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September 17, 1956 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1956-09-17

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ubs Make
lly Plans
(Continued from Page 1)
ididates' stands on civil rights
factors in the club's deci-
ile the NAACP will probably
ctively campaign for candi-
to avoid any charges of
anship, Taylor indicated they
, take out newspaper ads pre-
Ig their stand on various is-
and candidates.
Ann Arbor Labor Youth
te, a Marxist organization
he only one of the five groups
cognized by the University as
lent organization, is current-
king plans to request such
s reportely making no plans
roup support of individual
dates, concerning itself more

Regents Rais
Rates, Stude
(Continued from Page 1)
However, the remaining two
conditions had not been met. The
contract termination policy had
not been re-evaluated, and a dif-
ferential rate scale between up-
per classmen and freshmen had
not been seriously re-considered.
"2) In the long run the policy
of self-supporting Residence Halls
will prove infeasible."
"3) The present policy has and
will lead to pricing persons out of
the Residence Halls; and, indi-
rectly, leads to rising rates in all
Ann Arbor housing."
"4) Student employees' wages
are not being raised while those
of full-time employees are."
"5) Inevitable r a t e increases
have proven, and will continue to
prove, a demoralizing factor in
the minds of students living in
Residence Halls, and to programs

;e Dormitory
nts Protest
that should be implemented with-
in Residence Halls."
When the proposed rate was
submitted to the Board of Gover-
nors of the Residence Halls, a fac-
ulty-administration-student group
in charge of Residence Halls, they
said ". . . the Board does not feel
that it can take responsibility for
the announced decision but since
the Regents' By-Laws require the
Board's approval such consent is
proforma only."
However, the Board adopted a
policy which included the realiza-
tion that, "clarification is neces-
sary in Regents By-Laws" so the
ultimate authority over rate mak-
ing is related to responsibility for
the decision; that there is an in-
herent danger to the concept of
residential living at Michigan be-
cause of the self-liquidating char-
acter of financing; that a realis-
tic appraisal of the situation
would indicate a strong possibility
of a repetition of the present
course; and that with these con-
riderations in mind ... would ap-
point an appropriate study com-
mittee composed of students, fac-
ulty and administration to con-
sider the financial area of future
room and board raises."
IHC president Bob Warrick,
'57E, said that the Committee, "is
a major gain in that it gives stu-
dents achance to review Resi-
dence Halls policy financially."
The University Board of Re-
gents later approved the increase.
Vice-president Wilbur K. Pier-
pont told the Regents that the
University's rates were in the up-
per third among schools in the
Big Ten and at the top among
other state-operated schools in
"But we provide moresservices
in our Residence Halls thahi the
others," he added.
President Harlan Hatcher said
it was the University's "fixed pol-
icy to keep tuition and room and
board rates at a minimum consis-
tent with sound operation."

'U' Boass Complete




The University boasts one of
the largest and most complete
medical centers in the world.
Millions have been spent in the
last eight years building and a
ing to the medical center.
Designated as headquarters of
medical operations in Michigan
in case of nuclear attack, the
medical center is located on the
northeast sidenof'campus.
Medcial Men's Dream
It will represent, when the pro-
posed medical school is con-
structed, the dream of medical
men - teaching, research and
hospital facilities closely coordin-
ated in one area.
As a "teaching hospital," closely
allied with the medical school,
the center provides care for Mich-
igan residents referred by home
But providing care for patients
is only one of three functions the
center carries out.,Students in the
medical and nursing schools and
in allied sciences are trained with
the use of hospital facilities.
A third function is research,
conducted at the center in many
frontiers of medicine.
To Enlarge Center
And still more funds have been
appropriated to enlarge the cen-
ter. Now under construction or inI
the planning stage are a $7,000,-
000 medical school and a 208 bed
Children's Hospital.
The medical school will be thef
first unit in what will eventually
be a two unit entity training stu-
dents in science and medicine.
The Children's Hospital under
construction is the second part
and will be joined with the 75 bed
Children's Psychiatric Hospital.-
Largest single unit is Univer-
stiy Hospital, a 12-story structure
constructed in 1925. It has more,
than 11 acres of floor space and
744 beds. Complete remodelling
has been started with total cost;
expected to exceed $8,000,000.
Women's Hospital with 74 beds
and 40 bassinets, Neuropsychiatric,


THERATRON-One of two powerful radium therapy machines at
the University, this one uses Cobalt 60. The eight ton machine is
run on cobalt the size of a stack of seven pennies.

HYPERTENSION UNIT-Two University medical men work at
new method of studying heart disease. Research facilities of the
medical center are among the nation's finest.




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Institute with 95 beds, a 47-bed
Veteran's Readjustment Center, a
seven-story Out-Patient Bldg. and
the imbressive Kresge Institute
for Medical Research are included
in available facilities.
Conducts Hematology Research
The Thomas Henry Simpson In-
stitute for Medical Research con-
ducts research in all aspects of
hematology, the study of blood.
The Kresge- Bldg., a gift to the
University, includes the Kresge
Medical Library and its 110,000-
volume collection.
Housed in the Out-Patient Bldg:
is the completely equipped emer-
gency unit, finest in the state. A
self-contained unit, the emergency
ward has operating rooms and fa-
cilities for major disasters.
The center treats nearly 20,-
000 hospitalizedrpatients yearly
and 230,000 day patients annually.
Center Self-Supporting
With'the exception of NPI and
the Children's Psychiatric Hos-
pital, the entire center is self-
supported and requires no state
The 1955-'56 budget of eight
and a half million dollars was met
by patient fees. Highest rates in
the state agre attributable, claims
Hospital Director Albert Kerli-

kowske, to the upkeep and prs-
ence of superior facilities and
A division of the University, the
center is responsible to the Board
of Regents.
I1though integration will be
more complete when the new
medical school is built, there is
close coordination now between
nursing and medical schools and
the hospitals. Most of the doctors
in charge of hospital departments

head similar departments in the
medical school.
The University Hospital was the
first university-controlled hospi-
tal in the United States. It origin-
ated in a frame home of a faculty
member in 1869, which was con-
verted into a hospital for 20 pa-
tients at a cost; of $600 and has
grown into the present medical
center with buildings valued at
over $15,000,000.
Since 1869, the Hospital has

Campus Offers More Than
125 Different Organizations

been located on three diffebent
sites on or near the University
campus. By 1876, 60 beds- were
provided in another frame struc-
ture. In keeping with a tradition
of the time, a part of this building
was marked for burning at the
end of a few years in order to
avoid "contamination of the sur-
rounding environment." In 1892
the capacity was increased to 100
The present Hospital was auth-
orized by an act of the legislature
in 1917 and completed 8 yearn
later at a cost of $3,500,000. The,
first patient was admitted in Aug-
ust, 1925, and the Hospital has
functioned continuously in its
present building.
6 Barbers
715 N. University



Students who want more than
the academic from college life will
find upwards of 125 student organ-
izations on campus.
These range in taste from the
180-member Michigan Daily to the
chess club and encompass practi-
cally every possible interest.
Freshmen are eligible to partici-
pate in extra-curricular activities
and are welcome to join almost all
of the organizations.
The larger groups widely adver-
tise their tryout meetings and stu-
dents watching for the announce-
ments should have little difficulty

joining. Information about the
smaller groups can be had from
the Office of Student Affairs.
Stuents carrying less than 12
credit hours or an academic pro-
bation are not eligible although
special permission may be granted
by the Dean of Men and Dean of
Among the larger activities are
the Interfraernity Council, Inter-
House Council, Assembly Associa-
tion, Panhellenic, Joint Judiciary
Council, Student Government
Council and The Daily.





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