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September 30, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-09-30

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Orde r



To day

NO 2 -321 4

(See Page 4)


Latest Deadline in the State

Ila itig



VOL. LXVI. No. 5



Janet Calming,
But TollHits400
MEXICO CITY (P)-Hurricane Janet, the season's most vicious
tropical storm, is breaking up in the Mexican mountains after taking
a toll of 350 to 400 lives.
There were reports 150 were found dead in the ruins of Chetumal,
on the Yucatan peninsula.
The United States Weather Bureau in New Orleans announced
the death of the big blow late, yesterday afternoon, in what it called


To Allow



Transact Business



New York's Byrne Defeats
Brooks in World Series Tilt
NEW YORK (o)-Tommy Byrne, 35-year-old converted wildman
who was discarded by four American League teams, baffled Brook-
lyn with five hits yesterday as the New York Yankees made it two
straight over the Dodgers, 4-2, and took a commanding World Series
Byrne; often referred to as "that good-hitting pitcher," groundr
salt into the Dodgers' wounds by driving home the two winning runs
with a line single past Billy Loes' ear in the fourth inning.
The gabby lefthander, who likes to talk to the opposing hitters
as he works, was helped by three Yankee double plays as he rode



Big Three ,
Meet Secretly
MOSCOW (P)-Pravda charged
yesterday the Western Big Three
t foreign ministers have been hold-
ing secret: talks in New York.
The Soviet army newspaper,
Red Star, at the same time as-
serted that the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization military ma-
neuvers this year showed "again
without doubt that the maneuvers
y and training of NATO armed'
forces are. being conducted with
the aim of preparing troops for
fighting action against the Soviet
Union and countries of the people's
The charge of New Qork diplo-
matic maneuvering was made in
an article by the New York cor-
respondent of Pravda, the Com-
munist party newspaper.
Plotting New Proposals
He cited reports by Western
European journalists that the Big
Three are plotting new proposals
which would imperil "the Geneva
spirit of cooperation," and which
will "certainly by far not lighten
the work of the Geneva foreign
ministers' meeting in the Waldorf-
Astoria Hotel this week.
Red Star charged that NATO
military exercises "prove syste-
matic preparation of all NATO
forces in conducting atomic war-
It added: "The maneuvers and
training of NATO armed forces
are accompanied by intensified
war propaganda, efforts to sow
distrust a n d enmity between
peoples with the aim of poisoning
Fthe international atmosphere de-
spite the will of the peoples fight-
ing for the strengthening of peace
and security."
Wri ht Admits
Coed's Charge.
Lowell Wright, a 24-year-old
Flint resident pleaded guilty to
charges of assault and battery to
a University coed, Marlene Rob-
erts, also of Flint, at the Ann
Arbor municipal court yesterday.
Wright, who was originally

home free on a four-run fourth
inning rally that routed Loes.
There may still be hope in Flat-
bush for the futile Brooks but the
record books carry the cold facts
that only one team in all series
history ever hasbounced back to
win after losing the first two. That
team was the 1921 New York
Giants, and they had a best-of-
nine series in which to recover and
top the Yankees' first pennant
In sharp contrast to Wednes-
day's booming opener when five
home runs sailed through the mug-
gy air, the Yanks manager to win
this one on eight singles, five of
them bunched in the fourth in-
ning. Four of the singles and all
the Yankee runs came after two
were out in the fourth.
Mantle on Bench
The Yankee victory was accom-
plished with Mickey Mantle, their
slugging ace, still riding the
bench due to a leg njury and with
HankBauer out of action from
the second inning on due to a pull-
ed muscle in his right thigh.
Sinking the Dodgers for their*
fifth straight Series defeat in
cavernous Yankee Stadium, the
Yanks managed the trick by beat-
ing the right-handed sluggers of
the National League champs with
two southpaws. .
Byrne was tremendous, walking
five and striking out six as he
nonchalantly mixed his fast ball
and "nickel slider" to hamstring
the Brooks.
Amazing Comeback
Byrne, who failed first with the
Yanks and then dropped to the
minors after being cast off by St.
Louis, Chicago and Washington,
capped his great comeback season
with his finest triumph.
It was after a fine Dodger
double play that the Yanks be-
gan to rip and rear in the fourth
against Loes, the 25-year-old
Trailing 1! 0 as they came to bat
in the fourth, the Yanks greeted
Loes with a single by Gil Mc-
Dougald but he and Irv Noren
quickly were chopped down- when
Gil Hodges came up with Nor-
en's sharp grounder near the bag
and threw to Pee Wee Reese to
complete a double play.
Then it happened. Yogi Berra
dropped a single into short left
center and Joe Collins walked on
f o u r pitches. Elston Howard
smashed a single to left, scoring

its last advisory on the storm.
Moved Inland
Janet moved inland over the
Mexican coast about noon yester-
day, skirting the barricaded city
of Veracruz. The only populated
place in the path of its 120-mile-
an-hour winds was the fishing vil-
lage of Nautla, 75 miles north of
Reports from the village of
1,500 ceased abruptly at 1 p.m.
when the weather station was
closed because of rising water and
a 60-mile-an-hour wind.-,
Although the winds in this 10th
hurricane of the year seemed un-
likely to cause any further great
loss of life, its rains remained a
serious threat to Tampico, deeply
flooded by two previous hurricanes
this month.
Rains Will Occur
The New Orleans advisory
warned that torrential rains will
occur in the mountains from Vera-
cruz to Ciudad Victoria, 135 miles
northwest of. Tampico and nearly
400 miles northwest of Veracruz.
In Washington, meanwhile, the
American Red Cross announced it
is preparing to fly food supplies
into the Tampico area as soon as
weather conditions permit. Ten
planeloads of clothing and other
supplies donated by Texas organi-
zations, already have been distrib-
uted in the city.
An outbreak of typhoid was re-
ported Wednesday in the water-
logged oil port of 110,000.
Appeal Bond
In Till Case
GREENWOOD, Miss. (A)-Two
white men accused of kidnaping a
14-year old Chicago Negro boy
seek freedom on bonds today amid
rumors that the boy, Enmett
Louis Till, is alive.
The rumors were not confirm-
ed. Mrs. Mamie Bradley, the lad's
mother, yesterday called them "a
cruel hoax."
Around-the-clock police protec-
tion was provided in Chiago for
two witnesses in last week's sen-
sational murder trial of 24-year
old Roy Bryand and his 36-year
old half-brother, John W. Milam.
A country jury at nearby Sum-
mer last Friday found Bryant and
Milan innocent of murdering the
vacationing Chicago boy. They
still face a kidnaping charge and
will seek release on bond at Fri-
day's hearing.
Contradictory identification of
a body found in the Tallahatchie.
River heavily influenced the jury
in freeing the men, and set off
widespread speculation about Till's
whereabouts if he is alive.
Mrs. Bradley said in Detroit, "I
am willing to have my boy's body
exhumed from the vault for
thorough examination if that
would dispel these wild rumors.

Pep Raly.
The traditional pep rally pre-
ceding the Michigan-Michigan
State football game will be held
from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. to-
day in front of the Union.
State, Game
Tickets Out,
Says Weir
Lack of football tickets for the
Michigan-Michigan State game
has prevented a small segment of
late-registering students from be-
ing able to attend the game.
Students were able to claim
ticket booklets up until last Mon-
day which had been set as the
deadline by the Athletic Depart-
ment. But because of the popular-
ity of the State game, tickets could
not be held out past that time.
However, according to Don Weir,
ticket and business manager for
the Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics, late-register-'
ing students may obtain tickets
for all games but thetcontest on
Enrollment Underestimated
"We were given an estimation
by the Recorder's Office of the
number of student tickets that
would be needed this year. Be-
cause of the unexpectedly high
enrollment we ran out of student
seats the noon of the Missouri1
game," Weir said.1
He added that all students were
admitted tokthisrgame whether
they had tickets or not, but that
there were no seats left for the
game this Saturday.
Weir mentioned that there were'
16,500 student tickets last year as
contrasted to upwards of 18,400
this year. The number of re-
duced program and spouse tickets
has greatly increased, and are
difficult to determine beforehand,
he continued.
Walter B. Rea, Dean of Men,
remarked that ticket distribution
had gone very well and that be-
cause of the increased enrollment
and the sell-out game on Satur-
day, the situation was unavoid-
Tryouts Sought
At the first Inter-House Coun-
cil meeting for this semester,
Chuck Straayer, '57, Administra-
tive Vice-President, reported only
two freshmen have appeared at
tryout meetings thus far.
Anyone from the quadrangles
who would like an opportunity to
work with IHO this year is invited
to attend the final tryout meeting
from 3-5 p.m. today in Rm. 3-D
of the Union.

Nixon Says
No Policy
dent Richard M. Nixon said yest-
erday after presiding over a meet-
ing of the National Security Coun-
cil that no changes in foreign d
economic policy "are needed or
contemplated in the near future."
Nixon talked with reporters
after a 2/-hour White House
meeting of the council, the gov-
ernment's highest agency for mili-
tary and economic policy planning.
He stressed that only President
Dwight D. Eisenhower can make
decisions on matters discussed in
the council which, like the Cabi-
net, is purely an advisory body.
Nixon Presiding Officer
Vice President Nixon said his
role as presiding officer in the
President's absence is primarily
to see that items up for discussion
are handled effectively and of-
The council meeting, he said,
was arranged before the President
suffered a heart attack last Satur-
.day and its business was to dis-
cuss things which would have been
taken up "regardless of the occur-
rence at Denver."
The Vice-President noted that
this is the time of year when both
the council and the Cabinet be-
gin to hold regular meetings. Fe
will preside today at a Cabinet
Large Attendance'
Twenty-three Cabinet members
and other officials attended the
council meeting. Murray Snider,
assistant White House press sec-
retary, said it was not unusual to
have so many on hand.
Vice-President Nixon said the
meeting went off "without any
difficulties." He said the council
meetings, like those of the Cabi-
net, provided the President with
advice on which to proceed to his
own decisions.
Any decisions amounting to
new policies, he emphasized, will
be made by the President. Vice-
President Nixon and Snyder both
remarked that what goes on at
such meetings is by tradition kept
Offers Prayer
The Vice-President opened the
meeting with a proposal for a
silent prayer of thanksgiving for
the President's progress in recov-
ering from his illness. He said:
"Gentlemen, as we all know, it
is the custom of the Cabinet to
open with a silent prayer.
Regents Meet
The Regents will hold its regut.
,lar meeting at 2 p.m. today in the
Administration Bldg.
Topic for discussion will be the
proposal for a new women's resi-
dence hall.

-Dally-Hal Leeds
Hank Aughey, Fred Sheldon and Mike Barber (standing)
discss plans for FBA expansion.
F3A Sws Council
Elects Board, Officers
Steward's Council of Fraternity Buying Association yesterday
elected a president, secretary, five student members of the Board
of Directors and four alumni members.
Hank Aughey, '56NR, was elected president and Fred Sheldon,
'58, received the bid for secretary. Both men ran unopposed and
were elected by acclamation.
Bob Knutson, '56, executive vice-president of Interfraternity.
Council, received the Steward's Council approval to sit as one
of the student members of the Board of Directors.
To Serve As Liason
IHe will serve as a Jiason between
Committee IIFO and FBA.
John Morrow. '56, VictorCarl-
son, '57, Lee Egrin, '57, and James
See s eak Meyer, '56, were chosen as the
other student members of the
In W ar PlanS Board. They also were unoppos-

of Powers
Not Likely
'Prorgress Called
DENVER P-President Dwig .
D. Eisenhower's recovery progres-
sed yesterday to an extent where
doctors decided to let him put his
initials to a couple of government
documents later in the week, pos-
sibly today.
It will be the first business
transacted by the chief executive
since he was stricken.
It also was announced that
Sherman Adams, the President's
aide, will fly here froin Washing-
ton today to take over direction
of operations at the Denver White
Hagerty Replies
James C. Hagerty, White House
press secretary, said in reply to
questions that the two develop-
ments mean it is likely-barring
complications in President Eisen.
hower's condition-that any reed
for possible delegation of presiden-
tial powers to other federal offic-
ials has about disappeared from
the picture.
The decision to let the President
take the first very small step back
toward direction of the govern.
ment, and to, have Adams shift
from Washington to Denver, came
on the heels of another encourg-
ing medical bulletin from Fitz.
simons Army Hospital, where the
President was taken Saturday
after suffering a "moderate" heart
The bulletin at noon MST said
"The President continues'to pro-;
gress satisfactorily without con-
Need For Signature
Hagerty said the White House
physician, Dr. Howard M. Snyder,
had informed the President of a
need that had come up for him
to initial two government docu-
ments on or before Oct. 1, Sat-
urday, and that President Eisen-
hower agreed to do so.
The matter was put to the chief
executive, Hagerty reported, after
his team of physicians agreed that
he now is up to that sort of minor
The two documents President
Eisenhower will initial 'D. E.",
probably today or tomorrow, are
lists of foreign service officer s-
signments. Hagerty said they
would not become effective until
Nov. 1 unless initialed this week.
The fact that Adams is coming
on from Washington makes it pos-
sible for the President to start
initialing such documents and
others later on, Hagerty told a
news conference.
Buenos Aires
Harbor Gives
'Peron Refuge


WASHINGTON (R)--Sen. James
0. Eastland (D-Miss.) said yester-
day the Senate Internal Security
subcommittee is trying to find out
whether the Communists got word
about United Nations Korean War
strategy from two renegade British
Sen. Eastland, who heads the
subcommittee, disclosed he has
written to Secretary of State John
F. Dulles asking for information
about State Department contacts
with Guy Burgess and Donald
Maclean. *
Eastland said in an interview
that one purpose of the inquiry
his subcommittee has undertaken
is to find out whether Burgess
and Maclean would have relayed
word to Chinese Communist lead-
ers that they need not fear retal-
iatory attacks on their homeland
if they poured troops into the
Korean War.

The Steward's Council approv-
ed, as alumni members of the
Board, the present alumni mem-
bers of the provisional Board.
Al Ueker, University personnel
director, Lawrence Thomson, Uni-
versity food buyer, Herbert Wag-
ner, manager of food service and
Graham Conger, University se-
curities analyst, are the alumni
Five Alumni Members
Composition of the Board calls
for five alumni members.
Purchasing Agent Mike Barber,
'57, said FBA hopes to interest an
Ann Arbor alumnus in filling the
vacant spot. A local business man
would be desirabie, Barber noted,
because much of FBA's future ex-
pansion will be with local mer-
As expected, there were, no
nominations from the floor and
the slate approved by the provi-
sional Board last Tuesday was
elected without dissent.
Addressing the Council, Aughey
said he hoped by the next meet-'
ing (the Council normally meets
once a year) the stewards would
know each other well enough to
enable an election of officers.
Break With.IFC
Talking with newly elected of-
ficers after the meeting, Barber
said FBA plans to break with IFC
"to an extent" but will probably
retain some ties for the time be-
"We won't be subservient to
IFC, though, because it just
wouldn't work," Barber comment-
ed. The most probable form of
tie (used at other schools) would
be to have an IFC officer sit on
the FBA Board as Knutson is do-
ing now.
An offer from a large bakery to
supply bakery goods to FBA is

State Road Proposal Evokes Strong Comment

Thecontroversial problem of
highway safety has again fallen
into political circles in Michigan.
State officials are currently
pondering possibilities of present-
ing proposals for a "blanket"
speed limit on Michigan roads to
the legislature's special session
next month.
Governor Opposes Stall
However, doubt was raised as to
whether any actions would be
taken during the special session.
"I don't think it will arise except

through political crisis, by men
using safety as a means to selfish,
political gains.
"Safety As Sin"
"Safety is as sin," he said. "It
is hard to separate those sincerely
interested in progress from rack-
Politicans have brought atten-
tion to a seemingly bad situation,
when actually it is better off than
in previous years he indicated.
The concern is due to an increase
of fatalities on the roads, but the
number of accidents is no higher

where limits are needed, but they
can be imposed by zones, without
necessitating a blanket," Kohl
faAmong the major arguments
opposing the implementation of
blanket limits is the fact that
these call attention to maximum
speeds, rather than safest speeds.
"A driver knIowing he's within
limits will often exceed the speed
at which he can control his car.
This is especially true of hazard-
ous traffic and weather con-
ditions," he continued.
Limit By Condition

penninsula highway whidh could
be traversed safely at 70 miles
per hour at times, but under dif-
ferent traffic or weather con-
ditions would be suicide at even 50
"Of course, many police officers
might find it easier to pick up
someone if they had a definite
law or limit. Many find it hard on
their mental equipment to prove
hazardous driving charges, and
prefer a definite limit." Kohl stat-
Easier With Limit
"Small iown nolicemen isne-

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (T)
-Argentina's fallen dictator,, Juan
D. Peron, remained in exile yest-
erday-but within sight of the
city he once held in an iron grip.
He still was aboard a Paraguay-
an gunboat in the outer harbor of
Buenor Aires and under protection
of Paraguayan authorities 10 days
aftera revolution drove him from
the presidential place.
Reports that he had managed to
slip off the armed riverboat and
catch a plane to Spain spread
through the capital. But they were
denied promptly by Foreign Minis-
ter Mario Amedeo and by Para.-


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