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September 26, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-09-26

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(See Page 4)



Latest Deadline in the State




Sorority Council
Move Questioned
Reported Under Internal Criticism
For Suspension of Two Chapters
Sigma Kappa's national council is reportedly under criticism from
within the national sorority for its action in suspending its local
chapters at Cornell and Tufts Universities.
While the national council has consistently refused to give any
specific reasons for the suspensions other than "the good of the whole
sorority," both chapters pledged Negroes last spring.
According to SGC treasurer Joe Collins, '58, "it has been rumored
that there is a certain amount of unconstitutionality on the part of
the national council."
Several Issues Involved
There are several possible issues involved. Aside from the ques-
Ttion of the propriety of suspend-

Exp~ect SGC
'To Consider
Sigma Kappa
Student Government Council is
expected to consider the status of
Sigma Kappa sorority at its meet-
Ang at 7:30 p.m. today in the
SGC treasurer Joe Collins, '58,
predicted yesterday that "it will
be recommended that some type
of a limited study group will be
set up withdinstructions to report
back as soon as is feasible."
He commented he felt that "in
light of the attitude of the na-
tional, the burden of proof lies
with the sorority."
Sigma Kappa's national council
has refused to specify why it sus-
pended its chapters at Tufts and
Cornell Universities, both of which
pledged Negro women.
Collins and other SGC members
have expressed the view that if it
is determined that the local chap-
ter is subject to suspension should
it pledge Negro women, it would
be in violation of University regu-
lations for recognized campus or-
Collins also commented that "it
Swould be advantageous -to the
whole situation "If the local soror-
ity would take a stand on the
action of the national sorority
council and its local implications.
Also on the Council agenda is
an appointment to fill the posi-
tion left vacant by the resignation
of former Daily City Editor Jim
Dygert, '56BAd. The temporary
appointment will be effective until
SGC elections in November.
About Share
In Water Bill
The University hasn't given the
city any indication of how much it
will contribute towards the $900,
000 water bill which development
of North Campus will entail, in-
formed sources claimed yesterday.
At a City Council meeting Mon-
day Ann Arbor Mayor William
E. Brown reported that the Uni-
versity is willing to pay only $60,-
000 to $100,000.
City officials also claimed they
had originally estimated a Univer-
sity contribution of 75 per cent of
the $900,000.
University officials said they
were still waiting for the results
of an engineering study of the area
and didn't know where the city's
figures came from.
They claimed they hadn't indi-
cated anything to the city yet be-
cause they hadn't seen results of
the study.
The issue was raised at a special
council meeting called to consider
what the city could do to hold the
interest of Parke, Davis which is
considering building a ten million
dollar research laboratory on the
North Campus.

ing chapters-if it were in fact
the reason-for pledging Negroes,
several sources have reported dis-1
sension within the national on the
question of the national council's
authority to suspend locals.
For one thing, the timing of the
suspensions-less than one month
after the adjournment of Sigma
Kappa's national convention on
July 1-has been a subject of some
Jane Otto, president of the
Michigan province of Sigma
Kappa, commented during -her
current Ann Arbor visit that she
could not think of any hypotheti-
cal situation justifying suspension
which might have arisen soley
during July.
Heard Nothing;
Mrs. Otto reported, however,
tha she "hadn't heard a word" of
any dispute within the national
sorority on the issue of power to
Herdconcern, she added, is
mainly with matters in the Mich-
igan province.
If any suspension were to be
made by the convention itself, Mrs.
Otto continued, it could only be
made on the floor of the lobby, and
no discussion of the status of
either the Tufts or the Cornell
groups occurred on the floor.
She refused for want of fact
to discuss the propriety of the
council's suspension of locals for
actions which may have occured
months before the convention,,
which is the supreme governing
body of the national sorority.
Question Rumored
Another question which has
been rumored at issue is that of
whether the five-woman council
can take action on an issue as im-
portant as suspensions withou't
the approval of the sorority's
larger executive board.
A third possible constituational
issue is whether "the good of the
sorority" is sufficient grounds for
the suspension of a local, especially
in absence of both specific charges
and supporting evidence.
See SORORITY'S, page 2

'U' Reports
Auto Ifan
in fractions
Known Violations
Put at 'Under 25'
Several violations of the new
University driving regulations have
been reported since strict enforce-
ment began at 8 a.m. Monday.
Setting the number of violations
at "under 25," Assistant Dean of
(Men Karl D. Streiff explained
little would be known' about exact
number or types of violations until
University Patrol reports are gone
over at the end of this week.
Cars have been stopped for ac-
cidents, parking violations, and
improper display of decals. Ac-
cording to Streiff, the majority of
drivers stopped have been given
"educational counseling" on the
new rules.
"At the moment, our concern is
mainly to give students an oppor-
tunity to register their cars and
time to dispose of unauthorized
cars," Streiff said.
4,045 Permits Issued
To date, the Office of Student
Affairs has granted 3,975 exempt
permits, 25 commuting ermits, 15
business permits, four ealth per-
mits and 26 storage permits, bring-
ing the total to 4,045, slightly more
than OSA's minimum estimate of
However, Streiff anticipates at
least 1,000 more students will reg-
ister their cars during the coming
year, bringing the total to slightly
more than the maximum 5,000
Although the number of cars
now on campus falls well below
last year's official 4,800,. the Ann
Arbor Police Department's Traffic
Bureau has noted a marked up-
swing in congestion.
Congestion is mainly due to in-
crease in the parking problem, ac-
cording to Lt. Harrison Schlupe,
of the Traffic Bureau. An average
of almost 450 tickets per day has
See ACUTE, page 3




.. to speak tonight
Dewey Talk
Set Tonight
Thomas E. Dewey, '23, will begin
a nationwide speaking tour with
an address at 8:30 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
The former New York governor
and two-time Republican candi-
date for President will speak at a
rally' sponsored by the campus
Young Republicans.
Dewey will be met at Willow'
Run airport by local party and YPB
I e a e r s, accompanied by Sen.
Charles E. Potter (R-Mich), who
will introduce Dewey at the rally.
Following a press conference
at The Daily, Dewey will meet
with University officials for dinner
at the Union.
Doors to the rally will open at
7:45 p.m. Admission of 15 cents
will be charged.

Israeli ftaid
Wins Arab
Army Base
JERUSALEM, Israeli Sector (1)
-Israeli troops attacked Jordan
Army positions overnight and re-
ported this morning about 50 Jor-
danian soldiers were killed at Hus-
san, in Jordan-held territory.
The Israeli attacks apparently
were undertaken in a deliberate
campaign of retaliation.
An Israeli army spokesman said
a Jordan police station was blown
up and two armored cars were
Base Taken
A Jordan army base was re-
ported captured and dynamited
and a large amount of booty was
The Israeli attack was appar-
ently in reprisal for Jordan at-
tacks Sunday on an archaeological
outing in Israel and Monday on
a Jewish woman olive grove work-
Jordan attributed the Sunday
attack on Israel to a soldier who
had suddenly gone berserk. Four
were killed and 18 wounded in the
Sunday shooting.
Reprisal Foreseen
Authorities in Jordan had an-a
ticipated retaliation by clearing
traffic from the main road lead-
ing from Jordan-held old Jerusa-
lem Into the Jordan hinterland.
The Israeli army spokesman in
his post-midnight announcement
this morning said an Israel army
unit attacked a Jordan army posi-
tion inAhe Hussan area south of
Jerusalem during the night.
Hussan is in Jordan territory,
about 21/2 miles to the south of the
Israel-Jordan armistice demarca-
tion line and about six miles1
southeast of Jerusalem.
Baghdad radio said yesterday
Jordan authorities closed the road'
from the Arab-administered old
city section of Jerusalem.4
Joint Judic
Staff, Short
Joint Judiciary Council will ap-
point two students to fill Coun-
cil vacancies early next week.
Procedure for these appoint-7
ments will differ from methods
usdin the past, according to Mike
McNerney, '57L, Joint Judiciary1
Nominations for the positions
will be accepted from members of
Joint Judiciary and Student Gov-,
ernment Council. Interviewing willj
be conducted, as usual, by officers
of Joint Judiciary and SOC.
Normally, petitioning is open to
any University student. But be-
cause of. sorority and fraternity
rushing, all-campus petitioning
will not be feasible for a month,
and the positions must be filled
as soon as possible, according to
The two vacancies were caused1
when Bob Burgee, '57, was drafted
and Robin Olliver, '57E, became1
academically ineligible.



-Daily-Larry Carbonelli
PHOTO FACILICITIES -- Tryouts for The Daily photography
staff will be able to work with modern photographic equipment
in a well-equipped darkroom. All Daily staffs will hold tryout
meetings at 4:15 and 7:15 today.
.DailyTryout Meetings
Scheduled for Today
Tryout meetings for The Daily staff will be held today in the'
Student Publications Building.
Business staffers will meet at 4:15 p.m. and Editorial, Sports,
Women's and Photographers' staffs will meet at 7:15 p{m.
Members of The Daily staff will speak at both meetings, explain-
ing the tryout program and showing new members through thel
Tryouts Meet Weekly
Tryouts for the Editorial staff meet once a week and learn proof-
reading procedure, headline writing and essentials of news writing, as
well as general Daily philosophy.
New knowledge is applied by actual night desk work throughout
the tryout period. Periodic promotions are made; and with these

Britain, France Battle
Egypt's tNAccusation
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (R) - France and Britain fought with
evident bitterness yesterday to beat down Egypt's counter-attack
against them in the Suez Canal controversy.
A procedural wrangle is expected when the United Nations
Security Council meets at 2 p.m. today for the first round on the
new case, just two months after Egyptian President Gamal A.
Nasser seized the canal.
The result is in doubt. The United States kept its stand secret
but the Soviet Union was reported backing Egypt in the developing
UN battle over the 103-mile waterway.
Bernard Cornut-Gentille, French delegate, said France will
oppose the move by Egypt to put on the council agenda an item
Qralleging that Anglo-French actions
against Egypt are a danger to
y # 5.yjJI, AU t 1 f i 0± V tir±t #

Feud Rages;
Still No TV
For Dewey
Involves Engman,
Prof. Brandt
Former New Ydrk, Governo
Thomas E. Dewey will visit the
campus today amid a holocaust of
controversy and discrepancy con-
cerning the denial of television
privile'ges for his Hill Auditorium
Prof. Carl G. Brandt, secretary
of the University Lecture Com-
mittee, when contacted yesterday
regarding reports that the campus
Young Republicans were denied
television rights by the Committee,
said, "No group has requested TV
privileges for Gov. Dewey's ad-
Association Not Enjoyed
YR President Lewis Engman, '57,
claimed yesterday he asked Prof.
Brandt for TV permission. It was
denied, Engman said, because
"Brandt.said the University would
not enjoy the association with a
partisan political address."
When confronted later with
Engman's statement, Prof. Brandt
a dm it t ed "we mentioned- TV
rights," but that he didn't under
stand that the YR leader was ask-
ing "formally."
When asked by The Daily if he
had informed Engman of the for-
mal procedure for making such a
request and if he considered their
disucssion informal, Prof. Brandt
hung up the phone.
Engman claims also that Prpf.
Brandt told him he consulted the
complete committee -before making
his "inforial" denial of TV privi-
Prof. Clark Z. Dickinson of the
economics department, a Com-
mittee member, said he hadn't
heard "anything about TV rights"
for the Dewey address.
Professor Not Informed
Prof. William W. Blume of the
law school, another committee
member, said he was convalescing
from a recent illness and hadn't
been informed about the TV re-
He noted that "many routine
matters a rehandled by Brandt."
Prof. Carl H. Fischer of the
business administration schoo th
claimed the TV matter was news
to him, that a "formal" request
necessitated a written form and
that "the Secretary often handles
routine matters when no contro-
versial issues such as subversion
are involved"
Engman revealed that his group
sought TV rights because Gov.
Dewey's speech will be his election
year kickoff address, an important
GOP policy declaration.
Both Republican state and na-
tional committees were interested
in beaming the broadcast across
the country, Engman noted.
Filming Not Allowed
"We will not even be allowed a
filming or tape recording of the
procedings," complained the YR
Two Regent Bylaws, in places
nearly incongruous, pertain to the
Committee's "informal" denial of
television rights to the YR's
"These regulations . . . are de-
signed to serve the educational in-
terests of the academic community
rather than the political interests
See TV page 2
Sen. Douglas
To Make 'U'

Senator Paul H. Douglas (D-
11.) will speak at the University
on Oct. 4, it was announced yes-
terday by Young Democrats Pres-
ident Bill Peer, '57.
His speech here will be part of

Stevenson Accuses GOP.
Of Appeasing Peron
MIAMI, Fla. W) - Adlai E. Stevenson accused the administra-
tion yesterday of appeasing the Peron regime in Argentina and linked
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's brother with the alleged appease-
The Democratic presidential nominee withdrew at the last min-
ute, however, an accusation that "a huge concession in Argentina was
granted to an American company under circumstances "which an-
gered the Argentine public not only against Peron but against Am-
erica and American business as well."
Stevenson's personal aide, Roger Tubby, told newsmen only an
hour before the scheduled delivery of the speech that Stevenson
felt the matter of the concession
should not be "intruded" into the

E.gypT accuses us of vioa ng
the U.N. charter," Cornut-Gentille
said, "we definitely cannot accept
that. This Egyptian move is aj
French Foreign Minister Chris-
tian Pineau told the National As-
sembly's Committee on Foreign
Affairs in Paris those nations
whichsstand firm against Nasser
"will in the end serve the cause
of peace."
Pineau is exepected here Oct. 3.
The British said Foreign Secre-
tary Selwyn Lloyd will come next
week for the council debates and
the Egyptians also expect their
Foreign Minister Mahmoud Fawzi.

Ike Pie dges
Good Times
For Farmers
PEORIA, Ill. (R) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower pledged
American farmers yesterday night
"a full share in our country's good
He said his administration is
making "good progress" toward
that goal.
President Eisenhower told a
cheering audience that overflowed
the 10,000 person capacity of
Bradley University Fieldhouse that
the rigid price support program
endorsed by rival Adlai E. Steven-
son is a "political grab bag" that
holds nothing but "mockery and
deceit" for the farmers.
The President employed the
most forceful language he has
used in the campaign in mount-
ing, in a nationally televised
speech, a scathing indictment of
Democratic policies of the past
and present.
He did not mention Stevenson
by name, but he referred scorn-
fully to the "price depressing"
programs of the Democrats and
accused them of "politicking at
the farmers' expense,"
Accompanied by Mr . Eisenhow-
er, the President fleW here from
Washington for a rousing recep-
tion from a crowd variously esti-
mated at up to 65,000 persons.
Cheering spectators lined' the
five-mile route from the airport to
a downtown hotel. President Eis-
enhower stood most of the way in
his open-top car, waving greetings.
Senior Dues,
Photos Today

new positions come added respon-
sibilities and additional training
in the newspaper field. News beats
are assigned as soon as it is felt
that the new staff member is
equipped to handle stories. The
training program continues with
more emphasis on feature writing
techniques, a general campus
awareness and page layout poli-
Other partments
Sports' and omen's staffs op-
erate a similar program for try-
outs on their respective staffs.
Newcomers to the Business staff
begin an intensive program to gain
experienceninnadvertising, writing,
layout, design and general news-
paper practice.
Following the initial training
period, students choose to work in
one of six departments: local ad-
vertising, classified advertising,
promotions, contracts, circulation
or accounting.
No previous experience is neces-
sary to become a member of The
Daily staff.
Three U' Men


And so, Tubby said, onehsentence
of the' prepared speech was
The sentence, which had been
handed out in advance and dis-
tributed by news services and oth-

Fraternity 'Row' Plans Dropped

- er med~ia, referred to former
United States Ambassador Albert
Nufer, Tubby said.
The passage read:
"A major accomplishment of
H its w om an this American representative was
to obtain, just as Peron was being
An Ann Arbor woman was in- thrown out by an outraged Argen-
jured last night when she was tine people, a huge concession in
struck by an automobile driven Argentina for an American com-
by a University student without a pany under circumstances which
ivinp n AniYi nanrAinv + rf+,y anna-w,.at + As. na-,in+h- nh nnt,.

Plans for a fraternitydrow as
such at the University died last
night ateameeting of University
and fraternity officials.
It was replaced with the idea
of smaller site areas accomtodating
about five fraternities, each scat-
tered throughout North Campus.
This was done because of the
difficulties involved in develop-
ment of such a row, University
Vice-President for Financial Af-

"If action isn't taken now,"
Vice-President Lewis said, "while
there is interest in the program by
both University and fraternity of-
ficials, fraternities on this cam-
pus will have no future."
He added that fraternities will
have to compete with improved
dormitory housing now being
Face Finance Problem
Biggest problem faced by fra-
ternities is financing.

Vice-president Pierpont was un-
certain as to whether the Univer-
sity could guarantee a mortgage.
"We don't want to go, into the
banking business," he said.
Request Figures
He requested that the fraterni-
ties acquire figures from insurance
companies under such a program
for further consideration.
Vice-President Pierpont told the
group that University architects
have already been looking for a


To Visit MSU
Three University students will
travel to Michigan State Univer-
sity tomorrow to discuss joint
problems of the two schools.
S*udent Government Council
president Bill Adams, '57, Joint
Judiciary Council chairman Mike
McNerney, '57L and Daily Manag-
ing Editor Dick Snyder, '57, will
join with MSU's Dean of Students
and three MSU students in re-
sponse to a proposal tendered the
Student Government Council by
j MSU last week.
Discussion is expected to revolve
around problems of a general na-
ture with specific emphasis on
avoiding painting parties previous
to the University-MSU football
I v a M .1nt



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