue By DREW PEARSON Dulles' Two Policies T HERE, IS popular theory these days that Secretary of State John Foster Dulles is a man of two policies, one public, one private. Disregarding the political value of a double policy, Dulles' latest brainchild, the Suez Users Association, seems to be a product of that one-two-public-private style of action. Ostensibly, the Users Association was created to serve one function, that of dealing with the Nasser government. With Nasser calling the Association thet arm of imperialism and a plan to wrest control of the canal from the Egyp- tians, there is little chance that the Users Association will ever serve as the arm for negotiation with Egypt. On the other hand, the Association is pres- ently disinclined to ward the use of force in settling the matter. Moreover, it claims that it cannot hope to gain anything by boycotting the canal. FOR WHAT PURPOSE, then, did Dulles sug- gest such an organization? The answer may be in the statement that the Association is not "presently"'considering the use of force. The reason for the "presently" lies in the coming November elections. With the memories of the Korean war still ingrained in the minds of too many Americans, Dulles cannot afford to endorse any plan committing the U.S. to armed action before November., Although the Users Association denies it in- tends to use force in the Suez, a better state- ment would be that, once again, we see an example of the Dulles style of having separate public and private policies. Should the Repub- licans win in November, there is. a great possi- bility the Users Association's policies in the Suez will become increasingly militant, for it seems unlikely that Dulles, Eden and Co. can horn their way back into the Suez without resorting to force. -DAVID GELFAND New Look on State Street A Cooperative Effort NEW UNIVERSITY STUDENTS must have crossed State Street at least once, by now. These lucky persons don't know the joys they missed. For several years, State Street was known as a haven for rain puddles, a narrow alley where speeding motorists happily bumped along a main thoroughfare. Indeed, marchers in the Michigras parade suddenly disappeared in. the gaping holes. Cyclists ruined all sorts of things on their bikes. Pigeons made nests in the streets, and cheerful wanderers fell. But things have changed. Gone are the gay experiences of tripping in holes, falling in ruts. The street has been widened, smoothly asphalt- ed, and returning University students were greeted with the product of cooperation be- tween the city and the University. Unbelieving, wide-eyed new students were told fascinating tales of 'holey' streets. Goodbye, memories of old-Hello and Hurrah for the new look on State Street. -RENE GNAM W ASHINGTON - It isn't sup- posed to be sprung until later in the campaign, but the Demo- crats are preparing an answer to the GOP "prosperity" theme. They intend to use the Eisenhower Ad- ministration's own statistics. Figures compiled by the Labor Department show,that housewives are paying the highest food prices in history-despite last week's2/10 of 1 per cent drop. Meanwhile, the farmers are getting less for their crops. This means the middle- men-the big processors and pack- ers - arepocketing the difference at the expence of both housewives and farmers. Significantly, most of Secretary of Agriculture Benson's so-called "farm" advisers, serving on his cheese program that backfired, for example, was recommended by A. W. Sigmund of Kraft cheese. Under this program, the Agricul- ture Department bought cheese from the companies, then sold it back to them at a profit without the cheese ever leaving the ware- houses. ** * THIS WAS widely advertised as a subsidy to helpthe dairy far- mers. But all it did was benefit the cheese middlemen. The cheese deal was so smelly that the Justice Department, under prodding from Congress, has ordered the cheese companies to pay back their wind- fall profit to the government. The Labor Department figures, which the Democrats intend to fling at the Republicans, are based on a survey of food prices in over 50 key cities. Prices in January, 1953-when the Eisenhower Ad- ministration took office-are com- pared with July, 1956. * * * ACCORDING to these official figures, white bread has jumped from 16 to 18 cents a loaf since Eisenhower took office; peanut butter from 49 to 54 cents a can; grape jelly from 24 to 27 cents a jar; coffee from 86 cents to $1.05 a pound; milk, 19 to 20 cents a quart; lard, 16 to 20 cents; oat- meal, 18 to 19 cents; Vpda crackers, 25 to 27 cents; pork. chops, 73 to 86 cents; canned salmon, 53 to 60 cents; dried prunes, 29 to 36 cents; cola drinks, 29 to 33 cents. A few basic items have dropped in price, including round steak from $1.03 to 88 cents a pound; ce cream from 30 to 29 cents a pint; and butter from 80 to 72 cents a pound. Oranges have gone up from 54 to 66 cents a dozen; canned orange juice from 34 to 38 cents. What all these figures add up to is the highest grocery bills in U.S. history for housewives-and Dem- ocrats ntend to throw this back at Esenhower on the prosperity issue. * * * POLITICAL pundits are trying to gauge what effect the inter- racial school row in Kentucky will have on the hot race for the Sen- ,ate, in which Eisenhower forces are trying to bump off the No. 2 Democratic leader of the Senate, Earle Clements, and ex-Gov. Law- rence Weatherby, who is running for the seat of the late Alben Barkley. . Neither Clements nor Weather- by has the bona fide support of their fellow Democrat, Gov. Happy Chandler. Happy is officially sup- porting Clements, after doing his best to defeat him in the Demo- cratic primary; but he is bitter against ex-Governor Weatherby. At first it was suspected that the school row in Sturgis, Ky., might have been stirred up by Chandler forces in order to em- barrass Clements, since it occurred In Clements' home county, and since the opposition to Negroes attending Sturgis schools was in- spired by Chandler's close friend, W. W. Waller, a farm implement dealer. * * *.- FURTHERMORE, the school principal, Carlos Oakley, who stood up for the right of Negro children to attend school, was a close friend of Senator Clements. Thus the sit- tiatlon could have lost votes for Clements, who has always sup- ported the Supreme Court deci- sion an ddid not sign the Congres- sional southern manifesto. However, Chandler's calling out the Kentucky National Guard has. now put him squarely on the side. of the Negro. So he's unpopular with some whites, a hero with others. General consensus of the politicoes is that the school con- troversy hasn't changed many Kentucky votes. * * e ,THE AGENTS who collect our Income taxes are more efficient these days, thanks to the new com- missioner, Russell C. Harrington. Actually few people realized how low the spirits of internal revenue employees sank under their former boss, T. Coleman Andrews. An- drews hated the income tax, con- sequently made his tax collectors feel he hated them too. While nobody likes to pay taxes, and for that reason tax agents aren't particularly loved, never- theless the entire structure of gov- ernment collapses without them. Furthermore, most tax agents are hard working, dedicated, under- paid men. . Since taking office last Decem- ber, Harrinton has traveled far and wide to meet internal revenue employees. As a result he's accom- plished miracles in restoring the dignity of his once dispirited work- ers. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Prisoner", and emerges in Techni- color alternately arrayed in tweeds and macintosh. As the sinister and slack- mouthed Professor Marcus, Alec lends his own British flavor to the Bogart tradition as he bares his front teeth, grins, and hunches his shoulders simultaneously. Directing his four cronies, Louie, One-Round, Harry and Ma- jor Courtney, he displays the same clever criminality and deceit which he so artfully practiced in "The Lavender Hill Mob." How- ever, in spite of all the escapades performed by these five captivat- ing gentlemen who all manage to fit into a phone booth with amaz- ing dexterity, the picture is the complete property of a sprightly newcomer with the unassuming name of Katie Johnson. * * * THIS ADMIRABLE lady who must be well into her seventies, if not past them, steals every scene through sheer complacency. Katie portrays the lovable and grand- motherly Mrs. Wilburforce, who has an implicit faith in humanity and the police force. Throughout the picture she wears a mild-man- nered expression whether she is engaged in repairing the plumb- ing, serving tea amidst the curios of her ultra-Victorian parlour or causing a riot in a cobblestone square. Above all she is the determined woman of principle and will not tolerate injustice in any form. Her lavender-gowned and bonnetedq figure moves through the plot with devastating certainty. Quartered in Mrs. Wilburforce's house near the railroad siding, the quintet of ladykillers manages to commit a large-scale crime against the crown and involve their land- lady as an accomplice before she- becomes aware of their deception. * * * FOM THIS point on, the pace of the fast-moving plot is doubled as Mrs. Wilburforce attempts to shame her lodgers into confessing and the robbers try to convince themselves to do away with Mrs. Wilburforce- Neither accomplishes their aim, but there is plenty of room for additional. surprises before the. -film reaches its some-what gory conclusion. Director Mackendrick has drawn exceptional performances from an extremely able cast; technical ex- cellence plus a well-timed and tuned musical score make "The Ladykillers" a must. -Mary Lee Dinger LETTERS to the EDITOR Poor Coaching .. . To the Editor: Our football season hasn't started yet, but let's get one thing straight before it does. MICHI- GAN IS LOADED this. year. With- both Michigan State and Ohio State suffering heavy losses from graduation, no other team in the Big Ten can match us in strength, depth, or experience. The only conceivable "weak ,spot" on this team is tackle. Last year's first-stringers are back again, but it could be argued that they were rather weak last year and that we can't expect too much of them this season. But last year's weakness at tackle was just a re- currence of our perennial weak- ness: POOR COACHING, Anyone who doesn't believe this can try explaining why John Morrow, a second string tackle last year, is now a first string guard for the Los' Angeles Rams. Another note of interest along the same line is that Lou Baldacci, last year's "weak" fullback, is now the Pitts- burgh Steelers' first string full- back. This year's team, with all its power, should be a prominent, well-rounded solid title contender all season. If any one team should win the Big Ten championship, that team is Michigan. Only one thing is certain. If Bennie Ooster- baan and his staff sit back and rest on their laurels as they did DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Lectures University Lecture sponsored by the Department of Botany. Professor E. G. Pringheim of the Institute of Plant Physiology at the University of Gottingen, Gottinger, Germany will talk on "The Reation be tween Nutrition and Taxonomic Posi- tion in the Algae" on FrL, Sept. 28 at 4:15 p.m. in room 1200 Chemistry-Phar-, macy Building. Astronomy Department, V i s i t o r Night. Friday, September 28, 9 p.m. The meeting place has been changed from 2003 Angell Hall to Auditorium A. Dr. Dean B. McLaughlin will speak on "The Surface of Mars." After the talk the Student Observatory on the fifth floo- of Angell Hall will be open for inspection and for telescopic obser1,a- tions of Mars. Children welcomed, but must be accompanied by adults. American Chemical Society Lecture, Friday, Sept. 28 at 8:00 p.m., Room 1300 Chemistry Butiding. Dr. J. Cymern .x Craig of theUniversity of Sydney, Aus- tralia, Will speak on "Some Topics i, Synthetic Organic Chemistry". Placement Notices The following districts In Africa have listed vacancies on their teaching staff for the 1956-57 school year. The Gold Coast-(Catholic secondary School in Kumasi) - All subjects (: as- ter's degree preferred). Lecturer in Civ- il Engineering Math; Accounting; Phy- aics (Ph.D. Pfd.) Kenya: Lecturers in Civil1Engineering Electrical Engineering, Mechanical |fl- - gineering; Architecture; Geology; Our- veying; Town Planning; Acountancy; Geography; Physics Chemistry; Biology Mathematics; Economics. (Ph.D. pre- ferred). Uganda Teacher of Math; Geogra- phy; Science; History; Agriculture; Electrical Engineering; Building; Auto- mobile Engineering for secondary schools.,,.- .Sierra Leone: Lecturers in Physics; Math for College. (Ph. D. preferred.) Nigeria: Teacher (women) for sec. ondary schools and teacher-training in Art, Biology; Physical Education; Mu- sic. Masters' degree preferred. Onitsha -= Teacher of Mary Arch. Drawing;. Physics; Chemistry; Biology; English Language/English Lit./Latin and/or French; Game master for Physt- cal Training and Sports. Lecturer in Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Architecture; Building; Math; Graphic Design, Ph.D. preferred. South Africa: Substitute lecturer In Economics.- one year beginning July 1, 1957. College level, man, Ph.D. pre- ferred. Teacher of Biology with Math, Chemistry or Physics as minor at church school. Southern Rhodesia: Penhalonga - Head of Science Department in Angl- can school. Male, unmarried, mem- ber of Episcopal church, M. A. degree in Science. The following schools have listed va- cancies on their teaching staffs for the 1956-57 school year. Britton, Michigan --'lementary, 8th Grade. South Lyon, Michigan - High School Science (Chemistry, Physics and Bio. logy); -junior High Math-;y day, mor- nings; Elementary Phys. Ed. (4th, 5th, 6th grade) man preferred, %A day. For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building, N o r m an d y 3-1511, Ext. 489. The following student sponsored so- cial events are approved for the com- ing weekend. Social chairmen are re- minded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs not later than 12 a'cloc noon on the Tuesday prior to the event. Sept. 27, 1956: Mosher. Sept. 28, 1956: Delta Sigma Theta, Delta Theta Phi, Newman Club, Ty- ler, Wenley. Sept. 29, 1956 (1 o'clock closing)Aca- cia, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha, Epsilon Pi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Lambda, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Chi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Delta Upsilon, East Quadrangle, Gomberg, Hinsdale, Jordan, Michigan, Newberry, Phi, Alpha Kappa, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epslon Pi, Phi Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Rho Sigma, P1 Lambda Phi, Psi - Omega, Reeves, Scott, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Tau Delta Phi, Theta Xi, Zeta Beta Tau PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Combustion Enginereing, Inc., Reac- tor Development Div., Windsor, Conn., is lool:ing for all levels of Metallurgists, Metallurgical, Nuclear, Mechanical (heat transfer & stress) Engineers, Physicists, & Mathematicians. Man will be in De- troit this Friday & Saturday for in- terviews with alumni. xI J 4 Joint Judic Shows Poor Reasoning TODAY AND TOMORROW: IT IS SURPRISING to find Joint Judiciary Council adppting expediency as its motto and acting in the special interests of fraternities and sororities to the detriment of student body in Toto. The Council had a problem on its hands when it returned this fall to find two vacancies, Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER, Managing Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS #Editorial Director City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN ........... Personnel Director ERNES'1 THEODOSSIN.......... Magazine Editor JANET REARICK Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS...........- Features Editor DAVID GREY............ Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMER ........ Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN .....,.. Associate Sports Editor VIRGINIA ROBEiTSON ...... .... Women's Editor JANE- FOWLER........... Associate Women's Editor AR1LTNE LEW S............. Women's Feature Editor VERNON SiDEN. .........Chief Photographer Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN .... Associate Business Manager WILLIAM PUSCH............ Advertising Manager CHARLES WILSON .......Finance Manager both male. Joint Judic normally appoints one alternate for each sex when regular members are chosen. This left the Council without a procedure for filling the second vacancy. Normal method of selecting Joint Judic mem- bers calls for all-campus petitioning, open to any student, and selection by Student Govern- ment Council and Joint Judie following inter- views. THE NORMAL WAY is being short cutted by eliminating all-campus petitioning and lim- iting interviewees to those students nominated by SGC membersfil It is, hoped that this will drastically reduce the number of applicants for the position and thus shorten interviewing time. Why does it all have to be done so quickly? SGC and Joint Judic maintain that fraterni- Lies and sororities have rushing for the next few weeks and it takes so much time that there isn't enough left to conduct interviewing properly. We have no quarrel with the method selected. There are many ways to fill vacancies equit- ably. Our concern is with the rationale, with the attention being given a small group of students. The argument that Joint Judic and SGC members have to rush for their respective houses an dwon't have time to open petitioning The Difficulty of A New Policy By WALTER LIPPMANN AMONG those who are dealing responsibility with the Middle East, no one in the West, I think it is fair to say, has as yet been able to expound a policy which looks ahead. Few will deny that a new relationship will have to be worked out ,with the Arab states, and that for the Western nations there lies ahead, as in Suez, a period when they will have to re- negotiate many vested interests. But as to what the new relation- shrip can and should become, as to how it is to be brought about, there is as yet no policy, indeed little more than a series of rear-guard actions. It would not be too difficult to define a new policy if the prob- lem in the Middle Eastern coun- trifes were solely and simply how to end colonialism, how to liqui- date imperial rule and to acknow- ledge their sovereign independence. Britain has shown in India, Paki- stan, Burma and Ceylon that this problem is soluble. We have shown it in rh and in +th-Philinnin s_ of a broad and far-reaching policy. A broad policy with Egypt would mean underwriting the construc- tion of the Aswan Dam, would mean a negotiated peace in Pales- tine, and would mean a moderni- zation of the Suez arrangements in order to liquidate the remnants of nineteenth-century imperialism, as represented by the old Suez Com- -; pany. But the revolutionary gov- ernment of Col. Nasser is too weak, too unstable emotionally and too reckless to play its part in such a policy. * * * THE DIFFICULTY in forming the policy of a new relationship with the Middle East is not in how to describe and define its princi- ples. They are well known and they have been put into practice elsewqhere. The practical difficulty is, first of all, to identify the new ruling class with whom the new relationship must be worked out. In some countries this new ruling class, though it is in the making, has not yet come to the surface. Then, there is the practical diffi- that i nthe Soviet world the tech- nical intelligentsia is one of the privileged classes and that its privileges are likely to continue, if not. actually to increase, in the future." * * * THE WEST, Mr. Laqueur goes on to say, "has suggested various reforms such as Point Four, which may bring economic relief to the masses and may be welcomed by them in accordance with their in- terests. But they are hardly apt to catch the imagination of the key group, the intelligentsia. The Communists, on the other 'hand, turn almost exclusively to the - in- telligentsia." They appeal not to the great masses who are quite unready for political power but to the new ruling class. They are proposing to them a plan of eco- nomic reconstruction, which prom- ises much quicker results than anything we can propose, and with it all the privileges of supreme personal power for themselves. The Middle East is a classic ex- ample of being able to know what a