(see Page 4)
C 11
Latest Deadline in the State
43 t1
VOL. LXVI, No. 6
i i
Ratio Holds
Firm At 24.
En- ineerin~y Graduate
Egypt Asks UN
To Curb Nations'
Charges British, French Actions
ga. g tata ftL' - - - - -,-a. v I - va -c - -.
Schools Lead Gains In Canal Dispute Threaten Peace
By JAMES ELSMAN JR. LONDON1*A)-Egypt charged yesterday that British and French
Two out of three University stu- actions in thetSuez Canal' dispute threate'n world peace and asked for
dents are men the Records Office urgent UN curbs on them.
revealed in an enrollment break- Egypt's President Abdel Nasser made his diplomatic countermove
down yesterday. 48 hours before the council meets in, New York to hear the request
An analysis of the University's Britain and France made Sunday for UN action on Suez.
21,262 student family shows 14,421 Egypt's maneuver to avoid the role of defendant .at tomorrow's
men and 6,841 women enrolled this UN meeting apparently caught the British by surprise.
semester in tesidence credit pro- The Foreign Office said there would be no comment yesterday.
grams - a 2.12 advantage (or Request for Meeting
disadvantage) for the men. The French-British request for a Security Council meeting re-
North Campus Needs
Long Range Planning
While the concept of a frater-
nity row is a "fine" one, Univer-
sity Vice-President Wilbur K.
Pierpont told The Daily, it will
take a great deal of "long range"
planning to develop one at the
"This thing isn't going to hap-
pen next week or next month,"
he explained. "There are a great
many short range problems to be
Land has to be set aside .- "a
problem in itself" -- and then de-
veloped with roads, water, sewage,
Such a set-up is in line with
University plans for expansion.
The administration was to make
North Campus an integral part
of the campus, he said.
"And if we're thinking in terms
of classrooms, student housing,
and student centers, we certainly
should have some fraternities
there too.
"I don't think all the fraterni-
ties are going to pack up and move
any more than the Literary Col-
lege is. It will be gradual."
During the summer, IFC sub-
mitted a proposal to the Univer-
sity explaining plans for a North
Campus fraternity row.
Parke, Davis
Total enrollment nosed upward
8.4% from last year's 20,676 fig-
ure. Men gained 8.5%, women
Enrollment Increases
Absolute enrollment increases in
the University's fifteen schools
were led by College of Engineering
which vaulted almost 400, from
2,685 last year to 3,109, The Grad-
yate School was another to gain
nearly 400,. bouncing from 3,959
to 4,311.
Four schools under-shot their
1955 figures - Business Adminis-
tration, Medicine, Natural Re-
sources and Social Work.
The 8.4% enrollment increase is
interesting statistically. Robert L.
Williams, assistant dean of facul-
ties, disclosed that the University
has increased its faculty from 1,-
450 in 1955 to 1619 this fall - an
11.5% expansion. This reveals an
approximate student-teacher ratio
of 13.1.
General Operations appropria-
tions from the 'State Legislature
were boosted 15.8% in 1956-57
over 1955-56. General Operations
encompasses salaries, wages.and
insurance payments to University
teachers and employees.
Capital Outlay appropriation in
1956 - new plant and equipment
-zoomed 63% to $8,565,000. These
figures were released by Robert N.
Cross, administrative assistant to
the president.
One facet of University plan-
ning' *for rising enrollment tides
has bogged down critically - dor-
mitory construction. A housing
shortage this fall has caused pri-
vation and inconvenience for hun-
dreds of students.
More Students
Next year when administrators
expect 24,226 students on campus
-almost 3,000 more than the pres-
ent enrollment - no new dormi-
tory facilities will be provided by
the University. In 1958, a 1200-
capacity women's dormitory will
be in service, plus 300 additional
North Campus married students
Following is a complete break-
down of the enrollment increase
by schools: Architecture and De-
sign from 618 last year to 634,
Business Administration fell from
1,001 to 997, Dentistry edged from
427 to 429.
Education pushed from 767 to
825, Engineering from 2,685 to
3,109, Graduate School from 3,959
to 4,311, Law from 807 to 870.
The College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts was another
gain leader, rocketing from 6,453
to 6,995, Medicine from 1,069 lost
to 1,025, Music from 516 to 546,
Natural Resources fell to 176 from
Dewey Rally
Set For Hill I
Plans for the appearance of
Thomas E. Dewey in Hill auditor-
ium are rapidly reaching a conclu-
Dewey will deliver a major Re-
publican campaign address in Hill
Auditorium Wednesday night at
8:30 p.m. The rally is sponsored
by the University's Young Repub-
lican club.
Members of YR and local Re-
publican party officials will greet
Dewey at Willow Run Airport and
escort him to Ann Arbor, accord-
ing to Washtenaw party Chairman
Cecil Creal.
A news conference will be held
at The Daily at 5 p.m., with the
governor stationed behind the
semi-circular night desk which
marked the center of activity dur-
ing his service as a Daily editor.
ferred to Egypt's seizure of the ca
World News
L Roundup
By The Associated Press
PANAMA (P)-Nicaraguan Pres-
ident Anastasio Somoza, 60, took
an unexpected turn for the worse
Surgeons opened a hole in his
windpipe to facilitate breathing
for the victim of an assassin's
bullets last Friday.I
HENDERSON, Ky. - Parents
led a walkout of more than 400
children yesterday at Weaverton
School in protest against 5 Negro
students enrolled in the county
* * *
PANAMA CITY, Fla. -Hurri-
cane Flossy yesterday struck the
northwestern Florida coast at Fort
Walton 50 miles west of Panama
City, with winds ranging up to 100
miles an hour.
S* * *
JERUSALEM - Jordan was
reported getting set yesterday for
a feared reprisal raid after the
killing of four Israelis in two days
close to the border.
A Jewish woman was, killed yes-
terday while working in a field
near Amin Adav settlement, close
to the Israeli-Jordan demarcation
line. An Israeli army spokesman
said gunfire from the direction of
Jordan killed her.
* * *
SALIDA, Col.-An Air Force
C47 crashed into 14,172-foot Mt.
Yale in southwest Colorado yester-
Undersheriff Harold Thonoff
said a ground party found 11
charred bodies in the burned
The plane was attached to Con-
tinental Air Defense Command at
Colorado Springs, Colo., and was
bound for Hamilton Air Force
Base near San Francisco.
anal July 26 as unilateral action in
*violation of the Suez Canal Con-
vention of 1888. That convention
a s s u r e d freedom of passage
through the canal for all nations.
The Egyptian note to the Securi-
ty Council asked it to consider
"actions against Egypt by some
powers, particuarly France and
the United Kingdom, which con-
stitute a danger to international
peace and security and are serious
violations of the charter of the
United Nations."
These actions were not spelled
out. But Egypt has turned heavy
criticism on the French and Brit-
ish military buildup in the Medi-
terranean, particularly on the
l British Isle of Cyprus, since the
canal dispute arose.
'Test of UN'
Arguing Britain's case in a TV
broadcast, Foreign Secretary Sel-
wyn Lloyd said yesterday presen-
tation of the issue before the Se-
curity Council tomorrow would be
*a "test of the United Nations"~ in
its ability to preserve justice and
international law.
Rallying to Egypt's support,
Syrian and Saudi Arabian chiefs
of state declared their solidarity
with Egypt at conclusion of a
three-power Arab "summit" meet-
V. K. Krishna Menon, India's
'roving trouble-shooter, appeared
on the London scene direct from
a week of talks with Egyptian
President Nasser. He conferred for
nearly an hour with Lloyd.
cV' Doctors
To Assemble
Voting Day
s into Action
Speeches, Debates
Dominate Campus
Political Movement
Election day is looming closer,
and furious activity on the part of
the University's three major politi-
cal clubs promises exciting fare
for local voters and viewers.
Young Republicans, Young
Democrats, and Students for
Stevenson have completed tenta-
tive schedules for the weeks from
now to Nov. 6, including rallies,
debates, and promises of nation-
ally-known speakers.
Young Republicans and Young
Democrats plan to meet at least
once during Oct. to debate the
merits of their own party lines,
according to Lew Engman, '57, YR
president, and Bill Peer, '57, YD
This proposal was compiled by a Following tHe iepublcan rally
group of fraternity officers and Foin gea Hill Auditorium Wenesay,
advisers. However, the final com- Students for Stevenson plan to
position was accomplished by Ed- add to the opposition ranks with
win Gage, Zeta Beta Tau adviser, a kick-off meeting at the League
after recommendations by the at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, Dave Mar-
-Daily-vern Soden
ENSIAN MEETING --- Four Ensian staffers look over plans and
posters preparing the Ensian open-house to be held for prospec-
tive tryouts.
nsian Open House
To Host Tryouts
Ensian staff members are now preparing for their open house
to be held this Thursday and Friday from 3 to 5 p.m.
Students are invited to attend either day in the Ensian office
located on the second floor of the Student Publications Bldg.
The Ensian offers many opportunities for students sincerely in-
terested in this type of activity.
The editorial staff involves copy writing, art, feature coverage!
It calls for "setting aside of ade-
quate acreage in the North Cam-
pus area" for 40 fraternities, with
a recommendation for about two
acres per house.
Cost Basis
Each fraternity would pay for
the sites on a cost basis, with the
guarantee of "insurance company
mortgages by the University" on
a forty year payment amortization
plan with interest at the "lowest
possible" rateavailable,
If this can't be done, the pro-
posal suggests that the University
investigate some other method of
'U' Decides
The University would decide on
sanitation ,adequacy of room sizes,
with the fraternities using their
own judgment on such questions
as layout, architecture and design.
The proposal claims that a min-
imum of 14 fraternities would
build new houses on North Cam-
pus with the first five years of its
existence, and 22 houses are guar-
anteed during the first ten years.
I V- ,.V jl -----.ItU O. Y 9 --.,, --. - L
lin, '59L, president of SFS, has
At a meeting of YD and SFS
officers and leaders Sunday night,
complete merger of the two was
set aside. "Those of us who are
supporting Stevenson feel that
there may be a broader base for
support if the two groups do not
combine," according to Marlin.
Dr. Morris Janowitz of the soci-
ology department, candidate for
the Michigan House of Represen-
tatives, will speak at the Thursday
On the Republican side, a visit
by gubernatorial candidate Albert
Cobo on Oct. is planned, YR pres-
ident Lew Engian revealed. No
definite agenda has been set, but
a reception may take place that
Canvassing for local candidates
and efforts to get out the Republi-
can vote have been in progress all.
summer, but are being intensified
The registration of first-time
voters is being sought by all three
Dr. E. Thurston Thieme
serve as chairman of the scien-
tific assembly at the 91st annual
meeting of the Michigan State
Medical Society Thursday in De-
Dr. Frederick A. Coller, chair-
man of the University surgery,
department, will head a panel dis-
cussion on "Thyroid Diseases."
Dr. Roscoe W. Cavell of the
University Medical School will
serve as secretary of the MSMS
on nervous and mental disease'
Modern Plant Awaits New Staffers
'Members of The Daily staff have
at their disposal a physical plant
that is unusual among college
Superior to most of the college
dailies, the building and plant are
valued at about $500,000. Four
fi Linotypes, a Ludlow and 60 fonts
of display mats for the making of
new type beyond the range of the
Linotypes, an Elrod strip material
machine for making border rules
and spacing material, steel cabi-
nets throughout, electrically-heat-
ed remelting furnace and fine
stereotyping equipment, including
an electric scorcher, two saws, a
router, and a flat plate shaver are
in use along with a new $62,000
12-page Goss Unitube press.
The. Daily became a member of
the Associated Press in 1916, and
two teletype machines bring re-
ports of all world events of interest
to The Daily. These machines oper-
ate until 2 a.m., furnishing The
Daily and the campus with the
latest news each day of publica-
i :. . r> "4:':tion.
All materials are provided for
staff members from a complete
photography dark room and photo-
graphic equipment for photo-
" graphers to an addressograph for
NN ?business staffers.
and writing, sports writing and
editing and photography.
Sales, office management, ad-
vertising, accounting and person-
nel work are offered to those
wanting to participate on the
business staff.
Although no previous experience
is necessary to join the staff,
freshmen who have previously
worked on their high school year
books are especially urged to at-
tend the coming open houses.
TU' Average
Remains At
2.58 Mark
University undergraduate stu-
dents, during the 1955-56 academic1
year, again tied their record grade
point average of 2.58.
According to Edward G. Groes-
beck, Director of the Office of
Registration and Records, this fig-
ure was first attained in 1951-52.
Women students, with a 2.69
average, bettered the 1954-55 ef-
fort to establish a new high for
them. The men's average remained
constant from the 1954-55 term
at 2.52. Freshmen gained .03 on the
previous year's average to estab-
lish their mark at 2.40.
Further breakdown of the fig-
ures included in the report from
the Office of Registration and
Records reveals that sorority'
women attained an. average of
2.70 as compared to those living in
residence halls with 2.63.
The fraternity average, the only
classification which dropped down
from it's previous year's academic
standing, achieved a 2.48 average.
Leading academically on cam-
pus is Martha Cook, which took
top honors with 3.07. In men's
residence halls Kelsey of South
Quad had a 2.67 average, enabling
them to emerge first in their div-
lsion. Sigma Delta Tau placed'
first among sororities with an av-
erage of 2.80 and Phi Epsilon Pi
attained an average of 2.85 to lead
the fraternities.
In men's residence halls ten
houses were average or better with
the same number below this mark.
Out of 41 fraternities listed in the1
report 16 were average or above as'
AA Police
Lack 20-30
Ann Arbor's police department
will be understaffed by 20 to 30
men this year, according to Police
Chief C. M. Enkemann.
Enkemann's comment was based
on an estimate there should be'
one and one-half to two policemen
per 1,000 citizens. While the Uni-
versity is in session Ann Arbor's
population exceeds 75,000. There
are only 71 persons in the police
department presently,
"Our budget allows us to em-
ploy 81 people," Enkemann said,'
"but we have no one in training
school now because we can't find
qualified applicants."
The police department is just
now recovering from a seige of
resignations which occured last
"We were already eight men
short at the time," Enkemann said,
"and when 11 men resigned the
remaining policemen had to go on
a 12-hour day."
Summer brought the biggest
changes in the police set-up "in
the 27 years I've been on the force,".
Enkemann said.
The Ann Arbor City Council,
concerned over discontent in .the
police department, with wages and
lack of overtime pay, called in the
J. L. Jacobs Company of Chicago,
Illinois, to investigate the situa-
On the recommendations by
Jacobs Co. all policemen were
given a raise in salary, pay for
overtime, a longevity plan calling
for pay raises after 10 years ser-
vice, and a four-scale pay level
with provisions for pay raises for
the first ten years with the de-
Provision '
"When this provision was made
to pay policemen for all work over
eight hours it was the first time
in Ann Arbor history the police
force received pay for overtime
r>-- -...
AA Offers
To Finance
Water Bill
North Campus
Research Center
May Be At Stake
Ann Arbor City Council took
significant steps yesterday to hold
the interest of Parke, Davis & Co.
in establishing a $10,000,000 midi-
cal-pharmaceutical research lab-
oratory on North Campus.
The council decided to pay
Parke, Davis' share of the water
installation costs if such action
was necessary to insure the com-
pany's locating at North Campus.
"Parke, Davis is getting the im-
pression, unfortunately, that we
don't want to do anything to help
them locate here, and this is bad,"
Ann Arbor Mayor William E.
Brown, Jr. said in explaining the
purpose for the special meeting of
the council.
Difficulties have arisen in dis-
cussions over how a $900,000 bill
for water facilities would be split
up among the University, which
owns the land, Parke, Davis and
the city, which is in charge of sew-
,age and water facilities for the
Make Liberal Offer
Though initial feeling of the
Council was merely to make a
"fair estimate" to Parke, Davis on
what their share of the expense
would be, they decided to make a
more liberal offer when Council-
man Arthur P. Moore said the city
"would lose Parke, Davis com-
,pletely as a customer unless we
do even more than our share to
get them established here."
Mayor Brown indicated the Uni-
versity would be willing to pay
their own share because "Where
is the University five years from
today if Parke, Davis or other
similar companies don't go to
North Campus? The University
needs expansion and don't they
need these companies for expan-
University requirements for
water at North Campus would
reach a maximum of eight million
gallons per day according to Uni-
versity engineers. On the basis of
this figure the ctiy council origi-
nally estimated the University.
would pay 75 per cent of the $900,-
000 water installation bill.
Willing to Pay $60,000
The University is willing to pay
only $60,000 to $100,000, accord
ing to city officials.
City Administrator Guy Larco
and Mayor Brown formulated a
resolution which will be presented
to the University today and to
Parke, Davis later this week.
The resolution states:
"Resolved: that the City of Ann
Arbor intends to develop the util-
ities in the North Camius area so
that any qualified research insti-
tution that desires to locate in
that area will have adequate water
and sewage facilities and that the
cost of providing facilities for
these research institutions will be
initially borne by the City of Ann
Arbor; the city to be reimbursed
by a charge to be agreed upon
plus the normal rate, it being the
intent of this Council to encour-
age this research development
even if the City has to bear some
portion of the utilities cost with-
out reimbursement."
'U's Discuss
Five officials from the Univer-
sity met with five Michigan State
officials Wednesday in Ann Arbor
to discuss cooperation between the
two schools, The Daily learned yes-
Director of University Relations
Arthur L. Brandon said the meet-
I an